How to tell fortunes for men for the old New Year. Decoding on wax. Fortune telling for the groom for the Old New Year

The Old New Year, which is celebrated on the night of January 13-14, is a special, mystical time. It is believed that it is on this night that the best time for fortune telling. How to find out your destiny, the name of your betrothed or the date of your upcoming wedding - read the material.

Why do they tell fortunes for the Old New Year?

The Christmastide period (from January 7 to January 19) has long been considered special; people believed that it was on these days that fate could reveal its secrets and mysteries. We learned about the future through fortune telling and various folk signs. On the night of the night, unmarried girls wondered not only about their future, but also about their betrothed.

During the Christmastide period, you can find out not only the name of your betrothed, but also the color of his hair, character or figure. As well as the wedding date, number of children, successful or unsuccessful marriage.

People believed that fortune telling on the night of January 13-14 was the most truthful. There was even such a saying: “Everything that the red maiden wishes for Vasily will come true, but what will come true will not pass.”

Fortune telling for Christmas time - the most accurate and truthful

Folk traditions of fortune telling are forgotten, losing their form and content. However, on the night of January 14, many girls still want to look into their future, as our great-grandmothers once did. If you also want to tell fortunes on this mystical night, read the material about how this can be done at home.

How to prepare for fortune telling for the Old New Year

Before fortune telling, you need to get in a serious mood, let your hair down, untie all the knots that are on your clothes (belts, belts, decorative elements), remove your bracelets and rings and accurately formulate the question that interests you.

How to tell fortunes for the Old New Year

If you are guessing about your future husband, then this should not be done in family home. At this moment, men should not be present in the house.

They say that every fortune-telling for the Old New Year had to be done without doubting its veracity, only then it would certainly come true.

Fortune telling with a comb

Before going to bed, the girl puts a comb under her pillow with the words “Betrothed, mummer, come and comb my hair.” If in a dream she sees a man combing her hair, then this year she will be married to the man who dreamed about it.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year with a comb

Fortune telling with cups

For fortune telling, you need several cups (as many as there are people doing fortune telling). A ring, a coin, bread, sugar, onion, salt are placed in cups, and a little water is poured into one cup. WITH eyes closed, each of those who guess, in turn, chooses a cup.

Predictions for the future are as follows: ring - for a wedding; coin - to wealth; bread - to prosperity; sugar - for fun; onion - to tears; salt means bad luck, and a cup of water means life without much change.

Fortune telling for marriage with candles

You need a bowl of water, shell halves walnut, in quantity, equal to the number those who tell fortunes, and the same number of small candles or their pieces. You need to insert the candles into the shells, light them and let them float in a bowl.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year with candles

The girl whose candle burns out first will be the first to get married. Accordingly, the girl whose candle burns last will be the last to get married. If someone’s shell sank with fire, that girl will never be married at all.

Fortune telling for the future husband

Another very popular fortune telling for the Old New Year is searching for the groom under the pillow. To do this, you need to place pieces of paper under your pillow with words written on them. male names. In the morning, take out one of the leaves. The name on it will be the name of your betrothed.

You can also go out into the street at midnight and ask the first person you meet for their name. They believe that whatever name they give you, that’s what your future husband will be called.

Fortune telling about the character of the future husband

On the night of January 13-14, before going to bed, girls need to put playing cards with the image of kings. In the morning, without looking, you should draw one card. Whichever king the girl gets, so will the husband: the king of spades is old and jealous, the king of clubs is military, the king of hearts is young and rich, and the king of diamonds is desirable.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year with cards

Fortune telling for the betrothed with a stocking

Girls will have to prepare for this fortune telling in advance - buy stockings. Before going to bed, you need to put on a new stocking on one leg and go to bed. At the same time, the girl must say: “Betrothed, mummer, come take off my shoes.” A man who takes off a stocking in a dream will become a future husband.

Fortune telling by thread

Insert three threads into three needles: black, white and red. Have someone carefully pin them to the back of your clothing. Without knowing in what order the needles are located, pull out one thread. A red thread means an early marriage and the birth of a baby, a white thread means loneliness, and a black thread means marriage will not bring you happiness; you need to pay attention to career growth.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year by thread

Wedding fortune telling

On the Old New Year at midnight, girlfriends go out into the yard and, taking turns blindfolding each other with a scarf, spin them around several times, and then push the girl in the back. If she goes towards the gate, she will soon get married. If she goes to the porch, then she will have to sit as a girl for another year.

Fortune telling on dumplings

The housewife, preparing dumplings with potatoes, puts “surprises” in some of them along with the usual filling: coins, rings, nuts. The fortune telling itself occurs directly while eating the dish. Whoever gets what falls is waiting for him.

A coin or some grains - to wealth, a thread - to the road, salt - to tears, sugar - to a good and prosperous life, a ring - to marriage, a nut - the presence of two gentlemen, pepper - a new boyfriend, a cherry pit - to replenishment in family.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year with dumplings

Fortune telling on cereals

In a circle you need to place saucers with different cereals: buckwheat, millet, rice, semolina, oatmeal, pearl barley, and pour water into a separate saucer. The girls take turns spinning in the center of the circle a raw egg and watch which way it will roll.

If to buckwheat - the groom will be rich, to millet - he will be blond, to rice - he will be married, to semolina - the groom will be from the north, to pearl barley - the groom will be a military man. Water means that the girl is waiting for travel. If the egg spins in place, it means that the girl will not get married this year.

Fortune telling by wish

Before going to bed on January 13, write 12 wishes on separate pieces of paper, carefully roll them up and place them under your pillow. When you wake up in the morning, pull out 3 of them - they will definitely come true in the new year.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year at will

Although this is categorically opposed religious people. But the upcoming holiday will also be an occasion for many to find out their future and predict their fate. According to the old tradition, on the night of January 13-14, 2019, people celebrate the holiday -. This holiday is also called the “rich” or generous Vasilyev evening. Why generous? That evening it was supposed to generously set the table and treat everyone who entered the house. But what is especially interesting for unmarried girls is that this evening you could tell your fortune! Popular New Year's fortune-telling can predict the future and tell about the betrothed-mummer. In our material, look for up-to-date information on how to tell fortunes on the night of January 13-14, the night of the Old New Year.

While our readers are discussing, we are publishing information about. On Vasilyev's evening, according to the belief that is so tenacious among the people, witches steal the month from heaven in order to forever restore the kingdom of night on earth. But their plan fails; under the power of the gradually growing day, the darkness dissipates and the sun appears in the sky, shortening the long winter night.

At the height of Christmas time, on the eighth day it is celebrated. People used to say about this day: “If the red maiden makes a wish, everything will come true, but what will come true will not pass!” The expected and favorite entertainment of unmarried maidens on the occasion of the Old New Year has always been fortune telling for the Old New Year.

To create a mysterious, magical atmosphere, the girls gathered in a dark room, which was illuminated with candles. They used it to tell fortunes using Christmas attributes and for fortune telling on January 13th.

Fortune telling on a ring, bread and hook

Three objects - a hook, a ring and bread - are placed in a bowl with pieces white bread, coal, stones and other small things on the night of January 13-14, 2019. The bowl is covered with a towel, then the girls take turns pulling out the first thing that fell into their hand from the bowl (each time, before the next girl, the thing returns to the bowl). If you get a piece of bread, your hubby will be rich, if you pull out a ring, you will get a handsome man, but the key is not good: a poor man or a wretched one.

Ancient fortune telling with sticks

Take three sticks - red, white, blue - and put them in a box. Pull the sticks three times. For the first time you can see how rich he will be future husband. A red stick means a rich person, a white stick means a middle peasant, and a blue stick means a poor person. The second time you can look at the appearance: red - handsome, white - handsome, blue - unattractive.

Fortune telling for January 13th by dogs

A dog is allowed into the room where the fortune teller sits alone. The girl’s fate is judged by the dog’s behavior: if the dog runs right up to her, the girl will be happy in her marriage; if she starts sniffing the floor first, the husband will be angry and stern, and married life will not work out; but if the dog immediately starts caressing and wagging his tail, the husband will will come across affectionate.

Fortune telling by shoe

Traditional fortune telling, in which girls threw any piece of shoe onto the road. the toe of the shoe that fell to the ground showed which side the girl would marry. If the shoe turned its toe towards the house, the maiden would not be seen this year.

Fortune telling by conversations

The girls walked around the village, where they could hear a conversation, approached the hut and listened - what they talk about will come true: fun in the house leads to a cheerful life, swearing in the house leads to swearing, etc.

Fortune telling: when will you get married?

In the old days, they could easily find out when it was time for a girl to get married. On Christmas Eve it was necessary to pour water into a glass. And near the glass - on both opposite sides, two candles were placed next to the walls. With the help of their mother's or grandmother's wedding ring, which was tied to the girls' hair, they learned the future. It was necessary to lower the ring into the glass so that it did not touch the surface of the water. The ring began to sway little by little, and the girl listened. They said that the ring could sing the name of the future husband and ring out the wedding date. It happened, of course, that they could not guess the name of the betrothed, but then they counted how many times the ring hit the wall of the glass: then the girl would get married.

Fortune telling with a comb

Before going to bed, the girl combs her hair, saying: “Betrothed, mummer, come and comb my hair,” after which she puts the comb under the pillow. The man in the dream will be her betrothed. If he combs her, or combs himself with this comb, she will marry this year.

Other fortune telling for the Old New Year 2019

  • Fortune tellers place each of their onions with the root part in a glass of water and observe which one will germinate faster. She, according to legend, will be the first to get married.
  • Unmarried girls hung their towel out the window if it was wet in the morning. The girl will get married this year.
  • When leaving the house, you were supposed to ask the name of the first person you met. His name will coincide with the name of his future husband.

Photo:, open sources on the Internet

It has been repeatedly verified that fortune telling using candles is the most accurate. And if you perform a certain ritual on the eve of the Old New Year, then anyone will be able to find out their immediate future.

From the first of January until the Christian holiday of Epiphany, the most magical period will begin in the world, when wishes come true faster, conspiracies and rituals become more effective, and predictions are even more accurate than on ordinary days. This time of year is filled with renewed energy, which is ready to absorb all information like a sponge and deliver it to the Higher Powers as soon as possible.

But even at this time, there are special days when the connection with your helpers reaches its peak and becomes the strongest. As a rule, they coincide with Orthodox holidays such as Christmas, Old New Year and Epiphany. So what do you need to do to find out your destiny?

Accurate fortune telling in the Old New Year

This fortune telling can be used on other days, but by using it on New Year’s Eve, you will quickly and easily decipher the Signs sent to you and understand their secret meaning.

For this you will need one candle and a white sheet of paper. There should not be any drawing on it: the most ideal option would be a piece of album paper or a piece of whatman paper.

At midnight, sit comfortably and say a prayer. "Our Father" and light a candle. Next, whisper the following phrase: “I am open to heaven, I am waiting for a sign and will listen to you. Old year“New Year, what happiness will bring me?”

After this, take the paper in your hands and begin to move it over the candle flame. The distance should not be large, but be careful so that the leaf does not catch fire. Make movements clockwise until the sheet makes three circles above the candle. Then look at the pattern that was created by the soot from the candle.

If you see something related to nature and vegetation, this year you will have an interesting journey with many discoveries. Also, do not refuse business trips, which will help you gain valuable experience and move up the career ladder.

All paired objects and animals mean a meeting with your soulmate and harmonious relationships. Hearts and any other symbols associated with this theme are also messengers of mutual love and happiness.

Stairs, any square objects and anything resembling money means that big profits or career growth await you. As a rule, financial abundance comes unexpectedly and immediately from several sources.

Not the most good sign a leaf that is on fire is considered. Besides the fact that it is simply dangerous, such inattention is extremely undesirable from an esoteric point of view. The paper, which flared up despite precautions, warns: in the coming year you can destroy a lot with an accidental movement of your hand, so be on your guard.

You need to complete the ritual with gratitude to the Higher Powers for opening the future to you. You may be tempted to stare at the burning flame for a while longer and imagine your dreams coming true. Do not deny yourself this: in this way they give you a sign that you are on the right path. But at the end, be sure to extinguish the candle without letting it burn out.

Many people worry that they will not be able to understand the encrypted information and never do. But don’t be upset, because the answer may come to you later in the form of a hint in a newspaper or book, or it may appear in a dream. There are also many interpreters who can help you understand the situation. Believe in yourself and your capabilities and, of course, do not forget to press the buttons and

13.01.2016 01:00

The lines on the wrist are called bracelets in palmistry. They can tell about a person’s health and lifespan. A special prediction for these...

Bring back the New Year! I made the wrong wish!!!

To guess or not to guess for the Old New Year? If you guess, then how? Our editors have collected for you 19 methods of fortune telling for the fulfillment of desires, for the future, for a betrothed and for a child. Here are both old time-tested options and new ones based on modern technologies.

You can guess throughout all Christmastide, that is, from Christmas to Epiphany. Naturally, the best time for fortune telling is at night. You can guess alone or with a group.

New Year's fortune telling for wish fulfillment

Option 1

Write 12 wishes on pieces of paper and put them under your pillow at night.

The three that you get first in the morning will come true.

Option 2

On small piece Write your deepest wish on colored paper and use the origami technique to make any toy out of it.

Place the toy at the very top of the New Year tree - and your wish will definitely come true.

Option 3

If you have a cat at home, you can make a wish while preparing for the New Year's holiday(applying makeup, etc.)

Ask a simple question that can be answered “yes” or “no”, then call your cat (of course, she should be in another room at that moment).

If the cat crosses the threshold of the room with its left paw, then the answer is positive, if with its right paw, the answer is negative.

If the cat does not come to you, it means that everything in this matter depends entirely on your actions.

New Year's fortune telling by glowing windows

Go outside in the evening, when it is already well dark.

Mentally ask the question you are interested in, turning your back to the house.

Then turn around and count the illuminated windows.

An even number indicates a positive answer, an odd number indicates a negative answer.

New Year's fortune telling on a coin

Before you sit down festive table, give to a loved one coin and ask to place it under one of three pre-prepared plates and leave the room.

If you managed to find a coin the first time, then material wealth awaits you in the new year, if on the second try, then everything will be the same as in the current year.

If the coin remains unopened, then in the coming year you will face either financial difficulties or large unexpected expenses.

New Year's fortune telling on rice grains

Take a jar filled with rice (you can take a glass), place your left hand on the neck, palm down, and concentrate.

Make a wish out loud or ask a question that can be answered “yes” or “no.”

After this, take a handful of rice out of the jar, pour the cereal onto a table or napkin and count whether you pulled out an even or odd number of grains of rice.

If it’s even, the wish will come true, and the answer to the question is positive. If not, then vice versa.

New Year's fortune telling about the future

Pour water into a saucer or shallow bowl.

Leave the bowl on the red porch throughout New Year's Eve.

In the morning, look at the water in the bowl:

  • the ice has risen - the year will be good,
  • the ice froze evenly - the year will be calm,
  • the ice froze in waves - there will be both grief and happiness,
  • if the water freezes like a hole, the year will be bad.

New Year's fortune telling on the phone

Think of a question, mentally focus on it.

While looking at the phone, say it out loud.

If the first call is from a man, the answer is positive. From a woman - negative.

New Year's fortune telling with bulbs

On the bulbs write the names of possible candidates for your hand and heart.

Place them in water.

Whichever bulb sprouts first - on behalf of that one, expect a marriage proposal.

Fortune telling in the New Year for the future along the chain

Left alone in the room, sit at the table and rub the chain between your palms.

When you feel warm, take the chain in right hand, shake and throw sharply on the table.

Based on the shape you get, you can find out what awaits you in the coming year:

  • circle: you will find yourself in difficult situation, from which it will not be easy to find a way out;
  • straight stripe: good luck awaits you;
  • node: illness or large financial losses;
  • triangle: success in business (including love);
  • bow: get married;
  • snake: there is a traitor next to you;
  • heart: you are loved.

New Year's fortune telling with beans

Place bean grains in three bags. One should be completely purified, the other half, the third uncleaned.

Hide the bags under your pillow at night and the next morning, without looking, take one of them out.

The more refined the beans are, the richer the groom will be.

New Year's fortune telling with rings

Collect many rings of different values, take a container with cereal, hide the rings in it and mix well.

If there is a ring in it, marriage awaits you in the coming year. The more expensive the ring, the richer your future groom will be.

New Year's fortune telling on a gold ring

At least six people must take part in this fortune telling.

Take Golden ring and a large piece of black velvet. Take turns rolling the ring, saying:

“I’ll swing the ring around the city, and then I’ll go after that ring and get to my dear one.”

Place a mark where the ring stops.

Whose ring stops first, that girl will get married first, and if the ring rolls further than the others, she will get married later than everyone else.

New Year's fortune telling for a man

Cut pieces of paper, write the name of the man you want to marry on one, roll all the leaves into balls and mix them with cereal.

Closing your eyes, take a handful of grains.

  • If the piece of paper with the name is in it the first time, the proposal will be made very soon.
  • If from the second, difficulties await you on the way to your goal.
  • If from the third, you are being deceived and conversations about serious feelings are empty.
  • If all three attempts are unsuccessful, the man is completely indifferent to you.

New Year's fortune telling for the betrothed

Place under the pillow some item of clothing secretly taken from a man and pieces of paper with men's names written on them.

In the morning, take out one of the leaves.

The name on it will be the name of your betrothed.

New Year's fortune telling for your betrothed using cards

Place playing cards with kings under your pillow. Take one of them out in the morning.

If it turns out to be the king of spades, the husband will be old and jealous, if the king of clubs will be a widower, if the king of hearts will be young and rich, if the king of diamonds will be desirable.

New Year's fortune telling with a key

They tell fortunes in the company.

The key is placed in a thick book so that its ring (or shackle) remains outside.

The book is tightly closed, bandaged and hung from a hook by the ring.

Those gathered around wait until the book hangs motionless, and then everyone calls their name.

The one on whose name the book begins to spin, marriage (or meeting with new love) cannot be avoided.

New Year's fortune telling on nut shells

Fortune telling for the company.

Light objects are placed in nut shells: candy, ribbon, eraser, ring, etc.

The shells, like boats, are lowered into a bowl of water, and the girls blow.

Which shell floats to whom is what awaits it.

A ring means acquaintance, a piece of candy means gifts, a ribbon means you’ll be beautiful all year, an eraser means you’ll be lucky in your studies.

New Year's fortune telling with eggs

Fortune telling by eggs is a method of prediction associated with recognizing silhouettes.

It is advisable to use eggs from domestic chickens - store-bought eggs are unlikely to be suitable for this purpose. If you decide to try this method, you need to follow a few basic rules.

Fortune telling is performed as follows.

Poured into a glass warm water and dissolve the egg white in water.

If the protein suddenly sinks to the bottom of the glass, this portends all sorts of troubles: death, fire. Unmarried girls this omen threatens an eternal lonely life.

But usually the protein remains in the center of the glass and, curled up, takes the form of various figures, which are interpreted as follows:

  • a figure resembling a church foreshadows a quick wedding for a girl, and death for an elderly woman;
  • if the resulting figure reminds you of a ship with sails, this means that your husband will soon arrive for married woman, a girl foretells marriage and departure to another country, a young man - a long journey.

New Year's fortune telling for children

At night, pour water into a mug, put a ring in it and leave it outside.

The next morning they go out and look:

  • if the ice formed in the mug is smooth, without depressions or bumps, the fortuneteller can live without children;
  • if there are tubercles formed on the ice, there will be sons, if there are depressions, there will be daughters.

Be sure to count the number of depressions and tubercles - as many as there are, there will be as many children.

New Year's fortune telling with a ring and a needle on the gender of the unborn child

The ring is dipped into a glass of water, and the wool is pierced with a needle.

Then a ring or needle, suspended on a hair or thread, is slowly lowered near the hand of the one being told fortunes.

  • If an object (ring, needle) begins to make circular movements, a girl will be born (less often, a boy).
  • If pendulum-shaped - a boy (less often - a girl).
  • If the object does not move, there will be no children.

Well, who doesn’t like to lift the veil of the future? Even those who are skeptical about fortune telling are not averse to having fun with this fun, especially on holidays, in the good company of friends. Of course, the fair half of humanity is more into fortune telling. Almost no bachelorette party is complete without fortune telling for the betrothed, for love, for success, and so on.

And there is a high probability that this is embedded somewhere in the genetic memory, because unlike us, our distant ancestors special attention and they took fortune telling seriously, although for most of us this is just a tribute to tradition.

Fortune telling was done on most Christmas holidays, including the New Year, which in the old days was celebrated on January 14th. A Orthodox Church On this day, a great holiday is celebrated - the Circumcision of the Lord.

According to church canons, fortune telling is a sin. But with the advent of Christianity, pagan and church traditions, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to change it, because it lasts for centuries.

The ancient Slavs believed that fortune telling for the Old New Year 2018 have special accuracy due to the fact that special mystical forces descend to Earth. The girls prepared for this time in a special way. They got serious during the day, giving the impression that they were not of this world. They spoke little that day, trying to prepare themselves for the coming night to get in touch with these powerful forces.

What’s funny is that with the advent of Christianity, girls first went to church, stood at the service, even asked the Saints for help, bought wax candles for his fortune-telling, although the church did not approve of this. That is why, when they began to guess, they covered the icons. It was believed that if they were covered, they would not see that someone was breaking the rules.

It was believed that this day was especially suitable for fortune telling about the groom, wedding, children - in general, for women’s happiness. And there was a belief that on this day, of all the Christmas “fortune-telling” days, you can get the most accurate answers to these topics, right down to how tall the betrothed will be, what color his eyes and hair are, and even what day the meeting will take place . So you need to not miss the chance to get the exact one on New Year's Eve.

How to prepare for a ritual action

In addition to spending the entire day mentally preparing for the upcoming night fortune-telling, they prepared special equipment in advance. These are bowls, rings, combs, candles, mirrors, etc., depending on what type of fortune telling they were going to use.

The mandatory conditions were:

  • be sure to undo the braids and leave your hair loose;
  • clothing had to be loose, without knots, belts, or decorations;
  • I definitely had to take off all my jewelry: earrings, beads, rings;
  • fortune telling had to take place in complete silence and a dark room, even if there was a company gathering. It was impossible to disturb the solemnity and greatness of the moment with laughter - this could frighten away mysterious forces and not only not get what you want, but generally earn punishment;
  • It was equally important to think about the question correctly, otherwise the answer could be unexpected or completely wrong, and the prophecy would not come true.

The best fortune telling

There were a lot of methods of fortune-telling and you could guess all the existing ones or settle on the one you liked best. Of course, if the majority of the answers to different fortune-telling coincided, then it was believed that it would 100% come true. And if not all, but the majority, coincided, then perhaps there would be obstacles before the fortune was fulfilled. Well, if the answers were always different for all the fortune-telling, then it was believed that something might come true, but not this year.

The most popular fortune telling that evening were:

Ships of destiny

They took walnuts, separated the kernel from the shells and used the latter in fortune telling. Each of those present was given equal-sized pieces of candles, which they placed in shells. Afterwards, they filled a container of water and launched the “ships” into it. In whose boat the candle burned out first, she would be the first to get married among all those present.

Wheat sister, give me the answer - will it come true or not?

For this fortune-telling, they took a container with grains of wheat, placed their left hand on it, made a question or wish to themselves, and then pronounced the words written above: “Wheat-sister...”, scooped up a handful and threw it on the table. Afterwards, the grains were counted: if the number turned out to be even, then it would come true, if not even, alas! Those grains that fell from the table were not counted.

How many children - girls and boys

Arriving at the bachelorette party, the girls poured some water into a small container, put a ring in it and put it outside the window in the cold, and after a few hours they took it back and watched how the ice settled. We ran a finger along the surface, counting the bumps and depressions. The tubercles are boys, the depressions are girls.

Wax cast

In this way they guessed for the future. However, according to legend, girls of those times knew the meaning of each figure from their grandmothers and mothers. Nowadays it is also relevant in general, your subconscious will tell you which figure has poured out and what it means. The main thing is to catch the first thought that comes to mind.

So, for this fortune-telling, they took a ladle of water, melted the wax over a candle and poured it into the water, and from the resulting figure they learned what to expect in the future.

Shoe happiness

Everyone knows fortune telling on shoes, which were thrown over the left shoulder from the yard onto the road and looked at the direction of the toe. Where he pointed, wait for the groom from there. And if you fell head over heels for the hut, then you wouldn’t have to dream of marriage this year.

What I heard - so be it

The girls walked around the village, quietly crept up to the windows of the houses and listened to what they were saying. If they said something good, it means that they should expect good things next year, and if they said something bad, they would expect bad things. Laughed - to joy, cursed - to quarrels, talked about wheat, bread, food - to money and wealth.

Fortune telling about the groom using objects

Sand and pebbles were poured into the container and various objects were placed: a hook, bread, a key, a ring. And then they pulled out the object, and then, before passing the container to the next one, they put it back and mixed it. Hook - the husband will always be on the hook of his wife and will love her and listen to her, bread - wait for a wealthy groom, a ring - a handsome one, a key - a poor one.

Three slivers

They took three chips from a log. They put a red mark on one, a blue mark on the other, and left the third as is. Afterwards, each girl pulled one of the three pieces of wood several times with her eyes closed. For the first time, the betrothed's wealth was determined: if drawn with a red mark, he would be rich, with a blue mark, he would be poor, and an uncolored mark would mean he would be of average income. The second time, pulling the sliver, they determined the appearance: with a red mark - handsome, with a blue mark - not handsome, without marks - ordinary.

Fortune telling alone

By 12 at night, all the girls tried to go home to continue guessing alone. Fortune telling using a mirror was considered the most mysterious, mystical and dangerous. But the spirit of adventure and curiosity was stronger than the danger.

Through the Looking Glass

Exactly at midnight, you need to sit in front of the mirror, concentrate, be sure to be alone, in complete silence and carefully peering into the mirror, say three times: “The betrothed appears!” After some time (10-15 minutes), the mirror began to change color and a demon appeared, which took the guise of the groom. After they saw the face of the betrothed, they immediately had to start driving away the evil one with the words: “Cheers, me! Disappear, unclean one!” Otherwise, he could take on his own form and materialize, taking away the beauty, youth, or even the soul of the girl.


In a sleeping house, in complete silence with a lit candle, put the chain on yourself, rotate it three times clockwise, take it off, shake it in your palms and drop it on the floor. If it falls around - wait " vicious circle"and troubles, with a stripe - a "lucky streak", if the knot is tied - troubles or illness, and if it falls in a triangle - to success in love and personal life. Well, if it’s a bow or a heart, then it’s definitely for the wedding.
