What you need to know about recovery after cataract surgery. Eye drops for cataracts - a list of the best medications for the eyes Eye drops for senile cataracts

Restoring vision includes treatment through surgery or therapy. But, unfortunately, not all people can undergo eye surgery. Therefore, the optimal solution for them would be to use eye drops. There are also eye drops for cataracts.

Cataract is called chronic illness an eye in which clouding of the lens occurs. If the disease was diagnosed at an early stage, then cataract eye drops can be used for treatment. However, the presence of a large assortment medical supplies sometimes confuses people. A patient, when choosing eye drops for cataracts, may find himself in a difficult position and not know which drug is best to use. In this article we offer a list of drops that can help with treatment of this disease, are useful for its prevention and are recommended in the postoperative period.

Note! "Before you start reading the article, find out how Albina Guryeva was able to overcome problems with her vision by using...

Note! We insist that before using these products you should consult a doctor to avoid possible complications.

So, if you have been diagnosed with cataracts and treatment without surgery is still possible, then study the following eye drops for cataracts, which are most widely used in practice:


Ophthalmic drops for getting rid of cataracts - Quinax. This medicine belongs to the group of metabolics.

The action of Quinax is as follows:

  • resolves cloudy connections of the lens;
  • has an antioxidant effect;
  • protects the lens from oxidative effects.

The drug contains the following components: boric acid, methylparaben, thiomersal, purified water and propylparaben. The main active element is azapentacene, thanks to which the drug has an effective effect.


This substance belongs to the group of metabolics.

Taurine has the following effects:

The main substance included in the composition is taurine, and the auxiliary substances are nipagin and water. These drops are used to slow down the development of the disease at the initial stage.

This product is contraindicated for use in children. Pregnant women diagnosed with cataracts are treated with taurine only after consulting a doctor. A side effect after using the drug may be allergies, burning, itching, and watery eyes.


This remedy normalizes the metabolic processes of the lens and also improves cell nutrition. It is recommended to use it for congenital and senile cataracts.

It contains: pyrenoxine, aminoethyl sulfonic and boric acid.

If a person has a certain reaction of the body to the components of the drug, then the medicine should not be used for treatment. After use, negative consequences such as itching, burning, and redness of the conjunctiva may appear.


These eye drops are used both for the treatment of cataracts and for its prevention.

Drop data:

  • lead to improvement of metabolic processes of the lens;
  • restore tissue;
  • protect the lens from radicals;
  • have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant effects;
  • have a moisturizing effect on the eyes.

The components of the product are adenosine, nicotinamide, cytochrome C, sorbitol.

Experts have not established any contraindications for the use of this drug. Side effects include a slight burning or tingling sensation (occurs immediately after applying the drops), which goes away quite quickly.


This drug:

  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • stimulates lacrimation;
  • moisturizes eyes;
  • reduces burning sensation.

Main active ingredient: SkQ (mitochondrially targeted antioxidant: plastoqbromide). The drug also contains: sodium chloride, hypromellose, sodium dihydrogen phosphate, benzalkonium chloride, sodium dodecahydrate hydrogen phosphate, sodium hydroxide, and water.

This drug is contraindicated in case of intolerance to any of its components, as well as in persons under 18 years of age.


The substance normalizes metabolic processes in the lens and inhibits the development of the disease in older people.

The components of the drug are: adenosine, nicotinic acid, magnesium chloride.

This drug should not be used by people who are intolerant to the components of the drug, as well as by children. Adverse reaction may be an allergic manifestation.

Has a good effect on the structure of the eyes. Using the drug will help improve intraocular pressure.

The main active ingredient of the drops is taurine.

Taufon is contraindicated for persons under the age of majority and people with sensitivity to the components included in the product. A side effect is an allergic reaction.


This substance:

  • has a positive effect on the regenerative processes of eye tissue;
  • moisturizes the eye organs;
  • has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects;
  • fights eye irritation and fatigue.

Contraindication for use is sensitivity to the components of the substance. No negative effects from the use of drops were found.

List of means used for prevention purposes

Above, we briefly reviewed eye drops for cataracts, namely for its treatment. But it is no secret that the best cure for a disease is prevention (after all, it is always easier to prevent the onset of a disease than to treat a disease).

Cataracts are no exception. That is why there are drops for the prevention of cataracts. Below we invite you to familiarize yourself with their varieties.

List of eye drops used to prevent cataracts:


It is used to relieve tension in the eyeballs, and also as a preventive drug against eye diseases caused by infection. This remedy has a positive effect on the metabolic processes of the lens, which can prevent age-related visual changes, including the development of cataracts.

The components of reticulin are: terminalia cambula extract, basil officinalis extract, adenosine, cytochrome.

Contraindications to the use of the substance include individual intolerance to the components of the drug, and an adverse reaction may be an allergy.


These drops are suitable for improving vision. They also accelerate the metabolic processes of the lens and fill it with energy.

The drug contains nicotinic acid, magnesium and calcium chloride, adenosine. Adverse reactions include redness and burning.


These are drops that consist of a fairly large number of elements that have nutritional properties. However, if the patient is diagnosed with posterior cup-shaped cataract, then this will be a contraindication to the use of viceine. To understand what this type of cataract is, as well as to get acquainted with its other types, we recommend reading the corresponding article on our website. INSERT LINK

Prevention of cataracts is also carried out by such means as Quinax, Taurine, Taufon. We have already written about these medications above.

Choice of drug

The most difficult questions are: “Which drops are the most effective in the fight against cataracts?”; “How to choose a drug to restore vision?” After all, there is a large number of drops that differ in composition, properties and effectiveness.

Patients undergoing treatment always hope for a positive result from taking medications. And to achieve an effective result, you must choose the right medicine. Therefore, when deciding on the choice good drug It's best to trust a professional. Because when choosing a medicine, the doctor will take into account the degree of the disease, the body’s reaction to the substances included in the drug, as well as other points.

Postoperative period

If eye drops for cataracts do not lead to positive results and, as a result, an operation had to be performed, it is worth remembering that after surgery it is necessary to follow the recommendations of doctors.

The most important and mandatory recommendation of the attending physician will be the advice to use eye drops after surgery so that cataracts do not develop again, and the eyes recover faster after surgery. Most drops have anti-inflammatory properties, which promotes rapid healing of the operated eye. The drugs can also protect the eyes from infectious diseases.

In practice, doctors most often prescribe the use of the following drops:


This is an antimicrobial drug that is prescribed to prevent the development of infectious diseases.

The active ingredient is piloxidin, polysorbate, dextrose anhydrous.

A contraindication to the use of drops is sensitivity to the substances included in the composition. A side effect may be an allergy (but this is quite rare).


It is an anti-inflammatory agent.

The composition includes the following substances: diclofenac sodium, disodium edetate, hydrochloric acid, propylene glycol, trometamol.

There are the following contraindications for use: individual intolerance, the presence of bronchial asthma, urticaria. Side effects may include: itching, burning, lack of clarity of vision, red eyes.

Diklo F

This drug has an analgesic effect. Diklo F can reduce eye inflammation.

The drug is not recommended for use in case of hypersensitivity to the components included in the composition, as well as during exacerbations of peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract. Side effects may include: burning, blurred vision, itching, chills, fever.


These drops have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

The composition includes antibiotics and glucocorticosteroids.

Maxitrol is not prescribed for viral, tuberculosis, fungal eye diseases, or in the presence of purulent corneal ulcers. Also, this drug is not recommended for children or pregnant women. After using the drops, symptoms may occur allergic reaction, increased eye pressure.

With age, irreversible processes occur in the human body. First of all, a person’s sensory senses begin to suffer. Once you reach the age of forty, the likelihood of developing vision problems increases significantly. The most common disease is. This disease has been known to mankind for a long time. Already in ancient times, there were eye drops for cataracts that could restore a person’s vision. Today, medicine has made significant progress in its methods and methods of treating humans, but cataracts continue to be an ailment that prevents people from living and enjoying life.

What is cataract

The human eye has a complex and unique structure. One of the main elements responsible for the ability to distinguish the world, is the eye lens. It is a lens that can not only transmit sunlight, but also refract it. A healthy lens allows a person to recognize all kinds of objects well, as well as see them near and at a long distance.

Important! One of the first to describe eye disease is Hippocrates. The first mentions of successful operations can be found in Arab chronicles of the 8th century.

Cataract is a pathology that changes the very structure of the lens, making it dense and unable to transmit Sun rays. When vision becomes somewhat blurry and unclear. You have to make a significant effort to look at certain objects. Senile cataracts are a disease that does not occur without a reason. Therefore, it is necessary to consider factors that may influence the development of this eye disease.

Causes of cataracts

According to statistics, this disease is the most common among older people. Like any other ailment, cataracts arise on prepared soil, because the age factor is not the only reason for the occurrence of pathology. Let's consider the most common occurrence and progression of this disease:

  • genetic inheritance, if one of your relatives had the disease, you need to be especially careful about the prevention of cataracts;
  • receiving mechanical damage eyes, this may include chemical burns;
  • progression of serious diseases, e.g. diabetes mellitus;
  • prolonged smoking can cause the development of cataracts;
  • poor environmental background can affect the development of diseases. If a person lives near metal or chemical plants, then it is necessary to undergo an examination by an ophthalmologist at least 3 times a month;
  • some medications have negative consequences that can develop into eye disease;
  • Ultraviolet radiation has a destructive effect on the eye lens.

These factors are the most common for disease progression. Most people suffering from cataracts are influenced by one or more of the factors described above.

Important! Stress, poor nutrition, alcohol and tobacco abuse have a negative effect on all human organs. Contributes to the occurrence of eye disease.

The first symptoms of cataracts

The disease has varying degrees of progression, perhaps as a slow progression of the disease, or as rapid as possible if various factors are involved that contribute to the development of cataracts. For the most part, a person who has already acquired a similar pathology will encounter the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of blurred vision, the feeling that the contours of objects are blurred, it becomes difficult to see small objects and distinguish small details;
  • the appearance of spots;
  • in the dark it is difficult to focus vision and recognize objects;
  • there is a feeling of irritation in bright lighting;
  • the silhouettes of objects begin to double;
  • signs of color blindness appear;
  • vision distorts the contours of objects, familiar things take on a new appearance.

Symptoms begin to develop gradually, sometimes the changes last for many years. Eye drops for cataracts, they help relieve pain, redness and at the same time not only have an analgesic effect, but also promote complete recovery and.

Do eye drops help with cataracts?

Age-related changes that occur in the human body disrupt the normal process of interaction between cells in the body. Therefore, most drugs are aimed at normalizing various processes occurring in the structure of the eye. In my own way chemical composition Crystal eyes are composed of various proteins that help maintain its transparency. As mentioned above, age-related changes disrupt the molecular structure and connections between proteins. A good example is a chicken egg. During the cooking process, the protein in the egg loses its properties and turns into a white solid mass. Something similar happens in the human eye itself, but if the processes are completed in the lens of the eyeball, then no drugs will help the person. Only surgery and artificial ones, they will be able to restore a person’s ability to see. According to statistics, the use of drugs is highly effective.

Of course, you need to understand that you will need to use it all the time. Interruptions in the use of medications can cause a recession of the disease. A natural question arises, which eye drops for cataracts are the most effective and efficient? This article will provide an exhaustive list of drugs that have passed from another state certification and have received a recommendation for use from government agencies medical supervision.

The need for surgery

There are cases when eye drops to prevent cataracts do not help and only surgical intervention in the eye can save his vision. This happens in the following cases:

  1. The disease progresses very actively;
  2. The attending physician observes degenerative processes of compaction and enlargement of the lens;
  3. The process of fluid flow inside the eye is disrupted;
  4. Intraocular pressure increases;
  5. There is a possibility of developing glaucoma;
  6. There is a possibility that the eye will have to be removed;
  7. The development of a disease that complicates the process.

Similar cases are quite rare; most often such situations arise as a result of neglectful attitude towards developing disease. It is necessary to follow the instructions of your doctor to avoid a situation where surgery is required.

How to choose drops for treatment

Market medications Options aimed at treating this disease are very diverse. Therefore, buyers can quite easily get lost in various names. There are standard rules that will allow you to make the right choice and at the same time save money. When purchasing a medicine, you need to consider the following factors:

  1. Manufacturer. Domestic-made eye drops for cataracts will be significantly cheaper than foreign counterparts;
  2. The composition of the drugs should not include substances that have not passed state certification;
  3. It is necessary to buy a drug with the fewest side effects;
  4. Removing a substance from the body;
  5. The number of times you need to drip the drug is also important, because it shows the quality and stability of the product;
  6. Minimum amount of excipients.

Sticking to simple rules You can not only save money, but also choose the best drops for the treatment of cataracts in a certain price range.

List of drugs for cataracts and descriptions of them

Important! Self-medication will not bring the expected effect and can harm a person’s health.

The list of eye drops for the treatment of cataracts is quite large; here are the most effective eye drops:

    • Catalin - drops for cataracts, which are very often used for the treatment and prevention of any type of ailment. The drug has state accreditation, and helps to slow down the development of the disease, carries out the process of normalizing metabolism in the organ of vision, allowing for improved nutrition of cells. One of the main elements is pyrenoxine. The drug practically does not cause allergic reactions. Sometimes side effects occur, which include burning, redness, and itching of the eyeball.
    • Quinax is a drug for cataracts, which is used to resolve the resulting protein opacities of the lens. The medicine has a preventive and curative effect on the affected areas of the organ of vision. The main component of the drug is sodium azapentanzenal polysulfonate. There are practically no contraindications for the drugs, with the exception of individual intolerance. Used after surgery.
    • Oftan Katahrom - drops against cataracts. The action of the drug is to activate the metabolic processes of the lens and stimulate the eye tissue. In addition, it has a moisturizing, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect. The medicine is absolutely safe for patients, but an allergic reaction is possible as a result of special sensitivity to the elements of the drug.
    • Vita-Yodurol - eye drops for cataracts , having a combined effect on the affected organ. The most active element of the solution is magnesium chloride. The drug also contains a combination of various amino acids. Used as a powerful remedy for preventing cataracts. Has no side effects.
    • Taurine is an ophthalmic medicine that activates tissue repair processes. Widely used in medicine for the treatment and prevention of cataracts, normalization of natural biological processes of the damaged organ. The most active substance is taurine. The medicine is safe for people of all ages. Used after surgery.
    • Taufon is a remedy that triggers natural biological processes and promotes the activation of metabolism in a diseased organ. It has a powerful effect on damaged eyes, which leads to the stabilization of metabolic processes in them. The most active substance is taurine.
    • Khrustalin - eye drops for cataracts that have combined effect, because they simultaneously act in several directions. Used for the prevention and treatment of degeneration of the lens of the eye. Constant use will help maintain vision, eliminate eye irritation and adapt it to bright light. Used after surgery.
    • Maxitrol is a medicine that helps overcome inflammation of eye tissue. The drug contains corticosteroids, which are used throughout the world. Helps the eyes recover after various mechanical injuries, including chemical, thermal, and radiation burns. The drug has a number of contraindications, so it is necessary to consult a medical practitioner before using it.
    • Vitabact - drops for eye cataracts, which have a powerful antiseptic effect on the damaged organ. Actively used to combat various types of staphylococcus, E. coli, some fungal and viral infections. It is used exclusively in severe cases of cataract progression. Used after surgery.
    • Visomitin - drops against cataracts , which are used for a wide range of actions on the disease. The drug Visomitin appeared on the domestic market quite recently, but has already earned the trust of doctors. Used after surgery.

The above drugs have passed state accreditation and are approved for use. There is no doubt that the use of the most advanced medications will make it possible to effectively treat cataracts. However, you should not self-medicate. It must be remembered that only comprehensive treatment prescribed by a professional doctor will overcome the disease. The article provided information regarding the disease and answered which cataract drops are the best on the market and how to choose a medicine correctly and economically.

Cataract manifests itself in a gradual decrease in the transparency of the lens (the main optical element of the eye), clouding occurs, which leads to sharp decline clarity of vision. Changes in the biochemical composition of the lens are caused by age-related changes in the body.

The best drops for cataracts today is the Japanese Catalin K 0.005%, it is recommended by all experienced ophthalmologists and eye surgeons.

Catalin (Catalin-K 0.005%) is a Japanese remedy for the prevention and treatment of cataracts.

Signs of cataracts:

  • - the occurrence of blurred vision, blurred contours, unclear vision of small objects and details;
  • - the appearance of spots and spots before the eyes;
  • - decreased visual acuity at dusk, in the dark;
  • - irritation and intolerance to bright lighting;
  • - bifurcated outline of objects, distortion of vision, color perception disorder.

Cataracts are characterized by a gradual increase in symptoms, which can occur over several years, sometimes even decades. Eye drops for cataracts, a list of which will be presented in this article, are often prescribed by ophthalmologists in the initial stages of this disease.

The lens contains protein compounds, due to which it maintains its transparency. Due to age-related changes in the eyes, a process of denaturation of protein compounds occurs - a violation of the structure of molecules. This can be understood using the example of chicken egg. During the cooking process, the egg white loses its transparency and turns white - it is no longer possible to return it to its transparent state. To some extent, similar processes occur in the lens human eye. In this case, surgery cannot be avoided. If the form of the disease is not advanced or for some reason eye surgery is contraindicated for the patient, the ophthalmologist may recommend therapy using eye drops. The use of such ophthalmic drugs can show high effectiveness. In this regard, the question arises: drops for cataracts - which are better? What names of eye drops for the treatment of this disease should you take note of?

To begin with, it is worth noting that eye drops for cataracts are not prescribed in courses - they must be used constantly. If you take breaks from such therapy, this can lead to progression of the disease. Most often, medications prescribed for the treatment of cataracts do not have side effects. Such ophthalmic agents are safe for the organ of vision, and therefore may be suitable for most patients suffering from this disease. Eye drops in this category may be prescribed by a doctor some time before cataract surgery. Contraindications (most often) may only include individual intolerance to substances included in the composition of a particular drug.

Drops for cataracts: list

The following is a description of drugs that are widely used in ophthalmological practice for various types clouding of the lens (due to injuries, radiation, diabetes, etc.), and are also used to prevent cataracts.

Catalin- an ophthalmic agent often prescribed for the treatment and prevention of diabetic and senile cataracts. The drug is able to prevent the appearance of cataract symptoms, normalize the metabolic processes of the eye lens, and improve the nutrition of eye cells.
The following active ingredients were used: pyrenoxine - 0.75 mg, aminoethylsulfonic acid - 62 mg, boric acid - 12.15 mg.
The isotonic solution contains: methyl parahydroxybenzoate - 0.02%, propyl parahydroxybenzoate - 0.01%; boric acid - 1.2%, sodium borate - 0.008%.
Contraindications include hypersensitivity to the components.
Side effects: keratitis, blepharitis, itching, burning, redness of the conjunctiva.
The drug is also in considerable demand Catalin-K 0.005%(), produced in Japan, which can be purchased in the country’s online stores. Recommended for the prevention and treatment of cataracts. Showed good results during the recovery period after eye surgery and laser vision correction. Prescribed for deterioration of vision clarity, diabetic cataracts, as well as in the early stages of senile cataracts. It has a composition similar to the domestic drug.
Cost of the drug: Catalin (domestic) - approximately 466 rubles, Japanese drug Catalin-K 0.005% (Catalin K 0.005%) - 1100 rub.

Quinax- an ophthalmic drug used to dissolve cloudy protein compounds in the lens. Has an antioxidant effect, prevents negative impact free radicals on the lens. Active ingredient (per 1 ml of solution): sodium azapentacene polysulfonate (150 mcg). The drug is recommended for use in various types of cataracts: congenital, age-related, secondary, traumatic.
Contraindications: individual intolerance.
Side effects: when used in therapeutic doses does not cause side effects.
Average price: 396 rub.

Oftan Katahrom- eye drops for the treatment of cataracts. The drug helps to activate metabolic processes in the lens, has an antioxidant effect, and stimulates the restoration of eye tissue. Has antimicrobial, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory effects.
Active components (per 1 ml of solution): cytochrome C - 0.675 mg, adenosine - 2 mg, nicotinamide - 20 mg.
Indications for use: various types of cataracts.
Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Side effects
There may be burning and tingling of the eyes, shortness of breath, which are short-term. The following symptoms may also occur: allergic manifestations on the ocular conjunctiva, arterial hypotension, dizziness, nausea, contact dermatitis.
Average price: 299 rub.

Vita-Iodurol- eye drops for the treatment of cataracts, a combined ophthalmic preparation for topical use.
As active substances the composition contains (per 1 ml of solution): magnesium chloride - 3 mg; calcium chloride - 2 mg; adenosine - 1 mg; nicotinic acid - 0.3 mg. Adenosine and nicotinic acid improve metabolic processes in eye lens, improve his nutrition. Other components of the drug prevent protein deposits in the eye tissues. The use of drops helps prevent the onset of cataract symptoms and its progression in old age.
Vita-Iodurol has the following readings for use: prevention and therapy various forms cataracts.
Contraindications: intolerance to the drug components, children's age.
Side effects: local allergic manifestations are possible.
Average price: 339 rub.

Taurine- ophthalmic anti-cataract drug, improves the course of recovery processes in eye tissues. Prescribed for the treatment of various forms of cataracts, eye injuries, and corneal dystrophy.
Taurine was used as the active substance (40 mg of taurine per 1 ml of solution).
Contraindications: hypersensitivity, use by children.
Side effects: allergic reactions.
Cost of the drug: from 26 rub.

Taufon- an ophthalmic drug prescribed for the treatment of dystrophic eye diseases, including cataracts. Improves metabolic processes in eye tissues, has a healing effect (in case of injuries to the eye cornea).
Active substance: taurine (40 mg per 1 ml of product).
Not prescribed for children, as well as people with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Side effects
Allergic reactions may occur.
Average cost: 125 rub.

Khrustalin - combination drug in drops prescribed for the purposes of prevention and treatment degenerative changes lens The drug improves the regeneration process in the eye tissues, promotes the formation of energy in the lens cells, moisturizes, and has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. Helps maintain vision, eliminates eye fatigue and irritation.
The following substances were used as active substances: cytochrome C, adenosine, sodium succinate, nicotinamide.

The drug is one of the affordable ophthalmic drugs.

It is difficult to name the most effective eye drops for cataracts, because the ophthalmic drug for this disease is selected individually in every case. In this case, the doctor takes into account the diagnosis, stage of the disease, as well as possible reaction the body to the components of the drug. Self-medication, as well as the purchase of eye drops without a prescription from an ophthalmologist (even if the drug is freely sold, without providing a prescription from a doctor) can have negative consequences, which can lead to deterioration of vision and its complete loss or a waste of money.
Since it is easier to prevent the disease than to treat it, it is important to know about medications that are preventative in nature to prevent cataract symptoms. It is worth remembering that it is the ophthalmologist who can prescribe such drugs to you.

Prevention of cataracts: eye drops

The following ophthalmic agents are among the drugs that can be used to prevent cataracts: Reticulin, Vitafacol, Vicein, Quinax, Taufon, Taurine. Some of these eye drops have been described previously.

Reticulin is an ophthalmic drug that is used to prevent eye strain and the occurrence of infectious eye diseases. The product can improve visual accommodation, eliminate dry eyes, and reduce the negative effects of strong physical activity. Drops improve metabolic processes in the eye lens, which prevents age-related changes in the organ of vision, including the development of cataracts. The composition included such plant components as terminalia cambula extract, emblica officinalis extract, thermalia belerica extract, basil officinalis extract, as well as cytochrome, adenosine, benzalkonium chloride.
Contraindications: hypersensitivity.
Side effects: allergic reactions are possible if you are intolerant to the components of the product.
Cost of the drug varies from 750 rubles to 1250 rubles depending on the pharmacy chain.

Vitafacol- a combined ophthalmic drug for local use. The components of the drug improve metabolic and energy processes in the eye lens, which will prevent the appearance of cataracts.
Composition of the drug (per 1 ml): cytochrome C 74% - 0.50 mg, sodium succinate - 0.6 mg, adenosine - 2 mg, nicotinamide - 10 mg.
Contraindications: hypersensitivity.
Side effects: redness of the eyes, burning sensation.
Overdose: no data available.
Cost of the drug varies from 250 to 350 rubles.

Vicein- a combined ophthalmic drug that, in addition to its therapeutic effect, has nutritional properties. The drug is prescribed for complex therapy cataracts for a long time. Also prescribed in the initial stages of cataracts.
Composition (number of components per 100 ml of solution): cysteine ​​(0.2 g), sodium salt adenosine triphosphoric acid (0.5 ml 1%), glutamic acid (0.1 g), glycocol (0.1 g), nicotinic acid (0.03 g), magnesium chloride (0.3 g), potassium iodite (1 .5 g), calcium chloride (0.3 g).
Contraindications: posterior cup-shaped cataract.
Side effects: not described.
The drug is affordable.

Which drops are best for early stage cataracts?

Eye drops are among the commonly prescribed drugs that provide necessary help in the initial stages of the disease. Doctors often prescribe Taurine to patients, which helps restore eye cells in various types of diseases. Also, when it comes to the initial stages of the disease, doctors can recommend medications that include vitamins, inorganic salts and various kinds of biogenic stimulants. Such drugs include “Katachrome”, which was described above. Also in case initial degree diseases, drugs containing nicotinic acid, for example, Vita-Iodurol, Vicein.

Eye drops after cataract surgery

In the postoperative period, no matter how quickly the healing process of eye tissue occurs after cataract removal, the use of eye drops is an indispensable means for rehabilitation. Eye potassium helps prevent the development of infectious eye diseases, protects the eyes from irritation, and also reduces inflammation of the eye tissues. The doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics and needs of the patient, determines the required type of drops and also prescribes the frequency of use. The use of eye drops in the postoperative period is necessary, since they play an important role in the healing and restoration of functionality of the operated eye.

As a rule, the surgeon can prescribe drugs that have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, disinfectant effect, as well as drugs mixed type(antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory). Patients are often recommended to use the following eye drops: Vitabact (antimicrobial eye drops, prescribed for the prevention of infectious complications in the postoperative period), Naklof (reduces the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the eye tissues), Diklo F (has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, including in the period after cataract surgery), Maxitrol (a drug containing antibiotics that has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and analgesic effects).

In the shortest period after cataract surgery is completed, a person’s vision improves. Immediately after cataract surgery, a bandage is applied to the eye, which serves as protection for the organ of vision, which at this time is especially susceptible to infections and dust. The bandage is removed after a day, without opening the eyes, since it is necessary to pre-treat it with a sterile swab soaked in a disinfectant solution.

Rehabilitation after cataract surgery

The duration of the rehabilitation period depends on the type of surgical intervention. Best result and rapid recovery occurs after ultrasound or laser phacoemulsification removal of the lens.

Stages of the rehabilitation period

The first seven days.

Vision improves significantly, but the final result of the operation will be noticeable a little later.

At the first stage, pain and spasms may occur not only in the eye itself, but in the area around it. This will require the appointment of an anti-inflammatory non-hormonal agent with the usual dosage according to the patient's age and weight.

At the same time, the patient may be bothered by swelling of the eyelids, which can be dealt with correctly organized meals and drinking regime, posture during sleep and rest.

Rehabilitation after surgery from 8th to 30th day:

At this stage, visual acuity and clarity improves. It is imperative to adhere to the prescribed regimen, in particular, using eye drops according to an individual scheme and wearing glasses while reading, watching television, playing or working at the computer.

From a month to six months:

  • If the operation was performed correctly, then at the very beginning of this stage, vision is already completely restored. Now the specialist selects glasses or contact lenses.
  • If sutures are applied during surgery, the threads will need to be removed by the end of the final period, and only then glasses will be selected.

What not to do after cataract surgery

Cataract removal is a fairly serious operation that is traumatic for the organ of vision. Therefore, compliance with the regime during the postoperative period is required.

What not to do after cataract surgery is to ignore the doctor's examination. In the first 30 days, it is recommended to visit a specialist every week, then according to the schedule determined by the doctor himself.

What complications can there be after cataract surgery?

Usually, after surgery, a person feels pain in the operated organ, radiating to the temple and eyebrow. This is quite normal. But, there are considerable risks - serious complications after cataract surgery.

If you strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions, the risk of complications is minimal.

Eye drops after cataract surgery

Instillation of eye drops is a mandatory therapy in the postoperative period, preventing inflammation and disinfecting the eye. Both individual and complex drugs are used. The regimen for using drops is prescribed individually for a period of 4 weeks and if postoperative complications did not happen, then the patient no longer needs such treatment and the drops are canceled. The specialist decides which drugs will be used.

In order for the drugs to have an effective effect, eye drops after surgery should be instilled correctly. To do this, the person lies on his back and throws his head back a little. With clean, dry hands, the lower eyelid is carefully pulled back, the bottle is directed so that the drop falls directly into the gap between the eyelid and the eyeball. One or two drops are placed behind the lower eyelid and the eyes are closed. To prevent rapid leakage of the product, you need to place a sterile napkin and lightly press the inner corner of the eye with your index finger.

If several types of drops are prescribed, then the interval between their use should not be less than 3 minutes.

The opened bottle must be stored in a cool place protected from light. If the drug is instilled using a pipette, then the latter must be boiled daily for disinfection.

What glasses to wear after cataract surgery

After surgery to remove a cloudy lens, glasses are prescribed to protect the eyes from dust and ultraviolet radiation, as well as to increase visual acuity.

Since the operated eye is different hypersensitivity to external irritants, it is recommended to wear Sunglasses during the early postoperative period, as well as in the next six months when going outside.

Patients are prescribed to wear glasses after cataract surgery with diopters, which will ensure good near vision. The patient will be able to see objects located far away quite clearly even without glasses.

Restoring vision after surgery

Usually vision after the completion of the rehabilitation period is quite satisfactory: far vision is excellent, near vision is corrected with glasses or lenses. But if you choose a special lens to replace it, then the person returns 100% vision both far and near. Of course, the price of such an artificial lens is high, but the result is worth it, and if you count the costs of glasses, lenses and care products, the benefits are obvious.

The restoration of vision in young children with congenital cataracts is somewhat different. For them, the operation is carried out in two stages. In the first six months of life, surgery to remove cataracts occurs. And after a couple of years, when the capsule for the lens has finally matured, an artificial lens is implanted and it is up to the parents to decide which one will be used.

Prevention of cataracts

It is almost impossible to prevent the development of secondary cataracts. After surgery and throughout life, an annual examination by an ophthalmologist is mandatory. It is advisable for patients with diabetes to consult a specialist more often.

It is difficult to prevent the appearance of traumatic cataracts, although in the latter case it is possible to limit participation in extreme sports associated with head injuries, bruises and falls.


Postoperative period of cataracts: why is it important to follow the doctor’s instructions?

To maintain vision after surgery, you need enough for a long time stick to certain rules recommended by an ophthalmologist. During this period, the instructions regarding rehabilitation should be strictly followed, as they will help to avoid possible complications.

The postoperative period of cataracts is divided into three stages:

  1. Lasts for a week after lens removal. Patients may experience pain in the orbit, irritation of capillaries and mucous membranes. During this period, the body gets used to new circumstances. Patients' vision improves noticeably.
  2. Lasts up to a month. Over the entire period of time, visual abilities may change, depending on the stress to which the eyes are subjected. In some cases, glasses may be required to read or view the monitor. For up to 30 days, a person must create the most gentle regime for the eyeballs.
  3. Lasts up to six months. During this period, vision reaches full acuity, so patients can be fitted with lenses or glasses.

Rehabilitation after cataract surgery does not always last 180 days. The exact recovery time depends on the patient's health and the type of surgery. If the patient has undergone phacoemulsification, the rehabilitation period is reduced. With capsular extraction, recovery occurs after the sutures are removed.

Postoperative restrictions: what to avoid?

Modern ophthalmological methods of cataract surgery allow you to very quickly return to a normal lifestyle. It is worth noting that surgical intervention does not require subsequent hospital treatment of the patient. He can go home within a couple of hours after the insertion of the intraocular lens.

The restrictions are simple, so they are very easy to implement. It is important to say that the rules of daily behavior of the patient must be followed until complete recovery. Here are the basic post-operative obligations to help reduce the risk of complications:

It is also important to monitor the safety of the operated organ of vision. IN sunny days Wear safety glasses, do not insert contact lenses, and do not touch your eyes with your hands.

Using eye drops after cataract removal

A prerequisite for restoring the operated lens is the introduction of special solutions. Intraocular drops help prevent infection of the mucous membrane and speed up the healing process of the cornea. Eye drops are carried out according to the following scheme:

  • The first week, medications are administered 4 times a day;
  • For the second 7 days, the multiplicity is reduced by instillation three times a day, etc.;
  • After a month of therapy, the drugs are discontinued if the patient has no complications.

Usually the ophthalmologist prescribes antibacterial drops(Tobrex, Vitabakt) to disinfect the eyes and anti-inflammatory drugs (Indocollir, Naklof) to prevent inflammation of the mucous membranes and adjacent tissues. In some cases, combined drugs (Maxitrol, Torbadex) are used if it is necessary to administer drugs with a pronounced effect.

Eye drops should be carried out according to the following rules:

  1. The patient lies on his back and tilts his head back.
  2. Uncorks the bottle with the solution and turns it over with the dropper down.
  3. Using your fingers, you retract the lower eyelid to form a conjunctival sac.
  4. Drops are injected into the cavity under the eyelid and the eye is closed.
  5. To prevent the medicine from leaking out, you can lightly press the inner corner of the eyeball with a finger wrapped in a sterile scarf.

If the patient is prescribed several types of drugs at once, then a break of 10 minutes should be taken between their administration. You should avoid touching your eyes with the drug dropper to avoid infection.

During the rehabilitation period at the first stage, the doctor may recommend wearing an eye patch to protect the organ of vision. To do this, use regular gauze folded in half. There is no need to bandage the eye across the entire head; you can glue the bandage with an adhesive plaster to the forehead to create a “canopy” that is not adjacent to the eye socket. This dressing will protect the patient from dust, drafts, bright light and other potentially irritating factors.

You must adhere to the restrictions until the surgeon says that you can stop fulfilling the mandatory requirements. From time to time you should see a specialist to prevent the development of unexpected inflammations or pathologies.

Complications after surgery

Painful sensations in the eyeball due to cataract removal are a completely normal phenomenon, which will stop in a few days. But in case of severe inflammatory processes and pain, you need to consult a surgeon so as not to miss the appearance of such pathologies:

As you can see, it is very important to comply with the mandatory restrictions in order to protect the eyes from developing severe complications.


Is it possible to drip taufon after cataract surgery?

Eye drops for cataracts are used very often both as prevention and therapy, and after surgery. Cataract is a physiological condition in which clouding of the lens occurs. Cataracts are not considered a pathology, as they are a natural process of aging. In some cases, the disease may occur due to injury or diabetes.

What medications are used for pathology?

The most effective method is surgery to remove cataracts. However, not in all cases the operation can be performed, so medications.

Which drops will be used depends on the stage of the disease and individual characteristics patient. But we must remember that the maximum effect from using drops is achieved in the initial stages of the disease.

But their use is mandatory before and after surgery. Medicines are prescribed to slow down the development of pathology that impairs the full functioning of the eye. The earlier therapy is started, the higher the effectiveness of using drops will be, since the rate of lens clouding will be significantly reduced.

Modern medicine offers many different drugs to solve ophthalmological problems. Eye drops for cataracts can be of the following types:

antimicrobial with antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, hormonal effects; antiallergic; painkillers that are used after injuries and operations.

moisturizing the mucous membrane; vasoconstrictors; drops to improve vision; strengthening blood vessels of the eyes; relieving eye fatigue; vitamin complexes.

Before surgical intervention or after eye medications are used to stabilize the effect.

The list of eye medications used to treat cataracts is as follows:

Taufon; Vicein; Oftan Katahrom; Sancatalin; Vitafacol; Smirnov drops; Quinax; Vitaiodurol.

Each medicine has a specific mechanism of action, so you need to know more about the drugs.

Effective medicines

Vitafacol eye drops for cataracts improve vision and the energy balance of the lens. Have minor side effects: redness and burning. Oftan Katahrom is popular means combined action that restores tissue and protects against free radicals. It is used for partial or complete clouding of the lens. The composition includes citrochrome C, sodium phosphate, adenosine, nicotinamide. Citrochrome provides protective properties due to the fact that it binds free radical molecules. Denosine improves blood circulation, promotes the production intraocular fluid, preventing the development inflammatory process. Nicotinamide regenerates tissues and prevents the development of pathology. Eye remedies provide good effect and act quickly, have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Since cataracts are accompanied by dry eyes, these drops are also used for moisturizing. Oftan Katahrom is prescribed for the treatment of diseases of various origins, as well as for the prevention of pathology. You need to use 1-2 drops 3 times a day. The duration of the treatment course depends on the stage of cataract and pathogenesis. Eye drops for cataracts Taufon are effective, they are an energetic and metabolic agent that has a beneficial effect on the entire eye. The product is a sulfur-containing amino acid, which helps normalize intraocular fluid pressure, tissue regeneration, and activation of energy processes. The main component is taurine. Possible allergic reaction as side effect. Used to treat diabetic, senile, traumatic, radiation cataracts. The drops must be used without interruption for 3 months, and after a month the treatment course must be repeated. You need to drip 1-2 drops 4 times a day. Quinax activates proteolytic enzymes, which promote the resorption of protein compounds that are opaque. The main component is azapentacene. The action of this medicine is similar to the action of Oftan Katahroma. The product promotes rapid restoration of metabolic processes in tissues. In addition, the lens of the eye is protected from oxidative effects. Quinax is prescribed for the treatment of the following forms of cataracts: traumatic, senile, secondary, congenital. The product should be used up to 5 times a day. They are well tolerated, sometimes an allergic reaction is possible due to individual intolerance to the main or auxiliary components. Visomitin has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The drops moisturize, eliminate burning, redness, and stimulate the production of intraocular fluid. This drug is also called Skulachev drops, in honor of the academician who invented them. The scientist himself suffered from cataracts, so he created this remedy, which helped him get rid of the disease within a year, and did not even require surgery. Chinese eye drops for treating cataracts are effective. And their maximum effect occurs when cataracts are caused by age-related changes. Most often, such drops are used by people over 65 years of age. This drug normalizes metabolic processes that are manifested by low energy metabolism lens Chinese drops slow down the destruction process and improve vision. At the initial stage of cataract of senile pathogenesis, the effectiveness reaches 100%. This is due to the fact that the substances that make up the drops penetrate deep into the aqueous and lipid environments of the eye, which prevents damage and restores integrity. This can improve vision. You need to bury the product in your eyes every day, 1-2 drops 3 times a day. Vita-Iodurol helps improve the metabolic processes of the lens and prevents the development of ophthalmological pathologies. If cataracts occur, treatment in the early stages and prevention can be carried out with this remedy. Contraindications include individual intolerance to some of the components included in the drops. Cannot be used with other eye products. It is also not recommended to wear soft contact lenses while using this product, as you may damage the sensitive optic nerve. Catalin improves the metabolic processes of the lens, eliminates symptoms of cataracts, such as dryness and redness. Prescribed for the treatment of pathologies of senile and diabetic origin. In some cases, individual intolerance to some components of the drug is noted. Khrustalin can be used for the treatment and prevention of cataracts when the condition of the lens worsens, relieves eye fatigue and irritation. Emoxipin eye drops against cataracts have an antioxidant and vascular strengthening effect and help eliminate minor hemorrhages. Cannot be used during pregnancy. In some cases, an allergic reaction is observed.

What drops are used after cataract surgery?

During recovery after cataract surgery, you need to follow certain rules. One of the main rules is the use of eye drops, which prevent infections from entering the operated area and speed up healing.

Diklof; Maxitrol; Furacilin; Vitabact; Naklof; Indocollier; Tobradex and other products.

You usually need to use eye drops after cataract surgery for no more than 4 weeks, provided there are no complications. If drops are prescribed different types, then you need to bury them with a break of 5 minutes.

Conclusion on the topic

Exists big choice eye drops for cataracts, so you need to see a doctor at the first sign of vision problems, who will prescribe the right drug that will help you. After all, self-medication can have a detrimental effect on health, and in this case on vision, without which a full life is impossible.



Drops in the eyes after cataract surgery

After cataract surgery, your eye surgeon will usually prescribe eye drops containing various anti-inflammatory agents.

Eye drops after cataract surgery are available in different effects.

There are disinfectants (Furacillin, Vitabakt, etc.), anti-inflammatory drugs (Indocollir, Diclof, Naklof, etc.), mixed-action preparations containing, in addition to antibiotics, dexamethasone, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. activity (“Torbadex”, “Maxitrol”, etc.).

Why are eye drops prescribed after cataract surgery?

This is necessary in order to prevent the risk of infection and speed up the healing process of the operated eye. Drops after cataract surgery are usually prescribed in a decreasing order: in the first week - four times, in the second - three, in the third - two, in the fourth - once. If in postoperative period no complications are observed, the drops are discontinued in the fifth week.

How to properly instill drops after cataract surgery?

Doctors recommend that when instilling eye drops after cataract surgery, either lie on your back or tilt your head back and place one or two drops behind the lower eyelid and close the eye. To prevent the drops from flowing out and to ensure that the drug is better absorbed, it is often recommended to lightly press the inner corner of the eye using a sterile napkin.

If the ophthalmologist has prescribed several types of drops, it is imperative to maintain a gap between their instillation - in strict accordance with the prescription.

Sometimes, along with a prescription for eye drops after cataract surgery, patients are given a special calendar in which they can mark the time of taking the medications. This allows you to insure the patient from the fear of making a mistake and helps control the correct and timely intake of medications.

Under no circumstances should you “prescribe” drops yourself, on the advice of friends, or according to information from the Internet. In all cases, this should only be done by a doctor, because if there is the slightest change in how you feel, he will be able to adjust the dose in time, change the dosage schedule, or prescribe another medicine.

In the ophthalmology department of City Clinical Hospital No. 1 named after. Pirogov, highly qualified specialists will select eye drops for you after cataract surgery and prescribe an individual treatment regimen. The department is open on weekdays from 10.00 to 19.00.

Any clouding of the lens of the eye is called. With the development of this disease, the function of the organ of vision is impaired. In the initial stages of cataracts it is possible conservative treatment drugs that can slow down the rate of development of pathological processes in the lens.

The main theory of the occurrence of cataracts is the aging of the lens fibers. After 40 years, the processes of lipid peroxidation in the body intensify and the antioxidant protection of cells decreases. The transparent fibers of the lens gradually begin to become cloudy. That is, the development of opacities in the lens - physiological process, appearing in all people, but in at different ages. This type of cataract is called senile cataract.

What are the signs to suspect cataracts?

In the initial stages, cataracts are manifested by slight blurred vision, the appearance of spots in front of the eyes, and a feeling of sand in the eyes. When the clouding increases in size, a decrease in vision and a change in color perception occur. The patient begins to see as if through foggy glass. With central cataracts, vision deteriorates in bright light, with peripheral cataracts - at night.

Mature cataracts are characterized by almost complete loss of vision. The background of the pupil becomes white instead of black. In this case, the patient is able to see light and distinguish day from night.

There is no pain with cataracts. Vision decreases gradually and painlessly. The patient may notice that he needs to frequently change glasses for near and distance.

Are drops effective for cataracts?

The only treatment for mature cataracts is surgical removal lens and replacing it with an artificial lens. But in the initial stages of the disease, using eye drops can slow down the process of clouding of the lens and reduce the severity of symptoms. In addition, the use of special drops is necessary after surgery to prevent possible complications.

Types of drops

Eye drops to improve vision for cataracts vary depending on the active substance included in the drug, manufacturer, and indications. There are:

  1. Drugs for treatment initial stages.
  2. Means for the prevention of disease.
  3. Eye medications used after surgery.

It must be remembered that any medications for cataracts (even with a completely natural composition) should be prescribed by an ophthalmologist. He will determine the stage of cataracts and tell you which eye drops for cataracts are more effective in this case.

Drops for the treatment of cataracts

  1. Oftan-katachrome(may be found under the name Katachrom). Combined antioxidant drug with a reparative effect. Improves the exchange of nutrients between the lens and the aqueous humor of the anterior chamber of the eye, thereby reducing the rate of fiber aging. Activates cellular respiration. Oftan katachrome occupies one of the leading places in the ranking of eye drops for cataracts.
  2. Quinax. The principle of action of this medicine is based on its ability to stimulate enzymes that resolve lens opacities. Quinax increases the antioxidant protection of cells and slows down the process of changes in protein molecules in the lens.
  3. Taurine. The substance improves metabolism in tissues and has a reparative effect. The composition contains an amino acid produced in the human body.
  4. Taufon. The drug is an analogue of Taurine. Improves energy processes in tissues, stabilizes functions cell membranes. With long-term use, it restores normal metabolism in the structures of the anterior segment of the eye.
  5. Vita-Iodurol. The medicine contains calcium, magnesium, vitamins and amino acids. Active active ingredients improve blood supply to the tissues of the eyeball and prevent the deposition of protein molecules in the tissues of the lens.
  6. Catalin. Japanese remedy for cataracts. The drug prevents the transition of water-soluble protein to an insoluble form. This slows down the growth of opacities in the lens.
  7. Cataxol. The drug protects the lens fibers from oxidation and dissolves opaque protein complexes.

Drops for the prevention of cataracts

  1. Ujala. Indian eye drops contain only natural ingredients. The drug has antioxidant and antimicrobial effects. When taken as a course, it reduces the rate of cataract development.
  2. Hey Pee Wee. The medicine is a combination of propolis extract and silver purified water. Slows down the development of degenerative processes in the lens.
  3. Vitafacol. The product contains synthetic antioxidants. Vitafacol improves cellular respiration and metabolic processes, preventing the development of cataracts.
  4. Khrustalin. The medicine contains antioxidants and B vitamins. Drops stimulate tissue regeneration and reduce the intensity of lipid peroxidation.

Medications after surgery

Duration of the recovery period after surgical treatment cataract depends on the type of surgery. During EEC (extracapsular cataract extraction), patients are prescribed antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and regenerating drugs for long term– about 1 month. If the lens replacement surgery was performed through a small incision using a laser, these medications are prescribed for 1 week.

In the postoperative period the following are used:

  1. Signicef. Antimicrobial drug of the latest generation, related to antibiotics wide range actions. After topical application, it does not have any unwanted systemic reactions. If there are complications, the ophthalmologist may prescribe an antibiotic that acts on a specific type of microorganism.
  2. Diklo-F. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Drops relieve pain, reduce the severity of inflammation and redness of the eyes. In case of severe swelling of the eyelids, the doctor may recommend longer use of drops.
  3. Vitabact. Antiseptic drug. Vitabact can be used for a long time, even after stopping the antibiotic.
  4. Korneregel. The medicine is in the form of a gel and has regenerating and moisturizing properties. The drug must be used in patients after EEC to prevent suture dehiscence. It is necessary to continue use for some time after removal of the suture material. This will speed up healing.