That terrier is burping yellow foam, what should I do? Vomiting white foam in a dog: treatment, causes. Yorkie puppy vomits foam

A gag reflex in dogs is a sign of poisoning or a serious illness. To determine the cause, it is necessary to study the structure and nature of the erupted masses. From them one can understand the factor that provoked this process.

Vomiting foam or mucus

One-time vomiting without other symptoms: fever, diarrhea and lethargy indicates a normal situation and is not associated with pathology. appears after eating, when bile remains in the stomach. To prevent self-digestion, the body produces mucus, along with which the contents come out. When you inhale, air ends up in the stomach, the mucus turns into foam, which comes out during vomiting. However, when, in addition to it, other inclusions, yellow, green and brown, are present in the vomit, this is a signal of the presence of pathology.

The appearance of erupted masses with this color indicates the presence of bile in them, entering the stomach from the intestines. The reason for this is a malfunction of the gallbladder or duodenum. The presence of bile irritates the stomach and triggers the gag reflex to clear it. Sometimes this indicates the presence of a pathology or disease in the body:

Green vomit

The appearance of green vomit indicates that intestinal contents have entered the stomach. The reason for this may be intestinal obstruction or excessive amount of bile secreted. Sometimes the reason is the presence of helminths or infectious diseases.

When the vomit is mucus with green inclusions, this means that the pet has eaten grass. This is a normal seasonal phenomenon.

The appearance indicates blood entering the stomach, where it interacted with gastric juice. The reason for this is bleeding in the duodenum, stomach ulcers, liver pathologies, renal failure or malignant and benign formations. Sharp foreign bodies entering the stomach can damage its walls. For infectious species diseases are characteristic elevated temperature, intestinal upset and pet lethargy. For treatment, the veterinarian makes a diagnosis based on examination, test results and hardware diagnostic readings.


First, to eliminate vomiting, the pet is prescribed a starvation diet for 24 hours, food and drink. Then for 3 days the diet contains light and low-fat foods, and to stabilize the stomach, 12 days of feeding with Hills food are carried out and gradually switched to regular food. The use of medications depends on the cause of vomiting:

  • for helminthic infestation, anthelmintic drugs are prescribed: Pratel, Prazicide, Alben;
  • if the reason is infectious diseases– titrated antibiotics are used, those to which the pathogen is sensitive;
  • To eliminate intoxication due to poisoning, absorbents are prescribed: Smecta, Polysorb, Enetrosgel or Activated carbon;
  • take off painful sensations helps: No-shpa, Drotaverine;
  • Omez is used to reduce the level of acidity in the stomach;
  • stop incessant vomiting with Cerucal;
  • to prevent dehydration, droppers are placed: Glucose, saline solution, Ringer-Locke solution;
  • To support immunity, immunomodulators are used: Mexidol, Glycopin, Fosprenil.

Yellow vomit in a dog is an alarming warning, indicating serious diseases in the dachshund’s body. Most often, this phenomenon can be observed in the morning, when the dog has not had time to eat. Bile contained in vomit is indisputable evidence of impaired bile secretion. Bile released along with vomiting leads to serious inflammation of the intestines. As it progresses, it can reach the stomach, significantly damage it, cause severe irritation and ultimately lead to hungry vomiting.

Hungry vomiting in a dog

Vomiting bile in a dog on an empty stomach is evidence of a disrupted process of formation and secretion of bile. This type of vomiting of bile occurs in dogs in the morning. It is called hungry because its secretion occurs during the period when the dog feeds exclusively lean food. To overcome this phenomenon, it is necessary to gradually add more to the dachshund's diet. fatty foods. At the same time, you need to feed her more often, but in small portions for normal absorption and digestion.

Causes of vomiting bile in dogs

Vomiting bile in a dog can be caused by the body's reaction to processed foods. Not all pets can react normally to preservatives, additives and other ingredients contained in food. chemical substances. Processed foods are difficult to digest and digest. In addition, many such substances often lead to allergic diseases.

The next reason why a dog may vomit yellow is the presence of gastritis or prolonged exposure to a hungry state. Due to a long absence of food, the body malfunctions. It accumulates gases, which cause nausea. Vomiting in a dog yellow foam occurs due to the fact that there were simply no other substances in the stomach. That is why the bile that has accumulated in the body, corroding the walls of the stomach, comes out. A dog may vomit after eating if the pet’s feeding is unbalanced or the diet is poorly chosen.

Another reason could be the presence of worms in the dachshund's body, which must be dealt with immediately upon discovery, since their presence can cause serious damage to the pet.

Vomiting bile in dogs: causes and treatment

The causes of vomiting in a dog - having understood this issue, you need to understand what means to treat the ailment that has arisen.

My dog ​​is vomiting bile, what should I do?

“The dog is vomiting bile with foam, what should I do?” - perhaps this is the first question that can be heard from the owner who is shocked by what happened. He will be interested not in why the dog is vomiting yellow foam, but in what ways there are to combat the vomiting process.

The dog is vomiting yellow color How can I help you? - of course, in best case scenario will immediately take the dachshund to veterinary clinic. You should not self-medicate and reassure yourself that own efforts You won't be able to handle it worse than a specialist. Under no circumstances should you inject antibiotics without first consulting a doctor, and even more so, it is forbidden to give your dog pills used for humans. The only thing the owner can do on his own is to give the dachshund a starvation diet, which will be beneficial for the body.

Yellow dog vomiting treatment

What to give your dog if he is vomiting bile? The first thing you need to give your dog after a bout of vomiting is water. If your dachshund refuses it due to an incessant feeling of nausea, then in this case you need to resort to an injection or drip that will help restore and normalize the water balance. From medicines Lansoprazole may be used, which is used to reduce the amount of hydrochloric acid. You can give choleretic drugs: for example, Odeston to remove pathogenic substances from the body.

Green dog vomit

The dog vomits bile and does not eat anything - this phenomenon can occur in the following cases: poisoning, indigestion, gastritis, stomach ulcer, liver disease. It happens that a dachshund vomits, and at the same time she does not eat anything, even when she has eaten a lot of grass. The stomach tries to cleanse itself of excess substances trapped in the grass. Because of this, an vomiting process occurs, accompanied by the release of bile. There is nothing wrong with this: the body is being cleansed.

Pets are our faithful four-legged friends, whose health needs to be monitored especially carefully. You must not lose sight of anything, since various types of illnesses will not keep you waiting and at any unforeseen moment they can result in serious consequences.

Vomiting in dogs is not a sign of death dangerous disease, as many people think about it. In these animals (as in cats), the gag reflex is well developed. This is largely due to the nature of the dogs’ diet. By nature they are predators who do not disdain carrion. If an animal has eaten something very “fragrant”, protective mechanisms are activated, expressed in vomiting. In a word, this is a normal physiological reflex.

But this doesn't always happen. When a dog vomits bile, it is always a good reason to visit the veterinarian.

This is the most important endogenous secretion, designed to improve the digestion of fats. It is synthesized in the liver and is intended for its accumulation. gallbladder. After eating, it enters the thin section of the gastrointestinal tract (through the bile ducts), promoting the emulsification of lipids and their subsequent absorption by the body.

Thus, vomiting of bile in dogs occurs when this secretion enters the stomach from the intestines, causing irritation and triggering the gag reflex. How to determine its presence in the stomach contents? It turns greenish-yellowish. By the way, vomiting in this case is a very good option. Sometimes a situation occurs when a dog does not have a developed gag reflex, as a result of which bile remains in the organ cavity. All this can easily lead not only to an ulcer, but even to perforation of the stomach. Bile is an aggressive secretion.

Vomiting is typical in the early morning or late evening. The latter is especially typical for those dogs who receive their rations only once a day. In addition, this can happen in any cases when the intervals between meals are too long, or with diseases of the stomach that cause atony of the latter.

The latter is especially common in older dogs, but similar cases are not uncommon even in puppies. Dogs of all breeds are affected; no gender predisposition has been identified.

Symptoms and types

In general, you don’t need to deal with the symptoms for a long time: if a dog vomits bile in the mornings and evenings, then Clinical signs and without that it is obvious. But to make it easier for the veterinarian to subsequently determine what exactly caused this pathology, owners need to pay attention to the following:

  • Chronic intermittent vomiting containing bile.
  • As we said, happens in the morning or late evening/night. At the same time, the dog refuses to eat.
  • Gastrointestinal discomfort, which manifests itself in the dog’s inappropriate behavior: it whines, growls, and may even howl in pain.
  • Nausea: the dog tenses from time to time, looks “somewhere into the distance”, while the animal grunts, due to specific movements it seems that he is about to vomit.
  • Very often observed, caused by a serious disruption of the digestive process.
  • Since in severe cases the dog doesn't eat anything, she quickly develops symptoms of exhaustion: weight loss, sunken eyes, pallor of all visible mucous membranes. The wool becomes thin and brittle.

Read also: Trophic ulcers in dogs: causes, symptoms, treatment therapy

Important! If you notice a pet’s “passion” for eating grass (and after this the animal is guaranteed to vomit), then know that in this way he gets rid of the “garbage” accumulated in the stomach. It wouldn't hurt to take him to the vet.

Read also: Bacterial dermatitis in dogs: causes and treatment methods


The owner must inform the veterinarian of all the symptoms he observes. You need to remember whether your pet has suffered from at least some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and also whether he ate something “wrong” in Lately(chicken bones, for example). It is very important to remember exactly when the vomiting appeared, and after what exactly it happened.

The veterinarian will perform a complete examination of your pet. A complete urine sample is required, since the data obtained from this helps to identify severe diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

As a rule, vomiting often accompanies many infectious diseases, which are quite accurately determined during the tests described above. If nothing can be reliably determined, the veterinarian resorts to radiographic and ultrasound examination abdominal cavity sick animal. It is important to note that before an X-ray examination, it is imperative to feed the dog barium gruel: this way, cases of gastrointestinal blockage, gastrointestinal atony, etc. can be easily identified. In addition, gastroendoscopy is indicated.

Therapeutic techniques

In cases where the root cause has not been determined, the specialist will carry out symptomatic treatment. If the problem is hyperacid gastritis, medications are prescribed to lower the acidity level. Medicines that relieve spasms of smooth muscles are also prescribed. N and at first the dog may be shown drugs like regular activated carbon or Smecta, which minimize damage caused to the mucous membrane of the organ coming from thin section intestines with bile.

In most cases, dogs respond well to treatment. It is only important to remember that your pet will need quite a long therapy, which does not need to be interrupted. The decision on the duration of treatment should only be made by a veterinarian. Note that in many cases, vomiting in dogs is due to the fact that they are given a single dose of food on an empty stomach. a large number of food. It is because of this that many experienced breeders strongly discourage feeding working dogs once a day.

Vomiting in a dog is very common and can have many causes. This reaction of the body does not always indicate that the animal has health problems. But all owners should know what to look for, how to help the animal and what medicine to give the dog.

Why does the dog feel sick? Repeated nausea may be the cause of some kind of illness, but if the vomiting is slight and one-time, then this should not bother the owner much. In some cases, the animal itself causes a gag reflex - this is necessary in order to improve digestion after overeating and to reduce heaviness in the stomach. If you notice that your animal eats a lot of grass while walking, you should check it for the presence of worms.

Puppy nausea may simply be regurgitation of mother's milk.

In some cases this is defense mechanism, which rids the pet of toxic or inedible substances that have entered the stomach, this phenomenon may need to be treated. Vomiting yellow foam or blood should alert you.

What precedes vomiting?

Your pet, unfortunately, cannot tell you what is happening to it and complain about its health, so the owner can understand that something is wrong with the animal based on some signs. Just like in humans, a dog experiences nausea before vomiting; you can learn about this by observing the animal. It begins to lick its face frequently, does not eat, and refuses water. Then appears heavy salivation, anxiety, movements become chaotic. Most often you can hear her stomach growling and belching is possible. In most cases, the animal will experience constipation or diarrhea before this happens.

Do not confuse vomiting and regurgitation. In the first case, this is already digested slurry, and in the second, it is the removal of excess that has not yet had time to undergo processing.

Etiology of the phenomenon

The causes of vomiting in dogs can be different, most often it appears in the following cases:

  1. Binge eating. As a rule, this reason concerns puppies. A puppy vomits if its owner gives it more food than it should. Babies still cannot stop eating food in time and eat everything in the bowl.
  2. Viral and infectious diseases - plague, tuberculosis, parainfluenza, enteritis and others.
  3. Chronic diseases.
  4. Helminthiasis. If the body has helminthic infestation, then nausea may be associated with waste products of worms.
  5. Oily or junk food. The pet may have eaten garbage or waste, which can lead to obstruction.
  6. If an adult dog or a puppy has diarrhea and vomiting, then this may be kidney failure, in which case an ammonia smell is felt from the animal’s mouth.
  7. A dog can also vomit if it has allergies, especially food allergies.
  8. The reason may lie in overheating if the dog for a long time been in the sun and did not drink water, heat stroke may occur.
  9. Foreign objects could get into the stomach - a stone, a bone, a toy. In this case, the dog coughs when vomiting, and scratches may be visible on the pharyngeal mucosa.
  10. The cause of nausea may be toxins - pesticides, medicines, rat poison and so on.
  11. A dog vomits due to diseases of the central nervous system.
  12. Vomiting in a puppy can be caused by stress (for example, new owners). In an adult animal, this can provoke a move to a new place.
  13. The acute form of tracheobronchitis can also be accompanied by vomiting.

But still, the most common cause remains gastrointestinal diseases. Peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, gastritis, cholecystitis, hepatic colic and so on. At the same time, the pet becomes very sick, this phenomenon occurs on an empty stomach in the morning or immediately after eating, pain appears in the stomach. All this can lead to stomach bleeding.

Vomiting with foam

Foaming in dogs causes great concern for owners. White foam vomiting is sometimes explained by physiological factors. Some time after eating, it passes through the gastrointestinal tract, while the stomach remains empty and so that its walls do not corrode gastric juice, mucus is produced, which envelops the stomach. This mucus consists of polysaccharides and proteins, and if the animal vomits a white foamy mass, then there is no reason to worry. A single urge of this nature does not require treatment, but if it recurs, you should contact a veterinarian.

If a dog vomits white foam in the morning on an empty stomach, then one should suspect problems with the gallbladder. In principle, this condition is not considered a pathology. If this happens no more than once every 10 days, then there is no need to worry. If your dog vomits foam more often than once every 7-10 days, you should consult a specialist.

But yellow vomiting in a dog is a sign of a serious illness. This is a signal of pathologies of the liver, gall bladder, and gastrointestinal tract. It will not be possible to figure out the reasons at home; you need to take her to the clinic.

This is especially necessary if the dog is vomiting bile and yellow foam.

This could be hepatitis, cholecystitis, piroplasmosis.

However, sometimes a dog vomits yellow foam after eating grass intensively, thus eliminating it from the body. toxic substances and cleanses the stomach. Once the disorder digestive tract will pass, the dog will not consume large quantities of grass, and the yellow vomit will stop. But in this case, the dog does not vomit bile.

Vomiting blood

Blood is a bad sign in any form: in urine, feces, etc. The reasons why a dog is vomiting blood can be as follows:

What to do if your dog is vomiting blood? If this symptom does not go away for some time, then a veterinary consultation is necessary, but if such nausea was caused by a sharp bone, then after some time everything should return to normal. If a dog has diarrhea with blood, then this is either poisoning or serious illness, which only a veterinarian can diagnose. In rare cases, this may be a reaction to taking antispasmodics or analgesics.

Puppy vomiting

Pathological vomiting in a puppy occurs for the same reasons as in an adult. There are several more reasons: congenital pathologies development, milk quality.

Since the puppy’s body is not strong, many medications can worsen its condition and even lead to fatal outcome, therefore, treatment of puppies should be carried out under strict supervision veterinarian.

What to do?

What to do if a dog is vomiting is best explained by a veterinarian; the owner should stop panicking and try to think rationally. If the nausea is pathological, you need to go to the veterinarian; if this is physiologically explainable, then you can simply observe the pet’s condition. You should not scold an animal for not controlling itself; you should not punish your pet for what it has done.

It is advisable to record the amount of vomit, its color, contents, and clearly formulate all the symptoms that have occurred recently. With such data, it will be easier for the veterinarian to assess the situation and help the animal.

You cannot try to correct the situation on your own. If a dog is vomiting, only a veterinarian can prescribe treatment.

Vomiting is a cleansing of the body, so it is not recommended to feed your pet for 6–8 hours after. Give some water too; it’s better to offer the animal ice cubes. If within a couple of hours there is no more vomiting, then you can give the dog broth (low-fat) and water.

Diagnosis and treatment

If vomiting continues and you take your pet to the clinic, then you need to do an ultrasound of the peritoneum, an x-ray, donate blood for general analysis. Most often, Cerucal is prescribed for the treatment of pathological vomiting; Papaverine or No-shpa is prescribed to relieve spasms. If the body is dehydrated, an IV with glucose and Ringer's solution is given. If nausea is caused by poisoning, Smecta, activated carbon or Polysorb are prescribed.

Verokol is often prescribed - homeopathic remedy, which is used as first aid.

Treatment of pathology should be entrusted to a specialist, because that’s what veterinary clinics exist for. And the best thing a loving owner can do is to be with the pet in difficult times and support during procedures.

Every owner is scared when their dog vomits white foam. Today we will figure out how dangerous it is, what the reasons are, and how you can help your pet. Just in case, we remind you that if the animal’s condition is generally normal, he drinks and plays, then you can postpone visiting the veterinarian and observe. But if you notice a depressed state, drowsiness, complete refusal of water and food along with vomiting, then immediately take your pet for examination to a veterinary clinic. If possible, leave him in a day hospital so that the doctor can observe the animal’s condition himself.

The dog is vomiting, symptoms

It must be clearly understood that if a dog vomits white foam, then this is not a disease, but only a symptom that indicates certain diseases. A dog that is vomiting will often act restless. She hides in the far corner, under the bed, licks her lips, and is drooling. But nausea does not always end with vomiting.

If a dog vomits white foam, this is not the worst thing that can happen. The animal burps one or more times. If the stomach is empty, then we see exactly foam. At the same time, if you know what the dog ate today, then you can calm down. This means that the food was digested normally, and the stomach, protecting itself from digestion of its own walls, regurgitated. Just watch how your pet feels next. If this is just a one-time symptom, then you can completely calm down.

Prophylactic vomiting

Vomiting itself is only a protective mechanism that is designed to save lives in the event of consuming low-quality food or the need to cleanse the body of toxins in case of a viral disease. If a dog vomits white foam, this is most often a variant of the norm, unless it begins to recur periodically. Only in this case can we talk about problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

In general, animals feel their bodies more subtly. If a dog, in a fit of greed, eats more food than it should, the body itself will regulate this process, causing partial emptying of the stomach. Females feed young puppies with semi-digested food, regurgitating it little by little. So vomiting can occur in completely healthy animals and does not imply any pathologies.

Pathological vomiting

Most often it occurs against the background of various systemic diseases. In this case, at the first stage the dog vomits white foam with mucus, and then other symptoms are added to this. Pathological vomiting does not protect the animal’s body, but, on the contrary, aggravates the course of the disease. Therefore, pathological vomiting necessarily requires treatment. If vomiting is observed after every meal, water, and even on a completely empty stomach, if the color of the vomit changes to gray, black, red, this indicates serious problems, which you cannot cope with without doctors. Such vomiting leads to severe dehydration and disruption of water and electrolyte balance. Without proper help, this can lead to a very quick death of the animal, especially if we are talking about a young puppy. In addition, constant vomiting leads to the inability to normally consume and assimilate nutrients. This leads to a gradual depletion of energy reserves and greatly reduces the likelihood of a successful outcome.

Diseases that cause vomiting

It should be noted that there are a great many causes of vomiting in a dog, so it is useless to treat it yourself. If a dog vomits white foam with mucus frequently or periodically, then we can conclude that the dog has gastritis. It can be primary or secondary, but, one way or another, it is a consequence of dietary disorders. In addition, frequent vomiting with foam can tell us about severe intoxication, indicate intestinal obstruction, and also foreign body in the animal's stomach. Be sure to record how many times, in what volume, and with what contents your dog vomits. This can be very important for making a diagnosis.

Vomiting may occur as a symptom gastrointestinal diseases, poisoning with low-quality feed, indicate intestinal volvulus, pancreatitis or colitis, hepatitis or infectious diseases. Among infectious and viral diseases there are also quite a lot of those that cause frequent vomiting. These are enteritis and hepatitis, plague, leptospirosis, coronavirus infection and many others. All these dog diseases are very difficult and require compulsory treatment from an experienced veterinarian.

Treatment of vomiting

One-time vomiting does not require treatment. However, if it is accompanied by signs of intoxication, then your pet’s life is in great danger. Such signs are general lethargy, the dog does not get up and does not eat, reacts poorly to external stimuli, and may fall into a coma. What to do if your dog is seriously ill (vomiting white foam)? Treatment must be prescribed and monitored by a doctor. First of all, these are droppers that will prevent intoxication from developing. Be sure to add vitamins and nutrients that can support the body and give it strength to fight the disease.


It is easier to prevent any disease than to treat it, because there is nothing worse than watching your dog suffer (vomiting, not eating). Prevention can be proper feeding and keeping the animal. Meals should be balanced and regular. In addition, it is necessary to carry out vaccinations and deworming on time and exclude ingestion foreign objects. Take your dog for a preventive examination at least once every three months.

Vomit with grass

Most often, the very first sign of the development of the disease is nausea. Then the dog vomits white foam. We have already discussed the reasons, but most often this still indicates problems of the gastrointestinal tract. This is when the dog begins to heal on its own. She eats grass and regurgitates the contents, so she cleanses the body and allows it to get rid of toxins. If this helps, then the animal begins to eat normally again and the vomiting stops.

Vomiting blood

But this is already warning sign. If after several times the vomiting changes from white foam to bloody foam, this indicates a rupture of the stomach by a sharp object that has entered it. Hospitalization is required immediately. The doctor must examine the animal and quickly carry out everything possible operations for his salvation. Most likely, the help of a surgeon will be required.

Let's sum it up

Vomiting white foam is not particularly alarming symptom, but when it appears, you need to place the animal under close observation. If the symptom does not recur, then everything is fine. But if you see that the animal’s condition is deteriorating, then you cannot hesitate. That is why future dog owners need to think carefully about whether they have the time, financial capabilities and desire to act adequately in emergency situations. After all, an animal can get sick at any moment, and only you can help it.