Corvalol helps against herpes. Corvalol for herpes on the lips: effectiveness and methods of application. Contraindications and restrictions

Today, there are many types of herpes on the lips. various means. One of them is Corvalol. It is a medicinal product that contains mint and ethanol, as well as the substance phenobarbital and ethyl bromizovalerant. Due to the action of alcohol and mint, a healing and antiseptic effect is formed.

Although the medication is intended for other purposes, it is often used to eliminate herpes virus infection, because due to the action of its components it occurs fast process healing of an itchy wound.


Pathology can be cured if you approach it wisely, following the advice of a doctor. Corvalol is often prescribed for herpes, as it localizes the source of inflammation and prevents the virus from spreading to other areas of the skin, accelerating the healing process.

If you start using the medicine in the early stages of the infection, its use will prevent the formation of wounds with painful blisters. In cases where an ulcer or blister has already appeared on the lip, the drug is also effective. Thanks to its drying and antiseptic properties, the affected area heals faster (it can cauterize the wound, and it will not grow).

Doctors prescribe cauterization of rashes even on the mucous membrane with Corvalol oral cavity. This is due to the fact that it is hypoallergenic and goes well with other medications.


  1. Cauterization with a solution is carried out every 2 hours until all symptoms disappear. This way the bubbles don't spread.
  2. The substance is also used in tablets. To do this, first grind the tablet to a powder state and then stir it in a glass of water. The resulting mixture is applied to the herpetic rash. Use several times a day, also until all signs disappear.


Like every drug, Corvalol has contraindications:

  • intolerance to one of the components of the substance;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • renal and liver failure.

Is it possible to use Corvalol for herpes? At first glance, this question may seem strange, because this medicine is known to everyone as a remedy for nervous disorders and heart problems. However, the Internet is replete with positive reviews about the use of this drug as a means of combating the external manifestations of the herpes virus.

Corvalol - composition and action

The composition of Corvalol is very simple. It contains:

  • ethanol;
  • phenobarbital;
  • peppermint;
  • ethyl bromoisovalerate.

None of the components are used to combat viral, bacterial and fungal infections. The exception is, perhaps, alcohol - it is a good disinfectant.

The main active component of Corvalol is ethyl bromizovalerianate. This substance relieves smooth muscle spasms, characteristic of most internal organs, creates a relaxing and calming effect.

Phenobarbital is classified as a hypnotic component that acts on certain parts of the brain, relieving excitement in the brain. nerve centers. Due to this targeted effect, phenobarbital cannot be considered a sedative. This is really a substance that only helps you fall asleep.

To the greatest extent, after alcohol, treatment of herpes with Corvalol can be carried out using peppermint oil. It has both an irritating and cooling effect. If taken orally, it irritates the nerve endings in the mouth, causing a cold sensation. At the same time, peppermint helps relieve spasms, dilate blood vessels in the brain and coronary vessels that nourish the heart. This oil is an excellent antiseptic, which, in combination with alcohol, increases Corvalol’s ability to fight bacterial and fungal infections, which always appear on areas of the skin weakened by the action of the virus.

So the rumors that the “heart” drug Corvalol helps fight herpes are not without foundation.

The effect of Corvalol on the manifestations of herpes

Corvalol is most often used against herpes on the lips. To do this, a piece of cotton wool or gauze needs to be soaked in the medicine. The cotton wool is applied directly to the swollen blister. The purpose of this application is to cauterize the affected area. To do this, it is enough to hold the cotton wool with Corvalol on the wound for no more than 5 minutes. This brevity of the effect is compensated by the frequency of the procedure, because you need to cauterize as often as possible, at least 6-7 times a day.

Corvalol is used as aid at complex therapy herpes. It is designed to accelerate the rupture of the blister and the regeneration of skin tissue. It is usually used in the following cases:

However, it is not entirely correct to explain the effect of Corvalol on herpes only by the drying effect. Peppermint oil plays a big role here. Her local action is to soften tissues tightened by viral transformation, relieve spastic phenomena in skin, ensure a flow of blood to the affected areas.

Precautions and contraindications

Despite the fact that Corvalol is sold in pharmacies without prescriptions, this drug is not entirely harmless. With frequent use, bromine accumulates in the human body in very high concentrations. This has a destructive effect on the brain and liver, creates a feeling of intoxication, inhibits behavioral response, causes dizziness, weakness and anxiety.

In small doses or with short-term use, bromine has time to be eliminated from the body without causing any harm to it. So, if you do not abuse this product orally, you can use it for skin treatment without fear for your health.

When treating herpes with Corvalol, the following troubles are possible:

  • the appearance of a burn or dry crusts on the skin when holding a cotton swab with Corvalol for a long time;
  • manifestation of an allergy to the components of the drug - the likelihood of an allergic reaction to mint oil is especially high;
  • a feeling of sedative and hypnotic effects when inhaling Corvalol vapor from a cotton wool located on the upper lip.

All these consequences appear infrequently, but it is still necessary to prepare for their occurrence. Skin treatment should be carried out taking into account individual sensitivity. Cannot be processed upper lip during periods when you need to drive a car or carry out other work that requires concentration.

Many people face such a problem as rashes in the form of ulcers and blisters on the lips.

This is how a common infectious disease makes itself felt.

The disease itself can be present in the body for a very long time without making itself known.

However, under the influence of unfavorable factors (hypothermia, stress, colds) the herpes virus is activated and manifests itself in the form of the above and the mucous membrane of the lips.

Exists a large number of various for the treatment of this disease, but few people realize that ordinary Corvalol will help cope with the disease.

What is the benefit of the product?

Corvalol is combination drug, containing phenobarbital, peppermint extract and ethyl alcohol. This medicine has gained immense popularity as a sedative and sedative. In addition, it has a moderate vasodilator property, therefore it is also used in therapy initial stage arterial hypertension.

Of course, in official instructions There is no information that Corvalol can be used to treat skin rashes. However, many years of practice show that this drug is very effective in this regard.

The active ingredients of the medicine have an excellent antiseptic effect, so it perfectly helps to stop the process of early stages, prevent the development of symptoms and avoid bacterial complications in rashes characterized by the appearance of ulcers and open wounds on the skin and mucous membranes.

Its effectiveness in the treatment of viral diseases

You must understand that this drug is not an antiviral drug in its essence, therefore it does not have any effect on the herpes pathogen. Positive effect in therapy of this disease is to promote the healing of blisters and ulcers at the site of the rash. Mint extract, which is part of Corvalol, helps relieve itching and swelling on the lips, and ethyl alcohol, which is a disinfectant, localizes the inflammatory process.

It is important to use the product at the very initial stage, which will allow you to achieve the maximum effect from its use and prevent the formation of ulcers and blisters. With all this, this drug cannot be an alternative to special antiviral agents. It is permissible to use it only when receiving specific treatment is not possible, or as an additional method of therapy, along with, say, the same, since its active ingredients practically do not provide negative effects in case of drug interactions with other drugs.

Corvalol is available in two forms - tablets and drops. To treat herpes, drops are used, which, in in this case, applied externally. Tablets are less convenient, but if the medicine is not available in liquid form, they should be ground to a powder, mixed with a small amount of water and used in the same way as drops.

Typically, a relapse of herpes from the very beginning manifests itself in the form of slight swelling, itching and swelling of the lips. During this period, the affected areas should be lubricated with a cotton swab soaked in the composition. This measure will help avoid the appearance of well-known ones. If they do appear, then they are cauterized in the same way. Along with the use of antiviral ointments, Corvalol helps to disinfect wounds, and also, thanks to its drying effect, promotes a speedy recovery. This procedure should be repeated every 3-4 hours until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear.

It is known that before applying any ointment used to treat herpes, the affected area must be disinfected, crusts removed, and hygienic treatment carried out. Corvalol is excellent for this purpose - in combination with the same, this method of treating the disease will bring a quick effect.

The undeniable advantage of this product in the treatment of herpes is that it can also be used for rinsing, since the disease affects not only visible areas on the lips, but also. The use of ointments does not solve this problem.

The following conditions and diseases are contraindications to the external use of Corvalol:

  1. Individual intolerance to any component of the drug.
  2. Lactation period.
  3. Childhood.

When using Corvalol externally, you may experience by-effect in the form of dryness and irritation of the skin and mucous membranes. This is due to the presence of ethyl alcohol in the drug. Possible allergic reactions, especially the phenobarbital included in the drug.

Doctors do not usually prescribe this medicine to treat herpes. It’s understandable, it’s in the instructions for medical use nothing is said about the possibility of external use of the drug. However, the positive effect that occurs when using Corvalol to treat herpes is not denied by the medical community. Therefore, the treatment of a disease with this remedy should be considered as an element of folk, alternative medicine. At the same time, there is no documented information that this drug, when used externally for therapy skin rashes caused any harm.

So, the main advantages of the drug are:

  1. Availability - it is sold in any pharmacy without a prescription and is almost always available in home medicine cabinet.
  2. Low price.
  3. Safe when used correctly.
  4. Possibility of combination with other drugs.
  5. Antiseptic and soothing effect on affected areas.

Treatment during pregnancy

The instructions for medical use of Corvalol indicate that the drug should not be taken during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. This is due to the fact that it contains ethyl alcohol and phenobarbital. The last component, belonging to the group of barbiturates, can have a significant negative impact for the fruit.

However, this applies to taking Corvalol orally. As for the external use of the drug, there are no reliable clinical trials was not carried out in this case. Absent and established medical practice Prescribing Corvalol to pregnant women for the treatment of herpes. Considering that phenobarbital has a pronounced teratogenic property, and ethyl alcohol easily penetrates into the systemic bloodstream, you should refrain from using the drug externally during pregnancy.

What do people say about external use of the product?

Judging by the reviews from the patients themselves who use the drug to get rid of ulcers and rashes on the lips, most of them are positive. There is a small proportion of negative impressions of treatment due to the fact that this method didn't solve the problem. At the same time strictly negative reviews about Corvalol, there is no evidence from patients indicating, say, a worsening of the condition after taking it.

We have selected several useful reviews about the treatment of herpes with Corvalol:

I am periodically bothered by various itchy blisters and crusts. I usually use proven antiviral drugs to eliminate unpleasant symptoms. But one day they weren’t at hand, and a friend advised me to do cauterization with Corvalol. I was surprised, because I know that this medicine is used mainly by heart patients and hypertensive patients. However, there is nothing to do - I took the advice. Indeed, almost immediately after the procedure, my itching and discomfort went away, and the rashes became noticeably smaller. Now I keep a remedy in my first aid kit just in case.

Rose, Kazan

During cold periods, I often have . I read on the Internet that cheap Corvalol can be used to treat it. To be honest, I didn’t feel any effect. Maybe I was treated incorrectly somehow. Don't know.

Sergey, Astrakhan

- an unpleasant disease, during a relapse it causes many discomfort. Itching, pain, burning, and simply the aesthetic unattractiveness of the rashes themselves force you to look for proven and effective remedy to get rid of these symptoms. Of course, modern antivirals like Acyclovir, they fight the disease very effectively. However, a drug such as Corvalol can also help with herpes. It is important to remember that it cannot be the only treatment option unless there are no alternatives. In the composition complex treatment This medicine has a really good effect.

Herpes... What could be more unpleasant? Pain, itching, unsightly watery blisters. Crusts on the lips that crack until they bleed when you smile or try to eat. And if there is also an important event coming up, then a person, because of a small sore, falls into a real panic, using any methods just to get rid of it. Some of them are quite unexpected. So, Corvalol for herpes is one of the most popular.

Action of Corvalol

In general, Corvalol, like its foreign relative Valocordin, are sedatives. They are used in an overexcited state, when you need to calm your nerves a little, or if you can’t sleep. The drug is available in the form of drops, tablets for oral administration and resorption under the tongue. Corvalol for herpes on the lip is used in the form of drops.

This remedy is little known outside the countries of the post-Soviet space, since it contains a number of substances that have a psychotropic effect. In Europe or America, such drugs are either completely prohibited or severely limited on sale.

In our country, due to its cheapness and availability, Corvalol is found in almost every home. It was once even used to treat severe depression, but it is now believed that regular use can lead to serious cognitive and neurological impairment. Moreover, the drug is addictive.

Corvalol and herpes

A reasonable question arises, how sedative with such an ambiguous reputation, can it help with “colds”? However, Corvalol for herpes on the lips is used by many, and reviews on the Internet will not leave anyone indifferent. How is this result achieved?

Let's examine the composition of the drug.

It is based on alcohol, of which the product contains 96%. It also includes:

  • valerian essential oil;
  • phenobarbital;
  • caustic soda;
  • peppermint oil;
  • water.

Effective treatment of herpes with Corvalol is achieved using alcohol. Essential mint oil also plays a small role, as it soothes, relieves burning sensation, and has a slight bactericidal effect. But there is so little mint in the composition that you can’t rely on its effect alone. The main task of eradicating the infection lies with alcohol.

So, here's what alcohol does to herpes:

Especially good results gives Corvalol against herpes on initial stage diseases. If you start lubricating the problem area with it before the rash appears, then most likely they will not appear.

Efficacy of Corvalol

Whether Corvalol helps against herpes, you can only be sure by using it on yourself. After all, everyone knows: what is effective for some, does not bring any benefit to others. Having studied the above, you can seriously think about the meaning of using medicine, which is intended for completely different purposes.

And you'll be right.

We have already said that the main active ingredient of Corvalol, which helps against herpes, is alcohol. Unfortunately, alcohol does not affect the virus itself. Yes, it cauterizes the rash and speeds up the drying process. viral infection however, it continues to remain active. Nothing prevents her from appearing again, unless the immune system will not overcome her.

Treatment of herpes zoster. Memo

How to use Corvalol for herpes

Despite everything, the answer to the question whether it is possible to cauterize herpes with Corvalol is affirmative. Yes, you can do this. They are allowed to lubricate rashes not only on the skin, but also on the mucous membranes. Avoid the eye area.

They are not difficult to treat. It is enough to lubricate the sore with the product several times a day. Tablets are not suitable for this purpose, since our goal is to cauterize the rash with alcohol. For this reason, it is not recommended to use Corvalol for extensive lesions or deep ulcers. Firstly, alcohol will cause severe pain, and secondly, on the contrary, it will slow down the process of skin regeneration.

You should also remember that this product dries out the skin very much, so when using it on your lips, do not forget to lubricate them with something greasy afterwards. For example, sea ​​buckthorn oil, which also copes well with herpetic rash at its final stage.

Video. The doctor is speaking!

If your goal is not just to get rid of symptoms, but to defeat the infection, then it is better to abandon Corvalol. For the treatment of herpes, there are a sufficient number of drugs that can for a long time save you from relapses. They include acyclovir, famciclovir and valacyclovir. For frequent relapses, ointments and tablets with these active ingredients capable of performing miracles. And don’t forget to monitor your immune system. After all, the effectiveness of any treatment depends on it.

I have 8 years of experience in medicine. I provide full qualified assistance to patients who apply for acute and chronic skin diseases any etiology. I constantly attend scientific international conferences and symposia in order to improve professional level, I regularly take certification courses in my specialty.

Rashes in the form of papules filled with liquid on the face and other parts of the body are signs of the herpes simplex virus, which can affect people of any gender and age. Medicine does not yet know methods that would help get rid of the pathogen completely, but there are drugs that can localize foci of infection and prevent their spread throughout the skin.

Corvalol for herpes is a fairly common remedy that is recommended for use at the very beginning of the disease. By treating the rash at home, it will be possible to stop the activity of the virus and introduce it into a latent state.

How does it affect the virus?

The effectiveness of Corvalol against the herpes simplex virus, which manifests itself on the lips, is explained by the presence of the following substances in the medication:

  • ethyl alcohol;
  • a-bromoisovaleric acid ester;
  • phenobarbital;
  • peppermint oil.

Corvalol against herpes can be used both topically (externally) and internally. Due to the combination of ingredients, the drug has an antispasmodic and sedative effect on the patient’s body. Excitement is relieved nervous system, sleep is restored. The unpleasant symptoms of herpes – itching, burning and pain – disappear. Wounds treated with the medication dry out and protective crusts quickly form.

Since mint extracts and alcohol have a pronounced antiseptic and healing effect, the addition of a secondary infection that occurs when scratching or injuring herpes blisters is excluded.

When taken orally, the drug does not have a direct effect on the pathogen, but significantly alleviates the patient’s condition, stopping the negative manifestations of infection in areas of the body and mucous membranes, when used externally.

Features of treatment

In pharmacies, the medicine can be purchased in two forms: in the form of drops or tablets. The latter allow you to improve general state person, for local treatment solutions are used.

Corvalol for herpes on the lips

The product showed good effectiveness in eliminating symptoms. It is recommended to use it immediately after itching in the lips or the appearance of the first blisters. To avoid the development of rashes, you need to moisten a cotton pad with Corvalol and apply it to the sore spot. The lotion is held for 15 minutes.

The use of the solution should not be too frequent - it is enough to cauterize 4-5 times a day.

If the medicine in the form of drops is not available in your home medicine cabinet, you can also use tablets. To do this, the product is crushed into powder and diluted with water to a pasty state. Then apply the substance to a cotton pad and apply it to the affected areas of the skin and mucous membranes. In addition, you can apply a thin layer of medicine to the sore area using cotton swab. The procedure is repeated until the symptoms of herpes completely disappear, 2 times a day - morning and evening.

If the disease has already entered the third stage, characterized by the transformation of blisters into ulcers, it is necessary to use complex drug therapy.

Corvalol for herpes on other parts of the body

The medication can be used to treat rashes in the oral cavity. To do this, the sore spots are cauterized with the solution several times a day. But the drug has the greatest effect when treating the skin of the body in open areas: lips, limbs, abdomen, etc. The use of drops or a tablet-based solution helps eliminate rashes within 3-4 days.


Despite the prevalence of the drug among the population, it has a number of contraindications. Treatment of herpes by taking Corvalol drops orally should be avoided.