How to get rid of lice at home, and whether it is worth etching parasites with kerosene and vinegar. The child has lice - what to do? What to do if lice are found in a child? Treatment with folk remedies How to quickly get rid of lice

An alarm bell, which may indicate the presence of head lice, may be constant itching of the scalp (especially the occipital region).

The most accurate answer to the question of whether there are lice in the hair can be given by a comb with fine teeth and an ordinary sheet of white paper. You need to bend your head over the paper laid out on the table, and using a comb, carefully, strand by strand, comb out your hair.

What remains on paper after the procedure must be carefully considered, preferably with a magnifying glass. This way you can be sure that lice are absent or present.
You should also carefully examine your hair for the presence of nits. Nits are lice eggs that females attach to their hair with a special adhesive secretion they produce. You cannot shake off nits from your hair, nor can you remove them by regular shampooing.

What to do if a child is ill with head lice?

The question of how to get rid of lice in children is very often asked on forums for parents. This interest in the problem is far from accidental, because every year, especially from the beginning of August to the end of September, there is a peak of infestation with head lice, as evidenced by doctors.

If lice were found in a child, then you do not need to blindly follow the advice given in various forums, since this or that remedy (for example, the well-known kerosene) can cause allergies in the child, lead to skin damage and serious health consequences. You should not experiment with folk remedies, many of which are far from safe for children. They will not always be able to help the child, but harm is quite easy. It is best to consult with a specialist who will help you choose the most effective and at the same time mild remedy for treating a child.

Advice!Sometimes the most effective way to get rid of lice in children is a short haircut, because it is much easier to remove insects from short hair.

How to get rid of lice and nits: traditional remedies

Kerosene for lice

Some parents try to rid their child of lice using an old grandmother's remedy - kerosene. Experts strongly discourage trying to treat pediculosis with kerosene in children. This remedy can not only cause poisoning in the child, but also lead to burns of the scalp, because it is an oily liquid, which is very difficult to wash off completely from the hair. At the same time, kerosene is a flammable agent, and it should be used with extreme caution.

Benzyl benzoate

This is a fairly effective remedy, which has long established itself as effective and affordable, however, it cannot be used with a tendency to allergic reactions and in the presence of pustular formations on the scalp.

When using benzyl benzoate, it is applied to the hair, distributing it carefully along the entire length, wrapping the head with a towel and rinse off after 30 minutes with running water. After treatment, the hair must be dried and combed out with a special comb.


Vinegar is a very effective remedy, and can be excellent in the fight against head lice, besides, unlike kerosene, it is not flammable. For the procedure, you need to take in equal proportions 9% table vinegar and water. Treat the hair with the resulting solution, wrap it up and rinse with water after an hour. Combing out nits and dead lice after such a procedure is imperative.

Tar soap

This product is especially suitable for the treatment of head lice in children, as well as pregnant and lactating women, as it does not contain harsh chemicals that can harm health. It is necessary to use tar soap several times to achieve maximum results, since one treatment of the head is unlikely to lead to the desired effect.

Many are scared off by the specific smell that is inherent in tar soap, however, you should know that it quickly disappears and is not absorbed into the hair. To be on the safe side, you can rinse your hair after washing with herbal decoction or lemon juice solution.

Advice!All family members should be treated for head lice at the same time, even if only one of them is infected.

Modern remedies for head lice

In addition to traditional means of dealing with head lice, there are many effective modern drugs that allow you to get rid of lice in the shortest possible time.

Modern products are made on the basis of:

  • permethrin;
  • malathion;
  • piperonyl butoxide;
  • dimethicone.

Advice!It is worth remembering that none, even the most effective remedy, guarantees 100% getting rid of lice after just one treatment. That is why it is worth checking the hair for insects some time after the procedure and repeating the treatment again.

What to do after the lice and nits are completely eradicated?

After the treatment for lice has been performed, and there are no living insects and nits in the hair, you should not relax, it's time to take measures that completely exclude re-infection with head lice.

By carrying out these simple measures, you can completely eliminate the risk that insects that survived after treatment will re-attack family members.

After reading this article to the end, you will learn how you can completely get rid of lice and nits at home within literally 1-2 days. Moreover, not a single insect and nits will remain in the hair, even when various other means have proved to be ineffective.

Why is this happening?

“I just don’t have the strength, help! My daughter and I have lice. For six months they have already tried everything - and Nyuda, and Paranit, and Fulmarx, and smeared with kerosene. Nothing helps! Sometimes there are no lice when combing out, and after a week they are crawling again from nowhere. The itching is incredible and the scratching is already bloody. But cutting your hair is a shame, it will be a disaster for us. I just don't know what to do ... I'm sorry for my daughter. "

Natalia, St. Petersburg

Why do attempts to get rid of lice very often end in complete failure?

It's no secret that when they find lice in themselves (or a child), most people first rush to the pharmacy. They buy some pediculicidal agent there, use it and calm down on this, believing that now you can forget about lice.

The second problem is that practically no pharmaceutical remedy for lice kills nits - insecticides are simply not able to penetrate through the dense protective shell of the nits inside. And this means that after a while after applying the remedy, young lice larvae will hatch from the nits.

“Lice were picked up at school. When they noticed, there were still few of them. My son and I looked on the Internet, bought Pedikulen, processed it. There were no lice, but the nits remained. When you crush them, they click, which means they are alive. Worked and combed out thoroughly three times. And what do you think? A month has passed, the head is not only full of live nits, but also the lice are crawling again. That's terrible!"

Almira, Samara

Despite the large number of accidents, many people, unfortunately, are still trying to remove lice with dangerous folk remedies - kerosene, acetic acid and even Dichlorvos.

You ask, how can it be dangerous?

Watch a video about how a mother accidentally set her daughter on fire while trying to get her lice out with kerosene:

And this is just one example. Many children received chemical burns when their parents tried to remove their lice by eye with dilute acetic acid.

When using Dichlorvos, the poison is simply absorbed into the bloodstream through wounds on the head and often leads to poisoning and severe allergic reactions, when literally the hair from the head falls out in clumps and is washed off with water along with the remnants of Dichlorvos applied to them into the sink.

On a note

Combing out lice and nits with a fine comb in the hands of an inexperienced person is also ineffective, especially in the case of long hair. There are several reasons for this - improper combing and the inability to comb out efficiently for several hours. We missed a few nits - and in a month or two the head will again be infested with lice.

It may even seem incredible to some, but in fact, the problem with lice and nits is solved very simply.

Why condemn yourself to months of fruitless struggle with lice, with an unknown result and risk of harming your health (or the health of your child)? Why waste money every month on ineffective drugs?

On a note

Experts themselves will come to your home and are guaranteed to get rid of lice and nits in just one procedure, and will also give valuable advice on how to avoid re-infection so that you will never know any problems with lice in the future.

How does this happen:

  • It is enough to call the operator, tell the address and the convenient time and date of the specialist's arrival, and from that moment on your problem will be dealt with by professionals in their field;
  • The essence of the procedure is the guaranteed complete and safe removal of absolutely all lice and nits from the hair by combing out using a special technology;
  • The specialist usually arrives on the day of the order or the next if the order is placed in the evening;
  • No special preparation for the procedure is required - sit back and just wait for the arrival of a professional;
  • In addition to the procedure, the specialist will issue a leaflet, information from which will allow you not to get infected with lice again. In addition, the specialist will have a bug terminator for treating bedding and a spray to repel lice with him.

After the procedure, your hair will be absolutely clean and free of lice and nits! There won't even be dry nits.

If the procedure was carried out for a child, then the specialist will give you a certificate of the absence of lice and nits, with which the child can go to kindergarten or school on the same day.

Why is it worth trusting the specialists?

You will receive a highly professional service of getting rid of lice and nits with a specialist visit to your home.

Key benefits:

  • Highly professional specialists with medical education;
  • Great experience - thousands of people have already got rid of lice and have safely forgotten about this problem;
  • Safety of the procedure - when combing out lice, no chemical insecticidal preparations are used, as a result of which the technology used is absolutely safe for health and is perfect even for young children prone to strong allergic reactions;
  • Maximum high efficiency - after the procedure, there will be no lice and no nits in the hair, and even dry nits are completely removed;
  • A certificate of the absence of lice for the child is issued - with it, your child can go to kindergarten or school on the same day;
  • Operational work - the specialist arrives on the day of the order, that is, by the evening your head will be absolutely free of lice and nits. If the order is made in the evening, the specialist will arrive the next day;
  • Low price of services, especially when compared with how much money, time, nerves and efforts you can spend during the year on an unsuccessful war against lice;
  • Absolute confidentiality - do not be afraid that someone will find out about your problem;
  • A guarantee is provided - if during the warranty period you suddenly find at least one insect or one nit in your hair, the procedure will be carried out by a specialist free of charge (in practice, this is almost never required).

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 9 minutes


Such a disease as head lice (or, in Russian, simply "lice") is known, unfortunately, to many parents. And many are trying. Do not think that lice appear only in children from disadvantaged families. The wealth of parents and their care for the hygiene of the child, of course, will prevent many diseases. But infestation with head lice can occur completely unexpectedly: sometimes it is enough just to sit at the same desk with an already infected child.

What if a child brought this living creature in his hair from school or kindergarten? How to get rid of lice and nits quickly?

Causes of head lice. Where do lice come from?

  • Kindergarten and school.
  • Children's camps and sanatoriums.
  • Other common areas.
  • Using someone else's hats, combs, towels and other personal items.

Chemicals to combat head lice are prohibited for use in young children. In older children, they are used in accordance with the state of health. But it is worth remembering that no remedy for lice will have no effect without manual removal of nits .

You can use mousse to make combing easier. Neath Free... It dissolves the glue that holds the nits to the hair, making it much easier to remove nits and lice. If you did not manage to comb out lice and nits on your own, you can contact a specialized Pediculosis Assistance Center Lays Away. The center guarantees their elimination in one day without the use of toxic drugs. The period during which it is on the market, a large number of positive reviews, the provision of a guarantee and a free re-procedure indicate high efficiency and confidence in successful treatment.

How did you rid the child of lice and nits? Feedback from parents

- Both daughters caught this infection a couple of years ago. One brought one from school, and the other followed. I was just horrified. I didn't want to poison with chemistry. I went to the forums, read about vodka, decided to take a chance. What can I say - a super tool. The lice died immediately. The compress was kept for twenty minutes by the eldest, ten - by the youngest. Until the moment, until it starts to burn a little. The nits were combed out for another week. Thank God everything is gone. At school, no one learned anything (the girls were most afraid of this), because they were taken out very quickly. Cheap and cheerful. All nits were removed by hand. Every strand was checked.

- The son brought this infection from school, and also hooked the daughter. We have been fighting for the second month already. Children's hair is very thick, incredibly difficult to comb out. In the end, the son was simply cut for a typewriter, and the daughter was given a square. No other way. We tried it with nittifor, and cranberries, and mixed coffee with henna - nothing helps. That's terrible! Bought Nyuda. The matter was on the mend. There are no lice yet. We comb out the nits every day, there are less and less of them.

- Do not use kerosene, dust and dihlovos! Have pity on the health of the children (and yours too). There are a lot of funds today! Moreover, not a single remedy will remove nits from the hair, you still have to comb it out. Therefore, it is better to be as gentle as possible.

- Lice Guard helped us. An excellent set of shampoo and scallops. I did not even expect such an effect - they died, you bastards, immediately in batches during combing. They brought it out very quickly.

- Three months wasted on these lice! And tar soap, and dog shampoos for fleas, and Nyuda, and other means. Nothing! Tortured! The daughter's hair is long and thick. And she flatly refused to get a haircut. In general, at first they risked making a vodka compress - the lice died immediately. The nits were combed out for another week. Sealed the success with hair dyeing. Fortunately, the age already allows the daughter. We took the usual paint, Schwarzkop (Paulette). And that's all. Now everything is ok.

The surest way to kill lice and nits is to cut your hair and burn it so that insects don't have a chance to move to a new place of residence. This method is radical, but in some cases - for example, when lice are found in a man or a child with a short hair - it can be very useful.

Anti-lice drugs offered by the modern pharmaceutical industry can be divided into 4 types:

  1. shampoos;
  2. sprays;
  3. lotions;
  4. creams and ointments.

Which tool is better to buy

It is more usual to use shampoos, but the concentration of active substances in them is often lower than in sprays and lotions, several treatments may be required. The use of a spray involves outside help (someone must treat the victim's head while he sits with his eyes closed, while protecting the respiratory system from the smallest drops of the drug). In addition, sprays should not be used by asthmatics and allergy sufferers.

Lotions and ointments are the strongest of the options presented, so they are not recommended for children, people with sensitive skin or poor health.


Table 1. Popular pharmacy remedies for lice and nits

Shampoos Sprays Lotions, concentrates Creams and ointments

"Pedilin" Parasidose ("Parasidosis") "Hygia" Lice Guard "Nyuda" "Para Plus" "Paranit" "Full Marks" (Russia) "Pediculen Ultra" (Russia) "Medifox" "Foxilon" "Benzyl benzoate" "Avicin" Medilis Super Nittifor (cream) Benzyl benzoate (ointment) Nix (cream)

Special cases

The treatment of pediculosis in children raises the most questions. The main rule here is caution. If the child has lice, ideally, you should consult with the doctor (he will prescribe the most suitable remedy) and notify the school nurse.

For the treatment of children, it is advisable to choose drugs that do not contain insecticides, but act “mechanically” - for example, due to viscous dimethicone. When choosing a product, be sure to see the instructions - there are age restrictions and contraindications, compositional features.

Folk remedies, especially toxic and flammable, are categorically not recommended to use to get rid of children from head lice!

What to do with lice on long hair

The procedure will cost a pretty penny, because you will need a much larger amount of the active agent than for the owners of a short haircut. But, no matter how great the temptation to save, you should not use dubious cheap products: spoiling the hair that you have grown for several years will be much more offensive than spending additional funds on your own health.

Folk remedies

Medicine was not always as accessible as it is now, so we inherited a lot of recipes and folk remedies with which you can quickly get rid of lice at home. Some of them are still used now, but almost all of them are either ineffective or pose a serious health hazard.

Lice and mustard

This method was often used in the post-war period, when other means were not available, and the problem of head lice was quite acute. To get rid of insects, you need to prepare a paste from 1 egg, a teaspoon of mustard and 100 ml of 9% table vinegar (for long hair, a larger volume will be required, but the proportions of the components must be maintained). The product should be applied to the hair, paying special attention to the scalp, and kept for three hours (preferably under a plastic cap). If your head bakes a lot, you will have to wash off the composition earlier. Next, you need to carefully comb out the lice and nits with a special comb.

Even if the folk remedy does not help completely remove the lice, a "consolation bonus" will be provided to you - the blood circulation of the scalp improves from the mustard mask, and the hair begins to grow intensively.

Lice and vinegar

Table vinegar was used in the fight against head lice because it is able to dissolve the sticky substance with which nits are attached to the hair, which makes it possible to comb them out after treatment. It will not be possible to completely get rid of lice with vinegar: having breathed in its vapors, the lice become lethargic and inactive, but do not die.

Vinegar against lice is used only in diluted form, otherwise burns and damage to hair cannot be avoided.

The "classic" option is how to remove lice and nits with vinegar at home: it is diluted in water in a 1: 2 ratio, the resulting solution is soaked in the hair (it is convenient to use a sponge or a small towel), wrap the head with plastic wrap and wait about an hour. After that, you need to carefully comb out the lice and nits with a fine comb and rinse your hair several times under running water. Then - wash your hair as usual, using your usual shampoo.

But the work is not over: the procedure will have to be repeated, and, most likely, more than once. At least 4 days must pass before the next "session".

Lice and herbs

On the basis of Lobel's hellebore, a well-known remedy is produced - hellebore water. It is with its help that it is often recommended to get rid of lice. The algorithm is simple: the liquid is applied with a cotton swab along the entire length of cleanly washed hair, wrapped around the head with polyethylene and wait half an hour. After that, the head must be washed again with regular shampoo and thoroughly combed out the dead insects and - if possible - nits.

Many people choose hellebore water because it is quite effective and at the same time it is inexpensive - no more than 70 rubles. However, this tool has significantly more disadvantages. Firstly, it is toxic, so it is categorically contraindicated for young children and people with poor health.

Secondly, the drug does not work on nits - after a week you will have to expose yourself to danger again, repeating the procedure. And thirdly, hellebore water is an alcoholic tincture, and therefore its effect on the hair and scalp leaves much to be desired.

Previously, other herbal folk remedies for head lice were also prepared in the villages - decoctions based on St. John's wort, larkspur, burdock, tansy, chamomile. These remedies are all natural, but not strong enough to get rid of lice quickly.

In the fight against head lice, lavender oil also helps - but only as a prophylactic agent. Lavender is a natural repellent: the essential oils of this plant repel many insects, including lice.

And a combination of several such funds can lead to unpredictable consequences. Do not forget that for all their seeming harmlessness, essential oils are very powerful drugs.

Burdock oil is not an essential oil, and therefore it is not dangerous to use it (unless, of course, you are allergic to burdock). It is used like this: it is applied in large quantities to the hair and scalp, kept under a plastic cap for at least an hour.


"Killing" chemistry, or what you shouldn't do

  • kerosene;
  • gasoline;
  • turpentine;
  • diesel fuel;
  • acetone;
  • dichlorvos;
  • dust soap;
  • "Talkers" based on benzyl benzoate.

It would seem that there is no need to explain why such toxic substances should not be applied to the hair and scalp. But with striking regularity in villages and towns (and even in large cities!), News reports about poisoning and spontaneous combustion during a session of "radical therapy" by similar methods appear.

Why not use the above tools

  • Turpentine, gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel and acetone are flammable liquids that can instantly ignite right on your head. In addition, none of them can be called safe for health, even when applied externally, so do not even think about removing lice with kerosene.
  • Dichlorvos is an extremely toxic chemical intended exclusively for disinsection of premises. Handling should only be carried out in protective equipment.
  • Dust soap for removing fleas and lice was used at the beginning of the twentieth century. In fact, this is an ordinary laundry soap, to which a previous generation insecticide (DDT) has been added. Back in the 60s, it was proved that the toxic components of this agent accumulate in the body and, over time, can even lead to death. A particular danger is the ingress of dust on the mucous membranes and into the bloodstream (through scratches and other wounds on the treated skin area).
  • Benzyl benzoate, as well as ointments and emulsions based on it, is an acceptable option, but not recommended by modern medicine. The substance is quite aggressive on the scalp, while powerless against nits.

If the health hazard is not a significant argument for you, and you are sure that the "hardened body" will survive the effects of any of the named means, think that they all have a pungent pungent odor and are generally unpleasant to use - the scalp is irritated, there is itching, in some cases - allergic reactions and chemical burns. All such products are very difficult to completely rinse off the hair.

High tech

If you have a darsonval, a physical therapy device that relies on high frequency currents, you can try using it to defeat lice. Simply comb through your hair with a special brush, trying to work through every inch of your scalp.

Another modern, but untested method is cryotherapy, that is, exposure to liquid nitrogen. In theory, lice should not survive at such low temperatures (nitrogen is cooled to -150 degrees).

The permissible exposure time for each part of the head is only 4 seconds, and this casts doubts about the effectiveness of the procedure. Cryotherapy sessions are available only in special clinics and beauty salons (with the help of such procedures, trichological pathologies are treated), it will not be possible to apply "freezing" at home.

How to treat an apartment from lice

All kinds of insecticides that are used in the fight against cockroaches and bedbugs will work perfectly against lice. They are very toxic and dangerous, so it is better not to buy the first one, but choose the safest one - for example, on the basis of pyrethrum (aerosols "Pyrethrin", "Pyrethrum"). You can use their synthetic analogs - "Cypermethrin", "Tsipi", "Almetrin".

If you have a household steam generator for cleaning and disinfecting various surfaces, it is time to use it to the fullest. Steam anything that will withstand the impact.

Clothes worn by a person infected with head lice are advised to be placed in an airtight bag for 10 days and set aside - for example, on a balcony. After this time, you will need to wash things at the maximum temperature and iron them thoroughly with an iron.

High temperatures during washing and ironing, as well as steaming are the main methods of dealing with body lice. All personal hygiene items (combs, hair accessories, etc.) should preferably be treated with the same product that was used to destroy head lice.

No need to panic and mentally say goodbye to your hair - there are many ways to get rid of lice and nits forever at home. We will talk about this in the article.


therefore most often you can catch head lice in such places:

  • kindergarten and school.
  • children's camps and sanatoriums.
  • other common areas.

You can also get lice by using someone else's hats, combs, towels and other personal items.


  • head;
  • pubic;
  • body lice.


Symptoms of head lice include:

  1. Intense itching in the scalp... Over time, swelling may appear on the surface, which turn into scratching and open sores.
  2. On the skin on close examination you can see traces of insect bites... They look like needle punctures with redness around the area. Also, in some areas, small spots of gray or gray-blue color appear.
  3. In the occipital and temporal regions, as well as behind the ears scaly plaques form, which over time begin to get wet.

However, the most reliable signs that allow you to diagnose lice and nits at home are the following:

  1. The presence of nits - head lice eggs, which attach to the hair shafts at the bottom.
  2. The presence of the lice themselves- small insects moving along the hair and scalp.

The life cycle of lice is about a month, and from the moment the female hatches to the first clutch, it takes about two to three weeks. Accordingly, the course of treatment for pediculosis can be considered complete only if it has been carried out for at least a month, and a month after the start of treatment, neither adult insects, nor lice larvae, nor nits (lice eggs) are found on the head.

Also, when trying to remove lice and nits at home, it is worth remembering that lice and nits are, in fact, very different from each other. What works on lice is completely harmless against nits, and vice versa.

What lice and nits look like: photo

In the photos below, you can see how lice and nits look on the hair of an adult or child.

A quick way to get rid of lice and nits in 1 day

The most radical, quick and reliable method in the fight against head lice at home can be a haircut bald, this will get rid of lice in 1 day forever. However, this is not suitable for everyone, it is unlikely that any girl wants to say goodbye to her long hair, albeit for a while. But guys can easily shave.

So, when a haircut is not possible, you will have to start treatment. In this case, it is immediately worth making a reservation that it will not be fast. The fact is that the lice themselves - adults can die from poison or other means rather quickly. They are also sensitive to temperatures that are too high or too low. But their eggs are more tenacious nits.

As a rule, you can get rid of them either by combing out or by waiting for hatching. The egg ripening period is about 7 days. Accordingly, any processing after this period should be repeated. Then the question of getting rid of lice will no longer bother you.

How to get rid of lice and nits at home

In general, you can get rid of lice either in special receivers operated by the sanitary and epidemiological station, or at home. Given the availability of a large number of pediculicidal drugs on the free sale, getting rid of lice and nits at home for a child is much easier than looking for a special detention center in your city and going there for treatment.

In addition, the contingent usually "rotates" in such places poor - these are homeless people and disadvantaged representatives of the population who are not friendly with soap in principle. Therefore, let's figure out how to get rid of lice at home quickly, reliably and at the same time safe for health.

Methods of influencing head lice are divided, depending on the basic substance, into:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical;
  • mixed - application of the first two methods.

To mechanical methods relate:

  • shaving bald;
  • combing hair with lice combs.

To chemical methods influences on nits and lice are counted:

It is very important to treat head lice correctly, while you need to follow some rules:

The fastest result can most often be achieved by combining mechanical and chemical methods. Decide which options for the treatment of lice to choose, based on the degree of development of the disease, the length of the hair and the affected area. For example, it is easiest for men to just shave their heads, but for girls with long hair, this method is unlikely to work - here you will have to spend both time and energy to remove lice forever.


  1. The drug Nittifor available as a cream and lotion. How they are applied, you need to see the instructions. The same drug relieves the body of fleas and itch mites.
  2. Nyuda. One of the most effective modern dimethicone-based lice control agents. The drug enters the respiratory tract of lice, which leads to the death of insects from suffocation. Eliminates both adult lice and nits.
  3. A pair-plus is an aerosol... One can is enough for the entire course of treatment. An effective and fast acting product that is applied to the entire scalp, including the hair.
  4. Varnish "Prelest". After washing, the head is treated with a whole bottle of varnish (of course, in the air). Then they wrap it with a towel (or put on a plastic cap) and leave it overnight. The principle of action is similar to that of Nyuda. The only difference is in price (Nyuda is much more expensive than a bottle with this varnish).
  5. Pedilin is a solution for rubbing into the scalp and hair. Rinse it with diluted vinegar, then repeat the treatment with the solution for seven days.

However, anti-lice drugs have a number of contraindications, which must be familiarized with before using such a drug. Therefore, pregnant women and babies are recommended only mechanical removal of nits and, at most, compresses from natural products (cranberries, etc.).

Mechanical methods

There are few of them: only a few. The first is shaving baldly. The second is combing out. We have already discussed a haircut above, so we will focus on combing.

After washing, you should carefully drive the “tool” along each separate strand of hair, starting from the roots. Nits and lice will get stuck on the ridge and should be removed immediately by wiping on a towel. You need to comb your hair in this way several times and observe the effect within a month. You can do without any means, just wash your hair before combing with a rinse, balm or grease with vegetable oil (aniseed, olive) - then it will be easier to separate the lice from the hair.

But be aware that shampoo itself does not relieve either nits or lice, but only improves and facilitates combing them out, therefore, in addition to shampoo, it is also recommended to use anti-lice preparations.

How to remove lice and nits with folk remedies

In addition to medicines, folk remedies are also used to get rid of lice and nits at home. Some of them are harmless, others can be quite dangerous. Consider the most common folk remedies for the treatment of head lice:

Folk remedies for getting rid of lice are of course very good. The effectiveness of these funds is approximately 90%. Of course, these funds can be used at home, but with increased caution, and you should know that:

  1. Vinegar is very dry to your hair, and a concentrated vinegar solution can burn your scalp.
  2. When using kerosene, you should remember and know that the hair cannot get in order for a long time. Kerosene is oily and therefore rinses off for a long time, thereby spoiling the hair.

It is important to make sure that the solution is completely distributed through the hair. After applying the drug to the head, you need to put on a simple plastic bag or tie a scarf. Leave the product on the hair for 30 minutes. After this time, you must thoroughly wash your hair, first with running water, and then using a regular shampoo. In the final stage, you need to carefully comb out the dead lice and nits.

When removing lice, it is important to remember that hellebore water is a dangerous substance. It is believed that even 1 ml of this water entering the digestive tract can cause serious poisoning, and in large quantities it can be fatal to humans.

Nevertheless, hellebore water may well be used against lice, it is only important to ensure that there are no wounds and scratches on the skin in the treatment area. After applying hellebore water to the hair, you need to control your sensations - if excessive burning, itching, a feeling of hotness on the head begin to appear, then you do not need to endure, the product should be washed off as soon as possible.


Be sure to wash all of the child's things or your belongings in hot water or boil. After that, iron it well with an iron at a high temperature and steam the seams of the garment (often nits remain there).

Those things that cannot be washed in boiling water should be put in a tightly closed bag for 3-4 days. Lice and nits without human nutrition will die during this time. An additional examination of the head of all family members will not hurt, since head lice is transmitted very quickly.