How to take good photographs. Great selfie with a webcam. What is ISO sensitivity

Everyone probably knows this situation - you dressed smartly, put on impeccable makeup, took photos, but the photos turned out not entirely successful. Of course, all the stones fly towards the photographer or camera. But, in fact, the quality of the resulting photos largely depends on you. You just need to know a few secrets, and you will always be irresistible in all photographs.

How to learn to take photographs - smile and facial expressions

A radiant smile always looks more impressive in a photo than a gloomy grimace. But you need to smile sincerely, as if you met a good friend. If you can't seem to smile, follow these tips:

  • Pay attention to short training in front of the mirror: “try on” a flirtatious, mischievous, intriguing, soft smile. Choose the one that suits you best, and then use it when taking photos.
  • A real smile is always accompanied by a subtle sparkle in the eyes. When taking photographs, try to remember something funny, then you will laugh more believably.
  • Always imagine that the photographer is yours close person the one you smile at.
  • Don't be afraid to make funny faces. This looks much better than the blank expression on your face like in your passport photo.
  • Never stand directly in front of the lens, as this will turn out to be a bad side of your face. It is better to turn half a turn, while your eyes should not aim at the camera, but at any point around it.

How to learn to take photographs - choosing clothes and disguising figure flaws

When preparing for a photo shoot, you need to choose not only the most beautiful clothes, but those that will hide your flaws and highlight your strengths. Also consider important nuances:

  • Avoid baggy clothing and opt for a smooth-fitting style that fits your figure.
  • Wear heels, it will make you taller and slimmer.
  • Clothes made of plain fabric look better than those with colorful fabrics.
  • Do not wear clothes that hide your neck, as well as scarves and jewelry that visually separate your neck from your body.
  • Choose a clothing style that suits your age.

How to learn to take photographs - makeup, hairstyle

It’s not at all difficult to create a hairstyle no worse than that of fashion models:

  • Long, well-groomed hair is a real trump card, so don’t hide it.
  • If you have wavy hair, give them a natural look. To do this, moisten them with water, shake and let dry without combing.
  • Never smooth your hair, this will make your look very strict and rough.
  • Complicated hairstyles - no best solution for photos. They will take all the attention away from you.

If you are going to do a professional photo shoot, it is better to use the services of a makeup artist. But for simple friendly photos you can do it yourself:

  • Use foundations, lipsticks, and shadows only with a mattifying effect.
  • In the photo, warm-colored cosmetics look more natural.
  • The bright pearlescent lipstick in the photo gives a hint of vulgarity, so it is better to use light, muted tones.
  • Dark shadows give a very tired look and “throw on” a couple of extra years.

How to learn to take photographs - choosing a pose

The final step in preparing for photography is your pose.

  • Try not to stand straight; it is better to put one leg slightly to the side or turn half-turn.
  • Don't hold your hands like two wooden sticks - touch the hair, put it on your waist, pick up the kitten.
  • Watch your posture - move your shoulders back, stretch your neck, tuck your stomach.

Taking photographs is also an art. Practice in front of the mirror, look at photos where you turned out just fine, ask your friends for their opinions and then all your efforts will not go unnoticed.

Hello, dear reader! In the era of the frantic development of social networks, beautiful photographs are the number one issue. Therefore, the topic - how to take beautiful photographs - is undoubtedly relevant. There is a solution to this issue and now we will look at the main secrets of posing and everything will work out for you, especially since recent studies have shown that there are no non-photogenic people.

So let's remember.

How to prepare for shooting

In order to look good in a photo, physical data is not so important as proper preparation to the process. Therefore, you should pay attention to these things.

It happens that by focusing exclusively on your appearance, we can forget about where we are doing the photo shoot.

And you shouldn’t forget about this, because the nature of our shooting and the resulting photo depend on the location.

The point is that if our external image discords with the interior or with the surroundings on the street; everything will be unnatural and pretentious in the photo.

Therefore, make sure that if you are on the beach in sunny day, then your look should also be light, open, without heels and vamp style.

If you are with a child, then you should not try to create a mega sexy image or take pictures against the backdrop of any club, sparkles and provocative colors.

In the company of parents, children, relatives, teachers, try to be nice, modest, friendly, with minimal makeup.

Any place in nature is ideal for such filming - a meadow, a park, urban architecture. If this is a studio shooting, choose a soft interior.

Notice the background in the studio. It should not blend in with your skin and clothes - in this case you will blend in and you will not be visible in the photo.

But too colorful, with bright drawings will also not work - you will fade into the background, and the bright colors on the studio wall will catch your eye.

2. Clothes

When going on a shoot, try to think carefully about what you will wear. If this is studio photography, then it is better to choose several clothing options that are not similar to each other.

Without doing this, you risk stealing your time during the photo shoot itself by trying on outfits, and as a result, you will end up looking bad in the photos.

Dress up at home, walk around in your outfit for a few minutes, make sure that this outfit not only suits you, but to your liking, that you can feel comfortable in it, that it does not hinder your movement.

Also take care of your laundry. No amount of Photoshop will correct your look if you are thinking about your shoulder, and at the same time you are being photographed.

Believe me, the way you feel while posing in front of the camera is very noticeable later in the pictures.

If you are shooting in or underwear, be aware of traces from the underwear. It’s better to come without it and get aesthetic photos.

The same goes for taking photos in low-waist jeans. Don't forget about heels. Even if you are half-naked, your heel will not be out of place.

It not only lengthens your legs, but makes your posture more even, feminine and lifts your hip, which can visually give you confidence.

3. Body

Don't forget to do it. Due to the specific studio light or bright sunlight in the summer, any skin imperfections will be visible - unevenness, irritation, bruises.

But tights should only be used if your hands are covered. If your outfit is sleeveless, then rely on Photoshop, because bare hands and the legs in tights are very dissonant in the photo.

4. Makeup

It's best to do your makeup right before the shoot, because by the time you get to the location, your makeup may no longer look fresh and your skin will be shiny.

Shine on the face is the main enemy of photography, so you should take care of the presence of matting powder.

And don’t forget about long-lasting lipstick or gloss - it gets eaten up quickly when photographing.

Also, get a good night's sleep before the big day - Bad mood and you don't need it. You should feel confident.

The Best Poses for Portrait Photography

Often, having taken an unsuccessful passport photo, for example, we get terribly upset and are embarrassed to show our portrait to anyone.

But believe me, the situation can be changed by applying a few little tricks:

1. Choose the best side of your face

Go to the mirror and spin. Which profile do you like best? Try to take photos from the same side all the time.

This skill is especially useful when you take a couple photo with friends or a guy.

2 Don't suck in your cheeks

If you really don’t like your cheeks, then it’s better to take pictures in three-quarters, so your face will appear thinner.

3 Adjust the squint

Eyes that are too wide and raised eyebrows make the look unnatural and surprised.

4 Don't look from under your brows

Better look straight into the camera. The look from under the forehead looks menacing and makes the nose longer.

5 Don’t lower your head down, stretch your head up

By lowering your chin you visually add to your face extra pounds and shorten your neck.

6 Don't pout

Duck lips have not been in fashion for a long time. If you want to depict a kiss, then do it lightly and gently.

7 Smile naturally

Your smile should be soft and not intrusive. But a wide smile will only emphasize wrinkles.

8 Do not remove from the top removal point

How to take photos correctly?

Naturally, a lot depends on the skill of the photographer - correctly selected light and suggested pose and the ability to create a composition, capture the moment, what to do if you want to LOOK PHOTOGENIC and in non-professional photos taken with a point-and-shoot camera or mobile phone? Sometimes you look in the mirror - everything is wonderful, and the makeup is in place, you ask a friend to click to capture the moment - and what comes out is some kind of ugliness...

There are special schools for photo models, but how to the common man learn how to pose for photos end result pleased? Let's try to figure it out. I looked at many sites with fashion shows, and came to the conclusion that even the pros sometimes come out bland and the individuality of the model is simply killed, apparently because the clothes come to the fore there.... Let's see how you can apply the advice of professional photographers of professional models for a simple Soviet woman/man. .

There are a few basic posing rules you just need to know.

IN first of all, you need to look natural and relaxed, enjoy the process. If you feel uncomfortable, tension will definitely manifest itself in your body position, in your gaze, in your facial expressions. Keep in mind that the poses of models for a photo shoot performed by professionals are rarely organic for ordinary people :-) If you feel discomfort in a pose, then change it!

Second rule- the need to choose the right angle and direction of view. There is a vast field for experimentation here. Look at the photos and choose the most suitable poses for yourself.

Basic photography poses divided into static and dynamic. As an accessory for static photos, a chair is often used with its side or back facing the camera; you can lean on the seat of the chair with your knee, standing in profile to the photographer. A variety of recumbent and semi-recumbent beautiful poses for photography are popular in studio and home photography.

But it should be remembered that: the limbs located towards the lens are visually shortened.

Be careful with your makeup because photos enhance everything. A woman under 30 can use lip gloss and highlight her eyes with mascara; after 30, it is better to use a little foundation


When the hands are positioned along the body, the model will look larger than a model whose elbows are spread out to the sides, the chest will become higher and the stomach will be slimmer if you move your elbows back, opening your chest, and lift your head slightly with your shoulders back. Back arches look beautiful in certain poses, but in other cases you need to keep your back straight and not slouch.

The ability to present oneself, to feel one’s own body are the primary and prerequisites successful photo shoot. How to learn to pose for a photo?

Try to relax. Always remember - artificial smiles and poses do not look very attractive.

Talk. Chatting with the photographer between shoots will help create a more natural look.

Look just above the camera. Your face should be slightly forward and your chin should be slightly down.

Another trick- look to the side or lower your eyes, and just before the photo - direct your gaze to the camera.To feel free, close your eyes. Open them slowly before taking a photo.

Keep your arms loose along your body. They should be slightly suspended from body to look natural.

7. Try to avoid hackneyed poses. Remember the basic classical poses. They will come in handy if you need to quickly prepare for shooting.

21 beautiful poses for girls' photo shoots

Male poses for a photo shoot, perhaps, they have less variety. Men prefer to play up a certain image and be photographed in an elegantly stylish or emphatically masculine manner. Popular poses for a photo shoot of men in the studio are those that unobtrusively, but from an advantageous angle, demonstrate their muscles, that is, in open T-shirts, in a sitting or lying position. If a photo shoot with a man takes place on the street, then high-quality artistic photography means that beautiful poses for the photo shoot will be successfully combined with the style of clothing and the chosen surroundings. The main thing is ease and naturalness.

21 beautiful poses for a photo shoot for men

It is best to take photos either early in the morning or late in the evening, when the sun is not as bright as during the day. In general, when photographing in bright sunlight Often the photo shows all the imperfections of the skin, figure, etc. This is especially true for portrait photography. In addition, when taking photographs facing the sun, we usually begin to squint and the facial expression in the photo may turn out to be gloomy. However, at the same time, taking photographs with sun glare, you can achieve a very gentle, so to speak, “vanilla” photograph


Correct body position when photographing is very important: the closer the subject is to the camera, the larger it appears. For example, you want your hips to appear larger in the photo, then when photographing, stick them out slightly (both at once or just one) forward, or turn sideways. The same goes for other parts of the body. If you want to visually make something smaller, for example, wide shoulders bother you, then stand half-turned or lean your body back slightly

Also watch your neck, it should not be bent, straighten it, feel your grace. Try to show the curves of your body, but don’t overdo it so that instead of being attractive and alluring, the photo turns into vulgar and funny. Little secret: if you just can’t find the natural position of your hands, then just shake them a little and immediately apply them to your body, face, etc. Everything will look natural, your fingers will be relaxed and relaxed

And more secrets of professional photography from experienced models:

Breathing: Before taking a photo (while shooting/taking a certain pose), do not hold your breath, remain relaxed.

One of the very first and most important rules when sitting is straight posture (if you need to bend forward a little, choose your hip as the fulcrum without disturbing your posture).

- To avoid excessive fullness in the hips (and even thin models are concerned about this when sitting), sit sideways and transfer your weight to the thigh that is closest to the camera.

The legs should be at an angle to the camera and at a slight distance from each other - this will make them more toned.

The model's legs do not look slender if the feet are pressed to the floor. You can visually lengthen your legs with raised feet (while leaning on thumbs legs).

When shooting standing, if you turn your hips away from the camera, and your shoulders and chest towards the camera, this simple technique will make your hips slimmer

Distribute the weight on your hips (or on one hip) and place your arms in an asymmetrical position: the proportion of asymmetry is, for example, if one arm is straight, the other should be bent. This technique will create a feeling of relaxation and naturalness.

21 poses for a children's photo shoot

See the post about how to photograph your work

At the end of the article there is a selection from fashion magazines with successful classic poses for studying and trial posing in front of the mirror

Be beautiful, confident, smile and remember that one of the keys beautiful photos- this is your wonderful mood!

Has this ever happened to you - you look great, they take pictures of you, but in the photo... it’s some kind of nightmare? Is it really me? This happens not only because of a bad photographer, a lot depends on you. You just need to remember a few secrets to have a good photo shoot. And remember that every little thing is important!

Maybe you just turned the wrong side to the photographer, or were photographed turning straight, or just winced and pulled your neck into your shoulders?

  • The fact is that one half of a person’s face is always different from the other, and you need to turn to the camera with your best side.
  • Advice from professional photographers - never take passport photos while standing upright. This is the worst option. Especially if you have a full face. It’s not for nothing that photographers associate the phrase “passport photo” with a bad portrait shot. Therefore, try to use the half-turn position. It’s even better if you first turn to the side, and as soon as the photographer gives the command, turn to him. The photo will most likely turn out simply gorgeous!

Pay attention to the face and neck - these are important details.

  • The facial muscles should be relaxed, the forehead should be smoothed.
  • The neck should look beautiful and long, try to ensure that it is visible in the photo. To do this, keep your chin raised slightly, but not too much, otherwise it will appear square.
  • If you think that your lips are too thin, then open your mouth slightly, but do not stretch them out like a duck.
  • Don't look directly at the camera - pick a point and look at it.
  • In order for the photo to turn out positive, forget everything bad during the shooting, try to be in high spirits, to do this, remember the most pleasant moments in your life. Or let your loved one or your child or pet stand opposite you, behind the photographer. Your look will inevitably become warmer.

Makeup for a photo shoot.

  • To apply makeup, take a mirror that magnifies your face. Since modern cameras will capture all the little things, and imperfections will be much more noticeable than in real life
  • And don’t be lazy to do trial makeup and trial photos before the photo shoot.
  • Remember that your makeup should be flawless and brighter than usual. But don’t overdo it so as not to look vulgar.
  • The upper eyelashes can be applied more heavily, but the lower ones should not be applied - circles may form under the eyes in the photo.
  • Pearlescent shadows can also ruin a photo if the light is chosen incorrectly.
  • Carefully blend all lines of makeup.
  • The foundation should not be too light, otherwise you will get a sick look. And too dark will make you appear older. Choose it exactly to match your skin tone. Or maybe do facial contouring, details here!
  • Be sure to take a powder compact with you so that your face does not shine. You've probably seen how a shiny face spoils a photograph.

If you don’t know where to put your hands, then the most important thing is not to hold them like unnecessary whips.

  • Your hands should have a perfect manicure - after all, unkempt hands can ruin any successful photo.
  • Hold them loosely, do not clench them into fists. You can simply put them on yourself freely; if you cannot relieve the tension, then shake your hands.
  • Take, for example, a flower or a kitten.
  • Put your hands on your hair

How to look slimmer in photographs

  • If you are taking pictures in a group, try to be on the side, not in the center, and you will look much more graceful.
  • Place one or both hands on your waist, this will make it look slimmer. Use this technique if you are being filmed sitting down.
  • If you want to look slimmer, choose a pose where your shoulders are slightly leaned forward, and the back part, on the contrary, is a little further away. Thus, the breasts will appear larger and the hips smaller.

How to dress for a photo shoot.

  • The most important rule is that you should like the clothes - and you should like them!
  • It is better to choose plain clothes, without large patterns, inscriptions or logos. The color of clothing should not blend into the background.
  • A light upper part and a darker lower part will add lightness and airiness to your look.
  • Choose noble colors; acidic colors will distract attention from your image.

How to choose good poses to take a photo

  • To find a winning pose for yourself, watch how professional models pose. Spin in front of the mirror to the music, taking various poses. Choose the ones that are most suitable for you.
  • Keep your royal posture.

Here are tips from a professional photographer

And the rest depends on how professional your photographer is. Good luck with your photo shoots.

You can read other articles, for this use

It's no secret that men usually have a harder time relaxing. Especially in front of the camera. In the photographs, men often either stand at attention, or, conversely, are feignedly relaxed, which betrays even more stiffness.

In order to become more photogenic, you don’t need to strain all your muscles or put on a brutal appearance. It's enough to look confident.

To do this, take a natural pose with a calm expression on your face. Even if you smile, the smile should not be tense. Sometimes it is enough to smile only with your eyes.

A couple more tricks:

  1. To emphasize the masculinity of the figure, the shoulders need to be turned towards the camera, and the hips, on the contrary, should be slightly turned away (we’re talking about a few degrees, a wasp waist is not your goal).
  2. To make your gaze more confident, it should be directed in the same direction as your face.

Photo standing

Take a “closed” pose with your arms crossed over your chest. She will give you confidence. Just don’t forget about your posture: your shoulders should be straightened and your stomach should be pulled in. The pose is good for both portraits and full-length shots.


Lean your side or back against a wall, for example. Hands can be folded on the chest or put in pockets. You don't have to look into the lens; you can turn your head to the side.


Standing facing or half-turning towards the camera, shift your body weight to one leg. Either set the second one aside or cross it with the first one. Hands can be put in your pockets or folded on your chest.


At the workplace

This may not comply with the rules of etiquette, but it often looks good. Of course, you shouldn't climb onto the table with your feet - just sit on the edge. Fold your hands over your chest, put them in your pockets or rest them on the tabletop.


You can lean forward slightly or turn half a turn. Place your hands in front of you or touch your chin with one. If there is one in the photo additional item, pay attention to it - it will be more natural.


Sitting freely in a chair, place one leg on the other. The hand can be placed on the armrest, on the knee or brought to the chin. Just don't support your head.


Sitting on the ground

Without support

Sit down slightly forward. But don't bend over - straighten your shoulders. You can put your feet in front of you and put your hands on your knees. You can cross your legs with your hands in the center.


Supported by hands

Cross your legs. Lean on one hand and place the other on your raised knee. An even more natural pose is with support on both hands. This pose looks great if you choose the right shooting angle.


Lean against a wall or tree. Extend the leg closest to the camera and bend the other at the knee, placing your hand on it. Or cross your legs in front of you. Relax your back using support, but do not spread out.



This is the simplest thing, the pose can be any.

Take many pictures from different angles, with different emotions. If the portrait is frontal, look into the lens. If your head is turned, look to the side. You can tilt your head slightly. You can bring your hands to your face. Smile or do serious face- just don't overplay it.

Be sure to try converting the photo to b/w - it will almost certainly turn out great.


Of course, these are not strict rules. But by following these tips, you can find 2-3 good angles. Then you will feel more confident in front of the camera and will be able to experiment in search of more interesting shots.