Where is the best place to treat cancer? rating. Features of oncology in Israel, Germany, China, South Korea: where is it better to go for cancer treatment. So which country to choose?

Treat oncology in Israel or Russia, get treatment at home or get medical care abroad - a purely individual decision. However, the ability to choose is sometimes confusing.

Below are some facts that will tell the truth about oncology treatment abroad and in Russia, this will help save valuable time.

According to statistics, every minute one resident of Russia is diagnosed with cancer. If the situation does not change, in 10-15 years the number of cancer patients will increase by 20-25%. Oncology in Israel reaches a high level of overall survival for all types of disease and stages.

Oncology of Israel and Russia in numbers

Options: Oncology in Israel: Oncology in Russia:
Annual mortality from cancer 121 people per 100 thousand 204 people per 100 thousand
Five-year survival rate for all disease types and stages 64% 40%
Five-year survival rate for breast tumors at all stages 87% 50%
Five-year survival rate for lung cancer 25% no more than 6-7%
Survival from prostate cancer therapy more than 90% no higher than 50%
Survival rates for pancreatic cancer over 25% no more than 2%
New cases of cancer are diagnosed every year 280 thousand 500 thousand
Efficiency of the healthcare system according to international ratings 4th place 130th place
Average cost of oncology treatment 20-50 thousand dollars 30000$

There are 48 general hospitals in Israel, almost all of which have specialized oncology clinics or oncology departments. Israeli clinics serve 200 thousand cancer patients.

There are 26 oncology clinics in Moscow, 6 in St. Petersburg, in regional and regional centers- 1-2 each. In total, there are approximately 120 hospitals in Russia for 3 million cancer patients.

Israel is in 4th place in the international ranking of the effectiveness of healthcare systems. Efficiency was assessed by life expectancy, absolute expenditures on medicine, and the share of expenditures on medicine in the country's GDP. Russia ranks 130th in this ranking.

Israel is one of the ten countries with the highest level of medical spending (per capita). Financing of medicine in Russia per person is 3.3 euros (according to calculations in the European Union, each citizen needs an average of 10 euros).

Oncology diagnostics in clinics in Israel and Russia

The main problem of the healthcare system in Russia is diagnosis. In most cases malignant tumor doctors detect it only at stages 3-4, when a person has little chance of recovery.

Also, some patients with cancer (more than 20% of all cases) are given an inaccurate diagnosis by doctors.

Oncology treatment in Israel involves the use of modern diagnostic equipment. The equipment of Israeli hospitals with modern equipment eliminates the possibility of error and allows for the most effective treatment.

Also in Israel the professionalism of medical personnel is very high. These factors contribute to the fact that today the survival rate of cancer patients in Israel is more than 80%. This is the percentage of patients who overcome 5-year survival after treatment. In many cases, the disease is cured completely, especially early detection oncology.

Correct diagnosis is the basis proper treatment. This principle is followed in the oncology departments of Israeli clinics. Patients are often recommended to undergo examination in Israel; after an accurate diagnosis is made, they can return to their homeland and continue treatment at home.

Israeli and Russian oncology

In Russia, 500 thousand cases of cancer are registered every year. And yet, in 2015, the national oncology program, through which it was purchased, was closed. necessary medications and equipment and medicines.

Israel is one of the world's leading countries with highly developed medicine. The effectiveness of oncology treatment is one of the highest. This is due to the large number clinical trials, modern equipment for diagnostics, creation and implementation of innovations.

The state takes care of the healthcare sector, investing significant financial resources in the development of medical developments in the field of cancer treatment.

There are many world-class oncologists in Israel. It is important to understand that oncology treatment is the work of not one doctor, but a whole team of specialists from different fields of medicine.

Cost of oncology treatment in Israel and Russia

In Israeli clinics, the pricing policy is formed on the basis of tariffs that are recommended by the Ministry of Health, while the prices of Russian hospitals are characterized by a wide range. This occurs due to fluctuations in Russian price lists depending on the specific clinic and city.

Hospitalization in a Russian state oncology hospital will cost on average from 30 to several hundred thousand rubles. The cost of hospitalization in an Israeli clinic for oncology treatment starts from $600. An operation to remove a tumor in Russia costs from 40 thousand rubles. A surgical operation in Israel (depending on the location of the tumor, the type of tumor and the complexity of the operation) will cost from $8,000.

The cost of cancer treatment in Russia should also include the purchase medicines and 3-5 thousand “gratitude” to the medical staff. And in private clinics in the country, the cost of treatment sometimes exceeds the cost of treatment in foreign oncology departments. In the early stages of oncology, a course of chemotherapy in a private clinic will cost 250-300 thousand rubles. At stages II and III of cancer, annual treatment can cost millions of rubles.

The success of treatment directly depends on when the patient turned to the doctor for help. If a tumor is detected early on early stage and surgery to remove it, the cost of oncology treatment in Israel will be much less. Price surgery To remove a tumor in Israel will cost 10-25 thousand dollars.

Why is oncology treatment in Israel preferable among patients from Russia and the CIS countries?

  • Optimal ratio of quality and price medical services. The cost of oncology treatment in Israel, given the high quality of medicine, is relatively low: approximately 35-45% lower than in the USA and 25-35% lower than in many European countries.
  • Russian-speaking environment. About a third of the Israeli population speaks Russian. Any hospital must have Russian-speaking orderlies and nurses, and among the leading Israeli doctors there are many Russian-speaking ones. A person will not have language problems outside the hospital walls: most supermarkets and cafes have Russian-speaking staff.
  • Visa-free regime. Citizens from Russia and Ukraine do not require a visa to come to Israel for treatment.
  • Convenient transport links and location. The plane flight takes only a few hours.
  • Mild climate promotes rapid recovery after surgery. An important part of oncology treatment in Israel is the opportunity to spend a lot of time on fresh air and breathe the healing sea air.
  • Unique properties of the Dead seas- natural health resort. Staying and treatment here is indicated for many diseases, including skin diseases, joint diseases, nervous system, respiratory organs, etc.

So which country should you choose?

Based on the data presented, we can conclude that more effective and. This is facilitated by the high standards of medicine in the country, modern equipment, developments, and the experience of doctors.

These data are supported by high survival rates after cancer treatment. Also, Israeli clinics adhere to official prices for treatment, do not hide anything from the patient, and warn about everything in advance.

The Izmedic Medical Center will help organize the diagnosis and treatment of oncology in Israeli clinics. We will completely take care of all organizational issues - from finding doctors and clinics to ordering air tickets, booking accommodation and support. We will make sure that your trip is pleasant and your treatment is as effective as possible.

Cancer - serious illness, but not a death sentence, especially if you are in the hands of real specialists!

The modern world is a civilization in which few things seem scary to people. However, when hearing the word “cancer,” many people tense up and become nervous. Unfortunately, cancer today is still one of the most unpleasant and intractable diseases. However, you shouldn’t despair; on the contrary, you need to pull yourself together and go for treatment as soon as possible.

An important question that arises when choosing treatment is where to undergo it. Russian clinics, alas, have not received the best ratings in oncology practice. The reputation of cancer treatment in Russia is greatly undermined by frequent shortages of necessary components, long queues, waiting for quotas and rampant corruption: only through bribery can you get decent attention to your problem and an adequate attitude from doctors. And it seems that neither doctors nor patients are to blame for this state of affairs, but I don’t want to get involved in it. In Europe, the USA and oncology, cancer treatment in Israel is at a different level. Of course, it will also remain far from free, but the money (and in cancer treatment this is a fairly large amount, no matter where it takes place) will not be thrown away.

Although the quality of cancer treatment in Europe is at the highest level, we will rather consider Israeli oncology clinics, since they have a number of undeniable advantages for Russian citizens.

Firstly, this is the price. Although treatment in Israel is clearly more expensive than at home, the cost of treatment will still be significantly lower than, say, in Germany. For example, treatment for breast cancer with the same number and type of procedures in Germany will cost more than 2 million rubles, and in Israel – from 900 thousand. On average, Israeli prices are one third lower than European ones.

Meanwhile, the quality of work of Israeli doctors has been confirmed by time and many reviews. The statistics also show encouraging figures: now the probability of curing cancer in adults in medical centers in Israel is 60%. In children, the figure is even higher – 80%.

It is especially important to note that Israel is developing rapidly in oncology, because the state pays great attention to this area (as well as medicine in general), making sure that the citizens of their country are healthy. In particular, clinics are equipped the latest technology, and doctors undergo detailed training in its operation. What is called “high-tech treatment” in Russia is the norm everywhere in Israel.

In addition, Israeli employees receive their patients with enviable hospitality and generally treat them more delicately. The patient is met from the plane, they take care of the paperwork, carefully monitor the treatment process, and even arrange excursions around the country. In addition, what is especially important and what, according to the assurances of many patients of our clinics, Russia lacks is that in Israel they carefully treat the patient not only as a body, but also as a person. Doctors and nurses are friendly and attentive, and patients can always ask for psychological help and support from center staff.

From oncological diseases no one is insured. Every year, 10 million people get cancer. However, cancer is no longer a death sentence. What features of oncology treatment exist in Russia and abroad and how to choose a reliable clinic?

Unfortunately, the situation with the treatment of cancer in our country does not inspire optimism. Protocols and treatment methods in Russia lag noticeably behind those in Europe, the USA and Israel, where huge amounts of money are invested in the development of medicine. Many methods used in our country are considered outdated, and modern medicines are not enough for all patients. This is why many people prefer to go abroad for treatment.

Cancer treatment abroad will cost more than in Russia; in fact, in our country you can get help for free, but the level of treatment raises questions. However, people prefer to spend money but preserve their health and life.

Features of cancer treatment in Russia

Despite the high incidence rate, there are not many oncology clinics in our country - about 150. Almost all of them are budgetary, although private medical centers specializing in oncology have already begun to appear. There are many talented and highly qualified oncologists working in Russia, but the technical equipment of oncology centers, especially in the provinces, leaves much to be desired. Often, specialists are forced to work with outdated equipment, which affects both the accuracy of diagnosis and the effectiveness of treatment. Late diagnosis is one of the most important problems in cancer treatment in Russia - in more than 40% of cases it is noticed only at stages 3 and 4. Even with modern equipment, the situation does not get much better - doctors lack the qualifications to work with it, and expensive equipment simply sits idle.

The situation is little better with medications. Expensive modern drugs for oncology are available in Russia, but there are not enough of them for everyone - the need exceeds capacity by 4 times.

Nevertheless, in Russia there are respected medical centers specializing in oncology - these include, for example, the Oncology Research Institute named after. Petrov in St. Petersburg, Clinical Hospital No. 1 and Clinical Hospital No. 85 of the FBMA in Moscow.

Cancer treatment abroad

The top five countries in the field of oncology treatment are the USA, Austria, Switzerland, Germany and Israel. Let's look at the features of cancer treatment in these countries in more detail.

The success of the United States in the treatment of cancer cannot be overestimated. Well-known medical institutions such as the Fox Chase Center, Johns Hopkins Hospital and Moffitt Cancer Center are actively introducing new techniques and technologies. For example, at the Moffitt Center, many operations are performed using robotic systems. Moreover, some methods were developed by American doctors and scientists. However, treatment in the United States is one of the most expensive in the world, and few Russians can afford to seek help from American doctors. Another significant problem is the visa issue. Following recent staff reductions at American embassies and consulates in Russia, the issuance of non-immigrant visas has been temporarily suspended. Now they are being issued again, but the situation with obtaining visas in the United States is too unstable.


There are many oncology centers in Austria - just mention the Josefstadt Clinic, the Central Vienna Clinical Hospital and the Döbling Clinic. Austrian clinics use highly effective modern methods of treating oncology - immune therapy, cryosurgery, radiotherapy and much more. Much attention is paid to rehabilitation after treatment of oncological diseases and operations.

Get ready for enough high level prices, for example, diagnosis of tumors in the lung here will cost about 5,000 euros (about 350,000 rubles), and a course of chemotherapy - 4,000–7,000 euros (about 280,000–490,000 rubles). Another inconvenience is the need to obtain a Schengen visa.


The high level of medical development in Switzerland attracts many patients from abroad. The country is home to many research centers, and Switzerland, along with Germany, the USA and Israel, is considered one of the leading countries in the development of cancer treatments. Hormone therapy, gamma knife, radiation therapy, immunotherapy - all are used here latest methods cancer treatment. The Swiss University Hospital of Zurich is especially famous.

However, you have to pay for the high quality of services: the cost of treatment here is about one and a half times higher than in Austria. In addition, a Schengen visa is also required to enter Switzerland.


This country has long been known as one of the leaders in the diagnosis of cancer. Radioisotope research make it possible to detect the presence of a tumor even in the early stages. And modern laboratory complexes (for example, the Medilys complex at the Asklepios center) make it possible to carry out express diagnostics even during surgery and, if necessary, change its course.

The cost of medical services in Germany is approximately the same as in Austria. The price level is regulated at the state level, so artificially inflating prices is practically impossible.


Today there are about 50 large medical centers in Israel (the most famous include the Assuta Clinic and the Sourasky Medical Center). Many of them specialize in the treatment of cancer. Oncology treatment in Israel has two features:

  1. The latest scientific developments and innovative methods of treatment and diagnosis are actively used here, such as cyber-knife, robotic surgical systems, the CellSearch diagnostic system, radiosurgery and much more.
  2. All measures are aimed not only at destroying the tumor, but also at preserving healthy organs and tissues, which involves minimally invasive operations.

Oncology treatment in Israel is much cheaper than in Europe - for example, diagnostics will cost 1,200–4,000 euros (about 84,000–280,000 rubles), and a course of chemotherapy will cost about 3,000 euros (about 210,000 rubles). Of course, these are average prices, and in different clinics they may be lower or higher. Another plus in favor of oncology treatment in Israel is the virtual absence of a language barrier: many doctors in this country speak Russian.

How to choose a foreign clinic

“If you decide to undergo cancer treatment abroad, I recommend finding a clinic that is known for its specialists,- says an expert from the Israeli clinic “Assuta”. - You should be interested not so much in the cost of services, but in the reputation of doctors, the technical equipment of the medical center and successes in cancer treatment. Another important point is the clinic’s experience in working with foreign patients. Administrators must know exactly all the intricacies of organizing treatment for patients from abroad.

Which cancer treatment clinic to choose - public or private? The level of medicine is equally high in both municipal and commercial institutions. Everywhere you will be met by Russian-speaking medical coordinators who will help resolve all issues related to the organization of treatment, accommodation and interaction with doctors. The only difference is that when you go to a commercial medical center, you can choose a doctor yourself; in public hospitals there is no such opportunity. For many patients, this is a strong argument in favor of paid medical services.”

P.S.- one of the largest multidisciplinary private hospitals in Israel. It employs 1,500 specialists in various fields, who perform 650,000 operations and examinations per year.

Every minute in Russia one person finds out that he has cancer. According to statistics, the total number of cancer patients by mid-2017 was about 3.5 million. Moreover, in 45% of cases the tumor is diagnosed at stages 2-4, when the process of its treatment becomes much more complicated. From many years of clinical experience, we know that some patients come to our center with an erroneous diagnosis and unsuccessful therapy. The sad arithmetic of Russian medicine speaks for itself: if the situation does not change over the next decade, there will be 20-25% more patients in cancer clinics.

Oncology treatment in Israel and Russia - comparison in general and in particular

Oncology treatment is a system that includes several interrelated elements - doctors, treatment protocols, equipment, drugs, the interaction of which leads to one or another result. We invite you to consider them in more detail.

About doctors

For many years, the quality of Soviet medical education was considered one of the best in the world. But after the collapse of the USSR, a rapid regression began. Today the situation is this: education costs a lot of money, and obtaining an assignment to most narrow-profile, complex specializations rarely depends on the student’s talent and knowledge. As a result, there is no guarantee that when you visit a doctor, you will receive treatment from a truly qualified specialist.

It should be noted that medical education in Israel is also not free, but the complex, multi-stage education system and internships in the world's best clinics exclude the possibility of insufficiently qualified specialists moving up the professional ladder. The accumulated experience and knowledge, as well as annual participation in international conferences, allow Israeli doctors to introduce new techniques into practice. For example, to carry out minimally invasive operations that are simply unavailable in many countries, or simultaneously with surgical intervention perform unique operations to restore the structure and integrity of organs.

About treatment protocols

In Russia, one can increasingly find the practice of using broad treatment protocols covering several types of oncology, which significantly reduces their effectiveness. There are often cases when, instead of the preferred options, such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy, surgery is prescribed, which, as a rule, has Negative consequences and aggravates the disease. This trend is understandable: overloaded clinics and the lack of a personalized approach to the patient are pushing for the creation of universal solutions.

In fact, there are often cases when there are several possible treatment options and choosing the right one is the key to recovery. Individualization of medicine in Israel implies choice the best option for each individual case, as well as the development of advanced protocols that combine multiple therapies at the same time. This takes into account medical history, type of tumor, stage of the disease and personal characteristics of the patient’s body.
As a result, cancer treatment in Israel is considered one of the most effective in the world - in 95% of cases it is possible to completely defeat the disease or give a person several happy years of life.

About the technologies used

We must pay tribute, some large and private hospitals in Russia are gradually carrying out technological re-equipment, understanding the importance of introducing the latest developments. But this process is complicated by the cost of equipment and issues of its payback, which has a direct impact on further pricing policy clinics, and, most importantly, insufficient qualifications of doctors. Even with modern equipment, it is often difficult to find specialists with required level knowledge for its application in practice and sufficient experience to correctly interpret the results. Implementation modern methods Treatments are extremely slow, and their effectiveness leaves much to be desired.

In Israel, the situation is different - equipping Israeli clinics and laboratories with modern equipment is a standard, and considerable funds are allocated annually to maintain the appropriate technological level. For example, many Israeli and global developments, such as cyber and gamma knives, the Da Vinci robot, HIFU therapy, cryotherapy, SIRT and brachytherapy, immunotherapy are introduced into use without unnecessary delays and are available to both citizens and guests of the country. Improved methods of radiation and chemotherapy allow targeted destruction of diseased tissue without affecting healthy cells, which makes the effects of medications and radiation less aggressive.
The state invests considerable funds in the development of medical developments aimed at treating cancer and in preventing the disease - it is precisely the awareness of Israelis about the need for regular medical examinations allows you to diagnose and remove tumors in a timely manner.
The activities of the institute for psychological support of people faced with terrible disease, - the approach to each patient in the country is individual. Cancer here is perceived as a treatable disease, and not as a death sentence.

About drugs

Separately, it is worth mentioning the cost medical supplies, which in Russia sometimes amounts to exorbitant amounts. Doctors often replace them with analogues that are in a more affordable price category. Such medications tend to be less effective. In addition, some medications are simply impossible to purchase in Russia.

In Israel, there are no problems with purchasing - the entire market of medical drugs is controlled by the Ministry of Health. This means that all prices are fixed, the originality of the drugs is proven and the possibility of purchasing counterfeits is completely eliminated.

Cost of oncology treatment in Russia and Israel

Despite the popular belief that cancer treatment in Israel costs exorbitant amounts of money, while in Russia it can be obtained for free, those who have experienced it know that this is not so. All diagnostic examinations are paid, there are not enough drugs for chemotherapy and painkillers, surgery and recovery process afterwards they also cost a large sum. Basic consultation with a specialist with experience and good recommendations will not be cheap. Plus, you will need separate funds to pay for the care and attentive attitude of medical personnel.
But the most pressing point lies elsewhere: in order to enter treatment at public hospital quota required. It takes several valuable months to receive it, which can be spent on effective treatment, because losing even a few days during an oncological diagnosis is an unacceptable luxury. This pushes us to look for another solution - to go to a private medical center.

The cost of treatment in a private hospital often exceeds the price of treatment in expensive clinics in Israel and Europe:

  • A course of chemotherapy on average will cost from 250 to 300 thousand rubles in the early stages.
  • At stages 2-3 of the tumor, this amount can exceed several million rubles.

In Israel, cancer treatment is also expensive. An operation to remove a tumor detected at an early stage will cost from 10 to 25 thousand dollars, depending on the location of the lesion, the presence and location of metastases and the complexity of the surgical intervention.

All amounts that the patient contributes are absolutely transparent - he can always track what, when and to whom he gives the money. The availability of modern equipment and qualified specialists allow us to carry out operations of such complexity that many Russian doctors not available.

It is important to understand: the sooner the patient contacts the clinic to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe treatment, the cheaper it will cost, and the higher the chances of making a full recovery and returning to a full life.

Our main task as a highly specialized medical center, mainly engaged in the treatment of oncology, is to make one of the most high-tech world medicine available to Russian citizens and to give the right to choose who and when to trust their health”, says D.R.A Medical director Daniel Carmeli.

Russia or Israel - where is it better to treat cancer?

A simple comparison of the data leads to a clear conclusion - oncology treatment is higher quality, more effective and safer in Israeli clinics, which is facilitated by:
  • highly qualified and experienced doctors
  • accurate diagnosis, allowing to detect the disease at the earliest stages
  • selection of an individual treatment protocol
  • application of unique techniques
  • availability of original drugs
Cancer - terrible disease, but by no means a death sentence, especially if your treatment is in the hands of specialists!

To consult with an Israeli doctor, get a detailed program, the cost of diagnosis and treatment in Israel, call 8-800-707-6168 or leave

Oncologists cannot give a definite answer to the question in which country is it better to treat cancer, while practical experience makes it absolutely clear that cancer treatment in Russia and Kazakhstan is a very problematic branch of medicine.

The main problems of oncology are often called detection of the disease in late stages, lack of necessary drugs, staff shortages, insufficient material and technical base of medical institutions, and most importantly, corruption among medical workers. It is these reasons that become decisive in the matter of choice. foreign country for the treatment of cancer.

Today in Europe, Germany, Austria and France are recognized as the best countries for cancer treatment. If we do not limit ourselves to Europe, Germany, Israel and Switzerland are recognized as the most powerful centers for cancer treatment. This trio is a recognized leader in the treatment of oncology. The USA, Japan, China, France and South Korea are also widely popular.

Features of treatment abroad

They work in foreign oncology centers the best specialists and the latest equipment is used, but each country has its own treatment characteristics.

It is distinguished by the use of classical methods that are completely safe and effective. Despite the use of the latest generation equipment, use is not encouraged.

It differs, firstly, in cost: the price of cancer treatment in Israeli clinics is about a third cheaper than in Germany. Secondly, the use of experimental technologies and drugs is much wider here, which makes it possible to achieve consistently high results in treatment.

Cancer treatment in the US has higher prices. However, the latest developments by the best oncologists make it possible to achieve a consistently high percentage of remission in children diagnosed with cancer.

Cancer treatment in the CIS countries

Not everyone can afford treatment abroad. What to do for those who can undergo cancer treatment in Russia or Kazakhstan - the largest domestic medical centers? Don’t worry - the oncology school in these countries is also quite strong, despite some misconceptions.

Misconception No. 1: “The world has long abandoned such treatment regimens.”

In fact, the standards of oncology treatment are the same all over the world. Differences can only be noticed when comparing an advanced clinic abroad and a regional cancer clinic somewhere in the outback of the country.

Misconception No. 2: “There are no good doctors in the country.”

There are knowledgeable and intelligent doctors in the country; they are said to be “with golden hands.” However, it should be remembered that postoperative care also plays an important role.

Misconception No. 3: “We don’t have modern drugs.”

In fact, the domestic Pharmregister has almost the same drugs that are used in Europe. Only drugs that have recently left the experimental category may be missing.

Misconception No. 4: “Treatment abroad will be cheaper than here.”

It is important to understand that the websites of foreign clinics indicate the price directly for treatment, without taking into account related services. In addition, the institute of intermediary services is very developed abroad, as a result of which the total cost of treatment is 2-3 times more than the official price list of the clinic.

Thus, we can conclude that cancer treatment abroad will be more professional and with more application wide range technologies, but at the same time - more expensive, although cancer treatment in Kazakhstan and Moscow It's also not free. The best treatment for oncology is its prevention - annual examinations by specialists aimed at preventing and preventing the disease.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones!