Money according to various authors of the concept. Money is not just a means of payment. Money is energy

The blog of the lazy investor Anton has repeatedly affected the themes as to how to earn, maintain and multiply money, how to achieve financial independence, work with financial stock exchanges, etc. I decided to raise the fundamental question, with the development of which it is worth starting to wealth. In this article, let's talk about what kind of money is this?! Anyway, everything that is associated with the concept of material wealth and wealth is directly related to the concept of "money."

Money: Definition and History

I have been leading this blog for more than 6 years. All this time, I regularly publish my investment reports. Now Public Inventifel is more than 1,000,000 rubles.

Especially for readers, I developed a course of a lazy investor, in which step-by-step showed how to establish order in personal finances and effectively invest its savings in dozens of assets. I recommend every reader to go, at least the first week of learning (this is free of charge).

The reason for the emergence of money was the development of commodity treatment, when surplus goods appeared. Initially, the commodity appeal was in the periodic operations of natural exchange. But with the development of human abilities, the birth of technical progress, and most importantly - the division of labor, the commodity relations between people began to take a massive character. There were problems with the exchange of goods various destination and values \u200b\u200bdetermined by the number of labor invested in them.

In order to simplify the exchange, the money equivalent began to use certain high-liquid daily consumption goods - salt, various spices, sinks, and later - pieces and ingots various metals. With the appearance and development of metal processing, the prerequisites for evaluating heterogeneous goods with the help of a specially created equivalent is money.

China is considered China, where they appeared in 7-8 centuries before our era. The name of the "Coins" itself came from Ancient Rome Approximately 400 years, where, by decree of Caesar, a monete courtyard was organized at the temple of the goddess Junon Juno Moneta. Paper money was also first appeared in China, but already in the 9th century of our era. Expression is known famous traveler Mark Polo, who first saw paper money, which is another ways to achieve long-term goals of medieval alchemists.

Thus, the formulation of the definition is what money may be as follows: Money is a high liquidity product serving generally accepted equivalent. Main money properties:

  • they can exchange on any other product;
  • they measure its cost.

Functions and money value

In order to deeper to understand the question: "What is money?" It should be highlighted on the concept of value of money and their functions. Value and functions are interrelated - value is higher than the better money perform their functions, that is, the value of money is determined by a whole set of factors:

  • gold content;
  • the gold reserve of the state;
  • price level;
  • amount of money in circulation;
  • the ratio of economic benefits and money.

The functions of money are just the tasks that they solve in human society. The economy has five such functions:

  • the cost measure is that money is used as a means of assessing goods or services, defining their price. That is, the price is a monetary expression of the cost of the goods;
  • the means of circulation - as already mentioned above, money is an equivalent serving the turnover of the goods. They change to any product and are the most liquid from all types of goods;
  • means of savings and accumulation. The property of money does not spoil over time, allows them to postpone the purchase of goods or make accumulation on more expensive. As a means of accumulation, greater priority has precious metals. There is even the law of the economy, which consists in the fact that paper money must be supplanted with precious metals from the means of appealing to the accumulation means;
  • payment means - in this aspect It is very important to the concept of money value, depending on the degree of confidence in them;
  • the function of world money is, that is, they are a universal payment facility. The implementation of this function largely depends on the confidence in the money. Thus, precious metals enjoy the greatest trust, but if paper money also enjoys confidence, they become a world currency, which, for example, is a dollar or euro.

The presence of money forms the corresponding monetary system. If you do not go into details, the monetary system of almost all states is based on the circulation of credit and paper money. In this case, the precious metals are displaced from circulation and are no longer considered as money. Paper money does not possess our own value, but perform their functions in full.

If you express the concept of the monetary system simple languageThis means that the central bank or other organization, printing money, took the gold belonging to the state (and therefore, to every citizen), and instead issued a debt receipt. Actually, modern money is and there are debt obligations of the state that use for the exchange of goods in return for gold and silver coins.

Modern monetary system is the financial pyramid?

Thus, every dollar walking in the world, the euro or other currency is supported by a piece of gold ingot stored in the US Central Bank, the EU or another country. But in fact it is not so long. When someone alone uniforms the entire gold stock of the country and the exact amount of this gold is known only to him, he has a big temptation to print debt receipts much more than you can agree? Actually in the USA it happened.

At some point, the central bank of the country was transferred to private hands and dollars today is not published by the US state, but a certain OJSC (federal reserve system), whose shares belong to several individuals. Then the Federal Reserve LESSs the money printed by the US state, which uses them to be needed. Such strange, to put it mildly, the monetary strategy led the United States to ensure that their national debt reached 17 trillion dollars.

Every American today must some individuals typing dollars, about 54 thousand dollars. Of course, the refund of such a debt seems to be unlikely, rather, it will continue to grow further.

There are all signs of the financial pyramid, and we have already understood how such economic phenomena ends. And it would be a problem only the United States, if in 1944, the Bretton Woods Agreement was signed, which made the dollar by world currency. Today financial Pyramide The United States relies on many economies of the world, and its collapse will inevitably affect each of them, which will undoubtedly affect the population.

Why no money?

The macroeconomic causes of the lack of money from the population are quite understandable, however, there is a mass of individual causes that cause complex financial circumstances in a person's life. And if the first each individual man is not eliminated, then there is a specific field for solving their own problems. Consider with what a lack of money may be associated with.

As we have already figured out, the concept of money is continuously connected with the exchange of goods and services. It would seem that if you have no money, it means you work a little, do not produce the desired number of goods or services. But everything is not so simple. Today's life is much more complicated and the reasons for the opening of the financial flow can be a lot. First of all, it is important to understand that the lack of money is a signal that you do something not so that you need to carefully analyze your current situation on the subject of bottlenecks. The passive position "So the circumstances", "the government, the President, Masson, the Neighborhood, etc., is to blame. We will not even consider because it is in itself a powerful brake for the development of any sphere of life.

So, the causes of an insufficient amount of money in your life can be divided into several groups:

  • negative psychological plants;
  • false needs;
  • self-management and self-control.

The first group of reasons is characteristic, as a rule, understated self-esteem and the absence of such qualities as optimism and vitality, intuition and courage, self-discipline and financial literacy, positive thinking and sense of humor, reasonable risk and responsibility. Possessing these qualities allows you to become.

However, do not be upset if you have not seen some of them. Few people possess them with a complete set. Many of the qualities are raised, and it is never too late. Often we do not attach importance to self-improvement and raising the level of their formation. Some believe they got higher education And this is enough, others, in general, in their opinion, and schools are many. But in reality, receiving new knowledge and skills opens up new opportunities, including to improve their own well-being.

Often people lack money for one simple reason - they do not have time for time or fashion, new technologies or a rich neighbor or familiar. Similar motivation also leads to a sense of lack of money. A person can not always decide why he needs new thing - Because the former does not fulfill necessary functions, Or simply because it is outdated. It should be protected from the manipulation of the environment - advertising, other people's opinions and advice. Money should spend exactly what is really needed.

The third group of reasons for the lack of welfare is associated with the inability to distribute their strength and concentrate on an important one. Inability to effectively manage their lives leads to excessive loads and meager results, which is invariably ends with depression and overwork. If you climb such a problem, try to organize work and rest otherwise. Sometimes a solution to more time to devote to rest suddenly leads to an increase in cash flow. You must work out for yourself such a system of work and recreation that would allow you to strictly follow the planned course without sharp jumps and kickbacks.


That briefly, what money I saw. The problem of a lack of money can happen with each and to ensure that this problem does not bring big shocks, you should take responsibility for your life. It is not necessary to hope that your problems will solve someone from the side. For financial well-being It is necessary to change a lot - their attitude to life, to finance, their habits. You should be able to correctly take and give money. Only in this case the question of the lack of money can stop being relevant to you.

Video: "Money and their secrets":

If you have something to object or add, I invite you to discuss it in the comments.

With the advent of the first production between people, exchange began. But it was not always possible to find the right amount of product for this operation. Money is an equivalent that has become used when making exchange.

Money and History

Historically, the exact time of money appears is not defined. However, for the first time on the payment of the payment, silver is mentioned in Wednocks approximately 2500 to our era. After that, the metals began to serve as a means of payment. Later it was reflected in the appearance of coins.

The first money was distinguished by a great variety:

  • Stone, which represented discs with a hole in the center. They differed in diameter and applied when exchanging goods, payment services.
  • Metal - made of soft metals, such as copper, which were not used in the production of weapons.
  • Salt - represented bars from salt and were used in some countries up to the 20th century.
  • At certain times, served as a monetary measure. Even whole herds could be considered an equivalent in conducting economic transactions.

Money in the form of coins for the first time began to be used in the seventh century BC. They were plates made of metal of the wrong shape on which the drawing was depicted. It determined the cost of coins depending on weight.

For the first time, paper money was recorded in China in 910. Their production was possible thanks to advanced technologies in paper production.

The wider extension of the bills received after the invention of the Guttenberg printed machine in 1440. From now on, paper money is funds that are used in any transactions.

Theories of the emergence of money

Many economists attracted the issue of the origin of money. Economic theory allocates two directions in the origin of money:

  • rationalistic theory;
  • evolutionary theory.

According to the first, money is a product involved in agreements between people. They are created as a tool for sharing and turnover of goods. For the first time, such a concept was set out in the work of "Nikomakhova Ethics", written by Aristotle. The philosopher wrote about comparability of goods involved in the exchange, and offered to use a certain unit of measurement for this - a coin.

American economist Samuelson considered money as a social economic convention created artificially. According to this theory, any product endowed with certain functions and adopted in society can be money.

Evolutionary theory considers the emergence of money as an inevitable process, during which some objects were allocated. In the future, they took a special place in society.

The classics of the economic theory of Riccardo and Smith, and then Marx developed the idea that money was the goods and they appeared in the exchange process.

Essence of money

In modern society, money is special status. They are an integral part of economic relations. For people, money is good, that is, the opportunity to satisfy your needs.

The essence of money is reflected in their participation:

  1. In reproduction, distribution, consumption and exchange. Money is the basis for the development of trade relations, they change together with the development of metabolic processes.
  2. In the distribution of GNP, as well as the purchase and sale of land and real estate. Money is a means of distribution of material values \u200b\u200bin society.
  3. In the establishment of the price. Money reflects the value of goods produced by man.

In addition to the singularities of the participation of funds in the life of society, these signs have two features:

  • Serve equivalent with universal exchange of goods. This feature is reflected in direct exchange for any product. In contrast, in conditions of barter and other goods can be equivalents, but within the framework of mutual needs.
  • Keep the cost of goods. Best way Its conservation are precisely money, because the costs of storage are reduced, and damage is prevented.

Money functions

In the context of the modern economy, money does not have their own value, but maintaining the exchange. This suggests that money is paper that is inherent.

Money functions reflect opportunities, features and role in economic life. Money act as:

  • The measure of value. The function is implemented by setting the price of goods.
  • Cash marks participate in the process of buying and selling goods. In this case, the calculation and transfer of goods is made at the same time.
  • Instrument of payment. This feature is implemented during the payment of goods or services, paying taxes, providing and repaying loans, etc.
  • Money that do not participate in the turn create accumulations.
  • International Payment Tool (or World Money). This feature is reflected in the use of money for calculations between countries. What is money? The function of the global payment of the payment is performed by currencies supported by gold. For example, dollar, euro, Japanese yen, pound sterling, Canadian dollar, Swiss franc and Australian dollar.

Types of money

  1. Natural or real money. Often they are called valid. This category includes any products that can serve as equivalent when exchanging and money from precious metals. For example, such money is silver and gold coins, cattle or grain. The value of the nominal value of such money is equal to real.
  2. Symbolic money. These are the signs of the cost that replace natural money. This category includes credit and paper banknotes, as well as electronic money - digital analogs of coins and banknotes. They are higher than the real one.

In modern developed countries, non-cash payments and electronic money enjoyed the advantage. They have several advantages, among which it is possible to note the lack of costs for storage and transportation, as well as the impossibility of fake or loss.

Forecasts of leading economists suggest that in the future electronic money will dispense cash.

Allocate two forms of such money: smart cards and networks. The first is e-wallets, an analogue of a credit card, but without mediation through the bank. Network money is a software that provides the ability to translate funds in accordance with the needs of a person.

Distinctive features of money

In the process of evolution, money acquired not only certain properties, but also their own features. These include:

  • compactness or portability is the convenience of money in moving and use;
  • cost - money must be value, cheap or easily accessible goods cannot be money;
  • number - money must have a quantitative value and the possibility of calculating;
  • discussion - signs should be easily divisible to make payments of any kind;
  • deficiency - the amount of money involved in circulation should be smaller than the demand for them, in a different way of money there will be a lot and will come inflation;
  • acceptability is money-information payment that must be introduced by law.

Number of drawn signs

Money has a direct impact on the formation of the price of goods, work and services. Since money is the amount of cash that is in the hands of the population, and reserves of commercial banks, regulation of the amount of treated money supply is the main method of impact on the market economy.

Since each country should have a certain amount of money, which will correspond to the volume of production, trade and income, the amount of money drawn can be determined by the equality:

m * V \u003d P * T, where:

M is the amount of money involved in circulation;

V is the speed of turnover of one monetary unit;

P - general level prices;

T - the volume of trade transactions.

When there is such equality in the country, the price stability is ensured.

If MV< PT, то цены на товары, работы и услуги снижаются. Если mV > Pt, prices grow and inflation processes occur.

Based on this, the main condition for the optimal amount of money in circulation becomes the establishment of price stability.

Monetary aggregates

The money supply is divided depending on liquidity on monetary aggregates M0, M1, M2, M3:

  1. All types of money, which have a high degree of liquidity, are included in the M0 unit and include checks and m0 \u003d h + N.
  2. Supplement to the previous unit is M1, adding funds in bank accounts: M1 \u003d M0 + B.
  3. The next step that complements the previous ones is the means that they do not have absolute liquidity - deposits. These are bonds, notes: m2 \u003d M1 + V.
  4. The last unit contains state securities in its composition: M3 \u003d M2 + Central Bank.

Such division into aggregates allows the state to regulate the amount of money supply and control inflation.

Coefficient of monetization

The most important indicator for which one can judge the state of money supply is the monetization coefficient calculated by the formula:

Km \u003d m2 / GDP, where:

M2 - the corresponding monetary unit,

GDP is an index of an internal gross product.

The coefficient of monetization makes it possible to get an answer to the question of whether money is enough in the circulation. It can be judged on it, as far as GDP is provided with real money, in other words, how many money on the ruble is money.

In economically developed countries, this coefficient can reach 0.6, and in some close to 1. In Russia, such an indicator is slightly approaches 0.1.

What is money, the definition from which friendship begins with money. What is money for you? Do you cause a question of difficulties? For my clients - yes, although they keep money every day in their hands, but it is difficult to give them a definition.

What is the money definition

For the economy - everything is clear and simple. Money is an ordinary thing that is used for the exchange, business settlement and business development control. Come as any worker tool, with respect, attention. They are followed by an accountant, financiers, economists, leaders of all ranks. And the owners of enterprises are focused on the amount of money in their business.

Let's look at the definition of what money is like a business exchange tool.

Money as a means of profitable interchange.

Business is configured by money as a means of profitable interchange.

Enterprises, firms, companies, people take money in exchange for goods, services that provide. As a result, they receive money and change again to what they need for development and growth. If there is no such tool, then the old - barter, familiar to our generation since the 90s, would be applied. Very uncomfortable tool.

I remember this time. Husband, instead of salary, brought home boxes with fish canned. Since then - do not eat canned food. Time has changed. The accomplished fact, but the perception of money, many people remained not changed.

In the time of the USSR, we were lucky to live in a society where they did not play the decisive role in any work or in relationships. Our generation was guided by the principles like this: "I do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends." True, at the end of the era, when the total deficit began to manifest itself, it appeared and such: "Communication decide everything!".

Money has always remained signs of exchange and calculation, but the meaning varied depending on the state of society.

And today, more than ever, it is important to give your definition of money and fill them with your meaning. In order not to transmit power over themselves all sorts of strange rituals and new-fashioned proposals on the market, clearly picking out real, labor, your money from your wallet.

And so, I offer you options, and you can choose from the proposed or formulate your own. In my opinion, the definition of what money is, you can still consider the attitude towards yourself.

Money as the result of your attitude towards yourself

I mean, first of all: to its potential, to talents and abilities.

Yes, in those days we did not think about how much you can earn, if we are monetizing their talents, abilities. Now there is such an opportunity, it is time to extract the personality from the depths, into the outside world, that is not yet moneticated.

Many women know how to knit, sew, weave, sculpt, draw, write, dance, sing, take pictures and just communicate.

Example from life.

Neighbor, a journalist, at the request of a husband, did not work, and was engaged in family. Financial situation allowed her not to think about earnings. After some time, the walls of the house became crowded and tremble. Traveling through the salons of beauty, shops, hassle houses - tired and arrived. Signs of depression began to manifest. And then it was decided to start working. Svego, Svetlana, quickly began to advance through the career ladder. Headed the Department of Public Relations in Large Holding. She has time and delicious dinner to cook, look into the salon, and the unloved lesson convey the assistant.

It is curious that the eyes tanned not only from Svetlana, but also in her husband, when he is in the neighboring news with me.

However, it only confirms the conclusion:

Men are proud of self-realized women. They are much more interesting to communicate with individuals than with dolls trained by sex technicians. It is said that "there is nothing erotic than the smart and wise woman." And I agree with that.

More often the reason in your attitude towards yourself, and not in the money or the absence of any knowledge. For example, when I ask: "Why are you still not ....", I hear in response - "And who needs it?"

If you think that "this is not necessary for anyone," then it will be. Let's think about you, then it was necessary, since you mastered it. Why then take responsibility to answer others?

If you do not appreciate yourself, after a while the need for an "external crutch" will appear. Alas, as a rule, on the execution of this feature, assign your partner, my husband. We start demanding recognition, support, love.

Although I often hear that women work hard. Therefore, consider the following definition, what is money.

Money as equivalent exchange

Yes, they were created precisely for a convenient and understandable exchange. There is no formula for money, without difficulty, without transmitting something necessary and useful others. Recall the Russian saying: "Without difficulty, you can't catch and fish out of the pond."

With money, such words are associated with work and work. Alas ... With these words, many heavy associations. The people are resistant to metaphor for those who work on hiring - slave. But aren't those who work for themselves do not work, but simply get them from the universe?

Dictionary of Ushakov and Ozhegov included this word in the slave section, give it the following meaning:

The word "work" originally meant - "severe, subalkal work, slavery." No better than the word "work" - "Forced work."

In dictionaryV.I. Dalya reflect the following main values \u200b\u200bof the word work:

1. Work, occupation, exercise, business.

2. Everything that requires effort, efforts and care.

3. Everything that tires.

One of the values \u200b\u200bof the word "work", which leads V. I. Dal is "pain", "sorrow", "disease".

Untile work and hard work for the centuries, imprinted unconscious. Based on all the above, it becomes clear from where it appeared, for example, the word "bother" why it has the contextual meaning "to suffer, the absenteeism in poverty."

Undoubtedly, the word carries the code and reflects the history of the people: many, working day and night, lived very poorly. Is there so much negative perception with any activity?

If we turn to the Old Slavonic language, then there is very different meaning: for example, work, comes from "RA" - RA, the God of the Ancient Slavic-Arian, and "Bota" - from the word to work (speak). It turns out, work is to talk to God.

We can talk with God when we understand, then what we do, corresponds to our personality.


    the case is joy

    matches you, your abilities,

    your talents are interested in you and carries you.

And you work in accordance with your vocation.


if you change your talents and money abilities - you work easily and with joy. Money is perceived by the natural result of your exchange, easily.

Money as exchange results

Sometimes they say to me: "I go to work and I have little paid there." Hence the insult appears on the employers. And on an innocent counter question: "And what results do you bring the employer?" - There is a stupor.

Remember your working day. What are you doing there? And now enter the role of the one that pays for "go to work".

Just imagine. You called the plumbing home. Have you ever done this? He came, sat with you, the seagull swept, pole about life, shifted to the tools from place to place, then left.

Do you want to pay for such a walking? How will you feel?

The trouble is that many people, especially in state structures, in management, cannot formulate what result is in the workplace.

What is the result gives a teacher?

Number of lessons, hours, checked homework? These are processes. The results of the teacher - the number of successful, knowing subject Pupils.

For walking to work, you should not pay. Only the result has the right to pay.

Formula received from my coach for business. Penetrate its meaning. Learn to share processes and results. It will be easier for you, it is easier for you to perceive our results and income.

Money is always the results, not the processes.

The results of our relations with other people. If there is no relationship, confidence, cooperation, you can hardly sell services, products to customers, cooperate with them.

The results of your family relationship - if there is no love, mutual understanding, is hardly your husband wants to bring more money in the family.

The results of relationships with relatives, when you encounter the topic of money, they can be both painful and pleasant. But, the root cause is all the same to have your relationship, not money.

I'm closer to me such a definition of money as a convenient sharing tool.

Money is good

Money - so sounded on staroslavan language. And there was the following decipher sense:




BUT - The letter was the designation of God in the Russian alphabet.

True is it cool? Do not believe? Look at the Old Slavonic alphabet. But the word "wealth" has a root - "God". So, our ancestors have never been against money and wealth.

And as a conclusion:

Money - This reflection of your ability to live in the material world, showing your inner, spiritual, personal potential. Internal condition and money - two sides of the same process: expressions themselves, through the right attitude towards money.

Money - this is the equivalent of the benefit that you bring to others.

Think and list what benefit you can give other people, including an employer or your customers. I am sure you will have ideas how you can increase your income in the near future.

Because the following definition of money, just will be about

Money as a reward for ideas

Yes, really is a reward for sharing services.

To exchange, implement effectively, act energetically - you need an idea. No business live without it, marketing is not built, as well as products without idea, it is difficult to create.

If you have an idea how to raise the value of your services, you can easily and quickly raise your income.

Look for ideas, I don't care, I asked you to list the above that you can give. Now the time to turn them into specific ideasAnd then - effectively implement. You will definitely get more money!

Money is energy.

Any result can be obtained by actions. They need energy. I agree that money without energy cannot be obtained. The question is which context you will lay out in this definition.

There are many exercises that consider money as energy formed by the mass consciousness. You could hear about Logos, Egregore, thin plan, karma, etc.

The most popular and loose theme is chakras.

I am not a specialist in this area, became interested in the concept as energy centers Human system. The theory looks slim, beautiful and reasonable. Briefly formulate what I carried out for myself:

Explanation such that "the negative impact of thoughts creates obstacles in the material plan at the expense of the blocks formed. Centers form the lower group associated with the world of matter and the upper group - with the highest spheres, the world of the Spirit. The free movement of energy can be broken and the money created above is not manifested in the material world, due to the closedness of the lower chakras, which are recommended to open and pump. Especially - chakra responsible for sexual energy.

I can not put the facts in this theory known to me: among wealthy men there are those who suffer from impotence. Perhaps there is a explanation for specialists in chakram.

What is alarming me in a practical life, those who are interested in such a theory: the responsibility of the creation of money through the personality potential is removed and attention is guided by the fact that it is difficult to measure, describe in the results.

Of course, when the energy of love and sex boils, much is done easier and with great desire. It is understandable, because you want to do not only for yourself, but also for your partner.

In my opinion

desire - Great Energy Power. Will it be sexual or otherwise, for example, female, maternal - does not matter.

Energy can really be blocked. Is there a chakra? From practice, more often meet in other places. For example, in the shoulders. And then I understand that money, for such a woman, heavy cargo. Liability including.

These blocks are more often related to the previous experience, to the emotions that did not once worked, drowned in themselves. They remained in the body, joined the beliefs that were formed from experience, or to the installations received from the family, they once believed to friends, meaningful adults.

After all, we are aware not only head, but also in your heart.

Our consciousness is much wider than just thoughts. Consciousness does not exist in isolation, this is an integral part of the body. The body and mind are constantly exchanged by information through emotions. The body feels, of course, thoughts, emotions and what is affected - this is another question.

As simple exampleIf you have bad moodSad thoughts - sometimes you sometimes have enough to change the pose, straighten the body, raise my head, smile and it will change.

Check, start smiling, albeit with the effort, you will be responsible for reciprocity, and there will change your condition, both physical and financial. After all, smiling sellers pay more and more.

To make friends and money, you need to learn how to manage money and yourself .. perhaps you will hear it unusual, strange, but today's behavior of women, rather says that it is not comfortable with money. And that is why they have no money.

Consciousness tuned to get rid and rejection of money. There is no desire to change myself, hence and do not want to think about money. In essence, consciousness and thinking of poverty, this is what creates in your life a shortage and limitations.

Change your thinking and consciousness - change the common phrase about the friendship of a woman with money. It is easier to do after you have your definition of money.

Form it soon and start moving towards your money!

Money is universal means Payment of any goods. They are recognized in all countries, depending on the currency. Thanks to money, we can purchase goods and products necessary for life, and we get them in exchange for work on our part. What is the main task of money? What types of money are there?

Money - History, Features and Development

Since the beginning of time, it was customary to live tribes for several dozen people. This is due to the awareness that one person will not survive. Someone hunted, and someone protected the children. But in one area there may be more fish, and on the other - vegetables, so the tribes invented barter. Exchangeing goods, they could receive what was needed. Then the services began to buy the same way - the work of people.

After a while it became clear that different people Differently assess the cost of work and goods, as well as their ratio with barter goods. Because of these reasons, as well as as a result of the transition from a natural economy to production, a universal coin was introduced - the money paid for all the services and the purchase of any goods.

Gold and silver were used in the form of money, first as ingots, and later - like coins. Commerce began rotating around the sale and purchase of goods, getting more coins for their services. So there were businessmen who received funds mainly at the production of sought-after goods and services, earning.

The most common type of money is paper money. The right to release them only the state and it also introduces them into circulation. Attempts to create a fake have a strict punishment and entail criminal responsibility.

Types and shape of money

Money has many forms and species. Basically, they differ in the type of material from which they are made, as well as consideration of the money supply and the value of a certain amount of the amount. Historically, it happened that we distinguish suchtypes of money and their features:

  • Commodity is such a type of product that has an independent cost and utility. They were the first money that appeared on the market and were used as an exchanged goods. Include goods, paper and metal money. Initially, animals were performed as such money that exchanged services or goods. For example, one tribe was bought from another vegetable, and in return provided fish.
  • Secured - are provided in response to a fixed cost of goods or services. Exchange is not goods, but their actual value that is estimated by the seller or manufacturer. This species is a subtype of commodity money.
  • Fiat money does not have its own actual cost. They are not valuable in certain regions, but they are able to perform their function in the country. The state takes them as a tax and can provide goods or services in exchange for banknotes. The main type of fate money is non-cash money.
  • Credit money is a special relationship between the lender and the debtor who will oblige the last to pay the debt. In essence, such money is the means of temporary use - the lender gives the amount that the debtor will return, and also negotiates interest on the loan. Funds are used or in accordance with the contract, or at the discretion of the one who takes them. Credit provides banks or individuals.

Money functions

The essence of money and their cost manifests itself in functions. But they become real only with the participation of people, without which money would not have any value.

  1. The measure of value. The price of goods or services is established by the seller and it is necessary to adhere to the buyer. Fixed product price and is its measure of value. It is similar to the concept of length in geometry.
  2. Payment tool mainly to return debts. The function is manifested in that period when prices for goods are unstable. Then the lender gives a debt to the amount on which the product can be purchased. Change value will not affect the amount of debt.
  3. Tool of circulation. Money is used as an intermediary in circulation of goods and services. The manufacturer creates goods, sells it, receives money and can purchase products for creating another product.
  4. The accumulation of money allows the owner in the future to purchase goods or services. Their feature is that money does not perform other functions at the moment, and do not participate in the turnover. But over time, the value of paper money may change.

Money functions helped to combine many countries. Depending on the economic situation in the country, various goods can be in money. For example, in prison is sugar or cigarettes.

Today, almost all kinds of relationships of people, goods and services, intellectual property, natural resources Estimated in cash.

On the question of determining the concept of "money"

A new definition of the "Money" category is proposed. The classification of money forms on various types of their legitimization is substantiated. It is shown that any form of money is a reflective phenomenon (in the concept of J. SOROS).

Money is something without which the existence of modern human society is impossible: the implementation of transactions, the exchange of business information, the comparative analysis of the activities of economic agents and the functioning of individual states, the evolution of society would be extremely difficult without the use of money. Stressing their exceptional role in the modern economy, the money is called the "market language". At the same time, in economic science there was a truly paradoxical situation: one of the central categories (and the concept of "money", beyond any doubt, such) does not have a generally recognized definition. Definitions found in various economic textbooks and dictionaries differ significantly among themselves. There is an opinion that "the definition of money in reality is important not so much in itself as in the context of this or that theory." We, however, cannot agree with this opinion. This opinion would have the right to exist if various branches and directions of modern economic theory would contain in their foundation the sets of idealizations directly related to the understanding of the functions and the role of money. This, however, de facto is not: the main functions of money are recognized by all modern flows of economic thought. The exception is only the category "cost", to which we appeal when determining the money we appeal (see below): When adapting our definition to the theoretical scheme, which deny the objectivity of the concept of "cost", the concept of this in the text of our definition can be replaced by the term "value". Therefore, the lack of strictness in determining one of the key concepts of economic science is not a reason for the pride of theoretical economists.

Let us give a few examples of money definitions:

Money is a means of payment of goods and services, a means of measuring cost, and a means of preserving (accumulation) of value.

Money is a system of financial assets (including cash, bank accounts, traveler checks and other tools) with very specific characteristics that distinguish them from other types of financial requirements.

Money is a public institution that increases wealth, reduces exchange costs and contributes aboutspecialization in accordance with people who have comparative advantages.

Money is liquid property; The more liquid thing, the more she looks like money.

Money is a special product, spontaneously allocated from the commodity world and performing the role of universal equivalent. Their essence is expressed in functions: cost measures, means of circulation, means of accumulation and savings, means of payment, world money.

Money is a universal exchange gun, a special product, endowed with the property of the universal equivalent, through which the cost of all other goods is expressed. The essence of money is to resolve contradiction between consumer value and cost.

Money - benefits that perform the function of measuring the value of the remaining benefits (universal equivalent) and / or means of calculation when exchanging (exchange means); Goods possessing perfect (equal or close to one) liquidity.

Money - special view The universal product used as a universal equivalent, through which the cost of all other goods is expressed. Money is a product that performs the functions of the exchange, payments, measurement of value, the accumulation of wealth.

Although our list of examples is not exhaustive, it can be noted in this selection of quotes something in common: all of the above definitions are based on enumeration of functionsmoney. We believe that it is necessary to specify them to determine the money attribute; Its numerous functions (means of sharing, payment, accumulation, etc.) Money can perform precisely due to the presence of an attribute property. In our opinion, this is an essential property (i.e. attribute) - to be a measure of value. Now let's give our definition:

Money is a legitimate sign of the cost measure.

Of the definitions known to us, our closest are:

1. Valtuha: Money is the general public embodiment of informational wealth (the number of information as such), the public measure of this magnitude and a means of a public organization of access to information. Money is the amount of information that received an independent public being, the external form of existence separated from the content of information and opposing it.

The advantage of this definition is that it relies on the concept, which is an objective basis of ownership (information). The disadvantage is the same as other above definitions (definition through the enumeration of functions).

2. Definition of A. Zinoviev - "Monetary" Atom "is a sign ... Monetary signs The essence of the values \u200b\u200bof the value of any objects for people." The main disadvantage of A. Zinoviev's approach, in our opinion, is that it limits the scope of its cash definition.

Of course, our definition (as in general, any statement that claims to the status of scientific) can be questioned. In order, however, to show his failure, it is necessary to find an item, which, having the properties of money, would not possess the properties specified in our definition. So far, we did not have to meet with this kind of counter-example.

The sign is an object that replaces (in the perceiving consciousness) another object (which is the value of the sign). Money, therefore, there is an object denoted This or that mode of cost. At the same time, which item is a carrier of a sign - the question, to the essence of money, the relationship is not having (modern electronic money is an informational sign in pure formBut they fulfill the money functions in full). In other words, money is not a product (even if universal); Even a concrete coin and has an independent commodity value (as the ingot of precious metal), then this is no more as an optional coincidence in one object of two different Properties: be a sign of value and be a product.

Due to the fact that the sign can a) stored and b) passed to another with a minimum cost (Unlike almost any product), it can be used for functions attached for money (all of them, however, are reduced to the possibility of sharing goods with a break in time and space).

Money sign must be legitimate - i.e., admitted to such any many individuals (you can write a hundred rubles on wrapping paper - it will be a sign, but illegitimate, as it is unlikely that anyone recognizes this sign of the measure of value). Providing legitimacy of signs - the only one The problem when creating money (all other problems of generating money eventually reduce their legitimization).

Legitimization can have various forms:

BUT) Direct physical legitimization (coins made of precious metals) - when the substrate substrate itself has the value that it symbolizes;

B.) Mediated connection with a cost carrier - for example, a banknote declaration that guarantees its exchange in a bank to any amount of gold (the binding of the cost may be to another monetary unit - that is, to another sign, the legitimacy of which is not questioned) ;

When BUT) I. B.) The measure of value is determined through the value of any equivalent (as a rule - precious metal); when IN) Specification of the cost measure takes place, as a rule, in the course of trading in currency exchanges, with binding currency exchange rates to other currencies (in most cases also not having a physical equivalent).

For the essence of money, the shape of the sign of the sign is not important, however, it is important for the specific use of one or another form of money: the degree of legitimacy of the sign is proportional to it liquidity.The more confidence causes this sign, the easier it can be used for any monetary function. The separation of the money supply to the aggregates on their liquidity and is associated with different levels of legitimacy of certain securities (checks, bills, bonds, stocks, depositary receipts, etc.) capable of performing functions of money.

We note at the same time that the legitimacy of any form of money depends on what users think about it, i.e. is a reflective parameter. This concerns even coins of precious metals (case BUT) in our classification) - here reflexiveness manifests itself as a fear of meeting a fake coin, and this fear can vary abruptly for different species coins. Significantly higher degree of reflectivity in case B.) - For the organization released a monetary mark can ignore the accompanying release of the declaration. Finally, in the case of IN) Money is becoming overall reflexive phenomenon.

By virtue of this, not only objective factors are required to determine the optimal level of monetization of the economy (GDP size, the level of technical equipment of credit institutions, etc.), but also factors subjective (reflexive), such as the confidence of the population and organizations to the banking system, Compliance ethical norms in business relationships, etc. In other words, a money multiplier has a reflexive nature: the biggest confidence is the credit system, the more secondary valuable papers (At the same time, with greater efficiency) can perform money functions.

Dollaan E. J., Campbell J. R. Money, banking and monetary policy. M., 1996. S. 12.

Sax J. D., Larren. Global approach. M.: Case, 1996. P. 254.

Heine P. Economic image of thinking. M., 1992. P. 555.

Ibid. P. 538.

Finance. Money turnover. Credit /, et al.: Finance, Uniti, 1997. P. 462.

Mustache. Money turnover. Inflation. M.: Banks and stock exchanges, Uniti, 1999. P. 7.

Economic encyclopedia. M.: Economics, 1999. P. 148-149.

Laurel, credit, banks. M.: Finance and Statistics, 1998. P. 9.

Starodubtseva Economic Dictionary. M.: Infra - M, 1997. P. 76.

On this occasion, it is quite fair writes: "We need to distinguish between the definition of money (the concept of" money ") and the description different functions (use) of money ... In the definition of the concept, such and only such signs should be included ... which money and only money possess ... These signs should not include excessive signs that characterize some kind of money or some form. " - Zinoviev Sociology. Economy. Ideology // Socio-humanitarian knowledge. №с. 129.

Or "Values" - see Note above.

Information theory of value and laws of a nonequilibrium economy. P. 323.

Logic sociology. Economy. Ideology. P. 130.

In the "Great Economic Dictionary" in addition to the money itself, the concept of "paper money" as "the costs of the cost, replacing full-fledged money in the circulation ..." (M.: Legal Culture Fund, 1994. P. 105). From our point of view, this is a misunderstanding, as paper money is generally not less "full-fledged" than any other; In the history of money circulation, by the way, there are cases when paper money caused more trust, rather than simultaneously addressed coins with them.

Interestingly, modern gold coins, formally being money, de facto are simply marked ingots of gold: to buy something, they usually have to first sell (for real money). In other words, they formally, carrying marking, are signs, but they are not valuable as signs, but as the ingots of precious metal.

We, follow J. Soros, we define as such a sequence of events that have a significant impact of not only the objective state of affairs in the world, but also thoughts and submission of participants (for details, see: J. Soros Alchemy Finance. M., 1997).