Why vitamins are important for humans. B vitamins. What are vitamins, what are they and why are they needed

Before the structure was clarified, vitamins were called by the letters of the Latin alphabet as they were discovered: A, B, C, D, etc. There are names of vitamins formed from the first letters therapeutic effect or illness. For example, the name vitamin P comes from “permeare” - to penetrate, as it reduces vascular permeability. Vitamin PP is named after the first letters of the disease “pellagra preventiva”. The State Fund XI adopted rational names for vitamins based on their chemical structure. Vitamin A - retinol, vitamin K - phylloquinone, vitamin B2 - riboflavin, vitamin PP - a nicotinic acid etc. The chemical properties of vitamins are studied by organic and pharmaceutical chemistry.

These enzymes are necessary for the proper functioning of the immune and nervous system and to relieve arthritis symptoms. He heals premenstrual syndrome and prevents changes emotional state during menstrual cycle and sexual appetite. It controls hormone levels in the body and treats many emotional disorders. Treat affects such as eczema, acne, dandruff or hair loss. It also controls the level of fat stored in the heart and arteries and prevents numerous heart diseases.

And a little more about the terminology of vitamins and the history of their study.

In the 20s With the development of methods for obtaining experimental vitamin deficiencies and the improvement of methods for purifying vitamins, it gradually became clear that there were not two or three vitamins, but much more.

Initially, they found out that “vitamin A” is actually a mixture of two compounds, one of which prevents xerophthalmia, and the other prevents rickets. The first one retained the letter A, and the second one was called “vitamin D”. Then vitamin E was discovered, which prevented infertility in rats raised on an artificial diet. Then it became clear that “vitamin B” also consists of at least two vitamins. This is where the first confusion begins: some researchers designated the new vitamin, which prevented pellagra in rats and stimulated the growth of animals, with the letter G, others preferred to call this factor “vitamin B2”, and the factor that prevented beriberi as “vitamin B1”.

The terms "B1" and "B2" have taken root. The growth factor retained the name "B2", and the factor preventing rat pellagra became "B6". Why did they use index 6? Of course, because during this time “B3”, “B4” and “B5” appeared. Where did they go then?

The name "B3" was given in 1928 to a new substance found in yeast that prevented dermatitis in chickens. About this substance for a long time practically nothing was known, and ten years later it was found to be identical to pantothenic acid, which was being studied as a yeast growth factor. As a result, the name “pantothenic acid” remained for this vitamin.

In 1929, a factor was discovered in yeast, which they hastened to call “vitamin B4”. It soon became clear that this factor is not a vitamin, but a mixture of three amino acids (arginine, glycine and cystine).

In 1930, the term “vitamin B5” appeared: this name was proposed for a factor that later turned out to be a mixture of two vitamins. One of them is nicotinic acid, which is sometimes still called “vitamin B5”, the other is vitamin B6.

And in subsequent years the same process continued: from time to time, reports of the discovery of new factors appeared, and a new index was added to the letter “B”. But only index 12 was lucky. Compounds with other indexes either turned out to be non-vitamins or already known vitamins, or their effect was not confirmed, or the name was not widely used.

And soon the letter classification of vitamins lost its meaning. In the 30s Chemists really took up vitamins. And if in 1930 practically nothing was known about the chemical nature of vitamins, then by 1940 this issue was basically resolved.

Chemists gave all vitamins trivial chemical names. And these names gradually began to replace “letters with numbers”: ascorbic acid, tocopherol, riboflavin, nicotinic acid, etc. - these terms have become commonly used. However, many medical biologists remained faithful to the “letters”.

In 1976, the International Union of Nutritionists (from English nutrition - nutrition) recommended retaining the letter designations in group B only for vitamins B6 and B12 (apparently due to the fact that these vitamins have several forms). For the rest, trivial names of substances are recommended.

Do you know which vitamins doctors love especially dearly?

Of course, B vitamins.

Why are they so popular with doctors?

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

We are told about vitamins from early childhood. Everyone understands that everyone needs vitamins for health, but what vitamins exactly, why, and in what quantities? How should you eat to avoid serious health problems associated with vitamin deficiency in the body?

Ten years ago, the lack of vitamins and minerals was considered only a minor problem, but now it is clear that their deficiency has serious consequences for a third of the world's population. Even a small deficiency of vitamins and minerals can lead to developmental problems and millions of deaths. Every week, at least a thousand women around the world die from anemia caused by iron deficiency, and iodine deficiency during pregnancy leads to the birth of 20 million mentally handicapped children.

In their natural state, vitamins can be found in foods, meaning that healthy eating becomes of paramount importance.

Fatigue and constant fatigue they talk about a lack of vitamins B3, E, manganese, potassium. This means that you should add nuts, herbs, beets, green pea, citrus fruits, bananas and sunflower seeds.

If you have insomnia, lacks B vitamins, potassium and calcium. Diversify your menu with lettuce leaves, citrus fruits and bananas, beans, raisins, dried melon slices, beef liver and kidneys, fresh fish, brown rice and other grains.

Frequent nosebleeds may be if your body lacks vitamins C, K and P. Try to eat more tomatoes, cabbage, green peppers, currants, citrus fruits, yogurts and, of course, drink fish fat.

Are your teeth deteriorating catastrophically quickly? This can happen if there is a very lack of vitamin D. Then the same fish oil, liver, butter and other dairy products, as well as fish, soybeans, peanuts, walnuts, seeds.

Frequent colds occur due to a lack of vitamins A and B5. Start eating more carrots and other yellow-orange vegetables, lettuce, fish, sour cream, butter, beans and melon.

Despite the fact that a gram of fat has twice the calorie content of the same amount of protein or carbohydrates, nutritionists have come to the unanimous opinion that it is not worth completely eliminating fats from the diet, it is enough to just reduce their amount. Fats are essential for maintaining healthy skin immune system, and the whole organism as a whole. They help better absorb some vitamins found in vegetables and fruits. Even if you eat a lot of salad without oil, it will be less beneficial than eating a small portion with oil.

Pharmacy shelves are bursting with an abundance of vitamins of all types. But the benefit proper nutrition difficult to overestimate. So your health is in your hands, and you know where to look for vitamins!