Addition and subtraction of round hundreds. Computational methods of addition and subtraction for numbers of the first thousand and multi-digit numbers. Cases of addition without crossing the discharge

MAOU "Omutinsk special school"

Public lesson mathematics in 5th grade:

"Addition and Subtraction of Round Hundreds"

Mathematic teacher the highest category: Usova G.P.

2014/15 academic year


    to continue work on fixing the decimal composition of numbers from 100 to 1000 and the skills of adding and subtracting round hundreds and tens when solving problems and examples;

    correction and development cognitive activity, skillsobserve, compare, classify, analyze and generalize;

    Rdevelop mental processes: memory, attention, thinking;

    create conditions for the psychological comfort of each child;

    develop reflection and adequate self-esteem own activities in children;

    to cultivate a culture of behavior in the classroom, interest in the subject, communication skills


    Organizing time

"Soft landing" Name the tens and units of the number: 42, 21, 35, 86, 918.64

We are attentive

We are diligent

We can do this!

A minute of reading.

Find an extra word, give a name to the group:

Ind work Makarov M

    Work in notebooks.

Mathematical dictation

Write down the numbers from dictation: 800,155,400,321,500

Set aside on accounts: 512, 700, 200, 139

Divide into 2 groups, give names (justify your answer)

Write off the numbers: 70,23,45,80,60,10,38,15.

II. Verbal counting

1) Rhymes+ - (attention task)

2) Tasks in verse

Grandmother Nadia lives in the village.
He has animals, but does not keep score.
I will call them guys
And you try to quickly count:
Cow, calf, two gray geese,
Sheep, piglet and cat Katusya.
How many animals does Grandma Nadia have in total? (7)

3)Paste desired sign

30…20 =50





Ind work Makarov M

Working with accounts:

5+1= 6 - 4= 4+3= 8 - 3=

II I Knowledge update (setting the goals of the lesson) - we will add and subtract round hundreds

200+300= 500+100= 200+300+100= 600+200+100=

Why do you need to know how to add and subtract numbers?

Where in your life have you seen round three-digit numbers?(On banknotes) 100, 500, 1000 rubles


We need to buy bread
Ile gift to give -
We take the bag with you
And we go to the street
There we pass along the windows
And we go to...

Game "Let's go to the store."

Tasks on cards

Hat -200r.

Boots -600r.

Sneakers -500r.

T-shirt -400r.

Skirt -300r.

Pants -700r.

Gloves -100 rub.

Ind work Makarov M


Pencil - 1p.

Notebook -5r.

Purchase cost 3+1+5=

IV Fizkultminutka

1) The teacher says the following words: “hundreds”, “tens”, “units”. Students stand and use their hands to show: hundreds - hands are closed over their heads in the form of a large triangle, tens - pairs of large and index fingers hands, forming a small triangle, units - the work of the hands on the computer keyboard on the table is imitated.

2)Relaxation with eyes closed(representation of objects in the classroom)

V. Work on the topic

Open the textbook on page 54, Find the task under the number, which is deferred on the accounts 112

The solution of the problem.

P.54 №112

Questions :

Break the condition into semantic parts.
- Repeat the question.
Can you answer the question right away?
– Is there one action in the task? Two? Three? Why? Prove it.
(Two data, unknowns too 2.)
Change the question so that the task is solved in 1 step.

    100kn.+200kn.=300kn.-on the second day

    100kn.+300kn.=400kn. – in 2 days

V I . Anchoring

What are numbers called when added?

500+ 100



How are the examples similar?

Decide, compare the sums, draw a conclusion.

VI I . Independent work


117 (Procedure) Khrapin V., Ind. Assignment Makarov M (grade 2)

VI II . Summary of the lesson. Reflection

The wind plays with leaves
picks them off the trees.
Everywhere the leaves are circling -
this means...(Leaf fall)

Orange – I understand everything, I am satisfied with my work.

Yellow - can work better

Green - it was difficult for me

Lesson Objectives:

1) consolidate, generalize and systematize the mathematical skills of adding and subtracting round hundreds and tens;

2) to develop attention, memory, thinking, auditory perception, correction of the analytical and synthetic activity of students on the basis of exercises;

3) educate motivation for learning.

Lesson type: generalization and systematization of knowledge, skills;

Lesson format: fairy tale lesson;

Equipment: - computer;

Cards for self-study ( );

Slides ( );

Multimedia projector, screen.

During the classes.

  1. Organizing time: (Psychological mood)

Teacher: - The bell rang and stopped. Let's start our lesson. You can sit quietly at your desk, Or you can hit the road - See the Miracles.

Today we have an unusual lesson, we will make an exciting journey, but only it will not be simple, but fabulously mathematical. Tell me, what fairy tales do you know? - We will make a fascinating journey into the fairy tale "Rejuvenating Apples and Living Water", we will help the main character Ivan Tsarevich, for this we must show how well we count and decide. Guys, in order to enter a fairy tale, we must show the fairy-tale heroes how well we count and decide.

They offer you an exercise in thinking.

a) Task: draw the missing figure. b) Exercise for the development of attention and memory.

Task: - Who will tell me how many single-digit numbers are in the table; two-digit numbers; three-digit numbers; four digit numbers?

So, well done! The story begins. In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived and there was a king, and he had three sons. The king grew old and became impoverished with his eyes, and he heard that beyond distant lands, in the distant kingdom, there is a garden with rejuvenating apples and a well with living water. If you eat an apple to an old man, he will become younger, and if you wash the eyes of a blind man with water, he will see. So Ivan Tsarevich set off on his way - the road for rejuvenating apples and living water, but he did not know what a difficult path awaited him. For a long time he could not choose a horse for himself, but suddenly his grandmother appeared.

Hello Ivan Tsarevich! Why are you sad?

I can't choose a horse.

I will help you, you must complete my task. If you do it, you will have a horse.

Guys, let's help Ivan Tsarevich complete the task.

(The class is doing a task - an exercise in memory development, auditory perception, thinking.)

II. Grandmother's test (Mental count.)

1.Solve examples.

200 +100= 1000 – 500 = 130 + 10 =

300 + 300= 300 – 100 = 430 + 30 =

400 + 100 = 500 – 300 = 930 + 30 =

500 + 200 = 700 – 200 = 310 – 10 =

700 + 300 = 900 – 500 =

2des + 3des \u003d 5des \u003d 50 5 hundred + 3 hundred \u003d 8 hundred \u003d 800

3des + 6des \u003d 9des \u003d 90 9 hundred - 6 hundred \u003d 3 hundred \u003d 300

- Arrange the numbers in ascending order:

(83, 338, 383, 388, 833, 838, 883)

Teacher: - Well done guys, you helped Tsarevich Ivan. He got a horse, went on his way. Whether he rode for a long time, or short, whether low, whether high, through earthly meadows, over mountains, he rode day until evening, runs into a hut. He went into the hut, and there sits Baba Yaga. Tsarevich Ivan told her everything.

Well, my dear child, - he says, - complete my task, I will give you a fast horse, he will take you to my sister, she will help you. Baba Yaga gave him a task, he began to think how to fulfill it.

Guys, let's help Ivan the Tsarevich complete the task.

III. Test of Baba - Yaga.

Open notebooks. Write down the number, great work. Solve examples.

(Solution of examples, two students solve at the blackboard, and the whole class in notebooks.)

100 + 200 + 400 = 800 – (400 + 100) =

300 + 400 + 300 = 700 – 200 – 200 =

(100 + 500) – 200 = 200 + (400 – 100) =

Teacher: Guys, you have completed the task. Well done! Baba Yaga gave Ivan Tsarevich a horse. He thanked Baba Yaga for the night and set off again. Ivan Tsarevich is coming, whether it is close or far. The day goes by until the night. And he saw ahead of him a hut on a chicken leg, with one window.

Baba Yaga came out, even older than the one, on the porch. Ivan - Tsarevich told about his troubles, Baba - Yaga tells him:

Well, my child, I don't know if you'll get good. I will help you if you complete my task. He began to think about how to complete the task.

Guys, let's help Ivan Tsarevich complete the task of Baba Yaga.

IV. Trial of Baba Yaga

112 page 54

Read the task. - What is the issue about? How many books did the store sell on the first day? (100) - How many books did the store sell on the second day? (for 200 more books) - What main question tasks? - Let's write a brief condition of the problem and solve it.

Well done guys, you got the job done.

Many fellows passed by, but not many coped with the task. Take, child, my horse, go to my older sister.

Ivan Tsarevich went on. Not soon the deed is done, soon the fairy tale tells. Ivan Tsarevich rides day to evening - the sun is red until sunset. Runs into a hut, Baba Yaga of old years comes out, even older than those. Tsarevich Ivan told her about his troubles, Baba Yaga listened to him and said:

So be it, I will help you, Ivan - Tsarevich, just complete my task with the guys.

V. Trial of Baba Yaga.

Exercise. Compare:

600 kg * 1 t Let's remember the mass measures?

700 g * 910 g Name from< к >(g, kg, c, t)

200 kg * 2 c

1 t * 80 c

8 c * 6 kg

Well done, we coped with the task, but we need to gain strength before a long journey.

VI .Fizminutka.

Ivan Tsarevich moved on. How long, how short, low, high, Ivan Tsarevich reaches the high wall in the middle of the night. At the gate the guard sleeps - thirty mighty heroes. The horse jumped over a high wall. He got off his horse, entered the garden and saw - there was an apple tree with silver leaves, golden apples, and under the apple tree Well done.

Ivan Tsarevich told why he had come to a distant country, agreed to help him Well done, only he set the task for solution. Guys, we need to help solve the problem of Ivan Tsarevich.

VII. Test of the first Well done.

118 (1, 2) p. 55. - Make a task on a short note and solve it.

    You have to drive 500 km. Drove x km. Only 100 km left to go.

    You have to drive x km.

Drove - 200 km.

It remains to drive - 400 km.

Well done guys, they made it through the challenge. Ivan Tsarevich plucked three apples, but did not take any more. He went to look for a well with living water. I found a well, and there the second Well done sits. Tsarevich Ivan told him about everything, he decided to help. Well done. He gave Ivan Tsarevich a task, guys, let's help him cope.

VIII. Test of the second Well done. (Independent work with subsequent verification)


700 m - 500 m - 100 m 800 kg - 200 kg - 100 kg

400 cm - 300 cm + 200 cm 400 c - 300 c + 700 kg

900 mm - 500 mm + 400 mm 900 g - 800 g - 100 g

Well done! Decided to do it. While Ivan the Tsarevich is gathering water, we will complete the tasks.

IX. Logic pause.

    Continue row

2, 4, 6, 8, …

7, 14, 21….

8, 16, 24,…

    A challenge for ingenuity

Find the sum of a pair of numbers such that in a simple way do the calculation:


Solve in a convenient way

36+18+12 =



Ivan, the Tsarevich, took the living water and was about to mount his horse, when the beautiful maiden Sineglazka, the mistress of this kingdom, appeared. She began to ask Ivan Tsarevich what brought him to her kingdom, Ivan Tsarevich told her everything.

So be it, I will let you go home, but with one condition, if you solve the problem that I will ask you. Let the guys help you solve the problem.

X. Trial of Sineglazka.

(Solution of the problem on the board by the student with commenting and in notebooks).

Task. To make a pie, you need 1 kg of flour; sugar is 700 grams less than flour; and butter is 50 grams more than sugar. How much butter is needed to make a pie?

What is the task about? - What is known in the problem? - What is unknown in the problem? - What do you need to find? - How are we going to solve the problem? What do we find first? - What action? - What will we find in the second act? - What action will we find? - What is the question of the task? - Were we able to answer the question of the problem? - In how many steps is the problem solved? - How can we write a brief statement of the problem statement?

Well done, guys, completed the task of Sineglazka.

She let Ivan Tsarevich go home. He reached his kingdom, gave his father rejuvenating apples and living water. The king became healthy, arranged a feast for the whole world, and they began to live in joy for a long time and fun.

XI. Summary of the lesson.

This is the end of the fairy tale, which means the end of our journey. Well, the guys coped with the tests, helped Ivan Tsarevich, showed their knowledge and ability to complete tasks.(Lesson marks are announced)

XII. Homework.

117, page 55


M.N. Perova, Moscow 1999; "Methods of teaching mathematics in correctional school»;

F.R. Zalyaletdinova, Moscow 2007; "Non-standard lessons of mathematics in a correctional school";

Book for children "Russian folk tales »;

M.I.Moro, M.A.Bantova, G.V. Beltyukova, Volgograd 2004; "Mathematics Grade 3, lesson plans";

M.V. Soloveichik, M.A. Kozlova, Moscow 2000; "I'm going to a lesson in elementary school";

Moscow 2008; "Education and education of children with developmental disorders" No. 1; https :// infourok. en/ ;

physical minute - .

MKOU "Secondary School No. 2 with. Elm"

Prokhladnensky district

(Open lesson as part of the teachers' seminar primary school Prokhladnensky district)

Prepared and conducted

primary school teacher

Lyueva M.M.

February 2015


This development of a mathematics lesson is intended for students in grade 2 on the topic "Addition, subtraction and comparison of round hundreds." The purpose of the lesson: To improve the skills of addition and subtraction, comparing "round" hundreds within 1000. The type of lesson is to consolidate the knowledge learned. In accordance with the GEF in the classroom, students work collectively, in pairs, individually, under the guidance of a teacher and independently forming UUD. The development includes a summary of the lesson and a presentation. The tasks are tied to a specific textbook A. Chekin mathematics grade 2, so the lesson presented can be used by teachers working under the program "Perspective Primary School».

Mathematics, 2nd grade, III quarter.

EMC "Perspective Primary School"

Lesson topic. Let's practice the calculations. Addition, subtraction and comparison of round hundreds.(Slide 1)

Lesson goals. Improve the skills of addition and subtraction, comparing "round" hundreds within 1000.

Lesson objectives.

Tutorial: Improve computational skills when adding, subtracting, comparing “round” hundreds within 1000. Consolidate knowledge of oral and written numbering, the ability to solve problems.

Developing: Develop logical thinking and constructive skills; conscious perception educational material, visual memory and competent mathematical speech.

Educational: create conditions for the development of communicative qualities and personal reflection.

To cultivate responsibility, collectivism, mutual assistance, accuracy, independence, discipline, observation

Conduct form. Journey through fairy land.

Lesson type: consolidation of learned knowledge.

Logistics of the lesson: computer, multimedia projector, textbook "Mathematics" Grade 2, ed. A.L. Chekin.

Planned results:

Regulatory UUD:

exercise self-control;

Determine and formulate the purpose of the activity in the lesson;

Under the guidance of the teacher, plan their activities in the lesson;

Determine the sequence of actions in the lesson;

Work according to the plan;

Distinguish between a correctly completed task and an incorrect one;

Orientation in the textbook;

To master the ability to search and highlight the necessary information;

Be able to compare, explaining the choice of criterion for comparison.

Communicative UUD:

- listen and understand the speech of others;

- express your thoughts accurately and completely;

- to convey one's position to others: to formulate one's thoughts in oral speech, taking into account one's educational and life speech situations;

Develop skills to correctly formulate and justify your point of view;

Own the dialogic form of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms Russian language.

cognitive UUD:

- navigate in the textbook;

Extract new knowledge: extract information presented in different forms (text, table, diagram, illustration, etc.);

Process the information received: draw conclusions based on the generalization of knowledge.

Personal UUD:

Formation of a conscious positive attitude to the process of learning mathematics in one's own life;

Formation of the ability for self-esteem, understanding the teacher's assessments based on the specified success criteria learning activities;

Independently determine and express the simplest rules of conduct common to all people in communication and cooperation ( ethical standards communication and collaboration)

Development of independence and personal responsibility for one's actions, understanding the importance of making one's own choice.

During the classes.

I. Organizational moment.

The bell rang for us
Everyone walked quietly into the classroom.
Everyone got up at their desks beautifully,
Greeted politely.
Sit quietly, back straight.
Let's all breathe with a smile
Let's start our lesson together.

What is your mood?

Turn to each other and give each other smiles.

How would you like our math lesson to turn out? (Interesting, fascinating, informative).

And what should you be? (obedient, hardworking, active)

Today at the lesson of mathematics we will meet with many fairy-tale characters. You all probably recognized the main character of the cartoon "Cars" McQueen. (Slide 2)

Do you remember the name of his girlfriend? (Sally Carrera)

Sally has gone on a journey through fairy tales and is not returning. McQueen missed her very much and decided to go after her. To go on a long journey, you need a warm-up. Let's help McQueen with warm-ups. (Slide 3)

II. Actualization of previously studied knowledge and consolidation.

    Fill in the gaps by saying the numbers first in ascending order, then in descending order.

100, 200, …, …,…....1000.

1000, 900, ………100.

Write the smallest round three-digit number on the first line, and the largest round three-digit number on the second line.

What numbers did you write down? (100 and 900)

What can we do with these numbers?

(Make examples for addition, subtraction and comparison)

Make up examples.

What were you doing now?

(We made examples for addition, subtraction and comparison)

Can you name the topic of our lesson now?

-Addition, subtraction and comparison of round hundreds.

Have we done this in previous lessons?

What is your goal?

(To consolidate knowledge in addition, subtraction and comparison of round hundreds)

And so on the way. McQueen is heading towards fairytale town. Whether he rode for a long time, whether it was short, he entered some terrible kingdom. This is the kingdom of Koshchei the Immortal. (Slide 4)

    Solve the problem orally.

In order for Koschei to let him into the Land of Fairy Tales, where they are very fond of mathematics, he must solve the problem.

Let's help McQueen.

King Koschey in his palace

Hides a hundred keys in a chest.

Those chest keys

Do not open locks without them.

Stores good in chests:

Gold and silver.

thirty small keys,

How many big, answer quickly? (100-30= 70)

Well done! We helped our hero. Now his path is free.

And so our hero begins his journey through the fabulous city in search of Sally. Whether it was a long ride or a short one, McQueen meets Dunno on his way. Znayka - the main scientist of this fairy tale invited him to solve puzzles, but he cannot. But he so wants to surprise Znaika! McQueen wanted to help Dunno. Let's help him too.

    Rebuses. (Slide 5)

K O 100 P K A (bone)
S V I 100 K (whistle)

100 faces (capital)

Well done! We were able to help Dunno, and our hero can continue on his way. McQueen says goodbye to Dunno and continues on his way, thinking about meeting his girlfriend. How long did he ride, how short on his way does he meet Pinocchio. He is in Malvina's class. She wants Pinocchio to write a mathematical dictation, and he will be stubborn. He doesn’t want to, and he can’t do much, because he recently entered school. McQueen felt sorry for Malvin and decided to help Pinocchio. Let's help and write a math dictation.

    Mathematical dictation. (write only answers) (Slide 6)

Increase given numbers by 200: 100, 400, 300, 500, 200

Decrease given numbers by 300: 600, 800, 700, 400, 500

Let's check the completed task. Have you written your answers correctly? If it is correct, put a + sign in the margins, and if you made mistakes -

Pinocchio also correctly wrote the answers. Malvina was very happy that Pinocchio wrote the answers correctly, and thanked McQueen. He, too, was glad that he had been useful, and after saying goodbye to new friends, he continued on his way.

What action do we perform when we say increase? (Addition)

And what action do we perform when we say reduce? (Subtraction)

How long did he ride, how short does our hero meet Little Red Riding Hood on his way. She cannot determine the length of the road from home to her grandmother, so as not to get caught by a wolf. McQueen gladly decides to help this cute girl.

Come on, guys, we will also help Little Red Riding Hood and find out the length of the road.

III. Work on the topic.

1. Work with geometric material. Independent work (Slide 7)

- The road to the grandmother has the shape of a broken line. Find the length of the entire road if known:


What is the length of the road? (1000m) If you have correctly decided on the fields, put a + sign, and if not -

Well done children! We helped Little Red Riding Hood and she will safely get to her grandmother. McQueen continued on his way, saying goodbye to Little Red Riding Hood.

How long did he drive, did he meet Chipolino on the road for a short time. He is in second grade and is having trouble with assignment #6 on page 24, and asks McQueen to help him.

2. Work with examples on the order of actions. Page - 24, No. 6. (Slide 8)

Let's guys open the textbooks and look at this assignment. Here are examples on finding the values ​​of expressions.

Name the order of actions in which you will complete the solution of the examples.

(First we do what is in brackets)

To cope with the task faster, agree with a neighbor and decide: the top line - 1 student, the bottom line - the other.

(200 + 600) – 100 =700 (500 + 400) – 700=200

200+ (500 – 400) =300 700 + (800 – 600)=900

800 – (300 + 200) =300 900 – (100 + 700)=100

Swap notebooks and do peer review. If it is correct, put a + sign in the margins, and if not -

Check the answers again (on the screen). Have they all made the right decision?

Well done! We helped our hero and Chipolino. McQueen said goodbye to him and moved on. How long did he ride, how short was he a little tired and decided to rest. Come on, guys, and we, too, will have a rest and have a physical minute.

IV. Fizminutka "We counted."(Slide 9).

We counted and got tired.

Everyone stood up quietly and quietly.

They clapped their hands, one, two, three.

They stamped their feet, one, two, three.

And they stomped and clapped more friendly.

They sat down, got up, and did not hurt each other,

Let's do eye exercises. (Slide 10) - black square

1. Horizontal eye movements: right - left - 6 times

2. Circular eye movements clockwise and in the opposite direction - 6 times

3.Squeeze and unclench your eyes at a fast pace - 6 times

V. Continuation of work on the topic.

3. Solving problems, studied types. (Slide 11)

After a little rest, our hero continued on his way. As soon as I turned around the intersection, I met with a small and kind Serpent Gorynych. He sat on tasks. It was necessary to solve three problems. But the heads argue among themselves and cannot agree in any way. McQueen felt sorry for Gorynych and decided to help. Let's join too. We are good at negotiating and working as a team. We will divide into three groups: I row - the first group, II row - the second group, III row - the third. Each group gets one task. You need to make a short note and solve it.

1 group

2 group

3 group

Team car racing in Japan "Ferrari" driving at speed 300 kilometers per hour, A Mercedes at 100 kilometers per hour slower. How fast was the Mercedes team car moving?

Team "Mercedes" prepared for racing 500 liters gasoline, and Ferrari - 400 liters. How much liters of gasoline less prepared by the Ferrari team?

Team per year "Mercedes" used up 400 tires, team Ferrari 200 more tires. How many tires did the Ferrari team use up?

300 – 100 = 200km/h

500 - 400 = 100 l

400 + 200 = 600 (W)

Ferrari -300 km/h

"Mercedes"-? at 100 km/h slower.

"Ferrari" -400 l

"Mercedes" -500 l

On the? less

"Mercedes" - 400 sh

"Ferrari"-? for 200 sh. more

The first group names the answer: the Mercedes team car was moving at a speed of 200 km / h, the second group: the Ferrari team prepared 100 liters less, the third group: the Ferrari team used up 600 tires.

Well done! Gorynych liked our work. Now the heads decided to think and make decisions together.

McQueen says goodbye to Gorynych and continues on his way, rejoicing at the upcoming meeting with Sally. How long did he ride, how briefly did he meet Mashenka on the road. Examples No. 7 on page 24 and No. 8 on page 25 were given to her at home. Mashenka complained that she could not quickly cope with two tasks, because she had to meet Misha. Our hero volunteers to help Mashenka. Let's help us too.

4. Work according to the textbook. (Page 24, no. 7, p. 25 no. 8) (Slide 12)

Consider the tasks and, of your choice, solve examples that you can handle in order to help Mashenka faster.

Let's check the answers.

Stand up, those who chose examples no. 7.

Stand up, those who chose examples no. 8

Does everyone have the same answers? Sit down. If they match, put a + sign in the margins, and if not -

page 24, no. 7 Page 25, No. 8

800 + 26 = 826 900 + 3*5 =915

500 + 40 = 540 300 + 6*7 =342

300 + 4 = 304 400 + 5*8 = 440

85 + 200 = 285 800 + 3*3 = 809

Mashenka thanked for ambulance, said goodbye to McQueen and ran to Misha.

Our hero, thinking about an early meeting with his girlfriend, continued on his way. How long did it go, how short, well, here is Sally. They finally meet, but Sally can't leave with McQueen for her own country unless she does a comparison of the following numbers.

5. Comparison of numbers. Work on the interactive whiteboard. (Slide 13)

McQueen learned a lot during the trip and began to help Sally alone, to make comparisons. Let's help our heroes to unite and go home to their homeland together and never part again. After all, there is no dearer Motherland in the world.

Well done! We have overcome all obstacles together. McQueen and Sally thank you for your help and give you a souvenir of their coloring pages. They say goodbye to us and leave for their homeland together, never to part again. Let's wish them a happy journey! (Slide 14)

IV Reflection. (Slide 15)

Self-assessment of work in the classroom.

Who thinks that the lesson was interesting,

worked well, understood everything, raise


And who thinks that he wasinteresting, worked not bad, it was difficult to lift


Well done! You did a good job in class today.

Evaluation of student work, grading

How many plus points did you get?

What rating would you give yourself?

Who do you think did the best job in the class?

Who can put "5" today?

V. Summary of the lesson.

- What did we learn in the lesson?

( Addition, subtraction and comparison of round hundreds).

How are they added and subtracted? (Hundreds add up in the same way as ones.)

Here is the end of the lesson.
He went, I hope, for the future.

VI. Homework. (Slide 16)

Page 25 No. 9 - all students;

12.13- Tanova D., Tanova S., Ryskal L., Itova R., Lyuev A., Tanov V..


Quiz by Maqueen.

    On which highway is the town of cars located? (Highway 66)

    What is the name of the town of cars? (Radiator Springs)

    Who main character? (McQueen)

    Who is his girlfriend? (Sally Carrera)

    How many cars are in the famous gang? (4)

Actions are performed on the basis of knowledge of numbering and are essentially reduced to actions within 10. Reasoning is carried out as follows: 200 is 2 hundreds, 100 is 1 hundred.

2 hundred. + l cell. = 3 hundred. 3 hundreds is 300. 200+100=300 500-200=?

5 cells - 2 cells = 3 cells = 300 500-200 = 300

Individual students who still need to use visual aids can be offered bundles of sticks (1000 sticks connected in bundles of a hundred), plates of arithmetic

one box, strips 1 m long, each divided into 100 cm, abacus, abacus.

It is useful to solve and compose triples of examples of the form

400+200= 700-500=

followed by a comparison of the components and results of the action

2. Addition and subtraction of round hundreds and units, round
hundreds and tens (actions are based on knowledge of numbering):

a) 300+ 5 305- 5 b) 300+ 40 340- 40

5+300 305-300 40+300 340-300

c) 300+ 45 345- 45

3. Addition and subtraction of round tens, as well as round
hundreds and tens:

a) 430+ 20 450- 20 b) 430+200
c) 430+120 550-120 630-200

When solving cases a), b), the reasoning is carried out as follows: “430 is 4 hundred. and 3 des, 20 is 2 des. We add tens: 3 dec. + 2 dec. = 5 dec. 4 hundred + 5 dec = 450.

The digits that are added or subtracted can be recommended to underline:

4 30+2 00=630 6 30-2 00=430

7 Perova M.N.

When solving examples of the form c), the reasoning is carried out as follows

"120=100+20, 430+100=530, 530+20=550", i.e. this case

addition (subtraction) is reduced to cases of addition (subtraction) already known to students a), b).

4. Addition of three-digit numbers with one-digit, two-digit and
three-digit without passing through the discharge and the corresponding cases
subtraction teas:

a) 540+5 545-5 b) 545+40 c) 350+23 373-23

543+2 545-2 585-40 356+23 379-23

d) 350+123 673-123 356+123 679-123

Actions are performed orally. When performing actions, students use the same techniques that they used when studying the actions of addition and subtraction within 100, that is, they decompose the second component of the action (the second term or subtracted) into bit units and sequentially add or subtract them from the first component.

For example:

350+123 ______ 673-123 _______

123=100+20+3 123=100+20+3

350+100=450 673-100=573

450+ 20=470 573- 20=553

470+ 3=473 553- 3=550

5. Special cases of addition and subtraction. These include
cases that cause the greatest difficulty and in which
mistakes are most often made. Students have the most trouble
nyayut operations with zero (zero is in the middle of the number or in
end). The case with numbers containing zero does not require special
tricks. But such examples need to be solved more, to repeat
before solving such examples, solving addition examples
and subtraction when the action component is zero: 0+3,
5+0, 5-5:

A) 308+121 b) 402-201 V) 736-504

308+100=408 402-200=202 736-500=236

408+ 20=428 202- 1=201 236- 4=232 428+ 1=429

d) 0+436 700-0 725-725

Oral calculation techniques require students to constantly analyze numbers in terms of their decimal composition, understanding the place

numbers in a number, understanding that actions can be performed

only over the ranks of the same name. Not all students of the auxiliary school understand this at the same time.

Before performing actions, it is necessary to seek from the student

schischihsya preliminary analysis of the decimal composition of numbers. The teacher should often ask questions: “Where do you need to start complex

nie? What ranks do we add up?

Otherwise, students make mistakes when calculating

niyakh. They add tens and hundreds and write down the result.

either into the hundreds or tens place, for example: 400+10=500, 30+400=70, 30+400=4 7 0, 30+400=34 0,

670+2=69 0, 670-3=64 0.

These errors indicate a misunderstanding of the positional meaning of the numbers in a number, an inability to independently control the results of actions. The teacher needs to ensure that students check the performance of actions, and they do this not formally, but in essence. It is not uncommon to observe that the student allegedly made the check, but carried it out formally. He wrote down only the reverse action, but did not solve it, and therefore did not notice the mistake made, for example: 490-280=110.

Examination. 110+280=490.

Often, mentally retarded schoolchildren (even high school students) may not understand the essence of verification. Checking is often performed by students only because it is either required by the teacher or such an assignment is contained in the textbook. Often, when performing a check, the student receives a discrepancy between the result obtained and the given example, but this does not serve as a reason for him to correct the wrong answer, for example: 570-150=320. Examination. 320+150=470.

IN this case verification acts as an independent action, in no way connected with the one that the student is checking.

The teacher must constantly remember these mistakes of students with intellectual disabilities and demand answers to the questions: “What did the test show? Is the example correct? How to prove that the action is performed correctly?

The conscious performance of oral calculations, the development of generalized ways of performing actions is the constant attention

to questions of comparison and comparison of cases of addition, subtraction, different in complexity. It is important to teach students to see the general and the special in the examples they solve.

For example, compare examples and explain their solution:

30+5, 300+40, 300+45, 300+140, 300+145, 300+105.

305-5, 340-40, 345-45, 340-300, 345-300, 345-200.

It is also useful for students to compile examples that are similar (similar) to data, or examples a certain kind: "Make an example in which you need to add round hundreds with units"; “Make a subtraction example in which the minuend -three-digit number, and the subtrahend - round tens ", etc. 1

To consolidate the operations of addition and subtraction within 1000 methods of mental calculations, it is useful to solve examples with unknown components.

II. Addition and subtraction with transition through the category.

Addition and subtraction with the transition through the discharge - this is the most difficult material. Therefore, students perform actions in a column. Addition and subtraction in a column are performed on each category separately and are reduced to addition and subtraction within 20. But in this case, mentally retarded schoolchildren have difficulties in writing numbers, i.e., in the ability to correctly sign the category under the corresponding category.

Often due to the inability to organize attention, due to insufficient clear understanding the positional value of the digits in the number, and even due to carelessness when writing the digits, the students shift the number to be added or subtracted to the left or right and therefore make mistakes in the calculations. Students make especially many mistakes when writing numbers in a column, if the action is performed on a three-digit and two-digit or single-digit number. In this case, tens are signed by hundreds, units by hundreds or tens. This leads to errors in the calculations.

For example:

+ 6 + 3818

The greatest difficulty is caused by the action of subtraction. Errors in calculations are different character. The reason for some of

Poor students are allowed to complete all cases in a column.

one of them is the weak assimilation of tabular addition and subtraction in cases 20.

Many mistakes are made as a result of the fact that students forget to add the resulting ten or hundred in their mind, and also forget that they “borrowed” a hundred or ten. For example:

At the same time, the reasoning is carried out as follows: it is impossible to subtract, subtract 5 from 8 units, demolish, the difference is 373.

Summary of a lesson in mathematics, grade 5

Lesson topic: Addition and subtraction of round hundreds and tens.

Purpose: - to continue work on the formation of skills in adding round hundreds and tens;

Learn to solve examples of the form 220 + 10,840-40

Improve skills in solving problems in 2 steps;

Develop and correct attention, memory, mathematical speech.

Equipment: textbooks, notebooks, pencils, PC, presentation.

During the classes.

    Organizing time.

Guys, today we have an unusual lesson. The lesson is a journey into nature.

This journey will help us learn how to add numbers. What are the numbers? We will find out a little later. Let's check first homework.

    Checking homework.

    The topic of the lesson.

It's time to figure out the topic of the lesson. To do this, you need to complete several tasks.


400, 210, 325, 600, 870.

What is the excess number? How can you name the remaining numbers? - ( round)

As you complete the task, the topic of the lesson opens.



What numbers does the number series consist of? - ( round hundreds).

The full topic of the lesson opens - "Addition and subtraction of round hundreds and tens."

    Verbal counting.

- Riddle: Agile Animal

Lives in a hollow hut.

All day jump-jump,

Found a fungus

Stringed on a knot

Prepared for the future. (Squirrel)

- perform No. 135 with 58 orally in a chain

Visual gymnastics. - Slide

    Formulation of the problem.

W:- We continue our journey and we got to the stream. And in order to cross it, we need to build a bridge. On the shore there are logs with tasks

So that you can easily cope with this task, let's look at how you will solve them. Who has suggestions? (students suggest ways to solve such examples). The teacher summarizes.


U: - Well, now let's start building the bridge. Solve examples from textbook No. 137 p.58 in notebooks

W: Well done! With the help of your knowledge, we crossed to the other side. We have worked hard, we are tired. Let's rest a bit.


Sunny fine day
My friends and I are going to the forest.
We carry baskets with us.
Here's a good trail! (walking in place)
Bird songs are everywhere
Noise will not frighten them,
There are great places here
Ah, what a beauty. (tilts forward, backward)
Again we go through the forest.
And around - so interesting!
(Turns left and right)
Rest, and it's time.
(Sipping - arms to the sides)
Get to work, masters!
(Children sit at their desks)