Didn't pass the Unified State Exam in an additional subject. What happens if you don’t show up for the exam you need to take? When can you retake the Unified State Exam?

Schoolchildren without a certificate are welcome to study in colleges and abroad

In Russia in 2010, 8,251 people were not issued secondary education certificates. Trud found out four ways to get an education without a Unified State Examination certificate and without losing a year.

Yuri graduated from school this year, but did not succeed in the Unified State Examination in mathematics: the young man was so worried that he failed miserably, scoring only 20 points. You won’t be able to get a certificate with these results: entry to all universities is closed according to the law.

“I know that it’s my own fault, but I have no idea what to do now. It’s good that it’s still too early to join the army, I’ll now prepare for the retake,” Yuri says with regret.

This year, graduates received a certificate only if they passed the Unified State Exam in Russian with at least 31 points and the Unified State Exam in Mathematics with at least 21 points. If one of these exams is not passed, a certificate of secondary education will be issued only next year, and then only if successful completion unified state exam.

1. Become a free listener

How to pass the Unified State Exam in a year if it didn’t work out? You can prepare on your own, or with tutors. But successfully passing the Unified State Exam does not mean that you can enroll without problems. That is why many universities organize training courses with preparation for the Unified State Exam.

“Courses are created not only so that a child can successfully pass the Unified State Exam. The main emphasis is on eliminating the difference between the school and university programs,” said the head of the press service of MSTU. N. E. Bauman Irina Abramova. — In the first year, students with simple school preparation are not able to master the material that the university offers. The preparatory department solves this problem.”

Training periods and prices are different everywhere. For example, at the Moscow State Law Academy named after O. E. Kutafin there are four-month and eight-month courses. “Preparation in the courses is carried out not only for the Unified State Exam, but also for an additional profile-oriented test. Specifically to Unified State Exam preparation is taught in three subjects: Russian language, Russian history, social studies, it is also possible in English language", - said the acting. Director of the Academy's Pre-University Training Center Irina Zubova.

“At the Russian State University for the Humanities, in the Center for Pre-University Training, there are two-year courses for the duration of the student’s studies in grades 10-11, and 8-month courses for 11th graders. In addition, we conduct rehearsal exams in almost all subjects. Registration for participation has been open since October. The applicant can also receive counseling, including psychological counseling,” Mikhail Netsatunyan, director of the center, told Trud.

For those who are far from Moscow, distance training courses in basic subjects have been running for three years: history, Russian, English, mathematics. First, the student is given factual material, then a test on the section. At the end of the training, everyone has the opportunity to test their knowledge in general testing.

2. Go abroad

A certificate of completion is indeed required in all universities in the country, but only in ours. Therefore, you should not forget about the option of going to study in Europe or America.

True, you will need to spend more time there: school leaving certificates in Russia are not recognized in almost any country, even though Russia has joined the European Convention on the Mutual Recognition of Documents.

So first compulsory college, and only then university. In general, the same 4-6 years come out.

“I graduated from a university in London, and it was compulsory for us to go to college, because English children study at school for 11 years, and we study for 10,” former student Alexey tells Trud.

A document confirming graduation from school is required, but what it will be - a certificate or a certificate - is not always important. All the same, you will have to adapt to the program of the country in which you want to study, and the Unified State Exam is definitely not conducted there.

In some countries, for example in the Czech Republic, you will have to confirm your complete secondary education by passing 2-3 exams under the auspices of the country's education department.

3. Act like a ninth grader

Those who failed in this year of the Unified State Exam the road to colleges is open. To obtain secondary specialized education, you need a certificate not for the 11th grade, but for the 9th grade.

After graduating from several colleges, you can enter the third year of university. As we were informed by the admissions committee of the Moscow College of Mathematics, their graduates can both work in their specialty and receive higher education. Although, in order to enter the university for the third year, they will still have to write the Unified State Examination.

At MESI, to enroll in the third year of the university, it will be enough to pass the internal exam; the Unified State Exam will no longer be needed.

Third-year student of MOSA (Moscow Open Social Academy) Alexander spoke about the advantages of entering the academy after college. “It’s much easier to get used to a university or academy if you studied in college first,” says Alexander. “Besides, we didn’t take the Unified State Exam this year, only our specialty exams.”

However, it will still not be possible to save learning time everywhere. The duration of study in most colleges is 3 years 10 months; you will have to complete your studies at the university for another 3 years. It turns out that these guys will receive their diploma in 6 years anyway. But they have advantages: after graduating from college, they can work in their specialty.

4. Complete 3 years in 3 months

If you do not have a Unified State Examination certificate, you can find another alternative. Today, more and more often you can find offers to complete specialized courses, where on average in 3 months you will receive an interesting profession.

The choice of specialties here is no less than in higher and secondary educational institutions. Girls may be interested in the professions of a flight attendant or a manicurist, and for boys there are courses for electricians or landscape designers.

"Find Good work, after completing a three-month course, you can. It all depends on whether good specialists trained you, and on your own desire and determination,” said ex-director of the recruiting agency “Recruiter” Mark Levin. “I myself taught such courses for ten years. Trained advertising specialists. I can say for sure that sales specialists, after completing the courses, can find high-paying jobs.”

The main advantage of such training is short deadlines. Major centers additional education They are also engaged in further employment of their students. In addition to the obvious advantages, there are also disadvantages. Most employers will give preference to an applicant with a university or college diploma. “Three-month specialist training courses are a useful thing. But you can only find a well-paid job with a salary of 25-30 thousand rubles if you have a diploma,” said Lidiya Khadzieva, executive director of the MainStaff International Recruiting Agency.

The centers are focused on the needs of employers, and many jobs require certain skills, such as knowledge of specialized programs, and the courses provide students with these skills. There are industries in which secondary or higher education is necessary; there are those where you can start with basic knowledge, which can be obtained in centers of additional education.

They take you even without a certificate

It turned out that without the Unified State Exam you can enter not only colleges, but also higher education institutions. The Trud correspondent decided to pose as an applicant who had failed her school exams.

So, according to the conditions of the experiment, we passed: mathematics - 19 points, Russian language - 56 points, history - 58 points and social studies - 64 points. With these results, instead of a certificate, the student receives a certificate of completion of school.

We contacted the admissions committees of some universities and asked if, with these results, we could enter the law faculty. The results of the call were commented on by specialists from the Russian State University for the Humanities.

IPI (Institute of Professional Innovation)

“If you do not have a certificate, then, of course, you will have to get one first. You can enroll in our external school. Over the course of a year, you will complete the 10-11th grade program and pass the Unified State Exam in the subjects that you need. At the same time, he will undergo training at our faculty of pre-university preparation, where he will master the first-year program. And after that, you can enroll in our second year if all exams are passed successfully. The cost of training in both places is 30,000 rubles. Or you can graduate from an external school, receive a certificate of secondary education and next year enter the first year of any other university.”

Comment from the director of the Center for Pre-University Training at the Russian State University for the Humanities, Mikhail Netsatunyan:

- This is profanation, this cannot happen, the university is simply making money, and in a not entirely legal way. Let's think logically: if a child has not passed the school program, then he does not have enough knowledge to enter a university. Without knowing the multiplication table, you cannot study algebra.

MIIT (Moscow State Transport University)

“You won’t be able to apply to us without a certificate,” MIIT immediately noted. - But you can try to enroll next year. We have preparatory courses where you can choose several subjects or just one - for which you need to retake the Unified State Exam. Thus, over the course of a year, knowledge will not be forgotten, but, on the contrary, will be strengthened. We don’t know yet what will happen this year, but past Unified State Examination in mathematics we took it at our university. A one-year course in one subject costs 10,000 rubles.”

- This is legal and correct. The child will simply attend a training course. Moreover, it is important to understand what exactly to focus on. If this is the history of the fatherland, which is divided into periods, you need to find out for which period the graduate has problems, and this is the material to be given. The child will find it interesting and useful.

AMI (Academic International Institute)

Different operators gave different answers.

“You won’t be able to apply to us without a certificate. Take the Unified State Exam, come back next year,” the first one clarified the situation.

But the second operator, having received the same data, began to doubt: “I don’t know if it will be possible to apply to us without a certificate, you need to come here and figure it out.”

“The institute is recruiting for the so-called Unified State Exam preparation groups. In reality, this means that the applicant is enrolled in the first year on the same basis as those who have no problems with exams. Same conditions, same items. Same price. But in addition to the main program, the student must attend classes to prepare for the Unified State Exam next year. During the first year of study, students have academic debt in the form of a failed exam. Without the Unified State Exam, they won’t transfer to the second year, but if you try and pass everything, then the year will not be lost,” noted the third girl on the line.

Comment by Mikhail Netsatunyan:

“These are just dishonest universities that are trying to make money as best they can.”

IMPE im. A. S. Griboedova

The university admissions committee asked if the cost of education was acceptable and asked my age: school graduates are usually 17.

- Come to our institute tomorrow with one of your parents, we will tell you everything. Take with you all the documents at once, your passport, the passport of one of your parents, three-by-four photographs. You can also pay tomorrow.

— Will I be enrolled as a first-year student this year?

— On Friday you will be able to start classes.

After talking a little more with a representative of the admissions committee, I found out that I would graduate along with those who had already entered the first year this year - in 2015. I will receive a specialist diploma. During this year I will be a student and at the same time I will prepare for the Unified State Exam. And after passing the Unified State Exam in the summer of 2011, I will be able to be enrolled in the second year.

On May 28, the main stage of the Unified State Exam began in Russia. This is a mandatory unified state exam for all 11th grade students. Based on its results, students are issued a school leaving certificate and are enrolled in universities.

Ekaterina Miroshkina

monitors the Unified State Exam

The Unified State Examination is taken strictly according to the schedule. On one day, one exam for all graduates of all cities.

On May 28 they took geography and computer science, on June 14 they took social studies, and the main stage will end on June 20 with literature and physics. Then they will reserve days. A few more days are reserved for those who could not come for a good reason.

We've sorted it out difficult questions that concern graduates and their parents in Unified State Exam period.

Can I change elective exams? If you indicated one subject in the application, and now decide to take another?

Additional exams could be chosen until February 1st. You cannot simply change the list of exams - only for a good reason, with the permission of the commission and if there are at least two weeks left before the exam.

A valid reason in such cases is, for example, when a university suddenly includes in the list of entrance exams new item. This is a violation on the part of the university, but it happens.

If you have chosen several exams in reserve in February, you don’t have to come to the one you don’t need.

You don’t have to donate the extra ones

For example, if the application indicated computer science, physics, history and social studies, and after computer science it became clear that there were enough points, you may not come to history and social studies. Nothing will happen for this.

If a graduate decides to enroll in another university and does not have enough exams, he will have to wait next year. This also happens: it is unpleasant, but not fatal.

What happens if you don’t show up for the exam you need to take?

If you do not come for a good reason - for example due to illness - you can take the exam on reserve days. After the main stage is over, those who missed the exams will be allowed to take the exams. A valid reason must be supported by documents. If there are no documents, you will not be allowed to take exams on the reserve day.

If you fail to pass the Russian language and basic mathematics at all, you will not be issued a school leaving certificate. But these subjects will be allowed to be retaken this year.

Do not come to mandatory meetings - only for a good reason

A missed elective exam will only be retaken after one year.

If you realize that you cannot come to the exam, be sure to call to the class teacher and the subject teacher. They will tell you what to do next, where to go, what documents to collect and when you can retake it. You can call teachers even late in the evening or early in the morning: during the Unified State Examination period they are usually always in touch, because they are sometimes more worried than the graduates. At least that's what all the teachers we talked to told us.

When will the Unified State Exam results be known?

Typically, inspections at all levels take a maximum of two weeks. Results may be published earlier, but not later than the scheduled date. The quickest test will be basic math.

Who checks the work? How objective are the assessments?

Each work is checked by several people. The test part is checked by the computer. There are clear instructions for checking, so subjectivity is almost excluded. Can be different interpretations in oral subjects or essay, but usually the deviation is one or two points. If the examiners have different assessments, the result will be determined in favor of the graduate.

All forms are anonymous. Work for verification is distributed among experts automatically. No one knows that this particular student wrote a particular work. And students do not know who will get their work, even if they try to leave some kind of mark on the form.

After verification in your region, the work can be sent for cross-regional verification. And then, until March 1 of the next year, they are randomly checked again.

It's better not to negotiate with anyone

Negotiating with the commission, looking for acquaintances and paying money for verification is a huge risk. It is illegal. And no one can guarantee that everything will work out: the examination of the Unified State Examination is strictly controlled, including at the federal level. If something like this is discovered, everyone will be punished. And the exam results will not be counted at all, even if the work is really well written.

If you don’t agree with the results, what should you do?

File an appeal. There are two working days for this after the results become officially known.

The chance that you will be able to win one or two points is small. But if it is there, it is better to use it: sometimes enrollment in a budget place depends on one point.

It is worth filing an appeal if you know for sure that, for example, the essay was written perfectly. You cannot appeal the test part based on the results of your answers. The maximum that can be counted on is that the signs were not recognized correctly during the check, but the chances are slim.

Sometimes, based on the results of an appeal, the number of points is reduced, although the graduate was counting on an increase. You need to think carefully before drawing attention to your work.

How to find out the answers to the Unified State Exam in advance? They say they can be bought or found in other regions.

No. Leakage of Unified State Examination results is excluded. If some websites offer to buy test answers, they are scammers. No one knows the content of the test materials before students sit down at their desks and the exam officially begins.

Sometimes teachers themselves say that they found out what the options would be. Or one of the inspectors offers to buy them through an acquaintance. Don't trust anyone.

There are no answers to the Unified State Examination. What they sell is not the answer

There have already been cases when parents paid 50 thousand rubles or even more, but there was not a single match.

Teachers are not scammers, they want the best and may themselves think that they have got the right options. They sit and decide the night before the exam, as if to help. And then during the exam it turns out that the tasks and answers are different.

There is only one benefit in such schemes: if you take any options somewhere and solve them yourself, this will help you better prepare for the Unified State Exam.

Can I take my phone to the exam?

It is forbidden. You cannot take anything to the exam except your passport and a pen. For some items you are allowed to take a ruler, calculator or protractor. Where the exam is held, there are metal detectors at the entrance.

Even if you managed to smuggle your phone in, you still probably won’t be able to use it. Here are some real situations where graduates tried to use the phone and failed.

Ivan put the phone in the pocket sewn to his underpants and said that the detector reacts to piercings. He carried the phone and left it in the toilet. I wanted to take time off during the exam and consult with the teacher via WhatsApp.

After the exam began, inspectors inspected the toilets and removed all stashes of communication equipment. It was a shame to go get a phone, and Ivan was left without a new Samsung. Until September, he was afraid that somehow it would be discovered that it was his phone, and the exam results would be canceled.

Everything worked out well: Ivan himself passed the exam and received good score. If he had been caught, he would not have entered this year.

Anya carried the phone in her bra, hid it securely in the toilet, and no one found it. During the exam, Anya asked for time off, took the phone, but was unable to use it. There was a device on the floor to suppress the communication signal. The phone turned out to be useless.

At the Unified State Exam in mathematics, Anya relied on her phone: last year her friend succeeded. As a result, Anya missed five points and now her parents pay 80 thousand rubles a year.

Vitya carried the phone in his sneaker straight into the classroom where the exam was being held. I was afraid to leave it in the toilet because they might find it. Vitya didn’t need a communication signal either: he had no intention of writing or calling. He photographed the physics formulas on his phone in advance. I wanted to take time off and take a peek if a difficult task came up.

Vitya almost succeeded. But at 10:30 the phone vibrated with a call from the grandmother, who was very worried about her grandson. Physics didn't count towards him, he got a good grade technical university failed to do so.

Some manage to both carry the phone and use it. But this is a violation.

Can you bring cheat sheets? Will they be able to be used?

Theoretically, it’s easier to carry cheat sheets than a phone, but it’s better not to bring them in - this is also illegal. Inspectors do not have the right to ask a student to undress, grope him or check his pockets. The metal detector does not respond to crib sheets, but they are found in the toilets and taken away before the exam begins.

Use cheat sheets or additional literature It won't work right in the exam. Video cameras are installed in all rooms and broadcast on the Internet. It is monitored in real time and then selectively reviewed after the exam.

It also happens like this.

Zhenya wrote a list of words with the correct accent on masking tape and stuck it on her legs under her skirt.. Zhenya is an excellent student and knows Russian well, but all her friends did this, and she too, just in case. The cheat sheet was of no use to her: she already knew the words.

Two hours later, Zhenya asked to go to the toilet and forgot about the tape. The crib sheets peeled off and slid down to my knees under my tights. This was noticed by a member of the commission in the corridor. Zhenya should have been removed from the exam in disgrace. She miraculously and with tears managed to persuade the inspector not to report the violation. And although Zhenya was met halfway, she was so worried that she wrote the essay poorly and didn’t get enough points for the journalism department. To be fair, almost all currently practicing journalists advise against going to journalism departments.

Vika and Lisa made history cheat sheets for two. They also took answers to tests that were sold to them as if they were real. To avoid being caught, they divided it all in half. Classmates ended up in different classrooms and agreed in advance to meet at 11 o’clock in the toilet.

They asked for time off, as agreed, at the same time, but did not take into account that they were being taken to different toilets - each was taken to the one that was closer. It didn’t work out to meet, but Lisa needed the crib sheets that Vika took with her.

Cheat sheets should be written before the exam just to remember better. You should not take them with you to the exam. There are no ideal options without risk; everything cannot be foreseen. Something can always go wrong, and not only the budget, but also the school leaving certificate will be at risk.

Is it possible to negotiate with the exam committee to help? Can you give me some advice?

No, no one will tell you anything. You can only ask a question after filling out the form. It must be answered loudly and clearly. Calling a member of the commission over and asking for help in a whisper will not work.

Such requests have no practical meaning. The committee consists of teachers in other subjects or administrative workers.

Members of the commission are monitored by other commission members, public observers, Rosobrnadzor and the prosecutor's office. Everything is very strict. If someone helps a graduate, they will be fined.

If everything is correct on the draft, but there is an error on the form, which answer will be counted?

The answer that is on the official form is always counted. Drafts are not graded.

You need to properly allocate time to check your work and have time to rewrite everything without errors.

What if I feel bad during the exam?

You need to contact a healthcare professional. He is always present in the audience. Then they will act according to the situation. If it is not possible to continue the work, this will be recorded, but the results will not be evaluated. It will be possible to retake it on a reserve day.

If you need to take medication during the exam, this is allowed. If you need to drink juice, eat sweets or get an injection, that’s also possible. You can bring water or chocolate with you, but you won’t be able to use them as cheat sheets: everything will be checked. If they find inscriptions, they will be removed without the right to retake.

If you don’t get enough points this year and you can’t study for a fee, what should you do?

If you fail to score even the minimum in basic subjects, you will not be given a certificate. Basic subjects will be offered to be retaken on a reserve day or in the fall.

If the scores are above the minimum, but still low, you can retake the exams according to necessary items next year and choose the best result.

Unified State Exam results are valid for four years. For example, if a graduate did well in Russian and biology, but got nervous in mathematics and missed three points, you can retake mathematics in a year and apply to the university again.

It is unreasonable to postpone admission just because you don’t have enough points to get into a prestigious university. Anything can happen in a year.

A simpler university is better than waiting a year

There is no guarantee that next year you will be able to pass the exams well, and the passing score will not be increased. It is better to choose a faculty or university that is simpler, and then look for options for transferring or enrolling again.

Ksyusha wanted to become a microbiologist or virologist. Of the additional subjects, she chose biology and chemistry, but entered the university for free. medical academy Did not work out. In order not to waste a year, Ksyusha submitted documents to the Institute of Food Production, where chemistry was also required. She entered on a budget and got a room in a dorm. The following year, she changed her mind about taking the Unified State Exam again and remained at her university. Now Ksyusha has already received a diploma, works as a food technologist at an international enterprise and earns five times more than her doctor parents.

If there are not enough points at all for admission to the budget, there is an option not to apply, prepare, and retake the Unified State Exam next year.

Sergei also wanted to become a doctor, but did not pass biology well and did not pass the budget. He had a deferment from the army, so in order not to lose a year, he entered a medical college in his city and was preparing to retake the Unified State Exam. If it hadn’t worked out, Sergei would have stayed in college, studied to become a paramedic and still worked in medicine, as he dreamed of.

But he succeeded. The following year, he retook biology and, with the same results in Russian and mathematics, entered the cardiologist's degree. By that time, he had also managed to get a referral from their local cardiology clinic, which also helped.

What are the ways to do well on the Unified State Exam?

To pass the Unified State Exam well, you need to prepare for it. It's better to start in tenth grade. You can prepare on your own or with a tutor.

Shortly before exams, it is most effective to solve tests from previous years. The tasks in the Unified State Examination are standard and in different years there may be very similar ones. If there is a tutor, he will select the correct preparation method taking into account the student’s abilities.

What is the best thing to do before the exam?

Graduates need to sleep. You can't sit up all night over your textbooks or look for answers for this year. Not getting enough sleep and being nervous is the worst thing.

In the morning you need to have breakfast, dress comfortably and arrive where you are supposed to by 9 o’clock. The exam will start at 10 o'clock, but it is better to arrive early to look around and adjust.

You need to come to the exam rested and calm.

You can submit at the same time Unified State Exam results to five universities. Each has three faculties. All information about specialties, documents, the number of budget places and passing scores is published on the websites of universities.

If you can’t enroll on a budget, think about where to get money to pay for your studies. It's better to take care of this before the exams, just in case. Find out at the institute how to transfer to the budget from the second year, if this is practiced. If you try, you can save a lot of money.

Experiment with faculties and universities. At one institute there is competition for 100 people per place, while at another there may be a shortage even for a similar specialty. The prestige of a university does not guarantee anything.

Invite the student to look for options for part-time work. You can transfer to part-time, work in shifts or remotely.

Delivery of a single state exam– an important step in the life of every graduate. For some, this is a formality that allows them to obtain a document on education, and for others, it is an opportunity for successful admission to the desired university in the country. But sometimes fate makes unexpected adjustments to a person’s life. Thus, in 2017, 3.4% of all Unified State Exam participants were unable to overcome the barrier required to obtain a certificate. Many more failed to achieve the scores required to gain admission to highly ranked universities. What to do if you fail the Unified State Examination and is a second attempt possible?

Until 2017, the right to retake the Unified State Examination was granted only to persons who had not passed the minimum threshold in compulsory subjects, the passing of which determines the receipt of a certificate.

One of the important innovations of 2017 was the possibility of retaking any subject taken for the Unified State Exam. Thus, in 2018 it will be possible to get a second attempt in the Russian language, mathematics, physics, computer science, literature, chemistry, biology, geography, social studies, history or foreign languages.

It is important to take into account the following facts:

  1. You can only retake 1 exam.
  2. You can now try to retake a subject twice.
  3. You can retake one subject if there is a good reason (documentary evidence is required) or if desired (in order to increase your score, you can retake the exam next year).
  4. Graduates from previous years who took part in the preliminary or main session of the Unified State Exam 2018 and received an unsatisfactory score do not receive the right to retake it.
  5. If a graduate is not allowed to retake the exam in 2018, he can retake the Unified State Exam a year later.

Unified State Exam retake dates in 2018

In 2018, you will be able to retake one of the Unified State Exam subjects that you failed the first time twice:

  • 1 retake – in the summer on reserve days indicated in the Unified State Exam calendar;
  • 2nd retake – in September 2018.

Thus, having increased the score to the desired one on the 1st attempt, you can have time to submit documents to the university on the main wave. After 2 retakes, it is unlikely to enter on a budget. But, this is another chance for those for whom there remains open question obtaining an education document. Although, many universities that have a shortage of applicants for budget places sometimes conduct additional admissions in the autumn months.

The validity period of the USE certificate 2018 is 4 years. This means that having passed the exam on the 3rd attempt, the graduate gets a chance to enter the desired university next year based on the exam results already in hand.

The dates for the early, main and autumn sessions of final exams in 2018 are set by ORDER of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1099 dated November 10, 2017 of the year, full text which you can watch.

Retake schedule for 2018:

Main summer session (retakes)

06/22/18 (Friday)

Geography, Computer Science and ICT

06/25/18 (Monday)

mathematics (base and profile)

06/26/18 (Tuesday)

Russian language

06/27/18 (Wednesday)

history, chemistry, biology, in. languages

06/28/18 (Thursday)

literature, physics, social studies

06/29/18 (Friday)

foreign languages ​​(oral)

07/02/18 (Monday)

all things

Autumn retake

04.09.18 (Tuesday)

Russian language

09/07/18 (Monday)

mathematics (basic level)

09/15/18 (Saturday)

Russian and mathematics (basic level)

For the full GIA 2018 schedule, visit the official website ege.edu.ru

Who will be eligible to retake the Unified State Exam in 2018

According to the new rules in 2018, retaking any Unified State Examination subject possible in the following cases:

  1. unsatisfactory result;
  2. failure to appear for the exam for a valid reason (documentary evidence required);
  3. incomplete test (for a good reason: bad feeling examinee, emergency situation at the Unified State Exam site, etc.);
  4. cancellation of the test result (through no fault of the examinee).

A significant reason for failure to appear means: illness or planned surgery (confirmation - a doctor’s certificate), car accident, death close relative and other similar situations.

Who will not be able to retake exams in 2018

Such a chance as retaking the Unified State Exam is a great gift for all applicants in 2018. But, in some cases, graduates may be deprived of this right. The second attempt will not work if:

  1. The examinee will be removed from the audience for gross violation of the rules (cheating, using a telephone, a programmable calculator, communicating with neighbors, etc.).
  2. The exam result will be canceled due to the fault of the examinee (for example, when violations of the rules are revealed after viewing an archived video).
  3. An unsatisfactory result was obtained in two subjects at once.
  4. In the case of a graduate from previous years gaining a score below the minimum established level for an item.
  5. In case of missing an exam without a good reason (overslept, forgot, stood in a traffic jam...)

Naturally, all the situations listed in this paragraph should be avoided. Rely on your own knowledge, and not on cheat sheets or modern technical means. Prepare well for the exam and don’t let anxiety get in the way of your dream!

What to do when transferring to 2018 is not possible

If it so happens that you are among that small percentage of graduates who were unable to successfully pass the exam in three attempts or missed one of the Unified State Examinations without good reason, you shouldn’t be discouraged, much less panic. Consider the situation from the other side. Whatever happens, you have the right to try your luck next year. Moreover, in 2019 you will only have to take the exam for which the result was unsatisfactory or you are not satisfied with it.

In many European countries and the USA there is such a thing as a “gap year”, or “gap year”. Many graduates take a break before entering university.

How to use this time profitably?

  1. consider the choice of profession;
  2. prepare for exams;
  3. relax and gain strength;
  4. earn a little extra money;
  5. learn to enjoy life!

Failing an exam doesn't end your dreams, it just gives you a break. Perhaps this is a sign and you just chose the wrong direction? And if the desired profession is your destiny, then this annoying misunderstanding will not be able to block your path to success

Remember, it is by overcoming obstacles that a person strengthens his character and acquires life wisdom!

Now, the Unified State Exam is a basic exam, based on the results of which students have the opportunity to enter the chosen university. What to do if you haven’t passed the Unified State Exam and how to simplify your fate when applying, we will try to figure it out in this article.

The Unified State Exam was officially confirmed as a mandatory procedure upon completion school curriculum in 2008. Until this time, it was carried out as an experiment and was gradually introduced into the education system. Now, the Unified State Exam is a basic exam, based on the results of which students have the opportunity to enter the chosen university. Where to go after 9th grade, what to do if you haven’t passed the Unified State Exam and how to simplify your fate when applying, we will try to figure it out in this article.

If you haven't passed the Unified State Exam

Unlike school exams, assignments for the unified state exam are approved at the highest legislative level, and work options are printed immediately before delivery. Thus, the student is left alone with the knowledge that he received throughout the entire period of training.

The Unified State Exam requires passing two compulsory subjects and 1 or more additional ones. Additional ones are selected depending on the specialization of the university the applicant is going to enroll in. And if non-mandatory exams in case of failure do not affect the certificate, then basic exams sometimes become the reason for its absence after graduation. If a student fails to pass the Unified State Exam and receives an unsatisfactory score, he is not entitled to receive a certificate. You can retake the exam after a year or file an appeal. It is also relevant if the student is not satisfied with the assessment score. As practice shows, an appeal regarding failure to pass does not lead to positive result, but in case of dissatisfaction with receiving a lower score, the likelihood of it changing after an appeal is quite high. At the same time, the score can be changed both positively and negatively.

Where to go if you haven’t passed the Unified State Exam and is it possible?

Apply without the Unified State Exam to higher education educational institution after 11th grade it is not possible. An exception may be foreign citizens, children with disabilities, as well as those who have secondary or higher education.

It is on the last point that we will stop. Very often, students wonder whether to continue their studies after 9th grade or enroll in another educational institution. Fortunately, today there are a sufficient number of options for where to enroll after 9th grade. If you want to further continue your studies in order to obtain a specialist or master's degree, that is, obtain a complete higher education, your option is to enroll in a technical school/college. The main advantages of this solution are as follows:

  • There is no need to take the Unified State Exam, it is replaced by the more simplified Unified Municipal Exam (Unified Municipal Exam);
  • It becomes possible to enroll in a university on a more simplified basis, especially if the technical school is under the auspices of the chosen university.

About, where to apply without the Unified State Exam and which technical school to choose is, of course, up to you. But, if you are going to receive a complete higher education, then you need to make a decision in favor of our technical school, since we cooperate with many universities, and also after graduation educational process you will be able to enter the university without the Unified State Exam. You will be able to study at college according to a shortened program in your chosen specialty, without passing the Unified State Exam based on a diploma.

Even if you plan to get a diploma highest category It’s not worth it, yet, as practice shows, 90% of graduates sooner or later return to their roots and enter a university. There are a sufficient number of reasons for this, one of the main ones is advanced training for subsequent promotion. Therefore, it is better to immediately think about applying on such favorable terms and resolve the issue.

It’s quite easy to enroll in college after 9th grade, if only for the reason that you don’t have to take the Unified State Exam. After graduation, a student who has expressed a desire to continue studying at a higher education institution passes only entrance exams using a simplified system, and if the college is under the auspices of a university, then it is possible to enroll without passing it - this depends directly on the higher educational institution itself. Thus, the question “is it possible to enter a university without the Unified State Exam” is resolved by itself.

There is an alternative - admission to a foreign university. It is known that the Unified State Exam this moment is carried out only in Russia and Ukraine. The European education system has long abandoned this exam. Therefore, when deciding where to enroll without the Unified State Exam, you can also look towards the West. On the other hand, you are unlikely to be satisfied with the price aspect of this bypass of the Unified State Exam.

If an eleventh grader does not score the minimum required for a positive grade in one of the required subjects (Russian language or mathematics at a basic or specialized level), he can take the exam again. This can be done on the reserve days provided for by the unified exam schedule. And, if successful, the graduate has every chance of entering a university in the year of graduation.

If unsatisfactory result again– you can try to pass the exam again, in additional autumn terms. In this case, there will no longer be a chance of entering a university - but a school leaving certificate (which is not issued in the case of a “D” in one of the required subjects) will allow you to continue your studies at a college or technical school.

It should be noted that:

  • graduates who do not meet the threshold in two compulsory subjects at once do not have the right to retake the Unified State Exam this year - they will have to continue the struggle to obtain a certificate in a year;

  • if a graduate has passed mathematics at both the basic and specialized levels and has passed the threshold for at least one of these exams, the exam is considered passed;

  • retaking the Unified State Examination in mathematics is possible both at the basic and at the profile level(at the choice of the examinee);

  • Graduates of previous years do not have the opportunity to retake an exam that they passed unsatisfactorily.

Graduates who do not score the minimum number of points in their elective exams will be able to retake the exam only next year.

Who else has the right to retake the Unified State Exam in additional terms?

Unified State Exam participants who started taking the exam but were unable to complete the test for a valid reason, documented, have the right to retake the exam on reserve days. The most common case is a deterioration in health during the exam (the fact of illness must be recorded by a doctor).

In addition, those who during the exam encountered technical and organizational “overlaps” at the Unified State Examination point (for example, lack of additional forms, power outages, etc.) have the right to retake the exam. In addition, if the organizers of the Unified State Exam committed violations in the conduct of the exam, the results of all participants may be canceled and the tests will have to be repeated.

Note! If a Unified State Exam participant is removed from the classroom for using a phone or caught trying to cheat, his results are canceled, and the right to retake the exam at additional times is not granted - and he will be able to try his luck again only after a year.

Who can improve their exam results this year?

Only graduates of previous years have the opportunity to improve their exam results without waiting for next year - they can retake the Russian language or specialized mathematics in additional autumn terms.

Many people believe that a Unified State Exam participant who has passed the threshold but did not pass the exams well enough can, of his own choice, retake one of the exams in order to improve his scores. Unfortunately, this is a myth - for such cases, the rules for passing the Unified State Exam do not provide for a second attempt.

Is it possible to retake the Unified State Exam in a year?

Right to re passing the Unified State Exam for people who have already graduated from school, there are practically no restrictions. After a year, you can retake the Unified State Exam in any number of subjects – both compulsory and elective.

By this time, a former student has already received the status of a “graduate of previous years” and can:

  • improve your result in a single subject by retaking only it (the results of other tests are valid for four years);

  • retake all subjects;

  • change your “profile” and take exams in other disciplines;

  • If the university admissions committee awards additional points for your final essay, you can retake it too.

Graduates of previous years can take exams either in the early or in the main period - at their own choice, but they cannot take exams twice in one year.

Is it possible to retake the Unified State Exam if I have already entered a university?

You can retake the Unified State Exam more than once, regardless of how long ago you graduated from school. This can be done by students, graduates of technical schools and lyceums, and people who already have higher education.

Therefore, if a graduate did not get enough points for admission to the “dream university” and took the documents to a less prestigious educational institution, or was disappointed in the chosen field of study and wants to radically change the field of study, student status will not become an obstacle.

The only “but”: when applying to take the Unified State Exam, a graduate of previous years must present a school leaving certificate - and the original documents are kept at the university. In this case, you need to clarify in advance with the dean’s office what you will need in order to temporarily receive a document on education. As a rule, universities issue short term original certificates against receipt. When submitting documents to retake the Unified State Exam, the certificate is not submitted, but only presented - so it is enough to receive it in your hands for just one day.