Dream interpretation car accident with a former guy. Get into an accident by car in the dream

What dream of a car accident? If you have dreamed of a traffic accident, it is recommended to beware of rash deeds. To treat such a vision, it is serious that dream intercoms collected in this article will help you.

All dreams give different interpretations of dreams, and to find the key to the rayster need to take into account all the slightest details.

Since the car accident is an event that threatens human life, a similar image in a dream can report on the problems in the body that need to urgently pay attention to. Dream Interpretation recommends "listening" to my body and pass medical diagnosis.

To find out what a car accident is dreaming, you need to remember the color of the machine that appears in a dream. All colors carry a definite meaning:

  • Yellow - Balavia, Intrigue.
  • Red - passion.
  • Gray - inevitability.
  • Pink - wreck of hopes.
  • Black - envy.
  • White - confluence.
  • Blue - meeting with high-ranking personalities.

Dream Interpretation: Automotive Accident - who dreamed of a dream?

If a young girl in a dream watched from the side of the automotive accident, she threatens to meet with an unpleasant person, the scandal will begin and the girl's reputation will suffer.

If a married man in a dream watched an accident, then his better friend will have trouble. A friend can collapse or collapse career.

A solid woman who dreamed of such a dream should be thought of not only about his health, but also about the health of loved ones. It is recommended to "follow your language" and behavior in the presence of relatives and loved ones, as any "unsuccessful phrase" can destroy all related ties.

Automotive accident in a young guy's dream can foreshadow a bad joke that will turn into a conflict. Dream Interpretation advises to listen to the recommendations of loved ones, get rid of bad habits and change your behavior.

Details of interpretations can help any details:

  1. A small accident occurred - the situation happened in your past, thanks to the negative impact of a foreign person.
  2. You were able to avoid an accident - it means that a confusing situation is favorable in real life.
  3. You have dreamed of the consequences of the accident - it is recommended not to use the help of others. Only own perseverance can help.
  4. If you dreamed that an accident occurred, and you got a lot of injuries, then wait for betrayal or some other event that would hit your pride.
  5. If you dreamed that no one was injured at the accident, then wait for a new acquaintance. Perhaps this person will be your satellite in life.

Victims for accidents

What does it mean to see a car accident with victims? To begin with, remember your own role in the dream:

  1. If the dreaming became a victim of an accident, it is recommended to avoid stress and first try not to come across our chief once again.
  2. If the dreaming drove or hit someone, then in reality you need to hardly defend my good name, because someone is trying to blacken it. Perhaps it will be the last "harm" from your ill-wisher.

What do famous dreams talk about car accidents?

Probably, in one of them you will find answers to all your questions. Remember all the details of sleep and go to read!

Dream of Freud.

According to this dream, the automotive accident foreshadows a rapid passion with an amazing special. The time spent with her / him will forever remain in your memory, and will be long frank your feelings for a long time.

Dream of flowers

This dream book interprets a dream as soon disappointment in love that will bring emptiness into your life.

According to Miller's dream book, such a dream is a precursor of something bad. If in a dream you were a member of the accident, then in real life it is worth preparation for changes with negative consequences.

If in a dream you were able to avoid accidents, then you can find the right path in a difficult situation.

If you have dreamed of an accident involving several cars, but at the same time you did not participate in an accident, then in life all your plans will be implemented.

Dream Vangu

The bath is interpreting this dream, as the forever of passion or an event that will definitely leave the trail in your memory. Wait for change for the better!

If you participated in a car accident, then in real life, expect the purchase of a new car or a long journey.

Female dream book

If you plan something, be prepared for the fact that some unpleasant event will prevent all your plans.

If you are watching an accident from the side, the troubles can touch close.

If in a dream you fell into an accident with earlier dead relatives - set all important things and trips to another time. Such a dream is considered to be unfinished.

Esoteric dream book

If in a dream you see the road and become a witness of an accident on this road, then this is a good sign. All your business should be successfully resolved.

If dreamed of an accident, but you did not participate in it, then people will appear in your life who will help solve existing problems.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti.

For this dream, the car accident reveals a person's tendency to suicide. Sleep carries a warning character. Try to avoid bad news and unpleasant moments in life.

Dream Veles.

If the dream was accompanied by fire or flying sparks, then it is necessary to prepare for serious quarrels. At work there may be a conflict or your dreams may not be fulfilled.

Gypsy dream book

Any accident in Gypsy Dream testimony testifies to the presence of a sense of guilt. Perhaps once you made a bad act. Try to fix your error.

Ancient dream book Zeshel

If you have dreamed that you became a member of a traffic accident, perhaps in real life you will survive a personal grief, but after some time it will be able to cope with him.

If you dreamed of a car accident - you should not wait for something bad. Tune in to positive way. Dream interpretation will help you solve any dream and give useful recommendations.

Dummed out car accident - a signal of danger awaiting a person in the near future. However, the interpretation of dreams in which car accidents occur, depends on whether a person is a member, or only a witness to this event. In the second case, the scale of impending trouble will be much less. In addition, the interpretation of sleep about the accident takes into account the final of such a dream and promises to someone who managed to remain unharmed in the dream, as in real life he will cope with everything.

According to Miller

Miller's dream book considers a warning sign in a dream. If you got into an accident, it is worth being ready for surprises, but if you managed to stay in the dream after the car accident, it is possible to count on a safe permission of all problems in life. If the disintended accident occurs with someone else, Miller's dream book recommends be careful because you will try to be inserted into business, subsequently threatening with problems and even danger. If the accident eventually managed to avoid, then this suggests that in real life will be able to avoid possible trouble.

On junoon

According to the Junon's dream book, the dream about the car accident warns that it is necessary to slow down the turnover and analyze its life. Perhaps you move at all in the direction or trying to achieve the results too quickly. In any case, the accident seen in the dream should be a reason to think about his life.

In flowering

If you saw a dream where the car accident appears, the Dream Dream of Tvetkova advises to prepare for failures in affairs. In addition, if you dreamed of a car accident, then this dream is a signal about the deterioration of the relationship that you do not notice, and the foreboding of the upcoming quarrel.

By Freud.

Explaining what a car accident is dreaming, Freud's dream book relies on the theory that any dream is a reflection of your sexual experiences. He suggests that if you saw in a dream a car accident, then this means that the activities of your genitals are broken or you are afraid that it can happen. According to this dream book, there will be those who experiencing physical or emotional overload in a dream of a car accident. If the accident seen in a dream got exactly you, it testifies to your desire for a sexual act. This dream book claims that the car accident that occurred in your dream with someone from your relatives or acquaintances, but without your direct participation, it suggests that the quarrel that you already feel, but can still hold back in your relationship .

What did the accident dream (interpretation of the Astromeridian Dream)

  • Dreamed to participate in the automotive accident - sleep warns about the coming danger. Pay attention to yourself, your actions, control over destiny.
  • What dreams the accident with my participation is to reduce ambitions, stop hurrying to live. Imagine a life path, and do not be broken through it.
  • To see a train accident - a personal trouble, you have to call for strength to survive her. Over time, the grief will be forgotten.

What were the accident (psychiatric dream book)

  • Accidents will dream when a person ignores the warnings of conscience, morality, is not moving there, where is intended.
  • A car accident was dreamed of a road in a dream - a warning that a dream awaits a novel with an extraordinary person in the future. This connection will turn the lives of people, as feelings will be unrestrained.
  • What dreams of a nightmare with frightening marine accident? Sleeping is waiting for disappointment in love relationships.
  • Accident on land foreshadows financial and business difficulties. Check new and old partners twice: perhaps fraud.
  • Why did the alien accident dream? The dreams often do not own the situation because of indecision, loses the benefits and weight in the eyes of other people.
  • The car after the accident is associated with the subconscious with the body. Seen accidents in a dream - sleep means that the health of the dream will worsen.
  • Sleeping with her husband who fell into an accident means the desire for sexual pleasure.

What dreams of an accident (romantic dream book)

  • For what dREAMS SERIED ACCIDENTS ON - Take care of relatives, they can happen soon.
  • Dreamed to sit in a dream in a car with people who are not alive and get into an accident, dangerous. It is better to postpone important solutions, trips with loved ones and alone.
  • To see an accident in a dream with sparks and fire - warns about the coming quarrels, the collapse of hopes, a break of relationships. This dream is dangerous to family people. Sleep predicts a divorce or sustainable loss of loved ones.
  • Presence of a partner, relatives or friends in a dream with an accident Shows that you bring back from the last strength to avoid conflict with them.
  • See the death of loved ones in the accident in a dream Warns a dream about the secret envy to the successes of these people.
  • If a dreamed that he was desperately browsed on the brake And the car does not listen, we are afraid of dependence on other people who will lead to sharp changes and losses.

See a dream about an accident, what does this mean? (ABC Interpretation of Dreams)

The emergence of the accident is a symbol of self-consciousness. To understand what the accident dream is, remember the smallest details of sleep. If the accident occurred with your direct participation, keep care, avoid rapid actions. If a in the accident died or seriously injured familiar - You are experiencing aggressive feelings for him, although you yourself can not be admitted.

What dreams Accident (Dream Miller)

  • To see an accident in a dream - good luck in business.
  • DISABLING THE CARRY by car - positive emotions and entertainment.
  • Get into an accident in a dream - illness soon.
  • There were a lot of accidents - to travel and new impressions.
  • Pass past a car accident in a dream - fears are not justified.

Analysis of sleep, in which the accident decreased (interpretation of the psychologist Z. Freud)

What is the dream of an accident - soon the person will appear in his life to which you will experience a stormy all-consuming passion. A new acquaintance will deserve this incense. It is difficult to say how much time the novel will last, he will give bright moments that you will remember all your life. Carefully look at a new acquaintance - one of them will reveal from an unexpected side.

Interpretation of the accident from the Dream Dream Wanderer (Terentia Smirnova)

What dreamed by the road accident - sleep warns of possible failure. Take a closer to the surrounding, it may already be angry with an implicit, even psychological conflict. Sleep about an accident warns that such a situation will lead to failure if you are working together. By the way, if you saw an accident in a dream, it says about its own internal conflict, for example, if you have to come against your own will or act against your own conscience.

If we are talking about a plane crash - ideas are doomed to a complete failure. They are not destined to be fulfilled, so try to treat this fact with calmness.

See a dream about an accident, what does it mean? (Interpretation of Stewart Robinson)

What dreams of the accident in the dream book - a dream warns of impending life losses. Sometimes sleep speaks about a deadlock. If you have seen an accident in a dream, remember how difficult the consequences were - it will talk about how difficult the consequences in reality will be.

How to understand the dream in which you saw an accident (interpretation of Nancy Vagaymen)

Seen in a dream accident - an ambiguous symbol.

  • What dreams of the train crash is a warning: in life, you elect dangerous ways to achieve goals.
  • An accident aircraft - you are far from reality, the world around is not what it seems. Such a dream indicates the destroyed state of mind and soul. It will take a lot of strength to solve a number of tasks.
  • If seen sleep connected with an accident machine or motorcycle - Joyful events, you will easily avoid failures and failures in life.

Accident in a dream (Interpretation of Esoteric Dream Interpretation)

If you have seen an accident on the road in a dream - an unfamiliar person will help cope with the affairs and solve problems. Sleep about the accident is a symbolism of arrangement of affairs and this is a good sign. So, if an accident occurred with your participation - you will take the right steps that will help to cope with the problems that have arisen. This is the interpretation of this sleep.

Accident - what dreams in a dream (dream of the XXI century)

  • There is a decline in the accident with your participation - will become a victim of deception. Seeing an accident in a dream, show caution in business.
  • Dreamed the injury after the accident - to experience treason, humiliation.
  • Watch in a dream for an accident - a business meeting with a stupid man.

What dreams of you alarm (dream book Catherine Great)

  • See an accident from the side - be careful, more carefully to others; It is possible that some of the familiar in pursuit of their own advantage seeks to draw a dangerous enterprise into a dangerous enterprise; Try not to conclude transactions and do not sign contracts, do not make important decisions.
  • What dreams of a terrible accident with victims is that the hope will not come true, and the plans will not be implemented; Thoroughly think about actions.
  • To see an accident by car without victims - existing conflicts: with the boss, with colleagues, with friends, with neighbors - safely allowed.
  • To see a serious accident with the death of a relative or friend - do not hurry to get upset, it's a good sleep. As soon as you pass for help to relatives or friends, they will immediately put it, substill shoulder.

What does sleep sleep mean (for seasonal dreamy)

  • In the summer, what a terrible accident in a dream was dreaming - to the collapse of hopes and aspirations.
  • In the spring, the accident disaccustomed to change in relationships with his spouse.
  • Birthdays of autumn, what dreams of the accident - the collapse of the main plans, the desire will not come true.

Agree, it's very unpleasant to see the vehicle wreck in a dream, especially if it also brought victims. But is it dangerous this dream? Let's deal with what the accident is dreaming.

What is the dream of an accident - interpretation in dreambooks

A car accident or any other is a fairly widespread sleep, the interpretation of which can be seen in any of the dreams.

  • Dream Miller. If you dreamed of an accident on the road, then it is worth expecting trouble related to work in the very near future.
  • Dream Freud. He reduces the meaning of such a dream to health. If there is a breakdown of any vehicle and caused an accident, then it is worth checking the genitals - perhaps there is some hidden illness.
  • Modern dream book. And there is nothing good here - this is an unfavorable sign, which promises the emergence of unforeseen circumstances.
  • Dream Fedorovskaya. Watch an accident in a dream, according to this dream book, means a warning about what you want to draw in some unpleasant adventure. Be careful, especially if in the near future you have to make a deal or draw up documents.

Get into an accident on the road in a dream

Get into an accident in a dream - not the best thing that can happen at night. In addition, after such a dream, a negative sediment remains, despite the fact that you are alive and healthy.

  • Get into an accident on the car - you should be ready for an unexpected turn of events. Watch especially carefully for your health.
  • To see that someone got into an accident on the road - all your problems will be transferred to another person. Or he will help you avoid them.
  • If you fell into an accident on the railway, then your plans are unlikely to come true. Look at your surrounding, there for sure there is a person who wants to harm you.

A car accident seen in a dream is a harbinger of bright and emotional passion to a person an unusual, extraordinary. Estimated all obstacles, this passion will leave in your memory minutes of the highest bliss and pleasure.

What dream of a car accident in which you saved a person? This foreshadows either a new acquaintance during a trip by car, or happy minutes with a partner, which will be associated with a trip to the vehicle, such as a good trip.

If a beloved person got into a road accident, it may mean that your parting is becoming nearing, and you still did not give him everything that can be given to a loved one. Perhaps you are doing wise, because you will break out anyway for another reason.

The donated road accident without the victims suggests that you are very careful about love. None of your loved adventures experienced strong experiences in the shower. This is your way self-defense from future disappointments, but do not you try yourself?

If you dreamed of a friend's accident, which you witnessed, this dream hints at your envy to him in terms of the ladies of his heart. You should decide on this feeling, otherwise you can lose a friend and instead not to get anything.

An accident when you knock down people, characterizes you as a person in relations with a partner of unbalanced and somewhat selfish. You should apply more effort to ensure that pleasure is mutual.

If a young man dreams of an accident with a girl on the car - in life, the most rich and brightest stage of their close relationship occurs.

The accident and death in the car accident personifies the moment of the highest bliss in reality, which sleep will experience with his partner in very seemingly inappropriate for this place. But the brighter will be this emotional flash.

If a unmarried woman dreams of a car accident with large cars, trucks, fours, etc., then she will have a frank conversation with a partner to which it will decide due to the uncertainty of its position. As a result, either she will finally acquire the desired status in the life of this person, or remain alone.

Accident, Dream Interpretation Loffa

Accident in a dream, as a rule, is a warning about the threat of a close person. It dreams that they are divided into an accident relatives, bright and clearly see an accident with their participation - a very disturbing signal. To take into account such a warning should be immediately, to take the situation under control, and a loved one is protected.

Special attention is required to dream in which a child falls into an accident.

If a sister got into a dream of an accident - it may also be a sign that in real life there is jealousy for parents, and sometimes the struggle for hereditary rights.

If the accident seen in a dream occurred in a familiar place, which you pass often, be alert if you will be attended by a sense of deja-vu, it is an extremely powerful factor. Refuse dashing ride, otherwise even this effect will not have time to work.

I dreamed that a familiar person got into an accident - find out how he was doing. There is a high probability that he will get to your question and ask for help.

The sleep enhances the value if a friend got into an accident.

If the girl dreams that the guy got into an accident with which she meets (and especially if the beloved person dies in the accident), then she reaches it too seriously to these relationships. To avoid the future disappointment and personal spiritual tragedy, she should soberly assess their chances for their further development.

If you have dreamed of the accident in the dream dream book

Dreamed the accident and death on the water - waiting for disappointment in love.

To see an accident with victims on land - Events fail.

Accident machines moving in your dream in one direction, means a collision of interests, the struggle for the place, rivalry. If you act recklessly, the result can be a common broken trough.

Dinking bus accident on the bridge means that you are worried about the trouble, which, as you think it was possible to avoid. Do not register yourself, it was inevitable with any of your actions.

During the bus accident, you were inside the cabin - a dream says that you should not force events that for some reason do not fold. Any wire and an obstacle in the affairs of you will soon be perceived as a sign to stop and wait for a more favorable time.

To see in a dream, as a wedding tuple hit an accident - to a series of minor failures. If the accident at the wedding dreamed of Friday - you will quarrel with a partner.

To see your own death as a result of the accident - to the longevity.

There is a large car accident - do not take anything in the coming days, and if there is an opportunity - do not go anywhere at all.

The accident of its own car is dreaming of annoying oversight at work.

Having dreamed of the train accident in which the sleeve was driving, testifies to his extreme incredulsion to people.

What dreams of an accident - esoteric dream book

The accident by car dreams of a safe device of current affairs.

If in a dream you are a witness of the accident on the road, then you should not expect someone else's assistance in matters.

For a woman, the evidence of the accident beloved means that they will be able to avoid a major quarrel.

Being a dream of a sacrifice of the accident on the road - a dream means that what you do now will benefit in the future.

The accident of the bus, seen in the dream from the side, warns you not to get involved in some case, despite the fact that he will have a lot of followers. This can be anything - party (picnic), lottery, commercial project, etc. In the near future, you should stand up from these cases aside.

If you dream a large car accident, the corpses - it is necessary to take into account the one who exactly has suffered in it - a person walking along the road is killed in the accident, the Passenger becomes a victim or the driver is killed. If your car knocks down a person, sleep means your intervention in someone else's life, your actions will damage to other people.

The accident and death of the driver says sleep that no matter how much you want to help someone by advice, he does not listen to you.

If the passenger dies in the accident - this means that the dreams are too responsible to the instructions that everything is inspired by him. He needs to learn to say "no".

He witnessed an accident with young children - a dream warns of the nervous exhaustion of sleeping, it urgently requires discharge and rest.

Accident, Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

Dreams of accidents warn of presence in your character of suicide. Under certain circumstances, this still implicit predisposition can become fatal. Another possible prevention is a possible impact on some deadly information at the unconscious level. The source of it is a person who appears in a dream or on the spot of the driver, or next to him. It should also be paid to the image of the passengers of another car participating in the accident - it may be someone from them.

The train accident in a dream is connected for a subject with a short-term violation of a certain lifestyle. The harness and the logicality of this period is only visibility, as in general, the means of movement. Some community people acquire a strict order, lives, moves, eats, sleeps, but all this is arranged for a very short period of time and is actually absolutely chaotic and fragmented. Train accident in a dream should be considered from this position. The course of promising, but very chaotic organized current work will be disturbed.

What accidents dream, dream book Longo

The accident along with the family, the car accident of parents, close family members is a sign to the fact that everyone in this community has long lived in itself. A shared vacation or at least together, the weekend would be very by the way.

Therefore, the car accident in which close people suffer (for example, a father or son died in an accident and died), suggests that you should pay more attention to reveal.

The exception is the plot when a married woman dreams that her husband died in a car accident - it means that it is subconsciously very afraid of any responsibility in the family and relies on the spouse.

If among the victims of the died car accidents were parents who are actually alive, you should frankly talk to them about your life. Surviving for you, they think that you have everything much worse than it is in reality.

If in a dream you saved a person from the accident, the plot suggests that in reality you would like to help someone from loved ones, but do not know how to offer help so that this person understands you correctly.

Save the child in the accident - you will be able to dissuade a close person from an irreparable rash step.

Accident, English Dream

Get into an accident in a dream by car and get injuries - the head of the fact that you will be able to cope with a real or coming personal tragedy.

The accident occurred at sea - awaits ambulance.

If a bike accident was dreamed, you will be disappointed in relations, but it will not be difficult, since these relationships did not have time to go far.

What dreams of the accident is a modern dream book

Very terrible, terrible accident with corpses dream, most often, not as information about the future, but as a result of overwork, stress, as the projection of everything experienced per day or last period. Despite the fact that such a dream is strongly shocking, deprives sleep and does not leave memory for a long time, it usually does not have a prophetic meaning. This is a subconscious protective reaction of the body that requires discharge of emotions.

Seen from the accident on a motorcycle dreams of unjustified risk in behavior. For example, it is absolutely optionally to walk in dark alleys lately if there are bright roads.

If you fell into an accident by car with your loved one, then in the near future harmony and lack of disagreements await you.

If the accident was dreamed by car, and the death of a person occurred on your eyes, the dream speaks of your extreme overwork and the approaching breakdown. If you do not resist voluntarily, you will have to do it on a hospital bed.

The disinterested accident in the house is only a reflection of your inner concern about the launched household matters.

He dreamed that the car turned over and caught fire, and the fire flame was strong - such a dream says that you are very sorry about something missed in life. Even if it was a very sensitive loss, leave it, finally, in the past.