Myoma is a benign tumor of the uterus. Degeneration of uterine fibroids into a malignant tumor. Fibroids, benign or malignant.

The causes of fibroids are not fully understood. The answer to the question – can fibroids develop into cancer – worries many modern women.

Often women in adulthood suffer from a common disease - uterine fibroids. Most of them do not have any symptoms. However, in some cases there are abnormal uterine bleeding, pelvic discomfort, pain, pressure on internal organs.

What is uterine fibroid

Uterine fibroids are muscle tumors that form from the fibers of the uterus. It consists primarily of muscle and fibrous tissue. This tumor is benign. Its presence is usually harmless. But it often requires treatment.

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It can grow as a single tumor or in multiple numbers.

Tumors may have different sizes from 2–3 cm to the size of a soccer ball, however, in most cases they do not exceed 10–15 cm.

Video: Main symptoms of uterine fibroids, diagnosis, treatment


Depending on the location, fibroids mainly occur:

  • subserous– forms on the outer wall of the uterus and grows down towards the pelvic cavity;
  • interstitial– grows deep in the muscular layer of the uterus. The most common form, capable of enlarging the uterus both lengthwise and crosswise;
  • submucosal(submucosal) - it is rare, develops deep in the uterine cavity;
  • cervical– located in the form of a node in the tissues of the cervix.

Submucosal tumors can form outside and inside the uterus; they are connected to the body of the uterus using fibers connective tissue(legs look like Balloons on a string).

Photo: Classification of fibroids according to their location relative to the uterus

Signs and symptoms

The symptoms of uterine fibroids, or what causes them, depend in part on the location of the tumor and its size. Most fibroids do not cause any symptoms, but in some cases women may experience a lot of discomfort and pain.

For example:

  • subserous and interstitial form fibroids – can cause pain by putting pressure on nearby organs. It is also possible to experience pain in the abdomen or lower back, which resembles lumbosacral radiculitis. There may be a feeling of pressure on the bladder or rectum. In some cases, this leads to urinary stagnation and incontinence.

    Sometimes any of these forms of fibroids can cause chronic constipation and even intestinal obstruction. In the interstitial form, if the tumor has reached a large size, the abdomen begins to grow.

  • submucosal (submucosal) fibroid often provokes painful menstruation, prolonged and heavy, sometimes with clots, bleeding between menstrual cycles. Bleeding may be so heavy that it can cause severe anemia. This can bring additional suffering to the woman in the form of headaches, shortness of breath, weakness and rapid pulse.

Submucous fibroids can sometimes cause infertility; they prevent the passage of the egg, miscarriages and premature births. It sometimes happens that a stalk of submucosal fibroids from the uterine cavity passes through the cervix and develops into the vagina. The developing fibroids cause strong contractions, similar to labor pains.

Main reasons

The process begins when cells begin to actively divide in the wall of the uterus. However, the causes of fibroids are not entirely clear. There are only a lot of assumptions based on science and clinical experience.

Hormones. It is known that female hormones Estrogen and progesterone influence the development of fibroids. It contains more estrogen and progesterone receptors than normal uterine muscle cells.

Fibroids grow rapidly during pregnancy when hormone levels are elevated.

And once a woman reaches menopause, the tumor stops growing and decreases in size due to a reduction in hormones. However, not every woman with high level hormones suffers from uterine fibroids.

Genetic predisposition. There is a possibility of fibroids if there is a family history of tumors in close relatives.

Risk factors. There are several risk factors that make a woman more vulnerable to fibroids.

However, none of them determines 100% of the occurrence of the disease.

Uterine fibroids are promoted by:

  • abortions, inflammation and ovarian cysts;
  • there is an assumption that the appearance of this tumor is a reaction of cells to injury, similar to the reaction of the skin on which keloid scars form;
  • obesity and overweight. The development of adipose tissue leads to increased production of estrogen, which can affect the development of fibroids. This is why it is very important not to type excess weight and take care of him;
  • onset of menstruation at an early age;
  • a large number of red meat and green vegetables in the diet;
  • Race – Black women are more likely to develop fibroids than women of other racial groups. In addition, they have tumors at a younger age and in larger sizes.


IN modern conditions It is not difficult to diagnose fibroids.

  1. Held general examination– medical history, gynecological and general examination, pelvic ultrasound, laboratory test, calposcopic diagnosis and, if necessary, a biopsy.
  2. Special examination. The most effective method is currently MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging). With its help, you can identify any form of uterine fibroids.

Can fibroids develop into cancer?

The vast majority of fibroid tumors are not cancerous.

In very rare cases, fibroids can lead to a malignant tumor - sarcoma, which is characterized by rapid growth and painful and heavy bleeding. Sarcomas are more common in postmenopause.

Many factors can contribute to the development of cancer cells:

  • wrong lifestyle. If you have uterine fibroids, you should absolutely avoid bad habits such as alcohol and smoking. They contribute to intoxication of the body. Healthy, full sleep is also necessary;
  • poor nutrition. A woman who has any benign tumor should monitor her diet. In this case, the body must receive a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements. It would be advisable to include in the diet a large amount of vegetables, fruits and fiber, which helps cleanse the intestines;
  • excess weight. It leads to metabolic disorders. A sedentary lifestyle, consuming large amounts of carbohydrates - this leads to fat deposits;
  • big physical exercise, especially if they increase blood circulation in the pelvis. This can cause the tumor to grow by feeding it. The presence of a large tumor increases the risk of it developing into cancer;
  • warming up the tumor. It can also provoke its growth, increasing blood supply.
  • stress. For any tumors, you should try to avoid stressful situations. Many experts argue that frequent stress can trigger the onset of cancer.
  • injuries. They can awaken and provoke the growth of cancer cells.
  • lack of vitamin E– also contributes to malignant neoplasms.

When is there cause for concern about fibroids?

Often, uterine fibroids do not cause much discomfort. If suddenly the clinical picture begins to change, red-brown discharge, bleeding, pain appear, then this is a sure sign that some changes are occurring.

A malignant tumor can develop inside the fibroid. If the node begins to grow rapidly, this may also indicate tumor degeneration. Such symptoms are especially dangerous for women who have reached menopause.

In these cases, you should immediately consult a doctor to rule out oncology or detect it in time.

If fibroids grow rapidly, then in some cases this may indicate the development of uterine sarcoma.

Tactics for further actions in case of degeneration into cancer

If after the examination the degeneration of the tumor is confirmed. You should immediately begin treatment and follow the recommendations of your oncologist.

Coming additional examination in order to identify the nature and stage of cancer. Appropriate treatment will then be prescribed. Cancer is dangerous disease, its diagnosis and treatment cannot be delayed. It can very quickly metastasize to other organs.


Most uterine fibroids are harmless, cause no symptoms, and shrink with menopause. But some fibroid nodes can cause pain, put pressure on internal organs, cause bleeding and anemia, as well as problems with pregnancy.

The nature of treatment for fibroids is determined by factors such as the patient’s age, the size of the nodes, their multiplicity, the severity of symptoms, and the desire to have children. All women with fibroids should be under the supervision of a doctor and have an ultrasound scan once a year.

There are two main ways to treat the disease:

  • conservative;
  • operational.

Conservative method involves hormone therapy to reduce bleeding and pressure on the pelvis, and slow tumor growth.

This treatment method is effective when the nodes are not large or rapidly growing. Typically, therapy is carried out with GnRH agonist drugs.

They block the production of estrogen and progesterone, which allows you to achieve a state of temporary menopause. As a result of stopping menstruation, fibroids shrink and hemoglobin increases. Your doctor may prescribe GnRH to shrink the size of your fibroids before elective surgery. Many women experience hot flashes while using agonists. Such drugs are usually not used for more than 3-6 months. Long-term use may result in bone loss.

Your doctor may recommend other medications, such as oral contraceptives or progestins, which help control menstrual bleeding, but they do not shrink fibroids. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that are not hormonal drugs, may be effective in relieving pain associated with fibroids. But they do not reduce uterine bleeding. If there is heavy bleeding and anemia, your doctor may prescribe vitamins and iron..

Non-invasive method treatment of uterine fibroids preserves the uterus, does not require an incision and is performed in a laboratory setting. It is based on MRI - guided sound surgery. The mechanism of action involves heating and destroying small areas of fibrous tissue with ultrasonic waves.

Minimally invasive procedures

Some procedures can get rid of fibroids without actually removing them surgically.

They include:

  • uterine artery embolization . Small particles are injected into the arteries supplying the uterus, blocking blood flow to the fibroids. Myomatous nodes do not receive nutrition, this causes them to shrink and die. This technique can be effective in shrinking fibroids and relieving symptoms.

    Complications may occur if the blood supply to the ovaries or other organs is compromised. Embolization cannot be performed if there is a suspicion of cancer, if the fibroid grows outside the uterus or is large in size, exceeding 10 cm;

  • Video: Uterine artery embolization

  • myolysis . This procedure is influenced electric current or laser destroys fibroid tumors and compresses blood vessels who feed them;
  • laparoscopic myomectomy . This procedure is used if the nodes are small and few in number. Through small incisions in abdominal cavity The doctor uses a special thin instrument to remove fibroids.
  • hysteroscopic myomectomy . It is performed in the presence of a submucous form of fibroids. The surgeon accesses the tumor through the vagina and removes it.

Traditional surgical methods

Traditional surgical procedures include:

  • abdominal myomectomy. It is carried out in the presence of several nodes, and if the tumors have reached very large sizes. An incision is made in the abdominal area to gain access to the uterus. The tumors are removed. The uterus is preserved.
  • hysterectomy. This is an operation to remove the uterus. It is a very serious procedure. After this, childbearing becomes impossible. Sometimes a hysterectomy is the only option for treating fibroids.

Squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix is ​​a malignant tumor, the source of which is the epithelium that covers the outer, vaginal part of the cervix (cervix)? Read more.

Treatment for cancer

When fibroids degenerate into malignant tumor(usually sarcoma) prerequisite there will be removal of the uterus and ovaries, and sometimes regional lymph nodes. Radiation therapy is also used.

After surgical treatment Chemotherapy treatment is usually prescribed.

In stage 3 of the disease it is indicated complex therapy, at stage 4, polychemotherapy is used. After surgery, remission is possible for one and a half to two years. The prognosis is usually unfavorable.

Take care of your health!

Myoma is a benign tumor of the uterus that grows from the muscle layer. The disease is accompanied by the appearance of chronic pelvic pain, intermenstrual discharge and other cycle disorders. Nodules are found mainly in women over 35 years of age, and every woman is primarily concerned about one thing: can fibroids turn into cancer? By and large, the entire tactics of diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of a patient with identified pathology depends on the answer to this question.

The first thing every woman should remember: uterine fibroids are not cancer, but under certain conditions it is possible to develop a malignant tumor in the tissues of the reproductive organ. Knowing how and why oncology occurs, you can notice the first signs in time insidious disease, begin treatment and prevent the development of deadly complications.

Difficulties of terminology: is there cancer?

It is important to understand that fibroids can never turn into cancer simply because it is physically impossible. Cancer is a malignant tumor arising from the epithelial tissue of various organs. At a certain point, a failure occurs in the structure of the cells, and they begin to divide uncontrollably, filling the surrounding space and metastasizing through the blood and lymphatic vessels. Rare types of cancer grow only deep into tissues, destroying them to the very foundation, but do not metastasize.

Sarcoma is a malignant tumor of the muscular layer of the uterus, which can occur either against the background of fibroids or independently of it.

Proponents of this theory have identified several reasons why fibroids degenerate into cancer:

  • Lifestyle: addiction to smoking and alcohol in the presence of a benign tumor;
  • Visiting the sauna, bathhouse and solarium;
  • Poor nutrition and vitamin deficiency;
  • Excess weight as a factor in metabolic disorders and estrogen accumulation;
  • Significant physical activity that increases blood flow in the pelvic organs;
  • Injuries to the uterus during childbirth or during therapeutic and diagnostic interventions;
  • Irrational use of hormonal drugs.

Proponents of the theory of transformation of fibroids into a malignant tumor are confident that visiting a sauna or bathhouse is one of the reasons for the degeneration of a tumor.

IN last years Many studies have been conducted on this topic, and most gynecologists are inclined to think that fibroids are not capable of becoming a cancerous focus. A benign tumor of the uterus does not develop into sarcoma under any circumstances. Against this background, recommendations to quit smoking, a ban on physical activity and visiting the sauna do not make sense. But it is important to understand that unambiguous evidence for this version has not been obtained, which means that oncological suspicion regarding fibroids remains.

Proponents of the second theory point out that uterine sarcoma is an independent disease. A malignant tumor can occur against the background of fibroids or without it. The presence of one pathology does not exclude the appearance of another. That is why, when fibroids are detected, you should first think about whether it is cancer and undergo a full diagnosis by a gynecologist.

Only a complete diagnosis will help to accurately determine the type of tumor, its location, size, and extent of damage.

On a note

Sarcoma can arise directly in myomatous nodes, but this does not mean that the fibroid itself has degenerated into a malignant tumor.

How to recognize the disease in time

Even if the gynecologist takes for granted the fact that fibroids are not oncological and they do not develop into a malignant tumor, he must still carefully examine the woman and conduct the necessary diagnostic tests. The clinical picture of sarcoma is very similar to the manifestations of fibroids, and initial stages development of the disease, identifying a dangerous neoplasm is quite difficult.

Uterine sarcoma is a “silent” tumor. The disease is asymptomatic, and only over time do characteristic signs appear:

  • A nagging pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back. Depending on the location of the tumor, the pain may go to the thigh or perineum;
  • Increased volume and duration of menstrual bleeding;
  • Acyclic bloody issues from the genital tract;
  • Uterine bleeding;
  • Signs of compression of neighboring organs: constipation, a feeling of incomplete bowel movement, increased urination.

One of characteristic features uterine sarcomas are characterized by heavy and prolonged periods.

All these symptoms are very similar to manifestations of uterine fibroids, and in the early stages, without special diagnosis, the disease is easy to confuse. , we wrote in one of our articles.

The following manifestations of the disease may speak in favor of sarcoma:

  • Rapid growth of the node (more than 4 weeks per year);
  • The appearance of lesions in the appendages (malignant tumor metastases);
  • Frequently recurring uterine bleeding, especially during menopause and against the background of a rapid increase in the size of the uterus.

It is important to know

Among all the symptoms of fibroids, the growth of the node and the appearance of acyclic bleeding during menopause deserve close attention. According to doctors' observations, in 80% of cases this is not a true increase in the tumor, but the development of a malignant neoplasm. After examination, a large number of women over the age of 55 are diagnosed not only with sarcoma, but also with ovarian cancer, as well as other oncological processes of the reproductive organs.

The following symptoms indicate the development of sarcoma:

  • Unmotivated weight loss;
  • Severe weakness, fatigue and other signs of tumor intoxication;
  • Prolonged slight increase in body temperature;
  • Anemia;
  • Ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity);
  • Enlargement of regional lymph nodes.

Sudden weight loss may indicate development cancer in the uterine cavity.

The problem is that such symptoms occur in the later stages, when the tumor metastasizes. Treatment at this stage does not always bring the desired effect. That is why it is important to distinguish benign fibroids from malignant sarcoma in time and begin treatment. The earlier a tumor is detected, the better the prognosis of the disease.

Diagnostic algorithm for suspected uterine sarcoma

It doesn’t matter what position the gynecologist takes regarding benign education. If the doctor has the slightest suspicion that under the guise of fibroids is hidden dangerous tumor, he must spend full examination and make an accurate diagnosis. In this case, it is not critical whether the fibroid has degenerated into cancer or malignancy arose without previous myometrial pathology.

Examination scheme for detecting sarcoma:

Mandatory, but not very informative research in in this case. The doctor must examine the woman in the chair, but all he will determine is the presence of a formation in the uterus. Sarcoma is supported by its non-displaceability and cyanosis of the mucous membrane of the cervix, however, these signs are not very accurate and cannot be the basis for making a diagnosis.

During a gynecological examination, the doctor can determine the presence of a tumor, but not differentiate it.

On a note

If sarcoma is suspected, the gynecologist performs a rectovaginal examination to assess the condition of the tissues of the vagina and rectum. This method allows you to determine the size and location of the node, as well as identify metastases of a malignant tumor.

Laboratory research

The following tests help determine whether fibroids are benign:

  • General blood analysis. With both fibroids and sarcoma, anemia may occur as a consequence of blood loss. In case of a malignant tumor, an increase in ESR is often recorded;
  • Tumor marker test: CA-125 (normal up to 35 U/ml). An increase in this indicator indicates uterine sarcoma.

For your information

CA-125 can also be elevated in some other diseases, so it is not a definite sign of a malignant uterine tumor. And yet, gynecologists argue that it is necessary to get tested for tumor markers, since its growth provides grounds for further targeted examination.

Increased levels of the CA-125 tumor marker may indicate malignant tissue degeneration.

The identification of genetic tumor markers - special substances that indicate a person’s predisposition to a particular type of cancer - is also of practical importance. In the case of sarcoma, it is important to identify the following indicators:

  • MSH6;
  • MSH2;
  • MLH1;
  • RASSF1.

The same markers are also detected with a tendency to cervical dysplasia and endometrial cancer.

Ultrasound with Doppler

During an ultrasound examination, the doctor sees a mass formation in the walls of the uterus, but cannot make an accurate diagnosis based on these data. The echographic signs of fibroids and sarcoma are very similar, and on ultrasound, a malignant tumor looks almost the same as a benign tumor. You can read about that in a separate article dedicated to this topic. The following signs may speak in favor of sarcoma:

  • Rapid growth of the node in dynamics (according to previous measurements during ultrasound);
  • Changes in the structure of the tumor and the appearance of foci of heterogeneous echogenicity (this symptom may also indicate the development of necrosis of benign fibroids).

An ultrasound examination helps a specialist determine the presence of a tumor in the uterus.

Dopplerography provides significant assistance in making a diagnosis. When assessing blood flow in the uterine vessels, the following signs indicate the development of sarcoma:

  • Pronounced vascularization of the formation ( big number blood vessels);
  • The appearance of irregular and chaotically scattered signals from blood vessels;
  • Registration of low-resistance blood flow in the tumor;
  • The resistance index of the uterine arteries is less than 0.4;
  • The appearance of pathologically dilated vessels feeding the node.

Such features of blood flow are due to the fact that a malignant tumor produces its own vessels and creates a large number of arteriovenous anastomoses.

Endometrial aspiration biopsy

Not the best informative method, since it does not allow identifying sarcoma located exclusively in the thickness of the muscle layer. However, atypical cells are often found in the biopsy specimen, which gives rise to further examination. By using aspiration biopsy can also be identified concomitant pathology(endometrial cancer or hyperplasia).

Endoscopic examination allows:

  • See a node located in the uterine cavity or close to the endometrium;
  • Assess the structure of the mucous membrane and the visible part of the tumor;
  • Perform a targeted biopsy of the tumor.

Diagnostic hysteroscopy allows you to examine the uterine cavity using a hysteroscope, a thin optical instrument.

Histological examination

"Gold standard" in the diagnosis of uterine fibroids . Histology is the only method that allows an accurate diagnosis. All other tests, including ultrasound, do not provide complete confidence that there is a sarcoma in the tissues of the uterus. Only after examining the tumor itself can one be guaranteed to find out its nature and decide on treatment tactics.

Methods for obtaining material for histology:

  • After (provided that the tumor grows to the mucous membrane);
  • With aspiration biopsy of the endometrium;
  • During hysteroscopy;
  • During node removal using open or laparoscopic access.

In the latter case, we are talking about urgent intraoperative histological examination. The doctor removes the node, and the nurse immediately takes the material to the laboratory. After 15-20 minutes the answer comes, and now the doctor knows exactly what he is dealing with. If a sarcoma is detected, the scope of the operation expands to the extent of removing the uterus and neighboring organs.

Immunohistochemical study

The material for testing is a removed node or biopsy. The method is based on identifying specific antigens characteristic of a particular tumor. Today, immunohistochemistry is an expensive but effective method. differential diagnosis fibroids and sarcomas.

Immunohistochemical examination is one of the most reliable ways to detect malignant cells.

Tactics for detecting a malignant tumor of the uterus

Organ-saving operations for sarcoma are practically not performed. Detection of a malignant tumor is a reason for radical removal of the uterus. The extent of the operation will depend on the location of the node, the stage of development of the disease and the presence of metastases. In some situations, supravaginal amputation is sufficient, in others extirpation (removal of the uterus along with the cervix) is indicated. Extended intervention may also be required with excision of lymph nodes, peritoneal layers, removal of the ovaries and fallopian tubes.

Radiation and chemotherapy for uterine sarcoma are used as auxiliary methods and serve to destroy tumor foci in the pelvic cavity, as well as to suppress metastases. Radiation therapy in this situation, it can be performed both before surgery and after tumor removal.

The prognosis for sarcoma depends on the stage at which the disease was detected and what treatment was carried out. The average five-year survival rate is:

  • Stage I – 47%;
  • Stage II – 44%;
  • Stage III – 20-40%;
  • Stage IV – 10%.

An auxiliary method of treating uterine sarcoma is radiotherapy. Its goal is to suppress the activity of malignant cells.

Instead of a conclusion

To summarize, several important points should be highlighted:

  • Fibroids and sarcoma are not the same thing;
  • Uterine fibroids are not an oncological pathology;
  • Sarcoma can occur both in myomatous nodes and in intact uterine tissues;
  • The average age of patients with sarcoma is 45-55 years. That is why the growth of fibroids during menopause causes certain concern, because this symptom may indicate the development of a malignant tumor;
  • There are similarities and differences in the clinical picture of fibroids and sarcoma, and it is almost impossible to distinguish one disease from another in the early stages;
  • The only method that allows one to accurately determine a malignant tumor of the uterus is histological examination;
  • Even if we take it on faith that fibroids degenerate into cancer, this does not happen too often - in 2% of cases.

Oncological suspicion remains regarding uterine fibroids, and this is quite justified. Without special tests, the doctor cannot definitely say which tumor is in the uterus. It is better to play it safe and undergo the necessary examination than to start the disease. However, this does not mean that all women with suspected sarcoma need to have their uterus removed just in case. Final decision the choice of one or another treatment tactic should be decided after receiving the results of histological examination.

Useful video about uterine cancer

Learn more about the causes of tumors in the uterine cavity

Almost 30% of the entire adult female population around the world asks the question: what is fibroid? This disease creeps up unnoticed, and recognizing it at the very initial stage is very difficult. She is like a black cat in a dark room: she is and is not visible. So what kind of disease is this?

Myoma is a benign tumor of the uterus that develops from muscle fibers and connective tissue elements. Depending on the ratio of muscles and connective tissue in the structure of the tumor, in recent times it had a variety of names: myoma, fibroma, fibromyoma. But since fibroid nodes often develop from muscle cell, most doctors today consider the correct term “fibroids” or “leiomyoma”.

Most often, fibroids are a slow-growing tumor, and a tumor capable of relapse and degeneration into a malignant neoplasm. Every woman should know about this!

When does it occur?

The development of uterine fibroids is a benign, hormone-controlled increase in the thickness of the muscular layer of the uterus - the myometrium. And there can be many reasons that contribute to the beginning of this process.

Hormones only control the growth of fibroids, and they arise spontaneously - after abortions, improper contraception, chronic inflammatory processes in the female organs, hormonal disorders, stress, due to excessive love of tanning, against the background of obesity or hereditary predisposition. In short, fibroids form after anything that can provoke tumor growth in our body.

If we had the opportunity to look inside the muscular layer of the uterus at the very beginning of the development of fibroids, we would see an extremely interesting picture. The cells of the uterus spontaneously begin to actively divide. The reasons for this phenomenon are not fully understood, but it has been established that it is primarily associated with increased secretion of estrogen hormones, which stimulate the growth of fibroids. Progesterone, on the contrary, causes its reverse development. This is confirmed by the fact that fibroids increase in size during pregnancy and decrease in size during the postmenopausal period.

At the same time, the normal balance of estrogen and progesterone in the blood does not at all guarantee the absence of fibroids: it can arise with minor fluctuations in hormonal levels.

How is fibroid diagnosed?

Fibroids are most often detected during a medical examination by a gynecologist. In this case, the doctor can only state the fact of the presence of uterine fibroids. In other situations, the first signs of fibroids may be pain in the lower abdomen or lumbar region, bleeding, changes menstrual cycle, dysfunction of neighboring organs, for example, frequent urination. The classic manifestations of uterine fibroids are protracted regular menstruation, against the background of which there are often irregular uterine bleeding - metrorrhagia. If such symptoms appear, you should go to an appointment with a gynecologist.

Diagnosing fibroids is not difficult if there is an increase in the size of the uterus, uterine bleeding, or deformation of the uterus by fibroid nodes. It can be detected by palpating the uterus through the anterior abdominal wall. Final confirmation of the diagnosis is provided by ultrasound, hysteroscopy or hysterography. The last two methods are contraindicated for pregnant women. Sometimes doctors may prescribe to clarify the diagnosis computed tomography, nuclear magnetic resonance.

Should she be treated?

Myoma can “resolve” on its own if the body’s hormonal levels change. Conditions contributing to this: small size of fibroids, absence of symptoms and progression over a fairly long period of time. For example, during or after menopause.

However, fibroids are often still operated on. The presence of fibroids in itself is not always an indication for surgery. It all depends on the patient’s condition, the severity of symptoms and the size of the tumor.

Indications for surgery to remove fibroids are pain, fast growth the size of the node, suspicion of degeneration into a malignant tumor, impaired blood supply to the fibroid nodes and inflammatory changes in them, failure of the functions of neighboring organs - Bladder, intestines; infertility – when all other causes have already been excluded. If an experienced gynecologist believes that surgery is necessary, then the sooner it is done, the better.

In general, after 40 years and in postmenopausal age, if there is surgical indications surgery to remove the myomatous uterus is necessary, because if the fibroid has not regressed in the first 2 years of postmenopause, its further existence is accompanied by the risk of oncopathology - adenocarcinoma, sarcoma.

There is also a conservative solution to the problem. Uterine fibroids should be monitored regularly using ultrasound examination vaginal sensor. In many cases, this is quite enough, and no treatment - neither conservative nor even surgical - is required. If a woman periodically experiences discomfort or pain in the pelvic area, taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is effective. But prescribing hormonal drugs in order to reduce the size of the node is completely unjustified.

Today, another treatment method has been developed - transcatheter embolization of myomatous nodes, in which the node is deprived of blood supply and undergoes regression without the slightest harm to the uterus as a whole, but this method still remains experimental and is not widely used.

Most in a modern way Treatment of fibroids is considered to be immunocorrection with the help of a special vaccine, which promotes the formation of a specific immune response against this disease. This treatment is used in young patients with tiny fibroids and at the very beginning, at the start of the disease. The goal of treatment is to preserve the uterus and enable the patient to give birth at the right time.

What about prevention?

We have already talked about it. This:
– regular visits to the gynecologist for early diagnosis diseases;
– prevention of abortions;
- reasonable approach hormonal contraceptives under the supervision of a doctor.

Benign neoplasms often found in medical practice. Myoma is considered one of the most common pathologies. What is myomatous formation? What symptoms are accompanied and why are fibroids dangerous?

What it is?

Myoma is a tumor that forms from the muscle layer of internal organs. This neoplasm occurs in different parts body. The most common lesions are the uterus and breasts in women. Gastric leiomyoma is also common. Less often pathological process covers the intestines, kidneys.

The disease is diagnosed in young patients. The neoplasm is benign in nature and rarely turns into oncology. Degeneration into cancer depends on individual characteristics the human body and from the neglect of pathology.

Myoma is divided into several types:

  1. Interstitial. Formed in muscle tissue internal organ. It occurs most often, can be single or multiple, and has a destructive effect on the walls of the organ.
  2. Subserous. Formed in the outer layer. Subserous fibroids have a high degree of mobility due to the presence of a stalk, which leads to twisting of the tumor and tissue death.
  3. Submucosal. Develops in the mucous membrane. Often, submucous fibroids grow to large sizes, which leads to adverse consequences.

The gynecologist is often asked the question: can fibroids resolve on their own? There have been such cases in medical practice. Most often, tumors of the female genital area regress when a woman reaches menopause.

Why does pathology occur?

The main culprits that cause fibroids to appear are hormonal imbalances and poor performance immune system, which is not able to resist pathological processes. The following are noted as provoking factors:

  • Damage to the mucous or muscle tissue of the organ.
  • Regular inflammatory and infectious pathologies.
  • Chronic diseases.
  • Poor nutrition, vitamin deficiency.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Disruption of the endocrine organs.
  • Heredity.
  • Bad habits.

Skin growths most often occur as a result of injury to the skin or sunburn.

Neoplasm Clinic

Symptoms of fibroids on early stage may not show themselves at all. This interferes with the timely detection of pathology. Usually people go to the doctor when the size of the tumor is already large and interferes with the normal functioning of the organ.

Anyway clinical manifestations can vary greatly depending on in which organ the submucosal, interstitial or subserous fibroid is located. If during a gynecological examination a tumor is discovered in the uterus, the woman notes the following signs:

  • Heavy bleeding, both during and between periods.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Failure of the urinary process.
  • Infertility or miscarriage.
  • Constipation.
  • Development of anemia.
  • Abdominal enlargement. The size of fibroids is usually compared with the weeks of pregnancy.

If the neoplasm occurs in the mammary gland, the pathology is characterized by tissue proliferation. Often the growth does not bother patients, but the breasts noticeably increase in size. It is also possible to experience mild pain with fibroids during menstruation.

Rarely, but still occurs leiomyoma of the stomach and other digestive organs. The disease occurs without any symptoms, but as the tumor grows, pain, bleeding, and difficulty swallowing food begin to appear.

In male patients, fibroids can occur in prostate gland. At large size the neoplasm puts pressure on the urinary organs and intestines. As a result, symptoms such as:

  • Constipation.
  • Difficulty urinating.
  • Pain in the bladder area.
  • Urinary retention.

Growths are formed on skin. They can be distinguished visually. They appear as reddish or brown nodules. Pain may be felt when pressing.

If the tumor appears in the heart muscle, then patients complain of manifestations that are similar to symptoms of heart disease. These include pain in chest, feeling of pressure in the chest, difficulty breathing, arrhythmia.

When fibroids develop in the skeletal area, pain syndrome in back. When nerve endings are pinched by a large tumor, a person is limited in movement. If the pathology is neglected, then over time the bones will collapse and the spine will lose its functions.

Subserous renal fibroids develop slowly, without disturbing symptoms. Therefore, it is usually diagnosed completely by accident.


The insidiousness of the disease lies in the fact that signs of fibroids do not appear. This greatly complicates the timely detection of pathology. When a patient consults a doctor with complaints, the tumor is already of a decent size.

To make a diagnosis, the doctor uses the following examination techniques:

  1. Ultrasonography.
  2. Biopsy.
  3. Histology.
  4. Radiography.
  5. Computer or magnetic resonance imaging.

The diagnosis is made by the specialist whose competence is the treatment of the affected organ. If gastric leiomyoma is detected, then a gastroenterologist is needed, if subserous uterine fibroids are detected, a gynecologist is needed, and so on.


Treatment of tumors is carried out conservatively or surgically. Surgery is most often used, since pathology is detected at a late stage. Fibroids are removed with a scalpel or minimally invasive methods.

At conservative treatment are appointed medicines. These include:

  • Hormones.
  • Antibacterial drugs.
  • Iron in the development of anemia with uterine fibroids.
  • Vitamins.
  • Agents that stimulate the immune system.
  • Painkillers.

Hormone therapy is prescribed only after a preliminary blood test for hormones. If you take these medications incorrectly, then the pathology can, on the contrary, develop even faster.

Surgery to remove fibroids is performed using myomectomy, in which only the tumor is removed. At neglected form can use radical therapy, during which the affected organ itself is removed. But this is done only as a last resort.

Alternative medicine

Alternative medicine is widely used in the treatment of many pathologies. Subserous, submucous fibroids, gastric leiomyoma are no exception to this. The use of drugs must be agreed with the attending physician. Despite the naturalness of the ingredients, some products have contraindications.

Popular folk remedies for fibroids:

  • Herbal decoction. Make a mixture of 25 g of pine buds, wormwood, yarrow, calendula, celandine, marina root and propolis. A large spoonful of the collection is brewed with a glass of boiling water and left for 14 days. Drink the drink 2 times a day with a small spoon.
  • Aloe infusion with honey. For preparation, a three-year-old plant is used. 5 days before cutting the leaves for aloe decoction, you should not water it. Then the leaves are crushed and placed in a glass to the top. Next, add 200 g of bee product, pour in 400 ml of Cahors. Mix everything well and leave to infuse for 5 days in a cool, dark place. Take the infusion one tablespoon 3 times a day 60 minutes before meals.
  • Chamomile decoction. 10 g of herb is brewed with 200 g of boiling water and placed in a water bath for 10 minutes. They drink the whole drink at once. The next day, a new remedy is prepared.

Traditional medicine helps reduce the size of the tumor, slow its growth, and also eliminate symptoms that worsen the condition of patients. Apply unconventional methods only possible as adjuvant therapy together with medications or after surgery. In no case should you refuse medications or surgery in favor of traditional methods, since they are not capable of destroying the tumor.

Diet for patients

Patients with fibroids are advised to adhere to dietary rules. The diet for fibroids is intended to prevent further growth of the tumor and its transformation into oncology. If you have fibroids, you don’t need any special nutritional principles, you just need to eat healthy foods.

  • The diet should contain foods that have antitumor properties and can slow down the growth of fibroids.
  • The menu should be developed so that every day the body is provided with everything essential vitamins and minerals.
  • A diet for fibroids requires avoiding foods that are high in calories, as well as fatty, spicy, and salty foods.
  • You need to eat more foods that have antioxidant effects.
  • The diet should be enriched with foods that can reduce cholesterol levels and normalize the metabolism of substances.
  • It is important to maintain a drinking regime. You should drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
  • Eat more fresh fruits, vegetables and berries.
  • Avoid canned food and fast food.
  • Do not get carried away with alcoholic drinks.
  • Eat at least 5 times a day in small portions.

If the patient has a submucous fibroid small size, then it can be completely eliminated with medications and proper nutrition. Healthy eating helps not only to suppress the pathological process, but to prevent its development. That's why healthy people You should also eat rationally.

Prevention of neoplasm

To prevent fibroids of any location, you must carefully monitor your health and adhere to general rules prevention. Of course, even if you follow all the recommendations, it is impossible to fully provide the body with protection. But with their help, the risk of developing fibroids is significantly reduced.

Prevention includes the following points:

  1. Proper nutrition.
  2. Annual examination of the body.
  3. Maintaining an active lifestyle.
  4. Regular sex life.
  5. Timely treatment of pathologies, especially infectious and inflammatory ones.
  6. The use of hormonal drugs is strictly on the doctor’s recommendation.

Particularly careful monitoring of the condition of the body is necessary for people at risk, for example, those with a hereditary predisposition.

At timely treatment fibroids, the prognosis is always favorable. The larger the tumor becomes, the more difficult it is to get rid of it without complications and health consequences.

  • Make an appointment

Benign neoplasms in the uterus or fibroids are diagnosed in 40% of women. This is the most common tumor in the female reproductive system. Signs of uterine fibroids are not always obvious, and the pathology can progress over years. Diagnosis is not a death sentence when treating uterine fibroids modern techniques You can save the organ and restore women's health.

Causes and symptoms of uterine fibroids

The uterus is a hollow organ with a wall consisting of three layers of tissue: internal epithelium, smooth muscle myometrium and external perimeter. Myoma is an abnormal growth, the formation of tumor nodes of the myometrium up to several centimeters in size. There are several types of fibroids based on the location of the tumor and its shape.

The main causes of pathology are hormonal disorders in the production of sex hormones during the menstrual cycle. Risk factors:

  • hormonal imbalances;
  • heredity;
  • excess weight;
  • gynecological operations on the uterus - abortion, caesarean section;
  • delayed puberty and late childbirth;
  • stress;
  • incorrect hormonal contraceptives.

The main signs of uterine fibroids that may indicate pathology include:

  • disruptions in menstruation - heavy, prolonged (over 8 days), painful bleeding, with large blood clots;
  • abdominal pain radiating to the lower back;
  • infertility, miscarriage due to hormonal abnormalities and uterine deformation;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the bladder and intestines due to severe growth of the tumor and compression of neighboring organs.

There are also no symptoms of uterine fibroids. In this case, the pathology is detected during gynecological ultrasound.

How to treat uterine fibroids

To make a diagnosis, in addition to consulting a gynecologist, the following is carried out:

  • hysteroscopy;
  • tumor tissue biopsy;
  • laboratory tests for hormones, microflora, infections.

The gynecologist decides how to treat uterine fibroids, taking into account the number and size of formations and the severity of complaints. On initial stages A wait-and-see approach may be used. Therapy is carried out:

  • conservative methods - hormonal drugs that slow down the process and help restore reproductive function;
  • surgical operations - hysteroresectoscopy, laparoscopy, arterial embolization or complete removal organ.

Treatment of uterine fibroids is ineffective and even dangerous traditional methods. A competent gynecologist is needed who will carry out the treatment and observe the further dynamics of changes. Relapses are possible, the risk is especially high during menopause. The best prevention fibroids - annual examinations by a gynecologist with ultrasound examination.