Sauerkraut: quick cooking recipes - very tasty. How to ferment cabbage in a jar. Step-by-step recipes with photos

Despite the fact that cabbage does not have a sour taste, it contains a lot of vitamin C. People especially need it in the cold season to support the immune system and successfully resist flu and colds. Vitamin C is well preserved when cabbage is pickled and even frozen once. Sauerkraut at home helps to recover from illness and not get sick at all. In addition, it is a very tasty snack and the basis for many hearty dishes.

Features of sauerkraut at home

The first experience of sauerkraut at home may end in failure if you do not know the secrets that are well known to experienced housewives:

  • Not all varieties of cabbage are suitable for pickling. The harvest collected in summer is not suitable for home preparation. It's better to ferment late varieties, giving preference to the most juicy ones, whose heads are almost completely white. One of the most popular varieties for fermentation is “Slava”, it is suitable for dry fermentation. “Kolobok” and “Amager” are best salted in brine.
  • You need to cut the cabbage for fermentation with a sharp knife designed for shredding. But it is better to make the pieces not very thin, but about 5 mm. If you ferment thin, small pieces, they will become too soft, but sauerkraut tastes much better when it remains crunchy.
  • You can ferment cabbage at home in an enamel pan, bucket, or glass jars. If possible, you can try fermenting cabbage in an oak tub or barrel - it will acquire a unique taste. However, this method is only suitable for those who have a cold cellar for storing pickles. Aluminum containers are not suitable in any case, since this material reacts with lactic acid, which is formed during the fermentation of vegetables.
  • Sauerkraut is fermented at room temperature or slightly below it. If the room temperature rises above 24 degrees, the cabbage may become slippery. At temperatures below 20 degrees, fermentation will not proceed intensively enough.
  • In order for enough juice to be released, the cabbage must be placed under pressure or compacted very well. This is especially true when sauerkraut is dry-cooked.
  • During fermentation, the cabbage must be pierced from time to time with a long, sharp knife to release gases. Otherwise, the finished snack will not have the most pleasant smell.
  • Sauerkraut at room temperature continues for 3 days, then you can eat it, but it will still taste better a little later: classic recipes provide fermentation for a week.
  • It is best to store sauerkraut at a temperature of 0 to 2 degrees, so the cellar and refrigerator are ideal places for this. If necessary, cabbage can be frozen. To do this, you need to put it in bags and put it in freezer. It is advisable to make portions not very large, since cabbage cannot be re-frozen. For the same reason, the balcony is not the most suitable place for storing sauerkraut at home.
  • During storage, mold may form on cabbage. Mustard and sugar, which can be sprinkled on the workpiece at least once a month, help prevent its appearance.

When properly prepared and stored, sauerkraut can be eaten for 9 months after preparation. The fresher it is, the tastier it is, which is why it usually doesn’t sit out for so long.

Classic sauerkraut recipe: dry method

Composition (per 5 l):

  • white cabbage – 4 kg;
  • carrots – 0.4 kg;
  • salt – 80 g;
  • sugar – 80 g.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the cabbage and remove the top leaves. Chop into strips of 3–4 mm.
  • Peel the carrots and grate them on a coarse grater. If desired, you can grate it to make Korean salads.
  • Mix the cabbage and salt thoroughly, crushing it with your hands.
  • Sprinkle with carrots and sugar and stir.
  • Fill the container in which you are going to ferment the cabbage. A five-liter saucepan or a clean glass jar of the same capacity is suitable for this purpose.
  • When laying cabbage, compact it often with your hands or even your fist. Place the container in the basin, as a lot of juice will soon be released. Cover the cabbage with clean gauze; if possible, place a weight on top (when fermenting in a jar, you can do without pressure). Leave at room temperature for 3 days. Twice a day skim off the foam, rinse the gauze and pierce the cabbage with a knife.
  • Move the container to a cooler place (unheated pantry, on the loggia, if there is no frost outside) and wait another 4 days.
  • Place the cabbage in containers convenient for its further storage at home (if desired, you can store it in the same place you fermented it in). Put it in the basement or refrigerator. Don't forget that sauerkraut can also be stored in the freezer.

This recipe produces crispy cabbage with a slight sourness. There is no need to rinse or soak it before serving – you just need to pour some oil on it.

A simple recipe for sauerkraut in brine

Composition (per 3 l):

  • cabbage – 2 kg;
  • carrots – 0.2 kg;
  • water – 1.5 l;
  • salt – 50 g;
  • sugar – 50 g;
  • Bay leaf- 1 PC.;
  • black peppercorns – 3 pcs.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the vegetables. Chop the cabbage and grate the carrots.
  • Mix cabbage with carrots, put in a jar, pressing it down carefully.
  • Boil water, dissolve salt and sugar in it.
  • Place bay leaves and peppercorns on top of the cabbage.
  • Place the jar in a plate, pour hot brine over the cabbage until it overflows.
  • Leave it in the room for 3 days, piercing the cabbage several times a day to release the unpleasant-smelling gases produced during fermentation.
  • Transfer the cabbage to smaller jars, fill with the remaining brine and store in a cool place. At home, this place is usually the refrigerator, although some people store pickles in the basement.

Cabbage in brine is prepared simply and quickly, even for inexperienced housewives.

Sauerkraut with apples and lingonberries

Composition (for 6 l):

  • cabbage – 3.5 kg;
  • sour apples (ideally Antonov) – 1 kg;
  • carrots – 0.3 kg;
  • lingonberries (can be replaced with cranberries) – 100 g;
  • rye bread (crackers) – 100 g;
  • juniper berries – 5-6 pcs.;
  • cumin (seeds) – 5 g;
  • sugar – 60 g;
  • salt – 80 g;
  • currant leaves – 5-6 pcs.;
  • vodka – 70 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare a container for sauerkraut. Two three-liter jars or a large saucepan of 6-7 liters will do. An enamel bucket and an oak tub are also suitable containers. The selected container must be washed well and doused with boiling water.
  • Place at the bottom of the tub (or other container) cabbage leaves, after washing them. Place half of the currant leaves and a crust of bread there.
  • Chop the cabbage, mix it with salt and wait until the juice starts to release.
  • Add sugar, grated carrots and cumin seeds, stir.
  • Wash the apples, cut into several parts, cut out the core.
  • Add a layer of cabbage, filling the container about a third full. Compact it well.
  • Add half the apples, juniper berries, and remaining currant leaves.
  • Lay out the rest of the cabbage and tamp it down thoroughly.
  • Add the remaining apples and sprinkle the lingonberries. Cover with gauze or a clean cloth. Pour vodka over the cabbage and leave to ferment at a temperature of 18–22 degrees for 5–7 days. Pierce the cabbage regularly with a knife or long-handled wooden spoon.
  • Store in a cool place.

There is no shame in serving cabbage pickled according to this ancient recipe even at the holiday table.

Spicy sauerkraut with beets, horseradish, garlic

Composition (for 5–6 l):

  • cabbage – 4 kg;
  • beets 0.4 kg;
  • garlic – 2 heads;
  • grated horseradish root – 30 g;
  • sugar – 60 g;
  • salt – 80 g;
  • water – 1 l.

Cooking method:

  • Peel the raw beets, wash them, cut them into large pieces and grate them using a regular grater or a Korean salad grater.
  • Pass the garlic through a press.
  • Grate the horseradish.
  • Finely chop the cabbage.
  • Mix cabbage with horseradish, beets and garlic.
  • Boil water, dissolving salt and sugar in it.
  • Place the cabbage in a fermentation container (you can put it in jars). Place the container itself on a large plate or in a basin.
  • Carefully press down the cabbage so that it lies as tightly as possible.
  • Pour hot brine over the cabbage.
  • If the size of the container allows, place a plate on top of the cabbage and place a weight on it (for example, a jar filled with water).
  • 2-3 times a day for a week, remove the load and pierce the cabbage in several places to release the gas formed during fermentation.
  • After 7 days, put the cabbage in jars and put it in the refrigerator. If the cabbage has already been fermented in jars, you can store it directly in them.

This recipe makes a spicy appetizer beautiful color, which will appeal to lovers of savory dishes.

Tender cabbage pickled with honey

Composition (for 6 l):

  • cabbage – 4.5–5 kg;
  • salt – 85–90 g;
  • honey – 70–75 g;
  • bay leaf – 5-6 pcs.

Cooking method:

  • Chop the cabbage, mix with salt, remember and wait until the juice is released.
  • Melt the honey, dissolve it in a minimum amount of water (a quarter cup).
  • Pour the honey liquid over the cabbage and mix well.
  • Sterilize liter or larger jars and place bay leaves on them.
  • Tamp each layer down and fill the jars with cabbage, leaving enough room at the top for the cabbage juice to escape. Place the jars on plates.
  • Place for 3 days in a fairly warm room (20 to 24 degrees). Prick the cabbage twice a day.
  • Drain off excess juice, leaving only a small layer covering the cabbage.
  • Place a wooden circle or cloth in a large saucepan. Place the jars of cabbage in the pan. Fill the pot with water until it reaches approximately the level of the cabbage in the jars.
  • Place on low heat. Sterilize for 20 to 40 minutes depending on the volume of the jars.
  • Remove the jars of cabbage from the pan, roll them up and turn them over.
  • Wrap it up and leave it to cool like this.
  • When the jars have cooled, they can be stored in the pantry.

Cabbage prepared according to this recipe will be tender. It keeps well even at room temperature. This sets it apart this method her preparations from others.

Video: Delicious sauerkraut according to a family recipe!

Taste, crunch, beauty!

Sauerkraut is delicious on its own, but traditionally it is served as a snack, adding onion cut into thin half rings and pouring vegetable oil on it. In addition, home-sauerkraut can be used to prepare solyanka, bigos, cabbage soup and other dishes.

Oh, what skilled cooks our great-grandmothers were, how long they in various ways they came up with food preparations for future use. Pickling the gifts of summer has become a kind of cult for us, and the whole autumn is regularly devoted to twists, among which a special place is occupied quick salting cabbage It’s hard to even imagine a winter diet without such a delicacy: sour cabbage soup, salads and pies, yes, without a barrel of “sauerkraut” winter is an orphan.

They have been fermenting cabbage in Rus' since time immemorial. Every autumn, women gathered and compacted wooden barrels of planed cabbage, sprinkled with salt.

Today, such tubs are rare guests in modern kitchens, so this preparation is carried out in large metal vats or glass jars. IN in this case glass containers are the most best choice, but if you still choose from large-sized pots, then the best solution would be enamel or steel utensils, and it is better to categorically refuse an aluminum jug.

But in addition to selecting containers, you also need to be able to choose the vegetable itself, because each variety of cabbage has its own purposes, pros and cons.

Varieties of cabbage for pickling

When choosing cabbage, you need to focus on long term its storage, because we are not going to fill our cheeks at once, like hamsters, but intend to enjoy the dish throughout the autumn-winter period. In this case, you need to choose dense and heavy forks of late varieties.

Among other things, such specimens are quite juicy, which is good for sourdough the most important factor, because real sauerkraut is prepared exclusively in its own juice.

The most popular of the late species, which are ideal for pickling, are the following varieties: “Moskovskaya”, “Belorusskaya”, “Slava”, “Yubileinaya”, “Menza”, “Turkiz”, “Geneva” and “Amager”. But most often, preference is given to the “Podarok” variety of cabbage for pickling; this white cabbage can be successfully pickled, fermented or salted, in any form it will turn out crispy and tasty.

The classic way to pickle cabbage

Oddly enough, it is not realistic to ferment cabbage quickly in its own juice, as our ancestors did for a long time, because chopped and salted vegetables need to be given time so that, at a minimum, the vegetable brine comes out, and, at a maximum, our whole “venture” perfectly fermented. Only in this case will we be able to get that tasty, sour cabbage that my mother served with mashed potatoes, flavored with purple onions and seed-scented oil.

I also remember that to heighten the mood, cranberries were added to this pickling. This still life looked picturesque and fit perfectly into our winter menu, which was dominated by canned food and twists. However, this recipe is a must-have for any cook.


  • White cabbage - 1 fork;
  • Carrots – 2-3 root vegetables;
  • Cranberries - 1 tbsp.;
  • Black peppercorns – 1 tsp;
  • Table salt – 1 – 1.5 tbsp;
  • Bay leaf - 3 leaves;


  1. There are no special tricks in our preparation, so we, as usual, proceed to washing and peeling vegetables and berries. You need to remove the top wilted and weathered leaves from the head of cabbage, peel the carrots and grate them on a coarse grater.
  2. After this, we cut the forks into 4 parts for convenience and chop them into strips using a knife, or you can use a flat grater attachment, so the work will go much faster, and the cutting itself will be more accurate.
  3. After the vegetables are chopped, we must put them in a large container, season them with spices and salt and mix thoroughly, thoroughly kneading the cabbage with our hands so that the juice comes out of it, which will act as a marinade. At the end of this action, add cranberries and mix everything thoroughly again.
  4. Now we need a large 2-3 liter sterilized jar, into which we must compact our cabbage salad as tightly as possible.
  5. After this, cover the container with a fabric “lid” and leave it to salt in a warm place for three days. During this time, you need to regularly pierce the cabbage with a knife to the very bottom of the glass so that the gas escapes.
  6. After the allotted time, close the jar with a plastic lid and put it in the refrigerator or cellar for storage.

This cabbage turns out great: crispy, juicy, and incredibly tasty. With it we can make dumplings and solyanka, cook borscht and prepare pie filling.

As we have noticed, it takes at least 3 days, or even more, to fully ferment vegetables, but how can such a preparation be made in the shortest possible time? In general, quick pickling of cabbage in any quick way implies more salad recipes than actually a pickled product. However, they turn out no worse than their predecessor.

Sauerkraut without vinegar. Instant recipe

This method of express fermentation is designed for the same express eating, because it is not recommended to leave this salad for the winter. This pickled cabbage tastes very, very good, but still differs from real barrel cabbage, a kind of version of lightly sauerkraut. At the end we get a crispy and juicy deliciousness, and most importantly, without vinegar.


  • White cabbage - 1 fork;
  • Carrots - 2 root vegetables;
  • Table salt - 50-60 g;
  • Granulated sugar - 40-50g;
  • Purified water – 1 l;


  1. Any recipe for pickling cabbage, with the exception of pickled cabbage, involves chopping the head of cabbage into strips, and grinding the peeled carrots on a coarse grater. So we will do the same chopping of vegetables.
  2. After this, we start cooking the marinade, for which we pour water into a saucepan and put it on the fire, add salt and all the spices there. When the salt crystals dissolve, the brine is ready, and we leave it to cool to room temperature.
  3. While the broth is cooling, we need to stuff the cabbage and carrots tightly into a jar, and then pour the cooled marinade into it.
  4. In this form, without closing the glass container with a lid, we leave our cabbage warm for a couple of days, periodically piercing it with a knife.
  5. After 48 hours, pour the brine into the pan, add sugar to it, and stir until the sweetness dissolves, and then pour the liquid into the jar again.
  6. After all the simple manipulations, we must let the cabbage settle in the new marinade for 10 hours, after which we close the jar with a lid and put it in the refrigerator or directly on the table.

Before serving, the cabbage should be seasoned with vegetable oil, onions and dried dill. You can decorate our dish with carrot figures, green or basil leaves, as well as cranberries or gherkins.

Sourdough cabbage in a quick way


  • White cabbage- 1 kg + -
  • — 300 g + -
  • - 5 cloves + -
  • — 180 ml + -
  • For those who don’t really feel like waiting, because they have work to do, children, or are just lazy, this is perfect quick way pickling cabbage instant cooking. This recipe is quite simple, without unnecessary clutter, overseas plants and other exotic attributes, just what we need.
    1. As usual, the first thing we do is wash and chop the cabbage into strips, and grate the carrots on a grater with large holes.
    2. We need to remove the husks from the garlic cloves and then pass them through a garlic press.
    3. In a deep and wide container, mix all the vegetables and knead thoroughly.
    4. Now it’s time to cook the marinade. To do this, we need to pour water, vinegar and oil into a saucepan, add granulated sugar and salt. After boiling, cook for a couple more minutes and turn off.
    5. Pour the hot brine over the vegetables without cooling and mix everything thoroughly. After this, we cover our salad with a wide plate and place a weight on top so that the cabbage can be salted under pressure.
    6. After a day in the warmth, we have an amazing appetizer ready for meat, fish and vegetable side dishes.

    Such splendor should be stored exclusively in a refrigerator.

    Winter pickles have always been a desirable dish at any festive or everyday feast. In addition, the use of “sauerkraut” in cooking, as it turns out, is quite extensive, and most importantly, progress does not stand still, and recipes have already been noted where such cabbage is used for stuffing peppers and game. So quick pickling of cabbage will be an excellent solution for the housewife.

Kira 04.10.12
Excellent recipe, the sauerkraut turned out just like in the picture, white, juicy and tasty. Now I cook only this way :-) and only on Wednesday

Sveta 07.10.12
Cool photo, I just want to eat the cabbage. I will definitely try to ferment it for the winter.

Tatiana 10/18/12
The cabbage turned out great! Thanks for the site and all the recipes!

Lada 06.11.12
I made sauerkraut for the first time, I’m happy with the result, my husband liked it too

Julia 11/21/12
The cabbage took a long time to ferment, although I immediately put it in the cellar. But it turned out delicious, I won’t say anything.

Julia, it’s quite natural that your cabbage fermented longer than indicated in the recipe. After all, the lower the temperature, the slower the process goes. That is why the first 24 hours should be kept at room temperature.

Elena 02/01/13
Hello! I prepared the cabbage exactly according to your recipe, but it turned out very salty. How can I fix this now? Today it is in the refrigerator for the first day.

good day, Elena! To save cabbage, you need to do the following:
Buy another kilo and a half of fresh cabbage. It is advisable not to delay this. Chop finely. Then remove the sauerkraut along with the juice, mix with fresh cabbage, and then place it tightly in the vessel again. Leave at room temperature for a day. Be sure to pass gas several times. After a day, put the cabbage in the refrigerator. And then everything follows the recipe.
Z.Y. In the recipe for sauerkraut, I additionally prescribed once again that we pour the spoons without the top.

Anna 02/11/13
The sauerkraut turned out excellent. For some reason I always thought that the process of preparing it was a long process, so I didn’t do it. But it only takes a few days and it’s done. Thanks for the recipe. Good site you have!

Anna, thank you for your review))) I’m glad you liked the cabbage. Try fermenting cauliflower (I have the recipe on my website). Usually guests are not chasing delicacies, but sauerkraut)))

Nastya 09.30.13
I really liked your cabbage recipe! Thank you!

Maria 07.10.13
I fermented cabbage on Friday and tried it on Monday. It turned out good, now I’ll make more for the winter.

Natalya 10/14/13
I made cabbage using exactly this recipe, only without adding spices, last year, I took the recipe from Natalya’s website It’s very delicious recipe, cabbage turns out just a miracle!

Natalya, thank you for your feedback, but you got it a little mixed up, you can stew the cabbage in a slow cooker, but you’ll have to ferment the cabbage the old fashioned way, but I assure you, this cabbage is worth it.

Natalya 10/17/13
Alena, I didn’t mix it up. The cabbage is simply fermented and the slow cooker has nothing to do with it, I just found a similar recipe there. I was looking for just such a recipe without water.

Now everything is clear))) Ferment the cabbage this year according to my recipe, it should turn out no worse

Natalya 10.20.13
Thank you, Alena. I was just about to make sauerkraut and will try your recipe. I have no doubt that it will be very tasty. Your site is AMAZING! Thank you for your work!

Anastasia 10/31/13
Don’t laugh at me either, but in our family we also have a tradition for fermenting cabbage. We do this on the full moon and it doesn’t matter what day it is: women’s or men’s. The main thing is that there is full moon. And there is no mysticism here, the simple influence of the moon on the liquid, such as ebbs and flows. In general, we chop the cabbage, carrots, spices, add salt and put them in a warm place. After a couple of days, the cabbage is ready. It always turns out tasty and crispy.

Anastasia, thank you for the interesting addition. I've never heard of such a tradition, I'll have to try it)))

Marina 11/18/13
That's how long I fermented cabbage and didn't even know that I needed to pierce it several times to remove the gas. Now I’ll take this advice and do it the same way.

Lydia 11/20/13
Sauerkraut is a real storehouse of vitamin C, so winter time This is an indispensable food product! I always make two types of sauerkraut, with the addition of apple or beetroot! Pressure is very important for sauerkraut and be sure to pierce it and not be lazy!).

Lydia, thank you for your feedback. Today I was going to make sauerkraut, I’ll try it with an apple)))

Nina 01/16/14
I love everything pickled: tomatoes, cabbage, watermelons. I’m reading your recipe, and there’s a barrel on the windowsill, fermenting. Only I also add 1 tablespoon without a slide of sugar to the cabbage, that’s what my mother taught.

Dusya 02/07/14
I also love sauerkraut. I put it in pies, as a filling, and stew it, and in cabbage soup. Only my mother taught me to add a pinch of sugar to cabbage, so it releases juice better and becomes even tastier.

Svetlana 02/11/14
In spring, sauerkraut is especially popular and the recipe comes in handy. I’ve never heard of the fact that you need to salt on Wednesday, I’ll have to take this fact into account. Yes, and they made a good point about carrots. After all, it’s really not such a white cabbage if you put a little more carrots. This site always helps me with good advice and I am a regular visitor here.

Svetlana, thank you for your feedback, and for visiting the site often)))

Zukhra 03/09/14
I’m hearing about Women’s Day on Wednesday for the first time, very interesting). But I like sauerkraut that is crispy and not very sour. I don’t rule out adding an apple or beetroot, but classic version fermentation is of course at the forefront). A wonderful product from which you can prepare a wide variety of dishes. And the cabbage itself is good, with onions and butter!

Tanya 09.11.14
I love sauerkraut; I have it on my balcony all winter. I make it the same way, only I make sauerkraut in a bucket or in a 25-liter saucepan.

sinatra 20.09.14
I read your recipe today and a lot positive feedback, I decided to try it too. I just don’t understand what Women’s Day means? I will be grateful for your answer))

sinatra, it's Wednesday or Friday. Monday (he), Wednesday (she), etc.

Olga 10/17/14
The recipe is very simple, I did everything right - but every other day at room temperature. the cabbage has become “snotty”, i.e. slippery and not sour. what did I do wrong?

If you did everything according to the recipe and did not forget about salt (normal, not iodized), then there is only one reason: cabbage with nitrates.

Natalia 10.20.14
I was also taught to ferment cabbage on Women’s Day, lightly mix with salt (do not crush with your hands) and “tamp down” tightly, put in a little carrot, because... it softens the cabbage and makes sure to pierce it. But the principle is the same. Thank you! The cabbage really turns out great - juicy and crispy!

Lidiya 10.25.14
The cabbage turned out to be directly imbued with life and health, it even seemed to glow. I'm glad I chose your recipe.

Inna 03.11.14
I want to try making sauerkraut for the first time, but does it matter what container I cook it in, do I have a plastic food bucket? Thank you in advance.

Inna, I would not recommend fermenting cabbage in a plastic bucket; even food-grade plastic does not fully comply with sanitary standards.
For sourdough, it is better to use glass, enamel containers or traditional wooden tubs, but these days you won’t find them with a fire during the day.
My cabbage is quick-cooking, so it’s better to ferment it in small portions to avoid over-acidification. Prepared 3 liter jar or a saucepan, we ate it within a week or two, ferment the next portion. To ferment cabbage in large volumes, a slightly different technology is required.

Inna 05.11.14
Thank you, Alena

Larisa 11/24/14
Please tell me how to distinguish winter cabbage?

Larisa, winter cabbage ripens in the fall. It has a narrow, oblong stalk; medium-sized cabbage usually has a round stalk. Ask to cut the cabbage and everything will become clear.

Marina 11/25/14
The cabbage turned out to be too salty and bitter, there was not enough sugar, I added sugar and the taste was divine!!!

Marina, try to read recipes more carefully. It is in paragraphs 13 and 16 that it is necessary to pierce sauerkraut in order to remove accumulated carbon dioxide. If you don’t do this or do it occasionally, a bitter taste will appear. As for sugar, YES, it can be added if desired before serving (point 17).

Oleg 11/28/14
Thank you! Very interesting recipe, I’ll wait exactly three days and then I just can’t resist)))

Vika 01/10/15
It seems that this is complicated - I took cabbage, carrots, spices, chopped them and grated them, and everything is ready. But no, there are so many nuances here - some prefer to ferment it in brine, others in its own juice, as written here, there are those who add beets for color. But still, I personally prefer the classic method, as in this recipe.

Vika 01/27/15
I decided to ferment the cabbage according to all the rules, and I’m glad that the cabbage really turned out juicy and crispy. With Lenten butter and onions it went just like a charm. I decided to show off my photo, fortunately I managed to pour it into the plate in time before my husband and son devoured everything))).

Vika, thank you for such a delicious review and photo)))

Vika 01/28/15
Alena, this is only thanks to your tips. After all, I didn’t even know before that I needed to take winter cabbage, but when I tried it, it really turned out that it releases juice better. And I learned about the special women’s day from you, before that I fermented whenever I wanted. And now I know these subtleties)), it’s good that you share your secrets with us.

Ilga 02/25/15
It’s good that I found this recipe, otherwise I tried to ferment cabbage several times before, but it turned out bitter and turned black on top. Now I see that I did a lot of things wrong. Thank you, now I will know.

Yuri 03/05/15
The bottle is feminine...

Yuri, thank you for reporting the error)))

Fedor 01.10.15
It’s only been four days since we put the cabbage in the jar, and we’re already crunching it to the fullest :)) I liked the recipe, thank you!

Elena 10/31/15
I prepared cabbage according to this recipe, it turned out very tasty, just great!

Tamara_G 05.12.18
I didn't understand one thing. 3 kg of already shredded cabbage is needed, in pure form? Or a 3-kilogram head of cabbage?

Tamara, take a 3-kilogram head of cabbage)))))))

Dilya 12/17/18
Thank you very much I really liked it!!! Hello everyone from the city of Khujand! Cool site!

Dilya, Thanks a lot for the review)))))))))))

Pickled cabbage is one of the popular preparations, the recipes for which we will prepare. Now is the time to marinate it.

Since childhood, I remember how my mother pickled cabbage, it was very crispy, and it tasted spicy, cut into large pieces, and we crunched it with appetite. Our vitamin cabbage will be healthy, pleasantly crunchy with a sweet and sour taste. This pickled cabbage can either be prepared for the winter, or you can prepare it quickly and eat it the next day as a ready-made dish by chopping the onion and pouring oil on it. This cabbage keeps well in the refrigerator. Recipes for making pickled cabbage can be changed several times over the winter, it goes away with a bang. This way you can find your favorite pickled cabbage recipe. I suggest you get acquainted with another delicious homemade recipe.

Instant pickled cabbage recipe


  • cabbage - 2.5 kg
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • carrots - 5 pcs.

For the marinade:

  • water - 1 liter
  • sugar - 1 glass
  • vinegar - 0.5 cups (100 ml)
  • vegetable oil - 0.5 cups (100 ml)
  • salt - 2 tbsp


  1. Wash all vegetables.
  2. Finely chop the cabbage.
  3. Wash the carrots, peel and grate on a coarse grater.
  4. Gently mix the cabbage and carrots with your hands, no need to crush. Finely chop the garlic and add to the carrots and cabbage.
  5. Place everything in a deep saucepan

Preparing the marinade:

  1. To prepare it we need: 1 liter of water, sugar, salt, vinegar and vegetable oil.
  2. Boil water in a saucepan, add all the necessary ingredients, stir.
  3. Pour the hot marinade over the cabbage and cover with a lid.
  4. After a day you can try the cabbage. Place the finished pickled cabbage in jars and place in the refrigerator.

Bon appetit!

Pickled cabbage in tasty pieces


  • white cabbage - 1 fork, 2 kg
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • sweet pepper - 1 piece (optional)
  • garlic - 3 cloves

For the marinade:

  • water - 1 liter
  • vegetable oil - 1 cup (200 ml)
  • table vinegar - 1 cup (200 ml)
  • salt - 3 heaped tbsp
  • sugar - 8 tbsp. spoons
  • bay leaf 2 - 3 pcs


  1. Wash all vegetables
  2. Cut cabbage into large pieces
  3. Peel the carrots and grate on a coarse grater.
  4. Cut the sweet pepper into thin strips. (Pepper optional.)
  5. Peel the garlic, chop and mix with carrots.
  6. Place all vegetables in a saucepan. Place the vegetables in layers, a layer of cabbage, then a layer of carrots and garlic.

Preparing the marinade:

  1. To prepare the marinade, add salt, sugar, bay leaf to the water and boil. When the water with spices boils, turn off the marinade, add vegetable oil and vinegar.
  2. Pour the hot marinade over the cabbage and place a weight on top, it can be an inverted plate.

When the marinade has cooled, our pickled cabbage will be ready to eat in 2-3 hours.

Bon appetit!

Pickled cabbage with cranberries - step-by-step recipe

Preparing this cabbage is very simple, it turns out very tasty and appetizing. The marinade gives it crunch, and the cranberries add sourness and piquancy.


  • Cabbage - 2 kg
  • Carrots - 1-3 pcs.
  • Cranberries - 40 g (1 handful per 1 kg of cabbage)

For the marinade:

  • Water - 1 liter
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l
  • bay leaf - 1-2 leaves
  • allspice - 2-3 peas
  • Vinegar - 0.5 cups
  • Vegetable oil - 0.5 cups


Wash the cabbage and remove the top leaves. Chop and place in a deep bowl. To keep the cabbage crispy, chop it not too finely.

Peel the carrots. Use a knife to cut it into thin slices (you can grate it using a Korean cabbage grater). Add 1-3 carrots to taste.

Preparing the marinade:

Pour water into the pan, add salt, sugar and vegetable oil. We put everything on fire. The proportions of salt, sugar and vinegar can be changed if desired and taste. We wait for the marinade to boil and the sugar and salt to dissolve. Add vinegar (bay leaf and allspice if desired) Remove from heat and let cool slightly.

Mix cabbage with carrots and add cranberries, one handful per kilogram of cabbage.

Pour the marinade over the cabbage and put it under pressure for two days. The appetizer of pickled cabbage with cranberries is ready.

Bon appetit!

Pickled cabbage with beets one day in advance

This cabbage is prepared very quickly and easily within a day. Attracts with its beautiful and bright color. It is not recommended to store such cabbage for a long time.

It's time to get out the cutting boards, shredders, sharp kitchen knives. We need to prepare cabbage for future use, so that in winter cabbage dishes will diversify our table and delight our family.
Sauerkraut is an original Russian appetizer. And it can be used either as a completely independent dish or as a component of other delicious dishes. For example, fillings for pies and pies, salads or hot borscht. Unlike other pickles, cabbage, when fermented for a longer period of time, does not need to prepare brine at all, since cabbage is sauerkraut in its own juice with a certain amount a lot of salt. At the same time, quite a lot of juice is released, and the sugar contained in the cabbage promotes an absolutely natural fermentation reaction.

However, if you need quick-cooking sauerkraut, then the fermentation process can be accelerated. Using pre-prepared marinade: add sugar solution to the chopped cabbage. Cabbage fermented according to this recipe will be ready in just 2-3 days, and it will taste delicious and crispy.

Instant sauerkraut. Cabbage recipe for 2 days in a 3 liter jar

A very quick way to make sauerkraut. No need for a barrel, no pressure, no infusion of the product for a long time. The maximum time for fermenting cabbage according to this recipe is 2 days. But by and large, you can eat cabbage the next day.

Water - 1 l
Table salt - 2 tbsp. l.
White cabbage – 2 kg
Carrots – 200 gr


Boil water, add salt, cool to room temperature. Salt/water ratio - 2 tbsp. l./ 1 liter.

Shred cabbage and carrots. For every kilogram of cabbage we take 100 grams of carrots. That is, for an average fork of cabbage - 2 carrots.

Once we have chopped it, we begin to put the cabbage in the jar. We lay it down and press it with a long masher, compact it. The more cabbage in the jar, the more you will have to crush and push it. It is advisable that there is no space between the layers.

When the jar is filled to the very neck, pour it into brine, prepared in advance and chilled.

Pour gradually, allowing air to escape from the cabbage mass in the jar.

We poured it and crushed the contents a little. You will see it bubble at the neck. This is fine.
In this form we put it somewhere in the kitchen. The room should be warm, but not hot. It is better to place some kind of bowl under the jar, because the cabbage will ferment and the juice may leak out over the edge.

Periodically, the cabbage must be pierced with something like a long knife or knitting needle so that fermentation products are removed from the cabbage throughout the entire volume of the jar. We also periodically knead the top, trying to push through the cabbage; this will also cause gases to escape.

Within a day, the cabbage will look as if it has been fermenting for three days already (if done using the usual method, with pressure). And after 2 days you can eat it as fermented, put it in jars and put it in the refrigerator.
A very quick way to ferment cabbage.
Pitfalls: do not overdo it with salt, otherwise the cabbage will not ferment, but will simply sour and spoil. Too little salt is also bad, the taste will not be the same. The best proportion is 2 heaped tablespoons per 1 liter of water.
Obvious advantages: no need to bother with tubs and oppressive stones, you can cook this cabbage as it runs out. They ate it and did it again. Bon appetit!

Instant sauerkraut in a jar per day

Most housewives choose this method of sourdough only for its speed and ease of preparation.
White cabbage – 2 kg
Carrots – 2 pcs.
Coarse salt – 2 tbsp. l.
Bay leaf
Water – 1 glass
Vegetable oil – 0.5 l
Vinegar – 250 gr
Sugar – 100 gr


Cut the cabbage and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Mix them together and rub with salt - this procedure will release cabbage juice.

For the brine: dissolve sugar, spices, oil and vinegar in water. Boil the mixture.

Pour the resulting mixture over the cabbage and try to compress it and cover it with something heavy. A day later, delicious sauerkraut is ready. After the snack is ready, transfer it to a more convenient container – a jar, which you then put in the refrigerator for storage.

Eat for your health! Bon appetit!

On a note
Not only sauerkraut contains many valuable and useful substances, but also in its brine. For many abnormalities or diseases, doctors recommend using sauerkraut brine.

Instant sauerkraut. 3-day sauerkraut recipe

Cabbage - 1 head
Carrots - 1 pc.
Water - 1 l
Salt - 1 tbsp. spoon
Sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon

How to cook three-day cabbage:

Chop or shred the cabbage.

Peel the carrots, wash them, grate them on a coarse grater.

Add carrots to cabbage.

Mash a little, mixing with coarsely grated carrots, without salt.

Place tightly in a three-liter jar.

Prepare the brine. To do this, boil water and add salt.

Add sugar. Mix.

Pour hot brine over cabbage. Cover the jar and place it in a bowl, as the brine will leak out during fermentation. Periodically pierce the cabbage with a pointed stick to remove gas.
After 3 days, the three-day cabbage will be ready. Store cabbage for three days in a cool place.

Bon appetit!

How to make instant sauerkraut with carrots and apples for the winter

Cabbage (preferably white) – 2 kg
Carrots (preferably sweet varieties) – 200 g
Apples (any variety) – 200 gr
Salt – 2 tsp.
Sugar – 2 tbsp. l.

How to salt instant cabbage in a jar without vinegar:

First, we need to wash all the vegetables under running water.
Then, from the cabbage, we remove the top green leaves and cut the head of cabbage in half (a large head of cabbage into 4 parts). Now it needs to be chopped using a special shredder or a sharp knife into thin long strips of the same width.

Then, peel the carrots and grate them on a coarse grater.
Apples, too, need to be peeled, cored, and then cut into small slices. What size the components of the recipe should be can be clearly seen in the photo.
Now you need to mix the cabbage with salt and granulated sugar.

Next, we need to press the cabbage with our hands, in the manner of kneading dough, until the cabbage juice is released.
Then, mix grated carrots with grated cabbage and apple slices. And we transfer our preparation into a jar for fermentation.

Please note that the cabbage should not completely fill the dish. This is necessary so that during fermentation the resulting juice does not spill out of the jar.
Leave the cabbage to ferment in a warm place for 48 hours. When the cabbage has fermented, it will need to be put in a cold place.

It is better to serve this delicious, crispy instant cabbage with finely chopped onions and aromatic vegetable oil. Bon appetit!

Instant sauerkraut at home. Recipe for delicious crispy and juicy cabbage for the winter

The perfect sauerkraut for your whole family! Very tasty and quick recipe!

Bon appetit!

A simple recipe for quickly fermenting delicious cabbage with beets for the winter

This dish is easy to prepare and does not require much expense. And what is very important is healthy dish. Pickling occurs in a natural way without adding vinegar.

White cabbage-1 kg
Carrot-300 gr
Beetroot-300 gr
Celery-300 gr
Salt-2 tbsp. l.
Sugar-1 tbsp. l.
Bay leaf

How to make sauerkraut with vegetables:

We start preparing the preparation by clearing the head of cabbage from damaged leaves, washing it in running water and shredding it.

Peel the carrots, beets and celery root, rinse and grate on a coarse grater.

Mix all the vegetables.

It is better to prepare the brine in advance. Add salt and sugar hot water. Add bay leaf and allspice to taste and bring to a boil. Let cool to a temperature of approximately 18-25 degrees.

Pour over the prepared vegetables so that the brine covers them completely. We keep the vegetables for two days at room temperature. Stir once or twice a day to release accumulated gases.

This sauerkraut with vegetables is best stored in the cold. It can be used as an appetizer, as well as a dressing for borscht, salads, and vinaigrettes. Bon appetit!
This number of products in the recipe does not require strict adherence; you can change the ratio of products. If desired, you can add viburnum, sour apples, cranberries or lingonberries to these products. Experiment and your sauerkraut with vegetables will turn out much tastier.

Instant sauerkraut. A simple recipe for sauerkraut in a jar without vinegar

White cabbage - a large fork
Carrots - 2 pcs.
Bay leaf - 3 pcs.
Salt - 1 tbsp. l.
Granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. l.


The recipe is very simple. Take a whole large dense cabbage and 2 carrots.

Chop the cabbage and grate the carrots and mix them. Add bay leaf and peppercorns.
And carefully place it in the jar. Separately, pour warm water into a liter jar. boiled water, dissolve 1 tablespoon of sugar and salt in it. Pour water into a jar. A liter does not always fit, most often a third of a liter.

We put the jar in a bowl because during fermentation the water runs out of the jar. We pierce it once or twice a day with a knife or stick to release accumulated gases. Cabbage is usually ready in 2 days, but sometimes it takes longer, you need to try.

When serving, garnish with cranberries. Bon appetit!

Sauerkraut with cranberries in an instant jar

Ingredients per barrel:
10 kg cabbage
200 grams of cranberries
a little dill
1 cup fine salt

Previously, cabbage was fermented in barrels. For food, we prepare instant sauerkraut in jars according to the same recipe as for the barrel and take the products in the same proportions. For this recipe, in a jar with a step-by-step photo taken, salt only one head of cabbage, take salt and cranberries in proportion to the weight of the cabbage.

To prepare sauerkraut with cranberries, we begin by removing the dry outer leaves, cutting the head of cabbage in half, removing the stalk and cutting the cabbage into small strips.

Place the shredded cabbage in a plastic container, add salt and stir.

Carefully crush the cabbage with your hands so that it releases juice. Then, compact tightly in a bowl and leave for an hour. Then we repeat everything: knead, tamp, leave to stand for another hour.

Add dill to the cabbage that has already given juice. Stir, drain off excess juice. Sometimes there is a lot of juice, but you can’t drain all the juice completely - the cabbage will be dry and not crispy. Leave to salt for a day in a cold place. It is necessary to pierce the vegetable mass with a pointed stick or long knife to the very bottom several times a day, releasing gases.

At the last moment, add clean cranberries and mix gently with your hands or a wooden spatula.

Now you can put the cabbage in jars and store it in the refrigerator. Although, if you are preparing for the winter from large quantity cabbage, then a barrel is preferable.

Delicious sauerkraut with cranberries is served with hot dishes or as a cold appetizer. Bon appetit!

Instant sauerkraut with vinegar

This simple recipe is for those who like to crunch cabbage, and quickly.

White cabbage - 1 fork (or 2)
Carrots -2 pcs.
Garlic-5-6 cloves
Hot peppers - to taste and desire
For the marinade:
1 liter of water
3 tbsp. l. salt
1 cup 5% vinegar
2-3 tbsp. l. refiner vegetable oil
2 tbsp. l. honey


Shred the cabbage and coarsely chop the carrots. Garlic slices.

Mix everything well without squeezing the juice. If desired, add peppercorns and, if you want, bay leaves.
To make the marinade, add salt to the water, bring to a boil, then add vegetable oil and vinegar to the boiling brine. And as soon as the water starts to boil again, honey. As you know, it does not tolerate heat treatment, so you need to try to do everything quickly.

As soon as the mixture is mixed and the water has boiled, immediately pour it over the prepared cabbage.
Now we put it under pressure and leave it at room temperature for 12 hours.

After the time has passed, transfer to jars for storage, after squeezing them a little. excess liquid. You can store it in the refrigerator or just on the balcony.

The cabbage is completely ready. Before use, you can also season it with aromatic homemade oil and add onion. Help yourself!

Sauerkraut is a real treasure. In winter, it often happens that you crave sour, hearty cabbage that crunches in your mouth. This is a real salvation in winter. Guests suddenly arrived - the appetizer was ready for the table. And just like a salad, especially with fried potatoes - you'll lick your fingers! In addition, sauerkraut is very useful product. Rumor has it that it cures all ailments. An excellent salad, a sea of ​​vitamins and a wonderful taste, it just flies away, especially in winter.

For those who have a sweet tooth, I would like to advise you to check out my colleague Tatyana’s blog for delicious and quick recipes for apple jam for the winter. Be healthy, see you again on my blog.