How to wear a cervical collar correctly for osteochondrosis. Cervical osteochondrosis - symptoms, prevention and treatment. Types of fixing devices

The development of cervical osteochondrosis occurs in 80-90% of people over 40 years old. Affected by osteochondrosis changes cervical spine spine most often occurs due to the fact that a person has minimal motor activity. Sometimes young people suffer from this pathology due to injury to the cervical vertebrae.

For treatment and preventive measures special neck splint- Shants collar for cervical osteochondrosis. A cervical collar for osteochondrosis will support the neck, relieve muscles, restore function, and a Shants splint will replace a plaster cast after a fracture. But wearing a Shants collar on your own when the diagnosis has not been established is prohibited. This will cause complications to develop.

What kind of tire is this

The trench collar for osteochondrosis is a bandage for the cervical region, consisting of polyurethane foam material. This bandage for the cervical spine is soft, safe, has a dense frame, fastens around the neck, and secures the vertebrae. This orthopedic neck collar for osteochondrosis has many varieties, each product has a different rigidity. The fixative is prescribed to patients different ages, there is also a corset for a newborn.

There is a hole in the front of the tire for the chin area. The neck corset for osteochondrosis has Velcro with fasteners. This neck bandage for osteochondrosis:

  • Prevents bending rotational movements neck.
  • Provides calm state affected cervical segment.
  • Unloads spasmodic myofibers.
  • Improves blood flow in the cervical spinal region.

Neck bandage for osteochondrosis is presented different types:

  • Inflatable neck collar. When the rubber product is fixed, it is inflated with a rubber bulb. The fixator will ensure traction of the spinal column in the damaged segment, helping to increase the space between the joints.
  • Inflatable neck brace for osteochondrosis. It will fix the spine on required level, will completely eliminate head tilts. This is a soft cervicothoracic corset that provides slight traction of the cervical vertebrae and minimizes the symptoms of osteochondrosis.
  • Rigid neck corset for osteochondrosis. It consists of plastic and metal. It is used for fractures and neck injuries.

Only a specialist can adjust the inflation force of the corset. It should be understood that such a product will not heal osteochondrosis of the cervical spine; it additional therapy, aimed at alleviating the disease and reducing symptomatic manifestations. Such a corset provides support for the spine; it will correctly distribute and support the weight of the head. Therefore, the muscles with ligaments and tendons will not be overloaded, and the head will be in the right position.

Who is this bandage for?

The therapeutic corset has many indications. It should be worn for osteochondrosis, torticollis, pain in the neck muscles, muscle inflammation, scoliosis, sprains, fractures and other pathological conditions. It will provide an effective therapeutic result. But it is also worth remembering the contraindications. It is prohibited to wear a corset in cases where the cervical segment is severely destabilized, as well as when there are skin pathologies.

An orthopedic device with a warming effect will fix the neck, eliminate pain due to osteochondrosis changes, improve microcirculatory processes and relax the neck muscles

How to choose and wear correctly

You should accurately select the dimensions of this corset; if the retainer is selected incorrectly, it will not function normally. If the bandage is chosen incorrectly, the patient will experience symptoms such as muscle soreness and dizziness. The patient may also lose consciousness, feel sick and vomit. Only a doctor can help you choose the right bandage size.

Before purchasing a product, you need to take some measurements:

  • The head is fixed so that the external auditory canal is at the same level as the eyes.
  • The space between the chin and the sternum area is measured with a tape.
  • The parameter in centimeters is the required size of the retainer.

Before applying the corset, the head is held straight. In front, the mandibular zone is fixed with an orthosis; from below, emphasis should be placed on the clavicle zone. On the back side, the lower occipital area is held in place by a clamp.

How to dress correctly

The middle part of the corset should be applied to the neck area in front. The bandage is wrapped in a circle. Under occipital area fasten with Velcro, fix the neck, but do not pinch it. To check how correctly the collar is worn, insert a finger between the corset and the skin. The Velcro strips should be centered on the back. It is required that the bandage fits tightly, but not tightly, around the neck. If the patient feels that he can easily tilt his head and turn it to the sides, then the bandage is not selected correctly.

Before purchasing an orthosis, the length from the collarbone to the chin area is measured. Strong fixation of the bandage is unacceptable, otherwise it will be difficult for the person to breathe. If you use a corset together with medications, eat a balanced diet, and exercise, then painful sensations with numbness will manifest themselves to a lesser extent. Microcirculation processes will also improve, and the patient’s general well-being will normalize.

Constantly wearing such a corset is not recommended, otherwise the muscles will atrophy. They wear it 2-3 hours a day. It is also mandatory to wear a bandage during gymnastics classes and when working in a job that involves sitting in one position for a long time. The corset is also used for chronic osteochondrosis, but it is advisable to wear it before falling asleep, then neck tension will be eliminated.

You should buy the product only in special stores or pharmacies.

You should not be in a horizontal position with such a corset, and it is also unacceptable to fall asleep with a collar.

How to make it yourself

To make a corset you need to prepare soft cloth made of knitwear or one that contains a lot of elastic fibers, fastening Velcro, which should not be wider than 1 cm and longer than 5 cm, plastic containers (can or bottle). First, measurements are taken. Then the fabric is cut out so that it has the shape of a rectangle no wider than 30 cm.

The length should not exceed 2 cm of the circumference of the neck area. The cut fabric is folded so as to obtain a roll with a size of 10 to 12 cm. Then a strip no wider than 2 cm is cut out of plastic. It should be smaller than the fabric blank and not so wide. The orthosis must be higher than that areas where pain is localized.

From the reverse edge, from the central part of the collar, 1 cm of fabric is folded inwards at an angle, then a plastic blank is placed and the fold is sewn downwards along the edge. If the elongated part has already been made, the sides are processed, they are adjusted along the edges into the workpiece. Then you need to sew Velcro onto the bandage so that they do not injure the skin while wearing the corset.

The Shants collar is a special orthopedic product that allows you to correct existing pathology in the cervical spine or carry out prevention if the patient is prone to such diseases. Proper Use The collar allows you to achieve good results: the person’s neck relaxes, receiving a massage and at the same time warming up.

What is the purpose of the collar?

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is the main indication for the use of the Shants splint. Due to the modern sedentary lifestyle, such pathology is relatively common. Adults and children alike suffer from pain in the upper back and neck. This condition greatly interferes with normal life and go about your daily activities. Schoolchildren and students, after long hours at their study tables, experience severe pain, which interfere with sufficiently perceiving and assimilating the material, which negatively affects overall academic performance.

In addition, athletes and simply fitness enthusiasts, if they use a training device or sports equipment incorrectly, can get injured in the cervical spine, pulled muscles or ligaments. In order to fix the injured neck in a stationary state, a special bandage is used - a Shants collar.

Thus, the mount is intended for therapy and prevention pathological changes in a specific part of the spinal column. By reliably fixing the area in a stationary state, the bandage provides a light massage and has a warming effect, helping to relax muscle structures and reducing the patient’s recovery time.

Characteristics and properties of the collar

A special orthopedic fastening is made in the form of a dense frame for the human neck, which supports this part of the spine in a stationary state. The front of the collar has a chin recess to help maintain the correct position of the patient's head. The bandage is equipped various types fastenings necessary for proper fixation and to prevent unnecessary compression of the neck.

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Main functions of the Shants bus:

  • prevents any type of movement in the cervical spine;
  • provides rest to the affected structures;
  • protects muscles and vertebrae from excess stress;
  • allows you to relieve the cervical spine;
  • helps stabilize and improve blood circulation in the neck and head.

The Shantz splint takes on all the main load necessary to support the head. Moreover, an orthopedic brace is often called a “neck crutch” because the collar ensures proper distribution of the weight of the head. Thanks to this property of the product, there is no overstrain of muscle and connective structures, and the head is always supported in an anatomical position.

However, despite all the positive aspects of using a bandage, the Shants collar itself is not the main method of treating osteochondrosis or traumatic injury to the neck, but is only an additional measure that can significantly speed up the patient’s recovery.

Types of collars, what materials they are made from

The classic version of the orthopedic product is made of soft and safe polyurethane, covered with a pleasant fabric that does not irritate the skin of the face and neck. However, there are several more varieties of the Shants collar, which are selected by an orthopedic doctor depending on the goals of the therapy:

  1. Inflatable bandage. This type of splint is used to secure the neck in a stationary state, which requires slight traction of the vertebrae and relief of pressure on the intervertebral articular discs. In order to fix the neck with an inflatable collar, it is inflated using a bulb directly on the patient. This product is absolutely soft and does not irritate the skin, made of hypoallergenic materials.
  2. Hard lock. Basically, a similar design made of plastic and metal is used to firmly fix the neck in case of fractures and serious injuries. A rigid bandage completely eliminates even the slightest movement, provides stable support for the head and completely takes on the entire load.

You can use the Shants collar at absolutely any age. There are even models for newborns who need additional head support after a traumatic birth or congenital pathology. The duration of the course of wearing and the type of product required in each specific case should be determined by the attending orthopedic surgeon.

Shants collar: photo

Indications and contraindications for wearing

The main indications for the use of the Shants splint are injuries and osteochondrosis of the neck. However, there are still a number pathological conditions for which the use of a collar is necessary:

  • inflammatory diseases of the muscular structures of the neck;
  • when a symptom of the so-called crooked neck is detected in newborn children;
  • V rehabilitation period after surgical operations in the area of ​​the cervical spine;
  • neurological diseases, circulatory disorders of the head and neck;
  • posture correction;
  • squeezing spinal cord.

However, even though the Shants collar is a very useful orthopedic device both for patients with injuries or osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, and for the prevention of such pathological conditions, there are contraindications that preclude the use of such types of neck fixation.

  • Availability dermatological diseases for which the use of ointments and creams without additional dressing is recommended;
  • severe instability of the cervical spine structures.

In other cases, the Shants collar will be a good way to speed up the recovery of patients with osteochondrosis or neck injuries.

How to choose a Shants collar for an adult

In order to choose the right orthopedic neck brace, you need to consult a specialist. It is the orthopedic doctor who knows which type of splint is suitable in each specific case, how long the Shants collar is worn for osteochondrosis or other pathologies.

The Shants collar, size and type of bandage must be selected based on several main points:

  • after the splint is placed on the patient’s neck, its mobility is completely limited;
  • the height of the bandage must correspond to the length of the patient’s neck;
  • The upper border of the collar should be at the base of the skull, the lower - at the lower cervical vertebra;
  • a properly fitted collar will provide support for the chin and lower jaw the patient, and his lower part - do not put unnecessary pressure on the collarbones;
  • A suitable bandage will not put pressure on the neck, but will provide stable support.

Before choosing a Shants collar for an adult patient, the orthopedic doctor takes measurements of the length and circumference of the neck to ensure that the selected bandage fits in size and does not affect discomfort while wearing.

An incorrectly selected collar can be distinguished by several signs:

  • appearance of weakness;
  • headaches, dizziness and loss of consciousness;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • soreness in the muscles of the neck and upper back.

How to choose a Shants collar for newborns

For children, the collar is selected individually. The doctor measures the distance between the angle of the lower jaw and the collarbone so that the bandage does not hang around the child’s neck, but fixes it tightly, facilitating straightening. If the splint is narrower or larger, it will not bring a positive therapeutic effect, but will only cause irritation on the delicate skin of a newborn baby.

In addition, when choosing a suitable attachment for an infant, it is necessary to take into account his age, height, body weight and neck size. A bandage for small children should be made of very soft and hypoallergenic materials that will not cause irritation when rubbing or the appearance of allergic rash. It is very important to pay attention to age indicator specified by the manufacturer on the product label. For children who have already grown up, completely different sizes are used. For a more accurate choice, it is best to consult an orthopedic doctor.

Shants collar: how to choose the right size

The doctor selects the size using basic measurements:

    neck circumference at the base;

    height from the collarbone to the angle of the lower jaw.

When taking all necessary measurements, the patient should sit upright, with his head raised and his waist relaxed. upper limbs: lower your arms, relax your shoulder blades and collarbone and do not strain. The muscles of the neck and upper back should not be in a state of tension. Thus, the measurements will be most accurate, and the collar will not cause discomfort to the patient who will wear it.

A correctly selected bandage size will never interfere with a person’s swallowing, breathing, talking, or chewing. The splint should not put pressure on the neck, only support the structures this department the spinal column in a relaxed state and support the head. In addition, the index finger can fit freely between a properly fitted collar and the patient’s neck.

How to wear a Shants collar

After the doctor has prescribed the use of a special orthopedic brace for the cervical spine, it is necessary to clarify how to wear it correctly and whether it is possible to sleep in the Shants collar. The doctor must answer any question and clarify all the nuances of the prescribed therapy.

In most cases, collar use is limited to 3-5 hours a day. If the pathology is serious enough, then the orthopedist will indicate exactly how long it is necessary to stay in the collar and whether it can be removed at all. For serious cervical spine injuries, patients wear braces around the clock.

In normal wearing mode, the Shants splint is put on immediately after therapeutic massage or other physiotherapy treatments to maintain relaxation thermal effect on long time. It is necessary to remove the collar so that the muscles do the work independently and participate in supporting the head in correct position. Thus, the skeletal muscles of the neck do not atrophy after long-term treatment.

How much does Shants' collar cost?

Depending on the type of orthopedic product chosen and the materials from which it is made, collars for adult patients can cost from 200 to 2000 rubles.

The price of collars for newborns and children under 15-16 years old does not differ from the price range of bandages for adults.

How to make a Shants collar with your own hands

It’s not difficult to make a Shants collar with your own hands; for such needlework, prepare only three items:

    soft material ( would be better suited knitwear or calico);

    plastic container;

    Velcro for fastening, dimensions: width 1 cm, length - 5 cm.

In order to make a Shants collar with your own hands, you will need measurements, they will need to be measured.

  1. We cut a rectangle from the fabric, 30 cm wide and 2 cm longer than the circumference of the neck. We lay out the cut material with the raw edges inward until the height of the product becomes 10-12 cm. And so that the collar itself does not lose its shape too much, it will need to be made more dense. From the prepared plastic jar, cut a strip 2 cm smaller than the fabric blank and slightly narrower in width.
  2. The Shants collar should be placed higher where the pain is felt. On the other hand, moving away from the middle of the product, you will need to process the edges at an angle inward, fasten the plastic strip, and thoroughly sew up the fold at the bottom, along the long side.
  3. Once the main side is done, you need to move on to processing the sides. To do this, the allowances are folded into the inside of the workpiece. Next, Velcro is sewn onto the collar for fastening; they need to be fixed so that while wearing the product, they do not injure or chafe the neck.

Shants collar for cervical osteochondrosis, reviews

Olga, 48 years old:

I used the Shants splint to treat my neck. I put on the collar immediately after I had a massage. It is very warm and retains heat for several hours after intense rubbing of the neck. The effect of wearing it is noticeable quite quickly - in just a week the pain is not as severe as before.

Vladimir, 24 years old:

After studying, my neck hurt very badly. I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. They prescribed massage and wearing a bandage for several hours a day. After completing the course, I periodically wear a collar - for prevention.

After 40 years, almost 80% of people suffer from cervical osteochondrosis. There are many reasons for the development of such a pathology, especially if we take into account the modern sedentary lifestyle, general immersion in virtual world. Therefore, it is already found in young people inflammatory processes There are quite a lot of measures to combat this disease - for example, the Shants collar for cervical osteochondrosis has positive reviews. It is worth understanding what kind of device this is and what indications for use it has.

Purpose of the collar

The Schantz collar is sometimes simply called a neck splint, which serves as a temporary replacement for the support apparatus. This device has the form of a frame made of flexible material, it fastens around the neck and fixes the vertebrae.

It has the following effects on the cervical spine:

When wearing such a collar, the patient feels complete peace in the cervical region, which reduces pain.

Varieties of collar

This device has several options.

  1. A device that has an inflatable mechanism between strips of material. After fixing it on the neck, inflation occurs using a special bulb. In the process of using this collar, the vertebrae are stretched and pressure on the blood vessels, blood flow is normalized.
  2. The Shants collar for cervical osteochondrosis, the photo demonstrates this, can be a completely inflatable mechanism. It allows you to fix the spine at the level that is most comfortable. The possibility of head tilting is eliminated, and the disease manifests its symptoms less clearly.
  3. Rigid neck collars are made from plastic or metal. They are most often used for neck fractures.

It should be noted that when wearing inflatable collars, the doctor must select the inflation force depending on the degree of damage to the body and the patient’s condition.

Features of neck collars

It is necessary to understand that the Shants collar itself for cervical osteochondrosis receives good reviews, but this is only if it is used in complex therapy of this disease. It is not able to eliminate problems that have arisen in the spinal column, but it helps to achieve temporary relief and reduce the severity of symptoms.

Its second name - cervical crutch - just shows that it serves as a support for the neck muscles, supports the head and neck in the correct position, which significantly reduces the load on the muscular system.

Therapeutic effect of using a collar

The Shants collar for cervical osteochondrosis has more positive reviews, since as a result it is possible to achieve the following effect:

If you combine wearing a collar with drug therapy and physiotherapeutic procedures, you can get good results in a short time.

Advantages of the Shants collar

Continuous use of this product is not recommended. Otherwise, this threatens the cervical vertebrae and muscles becoming accustomed to constant support and they will be in a relaxed state, which will lead to their atrophy. Numerous studies have been carried out on the Shants collar, which have revealed its advantages over similar devices.

Indications for using the collar

There are many conditions and diseases for which wearing a Shants collar is indicated, here are some of them:

Contraindications to wearing a collar

Despite the fact that the Shants collar for cervical osteochondrosis has excellent reviews, there are some contraindications to its use. They may be the following:

  • if the patient has a pronounced ;
  • in the presence of dermatological diseases.

The Shants collar for cervical osteochondrosis has minor contraindications, so almost all patients who develop this disease can use it as an auxiliary therapy.

How to choose the right collar

Before you go shopping for a collar, you need to understand the difference between it and an orthopedic brace. Shants' collar is made of polyurethane foam - it is a soft and elastic material, biologically inert, that is, it does not cause allergic reactions. On top there is a fabric cover (most often made of cotton).

Orthopedic braces are very similar in shape to collars, but they are made of medical plastic, to exact dimensions and to order.

Before purchasing such a collar, you must consult a doctor, he will tell you how to make it right choice.

How long to wear the product?

It has already been said that you cannot constantly wear such a neck corset. Most often, the collar is worn for about two hours per day. It depends on the type of disease and its degree, as well as the condition of the patient. If you are prescribed a Shants collar for cervical osteochondrosis, you should definitely check with your doctor for how long to wear such a product. Some patients are advised to wear it twice a day for 1-1.5 hours.

The duration of such treatment is also determined individually. At the same time as wearing a collar, patients are usually advised to undergo physical therapy and take appropriate medications.

Any disease requires an integrated approach to its treatment. Modern medicine has in its stock numerous methods and methods of getting rid of ailments, the most important thing is that patients follow all the doctor’s recommendations and take a responsible approach to their health.

An orthopedic collar of chance is a device for the neck to maintain mobile vertebrae.

Often prescribed to infants with torticollis. Subluxation occurs during childbirth, and during caesarean section. It is recommended for babies to wear it in the first year of life (under the supervision of a neurologist).

Usually 3-4 months. Then the problem goes away without a trace.

In adults, treatment with a trench collar takes longer, and sometimes lifelong, if cervical osteochondrosis occurs.

The symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis are not always immediately understandable. Blood flows poorly to the head, when the cervical vertebrae are pinched.

As a result - headache, or sharp pain in the back of the head/neck, dizziness, it even hurts to move your eyes different sides. The next stage is vomiting from dizziness. All this should not be delayed and urgently consult a doctor. If it comes to vomiting and dizziness, then a hospital and IVs will not hurt.

During the period of exacerbation of the disease, wearing a Chance collar is prescribed. Around the clock or for several hours - everything is individual.

The trench collar is certainly not comfortable to wear, but sometimes you have to be patient. It is also prescribed after neck injuries, during the recovery period.

The collar fixes the neck, relieves stress, and facilitates healing.

The downside is that in the summer it is very hot in it and it is dense. And in winter, you usually have to wear it at home - it’s also not very comfortable.

But, as they say, they don’t joke with their heads! Do not be ill!

Before use, be sure to consult a specialist

Video review

How to choose and wear a Shants collar Shants collar

Most middle-aged people have certain signs of osteochondrosis, for the purpose of treatment and prevention of which a special bandage or collar is used for the neck. A Shants collar is prescribed for people of different ages to fix the spine in the cervical region.

Why do you need a Shants collar?

Osteochondrosis is the cause of many diseases and pathologies in the body. Compression of blood vessels and nerve endings can lead to irreversible consequences, for the elimination of which it is prescribed correctional view treatment using an orthopedic collar.

His main function is to reduce the load on areas of the cervical spine and improve blood circulation in painful areas. By applying such a splint, the natural musculoskeletal system neck, which leads to limitation of its inclined amplitude. The use of this clamp is necessary when:

  • migraines and headaches that occur due to impaired blood supply;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • torticollis;
  • injuries of varying severity;
  • displacement of vertebral discs;
  • curvature of the spinal column.

The Shants collar splint for adults is also used for prevention purposes. It is especially useful for people who sit for a long time. However, wearing a bandage should be moderate, since constantly keeping the neck in a relaxed state can lead to muscle tissue atrophy.

Video “How to properly wear a Shants collar?”

Demonstrative video that shows in detail how to properly put a bandage on your neck.

Types and features of collars

There are several types orthopedic collars. The main factor that differentiates them is the materials used to make the bandage.

1. Inflatable

It is a device that, through an inflatable mechanism, takes the form of a bandage. When lowered, such a collar is fixed on the neck, after which air is pumped until it is completely filled. The density and force of inflation must be calculated individually. This bandage allows you to increase blood flow to the spinal cord and brain, stretch the cervical column of the spine and develop muscles.

2. Soft

The Shants soft splint for the neck is prescribed for children and infants diagnosed with torticollis, as well as for the prevention of osteochondrosis in adults.

For its manufacture, medical foam rubber or any other elastic porous material is used, which provides convenience and comfort to the patient. It is a flexible strip with an anatomical notch and Velcro fasteners.

With such a bandage, it is quite difficult for a person to tilt his head, as a result of which the spine is in a relaxed and elongated state. When used correctly, weakened spinal discs gradually become stronger, reducing the risk of osteochondrosis.

3. Semi-rigid

Most often, these types of collars are prescribed for pathologies of the cervical vertebra in adults and neck injuries in children. In its design, it is not much different from a soft bandage. Its only difference is the more rigid materials, since dense fabric and metal inserts are used for production, which act as structural elements. When such a collar is prescribed, the mobility of the head and neck is severely limited. Despite the discomfort caused, the vertebrae are well stretched and the manifestation of osteochondrosis is reduced.

4. Hard

These types of splints are used for serious injuries, fractures and pathologies of the cervical spine. Thanks to the rigidity of the bandage, the spine is firmly fixed in a clearly established position. Such a collar should be worn every day for quite a long time. Metal elements and durable types of plastic are used for production. With the right treatment, even the most severe pathologies can be eliminated without surgical intervention.

How to choose a Shants collar?

When talking about which Shants collar is best to choose, it is necessary to take into account the patient’s condition, the symptoms of his disease, age and individual characteristics body. The choice of a bandage should be approached with full responsibility, since your health depends on it. After all, an incorrectly selected device will not only not get rid of the current problem, but may even worsen the situation.

Therefore, to avoid mistakes, it is best to contact an orthopedist who will help you make the right choice. Thanks to his recommendations, you can more accurately select the type of retainer and its size. If it is not possible to use the help of a specialist, then the choice of collar size is made taking into account the following parameters:

  1. Bandage heights. To calculate it, you should take a measurement from the angle of the lower jaw to the collarbone. In this case, the head must be positioned straight, so that the eyes and ear openings are located at the same horizontal level.
  2. Bandage lengths. It is necessary to measure the diameter of the neck at the base. The resulting value will correspond to its length. It is important that these indicators practically do not differ from each other, otherwise this may cause harm later.

When choosing a collar in a store, you should remember that sizes from different manufacturers may vary slightly.

Therefore, before purchasing, you should try it on to make sure it fits in size. You can be sure that your choice is correct if:

  • there is a feeling of limited neck tilt and movement;
  • An index finger can fit between the bandage and the neck;
  • the height of the collar fully corresponds to the length of the neck, the head should not be tilted forward or backward, it should have an even horizontal position;
  • there are no painful sensations, skin chafing or discomfort, it should be comfortable to swallow and move the lower jaw.

How to wear it correctly?

The specifics of wearing a Shants collar should be clarified with the attending physician who prescribed it. Depending on the patient’s condition and the type of collar, there are differences in the time and length of stay in it. In some cases, it is recommended to wear a bandage only after massage and physiotherapeutic procedures, while in others it is recommended almost constantly, until the situation improves. The main thing is that there is no compression of soft tissues and constriction of breathing.

How long can you wear it?

On average, to prevent osteochondrosis and treat mild forms of this disease, wearing a splint is allowed no more than 4 hours a day. You should not overuse it, so as not to weaken the natural muscle corset and spine. The treatment course lasts approximately a month. In case of feeling unwell from wearing a bandage, you need to consult a doctor to find out the real reasons for this side effect. After which the doctor will decide on the need for further therapy.

Is it possible for an adult to sleep in a Shants collar?

For most symptomatic indications, doctors recommend removing the retainer at night. At this time, there is no need to support the neck, because it is already in a relaxed state. However, with some diseases, injuries or postoperative period, if you need to completely immobilize your neck, then it is not recommended to remove the collar even during sleep. All these points also need to be individually agreed upon with your doctor. But for preventive purposes, sleeping in it is strictly not recommended.


There are a number of pathologies for which the use of the Shants collar is contraindicated. This primarily applies to patients who experience instability of the cervical spine, for example, after fractures. This is due to the fact that such fixation is quite weak, so there is a possibility of displacement of the spinal disc with subsequent pinching of the spinal cord. It is impossible to replace rigid splints with such bandages, which provide completely motionless fixation, without the appointment of specialists.

In addition, people with dermatological problems and purulent-inflammatory skin diseases (dermatitis, in the form of miliaria) are also not recommended to use a bandage, as this will lead to an even greater aggravation of the disease.

While wearing it, there is a possibility of allergic reactions to the materials of the product. If this happens, then you need to stop using it at least for a while. Therefore, when choosing a bandage, pay attention to the material, it should be natural.

Product price

You can purchase orthopedic braces in specialized stores or pharmacies. In such a situation, it is better to refrain from purchasing online, since there is a high probability of making a mistake with the size of the product. The cost depends on the model, manufacturer and size of the collar itself. Its average price ranges from 500 to 2000 rubles. More expensive bandages are branded products and differ best quality in comparison with cheap analogues.