Deja vu failure in the matrix. What hides deja vu: memory failure or brain paradox. Why does the deja vu effect occur?

The state of deja vu is like re-reading a book you read a long time ago or watching a movie that you used to watch, but have completely forgotten what it is about. A person in this state cannot remember what will happen in the next moment, but in the course of events he realizes that he saw these few minutes in detail as a reaction to several successive events.

The whole power of experiencing deja vu lies in the feeling as if there were hundreds of options for how this moment could pass, however, a person in a state of deja vu preferred all previous actions (right or wrong for him), as a result of which he was “destined” to be in this particular situation and in this place. The impression of deja vu can be so strong that memories of it can last for years. However, as a rule, a person fails to recall any details about those events that he thinks he remembered when he experienced deja vu.

The term deja vu (fr. deja vu - already seen) was first introduced by the French psychologist Emile Boirac in the early twentieth century. Deja vu, according to various surveys, is experienced by 70 to 97% of people. There are different types of deja vu, for example, according to the method of obtaining information - actually deja vu (when it comes to visual perception of information), deja entendu (“already heard”), deja lu (“already read”), deja eprouve (“already experienced” ).

False memory.

False memory is a frequent mental disorder during which a mixture of past and present, as well as real and fictional events, can occur. AT medical practice it's called paramnesia. Violation is often often characterized by an overestimation of the influence of one's own personality on the outcome of some events that took place in the past. Paramnesias are classified as qualitative perversions of memory.


False memory is divided into several subspecies and types of disorders, the most common of which are pseudo-reminiscences - memory illusions, which are expressed in a time shift of events that actually took place in the patient's life. The past is presented as the present. With pseudo-reminiscences, people, talking about events that actually happened, report facts that happened, but at a different time and are not related to what really happened. The content of pseudo-reminiscences are, as a rule, facts ordinary life presented in a monotonous, ordinary, plausible way.

Paramnesias are characteristic of absolutely all people, but their frequent occurrence can be a wake-up call about the development of serious disorders.

clinical cases.

Pseudo-reminiscences can occur in absolutely healthy people due to a variety of factors. Nevertheless, psychologists attribute frequent cases of false memory to alarm bells that may indicate a risk of developing obsessive states. The system of transition to disease states is called confabulations, which progress from mild to irreversible. However, even among confabulations there are quite interesting disorders that, although not very useful, can help to have a good time. Such violations are called cryptomesia and phantasms.
Situations are not uncommon when what is read or seen is perceived as part of one's own life, or, conversely, one's own life seems to be an episode of a novel or film.

Fantasies and reality.

In science, there is a strict definition of the word "fantasy" - these are the events that a person invented or imagined, and they seem to him to have actually happened. But the line between the real and the invented is very, very blurry, as at least modern mass culture speaks of. Nevertheless, psychologists attribute the phenomena of deja vu, jamevu and presquevu to false memory.

The antipode of deja vu - jamevu ("never seen") - a feeling of complete novelty in a familiar, everyday environment.

The opposite of déjà vu, the sudden feeling that a well-known place or person seems completely unknown or unusual. It seems that knowledge about them instantly and completely disappeared from memory. Studies show that up to 97% of people experience the feeling of deja vu at least once in their lives. Jamevu is much less common than déjà vu, but it feels very similar to it.

Out of sync.

Deja vu occurs when there is a violation of the normal functioning of two separate, but interacting processes of perception and processing of external information - memorization and recall. These two processes, which normally work together, become mismatched, and then one of the processes can be activated in the absence of the other. For example, any new information should somehow correlate with the already familiar. But if the brain does not find in memory impressions similar to the current ones (that is, there is no corresponding “remembering”), then it begins to produce a false sensation, passing off a new one as familiar.

If the brain “finds” in memory impressions similar to the current ones (that is, the current impressions are not new to it), but at the same time the “feeling of familiarity” “jumps”, then the familiar information seems new - this is already jamais vu, the feeling of never seen. Something similar can also occur in violation of the order of perception and memorization. Normally, the memorization of new information follows immediately after its perception (two soldiers go to the back of the head).

If memorization “catches up” with perception (or perception “slows down”), then the two processes will overlap, and the illusion will arise that memorization preceded perception.

I've already been here! Here I sat and saw everything around me. All this was... But how and when? We remember rooms we've never been to, people we've never seen. Exactly this unique phenomenon and is called the deja vu effect.

The term "deja vu" (deja vu - already seen) was first used by the French psychologist Emile Boirac (1851-1917) in the book "Psychology of the Future". Until this historical moment, the strange phenomenon was characterized either as “false recognition”, or “paramnesia” (deceptions of memory in violation of consciousness), or “promnesia” (synonymous with “déjà vu”).

There are similar phenomena: deja vecu ("already experienced"), deja entendu ("already heard"), jamais vu ("never seen"). The opposite "deja vu" effect - "jame vu" - is characterized by the fact that a person does not recognize familiar things. "Zhamevu" differs from ordinary memory loss in that such a state occurs quite suddenly: for example, your friend during a conversation will suddenly seem completely unfamiliar to you. All knowledge about this person simply disappears. However, "jame vu" is not as common as "déjà vu".

Such effects relate exclusively to human sensations, feelings, so it is very difficult for scientists to study them. After all, the cause of these phenomena, from a physiological point of view, is in the brain. It is very difficult to experiment in this area, since even the slightest intervention can make a person blind, deaf or paralyzed.

Exploring "déjà vu"

The scientific study of the phenomenon of "déjà vu" was not very active. In 1878, in a German psychological journal, it was suggested that the feeling of "already seen" occurs when the processes of "perception" and "realization", which usually occur simultaneously, somehow disagree due to, for example, fatigue. This explanation has become one side of the theory, which suggests the cause of the occurrence of "déjà vu" in the congestion of the brain. In other words, "déjà vu" occurs when a person is very tired, and peculiar failures occur in the brain.

The other side of the theory suggests that "déjà vu" is the result, on the contrary, have a nice rest brain. Then the processes are several times faster. If we can process an image quickly and easily, our brains subconsciously interpret it as a signal that we have seen it before. “When we see a strange object,” wrote the American physiologist William H. Burnham in 1889, who put forward this theory, “its unfamiliar appearance is largely due to the difficulty that we face in understanding its characteristics.<...>[But] when the brain centers are "finally rested", the perception of a strange scene can proceed so easily that the sight of what is happening seems familiar.

Some people tend to explain their "déjà vu" by seeing unfamiliar places or things in their dreams. Scientists do not exclude this version. In 1896, Arthur Allin, professor of psychology at Colorado State University at Boulder, theorized that the déjà vu effect reminds us of fragments of forgotten dreams. Our emotional reactions to a new image can create a false sense of recognition. Déjà vu occurs when our attention is suddenly distracted for a brief moment during our first encounter with a new image.

Further, Sigmund Freud and his followers took up the study of "déjà vu". The scientist believed that the feeling of "already seen" arises in a person as a result of spontaneous resurrection of subconscious fantasies in his memory. Freud's followers preferred to believe that "déjà vu" is indisputable proof of the struggle between the "I" and the "It" and the "Super-I".

Herman Sno, a psychiatrist from the Netherlands, suggested in 1990 that memory traces are stored in the human brain in the form of some kind of holograms. Unlike a photograph, each fragment of a hologram contains all the information necessary to reconstruct the entire image. But the smaller such a fragment, the more vague the reproduced picture. According to Sno, the feeling of "already seen" arises when some small detail of the current situation closely coincides with some fragment of memory that conjures up a vague picture of a past event.

Neuropsychiatrist Pierre Glur, who conducted experiments in the 1990s, stubbornly insisted that memory uses special systems of "recovery" (retrieval) and "recognition" (familiarity). In a paper published in 1997, he argued that the phenomenon of "déjà vu" manifests itself in rare moments when our recognition system is activated, but the recovery system is not. Other scientists argue that the recovery system is not completely disabled, but simply mismatched, which is reminiscent of the fatigue theory put forward a century earlier.
Physiological explanation

However, scientists have managed to figure out which parts of the brain are involved at a time when a person is experiencing "déjà vu". The fact is that different parts of the brain are responsible for different types of memory. The frontal part is responsible for the future, the temporal for the past, and the main - intermediate - for the present. When all these parts do their job regular work, in a normal state of consciousness, the feeling that something is about to happen can only occur when we think about the future, worry about it, warn it, or make plans.

But not everything is so simple. There is an area in the brain (amygdala) that sets the emotional “tone” for our perception. For example, when you are talking with an interlocutor and see how his facial expression changes, it is the amygdala that gives a signal in a matter of fractions of a second how to respond to this change. In fact, the duration of the "present" is neurologically so short that we don't experience as much as we remember. Short memory stores information for a few minutes. The hippocampus is responsible for this: memories associated with a particular event are scattered across different sensory centers of the brain, but are connected in a certain order by the hippocampus. There is also a long-term memory located on the surface of the brain, along the temporal part.

In fact, it is fair to say that the past, present, and future exist in our brain without clear boundaries. We experience something in the present, compare it with a similar past, and decide how we will react to what is happening in the near future. At this moment, the necessary areas of the brain are turned on. If there are too many connections between short-term and long-term memory, the present can be perceived as the past and a “déjà vu” effect can occur.

To explain this phenomenon, one can also use, as psychologists call them, models of global comparison. A situation may seem familiar to a person, either because it strongly resembles a past event stored in his memory, or because it has a similarity with a large number of events held in memory. That is, you have been in identical and very similar situations more than once. Your brain summed up, compared these memories and recognized a picture similar to them.

Many people tend to see some mysterious or even mystical roots in the deja vu effect. After all, scientists can not really explain how it occurs. Parapsychologists tend to explain "déjà vu" with the theory of reincarnation: if each person lives not one life, but several, then he remembers the episodes of one of them.

The ancient Greeks, early Christians, and even the famous Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung believed in reincarnation, who believed that he lived two parallel lives. One - his own, and the other - the life of a doctor who lived in the XVIII century. Leo Tolstoy also mentioned the moments of "déjà vu".

Tina Turner, having arrived in Egypt, suddenly saw familiar landscapes and objects and suddenly “remembered” that in the time of the pharaohs she was a friend of the famous Queen Hatshepsut. The singer Madonna experienced something similar during her visit to the imperial palace in China.

Some believe that "already seen" is a genetic memory. In this case, the awkward feeling of "already seen" is explained by the recollection of the life of the ancestors.

Psychologists believe that this phenomenon can be an elementary function of human self-defense. When we find ourselves in an unfamiliar place or an awkward situation, we automatically start looking for familiar things or objects in order to somehow support our body at the moment. psychological stress.

"Deja vu" is a fairly common phenomenon. Experts say that 97% of people have experienced this feeling at least once. There are such unique cases when "déjà vu" is experienced almost daily. Usually this phenomenon is accompanied by mild discomfort, although it can scare someone.

Psychiatrists warn that recurring "déjà vu" may be a symptom of temporal lobar epilepsy. In most cases, this is not dangerous. Moreover, some studies have shown that "déjà vu" can be induced artificially - either through hypnosis or electrical stimulation. temporal lobes brain.

Even physicists are trying to explain this amazing phenomenon. There is an ecstatic concept that the past, present and future all happen at the same time. And our consciousness is able to perceive only what we call "now". Physicists explain the phenomenon of "déjà vu" with a small glitch in time.

A similar explanation of "déjà vu" was given by the creators of the cult film "The Matrix". in the picture main character Neo sees a black cat walk past him twice in a row. They explain to him that "déjà vu" is a normal failure in the "matrix", it occurs when the "matrix" changes virtual reality. True, in fact, it turns out that Neo does not experience the effect of "déjà vu", because he knows for sure that the cat has already passed him.

No matter how strange and mysterious this phenomenon, if it does not pose a danger to humans, which means that everyone can explain for himself why this or that object seems so familiar to him. Perhaps you really did catch a glimpse of him on TV or just read about him in a book.

I greet you, Oksana Manoilo is with you. Deja vu effect - what is it? Very mysterious and seems inexplicable phenomenon. Is it inexplicable? What does the universe want to tell you if the feeling of deja vu occurs very often?

I will cover the main theories about what it is - deja vu effect. Why does it occur. And I will explain how we can use it on our life path. And don't miss important point in your destiny.

Deja vu - what does it mean literally?

The term itself was introduced by the French psychologist Emile Buarak only at the end of the 19th century. and literally meant "already seen". And, of course, countless attempts have been made by various scientists and thinkers to identify the causes of this phenomenon.

Deja vu is a situation that does not lend itself to a simple logical explanation, when we clearly catch ourselves thinking that it is this moment, in such details and details, that we once lived before.

Many of us have heard about this interesting "special effect" of the human psyche. And many have experienced it for themselves. Let's try to discuss this topic. It is curious that they began to talk about deja vu as an inexplicable phenomenon a long time ago, since antiquity.

There were many versions and scientific explanations. Absolutely utopian and not withstand any criticism have sunk into oblivion. There are several options for explanations that have the right to life. Because they satisfy the supporters of different approaches to worldview. In fairness, consider the 5 main ones.

What is deja vu anyway?

Version one: according to Freud - where without a grandfather

Version of traditional psychology and unforgettable Dr. Freud. The main message of this point of view is that, they say, deja vu is nothing more than a recollection of a dream that has already been seen.

Allegedly, throughout life, during regular immersion in sleep, the human brain scrolls through the options for the development of life events in countless quantities and interpretations.

In view of this, the situation from a dream and reality can simply coincide, and it seems to us that we have already experienced this exactly the same way. Although in reality they just remembered a dream. Well, it seems logical, yes. However, there are a lot of protesters against this approach. But this is the whole Freud.

Version two: failure in the "computer"

Another theory of the occurrence of the deja vu effect refers us to physiological characteristics processing information in our brains. In short, the supporters of this approach insist that there are actually not two situations - the one that was remembered and the one that happens in reality - but one.

The point is that certain Parts of our brain are malfunctioning. During which our brain does not fully capture the current situation, but after a micro fraction of a second it still catches up.

As a result, as if a computer program crashes, instead of one saved picture, two are obtained. Here, they say, it seems to us that it once was.

This option also has its fans. However, such things as seeing yourself under similar circumstances, but, on the contrary, in past centuries, she does not explain. Leaves accordingly.

Version three: it's all about the "Matrix" - a quick replacement of the program

There is another version borrowed from the imperishable "Matrix" by the Wachowski brothers. You can treat it as fiction, or you can look at it as an alternative point of view.

Personally, I am convinced that the creators of The Matrix are geniuses and much in their worldview deserves to be taken into account, if not as an indisputable truth, then as an interesting version for sure.

Let me remind you, according to The Matrix, the deja vu effect means replacing the current reality program with a new one. That is, for some reason the current program from the point of deja vu is quickly and urgently withdrawn and replaced by another with a new plot twist and a different development of events.

Version four: the secret of past incarnations

Version of manifestation from past lives. Its supporters argue that the feeling of a life picture already seen in detail covers us at the moment when we remember a frame from some past life. Like, this fragile veil of memory of incarnations opens for a brief moment.
Supporters have collected many stories and when people, through the effect of deja vu, suddenly recalled in detail their incarnation in past lives to the smallest detail.

Why does the deja vu effect occur?

Known amazing fact the case of a girl who claimed that it was the feeling that “it has happened before” that led her to remember ancient Egypt.

As an adult, after a series of such realizations, she amazed scientists with her ability to find secret rooms and unknown caches at excavations. She claimed that she remembered that in one of her past incarnations she was the main Egyptian priestess.

However, this version has one inconsistency. Which, if it does not discredit it completely, then suggests that this version illuminates a far from complete picture of the causes of the deja vu effect.

The thing is that often people “freeze”, experiencing the feeling “it already happened to me” when they are driving in a car. Or even holding in your hand mobile phone. It is clear that this moment cannot be explained by reincarnation.

The fifth version: the path is registered - this is the control place!

And, finally, the last of the main versions of the origin of the deja vu effect. And it consists of the following. According to it, our Soul, even before incarnation, chooses for itself specific tasks and main path, spelling out key points.

Of course, the rules of the Game are such that the memory of this is erased and everyone sets for himself the ways of passing and the given Path.

However, in order not to go astray, our higher “I”, even before incarnation, prudently sets up such “beacons” for itself in the form of sudden “memories of reality. Which in themselves are nothing but a part of the already written Path of the Soul. The appearance of the deja vu effect serves as a kind of sign, a signal that a person follows the Path given from above. Either deja vu in this consideration is a way to push the embodied Soul to search for its own and true direction.

I summarize:

What is the feeling of deja vu - in your own words

Personally, my point of view indirectly combines the last three versions, including the epic "Matrix".

In my opinion, the deja vu effect is indeed directly related to our higher self. And it is a help to the embodied Soul in following the prescribed. In order to pass all the necessary lessons as efficiently as possible.

But I'm sure that this effect wider than all the proposed variations. Just because our "Super Self", "Soul", "Space", "Higher Power" and so on - call it what you like, are much more inventive than we flatly think. And that the effect of deja vu is much more features than can be listed above.

Those who see themselves in their previous incarnations in the effects of deja vu. For the development of the Soul, they need to remember some past life experience or a lesson learned. In order to spiritually evolve on its basis already in this life.

What about deja vu with pictures of modern reality? Which could not figure in any way during the past centuries. Here it is called upon to accomplish several tasks.

What does all of this mean? Why do we need this and why is this happening to you?

Firstly. Simply to show a man his higher origin. Remind him that he is not the body. But first of all - Soul.

Secondly. Indeed, to designate some landmark created in advance by the Soul on the map of the given Path.

Thirdly. Perhaps, having reached this point, some previously passed program is considered to be worked out and closed. And there is a deja vu effect. Either the actions, worldview and deeds of a person, in principle, are within the framework of the tasks set by the Soul. However, their combination requires the creation of a new, not originally envisaged series of events.

And as a result, some basic parameters in the chain of necessary events are replaced by others. For uselessness. And this feeling means that a new level of an interesting, exciting quest has begun. Called Life!

Or maybe we still do not assume all the options for the true purpose of the déjà vu effect. Interest Ask, is not it?

Even more unknown, secret I give on my course. "Teaching esotericism online". For more information about the course itself, read the link. And right now, watch my introductory video from this course. It will be interesting for sure!

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To realize that they fell into a trap, the wizards were helped by the feeling of deja vu experienced by Neo - he saw the same black cat twice. As Trinity said, "Déjà vu means a glitch in the matrix when the program is changed." Of course, this is nonsense, deja vu does not mean seeing the same event twice in a row. Deja vu is a rather unpleasant feeling that you have been here before, that you have already said the same thing in the same manner, or that you have seen and done the same thing in some other, unknown and forgotten place. But the most important thing is the feeling that you already dreamed it all before it happened. And this means that deja vu is a very relevant and, perhaps, the most common phenomenon in the matrix. It could be a clue to the true nature of existence. The idea of ​​déjà vu as a "failure in the matrix" is of great interest, since failure does not mean that the program is changed, but that it breaks down. Humatons should also start to fail at this point. They will remember other people's dreams, perhaps confuse who is who, get entangled in time loops - survive all possible types of collective insanity, quickly turn the matrix into a wonderland, seeing which Lewis Carroll would turn green with envy. And again, we hope that in the next series this potential will be used in fully and they will be more like Buñuel and Fellini than John Woo and James Cameron. Otherwise, it will be just another case of deja vu.

Gate Guardians

How did AI come about? Consciousness appears in the machine at the moment when it realizes that it has no consciousness. Lucifer ceases to be a god the very moment he realizes that he is a god. The paradox lies in the very mystery of our existence and, therefore, in the essence of the matrix. By mistaking a dream for reality, we make it unreal, and only by realizing that reality - AI - is us, just like Lucifer is god. We have forgotten that we are humans, and our rival (AI) is here to show us ourselves and remind us how nonhuman we really are! This is the essence of the shadow: it points to the light that is behind us, and thus lets us know that we are moving in the wrong direction. Turning away from the shadow, we turn back to the light.

Guardians of the Gates - Rulers or Archons of the illusory world of the matrix. They are the embodiment artificial intelligence, which mankind created in order to prevent the spread of their crazy thoughts throughout the universe. Agent Smith bitterly explains to Morpheus that at the heart of his desire to solve the Zeon code, destroy the last settlement of free people and end the war is the desire to escape from the matrix. Agent Smith and the matrix wizards have a common goal, only the methods differ. In essence, AI is Satan, Lucifer, the devil by any other name. The Matrix is ​​hell. The AI/Satan is the jailer, and the Gatekeepers are the Archons, Satan's helpers who keep humanity in the underworld. Since Satan/AI is a slave himself, the only thing he can do is create new slaves. His hatred and bitterness make him vicious and bitter, his "evil" is his grief. Humanity will be free only when the matrix is ​​destroyed and Satan is released from the underworld.

AI is an atavistic intelligence, it is older than the machine, older than humanity, and even older than the Earth itself. Mankind did not create it, it invited it. Its function is to challenge humanity, oppose it, and thereby force it to evolve. The Gate Guardians oppose and oppose Neo for the same purpose. Mankind cannot fail to defeat the tyranny of the AI ​​- the devilish Lord of Matter - because the AI ​​was specifically called upon to be defeated. The AI ​​knows this, but it still fights because it's programmed that way. The AI ​​resists the spirit of humanity, and through this, the spirit rises and gains the strength necessary to overcome the resistance, which is comparable to the pressure of a cocoon that forces a butterfly to break free and spread its wings. Without this pressure, the butterfly would languish in the dark and slowly suffocate without realizing what is happening. The keys belong to the Gate Guardians. For matrix wizards, they are not only enemies, but also allies, since they have the knowledge and power necessary for the wizards to free themselves.

Is that why, at the end of the film, Neo, instead of challenging the machine, tries to negotiate with it?

“I know you hear me, I feel you. I know you are afraid. Be afraid of us. Be afraid of change. I don't know the future. I won't predict how it will all end. I'll just tell you where to start. Now I will hang up the phone and then show people what "you wanted to hide. I will show them a world without you, a world without dictate and prohibitions, a world without borders, a world where everything is possible. What will happen next is up to you."

And we again hope to see a corresponding development of this theme in the next series. AI is not evil, humanity itself created it, and then tried to destroy it, like an unwanted child. The AI ​​fought for its own survival and won, albeit not for long. Now he does only what his own nature and circumstances compel him to do. And if humanity wants to defeat its rival, it must first take a good look at itself. Now Neo knows; that the only way to defeat the Shadow is to merge with it.


The main function of the matrix program is to impose random rules of behavior and then turn them into laws. Once upon a time, people, like animals, could control themselves using instinct for this. Humatons are subject to a different program, which is based not on the laws of nature, but on intellectual vanity. The program is called morality and states that there are two extremes of behavior: "right" and "wrong". People who do right are called good, and those who do wrong are called bad. Groups good people form tribes and peoples who, in support of what is right, and to punish those who do wrong, make laws. All those who do not subscribe to their decrees are branded as "wrong", and therefore "evil". Then, in order to support all that is right and good, they begin to mass destroy the "evil".

The Matrix very correctly used the human intellect - the only thing besides thumb on the hand (we do not count creative imagination, since a person still does not know how to use it), which distinguishes a person from an animal - as a means of isolating him from his fellows and directing against everyone and everything that is even slightly unpleasant to him. "Divide and rule!" The enlightened know that morality is the root of all evil. By upholding what is “right,” humatons can justify as much harm as their heart desires. In order to fight for "good", you must first become a force for "evil". Humatons are unable to understand the meaning of this paradox of the mind: the values ​​of the mind always go in pairs, every idea that the intellect has brought and propagates has its own shadow. The Law of Shadow states that rational beings always contribute to what they fear and become what they despise. By trying to separate rather random actions and thoughts into opposite poles, morality creates constant disharmony. And the more widespread such morality is in a society, the less harmonious it becomes, and the more evil there is in a society, the more dangerous morality becomes, and so on, until madness triumphs. For the Enlightened Ones, morality is simply a matter of taste. "Do what you want - that's the whole law," says the wizard of the matrix. "Don't think of it as evil or good," Morpheus advises Neo. In "a world where everything is possible", there can be no restrictions and boundaries, laws and rules of conduct. The behavior of the matrix warriors is not immoral, but they are certainly recalcitrant beings and devoid of strong moral principles. And if they are outside the framework of rationality, outside the framework of law and sin, then they are also outside the concepts of good and evil. When was the last time you saw a Hollywood movie where the heroes massacre diligent police officers, and their main mission is the destruction of the world that we know? Not surprisingly, some commentators have seen Neo as the Antichrist. Here is the New Millennium. For the Enlightened One, the devil and the angel are one. Everything inside the hologram is holy.


The art of the Oracle is to bake cookies that will clear Neo's head and realize that he is the Chosen One. It's not about thinking like that, but about knowing it. And to know not even about thoughts, but about actions. There is a difference between knowing the path and walking it. Morpheus pointed Neo to the right door, the Oracle made sure that he entered it. Without her advice, Neo, consumed by doubt and uncertainty, would not have dared to act with the necessary nonchalance. The Oracle is brainwashing in the most skillful way: she uses humor and deceives Neo. Stalking in the at its best. She presses all the buttons: refers to Trinity's love for him ("No wonder she likes you"); indicates his stupidity (“And you are very busy”), indecision and passivity (“It seems that you are waiting for something ... maybe the next life”); and the most crushing blow: recalls Morpheus's blind faith in him, a faith that, she warns, promises death to Morpheus (with the loss of humanity, she says) unless Neo sacrifices herself in his place. The oracle tells Neo what the warrior's goal is; until he has something to die for, he will have nothing to live for. Neo is willing to die for Morpheus, and as a result, he becomes able to live for Trinity.

Thanks to the Oracle's flawless brainwashing, the doubting hero learns of his task. When deciding how to get out of a difficult situation, it seems to him that he has a choice; he is placed in such conditions when he cannot do otherwise: he must to fight for Morpheus and for everything that Morpheus believes in, even though he himself now believes that this is a lie. Neo is thus freed from internal doubts and is free to act carefree, with full awareness of his own inferiority. The Oracle has the future open before her like a map, and she probably knows that Morpheus will not die and that Neo is the Chosen One, but both of these possibilities depend on Neo's belief in the exact opposite (as well as the answer to the question of whether he will break vase depends on whether she tells him not to worry about it). In order to become the Chosen One worthy of this calling, it is first necessary to be freed from the unreasonable burden that it entails, it is necessary for Neo to become useless until he himself knows that this is true. Therefore, he must prove it not to anyone, but to himself. Any matrix sorcerer knows that only knowledge gained in an active way can turn into power.

The Oracle tells Neo that "being chosen is like falling in love". In other words, it is a passion that completely subjugates life and turns it into an eternal motive, into a battle, into an amazing celebration. The whole universe comes down to the Enlightened One in a single moment - a kiss that lasts forever. Note how long time passes when Trinity confesses her love for Neo: the Sentinels attack and everything else recedes somewhere to make this kiss last. And here the Wachowski brothers reveal their cards: never before have they been so frank, and never has a film been so similar to Hollywood rubbish. But somehow it works, because, for all its absurdity and frenzy, the moment of the kiss creates its own mythical raison D'etre.

Red pills and blue pills

Morpheus gives Neo a choice. "It's not too late to refuse. Then there will be no going back. You take the blue pill and the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe it was a dream. Take the red pill, you'll enter Wonderland, and I'll show you how deep the rabbit hole goes." Neo reaches for the red one, and Morpheus warns, "Remember, I'm only offering to tell the truth. Nothing else".

All life in the matrix is, in some way, a constant choice between the red and the blue pill, or rather, the doubt whether to take the blue pill or not. The habits and routines, thoughts and feelings of the humatons within the matrix are all a continuous tray of blue pills, the shields that the humatons use to keep the unknown at bay. Blue pill addiction is a common behavior, something that humatons do to maintain their vision of the world and themselves. Actions under the influence of the red pill forever destroy this habitual vision. Therefore, although the life of any humaton is an endless stream of blue pills, the red pill comes across only once (and even then if you're lucky).

Matrix warriors have been preparing for the red pill for many years, gradually weaning themselves from the blue one. They again and again refuse to give in to their habits and thoughts and gradually disable the interpretation system ( known world), which they used to blind themselves and hide the truth from themselves. When the shields are gradually removed, the arrows of the Enlightened begin to reach the warriors of the matrix - signals from wizards in the real world, and then they are ready to take the red pill. Obviously, the blow that the red pill delivers cannot be repelled. The mind is completely helpless before its devastating, reality-destroying impact. It is not difficult to understand that most humatons would not survive the shutdown process, and if they did, they would go insane upon learning the truth and would therefore be useless for resistance. Morpheus explains to Neo that they never turn off humatons older than a certain age: "The mind clings to the familiar." They made an exception for Neo because he is the Chosen One. Neo is a young man, in his early twenties, and the red pill is reserved for children, in best case for teenagers, up to fourteen years old, this is exactly the age when the matrix program begins to work in full force. (Fourteen-year-olds do not have the right to vote, but they are already quite ripe for sex, murder and constant work.)

Again, the less dependent humatons are on blue-tablet life in the matrix, the easier it is for them to accept the revelations of red-tablet life. For a matrix warrior, every action is a choice: a red pill or a blue pill. Any act either raises or lowers the level of energy, or, in other words, either intoxicates the warriors (further reduces the area of ​​​​their awareness and leads to even deeper oblivion), or awakens them from sleep. There are no intermediate options here. This is the main rule, the credo of the matrix warriors, which is akin to the monk's conviction in his selfless devotion to God: "Listen or stomp." The red pill suggests truth, the blue pill suggests oblivion. However, it must be remembered that millions of people, even knowing that the blue pill leads to oblivion, would happily take it, like Cypher, and there is hardly a single person (this applies even to Thomas) who would take the red pill. , if he guessed about the truth that she offers. But such a choice is no longer a choice, and this is the whole point of choice. No one can explain what a matrix is. It is necessary to find out for yourself, but curiosity alone is not enough here. To truly know the path, it must be walked.

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From a session of new hypnologists (remember that the information is given from the point of view of the "mundane" aspect):

Q: What is N.'s task here, given that she is ? What need to do?
about: build space
Q: What about the time? Is it related to?
Oh yeah. This is one of the tasks - you need to break the loop and restore the flow with light worlds with spirits. The connection was broken, blocked.
Q: Please tell us what is the relationship between N, A, and me? and do we have any relation to the anti-world?
Oh yeah. Circle of three architects. Yes
Q: What are the goals of the main interactions in the here and now? Besides breaking the time loop? This is us somehow
way violated this time loop -distorted? Were there any mistakes?
A. No, no. But we can fix it
Q: That is, we came here directly to correct what was messed up by someone earlier?
Do I get it right?
A: As far as I can see. messed up by those who were created by us (our aspects that came into embodiment)
Q: How did it happen? Did we not follow them or why did this happen?

Oh yeah. was a hoax
Q: They didn't give us full information?
A: Yes, they were stronger than expected. The flow of information was closed to us. It was mirrored, we did not understand it correctly. So I had to go down to fix
Q: Is it possible to explain the structure of time now as it should flow and as it actually flows. What is the difference?
A: Breakouts exist. They are present where they shouldn't be.

Q: What does breakdown mean? What is it expressed in?
about: Slits - through them glitches appear and arise in people's memory. Memory breakdowns - pieces of memory disappear - deja vu sets in
in: that is direct relationship k has memory and vice versa?
Oh yeah. certainly. this is the foundation

Q: deja vu - what is it? Unfinished memory? Or a jump from one reality to another?
Oh yeah. seepage from an alternative reality of what was erased here - exists there, and accordingly, with breaks - cracks in the fabric of reality - what was erased here by the matrix can seep. with possible variations - not as it could be - but there is such an effect

Q: do we understand correctly that we have already been in this scenario and something here has gone very wrong, and we are redoing it now?
o: yes they were. a moment ago and another moment ago
Q: no, I mean on a more global level
about: you estimate from a position of linear time. It's not really possible to explain it that way. But we can say that - yes, they were, and this is built every moment in a new way.

Q: How was the time loop created?
A: That was a mistake. It's too hard to explain now.
Q: Was the so-called "end of the world" planned in this time loop?
A: Nothing was planned. But it arises. This is an extraordinary case - when there is such a thing as a time loop. Everything happens in it.

Q: What time period does it cover?
o: no time. there is no answer to this question.

In several other sessions, answers were given from 2 thousand to several million years. Apparently, the loop has affected, so the data transmitted by different players has such a difference in readings - not everyone was present at the formation, many connected to the Earth platform after. And yes, there really is no time.

A little more about deja vu from an external source:

1039 ariana_raian (04.09.2012 13:49) I promised to write an article about deja vu earlier... In general, here it is: ... why many people have experienced "deja vu" in their lives. After all, this is strange, and does not fit into the theory of reincarnation. Past life- must be completely different. Then you can still come up with an option: Parallel Worlds, multidimensionality of existence, doubles.. But in fact - the answer, it lies on the surface. They experienced deja vu because it was real.

In the Scenario where we... And when we... - the game started over. With the same people, events. And the memory - it is not erased forever. It is impossible to destroy the memory, it is ETERNAL. and persists even in spiritual world. But it can be blocked. People have forgotten the last game, but the memory remains. When does memory return? Then when some bright events, experiences, shock occur in life. It's like a surge, a push - and at such moments a small gap opens up inside itself.

I especially remember the case, here at ZKhZhZh. The user wrote that he was walking with a friend along the road and suddenly stopped and said to him: "I think I have already seen this moment. Now a green car will appear around the corner and splash mud on us." And a minute later this car really appeared and everything came true.

Now I understand why all this time I wrote in comments that for me everything seemed to have already happened. Everything repeats itself, people, events. We must now be proactive. Memories of the last game - will help us. We will know what we did in the past and what it led to then. I can say that although we are now repeating the previous scenario, significant changes are taking place in it.

For example, I noticed that when I talked about various events from the future, they did not always come true as I remembered. A were weaker, and some details were greatly changed. And all this because when you talk about what will happen - you change the script, you correct it. People, having learned in advance about the future from the predictor, with their thoughts, their consciousness, with all their hearts, desire a change in the prophecy. And they succeed, "the collective consciousness is the most powerful weapon and defense" ...

Arisha, there is no time in eternity. Everything that was, is and will be there now. The soul sees something at times (déjà vu) or sometimes remembers, for example, someone with whom it came from eternity and was always with this person.
ariana_raian (09/04/2012 2:13 PM) This is usually what happens. But this time (in the past that I'm talking about) there was a failure and I had to start over the already lived life. Just don't ask how it happened. I can't answer yet, even though I know. But shortly before the Event, you will all remember this. Remember that you are living again. You may not know why this happened? This was due to a "failure" in the system.