What does it mean if you dream of a chain? Why do you dream of a gold chain around your neck?

Millions of people try to decipher their night visions every morning by flipping through a dream book. The chain has an ambiguous interpretation. Much depends on the context of the dream, as well as the events that occur in real life.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

  • If you happen to see a gold chain that makes you happy, it's auspicious sign. The dream indicates that your problems and worries will soon dissipate.
  • If in your dream there was a cross or other beautiful pendant on a chain, new people will soon appear in your life (or perhaps it will be someone from the past). They will become reliable support for you and will bring pleasant changes to your destiny.
  • Giving away the chain is an unfavorable sign. You should expect betrayal from those closest to you.
  • Accepting a chain as a gift means that one of your friends or loved ones needs support and help. You may be the only person who can solve the problems that arise.
  • If you bought a chain in a dream, be more attentive to those around you. You may be deceived.
  • A dream in which gold chains are placed on your hands promises dizzying success. It will bring you respect in society and material well-being.

Interpretation according to the esoteric dream book

It has interesting and accurate interpretations esoteric dream book. The chain means the following:

  • This is a memory of some friends or acquaintances with whom you have not maintained close relationships for a long time. Despite the lack of contact, they are still interested in you.
  • If the chain on your neck breaks, be more attentive to your loved ones, because one of them may get sick. Try to protect the people you care about from stress and make them happy more often.
  • The dream book interprets the discovery of this item in its own way. Finding a chain promises meeting a person who will bring a lot of new things into your life in terms of worldview.
  • If a product made from a chain worn around your neck is interpreted favorably, it means that you have correctly defined your goals and priorities. If you work hard, you can achieve success.

Interpretation according to the imperial dream book

The imperial dream book is quite popular. The chain according to it means the following:

  • This is a symbol of the desire for harmony. You dream of bringing your life in accordance with your desires. The chain is a clue. The links symbolize the numerous successive stages that you must go through before you reach your goal. This is what the dream book says.
  • A gold chain is a symbol of the fact that you pay too much attention to little things. Try to look at things more simply, then your life will become more successful and joyful.
  • Giving a chain means feeling strong affection for someone. Try to remember who exactly was given the gift in the dream. This person is very important to you.
  • If the chain is broken, it means that you will soon quarrel with some people from your environment. Don't be too upset, because this relationship has exhausted itself.
  • If a gold or silver chain was around your neck, this is a harbinger of an imminent marriage. Metal quality is a symbol financial situation your chosen one.

Interpretation according to the family dream book

IN family dream book also contains a lot interesting information about the chain. Worth paying Special attention for the following interpretations:

  • Breaking the chain means discord in relationships, serious quarrels. You will be disappointed in your soulmate, which may even lead to separation.
  • If you see a chain being put on your hand, it means that your loved one wants to limit your freedom. In your family you feel like you are in captivity.
  • If you dreamed about how you found a chain on which there was a pendant, this means that you have a lot of trouble ahead of you. And the larger the decoration, the more worries will fall on your shoulders.
  • Giving a chain to someone means that someone is encroaching on your family happiness. If you do not show vigilance and wisdom, someone else will capture the attention and feelings of your other half, says the dream book.
  • A chain around the neck is a limitation of personal space. Moreover, it can be directed towards you or come from you.
  • A gift in the form of a gold chain means pleasant changes in reality. This could be an improvement in financial situation, family holiday or new acquaintances.

Interpretation according to the gypsy dream book

The wisdom of the gypsies is reflected in the dream book. The dream in which the chain appears may mean the following:

  • All your thoughts revolve around money and the possibility of getting it. Excessive passion for wealth can cause a breakdown in relationships with friends and problems in the family. Try to moderate your ardor.
  • A broken chain is a symbol of material losses. Nevertheless, just as the links of a chain can be connected to each other, you will be able to improve your financial situation.
  • If in a dream you put a chain around your neck, this symbolizes your desire to quickly enter into family relationships. Someone puts jewelry on you, which means that you will soon receive such an offer.

Interpretation according to Medea's dream book

The dream book of the sorceress Medea has always enjoyed popularity and authority. Regarding the chain, it says the following:

  • Silver jewelry portends a pleasant conversation with a stranger or a meeting with an old friend. After this conversation you will find peace of mind.
  • If you dreamed that your gold chain was stolen, be wary of the people around you. You have many enemies who are waiting for the right moment to annoy you and create serious problems.
  • Buying a gold chain in a dream means losing mutual understanding and spiritual connection with your loved one. Try to be flexible and wise to save the relationship.
  • If in a dream you remove the chain from yourself (or someone else does this), it means that events will occur that will allow you to get rid of mental burden.
  • If you see a chain on someone, try to remember that person's face. You have a strong spiritual connection with him. In addition, he will play an important role in your life.

A chain in a dream is an ambiguous symbol.

In one case, it can mean pleasant events, in another, this product is an important warning about possible troubles.

How can you understand why you dream about a chain, if you take into account all the nuances of night dreams? Why do you have such dreams?


More often gold chain dreams of wealth and prosperity. However, it is also necessary to consider the circumstances under which she appeared to you in a dream.

If you saw it on your neck, then your aspirations for better life will soon be crowned with success. To do this, you need to act gradually, logically, without haste. Excessive nerves and temper can ruin all your plans.

  • Dreaming gold decoration on the neck of another person - to betrayal.
  • Large links in the chain mean profit.
  • Decoration with a pendant - stability in family relationships.

A gold chain with a cross is a harbinger of marriage or acquaintance, which will be the beginning of a long romance. A chain with a large cross means the beginning of a new stage in life. Perhaps you will be offered a new job or you will move to live in another place.

As the dream book says, a broken chain in a dream means a deterioration in health. To prevent this from happening, try to take it on time. preventive measures. Visit more often fresh air, take vitamins.


A silver chain appears in a dream before meeting old friends. This can be either a planned event (for example, a meeting of classmates) or an unexpected visit from a friend. In any case, such communication will only cause you positive emotions.

If the chain was with a pendant, it means that old romantic feelings may flare up in your heart. Don't rush to succumb to nostalgia. By showing weakness, you can lose what you have now. Accept these memories as something good from the distant past.

  • A silver chain around your neck is good news.
  • If you saw it on someone else, it means a confidential conversation.
  • Dreaming of a thick silver chain means great joy.

A silver thread with a cross symbolizes peace and harmony in the home. If the cross is also made of this metal, then a long, calm family life in love. And a golden cross foreshadows minor troubles that you will solve together with your partner.

A torn silver item is dreamed of before a quarrel or separation from a loved one. Most likely this will be the result of a misunderstanding.

Therefore, to avoid problems in personal life, you need to be honest and frank with your partner. Then troubles will not affect you.

Other meanings

If the jewelry breaks in your hands, then you risk harming yourself through your own actions. Think carefully about your every step, do not rely on luck. And if you dreamed of a torn gold chain that another person is holding, then it is he who can cause failure.

A chain with a heart-shaped pendant indicates that a worthy person will soon take your heart. And if you saw a zodiac sign, then fate will present you with an interesting gift.

A chain with a stone pendant promises a strong relationship. A pendant of an unusual shape is a sign that others consider you an extraordinary person.

  • Finding a gold chain is a dubious offer.
  • Receiving it as a gift means a happy marriage.
  • Finding it and losing it means trouble will pass by.
  • Twisting the chain on your finger means thinking about a difficult question.
  • Throw out - get rid of the enemy.

Finding a silver chain in a dream means finding a reliable, true friend. And if it is made of ordinary metal, then you still for a long time good luck will follow.

Finding a crystal chain means not trusting your partner. The dream book writes that your suspicions are most likely unfounded.

Once you have figured out why you dream of a gold chain or the same product made of another metal, you can safely plan your further actions. Author: Vera Drobnaya

Gold is considered a symbol of the sun. Seeing him in a dream, you will prosper and be healthy in real life. An interpretation of dreams is offered about why rings are dreamed of, why you dreamed about it and how to find a rational explanation for the dream.

Seeing gold earrings in a dream

If you dream of gold earrings, in real life you will be able to feel double the fullness and joy of the events happening to you.

A dream in which you find a pair of gold earrings will also be a good sign. But a dream in which you see that you are losing earrings is a warning not to commit a rash act. Also, a dream in which you lose earrings symbolizes that in real life you may miss the lucky chance given to you by fate. Your Guardian Angel, in the language of sleep, wants to help you. Listen to your inner voice and follow it - and happiness will smile on you.

Gold chain dream, find a gold chain in a dream

If you have a dream in which your chosen one gives you a gold chain, then in reality you can rest assured of the sincerity of his feelings. A chain seen in a dream is a symbol of integrity and unification of efforts.

A dream in which you find a gold chain is also good sign, signifying a series of positive events that will happen in your life.

Dream Interpretation gold was stolen in a dream, find, search, in hands, collect, stole, steal

If you saw a dream in which gold was stolen from you, then in reality you will be exposed in a lie or circumstances will be revealed that you would prefer to keep silent about.

A dream in which you see yourself stealing someone's gold means that now you will learn the secrets of other people.

A dream in which you search and find gold in reality symbolizes that you will discover new potential in yourself, thanks to which bright prospects will open up before you.

Holding gold in your hands or collecting gold in a dream means in reality achieving your goals and self-realization.

Gold Vanga's dream book

In Vanga’s dream book, dreaming of gold symbolizes good luck that has “fallen” on you.

A dream in which you look at and sort through gold jewelry means that in real life you are characterized by aristocratic behavior.

Losing gold jewelry or coins in a dream means losing material wealth in reality.

Gold Miller's dream book

In Miller's dream book, finding or holding gold in your hands means getting what you want in real life.

A dream in which you discover gold is missing means that you had a chance to change your life for the better, but you were unable to take advantage of it.

If an unmarried woman dreams of gold in the form of coins or gifted jewelry, then in real life she will marry a rich man, but greedy or selfish.
This same dream is interpreted as a marriage of convenience in reality.

Freud's dream book gold

The gold that you are trying to give, in Freud’s dream book, symbolizes your desire to ensure a comfortable existence for yourself and your partner.

A dream in which you buy gold for yourself means that in real life you want to buy the love of the person you like.

Gold Tsvetkov's dream book

In this dream book, gold seen in a dream means falsehood - “not all that glitters is gold.”

Gold dream book Juno

In Juno's dream book, dreaming of gold is one of the most auspicious signs, symbolizing love and happiness for the dreamer.

Finding or receiving gold as a gift in a dream is also easy to achieve wealth in real life.

A dream in which you lose and do not find gold - to failures and disappointments, as a punishment for your negligence and wastefulness in reality.

The egg symbolizes nascent life. Therefore, an egg seen in a dream is considered a powerful sign, indicating an inexhaustible supply of life...

A dog, both in real life and in a dream, is a symbol of friendship and fidelity. But seeing a puppy in a dream is not always interpreted as a good sign, as...

  • Primary elements - wood, fire, earth, metal.
  • Elements - wind, heat, humidity, dryness.
  • Emotions - anger, joy, thoughtfulness, sadness.
  • Organs - liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, stomach, heart, small intestine, colon, lungs.
  • Explanation and Interpretation
  • The chain is a symbol that some internal desire will merge in harmony with its external embodiment: the links of the chain are steps towards embodiment. Each link is both self-sufficient (closed) and at the same time aimless without connection with others. Chains are usually made of metal: this is a new substance created by man from natural elements and a sign of man-madeness - belonging to the sphere of human relations, which spiritualize the material symbol (chain) of the desire for something. A chain is a chain weighed down by negative emotions/aspirations, when the goal begins to justify the means, and earthly and inert yin matter disharmoniously oppresses yang-sky: chains of prisoners, chains and the like. What exactly the chain symbolizes in life depends on the mutual desires of the donor and the wearer. In a dream there are some stable meanings of the symbol. To see/wear a chain in a dream (to give): the desire of external yang for some internal goal - yin; chain - ancient symbol and the key to achieving the goal and constancy of relationships in motion is a continuing living, developing cycle. Seeing a chain on yourself (the same if you see it on someone in a dream) - usually worn - signifies the immutability of aspirations. To see a faded, broken chain (it has fallen and is being looked for) - the goal/views are outdated/unattainable, counterbalance health/possibly leading to illness. The chain is strangling - a complete discrepancy between the aspirations and tasks of a person, a danger. Giving/receiving a beautiful chain is a sign/desire for friendship and the opportunity to find it in reality; giving a favorite chain is a very warm feeling. Giving a dull chain, or it breaks when given, is insincerity (see above) or an empty friendship without obligations. Chain material: silver - a penchant for intelligence and reasonable friendship; gold - bias towards emotions and strength; tree - purity and directness of personal relationships between people, closeness of feelings to nature in a good sense, rootedness in the earth. To wear a chain/to be chained to oneself/to see another in chains - the desire for a goal has enslaved and erased the concept of the expediency of achieving it, the result is an inadequate assessment of the surrounding world, failure in business, in relationships, perhaps an unnoticed suggestion of someone else's will or complete enslavement of oneself by one's own idea . All together - ill health of both the Yang (vertical) and Yin (horizontal) meridians. With a high probability, the dream film will suffer from vertical and horizontal distortions (size disproportion).

If you dreamed of a gold chain, be sure to remember all the details of the dream. Its decoding depends on the setting and conditions in which you dream about this decoration.

Brief interpretation of a dream about a gold chain according to dream books

A gold chain in a dream speaks of dependence on one’s desires and passions. Various dream books This dream is interpreted differently:

  • Female. Soon you will marry successfully for great love.
  • Imperial. You will be able to achieve your goal.
  • Family. Seeing jewelry on yourself suggests that confusion will soon arise in your life.
  • Dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima. Your recent action will cause a series of consequences.
  • Dream book of Tsvetkov. Soon you will depend on someone.
  • Love. An exciting acquaintance and an affair awaits you.
  • Dream Book of the Wanderer. To meet a loved one and a possible engagement.
  • Freud's Dream Book. You are too preoccupied with your intimate life. This may be a consequence of dissatisfaction or long-term abstinence.
  • Dream Interpretation of Medea. For the unexpected wedding of one of your relatives.
  • Miller's Dream Book. Such a dream promises disappointment, frustration and grief.

If you dreamed of a gold chain decorated precious stones, look forward to pleasant acquaintances and romantic dates

One or more: value

The interpretation of the dream also depends on the amount of gold jewelry. According to Vanga's dream book, a gold chain is dreamed of financial wealth and unlocking your potential. If you dreamed of one chain, then soon you will be able to realize yourself as a specialist. This will bring you moral satisfaction and will also become a good source of income.

To see a lot of gold chains in a dream, according to an old Russian dream book, means unexpected wealth. Soon you may win the lottery or receive an inheritance.

But Felomena’s dream book interprets this dream differently:

  • one gold chain in a dream - someone is gossiping behind your back;
  • a lot of jewelry - a person whom you consider your close friend is trying to harm you in every possible way, be vigilant.

The Indian dream book interprets a dream with one chain as a favorable sign - help will come to you from someone from whom you do not expect it at all. If there was a lot of jewelry, expect a promotion wages or career advancement; perhaps you will hit a big jackpot.

A golden cross on a chain is a symbol of happiness and joy

What does a dream about jewelry with a cross or pendant mean?

  • If you dreamed of a chain with a small gold cross, you will meet good man who will become your friend and ally. For single people, such a dream promises a quick wedding. If the cross big size- expect changes, a new stage is beginning in your life.
    According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, putting on someone else’s chain with a cross means imposing your help on a person who doesn’t need it at all. Do not try on someone else’s cross, especially if you are not asked to do so.
    If a man dreams of a chain with a cross, he will have good luck in any endeavor. But you shouldn’t take too many risks by getting involved in various adventures.
    To see such a dream by a pregnant woman means a timely and easy birth.
  • A dreamed chain with a pendant symbolizes peace and harmony in your life. If this is a gift from a man - someone from your circle shows a love interest in you, expect recognition.
    If you dreamed of a chain with a pendant on another person - you will spend a lot of time and effort solving other people’s problems.

This is interesting. Taking off your jewelry in a dream means freeing yourself from obligations imposed by strangers.

I dreamed of a pocket watch on a chain - to achieve success in business, you should be organized, punctual and diligent

Chain on the neck, arm or leg: interpretation

The interpretation of the dream depends on where exactly in the dream you wore the chain.

  • Seeing a gold chain around your neck in a dream means that obstacles await you along the way, but with effort, you can achieve your goal. If you dreamed of jewelry on another person, you are too curious, trying to keep abreast of the affairs of strangers, which can cause you a lot of problems.
    If a man dreams of a chain around his neck, expect betrayal from loved one. For a girl, such a dream can promise disappointment and a waste of money.
  • If in a dream the chain is on your hand, in reality you will receive a bonus or a valuable gift. A chain on another person’s hand - soon one of your friends will ask you for a loan.

Losing a previously given chain in a dream means they are weaving intrigues behind your back and trying in every possible way to tarnish your name

It is important to know. Holding the chain in your hands or hiding it in a box - soon you will find yourself in difficult situation, but you can get away with it.

  • Seeing a gold chain on your leg in a dream means worries and worries. Soon there will be changes in your life, and you will have to fight for your happiness. If the chain oppressed or interfered with you, expect a difficult conversation; in the near future you will come face to face with your enemy.

If you broke a chain in a dream - hassle and loss await you

Actions with it: buy, find, lose, give, break, etc.

The actions that took place in it play a big role in the interpretation of a dream.

  1. Finding a gold chain in a dream is a good sign. Perhaps you will be offered a higher paying job or you will meet your other half.
  2. If in a dream you did not pick up the decorations and walked past him, in real life you are missing your chance. Analyze what you are doing wrong and make the right decision.
  3. Losing the chain means frustration and losses. If you have such a dream, be vigilant and careful.
  4. To see in a dream how another person lost a gold piece of jewelry, and you found it and gave it to the owner - in real life you will lend a helping hand to a relative who finds himself in a delicate situation.
  5. A gift in the form of a chain says that you have no reason to doubt the sincerity of your soulmate’s feelings. According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, if a man gives you a chain, an influential patron will soon appear in your life; if a woman, expect news from distant relatives.
  6. Giving jewelry in a dream means in reality you will do a favor for your friend or make him a tempting offer. If a man dreams that he is giving a chain to his chosen one, in real life he has no reason to doubt her fidelity.
  7. Stealing a gold chain in a dream means that in reality you will be punished for the mistakes of others. If the chain was stolen from you, someone is brazenly interfering in your life. Try to listen less to the advice of others and make your own decisions. If in a dream you were able to catch a thief who stole your jewelry, you will soon outshine your competitors.
  8. Breaking a chain in a dream means disappointment in love. If you break another person's chain, hard and low-paid work awaits you. Women's dream book interprets a broken chain as a harbinger of an imminent illness.

You should know. Buying a chain in a dream is a big disappointment. Someone from your circle is plotting behind your back. Soon his secret will be revealed.

A gold chain in a dream is a warning about something. Life changes await you in the near future. If you had such a dream, remember all the details and feelings that you experienced, and then you will be able to decipher it more accurately.