Army first aid kit individual composition. Individual first aid kit, military first aid kit, individual anti-chemical package, individual dressing package. What are the rules for using syringes?

As a rule, these are independent structures formed on a freelance basis, but equipped with all the necessary equipment, materials and tools to carry out emergency situations.

They are created on the basis of teams government agencies and undergo special training courses on how to act in emergency situations. With these people, behavior algorithms are worked out, which must be memorized to the point of automaticity. Then certification is carried out, and if everything goes well, the unit receives permission from the Ministry of Emergency Situations to participate in the liquidation of emergency situations.

civil defense

These are also non-staff formations created in each organization to carry out state civil defense activities. Their function is not associated with an immediate threat to the life and health of people during an emergency. But by providing all possible assistance, they help prevent an increase in the number of victims. Each civil defense unit has its own purpose:

  • surveillance and reconnaissance (bacteriological, chemical, biological, engineering);
  • debris removal;
  • rescuers;
  • technology;
  • firefighters;
  • protection (radiation, chemical, biological).


The AI-2 first aid kit is a plastic orange box, inside of which there are bottles with medications and a disposable syringe for their administration in two rows. In addition, the NASF received an individual anti-chemical package, a personal civil protection kit, anti-burn and dressing packages, a soft stretcher, and a sanitary bag containing a first aid kit.

Since 2008, similar equipment, such as the AI-2 first aid kit, are no longer issued not only to army structures, but also to civilian units. Instead, there are AI-4 and AI-N-2.


This is a list of drugs that the AI-2 first aid kit contains. Its composition may vary, so the average version is given.

  1. The painkiller is a syringe tube with two percentage solution"Promedol" (in some kits morphine), route of administration is intramuscular.
  2. The antidote is usually the drug "Taren". A small red pencil case contains six tablets. To prevent poisoning, take one tablet and put on a gas mask. If symptoms such as miosis, blurred vision, shortness of breath do appear, you must take another tablet, but not earlier than six hours after the first.
  3. The antibiotic sulfadimethoxine is in the form of tablets in a sealed bottle. Taken for dysfunction gastrointestinal tract caused by bacterial infection. Single dose- seven tablets, then four tablets every day.
  4. The radioprotective agent is Cystamine tablets. Taken for prophylaxis from One hour before the expected radiation, you must take six tablets; by the time of the threat, the effect will manifest itself, but if the duration of stay in the radioactive area exceeds six hours, the tablets must be taken again in the same dose.
  5. Antibiotic wide range action - "Tetracycline". Taken not only for bacterial infection, but also after burns and injuries as a single dose - five tablets. Take twice with an interval of six hours.
  6. Antiemetic - "Etaperazine". Instead, there may still be "Aeron". Indicated after radiation exposure, as well as after concussions, traumatic brain injuries, poisoning, if nausea or vomiting occurs. A single dose is one tablet. The effect lasts four to five hours, if the symptoms do not go away, then you need to take one tablet every four hours.
  7. Potassium iodide tablets - a remedy that protects the thyroid gland from radioactive iodine. Take one tablet half an hour before the intended exposure or before eating radioactive foods. If you plan to spend more than a day in the radiation zone, then you need to take another tablet every 12 hours.

The individual first aid kit AI-2, the composition of which is presented above, is somewhat outdated in its configuration. It does not contain modern antibiotics that could be used as a replacement for Tetracycline or Sulfadimethoxic, and there are also no sedatives. As practice shows, they are necessary in emergency. Therefore, the civilian population is recommended to carry tranquilizers such as Sibazon or Phenozepam.

First aid kit AI-2 is designed for an adult. For a child under eight years of age, all doses should be divided into four parts, and for a teenager - into two parts.


The AI-N-2 first aid kit requires special mention. Special forces and other special military units use it for long-term autonomous use, as well as providing assistance to victims. It contains thirty types of drugs, compactly packaged in a small, convenient bag, which distinguishes it from the previous version.

The AI-2 first aid kit has already been discontinued and can only be found as an exhibition item.

Medical property– these are special material resources, intended for prevention, diagnosis of lesions and diseases, treatment of the wounded and sick, caring for them, carrying out sanitary, hygienic and anti-epidemic measures in the troops, laboratory, pharmacy and other work, as well as for educational purposes.

Special group medical equipment amounts to individual medical equipment for military personnel, designed to provide first medical care in the form of self- and mutual assistance, as well as to weaken the impact of enemy weapons.

This group of medical equipment includes an individual first aid kit (AI), an individual dressing package (IDP), individual anti-chemical packages of various modifications (IPP-8,9,10), and a water disinfectant.

Personnel who are in military equipment are provided with first aid in case of injury group means of medical equipment– various first aid kits (military, airborne, etc.) Items included in the first aid kit are placed in a special metal case, which is secured on board or in the cockpit of the combat vehicle in a visible place.

Individual first aid kit (AI)

Rice. 5 Individual first aid kit

Contains means for the prevention and treatment of the consequences of exposure to weapons of mass destruction, as well as to weaken the primary reaction to radiation, in order to preserve the combat effectiveness of personnel. Represents a set medicines and antidotes in tablets (pencil cases) and solutions (syringe tubes), placed in a polyethylene case (Fig. 5). The drugs contained in syringe tubes and pencil cases are taken (injected) in the event of an immediate threat or immediately after the enemy uses weapons of mass destruction in the form of self- or mutual assistance. The medicines contained in the first aid kit are used as directed by the commander (chief) or independently. The medicines in the first aid kit are placed in a strictly defined sequence, in specially designated slots and differ from each other in the color of the packaging and shape, this makes it easier to find the right medicine.

1. Remedy for poisoning with organophosphate toxic substances (OPS) – one syringe tube with a red cap. Athene or Budaxim – solution for injection – 1 ml. At the first signs of FOV damage (impaired breathing, vision, salivation), the contents of one syringe tube are injected intramuscularly. The second syringe tube is used 5–10 minutes after injecting the contents of the first in cases where signs of poisoning continue to increase. In case of severe lesions, when they are accompanied by loss of consciousness, the contents of these syringe tubes are administered without intervals, in one go.

2. Analgesic: one syringe tube with a colorless cap (2% promedol solution) is used for severe pain caused by bone fractures, extensive wounds, tissue crushing, burns and other lesions, in order to prevent the development of traumatic or burn shock. It is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously.

3. Radioprotective agent - cystamine - 0.2 tablets in two 8-sided pink pencil cases, 6 tablets in each. Contents of one pencil case (6 tablets white) is taken 40–50 minutes before possible exposure if the expected radiation dose may be 100 rad. and higher. If necessary, the drug in the same dose can be taken 6 hours after the first dose. In special cases (air temperature above 30 o C, (nausea, motion sickness), it is recommended to reduce the dose of the drug to 4 tablets, especially with repeated doses.

4. Antibacterial agent – ​​two capsules of doxycycline hydrochloride, 0.2 g each. One capsule is taken if there is a risk of infection by pathogens infectious diseases, as well as for wounds and burns. The second capsule is taken again after 24 hours.

5. Antiemetic (dimetcarb) – film-coated tablets, 10 pieces per package (one package). After irradiation, concussion, or if nausea occurs, take one tablet. The effect of the drug lasts 4–5 hours after administration. If nausea continues, you should repeat the drug at the same dose.

Tablets for water disinfection “Pantocid” or “Aquasept”

Designed for disinfection of individual water supplies in field conditions. Currently, the supply consists of pantocide in tablets containing 3 mg. active chlorine. To disinfect one flask (0.75 ml) of water, 1-2 tablets of panthocide should be dissolved in it. To completely dissolve the panthocide, the flask of water must be shaken vigorously. After 30–40 minutes, the disinfected water can be used for drinking. Pantocide is packaged in glass tubes of 20 tablets each. The tablets are not stable, have a limited shelf life (1 year) and therefore are not stored in stocks.

Individual dressing package (PPI)

Designed to provide self- and mutual aid for wounds and burns, as well as to protect wounds and burns from secondary infection. It is an individual means of medical equipment for a soldier (Fig. 6).

Fig.6 Individual dressing package

Consists of two cotton-gauze pads measuring 17x32 cm, movable and fixed), a gauze bandage 7 m long, 10 cm wide, a safety pin, an inner paper and outer rubberized shell. One pad is fixed movably, and the second is fixed. For small rand sizes and burn areas, the bag pads can be applied folded in half, and for a large wound or burn - unfolded. To maintain the sterility of the pads, one side of them is stitched with colored threads, which you can grasp with your hands. The rubberized shell ensures the sterility of the contents of the package, and is also used to apply an occlusive dressing for open pneumothorax. Application of bandages to different areas of the body should be done according to general rules desmurgies. To secure the bandage, a safety pin is inserted into the package packaging. The surface of the rubberized shell indicates the method of opening and rules for using the bag, as well as the year of its manufacture. Weight – 100 g.

Medical cape (NM)

Purpose: to protect the wounded and sick from adverse meteorological factors ( low temperatures, precipitation, intense solar radiation).

Device: it is a panel made of lavsan film, metallized on one side with a layer of sprayed aluminum. Maintaining the temperature of the patient (wounded) is achieved due to the reflection of the thermal radiation of the body by the metallizing layer of the cape.

Tactical and technical characteristics: maximum duration of protection against hypothermia at a temperature of – 20 o C – three hours; wrapping time 3–4 minutes; frequency of use cycles – up to 3 times; dimensions when unfolded – 2500 x 2300; per package: 160 x 120, weight - 160 g. The medical cape is used at ambient temperatures from -50 o C to +40 o C. Used in MPB, MPP, OMedB, OMO.

Individual anti-chemical package (IPP-8)

IPP-8 is intended for partial sanitary treatment when exposed areas of the body and adjacent areas of clothing are infected with persistent toxic substances. The package consists of a universal degassing solution in a flat glass bottle with a capacity of up to 200 ml. and 4 gauze napkins.

The amount of degasser ensures the treatment of approximately 1500–2000 cm of body surface. The contents of the package are packed in a plastic bag with instructions for use. If toxic substances (liquid droplets) come into contact with the skin, it is necessary to immediately treat the contaminated areas and the adjacent uniform, as well as protective equipment, with the contents of the package. Open the bottle, moisten a napkin with the liquid from it and remove drops of OM with a pinch-like movement. The liquid is poisonous and should not be used to treat the eyes.

Fig. 7 Individual anti-chemical package IPP-8.

Military first aid kit (AV)

Rice. 8 Military first aid kit

Designed to equip combat vehicles and military equipment on wheels and tracks.

Designed to provide first aid in the form of self- and mutual aid to 3–4 wounded and burned members of the crews (crews) of combat vehicles and military equipment.

Provides treatment of the wound circumference, application of a primary dressing to the wound and burn surface, temporary stopping of bleeding, removal from fainting, disinfection of individual water supplies, short-term immobilization of limbs.

Contains: antiseptic (iodine), irritant (ammonia), water disinfectant (Pantocide), dressings (sterile gauze bandage, small medical bandages, medical scarf), hemostatic tourniquet, safety pins.

Container – cardboard box. Weight 800 g.

Medical means for the prevention, assistance and treatment of victims of OV and IS, contained in bags and kits medical service(SS; SMV; SVV; sets: PF, V‑3, OV, UT). Purpose, contents, order of use

As a set refers to a set of various items of medical equipment, specially selected in composition and quantity and intended to provide a certain volume of medical care to the wounded (sick) or equip the stages of medical evacuation, placed in a special container (Fig. 9).

Medical equipment sets are divided into functional and special purpose.

Functional kits are designed to ensure the work of functional units of the stages of medical evacuation and provision of certain types medical care. The functional kits include medications, consumables and medical supplies.

Fig.9 Set of medical equipment

According to their purpose, functional kits are divided into groups:

1. First aid kits and kits for first aid, pre-hospital and first aid medical care. Designed for individual and group equipment of military personnel, equipment for medical evacuation stages, provision of first medical, pre-medical and first aid. This group includes: “Individual first aid kit”, “Military first aid kit”, “Paramedic”, “Large dressing room”, “Reception and sorting”, “ Special assistance", "Auto-dressing", etc.

2. Sets of medical equipment for the provision of qualified medical care (hospital). They are intended to equip departments of OMedR, OMedB, OMO, hospitals and provide qualified medical care. This group includes the following kits: “General medicines” (therapeutic, neurological, surgical), “Small operating room”, “Large operating room”, “Operating materials”, “Operational items”, “Ward”, “Care items”, “Anti-shock ", "Anesthesiological", etc.

3. Kits for disinfection and sanitary treatment “Disinfection”, “Sanitary treatment” are intended for carrying out disinfection and disinfestation measures, complete sanitary treatment of the wounded and sick at various stages of medical evacuation.

4. Special purpose kits are used for the prompt supply of medical equipment to units, units and medical institutions. Distinctive feature of these kits is that they contain only consumable medical equipment intended to provide medical care to the wounded modern types weapons. This group includes the following kits: “Sterile dressings”, “Splints”, “Gypsum bandages”, “Medicines for the treatment of the wounded and burned”, “Medicines for the treatment of those affected by ionizing radiation”, “Medicines for the treatment of those affected by toxic substances” , “Antibiotics”, “Anti-plague clothing”.

Functional kits:

SS Corpsman's Bag

Designed to provide first aid to the wounded and sick. Is the equipment of the orderly, the orderly-porter, the shooter-orderly and the driver-orderly.

Designed to provide first aid to 30 wounded and sick.

Provides a temporary stop of bleeding, treatment of the circumference of wounds, application of primary dressings to the wound and burn surfaces, application of an occlusive dressing for open pneumothorax, prevention of wound infection and radiation injuries, removal from fainting, prevention of vomiting, washing of the mucous membranes of the eyes and upper respiratory bullets.


1. drugs of various pharmacotherapeutic groups: antiseptic (iodine), irritant (ammonia), antibiotic (doxycycline), antiemetic (etaperazine), radioprotective agent (cystamine), sodium preparation (sodium bicarbonate);

2. dressings (sterile gauze bandages, medical absorbent cotton wool, medical scarves, adhesive plaster, individual dressing bags, small medical bandages);

3. medical items (hemostatic tourniquets, scissors, safety pins) and other items (folding knife, notepad, pencil).

Tara – cover of the SS bag. Weight – 4.8 kg.

Recently I came across an AI-2 first aid kit. They were used by our soldiers to provide emergency medical care on the battlefield. How nice it is to see not a pack of bandages, but real means to provide assistance. But almost no one knows what exactly is there. So I decided to bring to light the inscriptions on the containers that are located there. First aid kits of this type were developed not only for the military, but also for civilians. AI-2 for civilian population They differ only in that they did not contain narcotic drugs: Promedol and Athens.

  • Analgesic: Promedol (narcotic opioid analgesic) one syringe tube,
  • Remedy for FOV poisoning: Athens one syringe tube,
  • Antibacterial agent No. 2: Sulfadimethoxine 0.2 g. 15 tablets in one pencil case,
  • Radioprotective agent No. 1: Cystamine 0.2 g. 6 tablets in two pencil cases,
  • Antibacterial agent No. 1: chlortetracycline 0.006 g in two pencil cases,
  • Radioprotective agent No. 2: potassium iodide 0.25 g. 10 tablets in one pencil case,
  • Antiemetic: Etaperazine 0.006 g. 5 tablets in one pencil case.

Promedol (a morphine derivative) is used there as an analgesic and anti-shock agent. This is a very powerful drug with narcotic properties. Naturally, it was not used to treat abdominal pain, but to relieve pain when a limb was torn off or to relieve pain shock in a dying soldier. In such emergency cases there is no need to worry about drug addiction there was no question. But in any case, it was issued with a special permit.

There was no remedy for FOV poisoning in this first aid kit, and it is not clear what kind of medication was used there. Most often there lies Athens, which is packaged in a syringe tube. The drug is very strong and is used with extreme caution due to the fact that Athens causes hallucinations and memory loss during action; a person may not be aware of his actions, which can lead to unpredictable consequences. Serves to prolong a person’s life so that he has time to take Isonitrozine. He was also issued by special order.

Radioprotective agent Cystamine, used for prevention harmful effects exposure, including to prevent complications during radiotherapy. Prescribed one hour before irradiation, the effect lasts about five hours. Daily dose is 200-800 mg, depending on the intensity and duration of the intended irradiation. From the explosion nuclear bomb or intense radiation will not help, but when visiting an area with a low background radiation it will help get rid of the appearance of radiation sickness.

There is also radioprotective agent No. 2: potassium iodide. In fact, it is recommended to be used by all residents of Russia. And in regions like the Krasnoyarsk Territory, it should generally be issued at work and in kindergartens. Action: Prevent absorption thyroid gland radioactive iodine and radiation protection.

Etaperazine is a phenothiazine neuroleptic, structurally similar to meterazine. In terms of the severity of the antipsychotic effect, it is superior to aminazine, approaching triftazine in this regard. Has a powerful antiemetic effect.

These are the toys that sometimes fall into paws. By the way, for those who like to search for drugs in such first-aid kits, I can say one thing: it is impossible to find first-aid kits containing morphine. They are only in first aid kits that are issued in war time, or employees in enterprises with a high degree of danger. To equip first aid kits with class A drugs in peacetime, a permit for the storage of narcotic substances is required.

Individual first aid kit, military first aid kit, individual anti-chemical package, individual dressing package

Individual first aid kit (AI). Ingredients, purpose and instructions for use

An individual first aid kit is a set of medical self-help equipment for a serviceman. The first aid kit is designed to provide self- and mutual assistance, prevent or mitigate the damaging effects of radiation substances (RS), bacterial agents (BA) and organophosphorus toxic substances (FOB), as well as to provide first aid in case of mechanical and thermal injuries personnel.

There is a kit in the first aid kit medical supplies, distributed among the nests in a plastic box. Box size 90x100x20 mm, weight AI-1 - 100 g (AI-2 - 130 g). The size and shape of the box allows you to carry it in your pocket, the pocket of a gas mask bag and always have it with you.

Each medicine in the first aid kit is located in a strictly defined place, the placement order is indicated on inside covers.

The completeness of the first aid kit is individual AI-1.
Individual first aid kit AI-1

In slot 1 there is a syringe tube (with a red cap) containing an antidote (antidote) against organophosphate toxic substances (VX, sarin, soman). The second compartment of this nest is a reserve one (some first aid kits may have the same second syringe tube).

Instead of syringe tubes, reusable automatic syringes with several nozzles containing an antidote against organophosphorus toxic substances can be inserted in slot 1.

In slot 2 there is a syringe tube (with a white cap) containing an analgesic that is injected under the skin to reduce pain from wounds, burns and fractures.

In slot 3, two crimson hexagonal pencil cases contain 12 radioprotective tablets. If there is a threat of exposure to penetrating radiation, when operating in areas contaminated with radioactive products of a nuclear explosion, six tablets are taken at once. This dose is effective for 4-5 hours. If the actions continue in the contaminated area, you must take the remaining six tablets.

In slot 4, two white rectangular pencil cases contain eight tablets of an antibacterial agent. In case of wounds, burns or the threat of bacteriological (biological) infection, eight tablets of the drug are taken simultaneously, and after 6-8 hours, eight tablets from the second pencil case are taken again.

Slot 5 is a reserve one.

In slot 6 in a round ribbed pencil case blue color Contains tablets of etaparazine, an antiemetic. It is taken one tablet in cases of signs of a primary reaction to radiation exposure (nausea, vomiting), as well as when these disorders occur as a result of concussion or injury.

Completeness of the first aid kit individual AI-2

Individual first aid kit AI-2 In slot 1, in a syringe tube with a white cap, there is an analgesic (promedol).

It is used for bone fractures, extensive wounds and burns, as an anti-shock agent, by injection into soft fabrics hips or arms. The injection can be given through clothing.

In slot 2, in a red round pencil case with four semi-oval protrusions on the body, there is a means for preventing poisoning by organophosphorus toxic substances (taren antidote), 6 tablets of 0.3 g each.

If there is a threat of poisoning, take an antidote (one tablet), and then put on a gas mask.

If signs of poisoning appear and increase (deterioration of vision, sudden shortness of breath), you should take another tablet. Repeated use is recommended no earlier than after 5-6 hours.

In slot 3, in a large round pencil case without painting, there is antibacterial agent 2 (sulfadimethoxine), 15 tablets of 0.2 g each. The agent should be used when gastrointestinal disorder that occurs after radiation injury. On the first day, take 7 tablets (in one dose), and in the next two days - 4 tablets. This drug is a means of preventing infectious diseases that may arise due to the weakening of the protective abilities of the irradiated organism.

In slot 4, in two pink octagonal pencil cases, there is radioprotective agent No. 1 (cystamine), 12 tablets of 0.2 g each. Take it for personal prophylaxis in case of threat of radiation damage, 6 tablets immediately and preferably 30-60 minutes before irradiation.

In slot 5, in two tetrahedral pencil cases without painting, there is antibacterial agent No. 1 - a broad-spectrum antibiotic (chlortetracycline hydrochloride), 10 tablets of 1,000,000 units each. Take it as a remedy emergency prevention in case of threat of infection by bacterial agents or in case of infection by them, as well as in case of wounds and burns (to prevent infection). First, take the contents of one pencil case - 5 tablets at once, and then after 6 hours take the contents of another pencil case - also 5 tablets.

In slot 6, in a white tetrahedral pencil case with longitudinal semi-oval cutouts in the walls of the edges, there is radioprotective agent No. 2 (potassium iodide), 10 tablets. The drug should be taken one tablet daily for 10 days after a nuclear power plant accident and if a person consumes food from an area contaminated with radioactive substances. The drug prevents deposits in thyroid gland radioactive iodine, which enters the body from the external environment.

In slot 7, in a blue round pencil case with six longitudinal protruding stripes, there is an antiemetic agent (etaperazine), 5 tablets of 0.004 g each. Take 1 tablet for head bruises, concussions and contusions, as well as immediately after radiation exposure to prevent vomiting. If nausea continues, take one tablet every 3-4 hours.

The medicines contained in the first aid kit are used depending on the indications, both as directed by the commander (senior), and independently in accordance with the instructions that are communicated to the personnel before performing a combat mission.

The following medications are used independently if indicated:

Remedy for FOV poisoning - at the first signs of damage;

An analgesic - for injuries and burns accompanied by severe pain;

Antibacterial agent - for wounds and burns;

Antiemetic - for nausea caused by exposure ionizing radiation, as well as contusions and other factors.
Only upon command (instruction) of the commander is used:

Radioprotective agent;

Antibacterial agent - in case of danger of infection by pathogens of infectious diseases;

Preventive remedy for poisoning with FOV (tablets) - in anticipation of sudden use chemical weapons enemy;

Antiemetic - in anticipation of exposure to radiation in large doses.

Syringe tube The established dosages of medications must be strictly observed in order to avoid a decrease in their effectiveness or negative effects on the body. For this purpose, first aid kits contain syringe tubes.

Rules for using a syringe tube.
Remove the syringe tube from the first aid kit and, holding it in one hand, grasp the ribbed rim with the other.

Using a rotating motion, vigorously push the bezel until it stops, then remove the cap protecting the needle.

Without touching the needle with your hands, inject it into the soft tissue of the thigh in upper third outside (possibly through clothes).

Squeezing the tube tightly with your fingers, squeeze out the contents and remove the needle without unclenching your fingers.

The remedy for FOV poisoning - the contents of one syringe tube with a red cap should be used at the first signs of damage: blurred vision, difficulty breathing, drooling. The earlier the antidote is applied, the higher its effectiveness. Use the second syringe tube with a red cap 5-7 minutes after administering the contents of the first syringe tube in cases where the signs of damage continue to grow (intensify).

In order to provide mutual assistance in case of severe lesions, accompanied by severe difficulty breathing, convulsions, loss of consciousness, administer the medicine from two syringe tubes at once.

An anti-pain remedy from a syringe tube with a white cap should be used for severe pain caused by fractures, extensive wounds, crushed tissue and burns.

Used syringe tubes must be pinned to the clothes on the chest of the affected person to record the amount of antidote administered when carrying out further treatment measures.

When using an antidote, it is necessary to strengthen control over one’s own condition and the condition of other military personnel, especially when performing combat missions at night, during monotonous activities and elevated temperature environment.

For warning side effect and heat exchange disturbances that may occur when using the drug for poisoning with OPV, these antidotes should be administered only in the presence of the first signs of damage to OPV.

Military first aid kit. Ingredients, purpose and instructions for use

The AB first aid kit is designed to equip combat vehicles and military equipment on wheels and tracks.

Designed to provide first aid in the form of self- and mutual aid to 3-4 wounded and burned members of the crews (crews) of combat vehicles and military equipment.

Military first aid kit Contains:

Antiseptic (iodine 5% alcohol solution 1 ml each);

Irritant (ammonia 10% solution, 1 ml);

Water disinfectant (“Pantocid” in the table, 0.0082 each);

Dressings (sterile gauze bandage, small medical bandages, medical scarf);

Hemostatic tourniquet;

The pins are safe.

The weight of the military first aid kit is 800 g.

Individual anti-chemical package. Ingredients, purpose and instructions for use

Individual anti-chemical packages IPP-8, IPP-9, IPP-10 have not been produced by our industry for more than 10 years. They were replaced by the IPP-11 package. However, the units still have large stocks of previously produced individual anti-chemical packages, which can and will be used if necessary.

Individual anti-chemical packages are designed for the disinfection of droplet-liquid chemical agents and some chemical agents that have come into contact with the human body and clothing, using personal protection and into service

Individual anti-chemical package IPP-8

Individual anti-chemical package IPP-8 and an example of its use. The individual anti-chemical package IPP-8 is designed to equip personnel and is designed to provide first aid in the form of self- and mutual aid in case of damage by droplet-liquid toxic substances.

IPP-8 ensures partial sanitary treatment of open areas skin and immediately adjacent areas of uniforms contaminated with droplet-liquid toxic substances.

The package consists of a flat glass bottle with a capacity of 200 ml filled with a universal degassing solution, four cotton-gauze swabs and a reminder about the rules for using the package.

Characteristics of the IPP-8 package.

The amount of degasser in the bottle ensures the treatment of 1500-2000 cm2 of body surface. The volume of the degassing formulation is 135 ml. Packaging - polyethylene shell. Weight - 250 g. Time to activate the package - 25-35 s. Treatment duration is 1.5-2 minutes.

When exposed skin is infected with an aerosol and drops of chemical agent and their degassing, the procedure for carrying out partial special treatment using IPP-8 while wearing a gas mask at the time the enemy uses the chemical agent is as follows:

When using IPP-8, it is necessary to open the package shell, remove the bottle and tampons, unscrew the cap of the bottle and moisten the tampon generously with its contents.

Using a moistened swab, thoroughly wipe open areas of skin and the helmet-mask (mask) of the gas mask that are suspected of being infected.

Moisten the swab again and wipe the edges of the collar and cuff adjacent to the skin with it.

When treated with liquid, a burning sensation of the skin may occur, which quickly passes and does not affect well-being and performance.

It must be remembered that the liquid in the package is poisonous and dangerous to the eyes. Therefore, the skin around the eyes should be wiped with a dry swab and rinsed clean water or 2% soda solution.

Individual anti-chemical package IPP-9.

IPP-9 is a cylindrical metal vessel with a screw cap. When using the bag, the lid is placed on the bottom of the bag.

To moisten the sponge (it is used in this bag instead of cotton-gauze swabs), you need to push the punch, which is used to open the vessel, all the way and, turning the bag over, shake it 2-3 times.

Wipe the skin of the face, hands, and contaminated areas of clothing with a moistened sponge. After this, pull the punch out of the vessel back until it stops and screw on the lid. The package can be used for re-processing.

Individual anti-chemical package IPP-10.

a b

Individual anti-chemical package IPP-11 IPP-10 is a cylindrical metal vessel with a lid-nozzle with stops, which is attached to a strap.

There is a punch inside the lid. When using the bag, turn the lid off the stops and hit it to open the container (under the lid).

Remove the lid and pour 10-15 ml of liquid into your palm through the hole formed, treat the front of your face and neck. Then pour another 10-15 ml of liquid and treat the hands and back of the neck. Close the bag with a lid and store for re-processing.

Individual anti-chemical package IPP-11.

IPP-11 is intended for the prevention of skin blister lesions with highly toxic (insecticides, pesticides) and poisonous substances through open areas of the skin, as well as for degassing of these substances on the skin in the temperature range from - 20? From up to +50? C. When applied to the skin in advance, the protective effect of PPI-11 lasts for 24 hours.

The product IPP-11 has a degassing ability against all known toxic substances with blister action.

At the same time, it does not irritate the skin, but on the contrary, relieves irritation and painful sensations skin, including contact with toxic substances of the CS type.

PPI-11 is effective when treating skin around wounds and is safe if the product comes into contact with wounds. The product is chemically neutral in relation to any construction materials and fabrics.

The IPP-11 formulation is a liniment of salts of rare earth elements in polyoxyglycols.

IPP-11 is a sealed bag containing a non-woven tampon impregnated with the product.

Package weight - about 35 g. Dimensions - 90x130x8 mm. Each military member is recommended to carry four bags. IPP-11 has no analogues abroad in its composition and properties.

When carrying out preventive treatment, apply evenly to exposed skin of the face, neck and hands using a tampon removed from the package (one package per treatment).

For emergency decontamination, use a swab to treat exposed skin areas and the adjacent edges of clothing (one bag per treatment).

Individual dressing package. Ingredients, purpose and instructions for use

The individual dressing package (IPP) is designed to provide self- and mutual assistance at the site of injury.

Individual dressing package PPI-1.

The procedure for opening IPP-1:

a - the procedure for opening the package; b - unfolded package; 1 - fixed pad; 2 - movable pad; 3 - bandage; 4 - beginning of the bandage; 5

Wound dressing using PPI-1:

a - dressing of two wounds; b - dressing one wound. Individual dressing package IPP-1 is an external, sealed rubberized bag. Inside it is an inner paper (three layers of parchment) shell, which contains a sterile bandage with two pads and a pin.

The guaranteed shelf life of PPI-1 is 5 years.

The contents of the package are sterile and consist of a bandage and two stitched cotton-gauze pads, folded in half. One of the pads is fixed on the bandage, the other can be easily moved.

The procedure for opening an individual dressing package

The outer shell is torn along the existing incision.

Remove the pin and dressing, packed in a paper casing.

The paper shell is removed using a cut thread.

The bandage is unfolded in such a way as not to touch with your hands those surfaces of the cotton-gauze pads that will be adjacent to the wound. Cotton-gauze pads are taken with hands only from the side stitched with colored threads.

Use of personal dressing package PPI-1 for first aid.

If a bandage is applied to one wound, the second pad should be placed on top of the first (Fig. b).

If a bandage is applied to two wounds, then the movable pad is moved away from the fixed one to such a distance that both wounds can be closed (Fig. a).

The pads are held on the wounds with a bandage.

The end of the bandage is secured with a pin to the surface of the bandage or tied.

The outer rubberized sheath of PPI-1 is used to apply an occlusive dressing for penetrating wounds of the chest.