Socio-psychological management methods the theory of common sense. Socio-psychological methods

in the discipline "Management"

on the topic: "Social psychological methods management"

  • 1. The essence of socio-psychological methods of management
  • 2. Practical psychology of management and methods psychological impact

Management methods are ways of implementing managerial influences on personnel in order to achieve the goals of managing an organization.

There are economic, administrative-legal and socio-psychological methods of management, which differ in the ways and effectiveness of the impact on the staff.

Economic methods of management are ways of influencing personnel based on the use of economic laws. Administrative-legal methods are ways of implementing managerial influences on personnel based on power relations, discipline and a system of administrative-legal penalties.

Socio-psychological methods of management are important for influencing personnel, constituting its socio-psychological basis.


Socio-psychological methods are methods of implementing managerial influences on personnel based on the use of the laws of sociology and psychology. These methods are aimed at both a group of employees and individuals. According to the scale and methods of influence, they can be divided into: sociological, aimed at groups of employees in the process of their production interaction, and psychological, purposefully influencing the inner world of a particular individual.

The modern concept of management puts forward as priorities: preservation, cooperation, quality, partnership, integration. At the center of the strategic concept of personnel management is the person as the highest value for the organization. Such complex organism, which is the personnel of a modern organization, cannot be considered from the standpoint of the content of only its formal structure and its decomposition into separate parts.

Along with the structural approach, which reflects the statics of the personnel, the behavioral approach, which considers a specific person, the system of relations between people, their competence, abilities, motivation to work and achieve the goals, is predominant. The reasons that encourage people to unite in organizations and interact within their formal framework are the physical and biological limitations inherent in each individual, and the goals, the achievement of which requires collective efforts. Combining their efforts, each employee complements each other and thereby influences the behavior of the organization as a whole in order to increase its efficiency.

The main role in considering the life of personnel in the structure of the organization belongs to the science of management. A comprehensive solution to the problems of the organization requires taking into account that it includes objects of a dual nature:

factors that determine the socio-psychological structure

Organizations (staff with a combination of individual abilities, interests, behavioral motives, informal relationships, etc.);

factors production structure(objects and tools of labor, technological standards, etc.).

The target task of management theory is to study the influence of individual and group behavior on the functioning of the organization.

Psychology studies and predicts the behavior of the individual, the possibility of changing the behavior of the individual, reveals the conditions that interfere or contribute to the rational actions or actions of people. Modern psychology focuses on the methods of perception, learning and training, identifying needs and developing motivational methods, assessing the degree of job satisfaction, and the psychological aspects of decision-making processes.

Research in the field of sociology expands the understanding of personnel, as social system where individuals play their roles and enter into certain relationships. The study of group behavior is essential, sociological conclusions and recommendations regarding group dynamics, processes of self-realization, communications, status and power become relevant.

Issues of cause-and-effect relationships in the group activities of personnel are studied by social psychology. To assess the effectiveness of group activity, it is extremely important to analyze changes in people's positions, forms of communication, and ways to meet individual needs through group activity.

The contribution of anthropology to the psychology of management lies in the study of the function of the culture of society as a social memory of the past, which underlies the differences in fundamental values, attitudes and norms of human behavior, manifested in group activities.

Economic sciences make it possible to form the goals and strategy of the staff, justify the methods of economic incentives, build and implement remuneration structures.

Legal sciences provide insight into the system of social norms and various aspects of legal regulation labor relations. Regulations play a key role in management procedures - intra-company rules of interaction that regulate legal basis group and individual activities.

Personnel management is based on the information basis of the interaction of individuals and groups. Information systems based on the laws, methods, methods and technical means of informatics allow linking together all the processes of personnel functioning.

Management is carried out through the interaction of people and the leader in his activities must take into account the laws of the dynamics of psychological processes, interpersonal relationships, group behavior.

The law of response uncertainty (the law of the dependence of people's perception of external influences on their difference psychological structures) establishes that different people and even one person different time may respond differently to the same stimuli. This leads to a misunderstanding of the needs, expectations, perceptions of the individual in a particular business situation. As a result, interaction models are used that are inadequate neither to the characteristics of psychological structures in general, nor to the psychological state of each of the interaction partners at a particular moment in particular.

The law of the inadequacy of the reflection of a person by a person is that no person can comprehend another person with such a degree of certainty that would be sufficient to make serious decisions about this person. This law takes into account the continuous variability of the nature and essence of man in accordance with the law of age asynchrony. Anyone, even an adult of a certain calendar age, at different moments of life can be at different levels of physiological, intellectual, emotional, social, motivational-volitional decisions. In addition, consciously or intuitively, a person tries to protect himself from attempts to understand his features in order to avoid the danger of falling under the influence of a person prone to manipulating people. As a result, using various defensive techniques, a person shows himself to people the way he would like to be seen by others. Knowledge of the real psychological portrait of a person is facilitated by the principle of universal talent (there are no people who are incapable, there are people who are not engaged in their own business), the principle of development (abilities develop as a result of changes in the living conditions of the individual and intellectual and psychological training), the principle of inexhaustibility (not a single assessment of a person with his life cannot be considered final).

The law of inadequacy of self-esteem takes into account that the human psyche is an organic unity of two components: the conscious (logical-thinking) and the unconscious (emotional-sensory, intuitive), making up, as it were, the surface (visible) and underwater (hidden) parts of the iceberg.

The law of splitting the meaning of managerial information takes into account the objective tendency to change the meaning of directive and other information in the process of its movement along the hierarchical ladder of management. This is explained both by the allegorical possibilities of the used "clerical" language of information, which leads to differences in its interpretation, and by differences in education, intellectual development, and the mental state of participants in the transmission and analysis of information. Changes in the meaning of information are directly proportional to the length (number of participants) of the information channel.

The law of self-preservation states that the leading motive social behavior personality in management activities is the preservation of her personal social status, her personal solvency, self-esteem.

The law of compensation states that with a high level of stimulation to work and high requirements of the organizational environment for a person, the lack of any abilities for a successful specific activity is compensated by other abilities or skills. Such a compensatory mechanism often works unconsciously, a person acquires his own personal experience through trial and error. However, it should be borne in mind that with a sufficiently high level of complexity of management activities, this law is practically not applicable.

A number of other regularities are known (for example, Parkinson's law, Peter's principles, Murphy's laws, and others) that expand and supplement the stated laws.

Recognizing the fact that the main provisions of modern management psychology were substantiated by Western schools of psychology, it is necessary to note the contribution of domestic science to this most important area of ​​human relations. So, for example, four main theories of personality belong to domestic psychology:

The theory of relations - A.F. Lazursky (1874-1917), V.N. Myasishchev (1892-1973),

The theory of activity - L.S. Vygotsky (1896-1934), A.N. Leontiev (1903-1979),

communication theory - B.F. Lomov (1927-1989), A.A. Bodalev, K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya,

installation theory - D.N. Uznadze (1886-1950), A.S. Prangishvili.

Generally recognized are the theory of learning or the behavioral school of I.P. Pavlov and the development of a number of other Soviet and Russian scientists.


The practical psychology of management has a wide range research methods, including:

observational (observation and self-observation),

experiment (laboratory, natural and formative),

praximal (analysis of the process and results of labor activity, chronometry, cyclography of labor actions, professiography),

Biographical (analysis of events, facts, dates life path),

Psychodiagnostics (conversations, tests, questionnaires, interviews, sociometry, expert assessments).

Psychodiagnostics is a field of psychology that develops methods for identifying individual characteristics and prospects for the development of a personality, the science and practice of making a psychological diagnosis in order to solve psychological problems.

Sociological methods make it possible to assess the place and purpose of employees in a team, identify informal leaders and provide them with support, use staff motivation to achieve the final result of work, ensure effective communications and prevention interpersonal conflicts in a collective. Sociological methods of management include: social planning, sociological research, assessment of personal qualities, morality, partnership, competition, conflict management.

Social planning allows you to form social goals and criteria, develop social standards (standard of living, wages, working conditions, etc.) and planned indicators, contributes to the achievement of final social results: an increase in life expectancy, a decrease in the incidence rate, an increase in the level of education and qualifications employees, reduction of occupational injuries, etc. The plans for the social development of the team were previously widely used in the activities of any enterprises in the USSR, are currently relevant for large foreign companies and deserve to be revived in the post-crisis Russian practice.

Sociological research serves as a tool in working with personnel and provides HR specialists with the necessary data to make informed decisions in the selection, evaluation, placement, adaptation and training of personnel. Modern methods sociological research is very diverse and may include: questionnaires, interviews, sociometric observations, interviews, etc.

Personal qualities determine the inner world of an employee, which is quite stably reflected in the process of work and is an integral part of the sociology of personality. These qualities are usually divided into business (organizational), which determine the effectiveness of the decision. specific tasks and performance of role functions, and moral (moral), reflecting the personal moral qualities of the employee.

Morality is a special form of social consciousness that regulates the actions and behavior of a person in a social environment through moral standards and rules. Issues of corporate morality are reflected in the philosophy of the organization.

Partnership is essential to ensure a variety of forms of relationships in the team. In contrast to the formal chain of command, which determine the interdependence of employees, in a partnership, everyone acts as an equal member of the group. There are the following forms of partnership: business, friendly, hobbies, etc. Partnerships are built on the basis of mutually acceptable issues of persuasion, imitation, requests, advice, praise. Business relations built in the form of friendly partnership and common hobbies always contribute to the creation of a good social and psychological climate in the team.

Competition is manifested in the desire of people for success, superiority, achievements and self-affirmation. The principles of competition are reflected in modern theories "Y" and "Z" of staff motivation.

Management psychology studies human behavior in the process of social production. Psychological management methods play an important role in working with personnel, they are aimed at a specific person and, as a rule, are individual. The main feature of these methods is that they are aimed at the inner world of a person, his personality, intellect, feelings, images, behavior and allow you to focus the internal potential of an employee on solving specific production problems.

Psychological planning is a new direction in working with personnel to form an effective psychological state team. It includes: setting development goals and developing criteria for the effectiveness of production activities, substantiating psychological standards, creating methods for planning the socio-psychological climate and achieving end results. The results of psychological planning are:

formation of divisions (groups) taking into account the psychological compatibility of employees;

Creation of a comfortable socio-psychological climate in the team;

formation of personal motivation of employees based on the philosophy of the organization;

minimization of interpersonal conflicts;

· development of models of professional advancement of employees on the basis of psychological orientation;

· growth of intellectual abilities and level of qualification of the personnel;

· formation of organizational culture on the basis of norms of behavior and images of "effective" employees.

Important in psychological planning is the conduct of socio-psychological modeling. The need to include psychological models is due to the extremely important role of a person in business. Socio-psychological modeling is an experimental reproduction of the activities of a group of people in real time in given social and physical conditions. As a means of modeling, a device-model known in domestic psychology is used. joint activities"Arch", developed by Chernyshev A.S. in 1968, and modified for control problems by Lunev Yu.A. in 1996. The device is a collapsible structure in the form of an arch (hence the name of the device). The Arch technique is designed to solve a group problem that requires coordinated interaction of a group of people consisting of 2 to 20 people. This unique method creates ample opportunities for modeling, control and regulation of real group processes.

With the help of "Arch" you can successfully form the following types of individual competencies:

· teamwork skills;

communication skills and the ability to influence other people (the ability to actively listen, achieve mutual understanding, present oneself positively, create influence strategies, understand the organizational and cultural environment, etc.);

The ability to control oneself.

The Arch technique is also very useful in terms of the development of the management team (or project team). The developmental effect of the application is manifested in the following areas:

development of organization as the ability of a team to combine diverse opinions and actions in a single direction;

development of leadership as a phenomenon of spontaneous delegation of authority by a group to one of its members;

development of the group's ability to organize and plan joint activities;

· optimizing the psychological climate in the team and increasing team cohesion.

The work procedure provides for a flexible change in the status and role positions of the participants (subordination, leadership, parity), enriching their individual experience of real life in groups.

Video recording of the work with the "Arch" provides valuable feedback to the participants and helps them to correct the style and process characteristics of leadership and collective interaction.

During the use of "Arka" in a joint experiment of the Institute of Psychology of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems of the USSR Ministry of Health on the study of group activity in stressful situations and in the course of training managers at enterprises, it was shown that work on the device provides significant psychotherapeutic effects. The authors have developed procedures that train the stress resistance of the individual.

Methods of psychological influence are the most important components of psychological management methods. They summarize the necessary and legally permitted methods of psychological impact on personnel to coordinate the actions of employees in the process of joint production activities. The permitted methods of psychological influence include: suggestion, persuasion, imitation, involvement, inducement, coercion, condemnation, demand, prohibition, censure, command, deceiving expectations, hint, compliment, praise, request, advice, etc.

Suggestion is a targeted psychological impact on the personality of a subordinate by the leader by referring to group expectations and motives for inducing work.

The belief is based on a reasoned and logical impact on the psyche of the employee to achieve the goals, remove psychological barriers, eliminate conflicts in the team.

Imitation is a way of influencing an individual employee or social group through a personal example of a leader or other leader, whose behavior patterns are an example for others.

Involvement is a psychological technique by which employees become accomplices in the labor or social process (making agreed decisions, competition, etc.).

Motivation is a positive form of moral influence on an employee that increases social significance employee in the team, when emphasized positive traits employee, his experience and qualifications, motivation for the successful completion of the assigned work.

Coercion is an extreme form of psychological influence in the absence of the results of other forms of influence, when an employee is forced to perform certain work against his will and desire.

Condemnation is a method of psychological impact on an employee who allows large deviations from the moral standards of the team or whose work results are extremely unsatisfactory. Such a technique cannot be applied to employees with a weak psyche and is practically useless for influencing the backward part of the team.

The demand has the force of a command and can be effective only when the leader has great power or enjoys unquestioned authority. In many respects, a categorical requirement is analogous to a prohibition, acting as mild form coercion.

Prohibition provides a retarding effect on a person and, in fact, is a variant of suggestion, as well as restrictions on unlawful behavior (inactivity, attempts to steal, etc.).

Reprimand has a persuasive power only in those conditions when the employee considers himself a follower and is psychologically inextricably linked with the leader, otherwise the censure is perceived as a mentor's edification.

Command is used when accurate and quick execution of instructions is required without discussion and criticism.

The deceit of expectations is effective in a situation of intense expectation, when previous events have formed a strictly directed train of thought in the employee, which has revealed its inconsistency and allows him to accept a new idea without objection.

A hint is a method of indirect persuasion through a joke, an ironic remark, and an analogy. In fact, the allusion does not refer to consciousness and logical reasoning, but to emotions. Since the hint is a potential insult to the person, it should be used taking into account the specific emotional state of the employee.

A compliment should not be confused with flattery; it should not offend, but elevate the employee, prompt reflection. The subject of a compliment should be things, deeds, ideas, etc., indirectly related to a particular employee.

Praise is a positive psychological method of influencing a person and has a stronger effect than condemnation.

Request is a very common form of informal communication and is effective method leadership, as it is perceived by the subordinate as a benevolent order and demonstrates a respectful attitude towards his personality.

Advice is a psychological method based on a combination of request and persuasion. AT operational work requiring quick decisions, the use of advice should be limited.

The response to psychological techniques and methods of control are mood, feelings and behavior.

Mood is a weakly expressed emotional experience that has not yet reached a stable and conscious certainty.

Feeling is special kind emotional experiences that have a clearly expressed objective character and are characterized by comparative stability.

Feelings reflect the moral experiences of a person's real relationship with the environment in the form of emotions. There are moral, aesthetic, patriotic and intellectual feelings. According to the degree of manifestation of feelings, emotional states of appeasement, involvement, experience, threat, horror are distinguished.

Emotions are specific experiences of certain events in a person's life, depending on his inclinations, habits and psychological state. Depending on the reaction, emotions can be:

positive (joy, surprise, pleasure, etc.),

negative (anger, anger, irritation, envy, resentment, sadness, annoyance, etc.),

· ambivalent (contradictory - jealousy, rivalry, hint, etc.).

Behavior is expressed in a set of interrelated reactions carried out by a person to adapt to environment. There are five main forms of human behavior in a social environment:

· "angelic", in the form of a complete denial of evil and violence;

· highly moral, proclaiming strict adherence to high principles of behavior (honesty, disinterestedness, generosity, wisdom, sincerity, etc.);

normal, based on adherence to the principles of public morality, allowing deviations and shortcomings, on the dialectical unity of good and evil;

immoral, when personal interests, motives and needs are placed above the accepted norms of behavior in a social group;

· "devilish", i.e. absolutely immoral, illegal and contrary to laws, public morality and norms.


Modern Russian economic relations do not contribute to maintaining a comfortable socio-psychological climate in the team. For this reason, it is important to predict the impact of socio-psychological management methods on the work of personnel, given that these methods are the most subtle tool for influencing social groups and the personality of a particular employee, such a tool requires a dosed and differentiated application.

Technologies for building the basis of socio-psychological management have only recently begun to take on more or less clear outlines, however, today we can already assume that the methodology and tools for solving this problem already exist and any enterprise can start moving in this direction.


1. Alekseev A., Pigalov V. Business administration in practice - a manager's toolkit. M., 1994.

2. Vikhansky O.S. Strategic Management. M., 2001.

3. Egorshin A.P. Personnel Management. N. Novgorod, 2001.

4. Diesel P.M., Runyan U.M. human behavior in an organization. M., 1993.

5. Zdravomyslov A.P. Needs. Interests. Values. M., 1986.

6. Ladanov I.D. Practical management. Psychotechnics of management and self-training. M., 1995.

7. Lunev Yu.A. The use of hardware devices "Arka" in organizational consulting//Psychology and practice, RPO Yearbook. T.4. Issue. 3 - Yaroslavl, 1998.

Personnel management methods are methods of influencing the team as a whole and specific employees to coordinate and plan their activities in the production process. There are three main groups of methods: administrative, economic and socio-psychological methods of management.

The first group of methods is based on the application of power and the establishment of strict discipline. Economic methods are based on the use of economic laws. Socio-psychological methods of personnel management are based on the correct and understandable. plain language these are the “stick”, “carrot” and “persuasion” methods.

administrative methods. Do not think that the administrative method is bad and irrational. On the contrary, it is based on a clear understanding by employees of their goal, the establishment of labor discipline, a culture of work activity, a sense of duty and responsibility. Any order from higher management must be strictly executed in accordance with the regulatory rules. Personal initiative is not welcome. Organizational impact includes organizational and methodological instruction, organizational regulation and regulation. Regulations are present in any kind of activity of the organization. The incoming information is strictly standardized.

Economic methods. The basis of economic methods is technical and economic planning. Such planning determines the organization's program of activities. The management approves certain plans, which are further communicated to the line managers of structural divisions. Each division has its own current plan and its own plan-goal. are very popular in modern world where the market economy prevails. The complex interaction of the system of profits, losses, prices and demand creates the prerequisites for creating an effective and flexible system for managing an organization. The main goal of economic methods is to mobilize the personnel of the enterprise to achieve the planned results.

Socio-psychological methods of management are based on the system of personal characteristics of the staff, relationships in the team, social needs, etc. Socio-psychological are very specific: their basis rests on the laws of sociology and psychology, the interests of the individual, the collective, the group. There are two large groups methods: socio-psychological management methods aimed at groups of people and socio-psychological management methods aimed at the personality of a particular employee.

This classification is very arbitrary, since a person is not isolated in a team, he necessarily belongs to any group, carrying out joint work with other employees of an enterprise or firm. Sociological methods allow you to highlight key figures in the team, provide permission and warning conflict situations in a team, etc. These methods are among the main tools for working with a team, because, thanks to them, you can get the best data for selection, placement, evaluation,

For example, questioning, as the most massive survey of personnel, allows you to identify a huge layer of information. To conduct an interview, additional training and a highly qualified interviewer will be required, but as a result, the necessary information will again be obtained. To analyze the psychological atmosphere in a team, it is best to use This method is based on building a matrix of personal contacts between people and identifying leaders. The observation method allows you to determine the hidden qualities of employees, which appear only in force majeure circumstances. The interview is indispensable in hiring, negotiations and

Socio-psychological methods come from motivation and moral influence on people and are known as "persuasion methods":
1. Establishment of moral sanctions and rewards.
2. Development of initiative and responsibility among employees.
3. Establishment of social norms of behavior.
4. Creation of a normal psychological climate.
5. Formation of teams, groups.
6. Satisfaction of cultural and spiritual needs.
7. Social and moral motivation and stimulation.
8. Participation of workers in management.
9. Creation of a creative atmosphere.
10. Socio-psychological planning.
11. Socio-psychological analysis.

Socio-psychological methods of management are based on the use of the social mechanism of management (the system of relationships in the team, social needs, etc.). The specificity of these methods lies in a significant proportion of the use of informal factors, the interests of the individual, group, team in the process of personnel management. Socio-psychological methods are based on the use of laws of sociology and psychology. The object of their influence are groups of people and individuals. According to the scale and methods of influence, these methods can be divided into two main groups: sociological methods, which are aimed at groups of people and their interaction in the process of work; psychological methods that directly affect the personality of a particular person.
Such a division is rather arbitrary, since in modern social production a person always acts not in an isolated world, but in a group of people with different psychology. However, the effective management of human resources, consisting of a set of highly developed personalities, requires knowledge of both sociological and psychological methods.
sociological methods play an important role in personnel management, they allow you to establish the appointment and place of employees in the team, identify leaders and provide their support, connect people's motivation with the final results of production, ensure effective communication and conflict resolution in the team.
The setting of social goals and criteria, the development of social standards (standard of living, wages, housing needs, working conditions, etc.) and planned indicators, the achievement of final social results ensures social planning .
Sociological research methods, being scientific tools in working with personnel, provide the necessary data for the selection, evaluation, placement and training of personnel and allow reasonable acceptance personnel decisions. Questioning allows you to collect the necessary information through a mass survey of people using special questionnaires. Interviewing involves preparing a script (program) before the conversation, then - in the course of a dialogue with the interlocutor - obtaining the necessary information. Interview- the ideal version of a conversation with a leader, political or statesman - requires a high qualification of the interviewer and considerable time. sociometric method indispensable in the analysis of business and friendly relationships in a team, when a matrix of preferred contacts between people is built on the basis of a survey of employees, which also shows informal leaders in the team. Observation method allows you to identify the qualities of employees, which are sometimes found only in an informal setting or extreme life situations (accident, fight, natural disaster). An interview is a common method in business negotiations, hiring, educational events, when small personnel tasks are solved in an informal conversation.
Psychological methods play an important role in working with personnel, as they are aimed at the specific personality of the worker or employee and, as a rule, are strictly personalized and individual. Their main feature is the appeal to the inner world of a person, his personality, intellect, images and behavior in order to direct the inner potential of a person to solve specific problems of the organization.
Psychological planning constitutes a new direction in work with personnel on the formation of an effective psychological state of the organization's team. It proceeds from the need for the concept of the comprehensive development of the individual, the elimination of negative trends in the degradation of the backward part of the labor collective. Psychological planning involves setting development goals and performance criteria, developing psychological standards, methods for planning the psychological climate and achieving final results. It is advisable that psychological planning be carried out by a professional psychological service of the organization, consisting of social psychologists. The most important results of psychological planning include: the formation of units ("teams") based on the psychological compliance of employees; comfortable psychological climate in the team: the formation of personal motivation of people based on the philosophy of the organization; minimization of psychological conflicts (scandals, resentment, stress, irritation); development of a service career based on the psychological orientation of employees; the growth of the intellectual abilities of the members of the team and the level of their education; formation corporate culture based on the norms of behavior and images of ideal employees.

It is known that the results of labor largely depend on a number of socio-psychological factors. The ability to take into account these factors and use them to purposefully influence individual employees will help the manager to form a team with common goals and objectives. Sociological studies show that if the success of an economic manager is 15% dependent on his professional knowledge, then 85% depends on the ability to work with people.

Knowing the characteristics of behavior, the nature of each individual, it is possible to predict his behavior in the direction necessary for the team. This is due to the fact that each group has its own psychological climate. Therefore, an essential condition for the formation and development of labor collectives is the observance of the principle of psychophysiological compatibility. Japanese sociologists argue that the mood, the desire of a person to work, and how much the moral and psychological situation in the team stimulates workers, labor productivity can increase by about 1.5 times or decrease several times.

Insufficient attention to the socio-psychological aspects of management cannot but affect labor productivity. As practice shows, the formation of a healthy moral and psychological climate, the cultivation of a sense of comradely mutual assistance and collectivism is more active in market-type collectives. The paper presents interesting data from sociological studies confirming this thesis. Thus, 91% of the respondents believe that an atmosphere of mutual exactingness and responsibility has begun to take shape among the members of labor collectives; better side) attitude to work and the distribution of its pay, 82% of the surveyed workers of mass professions are interested in and "sick" for the success of their colleagues.

In order for the impact on the team to be most effective, it is necessary not only to know the moral and psychological features individual performers, socio-psychological characteristics of groups and collectives, but also to carry out the appropriate control action. For these purposes, apply socio-psychological methods, which are a set of specific ways of influencing personal relationships and connections that arise in labor collectives, as well as on the social processes taking place in them. They are based on the use of moral incentives for work, methods of influencing a person with the help of psychological techniques in order to turn an administrative task into a conscious necessity, an internal need of a person. This is achieved through techniques that are personal character such as the formation of authorities, the personal example of leaders and the best employees, etc.

The main goal of applying these methods is the formation of a favorable socio-psychological climate in the team, thanks to which it is possible to solve organizational and economic and even educational problems. Socio-psychological methods of management are based on the postulate, according to which the goals set for the team can be achieved using one of the most important criteria for the effectiveness and quality of work - human factor. The ability to take this circumstance into account will allow the leader to purposefully influence the team, create working conditions adequate to the current tasks, and ultimately form a team united in its goal orientation.

The main means of influencing the team is persuasion. When persuading, the leader must take into account the nature of human behavior and human relations in the process of joint activity as fully as possible. Understanding by the manager of the biological nature and inner world personality helps him choose the most effective forms of formation and activation of the team. The object of socio-psychological guidance in the labor collective is the relationship of workers, their attitude to the means of labor and factors of the external environment.

The need to use socio-psychological management methods in the practice of managing an organization is obvious, since they allow you to take into account the motives of activity and the needs of employees in a timely manner, see the prospects for changing a particular situation, and make the right management decisions.

Techniques and methods of socio-psychological influence are largely determined by the preparedness of the leader, his competence, organizational skills and knowledge in the field social psychology. Such methods require that the team be led by people who can use a variety of management tools and have the ability to see problems systematically. The success of the leader in this case depends on how correctly he uses various forms socio-psychological impact, which will ultimately form positive interpersonal relationships. The following can be recommended as the main forms of such influence: planning the social development of labor collectives; persuasion as a method of education and personality formation; economic rivalry; the possibility of criticism and self-criticism; discussion of topical issues with representatives of the team, which is one of the forms of staff participation in the management of the organization.

In a number scientific works(for example, in) social and psychological methods are considered in isolation.

Let's take a closer look social methods. The abilities of people "can be most fully realized, and the productivity of their labor will increase dramatically if a production team is created where there is a creative environment, a healthy socio-psychological climate, mutual assistance, submission to the established order. The use of social methods means creating equal opportunities for all members of the team (outside depending on their position and other merits) when receiving various social benefits; organization and implementation of social planning and regulation aimed at improving the working conditions and recreation of members of the workforce, increasing their production activity. Specifically, this happens through the exchange of experience, the dissemination of initiatives, innovation, education, persuasion, holding various holidays, gala evenings, competitions, etc.

The most complex content psychological methods management. They are based on a deep knowledge of the psychological nature of man, the structure of his needs. Here, the leader cannot do without the help of science, because the laws of human behavior are hidden from direct observation. To apply these methods, it is necessary to know the psychological characteristics of individual workers, the socio-psychological characteristics of individual groups and collectives.

The most important of the psychological methods are methods of psychological motivation (motivation), professional selection, orientation, and training. The implementation of these methods consists in the periodic assessment of professional suitability, psychological climate and job satisfaction in the team, in education, personal psychological counseling of employees and much more.

In conclusion of the issue of management methods, we note that in the work of a manager it is important not only the effective use of a particular method, but their coordination with each other, the complex use of all groups of methods.

management management administrative economic