Rheoencephalography: what it is and why it is performed. Rheoencephalography (NES of cerebral vessels): an old but proven method. Rag head procedure

Rheoencephalography or REG of vessels brain - a study that is carried out using a rheograph and evaluates cerebral circulation. You can find out about the tone of blood vessels in some area and how it fills with blood.

What is REG based on and how is the research carried out?

The method is based on the difference between the electrical conductivity of human brain tissue and blood. Pulsating blood fluctuations are reflected in the electrical conductivity of the area being examined.

Many people are concerned about the purpose of REG of the brain, what it is in general and whether this study will cause any harm to the body. Rheoencephalography cannot cause harm, since it is a non-invasive research method, that is, one that is carried out without violating the integrity of the skin.

REG makes it possible to determine the degree of blood viscosity, as well as how quickly the pulse wave propagates, assess latent stages, blood circulation speed, and characterize the severity of local vascular reactions.

During the examination, the patient is in a supine position. Eyes must be closed. Metal electrodes are placed on his head, lubricated to improve conductivity, and secured with rubber bands.

Before applying the paste, the electrodes are wiped with alcohol to degrease. The first electrode is placed on mastoid, and the second – with inside brow ridge. A small electrical voltage passes through the electrodes, which records the state of the brain vessels.

Sometimes, to obtain more accurate information, the patient is prescribed drugs that affect the walls of blood vessels. To such medicinal substances include caffeine, papaverine, nitroglycerin, aminophylline.

Why is rheoencephalography needed?

The purposes for which REG is performed may be different:

  • diagnosis of disorders cerebral circulation, pathology of cerebral vessels;
  • study of blood movement through lateral vessels;
  • determination of the degree of hypertension;
  • control of blood circulation in the brain after TBI or surgery;
  • diagnosis of cerebral hemorrhages;
  • clarification of the diagnosis for pain in the head, dizziness;
  • diagnosis of tinnitus;
  • clarification of disorders in vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • encephalopathy;
  • brain tumors.

Is it possible to do without examining the vessels of the central nervous system?

All processes occurring in the body are regulated by the central nervous system. All cells of this perfect system cannot exist without oxygen and nutrients that they bring to her blood vessels. How well a person feels depends on how well the blood circulation copes with its functions. The blood that nourishes the body and brain should not encounter any obstacles on its way. If along the way the blood is delayed by a narrowed vessel or some kind of blockage, or its movement is interrupted for some reason, an urgent clarification of the reasons for this circumstance is necessary.

The elasticity and smoothness of our blood vessels, good blood circulation, which nourishes tissues and organs and removes harmful and unnecessary substances, is a normal phenomenon. If this process proceeds without disruption, we practically do not pay attention to it. But some factors and circumstances can damage blood vessels. Sooner or later there comes a time when they lose the ability to normal thermoregulation; if you have to move from one climate zone to another, the person feels very bad. They cannot respond normally to stress, so any stress on the nervous system can lead to vascular disaster.

Causes of circulatory disorders

Cholesterol plaques, which are deposited in the vessels and lead to a narrowing of their lumen, can lead to poor circulation. This pathology is called atherosclerosis. The result can be a stroke or myocardial infarction. A violation of hematopoiesis may consist in the formation of blood clots, which tend to break off, move through the blood vessels and close its lumen, in other words, an ischemic stroke develops.

If a person once suffered a traumatic brain injury, which seemed to result in a complete recovery, sooner or later the intracranial pressure. This also leads to circulatory problems. If a hematoma has formed in the brain area, this also leads to disorders normal movement blood through the vessels.

Fact! Rheoencephalography can detect circulatory disorders, the symptoms of which are mild and appear infrequently. A study of circulatory pathologies conducted in early stages, will help prevent serious consequences that can lead to disability and even endanger a person’s life.

What are the dangers of so-called non-serious diseases and how can REG help in this case?

Some pathologies do not pose a threat to life, but significantly complicate human existence. Such a condition, for example, is considered to be neurocircular dystonia or the same migraine, which at all times was considered a lady’s whim, has “survived” to this day and does not allow most women to exist normally.

All relatives and friends consider a woman complaining of migraine attacks to be absolutely healthy, but severe pain in the head area significantly worsen her quality of life. Such an attitude can lead to the woman herself thinking of her illness as a simulation. However, pain visits her monthly. Those who think that migraine is some kind of frivolous disease of spoiled ladies are not entirely right. Unbearable migraine pain can lead to disability. If you conduct an REG during the examination and prescribe adequate treatment, the patient will quickly feel better.

How is REG deciphered?

A specially trained doctor has the right to decipher rheoencephalography, who must take into account many circumstances and factors. First of all, this is the age of the person who completed the study. For a young person and someone who is elderly, the norms of elasticity and vascular tone are different. Based on the recorded waves, one can judge how full the brain is with blood and how it reacts to the movement of blood.

What does the image that remains after the REG mean:

  • one of the lines - anacrota - has a slightly rounded top, it rises high;
  • the catacrota or descending line is smooth, it goes down;
  • in the middle there is an incisura, a scar emanates from it, from which a descending wave descends and a new one begins.

To decipher rheoencephalography, a specialist evaluates the regularity of the waves, the apex and the degree of its rounding. The type of downward and upward waves is also important. It also matters where the midline is located, as well as whether there are additional waves and what the dicrotic scar looks like.

Types of REG results

Based on the results of the study, the doctor makes a conclusion about the condition of the blood vessels in the brain. These data may indicate the presence of some kind of pathology, but they are not a separate disease, but only a symptom of it. There are the following types of vascular conditions:

  • dystonic type indicates regular changes in vascular tone, hypotonicity predominates, pulse filling is low, venous outflow may be difficult;
  • angiodystonic type is similar to dystonic type, characterized by a decrease in vascular tone and elasticity due to disturbances in the structure of their walls, blood circulation is difficult in one area;
  • with the hypertensive type, vascular tone is always increased, which leads to difficulty in venous outflow.

REG and other studies of the brain of the head: what is the difference

Patients often confuse rheoencephalography with electroencephalography. Both of these studies are done on the brain. When conducting them, electrodes are put on the head, and the result is recorded on paper tape. Despite the seemingly obvious similarities, EEG and REG examine different brain functions. If REG gives a conclusion about blood circulation in the brain, then EEG examines the state of neurons in a certain area.

Brain pathology spares neither adults nor children. Timely diagnosed disease, as well as competent treatment will avoid severe complications, will preserve the patient’s quality of life and even life itself.

Diagnosis using REG of cerebral vessels or rheoentselography is one of the most informative, time-tested methods. Thanks to it, the possibility of timely provision of assistance to the patient increases and the likelihood of developing complications of the underlying disease decreases.

The study of the condition of blood vessels in other parts of the body has another name:

  • rheohepatography – diagnoses the condition of the liver;
  • rheovasography – vessels of the extremities;
  • rheocardiography – works with the condition of the heart;
  • rheopulmonography – characterizes the condition of the lungs.

There are other types of rheography. To study the blood supply to the brain when performing rheoencephalography, special equipment is used (a device called a rheograph). Usually it is an attachment to other multi-channel equipment: ECG devices, polygraph. Its “heart” is a high-frequency generator. The rheograph allows you to record a rheogram (graphic display of the obtained data). Interaction with the studied areas of the body occurs through metal electrodes - they are placed on a bare, previously defatted alcohol solution area of ​​skin. Improving contact is achieved by using a moistened saline solution gaskets To study the blood flow of a single area, two electrodes are used: the first is placed at the beginning of the area, the second at the end.

The REG procedure is similar to an EEG: electrodes are also attached to the patient’s head, which read data on blood flow to the brain

REG as a research method

Rheoencephalography, as a method for studying the blood supply to brain structures, is a safe, non-invasive way to obtain information about elasticity and tone vascular wall blood vessels supplying the brain. REG of the brain also allows you to determine the blood supply to individual structures of the brain. If a vascular lesion is present, its location and size are determined.

Using rheoencephalography, you can obtain meaningful data if the patient has vascular diseases, this method is very informative in relation to cerebral atherosclerosis, stroke, vertebrobasilar insufficiency. State Research vascular network with the help of REG makes it possible to install the real reason encephalopathies (headaches).

The information content of the REG can be increased by performing functional tests. The most common tests are nitroglycerin and nicotine. They allow you to assess the form of brain damage:

  • functional;
  • organic.

If, after taking nitroglycerin, the amplitude of the REG wave is insufficiently increased, this indicates “organism”. To assess the condition of the vertebral arteries, functional tests, suggesting a change in head position.

In addition to performing medical tests, the patient may be asked to change head position to check vertebral arteries

REG of vessels and ultrasound complement each other perfectly. Depending on the situation, preference is given to one or the other of them. Diagnosis using REG allows you to assess the condition of both large vessels and small ones. But in many cases, REG is only an additional method of examination. For example, this method of studying the state of the brain is often used in conjunction with EEG. Moreover, EEG remains the main diagnostic method. What is EEG and why is REG only a “method in the wings”?

REG and EEG – two sides of the same coin

In some cases, EEG is preferred to identify brain pathology - for example, in epilepsy. Or they use this method of study as the main one, supplementing it with studies that make it possible to study the condition of the blood vessels. EEG can detect more pathologies than rheoencephalography. An EEG is a recording of the electrical activity of the brain. Neuronal activity is recorded using electrodes attached to the patient's head.

The reasons for conducting an EEG are spontaneous loss of consciousness, headaches that cannot be relieved with medicines, sleep problems, vestibulopathies and excessive fatigue, suspected delay mental development children and epilepsy. This study also allows you to monitor the therapy being carried out. The question is what diagnostic procedure better, it’s not entirely correct to ask.

They choose diagnostic methods based on the suspicion of a particular pathological process. Often, diagnostic methods complement each other and their combined use allows you to quickly and accurately determine the cause of suffering.

How the research is carried out

The research procedure is not very complicated, but for the success and objectivity of the research, several rules must be followed. First, the patient must be calm. He needs to take a sitting position or lie down, close his eyes and try to relax not only physically, but also mentally. Calm must be maintained throughout the entire rheoencephalography procedure. Before the procedure, you should spend 15-30 minutes in calm state, and if the patient suffers from smoking, at least 2 hours before the procedure you need to refrain from smoking. Any drugs that can affect vascular tone should also not be taken before a rheoencephalography study.

The research process itself is simple to the point of banality. Areas of the scalp are degreased with alcohol, then electrodes are attached to them. During the examination, the diagnostician may ask the patient to make head movements or change body position.

To prevent the results of the study from being distorted, the patient needs to be in a calm state of mind and relax

Indications and contraindications

The range of diseases for which rheoencephalography can be prescribed is quite wide. REG of cerebral vessels is prescribed:

  • for injuries (bruises, concussions, traumatic brain injuries);
  • encephalopathies;
  • ischemia;
  • vestibulopathies;
  • weather sensitivity;
  • migraines and migraine-like conditions;
  • vertebral artery syndrome;
  • if diabetic microangiopathy is suspected;
  • with hearing impairment;
  • VSD, NDC;
  • hypertension;
  • with increased intracranial pressure;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • pituitary tumors;
  • cognitive disorders;
  • and a number of other pathological vascular changes.

The procedure may be prescribed as preventive measure when a person reaches old age, in order to notice the onset of pathology in time, since the elasticity of blood vessels decreases with age. REG is a non-traumatic procedure and is one of the safest forms of diagnostics.

Studying the blood supply to the head using REG is a simple procedure, but deciphering its results requires special education and skills. Therefore, make a diagnosis and correlate changes in the rheogram with possible pathologies The vascular system can only be examined by a specialist. In the process of analyzing the data obtained, the diagnostician studies deviations in the amplitude of the waves from the norm, the reaction of the REG wave to functional tests, and makes a conclusion about the normality or pathology of the vessels supplying the brain with blood. REG waves have several types. Common types are:

  • hypertensive type– characterized by persistent hypertonicity of the vascular wall of the vessels delivering blood to the brain and impaired outflow venous blood from brain structures;
  • dystonic type– disturbance of vascular tone, which is characterized by regular changes - for example, hypertonicity may predominate, combined with low pulse pressure, venous stagnation may be observed;
  • angiodystonic close to the previous version, the characteristic difference is the presence of a defect in the vascular wall, which leads to a decrease in elasticity and disruption of the blood supply to individual brain structures.

The type of rheoencephalogram is not a diagnosis. The curve graph shows only the changes that the blood flow undergoes. And how it differs from the norm. Based on deciphering these changes and data from other diagnostic procedures, the doctor can determine the cause of suffering and make a diagnosis.

The result of the study shows deviations from the norm of blood supply to the brain, that is pathological conditions vessels

Where can I get tested?

Where can I get an REG? The examination can be done in many private clinics that specialize in vascular pathology or diseases of the brain structures. State medical institutions are also equipped with rheographs. Medicine today has an ambiguous attitude towards this diagnostic method of examination: some specialists are full of skepticism, others consider REG to be perhaps the only way to find out the cause of a person’s suffering in certain diseases.

Rheography is one of the research methods circulatory system. Its essence lies in the fact that depending on the amount of blood in the organ being studied, the resistance of the tissues of this organ also changes. Blood is a conductive substance, and information about the electrical resistance of tissues is obtained by passing through the tissues electric current.

This diagnostic method is non-invasive and absolutely safe.

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Rheographic studies are carried out to study various vessels. However, REG and RVG are most often performed. What it is? What are the indications and contraindications for rheographic studies? How are they carried out? We will tell you about all this in this article.

Rheoencephalography: features of the method

Rheoencephalography (REG) is a rheographic method for studying cerebral vessels. Such a study provides information about the tone of the corresponding part of the circulatory system, peripheral vascular resistance, characteristics of pulse blood supply, as well as the reactivity of brain vessels.

This information is important in the diagnosis of pathologies such as:

The presence of one of the above problems or suspicion of one of these pathologies is a direct indication for performing REG of cerebral vessels. The study will help identify the pathological process, assess its severity, and decide on treatment tactics. In the future, REG will help monitor the treatment process and monitor its results.

The method is absolutely safe, but still has some contraindications for implementation. This:

  • neonatal period;
  • the presence of wounds or abrasions in the places where electrodes should be applied;
  • fungal infection of the scalp and/or hair.

In addition, like any other diagnostic procedure, REG of cerebral vessels is carried out only with the consent of the patient. If the patient for any reason refuses to undergo the procedure, this is also a contraindication.

Research technique

The study is carried out with the patient lying down. To perform REG of cerebral vessels, a special device (rheograph) is used, to which electrodes are connected. The same electrodes are applied to certain areas of the patient’s body. The points at which electrodes are applied depend on which segment of the bloodstream is planned to be examined:

The rheograph perceives and processes the information received, and then (within a few minutes) displays the results in the form of graphs.

These results can only be interpreted by a physician who has undergone special training in rheography. Patients usually wait up to 30 minutes for a doctor’s opinion.

Rheovasography: features of the study

Rheovasography (RVG) is a rheographic method for studying the vascular bed of the upper and lower limbs. Such a study provides information about the state of hemodynamics in the bloodstream of the extremities, the main indicators of which are peripheral vascular resistance, vascular elasticity, and the amount of blood outflow. Based on the data obtained, a rheographic index is calculated, characterizing the intensity of blood flow to an organ (arm or leg).

Direct indications for RVG are:

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In each of these cases, rheovasography acts as an objective research method that confirms or rejects the diagnosis with high accuracy. In addition, the method is used to monitor patient treatment. This procedure has no contraindications.

How is the procedure performed?

Rheovasographic examination requires certain preparation of the patient. Recommended:

To perform the diagnosis, the patient lies on his back. Legs (or arms) need to be exposed (take off clothes, no need to take off underwear). The skin of the legs (or arms) is degreased with alcohol, after which the following sensors are installed:

  • when examining the legs - on the feet, legs, thighs;
  • when examining the hands - on the fingers, hands, forearm and shoulder (biceps area).

The recording is made by the device for 10-15 minutes. Then the patient can be free, but the test results will have to wait (up to 30 minutes).

The article discusses the main rheographic research methods, as well as the features of their implementation. Rheography is a modern and informative diagnostic method. In addition, it has virtually no contraindications for implementation, therefore, it can be prescribed to a wide range of patients.

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REG of the brain (or rheoencephalography) is diagnostic method research, which is based on conducting electrical impulses through brain tissue, which makes it possible to determine the different tissue resistance depending on the blood supply of the vessels. Such a study objectively shows the general vascular tone and its resistance, as well as the speed of spread pulse wave blood flow At its core, REG of the brain is an examination that allows one to determine the blood supply to certain of its structures.

It has been established that the blood moving through the vessels has less resistance, and oxygenated blood also differs in its resistance. REG of the brain shows various pathological conditions of blood vessels, which makes it possible to assess the identification of disorders of the circulatory system ( atherosclerotic changes, vegetative-vascular disorders).

Rheoencephalography of the brain is a fairly simple examination method, which is carried out using special equipment - rheographs. A rheograph is a complex device that consists of a high-frequency current generator, metal electrodes and a polygraph for recording results.

The patient is asked to lie down or sit in a comfortable position. Eyes must be closed. Electrodes are connected to the patient's head at certain points and secured with rubber bands having from 2 to 6 channels, depending on the scope of the study. To improve signal transmission, the electrode plates are treated with a special gel or saline solution. If it is necessary to study one section of the blood flow, then two electrodes are placed at the beginning and end of the section. To examine a large area of ​​the bloodstream, polyreographs are used, which have a larger number of channels, thereby increasing the area of ​​the examined bloodstream.

It is necessary to remain still to exclude the influence of external stimuli. Sometimes you may be asked to move your head to determine how blood vessels behave when moving. For a similar test, the doctor may ask you to take several breaths and hold your breath.

The use of vasoconstrictor drugs during the study is used to diagnose certain pathologies. In case of dystonic signs, functional tests are prescribed for additional research to determine the nature of dystonia (hypotonic or hypertonic type). The most common is the nitroglycerin test. The patient is asked to take nitroglycerin, after which the electrodes are connected. Rheoencephalography reflects the test results on vascular reactivity and, with a decrease in vascular tone, is regarded as “positive”.

The technique is based on conducting high-frequency electric current through the tissues of the head. Sensors measure tissue resistance, and the results are displayed on paper (rheoencephalogram).

REG in children

Since the procedure is completely safe for the patient, such an examination is prescribed even to small children. The duration of the procedure is on average 10-15 minutes. The most important thing is not to create a stressful situation for the child in order to obtain a full picture of the study. To prepare a child for a test, parents need to talk to him first and calmly, in an unobtrusive manner, explain the need for the procedure and that such a study is safe. Otherwise, rheoencephalography is carried out according to the same principle as in adults.

Research results

A rheoencephalogram has the form of a graph with plotted curves, which is deciphered using reference samples and a conclusion is drawn about the state of the circulatory system. Each curve has its own parameters (degree of slope, maximum value, periodicity). Different pathologies have their own reference curves. When examining both hemispheres of the brain, rheoencephalograms are compared, which may differ in the manifestation of vegetative-vascular disorders.

For a specific type of pathology, the REG picture is different:

  • Atherosclerotic changes - the amplitude of the wave is reduced and has several thickenings, as a rule, there are no additional waves;
  • Hypotonic states of the vessels - high pointed waves are noted, additional waves (or dicrotic waves) are displaced;
  • Hypertensive states of blood vessels - low-amplitude waves with a displacement of the dicrotic tooth towards the apex;
  • Dystonic conditions - on the rheoencephalogram there are many additional waves with a floating tooth;
  • Obstruction of the outflow of venous blood - a convex but long decrease in waves with the presence of additional waves before the next cycle;
  • Vasospasm - round peaks are observed.

Based on the above, several types of deviations are determined by rheoencephalogram:

  • Dystonic type. The rheoencephalogram shows a constant change in vascular tone, the appearance of areas with a decrease in pulse pressure in the vessels and;
  • Angiodystonic type. Disturbances manifest themselves due to damage to the walls of blood vessels, changes in their elasticity and the appearance of areas with obstructed blood flow;
  • Hypertensive type. Manifestations in the form of vascular hypertonicity and difficulty in the outflow of venous blood.

It should be noted that determining the type of rheoencephalogram does not indicate a diagnosis. The graphical curve shows changes in the vessels of the circulatory system. Based on the data obtained in combination with other studies, the attending physician can make a diagnosis.


To make an accurate diagnosis for some diseases, an REG examination of the brain is prescribed:

  • Vegetovascular dystonia of cerebral vessels;
  • Prolonged and intense headaches, migraines;
  • Ischemic tissue conditions;
  • Brain injuries (concussions);
  • Atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels with damage to the walls of arteries and veins;
  • Diabetes mellitus, with suspected damage to cerebral vessels and the development of microangiopathy;
  • Intracranial pressure;
  • Some diseases of the central nervous system(Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, pituitary tumors and others);
  • Hemorrhages in the brain tissue (hematoma).

Sometimes rheoencephalography of the brain is prescribed as an additional procedure to determine the location and extent of vascular damage.

For preventive purposes, such an examination is prescribed for elderly people suffering from diseases of the vascular system. Timely data obtained can provide invaluable assistance in early diagnosis diseases.


No contraindications were identified for the examination. The simplicity of the method, its safety, and quick results determine its widespread use in all categories of patients, including infants and pregnant women.

Other research methods


Brain pathology (BM) can be detected in both children and adults. However, timely detection of the disease significantly reduces the risk of developing serious complications.

The most reliable and also very informative method diagnostics is rheoencephalography (REG) of cerebral vessels. This procedure allows you to prescribe appropriate treatment, thereby increasing the likelihood that dangerous consequences can be avoided.

Rheoencephalography is one of the types of rheography. This diagnostic method is based on the proportional relationship between changes in tissue resistance and the increase in blood volume in the area under study. REG is a fairly informative procedure that allows you to assess the condition of the patient. vascular system brain.

Among other types of rheography, the following is noted:

  • rheopulmonography(diagnosis of pulmonary vessels);
  • rheocardiography(assessment of the condition of closed channels through which blood is carried throughout the body, the heart muscle);
  • rheovasography(study of blood supply to the upper and lower extremities);
  • rheohepatography(diagnostics of liver vessels).

It is important to note that REG does not cause any harm to the body. In this regard, this research method is considered the most gentle. It is used for diagnostics various pathologies, as well as for preventive purposes. Rheoencephalography is mainly indicated for older people, since the vascular system undergoes changes with age.

Positive aspects of rheoencephalography:

  1. No need for expensive equipment.
  2. Simplicity of research, since to take activity readings large vessels a separate device is used.
  3. Availability.

In order to examine a newborn baby, REG is often used. Thanks to the results obtained, the doctor will be able to evaluate the functioning of the baby’s brain immediately after birth, as well as during the first year of life. If the vascular system is in a normal state, a small wave amplitude, prolonged anacrosis, and absence of incisura are noted.

Some experts are confident that REG is a long-outdated and ineffective method of research, which is low-informative and inaccurate compared to Doppler ultrasound or computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. There is some truth in this, however, in some cases, REG can save the patient’s life, allowing the doctor to quickly assess the condition of the brain and prescribe necessary treatment. In this regard, rheoencephalography is often used to this day.

Indications for use

This diagnostic method helps to identify damaged vessels in the main organ of the central nervous system. Rheoencephalography is indicated in the presence of the following pathologies:

In addition, an indication for rheoencephalography may be a head injury accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • constant cephalalgia;
  • increased sensitivity to changing weather conditions;
  • noise in ears;
  • memory impairment;
  • blurred vision;
  • vertigo;
  • decrease in intellectual activity;
  • disorientation (with a sudden change in body position);
  • fainting.

In most cases, such a procedure is prescribed after magnetic resonance imaging of the brain to obtain a more complete picture of the pathology.

How to prepare properly

  1. Don't worry. To conduct such a study, no injections or incisions are required. Since the procedure is absolutely harmless, it is used to examine newborns.
  2. Take a towel with you. You will need to use it after the procedure to wipe off the applied gel.
  3. Don’t be nervous and don’t come up with scary diagnoses. As a rule, this behavior is typical for women.

How is rheoencephalography performed?

To perform the procedure, you will need a special recording device (rheograph). First, the patient takes a comfortable position (lying or sitting), then closes his eyelids. To increase the sensitivity of the device, a specialist applies a gel, which is a kind of conductor, to the receiving part of the electrodes. After this, a special cap with electrodes is placed on the patient’s head. They may take the form of metal plates separated from each other, which are secured with rubber tape in places that require examination.

A slight current passes through the electrodes, and the resistance of the main brain is recorded. Upon completion of the procedure, these readings will be deciphered by a specialist. Such a study, if the medical staff does a good job, does not cause the patient any unpleasant sensations.

However, there is still one difficulty in conducting REG. The fact is that the patient, as a rule, is in a stressful state, as he is very worried about the examination being carried out. As a result, its blood vessels narrow, and the readings obtained may not correspond to reality.

To prevent such a result, the specialist must explain the examination technique to the patient and be sure to talk with him during the procedure.

The doctor’s requests for the patient to turn his head or move are not only aimed at calming him down. By turning the head, you can obtain additional data about how the main organ of the central nervous system works during movement, as a result of which the specialist will be able to make a more accurate diagnosis.

In addition, the doctor may ask the patient to breathe more often or hold his breath and press lightly with his fingers. carotid artery or perform any action. In some cases, functional tests using nitroglycerin or nicotine resin are used to obtain more reliable data.

Decoding the results

During the research process, the device records data, then the specialist evaluates the shape of the lines, the size of the amplitude, and the location of the additional tooth relative to the downward wave (if there is one). This data helps specialists understand what processes are taking place in the brain and whether there are negative changes, as well as accurately determine where the lesion is located.

The obtained REG drawings help to make a presumptive diagnosis:

  1. Cerebral atherosclerosis: the wave is smoothed, and the upper part is flattened; there are no additional waves on the descending line.
  2. Atherosclerosis GM: the shape of the curves is similar to a dome or arches.
  3. Decreased vascular tone: the amplitude is large, there is a significant steepness, a shortening of the ascending line, a pointed apex, and a displaced large dicrotic tooth are observed.
  4. Increased tone vessels: the amplitude is small, the anacrote has less steepness and is longer, a relatively small tooth is located to the side relative to the apex, there are additional waves on the ascending line.
  5. Hypertension: curves have various shapes and amplitude, there is no single picture.
  6. Vegetovascular dystonia: the prong is floating, there are additional waves on the catacrota.
  7. Vasospasm: the tops are round.
  8. Obstruction of venous outflow: the descending line is convex and elongated, located before the next cycle a large number of additional waves.

This procedure helps to identify disorders that have arisen as a result of a stroke, pre-stroke conditions, as well as migraines, hematomas, etc.

Common types of REG

Upon completion of the procedure, the doctor writes a conclusion that contains information about the type of rheoencephalography of the vascular system:

  1. Dystonic. The tone of the tubular formations changes all the time. Most often, hypotonicity with reduced pulse filling is observed, in some cases accompanied by difficulty in venous outflow.
  2. Angiodystonic, similar to the dystonic type of REG. In this case, disturbances in vascular tone are observed. The reason is a defect in the structure of the walls of the tubular formations, as a result of which they become less elastic. In addition, blood circulation is difficult in a separate pool.
  3. Hypertensive. A persistent increase in tone is observed in the afferent vessels, while venous outflow is difficult.

The described types of REG are not a separate disease. They qualify as a diagnostic guide that helps identify the underlying pathology.