Recipe: Cook lard in onion skins. How to properly salt fresh pork lard quickly and tasty at home: the best recipes. Lard in brine, onion skins, in a jar, toulouse, boiled, marinated, with garlic, pepper, spices, for smoking: the most delicious

After the Easter procession of Easter cakes and Easter cakes, something drew me to recipes for simple main courses and appetizers. I especially wanted meat... That's why today I offer new recipe from this series - we will prepare the most tender brisket in onion skins. Outwardly, it looks like smoked meat, although in fact it is aromatic and very soft boiled pork meat with layers of lard.

Brisket in onion skins is good even when warm, but it is best to let it sit in the refrigerator for several hours - it turns out to be an amazing cold appetizer. This brisket can be used as a component of homemade sandwiches or taken with you outdoors. It keeps well in the freezer for a long time, however, I very much doubt that you will not eat it in just a couple of days.

In a similar way, that is, using onion peels as a natural coloring, you can cook not only pork belly. Only you must understand that the finished meat will not have the taste and aroma of smoked meat - the husk only gives color. You can, of course, add liquid smoke, but I’ve never been into such things and I don’t recommend it.

Yesterday, by the way, I just made shanks in onion skins according to the same recipe, and today we have excellent meat for sandwiches on the table. Very tasty with fresh vegetables, herbs, sauces or just bread with mustard.


Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

The first step is to thoroughly wash the onion skins in cold water to get rid of sand (onions grow in the ground). 5 grams of husk is one good handful or outer layer of about 5-6 large onions.

You can cook the pork belly itself either on the stove in a large saucepan or in a slow cooker (my option). Along the way, I will write what and how. It doesn’t matter what exactly you cook the meat in - remember that onion skins will greatly color your pan from the inside, so it is advisable to take a dark one. Place clean onion peels in it, add a liter of water and bring to a boil. On the stove we just wait until the contents of the dish boil. I immediately poured boiling water into the multicooker bowl so as not to waste time and electricity on heating.

When the water with the husks boils, put the bay leaf and allspice peas into the bowl. We also add salt: 100 grams per 1 liter of water is not a lot, don’t worry. We need to get strong enough saline solution, in which the brisket will be cooked and then salted. They won’t take extra lard with the meat.

Now we put the brisket into the pan. It is important that the pieces are completely covered with brine, so if you don't have enough water, add a little more. True, for 600 grams of brisket, 1 liter of water should be quite enough. On the stove, bring the contents of the pan to a boil again, turn the heat to low and cook everything under the lid for 30 minutes. After 20 minutes from the start of boiling, add 3 large cloves of garlic, peeled and cut into slices, to the meat. In a multicooker, cook everything under the lid for 30 minutes in the Stewing mode (don’t forget about the garlic 10 minutes before the end of the program).

After half an hour, the brisket will be ready. The aroma throughout the kitchen (I would say, even throughout the apartment) is indescribable...

Now we wrap the boiled pork belly with onion skins so that the surface of the meat and lard are evenly colored. Leave it like this until it cools completely.

When the brisket in brine has cooled completely, it should be placed in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours. I transferred the meat along with all the other ingredients into a smaller container so it wouldn't take up much space in the refrigerator. I closed the lid tightly so that the aroma of boiled meat with garlic did not permeate the rest of the food.

Hello everyone who is reading this recipe. Today I will tell you how to prepare the most delicious lard at home. I got this recipe from my mom.

To prepare lard, I specially went to the autumn fair, where they sell everything that local farmers and just people from the villages produce. There I bought some of the lard I needed with fairly large layers of meat.
So, let's start cooking. I washed the lard and cut it into small pieces. Someone will say that there is only meat, just a little fat. It’s just that our family likes this more. If you want, you can use this recipe to salt absolutely pure lard without any layers of meat.

I washed the onion peel thoroughly under running water.

I took a larger pan and placed a small layer of onion skins on the bottom. I put lard on the husk. By the way, it will be quite difficult to wash the onion skins from the pan, so, if possible, use simpler and older dishes.

The remaining husks were used to cover the lard on top.
Now let's prepare the brine. I took one liter of water and mixed it with one glass of salt. I poured this brine into a saucepan with lard and husks and put it on the fire. After the water boils, you need to cook it for exactly ten minutes, no more, otherwise the lard will begin to melt. But you shouldn’t keep it less, it will be tough.

When ten minutes had passed, I put a large plate in the pan and placed a weight on it. I have a three-liter jar of water.
Then I put the pan on the balcony for twelve hours. On the balcony it was 5-7 degrees Celsius. If there is no balcony or it is frosty or hot there, you can put the lard in the refrigerator.

Twelve hours later, I took out the lard, peeled it from the onion skins and wiped it dry with a paper towel.
It has already turned out very beautiful and fragrant.

Now I thoroughly coated all sides of each piece of lard with a mixture of garlic and pepper. I put it in a bag and put it in the refrigerator so that it was saturated with the smell of garlic.

We didn’t last even an hour, we got tired of trying. Although this was also enough time. The lard turned out simply amazing, as always. It just melts in your mouth.

The remaining lard can be stored in the freezer and taken out piece by piece as needed. Just remember to pack it well, otherwise everything in the freezer will smell like garlic.
Bon appetit!

Cooking time: PT14H00M 14 h.

Approximate cost per serving: 250 rub.

Lard in onion skins is a spicy and aromatic dish that your household will certainly love after the first tasting. This product diversifies your diet; it can be consumed with bread, vegetables, herbs, salads, cereals, combined with sour, creamy or spicy sauce, fried and added to scrambled eggs.

By appearance he reminds smoked lard, but this is actually homemade boiled pork, which is several times healthier than store-bought.

Lard in onion skins is an unusual option: boiled and, at the same time, salty, at the same time creamy and delicate in taste. Let's list a few secrets of preparing a delicious dish.

  1. The lard will turn out delicious if you prepare it exclusively from fresh pork or from frozen lard if it came into the freezer fresh. Choose white pieces without a yellowish tint.
  2. Chefs recommend purchasing undercuts for this dish - lard with thin layers of meat.
  3. The top layer of onion peel must be discarded and damaged areas removed.
  4. The principle with salt is simple: it is better to overdo it than to use too little. Its excess will not be “taken up” by lard, and if the quantity is small, the product will be slightly salted.
  5. Do not cut off the skin from the lard, otherwise the piece will become too soft during cooking.
  6. Please note that the pan may become colored after cooking lard. Do not use enamel containers.

The most delicious recipes

In this article we have collected the most delicious recipes for preparing this, at first glance, ordinary dish. Choose the option of how to cook lard in onion skins to suit your taste, or try something new every week and surprise your family with interesting tastes.

Boiled lard in onion skins

You will need:

  • onion peel;
  • laurel;
  • salo;
  • salt;
  • black pepper;
  • garlic;
  • khmeli-suneli.

One and a half kilograms of lard (it is better to choose from the breast part, in which there are veins of meat), cut into 2-3 parts, place in a boiling brine of onion peels (for 1 liter of water, take half a faceted glass of salt, 3 bay leaves, 15 peppercorns and 1- 2 handfuls of onion peels).

How to cook lard in onion skins? Boil the lard for about 7-9 minutes, the water should cover it completely during cooking. Leave to stand in the brine in a cool place, after a day, remove the lard from it, blot lightly with napkins or towels.

Then rub the grated garlic gruel onto a piece of lard. Do you like spicy foods? Use Georgian dry adjika. Then wrap it in parchment and keep it in the refrigerator for 2 days, and then put it in the freezer so that it can be stored and cut better.

When choosing this recipe, you should take into account that the lard will be tougher, more elastic, and you will need to wait longer for it to be ready than when cooking.

For 800 grams of lard with a layer of meat, you need to take about 1.5 liters of water, 15 grams of onion peels, a glass of salt, 5 cloves of garlic, 5 bay leaves, 5 allspice peas, a pinch, a mixture of black and ground pepper.

Pour 1.5 liters of water into a saucepan, add a glass of salt, and let the solution boil. Wash the peels from 7 onions, place in salted boiling water and boil for 5 minutes.

Place the soaked lard, cut into pieces, into a three-liter jar, fill it with the cooled solution, add bay leaf and garlic there. Grind the pepper mixture, crush the allspice peas with a knife, mix well and also add to the jar.

Place the container with lard in the refrigerator for 5 days, and then remove it from the brine and put it in the freezer. When it freezes well, you can serve it.

Hot salted lard

You will need:

  • liter of water;
  • 1 kilogram of lard with layers of meat;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • black pepper;
  • 2 handfuls of onion peels;
  • 8 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • a glass of salt.

Pour water into a tall, narrow saucepan, add sugar and salt, bay leaves and onion peels, and bring to a boil. Wash the lard, dry it and put it in boiling water, boil for 20 minutes, remove from heat, keep in brine for 8 hours. Pat dry after removing from pan.

Finely chop the garlic and mix with black pepper. Roll the lard in the pickling mixture, wrap in foil and place in the freezer overnight. Bon appetit!

For 1 kg of lard you will need 2 heads of garlic, 3 tablespoons of ground black pepper.

Take the following ingredients for the brine: 2 handfuls of onion peels, 5 prunes, 2 bay leaves, a glass of salt, 2 tablespoons of sugar.

How to cook lard in onion skins? Pour the brine components into a saucepan and add a liter of boiling water. Cut the washed fresh lard into 2 parts. Place it in brine and boil for 25 minutes. After boiling, turn the heat to medium. Let marinade cool overnight. Crush garlic with black pepper. Remove the lard from the marinade, dry it, rub it with the garlic mixture, and put it in the refrigerator for 3 days.

After this, you can consume it or begin the smoking process. The photos presented in the article show the step-by-step cooking process.

Pickled lard in onion skins

This snack has a great aroma, rich taste and color. You can cook lard in onion skins either in a saucepan or in a slow cooker.

You will need:

  • 1.5 kilos of fat;
  • peel from 10 onions;
  • almost a full glass of salt;
  • 8 cloves of garlic;
  • 15 grams of black peppercorns and ground;
  • 3 bay leaves.

Wash the onion peels and pour 1.5 liters of boiling water over them. Salt, pepper, add bay leaf and cook for half an hour. Then you need to put the lard in the broth and boil for another half hour. Cool the pan with the lard in the marinade and place it in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

After the day has passed, chop the garlic, ground pepper, add salt. Take out the lard, rub it with the aromatic mixture and place, wrapped in film, in the refrigerator for 48 hours.

After marinating, you can rub the lard with paprika or turmeric.

By increasing the volume of water (this does not apply to the volume of lard), add more spices. The marinade should cover the product.

Do not throw ice cubes into the prepared brine to cool. Otherwise, the marinade will not be so rich, the lard will not be salted and will not be aromatic and spicy.

You can add sugar, vinegar, ginger root and even soy sauce to the marinade.

How to make lard in onion skins in a new way?

To prepare, you will need a kilogram of lard with a layer.

You will need brine. Take a liter of water, 5 heaped tablespoons of salt, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 5 cloves of garlic, 2 allspice peas, 20-25 black peppercorns, 3 bay leaves, 3 handfuls of onion peels.

To grate the lard, you need to take another 7 cloves of garlic, 25 grams of spices to your taste

Wash the lard in running water, cut the piece into 2 parts, and blot with napkins. Add a mixture of two types of pepper, bay leaf, sugar, salt to boiling water, and bring to a boil. Peel the garlic, cut into thin slices, and place in brine.

Rinse the onion peels in cold water, let the excess water drain, put it in boiling water.

After boiling, add lard until the brine completely covers it, bring to a boil, and simmer for another 20 minutes. Cover the pan first with a plate and then with a lid, remove from heat, and place in a cool place for 12 hours.

After this time has elapsed, take out the lard, remove the husks, and put it in a colander for 20 minutes to drain the brine. When the lard dries, rub it with spices on all sides (for example, “Armenian mixture” - garlic, onion, paprika, savory, turmeric, ground black pepper, oregano, coriander, dill seeds, cinnamon, marjoram).

Each piece should be wrapped in cling film, foil or parchment and removed for 24 hours. freezer. Lard cooked in onion peels cuts perfectly, the spices perfectly highlight the taste.

This product captivates with its smell, pungent taste and hints of spice!

  1. Although garlic is indicated everywhere in the recipes, pay attention to rocambole (its other names are Egyptian onion, Spanish garlic, combed onion) with a delicate aroma and taste, the advantages of onions and garlic.
  2. The brighter the onion peel, the more beautiful the color of the lard.
  3. To enhance the color effect of the peels, also add beet slices to the pan. It should be cooked on low heat for about a quarter of an hour.
  4. If you eat lard in a week, store it in the refrigerator, and if you don't plan to eat it that quickly, leave it in the freezer.
  5. You should not overcook the lard (7-10 minutes is enough, if there are layers of meat, then 7 minutes longer), otherwise it will lose its taste and become loose. Allow it to cool in water until it reaches the required condition.
  6. Before adding lard, the husks should be pulled out and squeezed out, otherwise salt crystals will settle on it and the lard will be covered with husks.
  7. Lard should be stored in the freezer; wrap each piece in foil to make it easier to store and cut. The shelf life of lard in onion peels is 3.5 months.
  8. If you don’t like the aroma of frozen garlic, you can grease the piece with it before slicing and remove it for storage without rubbing it with garlic.


Boiled lard in onion peels comes out very soft, tender, and has a rich taste, unlike its smoked counterpart.

Prepare it according to one of our recipes and delight your loved ones!

Mother of two children. I'm leading household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I try all the time various means, ways, techniques that can make our lives easier, more modern, more fulfilling. I love my family.

Lard in onion skins is the most delicious recipe, thanks to which the popular product acquires a spicy smoked taste, an extraordinary aroma and an attractive amber color. The advantage of this preparation is that the meat appetizer can be served the next day, rather than waiting several days, as with traditional salting.

Lard in onion peels - recipes, which are distinguished by a variety of techniques, allow you to prepare the product hot and cold, using various marinades and spices, as additional components to the main thing - onion peels. Thanks to the latter, the lard looks smoked, but does not lose its original taste.

  1. Lard in onion skins is the most delicious recipe, for which it is important to choose high-quality lard. The color of the product should be white, with small layers of meat.
  2. Before cooking, the lard is thoroughly cleaned.
  3. The onion peel must be intact and not rotten. In addition to the husks, add a lot of salt, black pepper, and bay leaves to the brine.
  4. The lard must cool in brine to gain color and aromas, then it is rubbed with garlic and spices, left under pressure and sent to the freezer.
  5. Before baking, lard is also boiled in husks and spices. A few minutes before cooking, unfold the foil so that the piece browns a little.

How to cook lard in onion skins?

Boiled lard in onion skins - affordable way get a delicious snack that is in many ways superior to the traditionally salted one. Lard, cooked in husks and spices, acquires an original taste and color, becomes soft and melting. You just need to boil the product in brine, cool it under pressure and, after seasoning, put it in the cold.


  • lard - 500 g;
  • water - 1 l;
  • husk - 250 g;
  • salt - 100 g;
  • clove of garlic - 3 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns - 4 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.


  1. Boil the husk for 10 minutes.
  2. Remove and add lard and spices.
  3. Cook for 45 minutes. Cool under pressure.
  4. Rub with garlic, wrap in film.
  5. Lard in onion skins is the most delicious recipe, in which the product must be cooled for 12 hours.

Salted lard in onion skins, cooked in a cold way, does not age, does not turn yellow and long time preserves taste. The recipe is as simple as possible: cut the lard into small pieces, pour in cooled onion brine and salt for several days. The main thing is not to pack the pieces tightly so that the product does not “suffocate” and go rancid.


  • lard - 800 g;
  • salt - 120 g;
  • husk - 200 g;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • clove of garlic - 5 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns - 4 pcs.


  1. Boil the husk for 10 minutes. Remove from brine.
  2. Place spices and pieces of lard into a container.
  3. Fill the contents with cooled brine.
  4. After a day, put the salted lard in the husk into the cold.

Cooking hot onion skins will help you enjoy the snack within 24 hours. Quick cooking and the ability of a taste-neutral product to absorb the aromas of spices create fertile ground for culinary experiments. In this recipe, onion peels, adjika and paprika will add sharpness, piquancy and amber color.


  • lard - 1 kg;
  • water - 1.2 l;
  • salt - 140 g;
  • adjika - 20 g;
  • husk - 120 g;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • paprika - 20 g;
  • clove of garlic - 3 pcs.


  1. Boil adjika, husks, salt and laurel.
  2. Place the lard in the brine under pressure and simmer for 15 minutes.
  3. Keep in brine for 12 hours.
  4. Dry, rub with garlic and paprika.
  5. Place lard in onion skins in the freezer for a couple of hours.

Smoked lard in husks is an appropriate substitute for a product prepared in a smokehouse if liquid smoke is used. It will not only affect the taste of the snack, but will also keep it fresh and appetizing for a long time. It should be noted that after such smoking, the product must be kept in the refrigerator at all times to preserve the aroma.


  • lard - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 1 l;
  • salt - 100 g;
  • ground black and red pepper - a pinch;
  • “liquid smoke” - 6 tbsp. spoon;
  • onion peel - 100 g.


  1. Boil the salt and husks.
  2. Add “liquid smoke” and pour the brine over the lard.
  3. Close the container and set aside for 12 hours.
  4. Drain and season.
  5. The most delicious recipe in onion skins is stored in the freezer.

The recipe for delicious lard in onion skins involves a marinade that will saturate the product in a short time, giving it an expressive taste and soft texture. Since onion skins only provide color to the product, you need to take care of the spices. In this recipe, cloves, pepper and garlic contribute to the aroma and spiciness.


  • lard - 1 kg;
  • husk - 200 g;
  • salt - 200 g;
  • water - 1.2 l;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 40 g;
  • cloves - 3 pcs.;
  • clove of garlic - 5 pcs.;
  • ground red pepper - a pinch.


  1. Boil the husks with salt, sugar and spices for 20 minutes.
  2. Add lard and simmer for 10 minutes under pressure.
  3. Leave for 12 hours. Dry.
  4. Lard marinated in onion skins is the most delicious recipe, served cold and thinly sliced.

Delicious lard in onion skins will be a worthy alternative to the traditional salted product if it is boiled and seasoned with spices. The snack will acquire an extraordinary taste and appearance, and will not be so high in calories. When cooking, you should use not very thick pieces; they will color faster and be filled with the aromas of spices.


  • lard - 800 g;
  • clove of garlic - 5 pcs.;
  • water - 1 l;
  • salt - 80 g;
  • coriander - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • paprika - 10 g;
  • husk - 50 g.


  1. Boil the husks for 15 minutes, add lard and simmer for 45 minutes.
  2. Let it steep in brine.
  3. Remove, season, wrap in foil and place in the freezer.

Five-minute lard in onion skins - recipe

You can spend no more than 5 minutes on a recipe for delicious boiled lard in onion skins, in the presence of brine, and still get an appetizer that is in no way inferior in quality to the previous ones. You need to lightly boil the piece, put it under pressure and, after cooling, make cuts and stuff it with spices and garlic. A few hours in the cold will bring the appetizer to readiness.


  • lard - 1.8 kg;
  • salt - 200 g;
  • clove of garlic - 8 pcs.;
  • ground black pepper - 5 g;
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • husk - 50 g.


  1. Make a decoction of the husks.
  2. Boil the lard for 5 minutes.
  3. Stuff with garlic, pepper and bay.
  4. Wrap in foil and refrigerate.

Various preparations and serving forms. You can roll thin pieces into a roll, thereby not only keeping the product as juicy as possible, but also increasing its shelf life to 3 weeks. Considering the high cost of meat rolls, such an affordable product as lard is perfect for a hearty budget snack.


  • pork belly -1.5 kg;
  • husk - 100 g;
  • salt - 100 g;
  • bay leaf - 10 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns - 8 pcs.


  1. Rub the brisket with crushed pepper and bay.
  2. Roll into a roll and tie.
  3. Cook for 2 hours with peels, pepper and bay.
  4. Place under pressure for 3 hours.

It is distinguished by its special tenderness, juiciness and aroma. This cooking technique will not take much time and will allow you to taste the homemade delicacy within an hour. Even the toughest and thinnest pieces are suitable for simmering in the oven, and a few cloves of garlic will be a worthy replacement for a variety of spices.

Cooking lard in husks - accelerated method pickling.

He allows for short term get a tasty and completely finished product.

In addition, it acquires a bright, orange-brown color and looks like smoked meat. And if you add a little liquid smoke, it will be difficult to tear yourself away from such lard.

Well, where are our husks?

Lard in onion skins - general principles of preparation

Lard can be taken fresh or already frozen. Of course, fresh product is more valuable. But cooking in onion skins is a great way to use up what you don’t need. The pieces are washed and the skin is peeled. If you cannot clean off damage or blood stains or bruises, then it is better to cut it off. The skin cannot be removed; it will hold the piece.

Usually lard is boiled in onion skins with water. Salt, spices, aromatic herbs are also added, and liquid smoke is added to imitate the aroma of smoked meats. Then the pieces are left to cool in the broth so that they acquire a richer color and are salted inside.

The finished lard is coated:


Different types pepper;

Mustard, adjika;

Fragrant herbs and spices.

Then they are sent for storage. The most convenient way is to tightly wrap each piece in foil and put it in the freezer. There the product will keep perfectly for 3-4 months.

How to cook the husk

Not all husks are suitable for cooking. Lard absorbs flavors very well. Therefore, it is better not to use the upper husk, soaked in soil residues, for cooking. Otherwise, the product will have an unpleasant aftertaste after cooking. We choose clean, smooth, non-rotten husks. We will rinse it thoroughly, and only after that we will use it. Usually in recipes the quantity is measured in handfuls.

Ordinary boiled lard in onion skins

The hot method of cooking lard in onion skins allows you to enjoy a flavorful snack the very next day. It's easy to prepare, but it turns out delicious and beautiful. Another plus is that the product turns out soft and tender.


0.8 kg of lard;

0.15 kg salt;

Liter of water;

3 handfuls of husks;

6 cloves of garlic;

2 bay leaves;

Pepper mixture.


1. Immediately cut the pieces of lard into the size we need, wash them, and set them aside for now.

2. Place the husks in a saucepan, add water, and boil for 2 minutes.

3. Add salt, throw in bay leaves. You can also add peppercorns. Mix and add the previously prepared lard.

4. Now you need to boil it for 10-25 minutes. Those who like soft lard cook longer. For a tougher product similar to salted lard, 10 minutes is enough. To prevent the lard from floating to the surface, you can place a saucepan of a smaller diameter with a weight on it.

5. After cooking, without removing the load, turn it off and leave to cool for 10 hours.

6. Take out the pieces, place them on paper towels, and let the liquid drain.

7. For now, let's take care of the garlic. Peel the teeth, chop and mix with a mixture of peppers. But you can use one type; a special seasoning for lard is also suitable.

8. Rub the pieces with the aromatic mixture, wrap them in foil and put them in the freezer. After an hour you can cut it into pieces and take a sample.

How to cook lard in onion skins with liquid smoke

This recipe allows you to get aromatic lard with a smoky aroma without a smokehouse. Many people think liquid smoke harmful product, but we are not going to drink it in liters and 2-3 spoons are enough for us.


Up to 1.5 kg of lard, can be in one piece;

2 handfuls of husks;

1 tsp. red pepper;

1 tsp. black pepper;

8 tablespoons of salt;

Garlic optional.


1. Place the washed husks in a saucepan with a liter of water. Immediately add salt and liquid smoke.

2. We clean a piece of lard with a knife and also put it in a saucepan.

3. Place on the stove and boil for 30 minutes. If there are a lot of layers of meat on a piece, then extend it to 40 minutes or even an hour. We focus on the product itself, thickness.

4. Cool the piece without removing it from the brine. Can be left overnight. More salt than necessary will not be absorbed.

5. Take it out and wipe it dry. Remove stuck pieces of husk from the surface.

6. Mix the peppers; if desired, you can add another teaspoon of smoke.

7. Rub the prepared lard, wrap it in cling film and you’re done! For more accurate slicing, the product must be cooled in the freezer and can be served.

Flavored lard in onion skins at home

Recipe for aromatic lard with Provençal herbs, paprika and other spices. It will turn out much tastier if the lard is with layers of meat. The amount of onion peel is at your discretion; the more of it, the darker and more beautiful the finished product turns out.


0.5 kg of lard;

1 tsp. sweet paprika;

1 tsp. Provençal herbs;

6 tablespoons of salt;

Liter of water;

1 head of garlic.


1. Wash the husks well, add a liter of water and boil for 10 minutes. Cool, drain the broth, squeeze out the husks and discard.

2. Add salt and put it on the stove again.

3. Cut the lard into long pieces, no more than 5 centimeters wide. So that when slicing, you can simply cut into transverse slices.

4. Dip the pieces into the boiling brine and boil for exactly 10 minutes. Remove from heat.

5. Place pressure and leave for 12 hours.

6. Take it out and wipe it.

7. Peel the head of garlic, add Provencal herbs, sweet paprika, for spiciness you can add pepper, black, red or a mixture. We connect everything.

8. Rub pieces of lard on all sides and pack them one at a time in foil, put them in the freezer and you’ll have a flavorful snack on hand at any time!

Salting lard in onion skins

It turns out that lard can not only be boiled, but also salted in onion skins. This product also turns out beautiful, has an original taste, but is harder and more elastic.


1 kg of lard;

6 tablespoons of salt;

40 grams of husk;

Bay leaf;

4 cloves of garlic;

5 peppercorns;

5-7 cloves of garlic.


1. Immerse the husk in a liter of water and boil for at least 10 minutes. Do not let the mixture boil actively.

2. Now cool, remove and squeeze out the husks. But you can just strain it.

3. Add salt and cook the brine for 3 minutes. Let cool. If you put salt with the husk, some of it will settle on it, and the brine will not be saturated enough.

4. Cut the lard into cubes and place in a jar. But you don't want it to be too tight. Throw in peppercorns and bay leaves. Peeled garlic cloves are also there, and to give them more flavor, you can crush them with the back of a knife. But you don't need to cut it.

5. Pour cold brine over the prepared lard. This is very important, otherwise the liquid will become cloudy. Since we are cooking in a jar, no pressure is needed. But if you decide to salt in a saucepan or tub, then you definitely need a load, otherwise the pieces will constantly rise.

6. We keep our salting for 2 days at a normal temperature of 18-22 degrees.

7. Then put it in the refrigerator and keep it for another 3 days.

8. And you're done! The lard can be left in the brine and pieces removed as needed. Or immediately pack it tightly in cling film or foil and put it in the freezer. You can also rub them with spices before doing this.

Lard cooked in onion skins in a slow cooker

The multicooker can do it all! And he will even cook lard with onion skins. Don't believe me? And you try it. She is especially good at cooking brisket and other similar cuts with a lot of meat layers.


3 laurel leaves;

1.5 kg of lard;

150 grams of salt;

1 handful of husks;

Head of garlic;


1. Pieces of lard need to be prepared. To do this, cut it so that it fits into the multicooker container. But let's not be petty. If 2 pieces fit, then we cut it into two parts, or into 4, the product bends and you can always turn it in the right direction.

2. Place half of the onion skins (one handful) on the bottom of the multicooker. Place pieces of lard on it.

3. Place the rest of the husks and bay leaves on top.

4. Take a multi-glass and fill with water. You will need 5 glasses. Add salt to it, stir until dissolved.

5. Pour the brine into the slow cooker.

6. Close our assistant and cook on the stewing program for one hour. If you need to indicate a product in your multicooker, then put in meat.

7. After the stove reports the end of its work, do not forget to turn off the heating. Just leave the lard without opening the lid for 10 hours.

8. Remove from brine. And according to the standard procedure: dry it, rub it with chopped garlic, spices, pepper and put it in the freezer.

Salted lard in onion skins with mustard

Mustard gives lard a very pleasant taste, makes it more aromatic and tastier. In addition, it prevents product spoilage. And it can easily lie for several hours in a warm place without brine. This recipe is quick, since the product does not need to cool in brine and can be consumed on the day of preparation.


0.9 kg of lard;

1 spoon of dry mustard;

0.5 liters of diluted mustard;

3 cloves of garlic;

3 tablespoons of salt;

A handful of husks;

1.5 liters of water;

Pepper, garlic to taste.


1. Dissolve salt in water, add the husks, and immediately add dry mustard. Mix.

2. Wash the piece of lard; no need to cut it. Put it in a saucepan. If it is long, then we bend it as needed. The main thing is that the water covers it.

3. Now we take a saucepan of a smaller diameter, put a small load in it and place it on our lard.

4. Turn on the stove and cook. If the thickness of the lard is up to three fingers, then 40 minutes is enough. If the lard is thicker, then cook for 50 minutes. The same amount if there are many layers of meat on the piece. The product should become soft enough and can be easily pierced with a knife.

5. Remove the product from the brine and cool.

6. Mix mustard with chopped garlic. Fans of spicy snacks can add more pepper. Well, for color you can add sweet paprika.

7. Rub the pieces, put them in the freezer for 20 minutes and you’re done! Lard can be cut and consumed.

Lard in onion skins with adjika

Another hot way preparing boiled lard with onion peels. But it will require dry, spicy adjika. You can buy it in the spice department. It can be coarse or finely ground, it doesn’t really matter, any will do.


1.5 liters of water;

1 kg of lard;

1.5 spoons of adjika;

1 head of garlic;

70 grams of husk;

1 glass of salt;

Bay leaves, peppercorns.


1. Fill the clean husk with water, put it on the stove, let it boil and only then add salt.

2. While the broth was being prepared, prepare the lard. Scrape the skin with a knife, wash it, cut it into pieces.

3. Dip the lard into the solution, add half a spoon of adjika, bay leaves, 2 cloves of garlic and cook for exactly 8 minutes.

4. Remove, put pressure on and leave the lard for a day, it should be well salted.

5. Grind the remaining garlic, mix with adjika, you can add a couple of drops of liquid smoke.

6. Rub the pieces and you're done! It is advisable to cool them before use. You can keep lard in this brine for several days; you can take it with you on a trip and not worry that the product will disappear.

If you have salted lard in brine and it begins to become cloudy, then get down to business immediately! Don't let the product disappear or fade. We take out the pieces, wash them, put them in a saucepan, add 0.15-0.2 kg of salt, pour in a liter of water and boil for half an hour. You can add husks, any spices and herbs.

Large pieces of lard and those with a lot of meat need to be pierced in several places before cooking. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the inside of the product will not be cooked or will not be salted enough.

The fresh aroma of garlic is the most expressive and appetizing. Therefore, you can package and freeze cooked but not grated pieces of lard. And before eating, cover with garlic and other spices.

If there is any bristles left on the lard, then the pieces need to be thoroughly burned over a gas stove, fire, or just lit newspapers. Then the carbon deposits along with the bristles are scraped off with a sharp knife, and the product is washed. There is no other way to get rid of stubble on the skin.

Lard with layers is valued more than without them. But you need to remember that it is stored worse. Therefore, if there is a lot of meat on the product, then you need to increase the cooking time or immersion in brine. Otherwise, the product will begin to fade inside the piece and the whole thing will disappear.