The best dog breeds for guarding a private house and apartment. Guard dog breeds (with photos and names) Good guard dogs

Guard breeds dogs are excellent guards of housing and the surrounding area, good companions for the owner, and easily get along in a country house or in a city apartment.

A guard dog has acute hearing and increased attentiveness, a pronounced instinct to control its territory, and can notify the owner of the arrival of a stranger. They are unpretentious in maintenance and tolerate different climatic conditions, with a balanced and obedient character.

They have innate guarding abilities, which manifest themselves during guard duty. Despite its size, the pet must have an easy-going character, intelligence, obey the owner’s commands, a keen sense of smell, endurance, and a loud, strong voice.

In addition, guard breeds must have good health and easy to train.

Treat the watchmen a large number of dogs, but they are not always large. The breeder must clearly understand what a particular breed is capable of, since there is a difference between guard and guard breeds.

Everyone has guard dogs, there is a guardian instinct, but their problem is that they are ready to immediately eliminate the stranger.

A guard dog breed must first of all warn of approaching danger, clearly distinguish between extraneous noises, and have a reasonable character. The pet needs to undergo a special training course, otherwise it will react to any rustle, bark for no reason at all moving objects, and will not be capable of performing guard duty. A good breed is one that is always relaxed during a period of calm, and only at the first sign of danger is able to instantly concentrate and warn the owner about the arrival of a stranger by barking loudly.

  • A fearless, beautiful, intelligent and very devoted breed. She has universal abilities, she can do any job: serve in the police, act in films, follow the trail and catch bandits. For the family in which he lives, a shepherd dog best friend and the assistant can be a good nanny for children, loves to play and frolic with them. Easily trainable, obedient and affectionate pet.

  • In 1985 it became officially recognized service breed. She is a pronounced territorial guard, has an excellent reaction to a stranger and an excellent grip. She senses distance well, calms down immediately as soon as a stranger leaves her territory, but at the same time for a long time remains ready for his return. With a loud, strong voice and impressive size, this breed has everything a true watchman and guard needs.

  • Initially, the Rottweiler was bred to be a ferocious and aggressive guard dog, but with proper training, it can be an obedient and affectionate pet. When defending territory, it becomes cruel and merciless; on the contrary, in relation to its owner, this giant turns into a sweet and kind pet. Definitely needs early socialization and strict training from puppyhood.

  • A dog of impressive size and a strong voice will become an excellent watchman and security guard. The Turkmen wolfhound was bred to guard livestock, protect the owner, his family and property. A large, intelligent, discreet and kind pet for its owners, it will become a threat to ill-wishers who encroach on the territory it protects. It needs training and education, otherwise you will not be able to cope with a naughty pet of this size.

  • A playful, cheerful and cheerful pet. He has strong muscles, an athletic build, and is full of strength and energy. Thanks to these qualities, the breed is used for police work and for protecting the territory. The Boxer has excellent watchdog qualities and will always warn the owner of danger. He loves attention to his person, he can stay with his owner all day, and will be happy about it.

  • A brave, courageous, majestic breed, famous for its heroism and fearlessness. They are able to warn of approaching avalanches and can find missing people who have become victims of snow disasters under the snow. A dog is a rescuer, he will never leave you in difficult times, and will do everything in his power to help you. He is big and menacing on the outside, but goodness beats inside him, loving heart. Saint Bernard adores children, loves to play and frolic with them.

  • At one glance at the proud and majestic appearance of this dog, you feel respect for it. The Doberman is smart, noble, elegant and very beautiful. When he's on the move, every muscle in his athletic body plays. He is an excellent watchman and security guard, but needs early socialization and professional training. Thanks to his athletic build and sharp mind, he can learn any job and will become an indispensable assistant for his owner.

  • Chernysh or Russian Pearl, this is how this giant is affectionately called by owners and breeders who know the value of this breed. Despite big size, this is a very elegant and flexible dog. A good guard of the territory, he won’t let strangers get close. But at the same time, he is affectionate and gentle towards the family in which he lives, towards the children of the owner. Gets along well with animals. Can be friends and play with big dogs, and with small crumbs, without harming them.

  • An excellent guard breed, their territory is very important to them and they are ready to defend it to the end. Initially, they were bred as a fighting dog, but now they are a wonderful friend and companion. But in order for a Shar Pei to grow into an obedient and kind pet, the owner needs to work hard on his upbringing, and begin training from puppyhood.

  • A guard breed of medium height. It is considered a dog of one owner. In appearance he is a toy bear with a blue tongue, but in his soul he is a good watchman with an independent and independent character. He has strong nerves, excellent self-control and innate natural delicacy.

  • Agile, fast, brave and majestic dog. Cane Corso, not only ancient breed, he has been admired and respected for many centuries. Many breeders, describing this beautiful breed, say that they combine the appearance of a devil and the character of an angel. Indeed, the pet shows great love and devotion to the owner and his family, but it is better not to meet an uninvited guest.

  • This active, cheerful and hardy breed will become an indispensable friend and assistant for the hunter. She fascinates with her beauty and grace, and her bright red fur evokes admiration. One can simply envy her ability to work, and her hunting instinct and desire to please her owner make her an ideal companion on any hunt, be it baiting a bear or searching for a squirrel.

    This handsome white athlete will not leave anyone indifferent. The only breed bred in Argentina and recognized by the International Canine Federation FCI. The Argentines are so proud of him that they even erected a monument in his honor. And not surprisingly, he is an excellent athlete, hunter, companion, watchman, guide dog, and sometimes it seems that there are no impossible tasks for him.

    A big, strong, proud dog with a beautiful lion's mane and a brave heart. He is an excellent watchman and security guard who loves his owner and all members of his family infinitely. This is a calm and affectionate dog, but if an ill-wisher is walking near your house, his loud barking and menacing appearance will scare away the stranger for a long time. He will be faithful to you all his life, and in return he only requires your attention, love and affection.

    Small in size, smooth-haired dog. With its menacing and corpulent appearance it easily replaces a guard dog, but in fact it is an affectionate and sweet dog. It is easy to train and does not tolerate shouting or threats directed at itself. This breed requires a well-ventilated area because they cannot tolerate overheating.

Choosing a dog is very difficult and responsible. Especially when the dog is needed for protection. Guard dog breeds are now in great demand, as they are an ideal way to protect a private home. To choose suitable dog, you need to have a good understanding of the most popular types of watchdogs.

What affects dogs' guarding skills?

It will be very difficult to teach a dog to guard, since it is exclusively genetic predisposition. That is why, when choosing a dog to protect your home and property, you need to give preference to breeds specially bred for this purpose. But you also can’t forget about training. Even the most thoroughbred dog may not perform its duties without training. It is necessary to raise and accustom a guard dog to protection from puppyhood. If you don't miss this age, the dog will turn out to be an excellent watchman and reliable protector.

Who can be a good watchman

Not every dog ​​can become a guard. For example, a hunting dog will constantly rush around the yard after small animals, because it is instincts that force it to do this. The watchdog will silently observe the process, monitoring everything that happens around him. Even rescue breeds such as St. Bernards cannot adequately cope with security functions. It is in their nature to save people, pull them out of difficult conditions or help in accidents. Of course, the external characteristics of such a dog can frighten a robber or bandit who decides to attack in a dark alley, but you shouldn’t rely too much on the security skills of rescuers.

Guard dogs for a private home must be well trained. Therefore, the puppy needs to be taken to lessons with a dog handler. This must be done immediately after the baby has moved into new house. Average age The start of training is 4 months. Even then, the puppy begins to form habits that will be difficult to remove in the future. Each dog has its own unique temperament and character. But her behavior and habits must be completely shaped by the owner. Otherwise, she can become a source of danger for a person, and not a devoted friend and protector.

Rottweilers are sensitive home guards

Initially, these guard dogs were used to protect and guard livestock in the pasture. They can fight to the last wild beast, protecting his flock. They will do the same when protecting a private home. This breed has long established itself as a reliable watchdog. They are always ready to defend their owners in case of attack by strangers. In addition, Rottweilers are extremely attentive and vigilant dogs. They are able to hear a person approaching from several hundred meters away.

This breed is known for its aggressive attitude towards strangers. Therefore, when approaching a house that is guarded by a Rottweiler, you can hear a loud, warning bark from afar. You should not carelessly enter the yard where this guard dog is running freely. It is better to wait until the owner comes and takes her to the enclosure.

Reliable bodyguards Dobermans

These dogs are born leaders. They strive to gain primacy in everything, they want to be in charge and do not like to give in to anyone. Therefore, the Doberman needs to be strictly trained even in puppyhood. Otherwise, you can raise not a reliable protector, but an unauthorized, capricious dog. Looking at photos of guard dogs, you can see how popular Dobermans are with many actors and Hollywood stars. This dog breed looks very beautiful and even elegant from an aesthetic point of view.

With proper training, they make first-class watchdogs. They can watch their owners for days without leaving the threshold of the house. Thanks to their natural sensitivity, they have lightning-fast reactions. Reflexes allow them to stop approaching danger in time, cover a person if necessary, or overtake an enemy. Dobermans run very fast, so robbers who break into their territory have no chance. A strong, agile and courageous dog must be well trained. Otherwise, it can pose a danger not only to strangers, but also to its owners.

German Shepherd - calm and strong

It is unlikely that you can find a person who will speak badly about this breed. German Shepherds have long won the hearts of not only ordinary citizens, but also famous film directors. Even in films you can notice their incredible devotion to their owners, as well as their ability to protect and protect the house. Positive traits these dogs:

  • they are very smart;
  • deeply attached to their owner;
  • know how to feel a person’s mood, as well as his intentions;
  • do not require special maintenance and care;
  • respond well to all types of training;
  • they are not capable of offending a child;
  • playful and kind with their owners.

The German Shepherd will become not only a good guard dog, but also a true friend for humans. The main thing is not to neglect training and love your pet. Then he will give his life, protecting the owner and his entire family.

Moscow guard dog

They were bred through many crossings, specifically for guard and security functions. The Moscow watchdog was withdrawn from Russia. At the moment the breed is one of the youngest. She is distinguished from others by her majestic appearance and enormous strength. From the photo of the Moscow guard dog you can see how large they are. The dog's dimensions are impressive, but they do not prevent it from running quickly and reacting instantly. Their character is very complex, so they need training.

Moscow watchdogs also need a lot physical activity. Every day they need to move a lot, run and do exercises. This dog breed is distinguished by its aggressive behavior towards strangers. Therefore, you can only let her off the leash in an open area where there are no other people or animals.

Powerful and fast bullmastiff

This dog is known for its strength, speed and agility. If an attacker gets into the house, he will not survive. A dog's instincts make it a good watchdog. When attacking an enemy, she knocks him down and blocks any movement. But in order to achieve such behavior in a dog, you will have to train it well and accustom it to special commands.

By choosing this one among all guard dog breeds, you don’t have to worry about its attitude towards family members. Among household members, the dog will behave calmly and obediently. Having chosen one master for himself, he will completely obey him, protecting not only him, but also the entire family from danger.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

When choosing a good watchman for your home, you can opt for a Caucasian. This breed is distinguished by strength, intelligence and fearlessness. The appearance of a shepherd will scare away strangers and make them avoid the house. The dog can be stubborn, sometimes unauthorized. To prevent this from happening, from childhood you need to show him who is boss in the house. Knowing that he is not in charge, the Caucasian will behave appropriately throughout his life.

This breed is very good-natured towards children. Therefore, he will tolerate all the kids’ antics. However, you should be careful when leaving your dog alone with your child. Every animal can behave unpredictably from time to time. Nobody knows when this moment will come. Therefore, it is better to play it safe once again than to regret the offense later for the rest of your life. The watchdog should always be in its place, preferably in the courtyard of a private house.

How to make a choice

Guard dogs for a private home must have a whole list of necessary qualities. When choosing for yourself not only a friend, but also a guard of private territory, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Decide on the size. A watchdog should be at least medium sized. The ideal option would be a large, strong and hardy dog. Even a Chihuahua can notify you of the arrival of strangers, but only a big dog can drive them away and protect them from criminals.
  2. Choose a dog with a thick undercoat. If you need not a pet dog, but a real watchman and protector, you need to choose one who will not be bothered by bad weather.
  3. Distrust of strangers. All of the above breeds are aggressive towards strangers. This is one of the most important qualities of a good watchman. If a dog is good-natured towards everyone it meets, no amount of its large size or thick undercoat will save it during an enemy attack.

When choosing a guard dog for your home, we must not forget that, first of all, the dog is a friend. In addition to the training necessary for normal development, you need to devote time to playing and walking with him. Sincere love combined with good training will help turn a puppy into a devoted protector not only of the home, but of the whole family.

City residents get dogs mainly as friends and companions, but residents of the private sector primarily see the four-legged pet as a protector of the family and the owner’s property. About what kind of dog is better to get in a private house in the article later.

A breed suitable for guarding a private home must meet the following specific criteria:

  • medium-large or large size;
  • wool suitable for a dog to live outdoors all year round (thick undercoat);
  • wary attitude towards strangers: the pet should not trust strangers;
  • easy care and maintenance;
  • good learning and training abilities;
  • endurance and powerful strength;
  • indifference towards other animals.
  1. Genetically, they have a friendly and indifferent attitude towards people, and the hunting instinct greatly interferes with keeping them among other animals that are usually in the household.
  2. Breeds, such as, were bred to participate in battles; they are strictly forbidden to develop aggression.
  3. Breeds without undercoat. In winter, such pets are kept in a warm home. If you do not plan to move the animal home for the winter, pay attention to other breeds.
  4. Rescue dogs(Newfoundland, and others). These breeds were bred to help people: there is absolutely no malice in them. They are unlikely to scare away criminals and thieves.

Attention! Before getting a dog to guard a private home, you need to study special literature on this issue so as not to make a mistake with your choice. Not every breed is suitable for this important mission.

Optimal guard dogs for a private home

German Shepherd

Important! German Shepherds are very active, so the owner must devote a lot of time to the pet and provide physical activity.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Important! Alabai needs to be walked often so that he releases excess energy.

Giant Schnauzer

Additionally, visually check out the video below on how to choose a guard dog:

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Among other pets, guard dog breeds stand apart, designed to protect property and territory entrusted to them. Helpers of people, these large dogs They have fearlessness and the ability to make independent decisions.

The Komondor has an unusual appearance: a large dog that looks like a huge toy, covered with cord-like hair, the weight of which reaches seven kilograms. Dogs of this breed are intended for guarding, herding livestock, and can perfectly cope with the function of a guard in the absence of a person.

The Hungarian guard breed Commander is not afraid of cold, heat, does not need bedding, can be bodyguards, and guard the territory on free guard.

  • Height: from 69 to 89 cm,
  • Weight: 36-60 kg.
  • Color: only snow-white, puppies can have a cream tint.
  • Price: from 65,000 rubles.

The best bodyguards are the Moscow watchmen

The breed was bred in the last century as an impeccable bodyguard with good health. Huge size, unyielding disposition, habit of attacking with lightning speed, without warning the attacker by barking - these are the characteristics of the Moscow watchdog.

Dogs of this breed, which look like a St. Bernard, can live in an apartment or guard industrial facilities.

  • Moscow watchdog height: 72-78 cm,
  • Weight: from 46 to 68 kg.
  • Color: white with red.
  • Price: from 25,000 rubles.

A merciless and vicious breed - Caucasian Shepherd Dogs

These are guard breeds for private homes, of enormous size, covered with thick, long hair, with a ferocious expression in dark eyes; Caucasian Shepherd Dogs look like a bear. These big ones strong dogs They are suitable for the free protection of large territories and production facilities; they have a natural viciousness and are merciless towards strangers.

The tough character of Caucasian Shepherd Dogs has been tempered in constant struggle with predators and people; they are active and aggressive, so you should not get this breed to guard a small apartment.

  • Height: 63 to 73 cm.
  • Weight: 45-70 kg.
  • Color: gray, spotted, piebald, white, brindle.
  • Price: from 20,000 rubles.

Fighter with high intelligence Central Asian Shepherd

Alabai - this is also the name of the Asian Shepherd, has different intra-breed types, looks powerful and intimidating. The deceptive phlegmaticity, clumsiness, and sleepy appearance are instantly dropped by the Asian when a threat appears. Central Asian Shepherd Dogs They are silent, always attack quickly, without warning, they are excellent guards of large territories, excellent bodyguards and fighters.

Alabai can calmly accompany the owner everywhere, without showing signs of aggression towards others, but rushing at lightning speed on command. To deceive the enemy, to let him get closer and destroy him is in the character of an Asian.

  • Height: from 62 cm without upper limit.
  • Weight: from 47 to 80 kg.
  • Color: any, the most popular is white, white with markings, fawn.
  • Price: from 17 to 50 thousand rubles.

Fluffy polar bear South Russian Shepherd

A breed of domestic selection: the South Russian Shepherd Dog, was bred to protect large territories and objects, as an unpretentious, vicious, sensitive dog. Great height, voluminous fur, incredulous look from under thick bangs, very high viciousness, physical activity They characterize the South Russian Shepherd as a good watchman.

In the USSR, the South Russian Shepherd Dog breed was used to guard the territories of factories and secret facilities.

  • Height: 63 – 65 cm.
  • Weight: from 41 to 50 kg.
  • Color: snow white.
  • Price: from 20,000 rubles.

Banned in several countries, the Dogo Argentino

The breed, which is prohibited in Portugal and a number of other countries due to the high aggressiveness of the Dogo Argentino, is considered a good guard and watchman. Representatives of the breed ideally perform the role of a bodyguard, do not require additional security training, and successfully serve in the police.

Mighty, one of the strongest dogs, capable of fighting a puma alone.

  • Height at withers: 60-69 cm.
  • Weight: from 41 to 66 kg.
  • Color: exclusively white.
  • Price: from 32,000 rubles.

A typical representative of shepherd dogs is the Belgian Groenendael.

considered an excellent guard and watchman, a devoted friend. Representatives of the breed have outstanding intellectual qualities that allow them to serve in the police. Groenendael is extremely hostile towards strangers who enter his territory, and does not require special training in guard skills.

Belgian Shepherds- These are large, dry, energetic dogs that are capable of serving around the clock. They are used as a reliable bodyguard and for protecting territories and homes.

  • Height: 55-67 cm.
  • Weight: 27-35 kg.
  • Color: deep black.
  • Price: from 19 to 36 thousand rubles.

The ancestor of the Molossian breeds, the Tibetan Mastiff

Closed and extremely suspicious of strangers, the Tibetan Mastiff is large in size, has thick fur and a vicious disposition. These unique dogs They are considered good watchmen, and the size of the territory entrusted to them is not important. How real security guard, the Tibetan mastiff is predominantly nocturnal, sleeping during the day, but is ready to fight with an animal or person who dares to set foot on its territory.

Outwardly, they resemble huge lions, with an impressive mane and proud posture.

  • Height: from 61 cm, no upper limit.
  • Weight: from 62 to 82 kg.
  • Color: gold, black, black with markings.
  • Price: from 40 to 77 thousand rubles.

Black terrier bred specifically for the Russian climate for a private home

A domestic breed, created by order of I. Stalin himself, capable of serving in any weather conditions, working with any enemy, guarding the most complex objects - this is the black terrier. The dogs, which look like huge black balls, have incredible jumping ability, power and physical endurance.

Their ferocity was legendary, as black terriers were used to guard secret government facilities.
The black terrier performs well as a guard of a property, house or apartment; many owners successfully train it using the “bodyguard dog” program.

  • Height: 68-76 cm.
  • Weight: from 49 to 65 kg.
  • Color: blue black.
  • Cost: from 15 to 38 thousand rubles.

Alert athlete French Shepherd Beauceron

The smooth-haired shepherd, named after its region of origin, is considered the king of shepherds. Beaucerons are unusually vigilant, they have an amazing ability to analyze information with lightning speed and accept the right decision. They have enormous strength, developed intuition, they can anticipate the owner’s desire based on subtle signs. As watchdogs, Beaucerons are extremely ferocious and can single-handedly take down an intruder.

Distinctive feature The Beauceron is an extraordinary devotion to one owner: the dog remembers one owner all his life, and suffers when separated.

  • Height: 62-70 cm.
  • Weight: 39-51 kg.
  • Color: black with red markings.
  • Price: from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.

Fearless and serious bodyguard Cane Corso

A real city dog ​​with an elegant appearance and remarkable strength, the Cane Corso is designed to protect the owner and home. Large, athletic dogs, with balls of muscles rolling under their satiny skin, dogs of this breed are calm, reserved with strangers, but do not let a stranger out of their sight even for a moment.

The slightest threat can provoke the dog to attack. When freely guarding, Canne Corsos vigilantly monitor the perimeter of the area, not allowing people or animals to approach the border.

  • Height: 60-68 cm.
  • Weight: from 40 to 50 kg.
  • Color: black, dark red, brindle, gray.
  • Price: from 22 to 43 thousand rubles.

A good and incorruptible guard Giant Schnauzer

The Giant Schnauzer can be recognized by the charming expression of its bearded muzzle with expressive facial expressions, a unique beard, and eyebrows. At first glance, this dog seems to be the embodiment of good nature, but as soon as he growls, the enemy immediately feels a sense of mortal danger. Snow-white huge teeth, powerful muscles, strong jaws- all this is intended to fight the enemy. Giant Schnauzers are excellent guards, whose suspicion sometimes approaches manic.

This dog may perceive as a threat to the owner and family, not a visit from a stranger or a random gesture from a person he knows.

  • Height: from 60 to 70 cm.
  • Weight: 35-47 kg.
  • Color: black
  • Price: from 20,000 rubles.

Guard dog breeds have innate protective qualities, so it is not recommended to deliberately anger them. Most representatives of guard breeds are prone to dominance; this quality is clearly expressed in males; they need firm upbringing.

Impressive Bullmastiff

Height – 67 cm

Weight – 58 kg

This is a large breed of dog, with muscles, a strong body, and a wide chest. The coat is short and lies close to the body. The main color is brindle, fawn, red. By nature, these animals are distinguished by affection, love for their owner, they are active, learn quickly, and are hardy. The bullmastiff follows the owner's commands the first time, ready to stop an attacker or stranger.

  • devotion;
  • simplicity in training.
  • often make decisions independently, without obeying commands.

The breed originated from two legendary ancestors - the English Mastiff and the Old English Bulldog. Mastiffs belong to the group of Molossians, that is, service (in the past), fighting, and guard dogs. The bulldog was bred to bait animals (bulls). The poisoning dogs were hardy, ferocious and fearless. The Bullmastiff was bred intentionally to guard and patrol territory. Despite their size, representatives of the breed are quite compact and can live in an apartment. A nuance that the future owner should know about is profuse drooling, which is characteristic of the breed.


Height – 70 cm

Weight – 45 kg

The German Doberman has a muscular, well-developed body, slender legs, and a wide chest. The color is black and red, the coat is smooth and short. The Doberman loves his owner, but is suspicious of strangers. It gets excited quickly, but when trained, it reacts calmly to stimuli. The dog has an excellent sense of smell, developed ingenuity, can be kept in an apartment and used as a guard.

  • loves children;
  • calm, balanced.

Cons: requires long training and education.

The Doberman is a four-legged dog bred to intimidate others and protect the owner. A well-groomed Doberman evokes mixed feelings, but few people doubt his physical strength and fighting ability. Representatives of the breed are excellent for keeping in an apartment, but are capable of protecting large territory. When kept in an apartment, Dobermans need to be productively walked, near water bodies in the summer, and on training grounds in the winter. Four-legged animals cope well with general course training (OKD) and ZKS. With proper socialization, Dobermans are indifferent to other people's animals, distrustful of strangers, and ruthless towards bullies. The dog gets along well in big family, patient with children.

Boxer of German descent

German boxer– another great breed for an apartment. The character of females and males is very different. Males are more determined, females are more patient and affectionate. Boxers are very territorial, and they protect not only the house, but also the owner’s belongings.

A trained dog will guard your left bicycle or bag left near a store or entrance. Boxers are great with children. During a walk, the dog makes allowances for the young owner, does not pull on the roulette leash, and avoids conflicts in every possible way. If the child is in danger, the Boxer is decisive, but reasonable. The dog will not touch a young bully, but will boldly rush into battle if the owner is disciplined stray dogs or an adult.

Guard dogs are perfect for people who want to protect their home and acquire a new family member. First of all, pet protectors are called upon to notify the inhabitants of the house about an intrusion into the territory, have the ability to instantly concentrate and react correctly to a possible danger. But you need to take into account that such dogs are more suitable for experienced owners, because they require special training and care. However, there are also breeds that would be suitable for inexperienced breeders. Each pet must undergo a serious training course from professionals in order to ensure maximum protection for the home and owners, as well as to respond correctly to various irritants. A guard dog is not only safety, but also a great responsibility.

First of all, future owners should think about several things:

  1. Where are you planning to keep the animal? Not all dogs tolerate cold and heat equally well while in an enclosure. The size of the pet also plays a role. Large animals are not suitable for keeping in a small apartment.
  2. Are there children in the house? Certain breeds dogs have complex character and do not recognize anyone except the owner.
  3. Are there other pets in the house? There is a risk that the guard will not get along with other pets.

Based on the answers to these questions, you should decide which dog the best way suitable for a specific family.

The most popular guard dog breeds are:

One of the most elegant and aristocratic guard breeds. Dobermans have proven themselves to be fearless dogs who reliably protect their family. However, such a dog needs to be shown who is boss in the house, otherwise it simply will not listen to its owner. Doberman Pinschers lend themselves well to training, thanks to their innate intelligence and passion.

Peculiarities: minimal grooming, ambiguous character, recognizes only one owner, suitable for keeping in an apartment.

A good-natured, strong protector for home protection. Suitable for owners with an active lifestyle. Dogs of this breed get along well with children and do not show inappropriate aggression if raised correctly. But they are wary of strangers and, in case of danger, will immediately begin to protect their owners.

Peculiarities: can be kept in an apartment, used as service dogs, precautions should be taken when contacting people and animals that are strangers to the dog.

A large, calm animal with an independent character. They carefully protect their territory from strangers and are distrustful of all strangers. At the same time, the Tibetan Mastiff shows patience and love towards family members. A dog needs the company of people, so you can’t just forget about it and leave it in the yard. She will definitely remind you of this with loud barking.

Peculiarities: gets along well with other animals, recommended for keeping in an enclosure, long walks are required.

The easiest animal to care for is the protector. Unfortunately, there is a stereotype that dogs of this breed do not shine with intelligence, but in reality this is not the case. With proper training, a boxer can become an excellent watchdog. The breed is characterized by strength, agility and incredible endurance. Ideal for people with an active lifestyle.

Peculiarities: Suitable for inexperienced breeders, affectionate, gets along well with other pets, can sometimes be noisy.

A popular breed that is distinguished by its high intelligence and trainability, as well as its impressive size. Breeders should be aware that this breed needs long periods of physical activity and walks. German Shepherds are extremely loyal to their owners and have a strong protective instinct.

Peculiarities: they get along with all family members, can be companions, and intuitively sense danger.

A watchman with a strong independent character who can suppress a weak owner. Outwardly, this is an athletic, graceful breed with its own charm. Ridgebacks need long walks and physical activity. fresh air. Moreover, they can be kept both at home and in a city apartment.

Peculiarities: They respond well to training, get along with children, can show aggression towards strangers, and adapt to different climatic conditions.

Remember the dog from the movie "Hachiko"? Amazing devotion to the owner, intelligence and independence - distinctive features Akita - Inu breeds. The dog will protect the family, but it is unlikely to bark at strangers, like most guard pets.

Peculiarities: balanced character, suitable for families with children, can be kept in an apartment, requires long active walks.

One of the cutest guard dogs comes from Asia. Outwardly they resemble small bear cubs. Chow Chows combine calmness, intelligence and independence, but at the same time recognize and love their owner. Dogs of this breed are reasonable and stable. nervous system, make almost no noise.

Peculiarities: They tolerate different climatic conditions well, sometimes show stubbornness, and are suitable for keeping in an apartment.

Noble and formidable appearance, developed muscles are characteristic of this Italian breed. Cane and Corso are powerful dogs that instill fear in their ill-wishers. They are very reasonable and will not show aggression without good reason. Their calm nature and patient attitude towards children make dogs excellent companions for small households.

Peculiarities: Suitable for beginner breeders, have good learning ability, and get along with other pets.

A hardy dog ​​of impressive size, which is more suitable for keeping in an enclosure. By nature, the breed is balanced, but prone to dominance and self-confident, so it is unlikely to be suitable for timid owners.

Peculiarities: can get along with other pets, are not suitable for inexperienced breeders, and show aggression towards other dogs.

The sternest and largest guard who does not get along well with other pets and is distrustful of strangers. At the same time, the dog is very attached to its owner and family. Capable of instantly reacting to a real threat.

Peculiarities: They combine the qualities of a watchman and a security guard, can show aggression towards strangers, are suitable for keeping in a private home, and tolerate different weather conditions well.

Sensitive dogs with excellent hearing and vision, which makes them excellent watchdogs. "Rizens" are very active, which can cause problems during training. Despite their calm disposition in their normal state, these dogs will bravely protect their owners and their children in the face of any threat.

Peculiarities: Careful grooming is required, they require long active walks, and are not suitable for novice breeders.

A calm, good-natured, sedate giant, scaring away ill-wishers with his very appearance. Dogs of this breed can withstand harsh weather conditions well, which makes them excellent watchdogs for private homes. Ready to attack at the slightest threat to the territory or owners.

Peculiarities: suitable for keeping in an enclosure, gets along with other dogs, treats children well, can be stubborn, and is not suitable for novice breeders.

Whatever dog the owners choose, it is important to remember that this is not just an animal, but a family member who requires love, care and attention. Only in this case will a reliable, dedicated watchman appear in the house. Give love to an animal, and it will undoubtedly love you back.