Foods that guinea pigs eat. Let's discuss what is recommended to feed your guinea pig at home. Features of the diet Can guinea pigs eat nectarines?

A varied diet is very important for a guinea pig, including not only dry food, hay and grass, but also fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits. But not all foods will benefit these pets, so when feeding them the question arises: “What vegetables can guinea pigs eat?” Let's look at this issue.

To provide your pet with everything essential vitamins and microelements, you need to include fresh vegetables and fruits in his diet. They should be given in small quantities, about 80-120 grams per day, washed thoroughly before feeding and cut into pieces, but not grated. The pieces should be small so that the pig can eat them completely. Uneaten pieces must be immediately removed from the cage and thrown away, preventing them from rotting. Spoiled and rotten food should not be fed to guinea pigs.

It is best to use products grown in your own garden or garden. But if your land plot or you don’t have a summer house, it is advisable to buy vegetables, herbs and fruits in season, avoiding products grown with the use of pesticides and treated with various drugs.

Let's figure out what vegetables guinea pigs can eat and how they are good for your pets.


Most often, owners are interested in whether guinea pigs can eat cucumbers. These vegetables contain 2-6% dry matter - sugars, fiber, protein, some vitamins and microelements. 94-98% of the total mass of a cucumber is water, so this vegetable has little nutritional value. But, despite this, cucumber helps the rodent’s body digest other foods and absorb fats. You can give cucumbers to guinea pigs in small quantities and, preferably, your own, since poisoning often occurs due to the nitrates contained in purchased cucumbers. Overfeeding cucumbers can lead to digestive problems.


When asked if guinea pigs can eat zucchini, the answer is yes. The pulp of this vegetable contains up to 12% dry matter, including pectin, sugars, vitamins and minerals. Young zucchini fruits are suitable as food for pets.

Radishes and radishes

If you have a lot of radishes growing in your garden and you want to feed them to your pet, but you don’t know whether guinea pigs can eat radishes, then it’s better not to do this. After all, radishes and radishes contain a large number of essential oils, feeding of which can lead to irritation of the mucous membranes and respiratory tract in the pet and the occurrence of bloating. It’s better to offer tops from these vegetables.


Can guinea pigs eat tomatoes? These vegetables contain vitamins A and C, macro- and microelements, pectins and organic acids. Pets can only eat ripe vegetables, since green ones contain solanine, a toxic substance that is destroyed when tomatoes ripen. Pigs should not have green parts of tomatoes - tops and leaves. Tomatoes should be fed in small quantities and only from your garden. Overfeeding tomatoes can cause diarrhea.

Green pea

Guinea pigs can eat peas as a green food, just like other legumes. You can also give some young green peas along with the pods, only in limited quantities. It is not recommended to feed dry peas to pigs, although they are added to some dry food for these animals.


Carrots are very healthy vegetable, containing pectin, carotene, vitamins C, E, K, group B, microelements. Substances contained in carrots have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the pig’s body, which improves the pet’s vision, hearing, and condition of the skin and coat. You can also feed carrot tops, which are also useful. Eating this vegetable may cause your pet's urine to turn orange.


Beets are good for guinea pigs because they contain many vitamins and minerals. But beets should be given in small quantities, as they weaken. This vegetable is not given to piglets under two months old, pregnant or lactating pigs. You can feed beet tops; some pigs eat them even better than root vegetables. After eating beets, the droppings and urine of pigs turn red.


But whether guinea pigs can eat potatoes is of interest to most guinea pig breeders. Potatoes contain a large amount of starch, proteins, and vitamins. It is not recommended to give potatoes to guinea pigs. Raw potatoes contain starch that is difficult to digest, so if you decide to give your pet potatoes, give them a very small amount. Green tubers, green sprouts and potato tops contain a lot of poisonous solanine. Therefore, tubers that have turned green and have been stored for a long time should not be fed.


Can guinea pigs eat cabbage? There is an opinion that cabbage is contraindicated for guinea pigs, that this vegetable causes problems with the digestive system. In fact, cabbage is a healthy vegetable containing a lot of protein, vitamins and microelements.

If you have a healthy pet, not prone to bloating, and you gradually and in small quantities introduce cabbage and other succulent foods into the diet, then your guinea pig will not have problems with digestion. And if you do not follow your pet’s diet and immediately introduce new foods without accustoming your pig to them, then problems with the intestines cannot be avoided. Small amounts of cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and kohlrabi can be fed infrequently. Do not feed early, greenhouse cabbage.


Bell pepper contains a large amount ascorbic acid and carotene. Before offering this vegetable to your pet, you must remove the green part and seeds. Pepper should only be given in season, which is not grown in a greenhouse. Hot varieties of pepper should not be given to guinea pigs - they irritate the mucous membranes.


Rutabaga contains fiber, glucose, proteins, vitamins and minerals. These nutritious and vitamin-rich vegetables are good to feed to pets, from late autumn to early spring when there is not a large selection of vegetables and herbs.


Guinea pigs can be given corn stalks and leaves. The leaves can be fed either fresh or dry. But it is undesirable to give grains, since they contain a large amount of starch, are poorly digestible and contribute to obesity.


Can guinea pigs eat pumpkin? Pumpkin pulp is rich in fiber, proteins, sugar, vitamins, macro- and microelements. Pumpkin is very healthy for guinea pigs and can be fed along with the rind. The seeds also contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. Feeding pumpkin seeds helps prevent helminths. Guinea pigs can be offered all types of pumpkins that are edible to humans.

Jerusalem artichoke

The entire Jerusalem artichoke plant, leaves, flowers, roots, is edible for guinea pigs. Jerusalem artichoke contains a large amount of fiber and essential amino acids - lysine, leicine, arginine. Root vegetables contain inulin, a natural analogue of insulin, which is why Jerusalem artichoke is recommended for those prone to diabetes mellitus. But root vegetables should not be given to marine animals often, since they are considered concentrated feed, and young tubers contain poorly digestible starch, which can cause intestinal disorders.


Guinea pigs can be given a little watermelon during the summer season. Try to give ripe pulp, and it is advisable not to give the white part closer to the rind, since it is in this part that nitrates accumulate. For the same reason, pigs should not be given early vegetables. Watermelon is a diuretic, so indulge your pet with it infrequently.


The same goes for melon. This vegetable is given from your own garden or purchased in season. It is also not recommended to give melon frequently; it is very sweet and can contribute to the development of diabetes.

We tried to consider in as much detail as possible and give answers to the question “What vegetables can guinea pigs eat?” As you can see, most vegetables are not only possible, but also should be given to guinea pigs. The most important thing is a properly formulated and balanced diet for your pet, including products grown without chemicals. To keep your guinea pig healthy and happy, follow proper nutrition and the pet will thank you with its playful behavior and healthy appearance.

So, we have dealt with the question of what vegetables can guinea pigs eat, but we described whether your pet can eat grass in , perhaps you will be interested in this information.

The wild predecessors of domestic guinea pigs live in the Andes and Peru, whose main food is grass. In addition to the diet, it includes various plants, as well as bark, branches, leaves, roots, berries, and fallen fruits. Although our guinea pigs are visually very different from their wild ancestors, their digestion still works on the same principles and their nutritional needs are similar to those of their wild ancestors. In guinea pigs thin stomach and a long intestine that has weak peristalsis. A guinea pig's digestion only functions properly when they eat consistently, consume plenty of fiber, and have unlimited access to food. Their teeth grow throughout their lives, so they need to be constantly ground down. Food from each group (hay, leaves, green food, vegetables, branches) should be freely available. Animals must be able to selectively eat. Only in certain diseases and situations, the feeding of guinea pigs can be slightly adjusted. In summer, it is necessary to offer freshly harvested green food daily; after gradual habituation, it can be given in unlimited quantities. Of course, city residents do not have this opportunity, but when buying food in a supermarket, never feed spoiled, limp, contaminated vegetables and herbs. Guinea pigs should not eat garbage. Unlike other rodents (mice, rats, hamsters), guinea pigs do not naturally eat grain and animal products (they do not need additional animal protein), guinea pigs are strict vegetarians.

Green food

The healthiest and most natural food for guinea pigs is a wild meadow with a variety of plants and herbs. In the Andes, guinea pigs reportedly eat primarily grasses, which are rich in protein and vitamin C. Guinea pigs get this vitamin mainly from grass. In the process of evolution, they lost the ability to synthesize it independently. Grass and plants contain almost all the nutrients a guinea pig needs. However, not all herbs contain sufficient amounts of vitamin C, so be sure to offer forbs to compensate for this deficiency. The fiber found in grass and greens is beneficial to the intestines and helps the broken down food move around. This diet also promotes proper tooth wear. Grass and plants can be given in unlimited quantities only after gradual habituation.


Fresh grass is not always available in sufficient quantities, especially in winter, and also among urban residents. Even after winter ends, the grass in the meadows is not always suitable for feeding. Thus, feeding hay finds a way out of this situation. Thanks to it, the intestines are in motion, the main raw fibers are consumed in large quantities, which is useful for grinding teeth. Even though the grass is dry, it still contains many minerals and vitamins, and also plays an important role in the intensity of chewing. Hay should always be freely available in your guinea pig's diet. Every day you need to offer a new portion of hay. Under no circumstances should you be forced to eat everything, because... Stale hay promotes the development of bacteria harmful to the body, which can lead to fermentation in the intestines. It is very important that the hay for guinea pigs consists of forbs, just like in wild meadows. It is completely normal for more than 50% of the hay to be eaten. Even with a continuous supply of fresh grass, there should always be hay!

Vegetables fruits

Due to the fact that our guinea pigs cannot graze on high-quality forbs around the clock, it is necessary to offer them daily big choice fresh vegetables and herbs. A portion of succulent food should be 20-30% of body weight daily, which is approximately 200-300 grams per adult animal. ( Note author. Servings in grams are based on the average weight of an adult pig weighing 1 kg). Servings of succulent food for babies in grams are indicated in the section. To satisfy vitamins, proteins, and carbohydrates, succulent food must be offered at least twice a day. Uneaten remains should be removed to prevent the development of bacteria and mold. Food must be washed thoroughly before feeding. Variety is important for guinea pigs, although some people mistakenly believe that cucumbers and carrots are enough. Fruits can only be given as a treat in small pieces no more than 2-3 times a week; if the pig does not have a tendency to cheilitis, then the amount can be increased to 4 times a week.
200-300 grams per day of a variety of vegetables and herbs is quite capable of meeting the needs of adult guinea pigs (let me remind you that these calculations in grams are given for a pig weighing 1 kg) nutrients Oh. The minimum portion is approximately 150 grams. in a day. It should be taken into account that most of must be eaten by the time of the next feeding! With a varied diet, pigs have the ability to selectively eat, i.e. They eat what their body needs at the moment. Daily diet should consist of at least 5 different varieties of vegetables and herbs to prevent nutritional deficiencies. In the summer, with an unlimited supply of green food, the portion of vegetables can be reduced. The required amount of vegetables largely depends on the quality and composition and needs of the pig. Not all new foods can be introduced immediately; they should be introduced to them gradually. It is important to take into account the balance of calcium / phosphorus, their ratio is optimal 1.5: 1 and the presence of vitamin C. Underfed guinea pigs can receive more vegetables, and overweight ones, on the contrary, less. Guinea pigs that receive a varied diet do not need additional supplements, vitamins and minerals. If you feed too many vegetables and fruits rich in sugar, as well as poor quality hay, then such feeding can lead to fermentation in the intestines. You should not give a large amount of fruit at once. Although fruits are a good supplier of vitamins, they nevertheless contain fruit acids, which can lead to fungus on the teeth and lips. Due to its juiciness, sugar is fraught with bloating and diarrhea.

You can often hear the statement that eating succulent foods in the morning can lead to intestinal problems. This statement is not true. Guinea pigs eat around the clock and should never be stuck on hay alone. However, if such a factor existed, then the supply of succulent food should be strictly limited and reintroduced gradually, starting with a small amount. Sharp fluctuations and changes in the diet are not acceptable.


You can’t give vegetables only once a day! The portion should be divided into several doses to ensure the intestines are evenly loaded! If you give them only once, then the pigs eat the long-awaited vegetables very quickly, swallowing a lot of air, which can cause fermentation in the intestines. If a pig eats only hay for 23 hours, then a large portion of vegetables loads the intestines, which leads to a malfunction in its functioning. Therefore, it is important to distribute feeding of green food and vegetables over several feedings throughout the day. It is optimal to divide the portion into two or three doses.

Dried herbs/flowers/leaves

Dried herbs, flowers and leaves are also rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. Especially in winter they are an integral part of the pig's diet and should be feed additive to replace unavailable summer food. It is recommended to give an average of 20 g of dry herbs. They contain many minerals, especially calcium (on average 8 times more than fresh). Offering too much dried herbs can encourage excess mineral accumulation in the body. And this in turn can lead to corresponding problems: inflammation Bladder, to kidney stones. Dried flowers, as well as dry leaves of trees and shrubs can be given in large quantities. Dry herbs can be stored in tin cans, thick-walled paper or cardboard boxes, wooden boxes, but dampness must be avoided. Resealable plastic jars and plastic bags are not suitable as they can allow moisture to accumulate, leading to mold growth. Bags made from various materials or thin carton boxes, are not suitable for storage, because they can be attacked by moth larvae and mites. You can also buy herbs in pharmacies, pet stores or order online.

Incompatible and poisonous plants

You should pay attention to selective eating: guinea pigs are capable of choosing incompatible and poisonous plants. But, this only works if they are offered wide range feed because they use their natural instincts. With monotonous feeding, this ability is lost. And pigs can eat harmful foods.

The following plants are very controversial for guinea pigs. This means that they can lead to health problems in large quantities. Most are harmless in small quantities, but do not provide much nutritional value:

Bulbous plants such as leeks and green onions, due to their high content of essential oils, irritate the mucous membranes and are toxic.
Cabbage, especially white, red and Brussels sprouts, can lead to severe flatulence and diarrhea if overfed.
Legumes (lentils, peas, beans) can cause bloating and are toxic in large quantities. Raw and fresh sprouts are allowed to be fed in small quantities.
Potatoes contain a lot of starch, which is poorly digestible in its raw form; the green parts and tops are poisonous.
Radishes and radishes are too pungent.
Rhubarb contains too much oxalic acid, and is classified as a toxic product.
Stone fruits such as cherries, peaches, apricots, nectarines, plums, etc. contain too much sugar and in large quantities, when reacting with water, can lead to severe diarrhea. Exotic fruits can lead to serious disorders digestion, they should not be fed. Some, such as avocados, are difficult to digest, toxic, and unripe fruits can cause diarrhea.

Dry food / pellets / fattening

Adult guinea pigs who receive a varied diet do not need dry food!

Any dry food should be considered as an additional source of calories and energy. Most commercial dry foods contain too much fat, starch, sugar and are often difficult to digest. Only sick and breeding animals, as well as those kept outside during the winter, may need additional supplementary feeding. Dry food for these animals should be low in sugar and mainly consist of a mixture of dried herbs, a small amount of grain, some cereal, dried vegetables and a few seeds. The needs of the animal depend on the breed, living conditions, age, health, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully approach additional nutrition and all aspects should be taken into account. The average value of supplementary feeding is usually the following: no more than one teaspoon per day, no more is required.

Fatty foods in the form of nuts and seeds

Nuts have too much fat and oil, therefore, they can only be given to pigs that move a lot and do not eat dry food at all.

If the hay contains few grasses with seeds, guinea pigs require an additional source of fat and protein. A deficiency of fatty acids can be indicated by tousled hair, active shedding, very dry, flaky skin (Rexes, Texels and other breeds with dry skin suffer from this especially often). In order to provide essential fatty acids such as omega-6 and omega-3, you can feed hulled sunflower seeds and/or seed mixtures (flax, sesame, dill, anise). Half a teaspoon per week. Animals with skin diseases or breeds with dry skin (Rex, Skinny, Texel, etc.) can additionally be given 1-2 peeled sunflower seeds, not fried or salted, once a day. Fresh and dried herbs with seeds generally contain an adequate dose of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

Also, if the hay is of poor quality, you can give a teaspoon of meadow fescue, ryegrass, flaxseed, fennel, amaranth, and dandelion seeds once a week.

Sprouting grain:

You can give greens from sprouted grains and seeds. Feed in fresh possible after gradual accustoming. It should be borne in mind that sprouted seeds are often covered with mold and microbes form; in this case, the green parts are cut off with scissors and the rest is thrown away.


Fresh branches from various trees and shrubs should be offered regularly along with leaves and flowers. The bark contains many minerals and phytochemicals that have beneficial effects on your pig. Eating branches helps massage the gums, which improves blood circulation. This leads to healthy gums and good tooth growth.


A guinea pig needs 10 ml of liquid per day for every 100 g of weight. When guinea pigs receive a lot of succulent food, they eat less water, some animals may not drink at all. But in any case, fresh water should always be in unlimited access. Ideally, filtered water of soft to medium hardness should be offered, poured into a bowl.

  • Attention! A new product should be introduced into the diet gradually, starting with a small amount, 1 new type at a time, monitoring the body’s reaction. If you give a new vegetable or fruit, give small piece, then slowly increase the portion over several days to allow the intestines to get used to it. Don't introduce too many new fruits and vegetables at once. If you are feeding dry food, feed it in the morning with a new portion of hay, and offer some fresh food a little later. Guinea pigs are very sensitive to changes in their diet, so you should never wean them off dry food quickly. Its amount should be reduced slowly day by day, over 2-3 weeks, while the amount of succulent food should also be gradually increased. As a rule, the transition is completely natural nutrition takes about 1-2 months. You should not mistakenly claim that the intestines will prepare themselves with faster changes. Young animals should also be gradually adapted to succulent and new food.

With the arrival of the summer season, before feeding grass unlimitedly, digestion must also be prepared. To do this, take a small portion of herbs and plants and begin to slowly introduce them into your diet, increasing the amount every day. If you give too much herb, the unaccustomed intestines may react to this with diarrhea and bloating.


Squashed peas contains lysine, which is needed in small quantities as a nutrient. The starch in flattened peas is easier to digest. Thus, pea flakes are a healthy addition. However, animals should not receive it constantly. One pea per day is enough; it should not be given to obese animals.

Sunflower seeds(refined) contain fats that are also useful in feeding. Again, once a day 1-2 seeds is usually enough.

Dried vegetables, cut into slices or cubes are not suitable treats. They swell very much in the stomach and can contaminate its walls. If offered, it is very rare. Dried fruits contain a lot of sugar and are not recommended.

Compressed hay baskets. This is ground hay with a coarse texture, additionally including various meadow grasses that hold their shape due to compression. They can chew on such a toy for several days. As a rule, the desired shape is achieved using cold pressing. May be offered from time to time.

Corn and corn flakes. Even when flattened, it still contains a lot of starch. Healthy indoor guinea pigs do not need as many carbohydrates. Animals kept outside during the winter can be offered a few grains, but only as a treat.

The following foods are not considered healthy foods!

Ready-made foods and treats sold in pet stores include many unnecessary and harmful ingredients (large amounts of sugar, molasses, molasses, etc.). Ingredients containing starch and sugars reduce the pH in the intestines, which leads to intestinal diseases. In addition, they make guinea pigs obese and lazy. Drops (contain dairy products) are completely unsuitable for guinea pigs. Because they are strict vegetarians, their digestive system not intended for animal proteins. Manufacturers producing all this are more interested in profit; they do not care at all about the health of pets. You can buy dried herbs, roots, flowers, and less often dried vegetables in pet stores. Under no circumstances should guinea pigs be given candy, grain, honey, bakery products, cereals, dairy products, scraps from the human table, pasta, rice, confectionery, syrup, molasses, sugar, animal products, chocolate.

The digestive tract of guinea pigs is designed in such a way that in order to maintain health and normal functioning, they must receive the same food at home as in their natural habitat. You need to know which products are allowed for the animal and which are prohibited. A rodent’s life depends on adequate nutrition, since after less than a day of improper feeding, its intestinal function stops, which is why the animal dies.

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    General feeding rules

    In order for the guinea pig's health to be normal, its coat to look well-groomed, and its teeth to remain strong, the pet must be fed properly. The daily menu includes:

    • hay – 50%;
    • juicy food – 20%;
    • dry food – 20%;
    • greens – 10%.

    You need to feed the animal often, but little by little. It is best to do this 4 times a day at the same time. Portions should be small. You should always put hay in your rodent's cage.

    If dry food is not available, replace it with a similar weight of raw vegetables and herbs. The pig's diet should be varied, and be sure to include 3 different vegetables and herbs in the daily menu.

    After feeding, you need to remove all leftover food and wash the feeders, as soured food can cause stomach upset. Cleans dishes without using detergents. The new product is introduced carefully, since pets are very sensitive to changes in food. If signs of disruption of the gastrointestinal tract appear, it is immediately excluded from the menu.

    Grain feed

    Guinea pigs eat grain feed, which forms the basis of their diet. You can purchase in specialized stores finished products for them. The basis of such feed is oats. They also contain barley, millet, corn grains, sunflower seeds, vitamin supplements and vegetable granules.

    The feed mixture can also be made at home. To do this you need to purchase different types grains and mix them. The main ingredient is oats, which guinea pigs love more than other grains.

    Solid grain food must be present on your pet's menu. It is necessary for rodents to wear down their teeth, which grow continuously. If the animal eats only soft and raw food, then its incisors will unnaturally lengthen, preventing it from absorbing food, and as a result the guinea pig will die of starvation.

    Guinea pig breeds - short-haired, long-haired, hairless, rare

    Green food

    Wild meadow grass, which is a source of vitamin C, is very useful for domestic guinea pigs. It also contains a large amount of nutrients needed by these animals. Not all plants are rich in them, so it is recommended to give your pet various herbs. Greens contain fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the intestines. But it should be collected very carefully, as some species may be poisonous.

    Nettle leaves are very useful for animals. They are used for the treatment and prevention of vitamin deficiency. In winter, you can offer your pet greens from sprouted seeds and cereals, but they are accustomed to such food gradually. If the seeds become moldy, cut off the green part and throw away the rest.

    Hay and branches

    Due to the structural features digestive tract Guinea pigs desperately need hay. You can purchase it at the store or prepare it yourself. It is important to select non-poisonous plants. You cannot make hay from alfalfa. If it is purchased, then you need to pay attention to its smell. The rotted product has a specific aroma and should be discarded. Hay helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and allows the animal to grind its teeth.

    This product should be prepared from forbs. Do not collect grass in polluted areas or near roads. Hay is included in the animal’s diet 1.5–2 months after haymaking, when it is well dried.

    Guinea pigs are allowed tree branches - spruce, aspen, willow. It is not recommended to give branches of juniper and fruit trees.


    The diet of rodents must include:

    • beets;
    • pumpkin;
    • zucchini, bell pepper;
    • carrot;
    • cucumbers

    Guinea pigs should not be fed tomatoes or bell pepper. It is recommended to give different vegetables every day. Zucchini and pumpkin are not contraindicated for these animals, but they are offered to animals no more than 3 times a week. Potatoes are also excluded from the diet, as they contain starch, which contributes to obesity, and solanine, which lowers immunity in pets.

    Celery is included in many luxury guinea pig foods. The vegetable is rich in vitamins and microelements, and also contains phosphorus, iron, potassium, calcium and magnesium. Give tomatoes in moderation and sauerkraut(1 tbsp every few days).

    Experts do not recommend feeding guinea pig Chinese and white cabbage. It is also undesirable to give broccoli and cauliflower. These raw foods contribute to the development of diarrhea and flatulence. Radishes and radishes cause irritation of the mucous membranes, but their tops can be given to pets.

    Fruits and berries

    All berries and fruits contain natural sugars and fruit acids to one degree or another. These substances contribute to the development of many serious illnesses in guinea pigs. They are included in the diet, but in small quantities. It is recommended to use them as a treat.

    Watermelon has a diuretic effect, so you should feed it to the animal as rarely as possible, or it is better to avoid it altogether.

    Guinea pigs should not eat all citrus fruits. You can give them peach, melon, avocado, pomegranate, and pineapple as a treat in very small quantities 1-2 times a month. Persimmons are undesirable in the diet because they cause stomach upset. Bananas are also prohibited due to the presence of starch.

    Dried fruits (dried apricots, dates, raisins, etc.) contain more fructose than fresh ones, so they should not be used.

Guinea pigs are easy to care for. But when it comes to nutrition, it is better to be careful so as not to inadvertently harm your beloved animal. In this article you can find answers to the main questions: What do guinea pigs eat? What to feed a guinea pig at home and how many times a day? How to feed guinea pigs?

Proper nutrition is about caring for your pet’s health, as well as the condition of its hair and teeth. A guinea pig's daily diet should consist of:

  • dry food – 20%;
  • succulent feed – 20%;
  • green fodder – 10%;
  • hay – 50%.

By observing several simple rules feeding, you can maintain your guinea pig's health in order:

  1. Rodents are fed 3 times a day.
  2. The feeder is not removed from the cage; the pig must always have food.
  3. The presence of hay in the cage is mandatory; the supply of hay must be established immediately.
  4. If dry food is not included in the pet’s menu, then the portion of fresh vegetables and herbs is increased to 150 grams. in a day.
  5. It is better to diversify your diet by offering different foods every day.
  6. Ideally, a daily portion of food contains at least 3 types of vegetables and herbs.
  7. Collecting herbs near roads and factories is prohibited.
  8. It is recommended to give fruits in the first half of the day, and dry food in the second half of the day.

Dry food

Dry food is sold in pet stores and can frighten a novice pig breeder with its variety. To select a product, you can use the recommendations of experienced breeders and rely on the information indicated on the package:

  1. The high content of fatty components (seeds, nuts), sugar, cellulose and animal proteins indicates that the mixture is not suitable for daily use.
  2. The presence of dyes does not justify itself; the pet does not care what color the granules are.
  3. The composition should be balanced with a predominance of cereals;
  4. The content of coarse fibers and vegetable proteins is at least 20%.
  5. Vitamin C is a must.

Preparing such a mixture yourself will not be difficult. The feed usually includes:

  • cereals;
  • seeds;
  • corn;
  • legumes;
  • dried fruits;
  • dried vegetables;
  • herbal component.

Green food

The benefits of green food are obvious:

  • natural food of guinea pigs;
  • have a good effect on digestion;
  • provide the body with necessary vitamins and other beneficial substances.

Among the plants there are poisonous ones that can harm the health of rodents. When collecting grass, it is recommended to focus on the list of permitted feed:

  • alfalfa;
  • dandelion;
  • tops (carrots and beets);
  • clover;
  • plantain;
  • chamomile;
  • tansy;
  • whine;
  • young sedge;
  • yarrow;
  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • spinach;
  • salad;
  • sprouted grains;
  • celery;
  • leaves of garden berries;
  • mint.


The most important product on a guinea pig's menu is hay. The piglets love him very much. For the animal this is not only a source necessary substances, but also care for teeth, as well as a stimulant for the digestive system.

You can make hay yourself. It must be dried for at least 2 months, avoiding moisture.

When buying a finished product, you should also check it for the presence of a putrid odor.

Juicy food

Juicy food is also beneficial for the pig's digestion and teeth. Vegetables and fruits are healthy treats for guinea pigs. To a greater extent it should be vegetables:

  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • beet;
  • cauliflower and white cabbage;
  • cucumbers;
  • zucchini;
  • bell pepper;
  • rutabaga and turnip.

Sometimes animals are offered fruits and berries as treats:

  • apples;
  • pears;
  • cherries;
  • plums;
  • peaches;
  • apricots;
  • citrus fruits (very rarely).

Seeds, nuts and other foods

Active pigs need high-calorie foods. In this case, sunflower seeds, flax and sesame seeds, as well as nuts, are indispensable. If the animal gains weight too quickly, these foods are excluded from the diet.

  1. You can give wheat bran to rodents, green pea, sometimes cereals.
  2. It is very useful to give your pet branches of fruit trees to wear down teeth and replenish mineral reserves.
  3. Dried fruits are suitable as a “holiday” treat. In large quantities they are dangerous for the animal.

Vitamins and minerals

Here we should dwell separately on vitamin C. The body of guinea pigs is designed in such a way that vitamin C is not produced in it at all. To compensate for its deficiency, the animal needs to eat foods rich in this vitamin. Additionally, ascorbic acid is added to the rodents' drink.

Other important components for maintaining the life of guinea pigs are salt and calcium. The animal can obtain them in the form of mineral stones.

Vitamins K and B are absorbed in the body of animals only when secondary processing, so pigs often eat their droppings. You should not stop your pet if he does this.

You can also add meat and bone meal and fish oil to your guinea pigs' diet as food additives.


Having a fresh portion of drink in your pet's cage is a must. 250 ml is enough for one animal. Pregnant females require more fluid.

Use boiled water wrong. Filtered or bottled water will do. The cleanliness of the drink must be carefully monitored, since an infection can enter the animal’s body along with garbage.

Prohibited Products

It has already been said above that some foods are harmful to guinea pigs. In order not to harm his pet, the owner needs to know the list of foods that piglets should not eat:

  • chocolate, candies and other sweets;
  • baked goods and pasta;
  • potato;
  • saltiness, smokedness;
  • products of animal origin;
  • burdock;
  • sorrel;
  • green onions;
  • salad mustard;
  • mushrooms;
  • chestnuts;
  • garlic;
  • horseradish;
  • radish;
  • salt, spices, sugar.

Which tree branches are prohibited from giving:

  • oak;
  • rowan;
  • buckthorn;
  • willow;
  • hornbeam;
  • elm;
  • all coniferous branches.

Pregnant pig and newborn piglets: feeding and care

A pregnant guinea pig and small piglets require special care. The expectant mother needs to eat regularly. Her menu should be enriched with vitamins and protein. It is better if during this period the animal eats sprouted wheat grains, beets, carrots and alfalfa.

Part of the pet's cage is shaded and a drinking bowl is installed there. Milk is added to the female's drink. It is also recommended to drink rosehip infusion or tomato juice.

If the new mother does not have milk, the owner will have to take care of it and feed the newborn pigs themselves from a syringe. Caring for offspring is a responsible and enjoyable activity. Cream (10%) is used as food for piglets. You will also need to give your kids the drug Linex.

Feed for small pigs is given 1 ml every hour. The required amount of cream is drawn into the insulin syringe (without a needle). 1/10 of the Linex capsule is added to the mixture. This mash is very nutritious and healthy. The food, warmed to room temperature, is squeezed out drop by drop. From the second week, the offspring can be fattened dairy-free porridge. Gradually, the kids are transferred to “adult” food.

Cute and adorable guinea pigs are one of the favorite pets in the world for many people, especially children.

Guinea pigs are a species of rodent in the family Caviidae and the genus Cavia. Contrary to their name, they have nothing to do with pigs. These small, furry rodents are quite adorable.

Proper nutrition can be considered as the most important aspect caring for them. Only proper diet can ensure your pet's health. To have a happy guinea pig, it is important to provide fresh fruits and vegetables that the animal loves to eat. Their natural diet consists of grass, hay and dry food. Pellets can be found in almost all pet stores. But it is advisable to purchase high-quality dry food, because the health of your pet will depend on it.

Dry food

In general, alfalfa or Timothy pellets are considered the best for your baby guinea pig. In addition to kibble, you can feed your guinea pig fresh Timothy hay. Many people choose to feed their guinea pigs alfalfa hay. But, as has been noted, alfalfa hay contains a lot of calcium, which leads to the appearance of kidney stones. In addition, eating a lot of alfalfa can cause obesity. Therefore, it is best to maintain a balance between Timothy and alfalfa hay. Along with this, your little pets will enjoy the grass and dandelions.

Vegetables and fruits

They simply love leafy vegetables. However, excessive consumption of them causes diarrhea. So, give them vegetables only in moderation. These rodents love to eat parsley, beets, broccoli, celery, spinach, bell peppers, and red lettuce. In addition, fruit is another component of a balanced and healthy diet for your guinea pigs. They happily eat apples (without seeds), grapes, orange slices, bananas, strawberries and cucumbers. Like vegetables, moderation should be maintained when feeding these fruits.

Foods to Avoid

Avoid feeding your guinea pigs plants such as lily of the valley, wormwood, fern, chamomile, privet, ragwort, rhubarb, hellebore, wild celery, onion, belladonna, foxglove, iceberg lettuce and plants that grow from bulbs, as these are considered poisonous to guinea pigs. In addition, beans, popcorn, ice cream, sugary foods, chips, potatoes, meat, fish and cheese should be avoided. Don't feed too much dairy or caffeinated foods, including chocolate or lots of bread or cookies.

This animal cannot synthesize vitamin C and must obtain it from its diet. Typically, most dry foods are fortified with vitamin C. In addition to this, you can provide them with broccoli, apples, celery, spinach and orange fruits and vegetables that are rich in this vitamin. Second important thing It should be noted that guinea pigs react painfully to any sudden change in their diet. Therefore, it is better to introduce new foods into the diet slowly and gradually. You can also talk to veterinarian and follow his advice. Finally, along with nutritious foods Give them fresh fresh water daily.

Keep cages neat and clean, replace soiled supplies regularly, and keep guinea pigs well-groomed and healthy.