When is Chekist Day celebrated? FSB Day (Day of Employee of State Security Bodies of the Russian Federation). History of the FSB

The professional holiday “December 20 Holiday - Day of Security Agencies Workers” brings together all Russian employees of the FSB, SVR, FSO and other special services. It is celebrated annually on December 20th. It should be noted that this holiday is not a day off.

The Day of State and National Security Officer was approved by decree Russian President dated December 20, 1995. On this solemn day, employees of the security agencies of our country receive numerous congratulations from officials of various ranks and the Russian president himself.

The date December 20 was chosen to celebrate the Day of State and National Security Officer by the president himself, and this did not happen by chance. On this day in 1917, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR issued a document on the creation of the Cheka. This commission was created with the aim of combating opponents of the revolution and sabotage in Soviet Russia. Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky, who later bore the nickname Iron Felix, was elected its first chairman.

History of Russian security agencies

The Day of State and National Security Officer is an excellent occasion to look at a page of history.

The history of our country's security agencies is quite ambiguous. This service went through difficult times, but managed to survive. It is impossible not to note its enormous importance for our country, because it is it that ensures the security of our state. Its employees serve for the benefit of their homeland and their people. Today there is a lot of criticism of the security officers who ensured the state security of the Soviet Union. Their mistakes continue to be widely discussed by historians. But modern security agencies are certainly very different from their predecessors. Over the past decades, dramatic changes have occurred in them, as in the entire country as a whole. We can say that the work of these special services has gained new meaning. In Soviet times, the main, but unspoken task of these services was the suppression of freedoms and rights Soviet citizens. Today, their activities are aimed at protecting the constitutional rights of citizens of our country.

Democracy has brought a new understanding state security. There is no denying that these services wield a lot of power. It is for this reason that it is so important that all its employees are honest and law-abiding people and perform their work impeccably from a legal and professional point of view. They cannot make a single mistake in their activities. Otherwise, they will lose the trust of society.

Service Tasks

State security officers bear a very large responsibility for the entire country. These people have to decide almost every day difficult tasks that are related to ensuring state security. But these are not the only responsibilities they have. They are also responsible for national security.

The concept of national security implies the protection of the citizens of our country and their way of life from various external and internal threats.

A similar professional holiday existed back in Soviet times. Then it was called Chekist Day and was established on December 20 (December 7, old style) 1917. It was then that the Cheka was formed. Later it was renamed several times. From the first days of its existence, the Cheka stood up to defend the territorial integrity of our state, as well as its sovereignty. She led an active struggle against foreign invaders and anti-Soviet conspiracies within the country. The measures chosen were quite severe. Many people were innocently convicted and suffered undeserved punishment. It should be noted that this service was endowed with extraordinary rights and powers.

When the country was completed Civil War, then the need for such a special body simply disappeared. Therefore, the government of the country decided to abolish this body.

State security

The concept of state security is quite capacious and includes a whole range of economic, military, political, legal and social measures. All of them are aimed at protecting the existing public and political system. They ensure the inviolability of territories and the independence of our state from external and internal enemies and ill-wishers.

Without a doubt, state security is the main component of national security. Without national security it would be impossible to ensure sustainable development countries.

Modern state security services are engaged not only in such traditional activities as intelligence and counterintelligence. They are also fighting such social dangerous phenomena, such as terrorism, organized and economic crime, as well as corruption and drug trafficking.

State policy aimed at ensuring security is part of the internal and foreign policy of our state. Its main directions are determined by the president of the country.

Our state must cooperate with other countries, but these relationships must be peaceful. It is very important for the country to avoid armed conflicts and wars. At the same time, our state gives preference to peaceful diplomatic solutions various problems arising in relations in the international arena.

Many problems may also arise within the country. After all, we must not forget about the fact that the Russian Federation represents one of the most large states world. In addition, it is also a multinational state, on whose territory more than a hundred nationalities live. Each of them has unique features of material and spiritual culture. It is extremely important that exclusively peaceful and friendly relations exist between these nationalities. Unfortunately, some difficulties still arise. And this problem also falls within the competence of security authorities.

The holiday “Day of Employee of State and National Security Bodies” exists not only in modern Russia, but also in some other former Soviet republics.

Currently, State and National Security Officer Day is a professional holiday for employees of the Federal Security Service (FSB), the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), the Federal Security Service (FSO) and the Main Directorate of Special Programs of the President of the Russian Federation. IN Soviet period all of these special services, as main departments, were part of the structure of the State Security Committee (KGB) of the USSR.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of intelligence services Russian Federation in maintaining the constitutional order and territorial integrity of the country, in modern conditions fight against terrorism.

The fight against crime and terrorism today remains one of the most current problems states. Employees of state security agencies carry out operational combat missions with honor and dignity in conditions involving risks to life and health, while demonstrating high professionalism, courage and bravery.

Employees of the security agencies of the Russian Federation stand guard over the strategic interests of the Motherland, courageously and selflessly defend them in “hot spots” and Everyday life, in your country and abroad.

Russian security agencies have many tasks. Russia, like any other state, at all stages of its development needed and now needs reliable protection their national interests. The most important of them is the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens. This is precisely the key to understanding the very essence of state and public security and trust on the part of our citizens.

People who are faithful to their oath and official duty, honest and decent, courageous and selfless, go to work in security agencies.

Employees of the Federal Security Service of Russia, operating in the most difficult operational conditions, are always on the front line of the fight against crime, actively contribute to maintaining stability in the country, and ensure the security of individuals, society and the state. With their work they deserved their holiday, the Day of Security Authorities of the Russian Federation!

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20.12.2016 22:00

The Day of the Security Authorities of the Russian Federation is a professional holiday for employees of the FSB, SVR, FSO and other special services, celebrated annually on December 20, but is not a non-working day...

Don’t you think that this area is painfully missing something?

In the Russian Federation, Security Agencies Worker's Day has been celebrated since December 20, 1995. However, we should not forget what preceded this, and it turns out that real story“Chekist Day” dates back almost 100 years. At the same time, the pre-revolutionary history of the security agencies has its roots in hoary antiquity. After all, even under Ivan the Terrible there was an analogue of them.

Since May 1991, the State Security Committee of the RSFSR began its work, which from 1991 to 1995 went through a series of reorganizations. So on December 21, 1995, President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin issues a decree establishing the “Day of Employees of the Internal Security Agencies of the Russian Federation,” and to this day it is the official professional holiday of the Russian special services.

The official date of abolition of the State Security Committee (KGB) of the USSR is December 3, 1991. Then Gorbachev and a number of other people who suddenly felt like “democrats” committed a real crime. Not provided for by the Constitution of the USSR "Council of Republics of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR" adopted Law No. 124-N “On the reorganization of state security bodies.” This law “legalized” the liquidation of the KGB of the USSR. However, according to paragraph 2 of Art. 113 of the USSR Constitution, the decision to abolish the KGB was within the competence of the entire Supreme Soviet of the USSR, and not just one of its chambers (especially not provided for by the Basic Law of the USSR). At the same time, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, before the collapse of the USSR on December 26, 1991, did not remove the mention of the KGB from the USSR Law of May 16, 1991 N 2159-I “On State Security Bodies in the USSR.”

During the years of Soviet power, state security bodies went through a difficult path of formation. Thus, by Decree of March 13, 1954, the State Security Committee (KGB) was created under the Council of Ministers of the USSR. The names changed, but one thing remained unchanged to this day - December 20 was and is celebrated as “Chekist Day” - this is a holiday of people who stand guard over the country’s security every second.

As for an even earlier time, back in 1917, on December 20, the Council of People's Commissars issued a decree establishing the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission (VChK). The main task of the Cheka was to fight secret and overt enemies of Soviet power, corruption and sabotage. Starting on February 6, 1922, the GPU (State Political Administration) department began its work under the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs (NKVD). A year later, on November 2, 1923, the United State Political Administration (OGPU) was created. And Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky headed all three of the above structures (VChK, GPU and OGPU) until his death in 1926.

On December 20, 2016, on the day of the professional holiday of security officials, Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed employees and veterans of the FSB and other structures and thanked them for their “dedicated and honest service to the Motherland.”

“Your work requires special qualities - the highest competence, perseverance, courage, readiness for any, even the most difficult tests,” the president notes in a congratulatory telegram.

According to Vladimir Putin, security officials daily demonstrate in practice their readiness to solve important tasks to protect Russia from internal and external threats.

Please note that the following extremist and terrorist organizations are prohibited in the Russian Federation: Jehovah's Witnesses, National Bolshevik Party, Right Sector, Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), Islamic State (IS, ISIS, Daesh) , “Jabhat Fatah al-Sham”, “Jabhat al-Nusra”, “Al-Qaeda”, “UNA-UNSO”, “Taliban”, “Majlis of the Crimean Tatar people”, “Misanthropic Division”, “Brotherhood” of Korchinsky, “Trident named after. Stepan Bandera", "Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists" (OUN).

Security Officer's Day is an annual holiday celebrated on the twentieth of December. On this day it is customary to congratulate all those who decide every day the most difficult tasks to ensure state and national security, protect the peace of civilians. Contrary to popular belief, it is not only the FSB that is involved in this. Bodies such as the FSO, SVR, GUSP and others play a major role in maintaining state security. This day is also celebrated by students of specialized universities, who will soon begin to serve for the benefit of our homeland.

history of the holiday

The date December 20 was chosen as the official date for objective reasons. It was then, back in 1917, that the Council of People's Commissars, on the initiative of Vladimir Lenin, issued a decree establishing a special body. It was called the All-Russian Emergency Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage. Five years later, this body was disbanded, and its powers were transferred to the State Political Administration under the NKVD of the RSFSR.

The history of this body, first in the RSFSR, then in the USSR and finally in the Russian Federation, is complex. Its structure, leaders and names changed. But his goal remained unchanged - the protection of the country and its population. In its current form, the FSB dates back to 1995. In April of this year, Boris Yeltsin signed Federal law“About the bodies of the FSB.” The document discussed the powers legal basis, principles and directions of activity of the security authority.

Despite the almost century-old history of the structure, for a long time The security forces did not have the opportunity to celebrate their holiday at the official level, receive congratulations and well-deserved awards. True, this mistake was corrected quickly - in the same 1995, when the head of state issued Decree No. 1280 establishing the Day of State Security Agencies.

Security Forces Worker's Day is a professional holiday for employees who are related to a number of law enforcement agencies. These include the Federal Security Service (FSB), security (FSO), foreign intelligence (SVR), and the Main Directorate of Special Programs (GUSP). The memorable date is celebrated by ordinary employees, junior and command level officers, and heads of departments. Cadets and teachers of specialized higher education institutions will join the celebrations educational institutions, workers who have ever been in the ranks of law enforcement agencies. The official name of the holiday is the Day of Security Authorities of the Russian Federation.

In Russia in 2020, the Day of Security Authorities is celebrated on December 20 and is being held at the official level for the 26th time.

Meaning: the holiday is dedicated to the creation of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission on December 20, 1917.

On this day, distinguished employees are awarded certificates, medals, orders, notes of gratitude are made in personal files, and promotions are awarded.

The date of the holiday has a symbolic meaning. On December 20, 1917, the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission (VChK) was created. The structure was engaged in the fight against counter-revolution, sabotage and became the prototype of modern intelligence services.

IN Soviet times December 20 was an informal holiday called Chekist Day. After the collapse of the USSR, the tradition of honoring security forces was preserved in Russia.

Holiday traditions

On this day, the command holds a ceremony of awarding employees with diplomas, medals, orders, makes notes of gratitude in personal files, and promotes them in positions best workers. Highly professional specialists are awarded the honorary title “Honored Employee of the Security Agencies of the Russian Federation” for personal merit. The FSB of the Russian Federation is presenting awards for the best works of literature and art about the activities of the federal security service. Celebrations are held in cultural institutions. Festive concerts are broadcast on television.

Daily task

Watch a documentary or feature film about security officials.

  • On December 20, 1917, the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission was established. For the fight against counter-revolution - the Cheka. The service received the unspoken nickname “Cherezvychaika”, and its employees were called “Chekists”.
  • Then the Cheka was renamed the NKVD. This service passed sentences on “enemies of the people.” Over the years of its existence, 386,798 people were shot.
  • In 1954, the service received the name KGB. The committee fought against dissidents, dissidents and crime.
  • From 1998 to 1999, the head of the service was Vladimir Putin.
  • In the RSFSR there was a Fifth Directorate of Administrative Affairs of the Council of Ministers, which was entrusted with the tasks of construction, reconstruction and improvement of public administration points. The organization's priority was the modernization and development of reserve control centers in case of war. The successor to this department was the Main Directorate of Special Programs (GUSP).


“Your job requires you to be courageous, courageous, persistent, and attentive. You carry out your service honestly and resignedly, protect state and people's security. Thank you! Let the difficulties that always come your way be easily overcome, and in personal life We wish there were no problems. Health to you and peace of mind. Happy holiday, dear security officials!

“Congratulations on your professional holiday! On FSB Day, I want to wish you to always remember honor and conscience, valor and courage! Enjoy life, and also do your job, giving your all! Let success knock on the door, and don’t forget to open it in time! I wish you never to part with kindness, but at the same time show strength of character, distinguish true from false and remember that we only have one life! Positive, Have a good mood- and life will definitely shine with the most bright colors! I also wish you not to be discouraged, to succeed and strive for the best, remembering that there are always family and friends nearby, ready to provide support at the right time!

“On Security Worker Day, allow me to offer you my warmest congratulations! Day and night you stand guard over the entire country, keep its secrets, don’t let enemies through, you are real heroes and today with all my heart I wish you a long, happy life, and also great success in your difficult work!


Military encyclopedia. An encyclopedia dedicated to military topics and the history of the country in a gift edition will become a thematic and discreet present for a professional holiday.

Army token. An army dog ​​tag with a personalized engraving will serve as an original memorable gift and a stylish accessory for a security officer.

Artistic portrait. A portrait of the hero of the occasion in an unusual image will be an excellent memorable gift for a professional holiday.


Logic and erudition
Several people take part in the competition. Each participant is given whatman paper and a marker, as well as cards with well-known sayings: “Appetite comes with eating,” “The sheep are safe and the wolves are fed,” “Work is not a wolf, it will not run into the forest,” “The owner is a master.” In one minute, the contestants must depict the essence of the saying on whatman paper. Then the participants show their works to the guests of the holiday. The one whose proverb is guessed the fastest wins the competition.

Two teams with the same number of participants take part in the competition. How more people in teams, the more exciting the game becomes. The facilitator invites the teams to line up according to hair or eye color, length of last name, names in alphabetical order, zodiac signs, work experience, etc. The team that completes the task first receives one point. At the end of the competition, points are calculated. The team that scores the most points takes first place.

Best Short Film
The competition involves two teams with an equal number of participants. The task of the competitors is to prepare and show a miniature on the topic “One day of our work” within the allotted time. After preparation, the teams perform in front of the guests of the holiday. The one whose performance turns out to be more original wins the competition.

About the profession of a security officer

Security specialists protect the interests of the country and its citizens. They stop and investigate crimes. Ensure the security of strategic facilities and top government officials. They defend the constitutional order and conduct mobilization preparations. Provide reports on defense capabilities.

This holiday in other countries

  • In Ukraine, March 25 is celebrated as Security Service Day.
  • On December 20, Belarus celebrates State Security Officer Day.
  • What date is Security Agency Worker Day (FSB Day) in 2021, 2022, 2023

    2021 2022 2023
    20 December Mon20 December Tue20 December Wed

Employees of national and state security agencies celebrate their holiday on December 20, according to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 20, 1995. This day is designated to celebrate the FSB day, because in 1917 it was on the same day that the Cheka (All-Russian Extraordinary Commission) was created. F. E. Dzerzhinsky became its first chairman. To replace the Cheka in 1954, the State Security Committee was created under the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Before the formation of the Russian Federation, December 20 was celebrated as Chekist Day.

IN present time This day is a professional holiday for all employees of foreign intelligence, the FSB, the Federal Security Service, as well as for specialists who work at the Main Directorate of Special Programs of the President. During the Soviet era, all of the above services were part of the USSR State Security Committee (KGB).

State security -
Forever in your destiny...
So accept gratitude
Happy holiday, Happy FSB Day!

I won’t wish for courage -
You don't have to occupy it.
May all plans come true
So that the world can become a better place!

Congratulations in secret -
We know about these nuances.
Protecting security
Don't look at the danger.
You rarely sleep. Even though you are silent -
And you keep an eye on everyone.
On your professional day
Have a blast!
Read the codes, ciphers,
Find everything, solve it,
Find out the secrets and dare!

Happy FSB Day! I wish you boundless health and boundless luck, brilliant success in your activities, high status and honor in your position, I wish you excellent health, strength and courage, I wish you faithful comrades, the support and love of your family and the rainbow world.

FSB today is a holiday
Marks an important one.
Safety is your credo,
An important pillar of life.

I want to wish you on holiday
Happiness, joy, goodness,
To live in harsh hearts
A spark of light and warmth.

FSB celebrates today
A wonderful holiday.
I congratulate you on that,
My dear FSB officer.

May luck follow you
Let happiness not lag behind.
The mood will be cheerful
And the soul sings with joy.

Iron Felix once bequeathed
You guys have a warm heart.
Cool mind and clean hands,
The wisdom of a complex, dangerous science.

We now congratulate you on FSB Day,
We wish to be faithful to these codes,
So that your service is done without risk.
Calm, peace, goodness! Happy Chekist Day!

You are on duty even at home,
Keeping the secrets of the nation.
Spies are running away
Everything from you is like fire.

We know for sure - FSB agent
Never fails.
Happy holiday to all of you, heroes
FSB work!

They take brave guys there,
You can’t get there so easily;
You are strong in spirit - this is important:
Young people will be more serious.

The personnel of this service are priceless,
What protects us always;
Frosty in winter, hot in summer
Any blowjob is a problem for us.

Be fruitful efforts -
We need such services
So that there are no enemies of dominance
On the scale of our dear country.

Long live Safety!
Always be firm and strong,
So that any enemy dirty trick
I was afraid for my sides.

Let's not talk too much
You continue to serve your Motherland.
For the sake of the country's security -
We really need such shots!

Happiness to you and your loved ones in life.
Good luck in serving your Fatherland.
Thank you that there are such people -
They will fulfill the oath and will not lose their honor.

In the affairs of past years and days
It just brings clarity
Fairer and wiser than everyone else
Always state security.

Keeps archival files,
Guards the borders
And in the wars of villages and cities
Doesn't leave it to the enemy.

So that ordinary people can live in peace
And I didn’t know anything
In the service of the FSB all year.
Labor is the secret of victory.

For those who live right,
There is absolutely no surveillance.
He is afraid of scouts
Who is sinful himself latently.

The enemy of the FSB is the enemy of the people,
This has long been clear.
Throw down the Russian flag from the flagpole
The enemies want in vain.

Health, joy in work
I wish you, security officers.
You won't leave us in trouble.
You are stern, broad-shouldered ones.

For the blue sky, for the world,
And for December it’s clean
Thank you we say
Comrade security officers!