How to make wishes correctly node. How to correctly formulate a desire and what methods exist

Bernard Shaw said: “Do what you want, otherwise you will have to love what you have.” How can you turn your brightest desires into reality and not be content with little? I turned to psychologist Ksenia with this question. Yagur and she shared techniques for making wishes come true!

Inna Kuleba: Ksenia, New Year is coming soon. Now is the time to take stock, make plans and make wishes for the future. How to make your dreams come true? As far as I know, there are techniques that you master.

Ksenia Yagur: Indeed, you need to be able to make wishes. For example, often girls at a reception complain: “I wanted to marry a good man, but this is what I got…” I ask: “And who exactly did you wish for? After all good man- a very vague concept..."

We sometimes forget that the Universe hears our every word, so we need to clearly say what we want! It’s not easy to get married, because that’s what happens in the end: you just got married! You need to understand what kind of person you want to spend your life next to, what character qualities he should have, what he should look like, etc. It is very important to specify your “wants”.

Inna Kuleba: How should you make a wish? For example, in the new year I want to lose 5 extra pounds? How do I need to formulate a thought for it to become a reality?

The wish must be made in the present tense.

Ksenia Yagur: The most important thing: the wish must be pronounced in the present tense. No need to say: “I want to lose weight.” By the way, it’s worth noting that “lose weight” is a very painful word, it’s better not to use it at all when making a wish.

Inna Kuleba: It’s better to say: “Do I have a beautiful, slender body?” Yes?

Ksenia Yagur: Yes! If you tell yourself “I want to lose weight!”, then you will always want to lose weight. If you want to reset excess weight, make a precise guess: “I am slim, my reflection brings me joy, I weigh, for example, 53 kilograms.” It is important to be as specific as possible!

Inna Kuleba: I understand: we make a wish in the present tense and make it as specific as possible! What else? Let's look at my other dream: “I want to have no wrinkles and always look young.”

The desire must be positive.

Ksenia Yagur: Tell yourself: “I always look good, fresh, young, and my reflection in the mirror brings joy to me and those around me.” That is, as we have already said, you must express your desire in the present tense, making it as specific as possible. In addition, the desire should always be positive and should not harm other people. Your dreams will come true when they bring happiness to you and others.

Inna Kuleba: I think everyone will feel good if I look good and am pleased with myself...:)))

You need to make a wish without the “NOT” particle.

Ksenia Yagur: The desire must be formulated without the particle “not”. If we want to wish ourselves health, we wish: “I am healthy.” But we don’t say: “I don’t want to get sick!” Or some people think: “I want to get better!” You shouldn't use this word. Because the Universe may misunderstand you. Instead of getting better, you may end up with weight gain, because “get better” also means “fat.”

Write down your wish on paper!

Ksenia Yagur: The wish must be written down by hand. Of course, electronic media are great, but what is written on paper is remembered much better. Therefore, write your goals, dreams and desires in your diary, preferably on a double page so that you can see them more often. You can supplement the entry with a positive picture or a motivating photograph that is associated with desire. If you want to have a slim body, find a photo of a person who inspires you and stick it next to your desire.

A desire should not contradict other desires!

Ksenia Yagur: A desire should not contradict other desires. If a woman really wants to lose weight and she, for example, writes that “I am healthy and I weigh 43 kilograms.” But it may turn out that for her parameters 43 kg is a critical point at which she cannot be healthy. This means that her desire conflicts with reality and is unlikely to be fulfilled!

To make a wish, it is important to create the right atmosphere!

Ksenia Yagur: Making wishes does not tolerate fuss. It shouldn’t be like, “Oh, Lord! Today is January 3rd! I have to make a wish urgently! What do I want? It is better to write down desires in private, at rest, in a comfortable environment. It’s good to create a pleasant atmosphere: light candles, turn on your favorite music... It’s important to be relaxed when doing such a sacred activity.

I made a wish - let it go!

Ksenia Yagur: Once you have processed your desires, let them go. Don't get hung up on them! Then the Universe begins to work and offer options.

I wished “I want to look young and be slim,” I assure you that after you work on your desire, you will automatically begin to pay attention to people who look good, be interested in them, and adopt their experience. At some point you will find yourself in the gym, changing your diet, etc. The work begins!

Such a concrete construction of desire is equal to the construction of an algorithm that we unconsciously begin to follow.

Inna Kuleba: We discussed the basic rules of making wishes... Maybe there are some other techniques on how to make your dreams come true?

Ksenia Yagur: I will offer three options for making wishes. Let each reader of your blog choose what he likes best. After all, people are different and making wishes can also be different. Look, even children choose different ways of sending messages to Santa Claus: someone shouts through the window, someone writes a letter and sticks it on the window, someone puts it under the rug...

About techniques called “100 wishes”, “12 wishes”, as well as how to make a vision board and why it works

Dreams are things that you think about as desirable for yourself, but you are not sure whether you really want them to come true, or whether they will turn out to be better than what you already have. This is what comes to your mind on long, boring evenings, in lines and at the bus stop.

Dreams are sketches, anticipations of your desires, but not yet your desires.

To understand whether you really want what you dream of, you need to think carefully. For example, if someone says: “How nice it would be if you didn’t have to work,” this does not mean that he likes doing nothing, maybe he is just mentally or physically tired of it. In fact, he wants another job that is more meaningful to him, or wants to work for himself, or 3-4 days a week instead of 5 or 6 months a year, and the rest of the time to do something else.

Use your dreams as a starting point in finding your deepest desires and see where they take you.

Desires are what you dreamed about, what you finally decided on and what you now definitely want to achieve.

Desires may not be entirely defined, slightly vague, but they are more persistent than dreams. The difference between a dream and a desire is that you are in no hurry to realize your dream, because... you are not entirely sure that you want this, but in the case of desire, you know clearly “I want this to happen.” The transition from dreams to desires is the same as the transition from planning to action.

Needs are what are most likely to happen.

I'm thirsty and can easily satisfy this need (unless, of course, I'm in the desert). We constantly need something and therefore know perfectly well how to get it, otherwise we could hardly survive.

How should you make wishes?

Unfortunately, there is no clear answer to this question. It is important that your desires are real, i.e. you really have to want it with all your heart and soul. The number of your wishes can be unlimited, but when making them, think about yourself, even if you want the same for others. Here are some top tips:
  • Listen to your heart, the mind is a bad advisor in this matter.

  • Try to be as specific as possible, so it will be easier for you to determine whether your wish has begun to come true or how long it has been coming true.

  • Think about your desires, think about them with pleasure, start doing it right now.

  • As we have already said, you set the number of your desires yourself. Desires, like dreams, are endless. However, if you are able to isolate from this set only the three most cherished, most desired desires and concentrate all your thoughts on them, the result will not take long to arrive.

  • The latter may not be so simple. Meanwhile, if you firmly know what you want, the realization of your desires is only a matter of time. Stop thinking about them, start rushing about, doubting, and everything is gone, your desires will not budge.

  • Some people think first and then decide; others decide first and then think about their decisions. For desires, both will do, although other options are possible.

We begin to desire. Sequencing

  1. Go somewhere you like best.

  2. Bring your favorite drink and food with you or buy them on site.

  3. Take a piece of paper, pencil or pen and start writing.

  4. Just write, don’t correct or analyze anything, you’ll do it later.

  5. Write down all the desires that come to your mind, even if they seem insignificant, childish, frivolous to you (it may happen that they are those very cherished desires).

  6. When you have an impressive wish list, read it carefully and try to choose the three most attractive desires. Choose those that truly stimulate you, those that can move you to specific actions, don’t think about what you should or must do, think about what you want more than anything else.

  7. If that doesn't work, you can try roulette. Number all your wishes, put them in your headdress and choose three at random, but not more than three, otherwise the choice will be wrong.

  8. If you are still unsure, stop and listen to your heart (I think this is the most reliable way). Does not help? But are you determined to solve everything right here and now? Don't, you might overdo it and end up disappointed. You can return to the same place and repeat the procedure at any other time. Moreover, this is not the only possible way identifying the desires of the heart.

How to speed up the process of fulfilling your desire?

Let's try to approach this matter more measuredly, thoughtfully and intentionally, in general, let's not rely too much on the capricious Fortune.

Step 1: What do you want and why?
Ask yourself “What do I want? What good does it do me?”, and it’s better if someone does it for you. Ask these two questions until the answers repeat themselves.

Direct your thoughts in a positive direction: don’t think about what you would like to avoid, think about what you would like to get. The first one is also useful, but not in in this case. If you focus on what is wrong in your life, you will stop noticing the positive aspects, which means you may miss the beginning of the fulfillment of your desires.

When thinking about your desires, think about what has already come true. You may already have something bigger and better than what you currently desire. After all, it may happen that the fulfillment of a current desire will mean parting with things that are familiar and dear to the heart. Remember a wish is not the same as a dream. Take your time, think carefully. Are you ready to part with what you already have?

Step 2: How specific are your desires?
Ask yourself where, when, how and with whom your wish should come true. The more specific your wish, the more likely it is that it will come true and that you will not miss this moment, and the happier you will be when it happens.

Ask yourself “Won’t I regret it later?” Imagine that your wish has already come true. Do you regret the time, effort, money and what else? Do you have a feeling that this is not quite what you imagined? And remember, you want for yourself. Forget about what others want for you. Realizing what you want for yourself will bring you much more benefit and satisfaction than having what others want for you come true.

Step 3. How realistic are your desires?
Try to revive your desire. No, no, no magical skills, only senses and emotions. What does your wish look like? What does it smell like? What does it feel like? What does it taste like? What does it sound like? How do you feel about this? Joy, delight, admiration, surprise? Are you ready to start implementing it? Collect all your sensations and emotions together and get a living image of your desire. Now you certainly won’t miss it and you probably won’t delay its implementation.

Let's start implementation

Some wishes come true, you just have to want it. Others require physical, moral and other investments. For example, you wanted your own garden. What will you do? Of course, you will take the seeds and begin to plant flowers, after which you will wait for the result, but again, not fold your arms, but try to speed up the process - you will water, weed, fertilize, etc. It’s much the same with desires - you plant a seed, take care of it and watch how it grows and blossoms.

So where to start? Start from the end. Your wish has already come true. As it will be? How will you know this has happened?

Now imagine that you are halfway to your cherished desire. What's happening? What actions did you take to get here?

Well, now the first step. The most responsible and difficult moment. It’s like throwing yourself into the sea from a sheer cliff, not really knowing what awaits you below.

Are you sure you're ready for this leap? Have you stocked up on the necessary equipment? If yes, then what are you waiting for? Do you have any doubts? You may need someone's help. Who can you count on in such a matter? You may have done something similar before. Remember how it was. Believe in yourself + life experience(you can use someone else’s) - all you need for the first step.

One step may not be enough. As we have already said, some desires come true quickly, others need to be spurred on. This can be done different ways. Change jobs, move to a new place, sign up for some courses, communicate with those who have already achieved what you are striving for, and try to use their experience. To make sure you choose, ask yourself the following questions:
  • What will happen if I do this?

  • What happens if I don't do this?

  • What won't happen if I do this?

  • What won't happen if I don't do this?

Often people hesitate for a long time to take the first step due to lack of enough money. Money, of course, is important, because with it you can achieve a lot. However, we often refer to the lack of money because we do not want to change anything in our lives. Fear of change is the biggest obstacle to realizing our desires. However, if you really need money, then you should think about where and how you can get it.

Perhaps you don’t have to go far and don’t have to make much effort. Since you are reading this article, it means you have a computer, and therefore, you can easily find some part-time work or go a little further and open your own website. There are many options, you just need to really want it. There are many examples when people who decided to achieve their goal, at any cost, quickly got down to business, and the lack of sufficient funds was not a problem for them.

Now that you have almost reached the final, I think it would not be superfluous to remind you once again that YOUR DESIRE SHOULD COME FROM YOUR HEART, AND NOT FROM YOUR HEAD. How to recognize the desire of the heart? Forget about everything that you were taught, do not pay attention to the persistent calls of the mind, they say, you need to do this, you need that. Concentrate on your sensations and feelings. Listen carefully to them and try to understand what they mean. However, do not be too persistent, the heart does not tolerate haste and pressure, it works differently than the head. It may take you some time to discern the desires of your heart. But once you succeed, creating a living image of desire will not be difficult.

Yes, and also, WISHES SHOULD BE SPEAKED OUT LOUD AND WRITTEN ON PAPER. I don't know how it works, but personal experience I have been convinced more than once that desires voiced and entrusted to a piece of paper come true faster and more often than those you only thought about.

Well, all that remains is to wish you the fulfillment of your most cherished desires.

Now is the time for change, and global change. Much of what used to work and give results now does not work, and sometimes even interferes with us. Completely new energies came to Earth, and with them came new opportunities. Lightness and optimism have become more important now than ever before. Now there is no need to think too much intensely and endlessly, now it is important to just feel.

In order for a wish to come true, you no longer need to describe everything in detail and down to the smallest detail, you no longer need to try to endlessly strain your brain and come up with something, think it over and think it out. Now what is important is not what we think, but what we feel, what is important are the impulses and signals that we send to the Universe.

In a word, our CONDITION is important. It is this that “rules the roost” today. Today you can easily change your life by changing your internal state and learning sometimes to just FEEL, and not THINK. And, clearly understand the difference between thinking and thinking. You can think, but you can’t think hard. Of course, if you want to live easily and joyfully.

How to make a wish and have it come true

Today I will introduce you to one quantum technology of new times, with the help of which you can easily... The technique is easy and very fast (it will take you 10-15 seconds to complete).

To consciously change your life, you need to learn to use two qualities:

1. Attention

2. Intention

Attention gives energy, impulse (it’s not for nothing that they say that where our attention is, there is our energy), and intention transforms this impulse into matter.

How to make your wish come true

First I suggest you learn three necessary things so that your wishes can easily come true. And then I will give this technique step by step.

First. It is important to learn to feel emotion. Take any desire you have (for example, regarding money) and turn it into an intention. And it is very important to feel this intention with your whole body! This is what distinguishes intention from desire. You must not just wish, but feel it as a fact come true. For example, you want to open your wallet and always see a lot of banknotes there. Feel with your body how you hold the wallet in your hands, open it, see the money in it and rejoice or feel a sense of calm and confidence. Or, if you have money somewhere in your account, on a card, see how you open your Personal Area or an electronic wallet and you see large sums there. Feel with your body what you feel.

I took the topic of money just as an example, you can take any desire you want, it doesn’t matter, what matters is the essence that you must grasp now. That is, if you want love, feel it with your body, as a fact that has already come true, feel that you are already living with an ideal partner for you, for example. How does your body feel when you do this? One emotion, one impulse is enough, which you will associate with this desire.

Second. And this is one of the most important and key points. You need to learn to enter a pause between thoughts, in a word, to remain in a state of “thoughtlessness.” Thoughts are slavery, and the space between thoughts means freedom! Realize this now. If you can “slide between thoughts,” then all your desires will come true. People who are poor and unhappy are slaves of thoughts, they only do what they think and think, while the rich and happy people- these are the masters of their thoughts, and thoughts become their slaves (and not vice versa, as in the first option).

How to wedge yourself into a pause between thoughts? Many will say that you just need to relax and not think. But how many people will actually succeed in this? If you try to relax and not think, then, on the contrary, you will think. Now I'll show you quick way getting into a pause between thoughts. Right now, think a thought, and then ask the question, “What is the thought behind this thought?” or “What’s the next thought?” And just wait for the next thought. That is, you think some thought, then ask a question and wait.

This waiting for the next thought is “in-between thoughts.” This is freedom, this great “nothing”, absolute “thoughtlessness”. This is generally the fastest way to live the moment here and now. At such moments, we not only can, we can simply “be”, and at this time the body rejuvenates and heals. And when we need to make a wish, we need to focus our attention in that silent space between thoughts. Try it right now (no desire yet, just feel this pause).

Third. Learn to enter into a sense of connection with yourself. Man is space, in fact, and not a physical body. Yes, we see ourselves in physical bodies, so to speak, in solid form, simply because we are sure of it. And it is important for you to learn to be nothing, to be air, to be space. To do this, become aware of your body, look at it, and then look at the wall opposite. There is air between her and you, feel yourself as it, because you are this air that is between the body and the wall. You are a great nothing, you are space.

I hope you were able to live and experience all three of these states. Now let's move on to practice.

Fulfillment of desires with the help of SILENCE in thoughts

1. Slowly enter a pause and focus your attention in the silent space between thoughts.

2. In this state, realize your intention and feel it with your body, give an impulse, a signal. That is, as soon as you pause for thought, give an impulse of intention. It is at this moment that you see your intention and feel it with your body (for example, how you hold a wallet in your hands). At this moment the connection of the two takes place. important aspects– attention and intention.

When you begin to come out of the pause, at the moment of connection between the pause and the new thought, feel your intention again, remembering it as a flash. You no longer need to stop the thought, just as soon as you feel that the pause is ending and a new thought is about to come, feel your intention again. That is, you give the signal twice, in the pause itself and at the moment a new thought arrives, stop it and again feel the impulse of intention.

3. Then feel yourself in space, enter a state of correlation with yourself. Hold your awareness of yourself as space, as great nothingness, as complete silence, as air (you are everywhere, you have the whole earth inside you).

4. Now let go of your attachment to the result, saying in your mind that the Universe will make everything happen. Just forget that you had this intention. Just switch off, switch, let go. Don't hang around, do some physical movement.

Abide in the wisdom of uncertainty, enjoy every moment NOW, navigate life easily even if you don't know the outcome. Your wish will come true in due time, you will see everything with your own eyes, you will feel it in reality. Then, when needed. Namely, when you completely release it, like a balloon.

5. Let the Universe handle the details. The point of all this is that when you become aware of your intention in a pause of silence, it has a powerful, infinite organizing power. Just rely on this force and it will organize all the details.

Today, this method of fulfilling desires, with the help of “not thinking”, with the help of silence in thoughts, is the easiest and most effective. Having learned once, you can then easily enter the desired state. You can do it 2-3 times at night, and sometimes during the day (but immediately forgetting about it and switching to your normal activities and life, in a word, between performing the technique you DO NOT THINK about your desire).

Additionally, I advise you to read Lisa Piterkina’s mini-book “5 Rules for Fulfilling Intentions.” The book describes an algorithm for working with intention, known since ancient times, which was shared by the master of the DAO. With the help of this algorithm you will be able to fulfill your deepest desires. You can get the book for free Here .

In general, it all depends on the scale of your desire. If it is light, you can do it 1-2 times. If it’s serious, then do the technique, for example, for ten days, and then let it go. You yourself will feel the moment when the time comes to let go of the intention for good. Just live and enjoy life, think less, feel more. Walk less in your thoughts into the past and future, live more in the present. And then happiness will not bypass you!

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The article gives real practical advice about how to make wishes so that they come true, and this happens as quickly as possible.

Articles on similar topics and on equally interesting topics can be found in other sections of this project.

How to make a wish on the waxing moon, new moon, full moon so that it comes true

The full moon occurs once a month, this night is considered the most powerful for making a wish. It is best to prepare seriously and thoroughly. While sitting at home, light a candle and think only about what you want for at least half an hour. Turning your thoughts to the moon.

On the waxing moon and new moon, you can use the paper method, cutting about 10 squares of multi-colored paper, write a wish and burn it separately, be sure to think only about the wish at this moment. After combustion, scatter the ashes outside.

How to make a wish between namesakes, for a birthday, I want, I want, on the 27th

If there are people with the same names in the company, it is customary to sit between them, holding their shoulders, and make wishes. Closing your eyes, imagining what you want and mentally asking for it.

On a birthday party, blowing out the candles on the cake, they ask for the most important and necessary things. Required condition blow out all the candles the first time, it’s good if it’s 15 years, but if it’s 55 you have to try.

Hottei and Khochun are wish-fulfillers, turning to them to ask for the fulfillment of the most cherished. Just remember that you can apply no more than once a year. Best in your next birth month.

The 27th of every month is considered special and magical; it is customary to believe that all wishes come true, you just have to ask. On this day, having collected 27 unnecessary things, going through each one, they separately make the same wish. For it to come true, you need to give these things away without regretting them.

How to make a wish on January 6, February 8, from January 18 to 19, New Year, Christmas

All these holidays are church holidays, on the night of each of them he wakes up devilry, rituals, conspiracies and requests have great power. Taking a candle, light it and think about the most important thing, what you want most. On New Year at the moment the chimes strike, write on a piece of paper, burn, pour the ashes into champagne and have time to drink before the last chime strikes.

How to make a wish from the sphinxes in St. Petersburg so that it will certainly come true from the Atlanteans, from Blessed Xenia

The sphinxes guarding the embankment of Vasilievsky Island also help make your wishes come true. Under no circumstances should you climb on them and disturb them. Having gone down and seen the griffins, you need to pat them on the head and throw a coin into the Neva.

Not far from the Hermitage you can meet Atlanteans holding hands thumb legs, your wish will certainly come true.

Before entering the Chapel of Xenia the Blessed, you should walk around it three times clockwise, all the time thinking about what you want.

How to make a wish and let it go

Having made a wish, it is best to “let go” of it, forget it, and not think for a while. After some time it will certainly come true.

How to make a wish about love, the birth of a child, marriage, work, health, pregnancy, money

A correctly made wish will certainly come true. It is best to say the words to yourself, alone. When asking for love, you should not think only about your feelings; if a person is married, such a union will not lead to good things.

To wish for pregnancy and the birth of a child only sincerely, believing in it, is best early in the morning. Marriage is asked for at Christmas Holy Mother of God, she is the patroness of weddings. Desire for money and Good work make a wish on any holiday or any day. The best way to wish for health is on a shooting star.

How to make a wish using paper, water, red thread, with champagne, bay leaf, while the chimes strike

On New Year's Eve, during the chiming clock, write a wish on paper, burn it, pour the ashes into champagne and drink.

It is better to make a wish on a bay leaf on a new moon, write a wish on paper, put a bay leaf there, fold it in half, burn it, and scatter the ashes on the street.

Using a red thread, make a wish, tie it on your wrist for as many knots as you are. As soon as the thread will break, in 30 days your wish will come true.

How to make a wish in 1 minute, 1 day, without magic and candles and consequences

Without consequences and use magical rituals, perfect for a birthday. On this day, it is customary not only to make wishes by blowing out candles, but also when waking up in the morning, the first thing to think about should be your deepest dream.

How to make a wish to the tooth fairy, guardian angel, chicken god

On January 15, the holiday of the chicken god, in order to fulfill a given goal, you need to make a hole in the stone, look into it at sunrise and make a wish.

The guardian angel is always nearby, at the moment when something is needed, you just have to ask, turning to him.

Little children, when their baby teeth fall out, make a wish to the tooth fairy. They put it under the pillow and quietly say whatever they want.

How to make a wish at the Syuyumbike Tower

The ancient Syuyumbike tower is located in the Tatar capital, Kazan. According to legend, to make a wish come true, you need to touch the tower wall with your forehead.

How to make a wish to Santa Claus at home, how to do it, to a goldfish, before bed

Children believe in magic and the existence of Santa Claus; in order to make a wish correctly, you need to behave well all year. About a month in advance, write a letter to Santa Claus, tell him about your successes and ask him to fulfill one wish.

A goldfish, unlike Santa Claus, can grant three wishes; you need to make them during feeding. Before going to bed, looking at the stars, they make a wish; if at that moment a star fell, it will certainly come true.

How to make a wish to a ladybug

When you see a ladybug, pick it up. “Ladybug fly to the sky, bring me bread: black, white, but not burnt.” After she takes off, make a wish.

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How to make wishes correctly 12 rules

In all techniques and rituals that help fulfill your desires, you need to have your desire written down. And it is right. While some thought is spinning in your head, it is something fuzzy and non-specific. But as soon as you put it on paper, the thought acquires completeness and clarity. Do you agree?
It's the same with desires. How, pray tell, can the Universe understand what you want if completely different thoughts instantly change in your head: “My son brought a deuce again - the car is exactly the color I just drove and I want - I need to replace the heels on my boots tomorrow - don’t forget to pop into the store for sour cream - how great it will be to travel by car, and not in crowded trolleybuses - and Sidorova came to work again in a new blouse...” It follows from this

Rule 1. The wish must be written .

Well, okay, you say, if it’s better to write, then we’ll write. Big deal, it's a problem.
Strange as it may sound, but it’s correct to write own wish- this is really a problem. Let's look at examples.

"I want to have my own home." Is it written correctly? Fundamentally wrong! The problem is that such a desire is always fulfilled for everyone, even if the rituals and techniques are not performed as expected. Only the effect will be slightly different from what was expected. Imagine that years from now... a person opens a treasured record. Hooray! Everything has come true! After all, he still wants to have his own home. That is, desires without exact deadlines are meaningless. It follows from this
Rule 2. The desire must have an end date (period) for fulfillment.

For example, “In June 2009 I am buying myself a large LCD TV.”

"I'll buy myself a car." Also a mistake. And what is written will definitely come true. After many years, a person will still hope that he will buy a car sometime in the future. It follows from this
Rule 3. Desire is always written in the present tense.

Those. instead of “I’m going on vacation to the Canary Islands,” we write, for example, “I’m going on vacation to the Canary Islands.”

"I don't want to be poor." Is it written correctly? Fundamentally wrong!
Firstly, the Universe does not pay attention to the particles “not”, “no” or any other negative words. Probably, by saying “I don’t want to be poor,” you want to be rich, but the Universe ignores the “not” particle and perceives all this as “I want to be poor.”
Secondly, you always attract to yourself what you think about. When you say “I don’t want to be poor,” you automatically think about poverty, and when you say “I want to be rich,” you automatically think about wealth. As they say, feel the difference. This implies
Rule 4. The use of the particle “not” and other negations is prohibited.

Rule 5. Write what you want, not what you don’t want.

Let's practice replacing negative language with positive ones.
Instead of “I don’t want to get sick,” we write, for example, “I’m healthy.”
Replace “I don’t want to be poor” with “I’m rich”
Replace “I don’t want to be fat” with “My figure is great”
Replace “I don’t want to be lonely” with “I am loved and love”...

Case from practice: One very good friend of mine prescribed herself the purchase of a car. Everything was formulated clearly and clearly, especially the phrase “just let it NOT be red.” Everything has come true! Now I often see how confidently Deo drives his cute little red car...

Go ahead. The boy writes “I want to become a great musician.” In fact, he likes auto racing more, but he really wants to please his mother, who has long dreamed of Stravinsky fame for her son. This is a fundamental mistake! It is impossible to deceive the Universe with a “fake” desire. It follows from this
Rule 6. The desire must be sincere and important to you.

"I want to rob a bank and become rich." “I want my rich American uncle to die as soon as possible.” “I want my boss to get hit by a car and be appointed in his place.” Our World will not fulfill such wishes, because the World is ruled by love, not evil. It follows from this
Rule 7. The desire must be ethical.

“I want dad to win the Jackpot lottery.” The right desire? No! As a human being, caring for loved ones is understandable, but the Universe has its own Laws. Desire should be directed towards yourself, your loved one. On your actions, desires, acquisitions, events.
So, Rule 8. Desire must be directed towards oneself.

Advice: It is useless to write “I want my son to graduate from school with a gold medal,” but you can formulate it like this: “I do my best to help my son graduate from school with a gold medal.” Do you feel the difference in the meaning of what is written?

By the way, do not try to deceive the Universe by violating the above Rules. It’s only in the movies that people succeed, for example, in trying to combine two wishes when you can only make one. Remember the famous “I want everything to be good for dad, but for me to be like dad”? It will not work.

It will be very correct if you use as many details as possible of what you dream about when writing your desire. If this is a trip to Haiti, describe at least general outline hotel and beach. If this is a new car, describe its main characteristics.
And be sure to describe the feelings that will take over you when your wish comes true.

Rule 9. More details and emotions.

Case from practice: a girl really wants a digital camera. She doesn’t really understand them, so she buys an appropriate magazine with pictures, chooses the prettiest of the many models and writes her characteristics into her desire, pasting in her photograph. Pretty soon the girl is performing a serious favor for another person. As a token of gratitude, he gives the girl a digital camera of the SAME MODEL that was described in the wish.
Can you imagine how many camera models there are now?! Do you really think this is just a coincidence?

It is very important that the fulfillment of your desire does not harm other people. For example, a person dreams of having his own apartment. It is unlikely that he will be happy to become the owner of an apartment if its previous owners, his parents, die in a car accident. It follows from this
Rule 10. The wish you write should end with a talisman phrase like: “Let this or something more harmoniously enter my life, bring joy and happiness to me and to everyone whom this desire concerns.”

I draw your attention to the phrase “or something more.” There is no need to limit the Universe in its efforts to help you. The universe knows best. It is quite possible that our World considers you worthy of a holiday not in Crimea, but on the Cote d'Azur. I hope you won’t object too much to this change of holiday destination?

So, the desire is clearly formulated and written down. All 10 rules are strictly followed. What's next? Maybe you need to constantly think about desire, vigilantly monitor the slightest changes in the situation, and constantly wait for the result with tension?
In no case! The desire must be calmly released into the Universe and even almost forgotten about it. Persistent thoughts and experiences will only create a negative energy background and interfere with the fulfillment of your desires. Therefore there is

Rule 11. Don't get hung up on desire. Let him go.

Of course, this does not mean that after “hard and exhausting work” on correctly formulating your desire, you will lie down on your favorite sofa and wait for the weather by the sea.
The Universe has no other hands but yours! A rolling stone gathers no moss! The Universe may provide you with amazing opportunities, but without your actions they will not be able to translate into the desired result. Therefore there is

Rule 12, the most important thing. Take action!

Yulia Voronina.