What is the correct name for a blood test for syphilis? What is the name of the blood test for syphilis and where to get it. Serological reactions to syphilis

A syphilis test detects the presence of antibodies against the bacteria that cause syphilis in the body's tissues or blood.

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease, that is, through sexual intercourse, oral sex or kissing.

What tests are taken for syphilis?

Tests to detect the disease include:

All test results for syphilis show the presence of antibodies to bacteria, causing disease.

Analyzes are carried out for the purpose of:

  • detection of syphilis;
  • control over the treatment of the disease.

All pregnant women are encouraged to undergo a preventive examination and test for syphilis in the early stages of pregnancy.

If the disease is advanced, it is possible:

  • severe heart disease;
  • spinal injuries;
  • blindness;
  • disorders of brain activity;
  • of death.

Testing for syphilis requires serious preparation.

You should tell your doctor:

  • whether you are taking antibiotics or other medications;
  • Do you have any allergies to medications (antibiotics and anesthetics);
  • Do you have problems with spontaneous bleeding?
  • about your pregnancy status.

If syphilis is detected, you must avoid sexual intercourse until you have completed the full course of treatment. Your sexual partner should also undergo a full examination.

General analysis blood tests for syphilis are usually performed within one week, however, modern equipment has made it possible to reduce this time to one day.

A transcript of a general blood test for syphilis shows:

The term “serological blood test” is most often used in venereology.

This method is usually used:

  • when studying antigens or antibodies in blood serum;
  • to establish blood group;
  • to determine the presence of antibodies to certain types of viruses and bacteria (syphilis, toxoplasmosis, hepatitis, chlamydia, measles, rubella, mumps, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex, mycoplasmosis).

Modern diagnostics divides serological analysis into two groups:

  • nontreponemal (nonspecific) tests;
  • treponemal (specific) tests.

Usually, after four weeks from the time of infection, a positive test for syphilis is detected.

If the test shows a positive result, then, obviously, the person is sick with this sexually transmitted disease.

A false positive test for syphilis occurs in approximately five percent of patients.

Possible reasons for a false positive test:

  • systemic connective tissue lesions (scleroderma, dermatomyositis, rheumatoid arthritis, vasculitis, lupus erythematosus);
  • infectious lesions (hepatitis, tuberculosis, mononucleosis, intestinal infections);
  • inflammation of the heart (myocarditis, endocarditis);
  • pregnancy;
  • diabetes;
  • recent vaccination;
  • drug use, alcohol use.

Reasons for possible false negative results:

  • a large number of antibodies in the blood;
  • the analysis was taken before the possible appearance of antibodies;
  • The analysis was taken for chronic syphilis (the number of antibodies in the blood is significantly reduced).

A false (erroneous) test for syphilis can occur in approximately 10% of patients, but with repeated retakes of the test, this error will definitely be noticed and corrected.

Please note that every pregnant woman is tested for syphilis during pregnancy.

Moreover, she does this three times:

  • when registering;
  • in the second trimester;
  • in the third trimester.

With this procedure for testing, the disease can be detected in a timely manner.

The minimum price for testing for syphilis starts from 1,500 rubles.


Blood tests for syphilis

The earlier and more accurately syphilis is detected, the more easier treatment and there is a higher chance that it will go smoothly for the patient.

The goal for all laboratory tests is the same: to make a diagnosis unambiguously and quickly. But none of the modern high-tech tests for syphilis gives the result unambiguously and with 100% accuracy. Old methods are being improved, new ones are being invented, but still in clinical practice, doctors always have to use a combination of several different tests for syphilis. Doctors cannot rely on the result of any one thing.

There are so many types of tests for syphilis that it is impossible to understand all the abbreviations right away:

The disease was first identified using a laboratory reaction in 1906. This is the merit of the German scientist August Wasserman, after whom the reaction is named. Much time has passed since then, the method is outdated and is not used in practice, but the diagnosis of syphilis is still firmly associated with the analysis of RV.

A person may need to undergo testing for syphilis for the most various reasons. The very first reason that comes to mind is when you suspect an infection, and in practice it is not the most common. In this case, it is important to understand that the infection has incubation period(from the moment of infection to the formation of chancre) and the primary seronegative period (hard chancre in the first three weeks) - at this time the tests will be negative. Therefore, if the concerns are serious, the tests are repeated after a few weeks.

More often, people who do not suspect any infection need to be tested for syphilis. This usually happens when applying for a job (the analysis is included in the medical record) and during periodic medical examinations (medical examinations). It is also mandatory to donate blood for syphilis:

  • donors,
  • women in the first weeks of pregnancy - twice, upon registration in antenatal clinic and in the maternity hospital a few weeks before birth,
  • patients before surgery or any other medical invasive interventions (FGDS, bronchoscopy, etc.).

At the end of the article, we answered the most common questions from people faced with the diagnosis of syphilis. There is no time to read details about research methods - scroll down.

All types of tests for syphilis

There are 2 main groups of research methods for syphilis: direct and indirect.

  • The direct method is a study in which the infection itself is looked for in the biomaterial - individual representatives of the pathogen as a whole, or their pieces - DNA.
  • Indirect methods (serological reactions) are a study in which they try to detect antibodies to the causative agent of syphilis in the blood. The logic is this: if an immune response is found that is characteristic of some kind of infection, it means that there is an infection itself that caused this immune response.

Direct methods are the most reliable: if the bacterium is “caught red-handed,” then the presence of the disease is considered proven. But Treponema pallidum is difficult to catch, and negative test results do not rule out the presence of infection. It makes sense to carry out these studies only in the presence of rashes and only in the early form of syphilis - up to two years of illness. Those. It is impossible to determine latent syphilis or its late forms using these methods, therefore in clinical practice they are rarely used and only to confirm other tests.

Direct methods include: Dark-field microscopy, Infection of laboratory animals, PCR.

  1. Dark-field microscopy (DFM) is the study of Treponema pallidum under a microscope. The material is taken from chancre or rashes. The method is cheap and fast, and detects syphilis at the very beginning of the primary period, when blood tests for syphilis are still negative. But bacteria, which are present in small quantities in the rash, may easily not be captured by scraping. Plus, Treponema pallidums can be easily confused with other inhabitants oral cavity, anal canal, etc.
  2. Infecting laboratory animals is a very expensive and painstaking method, used only in research practice.
  3. PCR - relatively new method, they look for the DNA of the infection in it. Any tissue or liquid that may contain treponema pallidum is suitable for research: blood, urine, prostate secretions, ejaculate, scrapings from skin rashes, from the genitourinary tract, oropharynx or conjunctiva. The analysis is very sensitive and specific. But complicated and expensive. It is prescribed in case of questionable results of other tests.

Indirect methods, also known as serological reactions, are the basis for laboratory testing of syphilis. It is these methods that are used for mass screening of the population, for confirming diagnosis and monitoring treatment. Indirect research methods are divided into non-treponemal and treponemal tests.

Non-treponemal tests are noticeably cheaper. To carry them out, they do not use the antigen protein itself, specific for syphilitic treponema, but its replacement, the cardiolipin antigen. These tests are highly sensitive but poorly specific. This means that such tests will identify everyone who has syphilis and even more: healthy people can also have false positive results. They are used for mass screening of the population, but in case of a positive result they necessarily require confirmation with more specific tests - treponemal tests. Non-treponemal tests are also very useful in assessing the effectiveness of treatment: with effective treatment, the volume of antibodies in the blood decreases, and accordingly their titer decreases (we’ll talk about these titers in more detail a little further). The most reliable result of these non-treponemal tests will be during early syphilis, especially in the secondary period.

Non-treponemal tests include:

  • The Wasserman reaction (RW, also known as RV, or RSK) is already outdated and not used, but due to its strong association with the disease, any tests for screening the population for syphilis are often called so. If you see a note “RV analysis” in the doctor’s referral, do not be embarrassed, the laboratory will probably understand everything correctly and will do RPR.
  • The microprecipitation test (MR, also known as RMP) is a simple and cheap test for detecting syphilis. Previously used as the main non-treponemal test, but has now given way to the more convenient and objective RPR test.
  • Rapid plasmareagin test (RPR test) is a fast, simple and convenient test for mass screening of the population and treatment monitoring. It is the main non-treponemal test used in Russia and abroad.
  • TRUST is a more modern modification of the RPR test. It is otherwise referred to as the RPR test with toludine red. In Russia it is used only in a small number of laboratories.
  • VDRL - this analysis is similar in reliability of results to RMP, and is also inferior to RPR. It has not found widespread use in Russia.
  • The USR test (or its modification - the RST test) is a more advanced VDRL test, but it is also used extremely rarely in Russia.

Treponemal tests are performed with treponemal antigens. They are more specific, and therefore more carefully screen out the healthy from the sick. But their sensitivity is lower, and such tests may miss a sick person, especially at an early stage of the disease. Another feature is that treponemal tests appear later than non-treponemal tests, only three to four weeks after the appearance of chancre. Therefore, they cannot be used as screening tests. The main purpose of treponemal tests is to confirm or refute the results of non-treponemal tests.

Also, the results of treponemal tests will remain positive for several years after successful treatment. Because of this, they are not used to monitor the effectiveness of treatment, and also do not rely on the results of these tests unless they are confirmed by non-treponemal tests.

Treponemal tests include:

  • RPHA (or its more modern modification - TPPA, TPHA) is a passive hemagglutination reaction. The main treponemal reaction now used abroad and in Russia. A simple and convenient test to determine syphilis antibodies in the body.
  • ELISA (anti-Tr. pallidum IgG/IgM) is an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, also known as ELISA in its English abbreviation. This test can be performed with both cardiolipin antigen and treponemal antigen. It can be used as both screening and confirmatory. In terms of reliability, it is not inferior to RPGA and is also the recommended treponemal test to confirm the diagnosis of syphilis.
  • Immunoblotting is a more expensive advanced ELISA test. Used only in doubtful cases.
  • RIF - immunofluorescence reaction. Technically difficult and expensive analysis. It is secondary and is used to confirm the diagnosis in doubtful cases.
  • RIBT (RIT) is a reaction of immobilization (immobilization) of Treponema pallidum. This reaction is complex, time consuming and difficult to interpret the result. It is still used in some places, but is gradually fading into the background, giving way to RPGA and ELISA.

Interpretation of serological tests for syphilis:

Algorithm for diagnosing syphilis

Any diagnosis consists of three main pillars of medicine: anamnesis (medical history), clinical manifestations (symptoms) and laboratory examination. If the doctor, based on the patient’s story and external inspection his body suspects syphilis, he prescribes a set of tests (or a set of serological reactions - CSR). It necessarily includes 1 non-treponemal test (RMP or RPR) and 1 treponemal test (RPGA or ELISA). If the results of these tests diverge, an additional alternative treponemal test (ELISA or RPGA) is performed. This is the most simple circuit. In case of doubtful indicators, depending on the situation, the doctor prescribes other diagnostic methods.

Express test for syphilis, or how to determine syphilis at home

There is a test for syphilis that you can do yourself. It can be freely purchased at a pharmacy, the average cost is 200–300 rubles. The principle of disease definition is similar to nontreponemal RPR. Manufacturers claim high accuracy, but in reality it is low, no more than 70%.

The algorithm for checking is similar to a pregnancy test, only blood is used instead of urine. A drop of blood is applied to the indicator, and within 10–15 minutes the result appears. 1 strip - the test is negative, 2 strips - the test is positive. We do not recommend this diagnostic method. If you have any doubts about syphilis, it is better to immediately consult a doctor, or at least an independent laboratory. It will be a little more expensive and longer, but much more accurate.

Decoding the results for syphilis: pluses, crosses and credits.

The doctor’s further tactics depend on the results of certain tests. The results of screening tests are expressed either in crosses (pluses) or in a separate entry:

4 or 3 crosses - a positive result; further examination for syphilis is necessary using other diagnostic methods. 2 or 1 cross is a questionable result; it is recommended to repeat the result after 10 days.

0 crosses - negative result, syphilis was not detected.

In case of a positive and doubtful reaction, an additional study of the taken blood is carried out: diluting it from 1:2 to 1:1024 and adding a drop of cardiolipin antigen to each blood titer. The result records the maximum titer at which the reaction occurred: the greater the dilution, the more value titer, the higher the amount of Treponema pallidum in the blood. But the main task of determining the titer is not to calculate the degree of blood contamination, but to monitor the success of treatment: treatment is considered effective if the titer drops 4 times in 4 months. By the end of treatment, nontreponemal tests should be negative.

The highest sensitivity of screening tests is observed in the secondary period of syphilis (100%), slightly less in the primary (86%) and even less in the tertiary (73%).

Important nuances in diagnosing syphilis:

  1. When conducting tests, false positive results are possible. They are especially common during screenings. If you have never had syphilis, and the tests are positive, you should not panic right away; you need to do at least one more alternative test.
  2. False negative results also occur. If syphilis is suspected, it is better to repeat the test after a few weeks.
  3. Cured syphilis remains positive on treponemal tests for several years or life.

The most frequently asked questions about syphilis tests

How to get tested for syphilis for free?

To do this, you need to go to the clinic at your place of residence and visit your local doctor, who will give you a referral for testing. Testing for syphilis is free for all residents of the Russian Federation under the compulsory medical insurance policy.

Where can I get tested for syphilis anonymously?

Tests can be done anonymously in any paid laboratory; skin and venous dispensaries often offer this service themselves. It is also possible to test for syphilis at home using rapid tests that are sold in pharmacies. However, it must be remembered that such a test does not give an accurate result, and if you suspect syphilis, you should consult a doctor.

How many days after sexual intercourse can you donate blood for syphilis?

After 1–1.5 months. If infection occurs, the test for syphilis will be positive no earlier than seven to ten days after the appearance of chancroid, or 4-5 weeks after infection. This period may be longer, so if the results are negative, the test should be repeated after 2 weeks.

Where is blood taken for syphilis?

Blood for syphilis is most often taken from a vein, but can also be taken from a finger. It depends on the type of analysis.

Preparation. How to get tested for syphilis?

Before donating blood for syphilis, you should not eat for four hours - blood must be donated on an empty stomach. In addition, you should not drink alcohol 12 hours before the test. This is important because alcohol damage to the liver can cause false positive tests.

How long does it take to test for syphilis on average?

The results are usually known the next day. Conducting rapid tests takes no more than 30 minutes.

What test is taken for syphilis and what is it called?

For screening, when there is no suspicion of the disease, either RMP (microprecipitation reaction) or RPR (rapid plasma-reagin test). Sometimes such screening tests are called the Wasserman reaction.

If there are any real suspicions or doubts, they are never limited to one analysis. At the same time, one of any of the screening group (RMP or RPR) and one of any of the more specific testing group (RPGA or ELISA) are performed, then they act depending on the results and the patient’s history.

Can a syphilis test be wrong?

Maybe! The probability of error in different methods depends primarily on the period of illness and the general condition of the body.

Non-treponemal tests are most sensitive at the height of the disease - in the secondary period. Due to their low specificity, they often give false-positive results. This can happen due to fever, flu or other infectious disease, recent vaccination, chronic diseases and a number of other reasons.

Treponemal tests are more sensitive in the later period. They can also give false positive results, but only if there are Treponema pallidum-like substances in the body. pathogenic bacteria, causing other diseases: non-venereal treponematoses pinta (rare in Russia) or Lyme disease (transmitted through a tick bite).

False negative test results are possible with all diagnostic methods. They depend on the body's immune response: no response - no reaction to syphilis. This is possible in people infected with HIV, as well as those who are immunocompromised for other reasons. In addition, there is a reverse reaction: hyperproduction of antibodies, the “prozone” effect, in which there are so many antibodies that they prevent each other from reacting with the antigen. The result is a false negative result.

Can general tests show syphilis?

Syphilis cannot be determined either by a general blood test or by a biochemical test. A general urine test or a regular vaginal smear will not show it either. All tests for syphilis are highly specialized and each has its own name. Using any other tests, it is impossible to calculate whether a person has syphilis or not. But what will other tests show if a person has syphilis? Let's look at each of them:

Complete blood count: shows the main blood cells - red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets. At the end of the primary and at the beginning of the secondary period, a person’s leukocytes may rise, and the ESR, an indicator of inflammation, may also increase. These are very non-specific indicators, simply indicating that the body is fighting a bacterial infection. Otherwise, the blood test will correspond to the general condition of the body.

Biochemical blood test: shows the functioning of the liver, kidneys, heart, pancreas and other organs. If syphilis has not yet affected these organs, and they are working properly, the blood test will be normal.

Urinalysis: shows kidney function and endocrine system, as well as the general condition of the body. If there are no acute or chronic diseases of these systems, the analysis will be normal.

Vaginal smear: determines whether there is an inflammatory or oncological process, as well as dysbiosis. It is impossible to diagnose syphilis using such a smear.

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What are the tests for syphilis, their interpretation

Analysis for syphilis is done using many methods for detecting the pathogen. As pathology develops, a large number of specific signs appear. In order to establish an accurate diagnosis, the patient is examined comprehensively. A general blood test is not very informative; it is not used in diagnosing a sexually transmitted infection.

Types of research and biomaterials for analysis

Various techniques and biomaterials are used to identify the disease. In the early stages, syphilis is determined using a bacterioscopic test. Samples are examined under a microscope. The device allows you to detect pathogen strains. Serological tests are carried out later. Thanks to them, antigens and antibodies to the disease are detected in samples.

Methods for determining sexually transmitted infections are divided into 2 categories:

  • Direct, identifying pathogenic microorganisms. These include: dark-field microscopy, RIT analysis (infection of rabbits with biomaterial for research), PCR method - polymerase chain reaction(with its help, the genetic elements of the pathogen are found).
  • Indirect (serological) tests allow detection of antibodies to the pathogen. They are produced by the immune system as a response to infection.

Serological techniques are divided into 2 categories: treponemal and non-treponemal.

Non-treponemal, including: toluidine red test, RSC analysis, RPR test, blood test using the express RMP method.

Treponemal, combining: immunoblotting, RSK test, RIT analysis, RIF study, RPGA test, ELISA analysis.

The information content of tests for infection varies. Most often, the main types of tests for syphilis are done, which include serological methods. For patients in need of examination, the doctor prescribes tests individually.

Biomaterial for research

To identify Treponema pallidum, a pathogen that looks like a spiral and causes syphilis, samples are taken:

If it is necessary to conduct tests to detect syphilis, blood is donated not only from the cubital vein, but also from the finger. The choice of biomaterial and the method of examination are influenced by the severity of the infection and the equipment of the diagnostic center.

Direct research

Convincing evidence of syphilis is the identification of infectious agents under a microscope. In this way, the pathogen is found in 8 out of 10 subjects. A negative result in the 2 remaining patients does not mean that they are not infected.

The study is done at the primary and secondary stage(stages) of a disease characterized by the appearance of skin rashes and syphilomas (ulcerations) on epithelial tissues or mucous membranes. Pathogens that cause sexually transmitted diseases are found in the discharge from the lesions.

More precisely, a complex test called RIF, an immunofluorescence reaction, can detect treponemas. The sample for research is pre-treated with fluorescent antibodies. Compounds that can glow stick together with bacteria. Examining samples under a microscope, in the event of infection, the laboratory technician sees sparkling pathogens.

The test is used for early diagnosis of the disease. The longer the disease lasts, the lower the sensitivity of research methods. In addition, it falls after treating rashes and ulcers with antiseptics and in patients who have undergone treatment. Occasionally, the test produces false negative and false positive results.

RIT analysis is a highly accurate method for detecting syphilis. When conducting a test, you have to wait a long time for results. Until the infected rabbit shows signs of infection. The test is used very rarely, despite the fact that it is extremely accurate.

Using the polymerase chain reaction for syphilis, the genetic elements of pathogens are determined. The only drawback of PCR is its high cost.

Non-treponemal tests

Such blood tests help identify antibodies that appear in response to cardiolipin, a compound related to the general structure of the membranes of pathogens.

Wasserman reaction (RW or RW)

The most famous test for syphilis is the Wasserman reaction. RV is included in the category of complement fixation reactions (CFRs). New RSC methods have significant differences from traditional RW. But they are designated, as before, by the concept of “Wassermann reaction”.

The immune system, synthesizes antibodies (markers) in response to treponemal invasion. They are detected by a blood test for syphilis using the Wasserman reaction. A positive RW result confirms that the subject is infected.

Hemolysis reaction – index of RT analysis. With it, two substances interact: hemolytic serum and sheep red blood cells. The serum is made by immunizing a rabbit with sheep red blood cells. The activity of biological fluid is reduced by heating.

RV indicators depend on whether hemolysis has occurred or not. In a sample free of markers, hemolysis occurs. In this case, a reaction to antigens is impossible. Complement is spent interacting with sheep red blood cells. When there are markers in the sample, the compliment reacts with the antigens. In this case, hemolysis does not occur.

Components for RW are measured in equal quantities. The sample containing serum, antigen and complement is heated. Lamb erythrocytes and serum are added to the sample. Keep at a temperature of 37 degrees until hemolysis occurs in the control sample, which contains saline instead of the antigen.

To carry out RT, ready-made antigens are used. The titres and the technology for diluting them are indicated on the packages. A positive RW result is indicated by crosses. Ready test results are indicated as follows:

  • ++++ – maximum positive (hemolysis delayed);
  • +++ – positive (hemolysis is significantly delayed);
  • ++ – weakly positive (hemolysis was partially delayed);
  • + – doubtful (hemolysis was slightly delayed).

With a negative RT, hemolysis was completely achieved in all samples. But in some cases, false positive data is obtained. This happens when cardiolipin enters the cells. Defense mechanisms do not produce markers for “native” cardiolipin.

However, exceptional situations occasionally arise. Positive RW is detected in uninfected people. This is possible if the patient has suffered a serious illness caused by viruses (pneumonia, malaria, tuberculosis, liver and blood pathologies). Positive RV occurs in pregnant women. This is due to the fact that the immune system is excessively weakened.

If there is a suspicion that the test result for syphilis is false positive, the patient is examined further. The problem is that this infection cannot be detected using a single clinical laboratory test. Some studies give false indicators, which can be both negative and positive.

A detailed analysis for syphilis helps to obtain reliable data. Thanks to him, a true diagnosis is established: infection is proven or excluded. In addition, the extended test allows you to stop the development of infection and eliminate unnecessary therapy.


When testing for syphilis, the traditional Wasserman reaction is used extremely rarely. Instead, the RSK method is used. The test gives a positive result 2 months after infection. In the secondary form of the disease, it is positive in almost 100% of cases.

The microprecipitation method (MPM) is a study with a mechanism similar to the Wasserman reaction. The technique is easy to implement. It is carried out quickly. To test for syphilis, in this case, blood is drawn from a finger. The technique gives a positive result 30 days after the appearance of syphiloma. Errors during the research are not excluded. False-positive data are obtained against the background of: aggravated infections, pneumonia, heart attack, stroke, intoxication.

The following leads to erroneous tests:

  • tuberculosis;
  • Besnier-Beck-Schaumann disease;
  • rheumatoid diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • cirrhosis;
  • brucellosis;
  • leptospirosis;
  • mononucleosis.

Having discovered a questionable test for syphilis, treponemal studies are done. They help clarify the diagnosis.

RPR and toluidine red test

The plasma reagin method (RPR) is another analogue of the Wasserman reaction. It is used when necessary:

  • screen asymptomatic individuals;
  • confirm syphilis;
  • examine donated blood.

The toluidine red test, like the RPR, is performed to assess the dynamics drug therapy. Their indicators fall when the disease recedes, and increase when the pathology recurs.

Non-treponemal tests show how much the patient has recovered. Receiving negative results for syphilis indicates that the disease has completely receded. The first examination is done 3 months after the course of therapy.

Treponemal studies

Highly productive tests are carried out using treponemal antigens. They are done when:

  • a positive result was obtained with the RMP method;
  • it is necessary to recognize erroneous data arising from screening tests;
  • Suspect the development of syphilis;
  • it is necessary to diagnose a hidden infection;
  • it is necessary to conduct a retrospective diagnosis.

RIF and RIT tests

In many treated patients, treponemal testing of samples gives positive results for a long time. They cannot be used to judge the degree of effectiveness of treatment. RIT and RIF are ultra-sensitive tests. Thanks to them, reliable data is obtained. These analyzes are labor-intensive; they require considerable time and advanced equipment. They can be carried out by qualified health workers.

When performing a RIF test for syphilis, positive data are obtained 2 months after infection. Negative parameters confirm that the subject is healthy. Positive - suggests that the person is infected.

RIT is performed when the microprecipitation reaction is positive. This blood test for syphilis helps to refute or confirm the presence of infection. The test is ultra-sensitive, it accurately indicates whether the patient is infected or healthy. But the study provides reliable data only 3 months after treponemes enter the body.

Immunoblotting method

Ultra-precise tests include immunoblotting. This blood test is rarely done for syphilis. It is used when examining newborns. It is not suitable for rapid testing. Positive results are obtained with a delay. They are obtained much earlier by the microprecipitation method.


Informative ultra-precise research methods include ELISA and RPGA tests. With their help, rapid diagnostics is carried out. Laboratory technicians do a huge number of such tests. Thanks to them, it is possible to establish an accurate diagnosis.

The RPGA test for syphilis is positive 30 days after the pathogen enters the body. It is used to diagnose the primary infection when ulcers and rashes appear.

Thanks to it, it is possible to identify advanced, secretly ongoing, as well as congenital forms of pathology. But it is carried out in conjunction with non-treponemal and treponemal tests. Comprehensive diagnostics guarantees the reliability of the results. Triple testing accurately proves the presence or absence of a sexually transmitted infection.

The positive reaction persists for a long period of time. For this reason, the study is not used to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment.

The ELISA test is positive 21 days after infection. The test sometimes gives erroneous results. They appear in systemic pathologies and impaired metabolic processes. Their effectiveness is questionable in a child born from an infected mother.

Errors obtained with serological research methods became the reason for the discovery of progressive diagnostic methods. Gas chromatography and mass spectrometry do not give false results. The only obstacle to their mass use is their high cost.

Diagnosis algorithm

  • When syphilis is in the primary phase (up to 60 days from the moment of infection), the pathogen is searched for on a dark background or fluorescent antibodies are used to detect them.
  • If the pathology is in primary, secondary or latent form, RMP and ELISA are used. A RPGA blood test for syphilis helps confirm the results.
  • In case of recurrence of secondary infection, the discharge of ulcerations and rashes is analyzed. Pathogens are removed from the samples and studied using microscopy.
  • When the disease enters the tertiary phase, 1/3 of patients have negative RMP. At the same time, the results of ELISA and RPGA are positive. However, they do not always indicate the tertiary period, but confirm that the person previously suffered an infection. Weak positive test - proof complete cure, rather than the development of the tertiary phase.
  • To confirm congenital syphilis, blood tests are taken from the mother and baby. Compare data from RMP tests. It is taken into account that the baby’s ELISA and RPGA are positive. The diagnosis is confirmed using the immunoblotting technique.

Syphilis, like any systemic pathology, affects the entire body. Therefore, testing for it is carried out during pregnancy, before an abortion. Patients undergo RMP, ELISA, RPGA.

How to get tested

A venereologist sends patients for analysis. Private laboratories do anonymous tests for syphilis at the request of the client. You do not need a doctor's referral to take the test.

Rules for conducting the study:

  • Blood is drawn in the laboratory in the morning on an empty stomach (eaten after the procedure). Before the test, you are allowed to drink only water.
  • 2 days before the examination it is forbidden to eat fatty foods and drink alcohol.
  • Blood is taken from a finger or vein.
  • How long does the study last? Usually no more than a day. The interpretation of tests for syphilis is obtained from laboratory technicians or the attending physician.
  • How long is the test valid? After 3 months, test results become invalid. They are being rented out again.

If the transcript of the analysis shows that the test is positive, you need to visit a venereologist, who will prescribe an additional examination to accurately confirm the diagnosis and select a regimen necessary treatment.

Testing of spinal contents

The diagnosis of neurosyphilis is made after examining the cerebrospinal fluid. This analysis is done:

  • people with a latent form of infection;
  • for symptoms of diseases of the nervous system;
  • asymptomatic, advanced neurosyphilis;
  • recovered patients with positive serological reactions.

The doctor gives a referral for a cerebrospinal fluid test. A puncture is taken from the spinal canal into 2 tubes. The puncture is lubricated with iodine and covered with a sterile napkin. After the procedure, the patient remains in bed for 2 days.

In 1 sample, the amount of protein, cells, and traces of meningitis are determined. In the second sample, antibodies to the causative agent of syphilis are calculated. To do this, they do the following tests: RV, RMP, RIF and RIBT.

Depending on how many violations are detected, there are 4 types of cerebrospinal fluid. Each indicates specific damage to the nervous system. The doctor diagnoses:

  • vascular neurosyphilis;
  • syphilitic meningitis;
  • tabes dorsalis and so on.

In addition, the test results are used to judge the patient’s recovery.

Interpretation of tests is the task of the doctor. Only he is able to draw the right conclusions,, if necessary, prescribe additional examinations, and make an accurate diagnosis. You should not do self-diagnosis in case of dangerous systemic pathology. An error in diagnosis has serious consequences.

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Logon is a modern medical center, equipped in accordance with all requirements recent years. Logon truly meets the highest standards and deservedly receives comparisons with leading European clinics.

Logon works in close cooperation with a laboratory that has the most modern technical equipment. By contacting this medical center with suspected syphilis, you can donate blood as soon as possible. The best doctors will conduct a blood test to detect antibodies to syphilis and immediately inform you of the results. The procedure will be completely painless.

The medical center has established a strict procedure for collecting tests for syphilis. The patient must donate blood in the morning, abstaining from food for at least 8 hours beforehand. You can drink water, but in small quantities. Blood is taken from a vein; the test cannot be replaced by taking blood from a finger.

The doctor will notify the patient that there are a number of factors that may distort the test result. If the sick client has diabetes, pneumonia, or is a pregnant woman, the test may show the presence of syphilis even if it is not present. In this case, a repeat analysis will be carried out, which will give a more reliable result.

The main advantage of the Logon center is the desire of its employees to help every patient. Logon works without a break on holidays and weekends. The client can get the help he needs any day.

Service in Logon is notable for its low prices. An analysis that will confirm or deny the presence of syphilis in a patient will cost him no more than 2,000 rubles. Anyone can find out the exact prices at the registration desk. medical center or its call center, which can be contacted at +7 495 921-35-68.

About tests for syphilis

Syphilis is an insidious disease that manifests itself with individual symptoms in each patient. Detecting it through a blood test is not the easiest task. To determine syphilis, doctors will certainly need blood from the patient’s vein, his cerebrospinal fluid, ulcer discharge and fragments of lymph nodes.

Classification of methods for laboratory diagnosis of disease

When starting to work with a new patient, the doctor can use the bacterioscopic method. Its essence lies in the search for Treponema pallidum, which is the causative agent of syphilis. After this, the doctor moves on to serological tests. But the bacteriological method in determining syphilis will be completely useless, because treponema does not grow under artificial conditions, even when its life support systems are maintained with the necessary nutrient medium.

Modern methods Treponema searches are usually divided into two groups: direct and indirect. Direct methods are simpler. In their case, doctors try to detect the microbe itself in the obtained biological material. Direct methods include:

  • dark field microscopy;
  • RIT test, which assumes that guinea pigs will be infected with material obtained from the patient;
  • PCR demonstrating regions of the Treponema genetic footprint.

Indirect methods, also called serological, are not based on searching for treponema. Their task is to find antibodies produced by the body itself to fight the microbe. Indirect methods are usually divided into non-treponemal and treponemal. These techniques are very complex, and in Russia there are few specialists who can carry them out at a sufficiently high level.

Direct tests

One of the most reliable ways to diagnose syphilis is considered to be searching for treponemes under a microscope. If treponema is detected, the doctor can report with 97% confidence that the patient has syphilis. However, the absence of treponemes in biological material does not mean that the patient is healthy. This causative agent of syphilis is found in only 80% of patients.

This diagnosis is carried out twice: after the patient’s first visit to the clinic and after the appearance of a skin rash or chancre visible to the eye. It is in the material obtained from them that the search for treponemes will be carried out.

A more reliable, and therefore more expensive, analysis is to search for treponemes under a microscope, in which the material is treated with fluorescent antibodies. It is their high cost that increases the price of analysis. However, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of these antibodies: they find treponemes, stick to them and highlight the affected areas so that it will definitely be noticeable through a microscope.

This method will be especially effective in the early stages of the disease. Its reliability decreases if syphilis has progressed or has been exposed to some medications or antiseptics.

The RIT test, which was described above, is another reliable way diagnose syphilis. But it has one significant drawback. It will take a long time for a rabbit infected with the patient’s biological material to begin to show the first symptoms, and with syphilis, every minute is precious to the patient.

Non-treponemal tests

One of the most popular non-treponemal tests is the Wasserman reaction. This is a quick and relatively reliable way to diagnose a patient with syphilis. To implement it, antibodies are isolated from the patient’s blood that are exposed to treponema and cardiolipin. As a result of the experiment, the antibodies are modified and flakes should form, which will become reliable evidence of the presence of syphilis.

In Russia, Wasserman's reaction did not gain wide popularity. Domestic specialists are more fond of its analogue - the microprecipitation reaction. They blame the lack of the Wasserman reaction on the frequent receipt of false positive results caused by the patient having other diseases. Therefore, even if the Wasserman reaction gives a positive result, doctors are in no hurry to inform the patient that he has syphilis, but turn to additional and more accurate diagnostic methods.

The Wasserman reaction can detect syphilis only 2 months after the patient is infected. The microprecipitation reaction has similar timing. In addition, it can also give a false positive result, although not so often.

Can a syphilis test be wrong?

Testing for syphilis can indeed be wrong. Moreover, in medical practice this happens quite often. Even the most reliable non-treponemal method - RMP - sometimes gives unreliable results. Most often this is due to the fact that the patient does not have syphilis, but another disease. A false positive result can be given by tuberculosis, brucellosis, leptospirosis, diabetes mellitus, oncological diseases, pregnancy, postpartum condition, cirrhosis and many others medical circumstances. When doctors have doubts about the results of non-treponemal tests, they inevitably have to turn to treponemal tests for help.

Treponemal tests

One of the most popular treponemal tests throughout the world is the rapid plasma reagin test. To implement it, doctors use cardiolipin antigen.

A little less popular, but also widespread in the world, is the toluidine red test. These treponemal methods not only make it possible to diagnose syphilis, but also give the doctor information about how effective the treatment he proposes may be.

After completing the treatment course, doctors use non-treponemal tests. They are ideal for diagnosing the absence of disease. If the test gives a negative result, we can assume with 99.9% confidence that it is correct, and the patient really no longer has syphilis. These tests will make sense no earlier than 3 months after the complete course of treatment.

Rules for obtaining a test for syphilis

In order to receive a referral for a test that diagnoses syphilis, a person should contact a therapist at his place of registration, and he will prescribe required document. Considering the speed of free medicine in Russia, there is a way to do this faster and directly contact a private laboratory.

Lack of food 8 hours before the analysis is the main, but not the only condition for its successful implementation. It is equally important to completely eliminate any fatty foods and alcohol from your diet within 2 days.

The test is taken from the cubital vein, but some laboratories also take a blood sample from a finger prick.

Tests for syphilis do not take doctors much time. A paid laboratory will inform the patient of their results the very next day. A blood test for syphilis will be valid for no more than three months.

If the analysis confirms that the patient has syphilis, he should contact a dermatovenerologist at his place of registration or choose a specialist from a paid medical center who, after analyzing all available information, will prescribe the correct course of treatment.

Syphilis is an infectious disease caused by the spirochete Treponema pallidum. This microorganism spreads easily through sexual or close household contact. Affects internal organs, multiplies quickly, but does not “love” high temperatures and dryness. At low temperatures, as well as humidity, treponema is able to survive and reproduce.

Ways of infection with syphilis

Syphilis is spread through:
- sexual contact
- mother's milk to the baby during feeding
- intrauterine contact
- household method (using the same household items)
- saliva
- patient's blood

Types of syphilis

Based on their origin, they are classified as congenital or acquired.
According to the stage of the disease - primary, secondary, tertiary.
Depending on the time of appearance, it is divided into early/late syphilis.

Treatment of syphilis

Who is treated for syphilis, how long does treatment last?

A dermatovenerologist treats syphilis. The treatment process for syphilis is quite long. If early syphilis is detected, treatment takes approximately two or three months, if late syphilis, then the treatment process can take two or more years. Strict abstinence from sexual activity and extreme care in everyday life towards cohabitants are observed. All of them are prescribed prophylaxis to avoid infection.

What does the treatment of syphilis consist of and is it possible to cure it using unconventional methods?

The most effective method of treating syphilis is the intravenous administration of penicillin drugs in a hospital under the supervision of a physician. The course of treatment is 24 days. The drug is administered every 3 hours. If the patient is allergic to these drugs or the treatment is ineffective, tetracyclines are prescribed. The patient also undergoes immunotherapy and takes vitamins.

How to prevent family members from becoming infected with syphilis

It is quite easy to become infected with syphilis, especially if it appears on the skin. Therefore, the patient must have his own household items (dishes, towels, soap, bedding, etc.). At the infection stage there should be no physical contact with the patient.

You can plan a pregnancy after being treated for syphilis

You can plan a pregnancy, provided that the woman has been thoroughly treated, doctors have diagnosed a complete recovery and removed her from the register. And even in this case, it is necessary to be examined first; examinations are also carried out during pregnancy. It would be useful to undergo preventive therapy.

As sad as it may be, today there are a huge number of different ailments that can lead to disastrous consequences. Therefore, at the first suspicious symptoms, you should immediately contact a qualified specialist for help.

Or STDs for short, are a group of very serious illnesses that, if not properly treated, can lead to dangerous consequences. As you might guess from the name, in most cases, infection with them occurs as a result of promiscuous sexual intercourse that occurs without the use of contraceptives. Modern medicine identifies a huge number of diseases, among which the most insidious is syphilis.

As the disease progresses, global damage occurs viral infection the entire body, including the epidermis, mucous membrane, internal organs and bone tissue. In the absence of proper treatment, the patient dies a very painful death. Moreover, in the later stages, many irreversible changes develop that a person will have to live with throughout his life, even after the disease is defeated. Therefore, when the first symptoms of syphilis appear, you must immediately go to the hospital for examination. But in order for the test results to be reliable, you need to know how to properly donate blood for syphilis. This will be discussed later in this article.

general information

If you have carefully read the introduction, then you should not have any questions about why you should donate blood for syphilis. But everyone should be able to determine the presence of infection. Clinical manifestations are the same in absolutely all people, regardless of gender and age category. The very first symptom is syphiloma. It is a dense round spot on skin small size. Later, a painful ulcer forms in its place, which disappears after a certain period of time. Most people mistakenly believe that they have been cured, however, this is far from the case. The disease will progress and affect the body further.

The second symptom of syphilis is spotty rashes all over the body, which may be red or pink. This is a sign of the second stage of the disease, at which the patient can still be cured without any serious complications. Secondary syphilis can last from six months to several years. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. specific person and protective functions of the immune system.

Faced with this, every person should think about where to donate blood for syphilis, because if nothing is done, the disease will develop to the third stage. It affects all internal organs, as well as soft and bone tissues.


Let's look at this in more detail. If you don’t know where to donate blood for HIV, hepatitis, syphilis and other viral and infectious diseases, then you need to contact a dermatovenerologist and, based on a general examination and oral interview, he will direct you to the right office. Most often, patients with suspected syphilis are prescribed the RW test, or, as it is more commonly known, the Wasserman test. This examination method was invented more than a century ago, but even today it is one of the most accurate and informative.

If the patient has no signs of infection, the test results are valid for no more than one month from the date of receipt. At the same time, doctors prescribe RW not only to people who independently went to the hospital with suspected syphilis, but also to all patients admitted for ambulatory treatment to the infectious diseases department.

When you decide where to donate blood for syphilis and come to see the doctor, they will take a small sample from you and add a special antigen to it. If it reacts with lipids, then this is a sign of the presence of Treponema pallidum in the body.

It is worth noting that today there are several types of laboratory tests that make it possible to diagnose syphilis.

But compared to them, RW has many advantages, the main ones being the following:

  • high accuracy;
  • the ability to choose the most effective treatment program;
  • a detailed picture of the patient's health status.

It is worth noting that not only those people who are sexually active and often change partners, but also pregnant women, as well as patients who are about to undergo surgery should have an idea of ​​how to properly donate blood for syphilis.

In what cases can the result be false positive?

In medical practice, it often happens that a person donates blood for syphilis, receives a positive result, but does not have any infection.

This may be a sign of the following diseases:

  • pneumonia;
  • malignant tumor;
  • tuberculosis;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • recent antiviral vaccination;
  • traumatic injury.

In addition, a false positive result is the norm in women during pregnancy and menstruation, as well as in people who use drugs and abuse alcohol. Moreover, this occurs most often among representatives of the fair sex. Therefore, if your girlfriend or wife has donated blood for syphilis (a pregnant woman is not taken into account), then you should not immediately panic. Most likely, she does not have any health problems, and a positive result according to the Wasserman reaction is caused by some other reason.

Classification of laboratory diagnosis of syphilis

So what is she like? If you decide to donate blood for HIV or syphilis, then you need to have at least the slightest idea about the basic methods for diagnosing these sexually transmitted diseases. In the early stages of the disease, the bacteriological method, serological tests and many others can be used.

Regardless of the technology used, all laboratory tests are conventionally divided into two categories:

  1. Direct - optical microscopy, PCR, serological and RIT testing.
  2. Non-treponemal - RSC, RPR, RPM, RIT, ELISA, RIF, immunoblotting and others.

Each of the above analyzes is very complex and includes a whole range of activities. However, they are all very informative and allow doctors to make an accurate diagnosis and determine not only the presence of the virus in the body, but also the stage of the disease. Today, many people turn to Invitro. Donating blood for syphilis here guarantees complete sterility and safety.

There are branches of this laboratory in almost every major locality Russian Federation. So if you live, for example, in Sterlitamak, you can also donate blood for HIV and syphilis at Invitro, at the address: st. Kommunisticheskaya, 41.

Non-treponemal techniques

In talking about this, it is necessary to say a few words about non-treponemal methods of research. They are aimed at detecting a special group of proteins that are formed only. Compared to direct laboratory tests, they are less accurate and therefore often give incorrect results.

RW analysis

So, here we actually come to the answer to the question of how to donate blood for syphilis. Having noticed the first symptoms of the disease, you need to contact a dermatovenerologist, who will perform a survey and a general examination, and based on the information received, prescribe necessary tests. In most cases, patients are sent for the Wasserman reaction, since this method is one of the most accurate. With its help, in just a few minutes you can confirm the presence of syphilis if the patient was indeed infected with Treponema pallidum.

Not only blood, but also cerebrospinal fluid can be used for research. If there is only one analysis, then the sampling is carried out from a finger, and for complex diagnostics samples from a vein are required. It is important to understand when you can donate blood for syphilis. If little time has passed between infection and the patient’s visit to a medical facility, then the tests may not show anything.

Diagnostic algorithm

If you decide to take a blood test for AIDS and syphilis, it is better to do this at least two months after the suspected infection. There is no point in going to the doctor before, because it will not have time to enter the blood and spread throughout the body, so the results may be false negative.

At the primary and secondary stages of the disease, as well as with latent syphilis, a microprecipitation reaction and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent test are most often prescribed. If the doctor has any doubts about the reliability of the results, he can additionally send the patient for RPGA.

If a patient goes to the hospital with secondary syphilis, then instead of blood, treponemes from the skin rash can be taken for analysis, which are studied in detail under a microscope. In the later stages of the disease, some tests completely lose their effectiveness, since they very often provide false results. To prevent this, it is recommended to first prepare your body for visiting a doctor.

Preparatory activities before the examination

In order for the test results to be as accurate and reliable as possible, blood for syphilis must be taken on an empty stomach. Therefore, in the morning you need to give up breakfast, as well as drink tea, coffee and other drinks other than still water. Also, in the evening it is better to refrain from eating too fatty, salty and fried foods.

In addition, the following rules must be observed:

  1. 7 days before the examination, stop taking all medications.
  2. They do not drink alcohol.
  3. During the day they eat only light and easily digestible food.

These requirements are mandatory to comply with. If a blood test confirms infection with syphilis, then a treatment program is selected based on the stage of the disease, as well as a number of other criteria.

In what cases is the Wasserman reaction prescribed?

This issue deserves special attention. Screening for any STDs is mandatory in the following cases:

  1. The presence of syphilis in one of the partners.
  2. Clinical manifestations of the disease.
  3. Pregnancy planning.
  4. Drug addiction.
  5. Enlarged inguinal lymph nodes, palpation of which is painless.
  6. Admission of the patient to outpatient treatment.
  7. Blood transfusion.
  8. Passing a medical examination for the purpose of employment.
  9. Repeated examination after completing the full course of syphilis therapy.

In addition, every person who values ​​​​his health can undergo an examination on his own to make sure that he does not have any problems. Doctors themselves recommend doing this periodically for people who have regular sexual relations with casual partners or do not use contraception during sexual intercourse.

In what cases is taking samples prohibited?

This article described in detail how to donate blood for syphilis, but this is not always allowed.

Examination of a suspected patient cannot be performed in the following cases:

  • if the patient has a significantly increased body temperature;
  • infectious diseases are actively occurring;
  • during menstruation in women;
  • on later gestation;
  • if less than 24 hours have passed since drinking alcohol;
  • in newborns and children under 3 years of age.

If blood is taken in any of the above cases, then there will be no benefit from it. The thing is that during illness or hormonal imbalance, a person’s blood chemistry is disrupted, so the Wasserman reaction will show a positive result, however, in fact, there may not be any infection. To avoid unnecessary problems, before going for testing, it is recommended to consult a venereologist and ask him to provide detailed information on how to donate blood for syphilis.

How much will the inspection cost?

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, since the specific amount depends on a large number of factors. The main one among them is the laboratory research methodology, as well as the type of medical institution. IN public hospitals the cost of patient care is at a relatively low level, while private clinics charge more for the same procedures. In addition, the region of residence also plays an important role. For example, in Moscow the prices for treatment are higher than anywhere in the outback of the country.

In commercial laboratories you can undergo the microprecipitation reaction and some other tests for approximately 400-500 rubles. However, the cost will be higher if you need to study several types of biological materials. But you must remember that each private hospital has its own prices, so the prices shown are average prices.

The most expensive looking analysis today is considered to be immunoblot. In some cases, you can pay several thousand rubles for it. But if your doctor does order any tests, then regardless of the price, it is recommended to take them. The results obtained will not only confirm or refute the presence of the disease, but will also make it possible to determine the exact time over which the infection progresses, as well as to create the most productive treatment program.


In the Middle Ages, syphilis was one of the most dangerous illnesses, which have claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world. But today the level of development of medicine is very high, so incurable diseases practically do not exist. The main thing is to start treatment on time, since it is not so much the disease that is scary, but Negative consequences to which it leads. Therefore, if you notice symptoms characteristic of syphilis, then immediately go to a venereologist. In general, it is better to take care of your health and always use protection, especially if you often change sexual partners.

Testing for syphilis is an important diagnostic method that allows one to detect the presence of the pathogen in the body in the early stages, when the sexually transmitted disease can be cured in a short time. An infection caused by Treponema pallidum is dangerous due to the development of serious disruptions in the functioning of systems and organs that are difficult to restore even after the complete destruction of pathogenic microorganisms.

What tests are taken for syphilis?

Exist various ways detection of syphilis in the laboratory. The following can be used as biological material:

  • blood from a vein and finger;
  • fluid secreted by chancre;
  • regional lymph node tissue;
  • cerebrospinal fluid

The research method is selected taking into account the symptoms and stage of syphilis.

A complete blood count does not diagnose treponemal infection. In early forms of the disease, laboratories use a bacterioscopic technique that helps detect a pathogenic microorganism using a microscope. Serodiagnosis is also used, based on identifying the pathogen antigen and immunoglobulins synthesized by the body in response to infection. If syphilis is suspected, a bacteriological examination is not carried out, since the growth of the pathogen when placed in nutrient media in the laboratory is insignificant.

As diagnostic methods The following tests are used:

  1. Non-treponemal, which include the Wasserman reaction (RW), toluidine red test, microprecipitation reaction (MR or PMPA), plasma reagin test (RPR).
  2. Treponema, including the passive hemagglutination reaction (RPH), immunoblotting, enzyme immunoassay (ELISA), immunofluorescence reaction (RIF), treponema immobilization reaction (RIT).

During screenings of pregnant women and routine examinations, nonspecific express tests are prescribed. If there are symptoms of a sexually transmitted disease and positive results are obtained using non-treponemal methods, additional studies are carried out using highly sensitive test systems.

The most effective

Currently, testing for RW syphilis is practically not carried out. As a more effective test, laboratories use the microprecipitation reaction. The main disadvantage of the method is its low specificity, since it can show a false positive result in conditions such as:

  • pregnancy;
  • blood diseases;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • menses;
  • period after childbirth;
  • tuberculosis.

If positive indicators are obtained, before drug therapy, the patient is prescribed a blood test using specific methods. RIF and RIT are considered the highest quality today. These tests require a technical base and well-trained personnel. They differ from non-treponemal methods in their relative complexity, the large amount of time required to carry out reactions, and the high cost of reagents. The RIF indicator becomes positive 60 days after the introduction of infection.

To exclude or confirm the diagnosis, doctors prescribe a RIT analysis, which makes it possible to accurately determine the presence of Treponema pallidum in the body. A positive result can be obtained 2-3 months after infection.

An effective specific test is ELISA. It allows diagnosis to be made 21 days after infection. Like other methods, enzyme immunoassay can give false-positive reactions, which are observed in autoimmune processes, changes associated with impaired metabolism.

How to prepare for the test

In order for the test to show an accurate result, certain preparation is required.

There are factors that can affect the data obtained: addiction to alcohol, fatty foods, smoking, a number of medications, taking material on a full stomach.

Donating blood for syphilis requires compliance following rules, which the doctor must familiarize himself with when issuing a referral:

  1. The biomaterial is given to the patient on an empty stomach, mainly in the morning. The last intake is carried out no later than 21 hours, and the food should be light, with a minimum fat content.
  2. Before the procedure, you are allowed to drink a small amount of clean boiled water. Drinks containing gases are not allowed. Coffee, black and green teas prohibited.
  3. The patient must inform the doctor who issued the referral for the study that he is taking medications. If necessary, blood donation can be scheduled at another time if taking the medication is vital.
  4. For 5-6 days it is forbidden to take alcoholic drinks.
  5. Immediately before the biomaterial collection procedure, you should not smoke.

In many public and private clinics, blood is accepted for up to 14 hours, after which the material is sent for testing to a laboratory.

Accuracy and reliability of results

To date, there is not a single laboratory treponemal or non-treponemal test that provides an absolute guarantee that the data are reliable. Therefore, during a general examination of the patient, nonspecific tests for syphilis are first prescribed. If a person has signs of a sexually transmitted disease or contacts with syphilitic patients, the doctor prescribes additional diagnostics based on specific tests.

False-positive tests during the precipitation reaction (PMPA) are possible under the following conditions:

  • acute infectious process;
  • strokes and heart attacks;
  • injury;
  • acute intoxication;
  • rheumatic disease;
  • neoplasms of a malignant nature;
  • diabetes;
  • liver damage.

The primary form of syphilis is detected with RMPA in 80% of cases, the secondary form - in 98%.

The passive hemagglutination test is highly specific and is used as a confirmatory test after positive results have been obtained using other diagnostic techniques.

Examination of serum using RIF gives an erroneous result in extremely rare cases. The RIT method is used when latent syphilis is suspected and helps in establishing the disappearance of treponemal infection.

How long does it take to test for syphilis?

To obtain indicators using the microprecipitation reaction, two to three hours are enough. This method shows the presence or absence of syphilis in a patient. To obtain a detailed (quantitative) assessment of serum for the content of immunoglobulins in it, a longer period of time is required.

In public clinics with high laboratories, the analysis takes 3-7 working days to prepare. In private diagnostic centers Those who have their own equipment can get the result the next day.

A transcript of the result in a public medical institution is issued by the doctor during the follow-up appointment. Paid laboratories have the ability to send data to the patient’s email.

How long does the analysis last?

In order to find out the validity period of tests for syphilis, you need to contact specialists at a medical institution.

The time it takes for results to be valid can vary from one to three months in different laboratories.

The validity period of the RW analysis also depends on its purpose:

Decoding: norms and deviations

A study using the Wasserman reaction can give following results:

  • “+++” – strongly positive;
  • “++” – weakly positive;
  • “-” – negative (normal);
  • “+” – doubtful.

If you receive a result with one “+”, doctors recommend checking for the presence of treponemal infection after 14 days. Indicators may change if the day before the patient took medications, drank alcoholic beverages, suffered an acute viral infection.

A false-negative non-treponemal analysis in the presence of positive indicators obtained by ELISA and RPGA methods indicates a late stage of syphilis or a cured disease.

Cost of analysis

In public clinics, non-treponemal tests are provided to patients free of charge. The referral is issued by a therapist or venereologist. Specific tests can be taken at paid centers equipped with laboratory equipment. The cost of services varies from clinic to clinic:

  1. At Invitro, a blood test for treponemal infection using the anticardiolipin test is carried out for $9.8, including the price for taking venous blood. If necessary, for an additional fee, tests can be done urgently - within 2 hours, not counting the time of collecting biological material.
  2. In Sinevo, ELISA tests can be done for $8.8. The cost also includes the collection of biological material.
  3. In CMD laboratories you can take an anticardiolipin test for $6.1. Results are ready within 1 calendar day. Urgent tests cost more - $12.1. Results are provided within 3-5 hours.

Tests for syphilis using treponemal and non-treponemal test systems are the most important diagnostic procedure, allowing the infection to be detected as soon as possible and immediate drug therapy to be started. Modern methods help identify congenital syphilis and prevent the development of complications.

If a positive result is obtained using one type of study, it is important to conduct additional analyzes based on quantitative assessments.

Treatment antibacterial drugs is prescribed only after several positive indicators have been obtained laboratory methods. Lack of therapy leads to serious dysfunction of internal organs and systems.

carried out using specific tests? Such studies include ELISA, RIF, RIBT, and immunoblotting. During these seroreactions, the binding of the antigen-antibody complex occurs with the participation of treponemal antigens.

Treponemal tests become informative a little later than non-treponemal tests - 15-30 days after the pathogen enters the body. ELISA and RIF are classified as highly accurate and specific methods for the immunodiagnosis of syphilis. During the study, antitreponemal antibodies bind to the antigen. 10-14 days after infection, IgM immunoglobulins begin to appear in the blood serum, and after 25-30 - IgG.

RPGA can be used 30 days after infection. As a rule, it is used in combination with the microprecipitation reaction and. Its use makes it possible to confirm a syphilitic infection at any stage. An increase in titers means activation of the pathogen and recurrence of the infection; with a latent course, titers decrease. In people who have undergone therapy and are cured of syphilis, the results of RPGA remain positive throughout their lives.

The RIBT immobilization reaction is the most exact method serological testing for syphilis. It allows you to accurately differentiate false-positive test results from true positive ones. To finally verify the diagnosis in case of a latent course of the disease, as well as confirm or exclude the disease in pregnant women upon receiving positive test results.

However, it becomes informative later than other standard immune reactions to syphilis.

If you need to undergo a diagnosis of syphilis, contact competent venereologists.