Interesting sales facts that will change the way you approach business. Presentation for the financial literacy lesson "history of money"

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Interesting facts from the history of money Work completed by Dmitry Chuklin, 3rd grade student Supervisor: teacher primary classes Fedotova L. A.

The object of study is types of money. Subject of study - Interesting Facts from the history of the appearance of coins and paper bills. The purpose of the study is to become familiar with the history of money. Research objectives: 1. Find out the history of the appearance of money. 2. Get acquainted with the types of monetary units.

The relevance of my research is that money is familiar to us from early childhood; people become acquainted with money in the family, through their parents, but most children know little about the origin of money. Hypothesis. It's possible that before money did not exist or did not look the same as they do now. Research methods: 1. Collection and analysis of information on this topic 2. Visiting the library; 3. Use of Internet resources and encyclopedias; 4. Conducting a survey among students in your class.

One of the first money was the shells of the sea mollusk cowrie. They were mined in the southern seas, drilled and strung on a string like beads. They were inexpensive. 1 bull = 1000 shells. . People tried a lot of “money” until their development led to metal money. “Money” was in the form of bars, rings, half-rings, twigs, and ingots.

The name "coin" appeared in Ancient Rome. The wife of Jupiter, the main god of the Romans, had the title Juno-Moneta, which meant “Juno the mentor.” She was considered the goddess of the moon and the patroness of the family. The first mint was built at her temple on the Capitoline Hill in Rome. .

In the old days in Rus', women wore a necklace made of precious metal- hryvnia. For a hryvnia they gave a piece of silver of a certain weight. This weight was called hryvnia. . Rus', early 13th century. (silver, copper, wicker, leather)

In the 8th - 9th centuries dirhams appeared in Rus' - large silver coins with Arabic inscriptions. . The first Russian coins were zlatniks and silver coins. The coins depicted Grand Duke Kyiv and peculiar coat of arms.

Silver bars - hryvnia - began to serve as money. Weight - from 170 to 200 grams, rectangular or hexagonal in shape. Hryvnias began to be cut in half. This is how “rubles” were born. 1 hryvnia = 200 squirrel skins. Denga - “Moscow” from the time of Ivan the Terrible A horseman with a sword was depicted on a small silver coin. On larger money, a horseman armed with a spear was minted. Such coins began to be called kopek coins - this is where the word “penny” comes from.

The first paper money in Russia was introduced by Catherine II. This bill was called “Katenka”.

My collection of banknotes, banknotes from the time of Nicholas II, banknote of 1898, banknote of 1905.

My collection of banknotes, banknotes, banknote of 1909, bill of 1918.

Modern money

Questionnaire “What is money for?” Buy food, clothes 22 students Go on vacation to another country 8 students A good education 1 student Helping sick people; grandparents; keeping homeless animals 8 students Give back 1 student Save 1 student “Be happy” 1 student

Conclusion: - money appeared very much and changed over time; - there is a science that studies the history of coinage and monetary circulation - numismatics; - money has its own history; - money can also tell the history of a country; - It is impossible to imagine our life without money.

Thank you for your attention

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Slide text: Municipal educational institution“Voroninsk secondary school” Subject – economics. Subject. “Interesting facts of the world of money” Completed by: Ekaterina Evgenievna Putintseva, 10th grade student. Head: Nadezhda Ivanovna Fedorova, economics teacher.

Slide text: Goals and objectives research work. Target. 1. Find out when and in what form the very first money appeared on planet Earth, what made people come to coins and banknotes. Tasks. 1. Find information in the literature about the appearance of the first money, its changes, measurement and improvement; 2. Collect a collection of coins from different years of minting available in our village, banknotes of different denominations. 3. Find interesting facts about the world of money.

Slide text: Contents of the research work. 1. When there was no money. 2. First money. 3. Coins. Damage to money. Representatives of money. 4. Our ruble. 5. Counterfeiters. 6. One hundred and one ways to get rich. 7. Interesting facts about the world of money.

Slide text: When there was no money. Many thousands of years ago people managed without money. The division of labor increased the connection between people. Private property appeared. The exchange of goods began. Hunters have the skins of animals, farmers have grain, wine, vegetable oil, in Mongolia - “brick” tea. The weight of the brick was 15 kg.

Slide text: First money. Such goods were the first money. With their advent, ordinary exchange turned into buying and selling. The cost of any product began to be determined by money and called the price. Before the Mongol invasion, our language did not have the word “money”, but coins were already minted, which reduced the influx of foreign coins

Slide text: First money. The first ruble is an elongated block of silver weighing 200 grams. 1 ruble = 10 hryvnias. 1 hryvnia = 10 kopecks. Dividing a ruble hryvnia into two parts, we got half-rubles, and into four, we got quarters. The small-weight money depicted a horseman with a spear and was called kopecks. The smallest coin was the “half coin”.

Slide text: 3. Coins. Damage to money. Representatives of money. The Lidians were the first to mint coins. Lydia is a powerful state in the western part of Asia Minor. The first coins were small bars indeterminate form. IN ancient world money was made from pure gold and silver. The coins were easily erased, losing weight. The dust remained on the hands, which the cashier collected. This is how money spoiled. In Russia, under Vasily the Dark, denga from 21 shares in weight was reduced to 8 shares.

Slide text: Counterfeiters. Counterfeiters appeared with money and will disappear with it. The oldest of the laws says: “money counterfeiters are put to death” (sometimes their hands and feet were cut off; they were given to be devoured wild animals to the circus; they filled the throat with tin; property was taken away). The number of counterfeiters did not decrease, but increased with the amount of money, but the thirst for enrichment overcame fear. There was no state supervision, so the people themselves carried out reprisals against counterfeiters, among whom there were many noble people.

Trade has existed as long as humanity has existed. Trade has long evolved from the banal exchange of banknotes for goods into one of the most powerful means of communication. With the help of trade, you can capture new territories, influence and promote your ideas. With the advent of the Internet, trade has risen to a new level, the scale of which is simply amazing. 1000 stores appear that compete well with each other, and against the background of these factors it is difficult to choose a good seller with reasonable prices, which is why the service was created, which invites the buyer to choose the product that he needs in the store that he will find it the most reliable, while the service provides cashback to every buyer. Well, in this article we have collected for you some interesting facts about trading both offline and online. We wish you pleasant reading!

Have you ever wondered what is the best selling product in the world? Probably the first answer that might come to a person's mind is bread. We may upset you, but you guessed wrong! The world's best-selling commodity is gasoline, closely followed by coffee, which sells US$2 billion annually globally. You can read about what products are still popular and in demand in this article.

Fact No. 1.
Over 94% of Russian Internet users have purchased something online at least once. This is evidenced by data from Mediascope Europe. How is this information useful for the owner of an online store? You can estimate the scale of your potential audience, taking into account the fact that the number of Internet users in Russia is constantly increasing. And who said that one-time purchases cannot be turned into permanent ones? But this is already a story about knowing the needs and requirements of your target audience.

Fact No. 2.
The first sale via the Internet took place in 1995. The book was sold on Books are still selling well via the Internet; just remember Amazon or the Russian online stores liters and labyrinth. With the development of online trading, popular goods in online stores have also become Appliances, clothing, tickets for planes and trains or theaters, household goods, for children, various gifts.

Fact No. 3.
China became the No. 1 market in online trading, and the US market had to fall back to second place. Third place today is occupied by the UK, and Russia ranks 9th among e-markets. In principle, this is good news, since we have room to grow. True, you will have to withstand strong competition with Chinese online stores. It is hardly a secret for anyone that the majority of those same 94% of Russian Internet users who made purchases on the Internet, the lion's share of such purchases occurred on Chinese giant AliExpress.

Fact No. 4.
Mandatory registration on an online store website leads to 20% of consumers abandoning their carts, refusing to complete the order. We recommend that you use a module similar to the “1-Click Purchase” module, which is available in the ReadyScript engine. This will allow you not to lose a fifth of your profit, and the potential buyer will feel quite comfortable making purchases on your website.

Fact No. 5.
Free shipping encourages users to make a purchase in 96% of cases. It is hardly worth commenting on this curious fact. It’s just that online store owners should immediately adopt it if they want to be one step ahead of their competitors. Some more food for thought: Consumers tend to pay for trackable shipping, even if they have to wait a little longer for their purchase.

Fact No. 6.
If delivery is not only free, but also fast, then the online store will not lose the majority of customers. Statistics show that customers usually expect their goods to be delivered within 1-3 days. True, we are talking about developed countries. Alas, Russia, due to its vast distances and undeveloped infrastructure in many territories, is not yet one of them.

The consumer is not interested in the identified problems. He is interested in the speed with which his purchase will be delivered. So the smartest people in e-commerce have already begun the battle in this field. Currently, one can observe the active construction of distribution points throughout Russia, and the problem can be finally solved within 3-5 years.

Fact No. 7.
More than 30% of all transactions on the Internet are carried out using mobile devices. This figure continues to grow. On increasing “mobility” potential buyers online shopping experts spoke throughout 2016. We have to admit that not all owners of online stores have yet heard them, who have not found the time and opportunity to ensure that the design of the online store website is adapted for comfortable viewing from devices with different screen sizes and resolutions. Primarily from smartphones.

Fact No. 8.
One of the trends in the e-commerce market is the expansion of payment options. Along with the use of traditional tools, the demand for innovative methods is also increasing. In particular, today we can say that the majority of users who make purchases through mobile devices, are owners of Apple smartphones and widely use the new contactless payment method Apple Pay.

Fact No. 9.
71% of buyers believe that they will be offered a more interesting price on the Internet than in a regular offline store. The persistent stereotype that buying online is cheaper than in a regular store really exists. In some cases it is true, and in others it is not. A lot depends on the type and range of goods, the relationship of the online store owner with suppliers, the ability to monitor market conditions and optimize their own costs. The 2017 trend is to attract buyers not so much with the lowest price, but with the quality of goods, service and after-sales service.

Fact No. 10.
Before acceptance final decision about a purchase, about 46% of potential buyers study information about the product and the reputation of the online store in in social networks. Owners and administrators of online stores should hardly participate in useless debates about whether they should create a community or group on social networks or abstain. If you cannot give your users answers to their burning questions here, you will simply lose part of your profit.

The days of subsistence farming are long gone. Modern life is structured in such a way that a person is forced to purchase various goods and services. And this applies not only to household items, clothing or food. Entertainment and utility services, souvenirs and toys, and even knowledge and transportation services have long become commodities.

The industrial industry is trying to satisfy everything at an accelerated pace. human needs. But the people involved in trade have long been the link between the manufacturer and the buyer. The holiday, which is celebrated annually on the fourth Saturday of July, is dedicated to them.

Humanity probably became acquainted with the experience of the first trade transactions even earlier than it came out of the caves and learned to make tools.

There was a natural exchange for a long time effective way survival.

Later appear monetary units and, of course, enterprising individuals who became a kind of intermediaries between people who wanted to get rid of surplus or purchase necessary goods.

The first traders were respected by the population, and especially successful merchants established entire trade routes and even voyages to foreign lands for exotic goods.

The emergence of trading shops greatly simplified the trading process, and fairs and bazaars became not only places for trading operations, but also a kind of prototype for entertainment services.

Trade is developing at a rapid pace and not only individuals, but entire artels, factories and countries act as sellers.

The development of the economy and the well-being of the people directly depends on trade services. Without buying and selling it is impossible to imagine any manufacturing process, nor personal life.

The first merchants were only men. Today women are also involved in trade. In addition, professions related to the sale of goods and services have no age restrictions.

Government bodies first thought about the fact that a huge part of the population does not have a professional holiday in the 60s.

In the Soviet Union, Trade Day was celebrated on the fourth Sunday in July starting in 1966.

However, for unknown reasons, the holiday in 1988 was moved to the third Sunday in March.

Today's date, which falls on the fourth Saturday of July, was legalized in 2013 by presidential decree.

Who celebrates Trade Day?

The scope of trading services is so vast that people of many professions consider trading day to be their professional holiday.

First of all, these are employees of shops, supermarkets, commercial warehouses and other organizations involved in the trade sector.

And these are not only the sellers standing behind the counter, but also the people who are involved in studying the market and demand, providing inventory and logistics, warehousing and moving goods.

People who provide customers with household and household goods also consider it their holiday. utilities. Service is an integral part of trading.

Therefore, on Trade Worker’s Day, people involved in water and electricity supply, maintenance of communications and buildings, cleaning and repairs, and household services are also congratulated.

Modern realities are changing trade relations, and many transactions are carried out through local networks.

Online stores, although a virtual structure, have very real sellers who monitor and adjust the process, collect applications, purchase goods and mail out. Therefore, Trade Day can easily be called a holiday of virtual traders.

Millions of people are involved in such fields. Therefore, taking into account the families and relatives of the heroes of the occasion, almost a third of the population celebrates the trade holiday.

Trade Workers Day in Russia: traditions

Typically, trade workers celebrate their holiday at their workplace. After all, most workers in this field have a flexible schedule, and Saturday is often a working day.

At work, management tries to highlight the best workers, for which it rewards them with cash bonuses, prizes and even vacation packages. At the state level, ceremonial events are held with festive speeches, concerts and, of course, the presentation of distinctive prizes.

The highest award is considered to be the title of Honored Trade Worker of the Russian Federation.

It is assigned to trade workers in various fields.

And, of course, family members don’t forget about the holiday. The culprit is congratulated on his professional holiday. They often organize field trips to which both relatives and colleagues are invited.

In addition to the usual name of the ancient trader “merchant,” there were many funny professions related to trade.

Thus, prasols were engaged in buying goods and raw materials in villages and villages.

Ofeni sold haberdashery and manufactured goods.

Peddlers were small traders who carried their goods in special boxes.

The walker went around houses and offered small goods. In addition, he always had some kind of billboards.

The scrupulous man traded only in haberdashery goods.

The familiar word “seller” appeared in everyday life only towards the end of the 19th century.

At this time, the first department stores and large stores began to open, requiring hired workers to carry out sales.

The very first fair was called “serfs”. No, they didn’t trade slaves there. The name is associated with the area where it was organized. This was the village of Kholopye in the Volga region.

Anyone could trade at the fair. Therefore, the most outlandish goods were encountered, which were traded directly from the land or from carts.

The traders were great PR people. They lured customers with funny sayings and used cunning tricks with discounts and prizes.

But Friday was considered market day. It was on this day that one could purchase goods on credit, promising to pay exactly a week later on Friday.

This is where the saying comes from: “Seven Fridays in a week,” referring to people who do not keep their promises.

Gostiny Dvory hosted only wholesale. In some cities, Gostiny Dvor could occupy an entire block.

On the first floors of such buildings goods were stored and sold. A upper floors were rented out to merchants for housing.

After all, the merchant did not leave Gostiny Dvor until he sold all the goods he brought.

The flea market appeared for the first time in France. To remove ragpickers from the streets, a special area was allocated for them.

But since the goods were old, second-hand, and sometimes antique things, fleas quickly multiplied on the market, which became the reason for the now familiar name that all flea markets in Europe have.

Many people wonder why the coat of arms of the Ural city of Chelyabinsk depicts a camel. It would seem that this is an animal completely out of character for this area.

It turns out that the Great Silk Road, which connected Europe with Asia, passed through Chelyabinsk. And the best vehicle It was just a camel - a hardy and hardworking animal. And so the ship of the desert became a symbol of the harsh Ural city.

No matter how you talk about the laws and principles of trade, the seller’s profit largely depends on luck. Therefore, various signs and superstitions are also honored by modern traders, who are quite superstitious. Common signs of sellers in our time are associated with actions during trading.

  • A discount for the first buyer will definitely guarantee big sales throughout the day.
  • If you rub the entire product with banknotes from the first sale, everything will sell out.
  • Until the end of the day, these bills cannot be spent or borrowed.

But the sales record holder included in the Guinness Book was Joe Girard, who, having entered the trade at the age of 35, managed to sell 13,000 cars in 15 years.

Keep in mind that he traded only with private buyers, without carrying out a single wholesale transaction. This record has not been broken to this day.

Modern traders, sellers, and marketers put a lot of effort and money into attracting buyers to their products and making their business as profitable as possible.