Admission to the university after the exam. Second education: why college is better than university

Today, higher education is considered compulsory, even though the majority of university graduates do not go to work in the acquired profession.

College is the ideal foundation for further admission to a university or institute. This is justified by the fact that the completed education will be an advantage and will provide the student with a choice: improve their qualifications or go to work.

Who can go to university

Based on the results of entrance exams conducted for a bachelor or specialist, the following can be entered:

  • persons who graduated from secondary specialized educational institutions;
  • applicants who decided to enter, already having a diploma of higher education;
  • persons who have citizenship of another state;
  • persons, residents or non-residents of the country who have passed the final attestation in a general education institution, but not a single state examination, during the admission campaign, but not later than one year after passing the exams.

These categories of applicants for admission pass the entrance examination tests determined by the higher educational institution, the names of which correspond to the names of the entrance examinations following the results of the unified state exam.

Advantages of admission to a university after graduating from a secondary specialized educational institution

Most employers have specific requirements for applicants, and having a graduation document will be an advantage. Especially if the applicant decided to choose the same specialty as in college. More vacancies in the labor market are open to graduates with higher education.

Choosing a form of study

Acquiring higher education after college gives you the opportunity to choose the form and schedule of training. So, if a student prefers to devote all his time to knowledge, then he can choose a full-time form of study. If he prefers to combine study with work, he can choose the correspondence form.

Daytime education:

  • assumes the presence of a student at all lectures and practical classes;
  • the student is actively involved in the life of the educational institution;
  • there are more budget places on the full-time form of study than on the part-time form, so there is also an opportunity to receive a scholarship.

Correspondence higher education after college:

  • lectures for students are usually organized separately from lectures in the daytime department, it happens that classes are held on weekends;
  • the student completely disposes of his free time from study, i.e. can combine study with work;
  • budget places are much less;
  • distance learning is always cheaper.

Unified State Exam or Entrance Exams?

After college, you can get a higher education without taking the exam. Graduates of secondary specialized educational institutions have the opportunity to enter according to the results of entrance examinations, which are conducted by the university. If this is important, then they can pass the state exam or prefer to pass all the exams together. It depends on the choice of further specialty.

All this is done when the applicant submits an application for admission, indicating the subjects for which he passed the exam and for which he will take the entrance exams.

The relief in pursuing higher education after college can be obtained if the applicant chooses the same specialty that he had in college. Often, for admission, it is enough to pass the internal entrance exam, and the USE will be taken only by school graduates entering the university. But if you choose another specialty, different from the one received in college, you still have to go through all aspects of the entrance campaign. For this reason, all the details and subtleties of entering a university must be learned from the employees of the admissions office of the institution.

Submission of documents

How to get higher education after college? The introductory campaign begins with the submission of documents to the admissions office. Documents are allowed to be submitted in several ways:

  • personally to the selection committee;
  • through post offices;
  • via the local Internet network;
  • through a trusted person.

But it should be noted that not all universities accept documents in one way or another. In order not to be mistaken, the nuances need to be clarified in the admissions office of the institution.

Documents for admission:

  • an application for admission to the chosen university (it is written according to the sample, in each educational institution there may be a form of drawing up that is different from other universities, and somewhere you do not need to write an application by hand - just fill out an electronic form);
  • applicant's passport;
  • diploma of completed education or certificate;
  • four photos (on the back of each photo you need to write the name of the applicant);
  • medical certificate and vaccination card.

Some universities provide a program for preliminary registration of applicants by filling out a special electronic form, in which the applicant independently enters all the necessary data. Further, the selection committee reviews the submitted form and decides on the applicant's admission to the university.

Term of study during the period of obtaining higher education after college

The applicant has the right to choose the duration of training himself, but still it remains within certain limits. Undergraduate students study for four years, and for specialty - five years in full-time education. If the student chooses the correspondence form, then the period of obtaining higher education after college may be reduced. When compiling a special personal training order, those subjects that the student has already completed in college will be taken into account.

If there are more than seven students with a special order of study, a group will be formed. If there are fewer of them, then the group is not formed, but an individual schedule is drawn up for each student. Thus, each of them is trained according to its own program, only in different groups.

An exception is the period for obtaining higher education after medical college. Thus, nurses and paramedics receive education in two and a half and three and a half years, respectively; dentists study for five years; other medical higher education can be obtained in six years. And one more difference of a medical university is that the correspondence department only graduates pharmaceutical specialties.

Over the past few years, the conditions for admission to university after college or technical school have changed a lot. Applicants with a secondary vocational education (SVE) can no longer apply for admission only for one test or interview. But some special conditions still remained. In the article we will tell you more about them and everything that applicants need to know.

The university independently determines the form of entrance examinations

What do you need to take?

Here you have the right to choose. You can provide the results of the exam or take entrance tests at the university. The number of internal tests corresponds to the number of exams that school graduates take. Most often these are 3-4 exams in general education subjects.

If you are applying for the same direction as in college, the university has the right to replace one general education subject with a specialized exam. For example, in economics, he replaced social science with comprehensive testing, which includes issues in accounting, taxation, finance and banking.

Some specialties provide creative tests. This type of exam can be expected for you in a number of areas such as design, architecture, music and theater, television, etc.

All exams are graded on a 100-point system. Based on the test results, you will participate in a general competition on an equal footing with school graduates. You also have the right to use the USE results simultaneously with the internal exams.You need to decide when submitting an application. You only have the right to choose during the first year after you graduate from college.

You can find information about entrance examinations on the university website. Some institutions also publish examples of assignments for their internal examinations in the "Entrance Test Program".

On the university website you can find examples of tasks for internal exams

Is it possible to study on an accelerated program?

After college, you are eligible to apply for a short-term college degree. In this case, you will be enrolled in the 1st year, and not in the 2-3rd, according to the Order of the Ministry of Education dated October 14, 2015 No. 1147. The transition to an accelerated program in most universities is possible only during the learning process. To do this, you need to write a transfer application. The decision remains with the educational institution. If the answer is yes, an individual training plan will be drawn up for you, which is designed for 2.5-3 years instead of 4-5.

Not all universities offer an accelerated program. Please clarify this question before submitting documents. Some colleges have partnerships with specific higher education institutions. With such an agreement, it is much easier to enter a university for a reduced form of study. Check with your college about this opportunity.

What form of study should I apply for?

You have the right to enroll in any form of study available at the university. Since you already have a profession, you can combine study and work. To do this, choose the correspondence, evening or remote form.

If you settled on the correspondence course, look for an organization for work that is ready to let you go several times a year for a session. Otherwise, you will have to spend your vacation on it.

How to proceed: step by step instructions

We will give you a complete algorithm of actions

Step 1. Find a suitable university

At this stage, you need to decide on the educational institution. Find out if your college has partner universities. Think carefully about whether you want to continue studying in the chosen specialty or whether you want to change direction. On the institution's website, find out the dates of submission of documents and a list of exams.

Step 2. Prepare for exams

Step 3. Submit documents

You have the right to apply to 5 universities, for 3 directions in each. The special right to admission can only be exercised in one of them. You need to provide:

  • identity document;
  • a copy or original of a college diploma;
  • 2 photos 3 x 4;
  • documents confirming special rights and individual achievements;
  • medical certificate (if required);
  • military ID if you are liable for military service.

Check the full list on the website of a specific university. Please note that if you take internal exams, the acceptance of documents ends earlier (July 7-10).

Step 4. Take the introductory tests

Find out the schedule of exams on the university website or at the admissions office. If the dates are the same at different universities, find out if you can take it on reserve days. Some institutions allow for delivery on reserve days only if there is a good reason (illness, for example). Find out these points in advance.

Step 5. Feed the originals

If you have applied to several universities, do not miss the deadline for accepting originals. Follow the competition lists (a single competition for all applicants), the originals can be brought in the first or second wave of enrollment. You will participate in the general competition together with school graduates.

It's much easier to go to college after college

When you enter a university, you have the same rights as school graduates. If you are enrolled on a budget, you can count on a scholarship and a hostel (although the payments will be lower than those of school graduates). And after graduation, you will have 2 professions and 2 diplomas, which will increase your demand in the labor market.

There is an opportunity for them apply without exam to the university, however, it will be necessary to pass the internal entrance examinations of the university.

With the admission to higher educational institutions of students from abroad, persons with disabilities and other people with concessions - everything is clear. Consider the issue of the lack of a certificate of the unified state examination or the receipt of low passing scores by ordinary schoolchildren who, due to life circumstances, failed exams or did not pass at all - it is assumed that graduates of previous years who did not pass the USE must also pass it.

This system can be bypassed. The first thing to understand for yourself is not the time to despair. It is necessary to clearly identify the landmarks and move forward.

So what can you do? There are several possible options:

  1. To enter universities or departments of a creative orientation.
  2. To enter the department with low passing scores and in a year transfer to the desired direction of the given university, having passed internal exams in the necessary disciplines.
  3. Enter a foreign university.
  4. Go to college.

Several private universities recruit students with low passing marks for some of their departments. Also, universities with creative specialties and departments may not attach importance to the results of the exam.

You can also try to enroll in one of the foreign universities. Some of them offer a free study program for students from abroad. However, you need to know the language of the country where you are going to enroll. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the additional costs and requirements of the university to the level of secondary education of the student. Most likely, you will need to go through a training program for foreign students, which will have to "fork out". There is an option to study remotely at such a university, but again, it will be paid and will cost more than at a Russian university.

Obviously, these options may not suit everyone: lack of the desired direction, inappropriate cost, lack of the required level of proficiency in a foreign language, and other reasons.

One of the most popular and relevant ways among those who do not have a USE certificate or do not have enough passing points is to go to college.

Go to college

Go to college at the university - this is an excellent opportunity to realize your desires, despite the lack of a USE certificate. Even if getting a secondary education is not what you dreamed of, it opens the way to getting a higher education.

For school graduates after grade 11, the term of study will average 1.5-2 years. Upon graduation, the student is awarded a diploma of secondary specialized education. It makes it possible to continue studying at the university without the results of a single state examination. To do this, you only need to successfully pass the internal entrance examinations in the disciplines of the chosen direction.

Getting into university after college is much easier. In addition, having a secondary special, a student can study at a university according to an accelerated program - by enrolling immediately in the 2nd or 3rd year of the university.

Today, many higher educational institutions have assigned colleges and educational institutions that provide the opportunity to receive specialized education and then continue their studies at the university itself.

Some university colleges where you can apply:

  1. College MU them. Witte.
  2. MFPU "Synergy".
  3. Technical College at MSTU named after Bauman.
  4. Social College RSSU.
  5. College at MIT.
  6. College of Moscow State University.
  7. College IGUMO.
  8. College of St. Petersburg State Technical University of Management Technologies and Economics.
  9. College of St. Petersburg State University named after prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich.
  10. College of the MNEPU Academy.
  • VKI NSU.

The listed educational institutions offer a wide range of specialties and educational programs. Training can be done in person, by correspondence or remotely.

Benefits of going to college and getting a secondary education:

  • go to collegeeasier;
  • the requirement for the level of knowledge of general education disciplines is lower than at the university;
  • it is easier to enter a university if you have a specialized secondary education;
  • you can study several specialties;
  • before entering the university, the student already has more clearly defined views on the desired profession;
  • after college, you can go through an accelerated higher education;
  • the opportunity to find a job after graduation and combine higher education with work, gaining practical experience.

Low scores are not a reason to be left without education

Bad results of the unified state examination are not a reason to give up. Having oriented yourself in time and taking measures, you can get the desired profession even without the USE certificate. It is easy to bypass the existing system, but this does not mean that no effort will be required from the student to enter the university.

In MIREA - Russian Technological University, admission is possible on the basis of vocational education.

On the basis of vocational education, admission is possible both according to the results of the USE and internal exams, and according to statistics, internal exams are passed more successfully than the USE. If you have valid USE results, then when submitting documents, you can choose - to count the existing USE or take an internal exam. It is also possible to combine the results of the USE and internal exams.

You can get acquainted with the programs of entrance examinations and examples of past years in the section of entrance examinations.

The university provides the opportunity to study in an accelerated time frame on the basis of vocational education thanks to the transfer or recertification of subjects from your diploma. The possibility of accelerating training is established by the director of the institute or branch after enrolling in 1 course. Please note that transferring to an individual accelerated plan is a right of the university, not an obligation!

More than 100 of the most popular educational programs are being implemented at MIREA - the Russian Technological University - you can get acquainted with them in the "Guide to specialties".

Graduates of colleges and technical schools can apply for budgetary places on a par with school graduates - the competition is held overall according to the points scored according to the results of entrance examinations. Admission on a contractual basis is possible without competition when passing exams for minimum positive points.

Admission procedure

Submit documents


Deadlines for accepting documents:

Admission to the part-time form of study is conducted only in the branches in Stavropol and Fryazino. List of required documents:

  • identity document and citizenship
  • professional diploma (or its copy)
  • medical certificate in the form 086-y (ONLY for applicants on 05/11/01)
  • 2 matte photographs 3 × 4 (for applicants for the internal exams of the University)
  • other documents giving advantages for admission

More information about the admission procedure can be found here:.
We recommend that you make an appointment in advance for the submission of documents.

Choose what to count as an entrance test:
count the results of the exam or pass internal exams


Applicants on the basis of vocational education can independently choose what to count: the USE or internal exams. To participate in the competition, you must pass entrance tests for minimum scores:

Submit the original and


A prerequisite for admission to the university is the submission of documents within the established deadlines:

Form of study

Deadline for submitting documents Required documents

Full-time and part-time forms of study (budget, 1 stage of enrollment)

  • Original diploma
  • Enrollment Consent Statement
Full-time and part-time studies (budget, stage 2 of enrollment) 6 August
  • Original diploma
  • Enrollment Consent Statement

Full-time and part-time forms of study (paid)

It is not the first year that we all know that 11th grade graduates pass such an exam as the "Unified State Examination" - the Unified State Exam. These three letters from the first days of their existence immediately began to catch up with fear and horror in schoolchildren who fear for their future. Fortunately, nowadays, taking the exam has become commonplace. After all, everyone passes it.

However, in life there are still cases when a school graduate still does not have USE results. Does this mean that the child was in vain at school for 11 years? Of course not. Even in such cases, it is possible to carry out studies in a secondary / higher education institution. The main thing would be desire.

Next, questions arise: where can you enter without the USE, how to proceed without the USE for correspondence? You can go to college without the USE! Just like going to college without the USE. Is it possible to enroll in absentia without the USE? And then the answer is yes! Let's take a closer look.

In what cases is it possible to continue studying after school without the results of the exam

At the end of grade 11, each graduate of a Russian school takes the compulsory exam. As the teachers at school say, without him it is impossible to go anywhere after school. But is it? Not really. Yes, without the results of the exam, the school cannot issue a certificate to a graduate, and he leaves the school's home walls only with a certificate that he attended the proposed course of lectures for 11 classes. But this is not the end. There are several cases when a child can go on to study further.

Go to college without the exam

Can you go to college without the exam? You don't have to wait for the USE to pass after grade 11 and leave school at the end of 9 years of study. The option is good for those who are not going to study at a higher educational institution, but want to get a secondary vocational education. Such institutions are accepted for training on the basis of not only 11, but also 9 grades.

Go to college without the exam

With the institute, things are a little more complicated. It's not enough just to finish 9 classes. Something else is needed. And what exactly - now we will consider.

So, first of all, you can try to pass the USE next year with other graduates. On the one hand, this is the simplest option: you do not need to invent something, look for some paths that lead to universities without USE results. There are at least 360 days left in order to have time to thoroughly prepare for the next passing of such a serious exam. On the other hand, what to do this whole year? Cramming biology and solving equations all day long? No, this option will not suit anyone. Or go to work? In this case, if a good job turns up, you can generally "score" on further training. In general, there are some pluses, some minuses in this option, but still this option is.

You can enter the institute without the Unified State Exam if the graduate wins the All-Russian School Olympiad or the Olympiad held at the university itself, where the former student of the school wants to enter. Based on the victory in the All-Russian School Olympiad, it is possible to enter absolutely any university without the results of the Unified State Examination and any other exams. The university Olympiad, in turn, makes it possible to enter the relevant university without hindrance. A great option for talented guys.

Thirdly, it should be noted that each graduate has the opportunity to choose not only between the educational institutions of his country, but also to try to go abroad, where it is absolutely not necessary to have the USE results. It will be necessary to pass the "local" exams and then you are welcome. Only now, in order to achieve a budget place, you will need to pass everything perfectly. Which is not so easy at first glance, although quite feasible for some. By the way, this option is suitable for both the "tower" and the college.

The fourth option for admission without the USE may be college graduation. If you, as already mentioned, entered college on the basis of 9 grades, then it is quite possible to enter a university without an exam after college, continue your studies and get a "higher education" without the hated USE results. So, quite a good option.

And, of course, I would like to say about children with disabilities, as well as "beneficiaries" who are completely free to study at any university without passing the Unified State Exam. In some cases, it will only be necessary to pass university exams. Nevertheless, whatever the results, an educational institution has no right to refuse a school graduate, but must "meet the graduate halfway."

Apply in absentia without the exam

How to enter a university without the USE in absentia? In general, we can say that applicants are admitted to all educational institutions for evening and part-time studies without presenting the results of the exam. To enroll in distance learning without the USE, you will only need to pass the entrance exams for your chosen specialty at the relevant educational institution. True, you should not count on a budget place - almost always such training takes place on a paid basis.

Where can you go without the exam

Despite all the listed methods of admission after school, it will not be so easy without passing the exam. What universities can I enter without the USE? It is necessary to choose a suitable educational institution.

If you are a creative person with a pronounced talent in any area (drawing, singing, etc.), then it will not be difficult for you to enter the desired university. Basically, universities with creative specialties do not pay attention to the presence of the exam, because for them the talent of a potential student is much more important.

You can try to enter a humanitarian university, even for a budgetary place. To do this, you will need to pass entrance exams.

And if you have already graduated from college, won the All-Russian Olympiad, or are eligible for "preferential" admission - then it will not be difficult for you to enter a university, because in these cases, many doors open for you.

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