Bsp with a colon from fiction. Methodological development in literature on the topic: The role of non-union complex sentences in artistic speech. (Using the example of I. Bunin’s story “Clean Monday”)

1. What is the main means of communication between simple sentences in a non-union complex sentence?

Unlike complex and complex sentences, parts of which are connected using conjunctions and allied words, parts (sentences) in a non-conjunctive complex sentence are connected using intonation and meaning. Graphically, semantic and intonation relationships are expressed using punctuation marks.

2. Give examples of non-union complex sentences with enumerative, warning, explanatory and comparative intonation.

Dul strong wind, it was raining, the ice crunched underfoot. - enumerative intonation.
We were very tired: the mountain was steep and the road was rough. - warning intonation.
I was upset: my friend went on vacation to the village. - explanatory intonation.
They plow the arable land without waving their hands. - comparative intonation.

3. What punctuation marks are placed between parts of non-union complex sentences? When is each of these signs placed? Give examples for each case.

A comma is placed in a non-union complex sentence with enumerative intonation. The sentence then has the meaning of simultaneity or succession.
The moon shone brightly, the lake seemed to be covered with silver.
A semicolon is placed in the same cases, but if there are already commas in parts of the complex.
The moon, round and sparkling like new money, shone brightly; the lake, striking in its smoothness and stillness, seemed to be covered with silver.

A colon is placed in a non-union complex sentence in the following cases:

If the second part contains a reason (you can insert a conjunction because): We were frozen: it was already real frost outside;
if the second part reveals the meaning of the first (you can insert words namely): He looked terrible: his nose was broken, there was a bruise under his eye;
if the second part explains the first (you can insert (and felt) that, etc.): I turn around: he’s standing behind me.

A dash is placed in the following cases:

if there is a contrast (you can insert a but): We come to the club today - the meeting was canceled for some unknown reason;
if the first part names the condition: The claw is stuck - the whole bird is lost;
if the first part states the reason: It got very cold - the water in the well froze;
if the first part tells the time: It became dark in the park - we went for a walk on the boulevard;
if the second part contains a comparison: If he looks, he will give you a ruble.

4. Give examples of non-union complex sentences in which various semantic relationships are possible between simple sentences: enumeration or causal; enumeration or contrast. What punctuation marks should be used in each of the following sentences?

Sometimes the same sentence can have different meanings. It is revealed in the context, and can also be understood by the punctuation mark.
For example, the sentence It became cold and it was dusk. may have the meaning of enumeration, if these events are not related to each other, but simply happened one after another, then you need to put a comma: It became cold, twilight began. If it got colder because of twilight, then the intonation and relationships are causal and a colon must be added: It became cold: twilight began.
In the sentence, the room was cleaned and a pillow was placed in the very center. maybe the meaning of the listing is that if the place of the pillow is in the center of the room, then a comma should be added: The room was cleaned, the pillow was placed in the very center. Or maybe the meaning of the opposition is that if a pillow violates the cleanliness, then a dash should be added: The room was cleaned - a pillow was placed in the very center.

Help please, I really need it!!! Continue this example to get the following types of sentences: non-conjunctive complex sentence, between

the parts of which must be inserted with commas, a simple sentence with homogeneous members (without conjunctions), a non-union complex sentence, between the parts of which a semicolon (;) must be inserted. Here's a sentence: The house was built from old pine wood.

Help please, I really need it!!! Continue each given example to obtain sentences of the following types: non-conjunctive complex sentence, between

parts of which must be inserted with commas, a simple sentence with homogeneous members (without conjunctions), a complex sentence without conjunctions, between the parts of which a semicolon must be inserted (;). Here are the sentences: 1) Behind the village the Urals rise. 2) The house is built from ancient pine wood. 3) The house looks good-naturedly from under its reddish plank roof with narrow windows with white shutters. 4) Fields spread around the village.

Non-conjunctive complex sentences are widely used in works of fiction, especially in dialogues and monologues of characters, when the writer

seeks to reflect the features of the syntax of oral speech. Find non-union complex sentences in the 1st act of D. Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor”. Write down 5 sentences.

Help please, I really need it!!! Continue each given example to obtain sentences of the following types: non-conjunctive complex sentence,

between the parts of which you need to put commas, a simple sentence with homogeneous members (without conjunctions), a non-union complex sentence, between the parts of which you need to put a semicolon (;). Here are the proposals: The house is built from ancient pine wood. The house looks good-naturedly from under its reddish plank roof with narrow windows with white shutters

1.indicate a non-union complex sentence.

A) the wheels rattled, a green light flashed at the crossing, the booth emerged from the darkness and disappeared again.
B) in the sleepy, frozen air there was a monotonous noise, without which the steppe cannot do summer night...
In the spring, the wind comes out of its skin, clicks the gate, twists the bushes, pushes the damp fence to the side.

2.indicate the correct version of the explanation of the production in the sentence YOU WILL READ BOOKS, YOU WILL KNOW EVERYTHING.
A) The content of the first part is contrasted with the content of the second
B) the first part indicates time or condition that what does the second part say?
C) the second part contains a conclusion, a consequence of what is said in the first part

3.indicate a non-union complex sentence, between the parts of which a dash is placed (some punctuation marks are omitted)
A) The clear blue sky is warmer and the sun has become brighter
B) I raised my head forward with fire on a miller sitting on an overturned boat and talking to my hunter
C) How long has it been since the blizzard dusted the apples again in bloom?

4.Indicate the correct option to explain the placement of the colon in the sentence “I ONLY SEE: THE PALE HORSEMAN HAS SET UP ON THE GRASS”
A) The second part explains the first, i.e. reveals its content
B) The second part indicates the reason why what does the first one say?
C) the second part complements the meaning of the first, expanding one of its members

5.indicate a non-union complex sentence, BETWEEN THE PARTS OF WHICH A COLON IS PLACED (punctuation marks are omitted)
A) the morning was beautiful and it rained at night.
B) we walked around the estate and there was no passage anywhere.
C) The windows from the inside were tightly curtained with curtains and the shutters were closed.

6.indicate a non-union complex sentence, BETWEEN THE PARTS OF WHICH A COMMA IS PLACED (punctuation marks are omitted)
A) Popularity is like youth, it passes and never returns.
B) day after day a harsh wind blew, the fields turned pale white...
C) The smoky sun rises, it will be a hot day.

9th grade


Subject : “Unionless complex sentence.” ("Zhalgaulyksyz kurmalas soylem» . )

Lexical topic: “Keeping your mouth shut is a sign of human culture”

Goal and tasks: based on knowledge, abilities, skills obtained from the grammar course Kazakh language, the method of research and conclusions to consider new material in the structural system of its main theoretical provisions;

Create a synthetic table;

Show students the expressive and figurative possibilities of non-union complex sentences;

Materials on the lexical topic should be used in developing a culture of handling language, the ability to use it correctly and ethically

Methods, techniques, lesson technology: research method as the main one, block study method as an auxiliary one; induction, deduction, the technique of collapsing information into a reference table; collective, group, individual forms educational activities, work with handouts and TCO

Equipment: textbook “Russian language” for grade 9 of the Kazakh school, authors N.N. Shmanova, N.Zh. Shaimerdenova, (Almaty “Mektep” 2012), literary text, reference table compiled as a result of research, handouts, lesson dictionary, consultation cards, interactive whiteboard.

During the classes

I. Organizational stage.

Poetic minute - students read poetry expressively, at this time slides about the seasons are shown to the music of Sviridov"Seasons"

    The sky was already breathing in autumn, the sun was shining less often, the day was getting shorter, the mysterious canopy of the forests was revealed with a sad noise, fog was settling on the fields, a caravan of noisy geese was stretching to the south: a rather boring time was approaching; It was already November outside the yard

A. S. Pushkin

    Mountain peaks, Sleeping in the darkness of the night. Quiet valleys are full of fresh darkness. The road does not gather dust, the leaves do not tremble, wait a little, you too will rest.

M.Yu. Lermontov

II. Preparing students for active learning of new material.

Teacher's word: introducing students to the topic and complex objectives of the lesson. The teacher emphasizes that the most important thing is block study theoretical information about a non-union complex sentence, collapsing the information received into a reference table, performing training and consolidation exercises and creative tasks. Reports a lexical topic with phraseological units that involve reflection;

Students write down the number, grammar and vocabulary topics of the lesson.(slide 1)

Examination homework. (It was necessary to repeat and restore basic knowledge on the topic “Unionless conjunction sentence, punctuation marks in it,” from the Kazakh language textbook for grade 9. Write out one sentence each for the placement of a comma, semicolon, colon and dash in the BSP).

III.Organization of block study of a new topic using the method of research and conclusions ;system of reinforcement training exercises and creative tasks.

1. Consideration of the diagram, developing it into a coherent arrangement on a grammatical topic. (slide 2)

Difficult sentence

Union complex sentence Non-union complex sentence -BSP


Complex Complex sentence - SSP sentence - SPP

A complex sentence consists of two or more simple sentences. Simple sentences are combined into complex ones in two main ways: 1) using intonation and conjunctions or allied words; 2) using intonation (without conjunctions and allied words). Sentences with conjunctions and allied words are divided into two groups: 1) compound sentences; 2) complex sentences.

In a unionless complex sentence, its parts (simple sentences) are connected only by meaning and intonation, without the help of conjunctions and allied words.

Non-union complex sentence. Punctuation marks in it

Punctuation marks





Comma (,)

Semicolon (;)



The sentences are small in volume, they list some facts

Sentences are more common, not very close in content

a) the second part indicates the reason for what is said in the first part

b) the second part explains the first

c) the second part complements the first, usually extending the predicate

a) the parts are opposed in content

b) the first part indicates the time and condition of what is said in the second part

c) the second part concludes, a consequence of what is said in the first part

[ ] , [ ] , [ ] .

[ , ] ; [ , ]

[ ] : [ ]

[ ] : [ ] ; [ ] .

[ ] : [ ] .

[ ] - [ ] .

[ ] - [ ] .

[ ] - [ ] .

The sky was already breathing autumn, the sun was shining less often, the day was getting shorter. (P.) Quiet in a dark field, clover smells sweet, a faint half-light glimmers above the ground (B)

The pine cones fell with a faint rustling sound;

sighing, the forest rustled. (A.GR)

Love a book: it will teach you to respect a person.

People are divided into two kinds: some think first, then speak; others speak first, and then think. (L.T.)

Only one thing is important: to love the people and the Motherland, to serve them with heart and soul. (N.)

There are no small feelings in the world; only souls are small. (M. Aliger)

The rest is over and work has begun. If you read books, you will know everything.

The smoky sun rises - it will be a hot day. If you say a word, they will add ten.

Page 181

Page 184

Page 197

Page 204

Expanding the contents of the table in a coherent text. Distinguished students received high marks.

Working with the text “About the Three Golden Dolls” from Indian folklore .

Interpretation of difficult words:

Folklore-khalyk auyz adebieti


Courtiers-barn manyndagylar

Your Majesty-patsham

One ruler sent his neighbor, the Sultan, three golden dolls as a gift.The dolls were exactly the same in appearance, size, and weight. However, the ruler ordered me to tell you that their prices were different. One doll was cheaper, another was more expensive, the third was even more expensive. He asked to explain why this was so.

The Sultan marveled at the gift and ordered the courtiers to figure out what was the difference between one doll and the other. The courtiers examined all three dolls - there was no difference between them.

And so one poor young man asked to tell the Sultan that he could solve the mystery of the dolls. The Sultan ordered the young man to be taken to the palace.

The young man examined the dolls and noticed that they had holes drilled in their ears. Then he took a stalk and stuck it in the ear of one doll: the tip of the stalk came out of her mouth. Then he put the stalk into the ear of another doll: the tip of the stalk stuck out of her other ear .Finally, he put the stem into the ear of the third doll, and the entire stem remained inside it.

Then the young man said:

Your Majesty, these dolls are similar to people. The first doll is like someone who will immediately tell everyone about what he heard. The second doll is like someone whose words of others fly into one ear and fly out the other. And the third doll looks like a person who, whatever he hears, seems to swallow it. This is a person worthy of trust - the price for this doll is the highest.

The Sultan listened to him, was delighted and brought him closer to him.

Reading, conversation about the content and the main idea of ​​the fairy tale. After independent reading, we conduct a conversation on the following questions:

1) Tell us what gift the Sultan received and with what request.

2) Read his order to the courtiers.

3) Who and how solved the mystery of the gift?

4) Read the young man’s explanation.

5) What qualities of people do these dolls symbolize?

6) Which quality do you value in a person?

7) What style of speech do you consider this text to be?

Dictation: work in a “teacher-student” pair. Reference material - reference table.

Teacher: dictates Students: write, commenting on punctuation marks, draw up a BSP diagram

1. One doll is cheaper, another is more expensive, the third is even more expensive. ,,.

2. The dolls looked exactly the same; however, to everyone’s surprise, the prices for them were different. ;[ , ].

3. One poor young man asked to tell the Sultan: he can solve the mystery of the dolls:.

4. The Sultan ordered the young man to be taken to the palace: he was interested in the bold proposal:.

5. The young man examined the dolls and noticed: they had holes drilled in their ears. :.

6.Your Majesty, these dolls are similar to people - they symbolize human qualities. -.

7. The third doll is more expensive: she knows how to keep her mouth shut. :.

8.Keeping your mouth shut is a very vital phraseological unit. Dash between subject and predicate [ _ - _]

Oral exercises: transformation of recorded BSP into SSP and SPP.

I make a preliminary statement that non-union complex sentences can be replaced by: a) SSP with coordinating conjunctions, b) SSP with subordinating conjunctions.

BSP-, coordinating conjunctions and, and, but.

BSP-, subordinating conjunctions since, because, if, when, therefore, so

The task is completed independently.

IV .Summarizing the lesson in the form of a dialogue with the class

What topic did you cover today?

Unconjunct complex sentence. Punctuation marks in it.

What are the punctuation marks?

Comma, semicolon, colon, dash.

What can replace BSP?

Conjunctive complex sentences: SSP and SPP.

What is the main idea of ​​the lexical material?

Being able to keep one's mouth shut is a sign of human culture. This must be learned from a young age.

Grading .

V .Tasks for home.

Copy two sentences from the textbook exercises for each punctuation mark in the BSP or copy from fiction

A complex non-conjunctive sentence is a sentence whose parts are connected without the use of allied words and conjunctions, but solely with the help of intonation and the relationship between tense forms and types of verbs.

For example: The stars were slowly hiding, the pink strip of light in the east was becoming wider, white foam sea ​​waves connected with the distant horizon. This sentence tells about the beauty of early morning; all parts in it are connected by enumerative information. Verb forms in a sentence - homogeneous.

The concept and meaning of complex non-union sentences

In the Russian language, complex non-conjunctive sentences are especially widespread in fiction and in colloquial speech, in particular in a dialogue in which intonation, facial expressions and gestures express semantic meaning and do not require the help of conjunctions or allied words for this.

Example: The carriage started, the bell rang, the horses flew into the distance. This sentence consists of three simple sentences. The phenomena described in it follow each other without violating the principle of logical consistency. Therefore, we see that the use of conjunctions is not necessary here.

Punctuation marks: comma, semicolon

In most cases, parts of a complex non-conjunction sentence are separated in writing by commas or semicolons. A comma is used if the sentences are short and related in meaning. For example: The road became more bumpy, the wheels kept hitting the stones.

A semicolon should be used when parts of a sentence are more common but still related in meaning. Example: Maples, lindens, and oaks grew from the outskirts; then we began to see them much less often; Dense spruce groves loomed sharply like a solid wall.

Colon and dash in complex non-union sentences

Colons are placed between such parts of complex non-union sentences that clarify or give Additional information about the first simple sentence. Philology identifies three main cases in which a dash should be inserted:

1. Group of sentences or second sentence indicates an investigative connection first sentence. For example: Read books: they will help you become wiser.

2. Group of sentences or second sentence reveals content first sentence. For example: The glade was cheerfully full of flowers: the calendula was bright yellow, the forget-me-nots were modestly chenille, and the modest chamomile was white.

3. Group of sentences or second sentence complements the first, often carries a connotation of warning. For example: Suddenly I feel someone touching my shoulder and pushing sharply.

If the sentences in a non-union complex sentence are not logically interconnected with each other, a dash is placed, in particular:

1. If the sentence describes sudden change of action. For example: I woke up - six stations ran back.

2. When contrasting one sentence with another. For example: I’ve been working for seventeen years - this has never happened to me.

In the final lesson on this topic, I invite students to find out the role of BSP in artistic speech using the example of I. Bunin's story "Clean Monday".

The variety of semantic relationships between the parts of the BSP allows word artists to use these constructions of expressive paintings in an interesting, original, and sometimes unexpected way.

BSP is one of the amazing, vibrant syntactic means of expressive speech.

The purpose of our lesson is to consider these sentences from the point of view of the visual and expressive possibilities and consolidate the skill of placing punctuation marks in sentences of this type. In the lesson, during the syntactic analysis of the text, a linguistic experiment, we must find out the stylistic capabilities of the BSP and prove their advantages over the allied ones in the implementation of the author's plan in the story “Clean Monday”.



SUBJECT. The role of non-conjunctive complex sentences in artistic speech.

(Using the example of I.A. Bunin’s story “Pure Monday").

(SLIDE No. 1)

Lesson objectives.

1 .Summarize students’ knowledge on the topic “Unionless complex sentences”

2. Find out the properties of BSP in a literary text.(SLIDE No. 2)

Lesson type: general repetition on the topic.

Techniques and methods: linguistic analysis of text at the syntax level; stylistic experiment; text construction; stylistic improvement of the text by selecting synonymous structures; graphic dictation; punctuation - parsing proposals.

During the classes

I. The teacher's word. (SLIDE No. 3)

Today we are finishing our study of BSP and must find out the role of these constructions in artistic speech.

The variety of semantic relationships between the parts of the BSP allows word artists to use these constructions of expressive paintings in an interesting, original, and sometimes unexpected way.

BSP is one of the amazing, vibrant syntactic means of expressive speech.

The purpose of our lesson is to consider these sentences from the point of view of the visual and expressive possibilities inherent in them and to consolidate the skill of placing punctuation marks in sentences of this type.

II. Repetition of what has been learned. Let's remember what we learned about BSP.

Task No. 1. Which statement is incorrect.(SLIDE No. 4)

1. In BSP, simple sentences are connected in oral speech by intonation.

2. The semantic relations in the BSP depend on the content of the simple sentences included in them.

3. Punctuation marks in the BSP do not depend on the nature of the semantic relationships between its parts.

1. In the BSP, the semantic relationships between sentences are expressed less clearly than in conjunctions.

2.Unionlessness slows down the movement of thought in the text, and polyunion gives the impression of impetuosity, a quick change of events.

3.BSPs have the greatest potential for creating expressiveness, especially if there are clear logical relationships between the parts.

Task No. 2. Continue the statement. (SLIDE No. 5)

1. If part 2 of the BSP describes a sudden change or unexpected outcome of events in part 1, then between the parts there is...

2. Between the remote and widespread parts of the BSP is placed....

3. If the BSP can be replaced by an SPP with unions - if, when, then between the parts of the BSP it is placed...

1. If part 2 of the BSP is represented by a direct question, then between the parts there is...

2. Parts of the BSP, closely related in meaning and having enumerative relations, are separated...

3. The explanatory function in the BSP is performed by...

Task No. 3. Complete this linguistic term.

Until the 50s of the 20th century, the prevailing opinion in linguistic literature was that BSPs were considered as complex sentences with omitted conjunctions. Therefore, depending on the nature of the semantic relationships between the parts, they were included either in a group or in a group...

Task No. 4. Linguistic experiment.

Place punctuation marks in the BSP. Replace these sentences with synonymous conjunction constructions. Draw up diagrams of the BSP, determine the semantic relationships between the parts. (At the blackboard)

1. Left alone, we stayed in the dining room a little longer, and I decided to play solitaire.

2.And I believe fervently, somewhere out there he is waiting for me.

3. If you didn’t give it on time, you have yourself to blame.

4. The ocean roared behind the wall, the black mountains and the blizzard whistled strongly in the heavy gear.

5. He wrote almost every week and there was no answer. He threatened and begged, she was silent.

6. Look closely, the clouds are floating, the moon is floating. And again my absent-mindedness gave way to surprise and even anxiety: what’s wrong with her?

7. The night seems endless and sweet, the warmth of the bed, the warmth of the old house.


How do BSP differ from allied ones?

What plays an important role in expressing the semantic relationships between parts of the BSP?

Why in modern linguistics are BSPs identified as an independent syntactic unit?


BSP differ from union ones in the absence of unions, the use, ; : -. There are BSPs that cannot be replaced by allied ones; BSPs have greater stylistic possibilities than allied ones. By identifying them as a separate group, we emphasize the richness of the Russian language.

III. Working with I.A.’s story Bunin "Clean Monday"» .

Teacher's word.

  1. What do you know about Bunin?
  2. What works of the author have you read?

Today we are in Bunin’s workshop, in the “mercilessly beautiful”, impeccable workshop of the writer’s language.

“Take Bunin out of Russian literature, and it will fade, lose the living rainbow shine and starry radiance of his lonely, wandering soul” (M. Gorky).

“Bunin spoke the Russian language superbly, with complete perfection. He knew him as only a person who endlessly loves his homeland can know.

Bunin’s language is simple, even stingy at times, very precise, but at the same time picturesque and rich in sound - from copper-ringing enthusiasm to the transparency of flowing spring water, from measured precision to intonations of amazing softness, from a light tune to slow rolls of thunder.” (K. Paustovsky). (SLIDE No. 6)

The story “Clean Monday,” written in 1944, during the period of the victorious offensive of the Red Army and during a period of unusual upsurge of creative forces, was included in the “Dark Alleys” series. According to the writer’s wife, on one of the sleepless nights Bunin left the following confession on a piece of paper:“I thank God that he gave me the opportunity to write “Clean Monday.”

First of all, the thought of the Motherland, so distant and beloved.

In one diary he wrote:“Can we forget our Motherland? She's in the shower. I am veryRussian man. This does not disappear over the years"

Task No. 5. Here is an excerpt from Bunin’s story “Pure

Monday". Read it. Find the BSP and determine the semantic relationships between the parts.

“How good. And now only this Rus' remains in some northern monasteries. Yes, even in church hymns. Recently I went to the Conception Monastery - you can’t imagine how wonderfully the stichera are sung there! And in Chudovoy it’s even better. I last year I kept going there on Strastnaya. Oh, how good it was! There are puddles everywhere.

the air is already soft, my soul is somehow tender, sad, and all the time there is this feeling of the homeland, its antiquity... All the doors in the cathedral are open, all day long ordinary people come and go, all day long the service... Oh, I’ll go somewhere... somewhere in a monastery, in some very remote one,Vologda, Vyatka!”(SLIDE No. 7)

Questions. (SLIDE No. 8)

What type of speech is this passage?

What is the topic of the passage?

By what syntactic means is it achieved?

What is the internal state of the heroine, what are the features of her speech?

Conclusion (SLIDE No. 9)

Type of speech - description. The theme of the passage is the feeling of the homeland, its antiquity. The author is convinced that real Rus' is in monasteries, cathedrals, among ordinary people. To convey the fullness of the heroine’s feelings from delight -! - to tender sadness -... - the author uses laconic in form, but capacious in content BSP and simple one-part sentences. BSP are distinguished by their lightness, conciseness, simplicity, grace, and serve to convey external harmony - a description of nature - and internal harmony - the state of the heroine after visiting the monastery.

Task No. 6. Place punctuation marks in the following passages. Conduct a comparative analysis of the syntax of these passages

  1. “I carefully dressed, timidly kissed her hair and tiptoed out onto the stairs, already brightening with a pale light. I walked on foot through the young sticky snow, there was no longer a blizzard, everything was calm and the smell of snow could already be seen far away along the streets. I reached Iverskaya, the interior of which was burning hotly and shining with whole bonfires of candles, stood in the crowd of old women and beggars on the trampled snow on my knees, took off my hat... Someone touched me on the shoulder - I looked at some unfortunate old woman looking at me, wincing from the pitiful tears:
  • Oh, don't kill yourself, don't kill yourself like that! Sin, sin!
  1. “The letter I received two weeks later was a brief, affectionate but firm request not to wait for her, not to try to look for her anymore. “I won’t return to Moscow, I’ll go to obedience for now, then maybe

I will decide to take tonsure... May God give me the strength not to answer me; it is useless to prolong and increase our torment..."

Questions and assignments.

1. Find the BSP. Explain punctuation marks. What semantic relationships arise between the parts. Make diagrams.

2. Compare the diagrams in part 1 and part 2. What is common and what is different?


The dash is used as an indicator of surprise, opposition, and also as an explanatory sign. The author uses the dash as a psychological sign to create pauses, to describe state of mind heroes at a tragic moment, at the moment of making an important decision.

Task No. 7. Linguistic experiment. Restore the original text, i.e.replace SPP - BSP. Write down the resulting option. Draw up diagrams of the BSP.Determine the semantic relationships between the parts.

“At ten o’clock in the evening, the next day, going up in the elevator to her door, I opened the door with my key and did not immediately enter from the dark hallway, behind which it was unusually light. Everything was lit: the chandeliers, the candelabra on the sides of the mirror. When I slammed the hallway door, the sounds stopped and the rustling of a dress was heard. When I entered, she stood upright and somewhat theatrically near the piano in a black velvet dress.”

Questions. (SLIDE No. 10)

Is it advisable to replace allied BSP proposals? What motivated you?


What is the stylistic function of the BSP in the author's version?


A dash indicates temporary relationships between parts. BSP allow the author to briefly convey the entire dynamism of the picture: he came - they were waiting for him, but in their meeting there is some kind of tension, something artificial. She's hiding something.

Task No. 8. “Collect” the author’s BSP from several sentences. Write it down. Make a diagram. Explain how punctuation marks work. Explain the author's choice of BSP.

“And for some reason we went to Ordynka. We drove for a long time along some alleys in the gardens. We were in Griboyedovsky Lane. Who could tell us in which house Griboyedov lived? There was not a soul passing by. Which of them might need Griboedov?? (SLIDE No. 11)

Questions. (SLIDE No. 12)

1. How many intonation parts can the entire sentence be divided into? Why?

  1. What is the role of punctuation marks?
  2. What is the role of rhetorical questions? What is behind them, what is the author’s idea?
  3. What is hidden behind the external monotony of action expressed by verbs - let's go, went, were?
  4. Why did they forget the writer? What's behind this? What if there were passers-by?


The entire sentence can be divided into 2 semantic parts; combination; , and - allows the author to show a complex and inconclusive picture of the search for Griboyedov’s house. An important part of the sentence is a rhetorical question, in which there is the author’s pain, anxiety for human memory.

Task No. 9. Design of BSP. Compose a BSP by combining these sentences in pairs. Explain your choice of punctuation. Make diagrams.(At the blackboard) (SLIDE No. 13)

1 part

I handed him a ruble...

I followed her, looking with emotion at her little footprint...

Fuzz on her upper lip was covered in frost. The amber of the cheeks turned slightly pink...

part 2

He sighed sadly and let it pass.

She suddenly turned around, feeling it.

I couldn't take my eyes off her face.

Question . (SLIDE No. 14)

What are the functions of dashes in sentences?


1. The dash is a nervous sign.

2. Emotional and psychological sign.

3. Expresses a deep pause.

4. Intonation sign. Sometimes used in non-traditional situations.

5. Semantic sign - indicates a time, a condition, a sharp change of events, opposition, conclusion, consequence, comparison.

III Conclusion of the lesson.

So, today, in the course of a syntactic analysis of the text and a linguistic experiment, we found out the stylistic capabilities of the BSP and proved their advantages over the allied ones in the implementation of the author’s plan in the story “Clean Monday”.

Let us list the functional and stylistic capabilities of the BSP.(SLIDE №15, №16)

1. BSP differ from allied ones in less defined semantic relationships.

2. Intonation-semantic relations dictate the placement of punctuation marks.

3.BSP are most often found in conversational and artistic styles

4. BSP has more opportunities for creating expressiveness than allied proposals.

5.BSP are flexible, they leave room for the reader’s imagination.

6.B short form convey the full depth and completeness of the picture.

7.BSP are distinguished by liveliness, lightness, simplicity, grace, capacity, and the ability to color a statement with additional shades of meaning.

8. Expressiveness and emotionality of the BSP are used in the artistic style. They are able to convey subtle shades of meaning.

9. In the BSP there is greater flexibility in the punctuation system; Along with the mandatory rules, various punctuation options are allowed.

And returning to the story “Clean Monday”...

A story about happiness, about the paths to happiness. Bunin thought a lot about happiness, waited for it, looked for it. I would like to end our lesson with a poem by Bunin:(SLIDE No. 17)

We always only remember about happiness,

And happiness is everywhere

Maybe it is

This spring garden is behind the barn,

And clean air flowing through the window.

In the bottomless sky with a light white edge

The cloud rises and shines.

I've been following him for a long time.

We see little

And happiness is given only to those who know.

IV. Homework.

Repetition of the covered material about BSP


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Lesson topic: “The role of non-union complex sentences in artistic speech.” (Based on the example of I.A. Bunin’s story “Clean Monday”) Teacher of Russian language and literature GBOU PU No. 7 Enaldieva Alla Konstantinovna

6. Concisely convey the depth and completeness of the picture. 7. BSPs are distinguished by their liveliness, lightness, simplicity, grace, capacity, and ability to color statements with additional shades of meaning. 8. Expressiveness and emotionality of the BSP are used in the artistic style. They are able to convey subtle shades of meaning. 9. In the BSP there is greater flexibility in the punctuation system; Along with the mandatory rules, various punctuation options are allowedSlide 2

Lesson objectives: to summarize students’ knowledge on the topic “Unionless complex sentences”; find out the properties of BSP in a literary text; develop skills in determining semantic relationships between simple sentences in BSP Lesson type: general repetition on the topic Techniques and methods: linguistic analysis of the text at the syntax level; stylistic experiment; text construction; punctuation - syntactic text analysis

BSP is one of the amazing, vibrant syntactic means of expressive speech. The purpose of our lesson is to consider these sentences from the point of view of the visual and expressive possibilities inherent in them and to consolidate the skill of placing punctuation marks in sentences of this type.

Let's remember what we learned about BSP. Task No. 1. Which statements are incorrect? 1. In BSP, simple sentences are connected in oral speech by intonation. 2. The semantic relations in the BSP depend on the content of the simple sentences included in them. 3. Punctuation marks in the BSP do not depend on the nature of the semantic relationships between its parts. 4. In the BSP, the semantic relationships between sentences are expressed less clearly than in conjunctions. 5. Non-union slows down the movement of thought in the text, and multi-union gives the impression of impetuosity, a quick change of events. 6.If the BSP can be replaced by an IPP with unions - IF, EVER a colon is placed between the parts of the BSP.

Task No. 2. Place the missing punctuation marks in the proposed diagrams. 1 . - the second part indicates the reason 2. - a sudden change or unexpected result 3. - the second part is represented by a direct question 4. - the second part complements, explains 5. - the first part indicates the time or condition of the action 6. - the second part contains the conclusion, consequence

Punctuation – stylistic analysis BSP in I.A. Bunin’s story “Clean Monday” “Take Bunin out of Russian literature, and it will fade, lose its living rainbow shine and the starry radiance of his lonely one. Wandering soul" (M. Gorky) "Bunin's language is simple, very precise, but at the same time picturesque and rich in sound - from copper-ringing enthusiasm to the transparency of flowing spring water, from light melodiousness to slow rolls of thunder" (K. Paustovsky )

Working with the text of the story Task No. 3. Find the BSP in this passage and determine the semantic relationships between the parts “How good! And now only this Rus' remains in some northern monasteries. Yes, even in church hymns. I recently went to the Conception Monastery - you can’t imagine how wonderfully the stichera are sung there! And the Miracle Monastery is even better! Last year I kept going there for Strastnaya. Oh, how good it was! There are puddles everywhere, the air is already soft, my soul is somehow tender, sad, and all the time there is this feeling of the homeland, its antiquity. All the doors in the cathedral are open, ordinary people come and go all day, all day of services ... "

Questions. What type of speech is this passage? What is the topic of the passage? What is the author's intention? By what syntactic means is it achieved? (Description, feeling of the homeland, its antiquity, real Rus' - in monasteries, cathedrals, among ordinary people, with the help of BSP)

Conclusion. Why does the author use BSP and simple uncomplicated sentences? What is the internal state of the heroine, what are the features of her speech? (To convey the fullness of the heroine’s feelings from delight to tender sadness, the author uses laconic in form, but capacious in content, BSP and simple one-part sentences. BSP are distinguished by lightness, conciseness, simplicity, and serve to convey harmony external - description nature-and internal state heroine after visiting the monastery).

Questions Is it advisable to replace the union proposals of the BSP? What motivated you? What is the stylistic function of the BSP in the author's version? What is the author’s “favorite” sign? Conclusion. (Yes. The author does not need extra words, conjunctions, allied words, large heavy constructions, because they prevent him from conveying the intensity of the characters’ feelings. BSP allow the author to briefly convey the entire dynamism of the picture: he came - they were waiting for him, but in their meeting one can feel what -tension. The dash is Bunin’s “favorite” sign, often repeated not only in this passage, but throughout the entire text of the story)

Task No. 4 “Collect” the author’s BSP from several sentences. Make a diagram. How do punctuation marks work? “And for some reason we stopped at Ordynka. We drove for a long time along some side streets. We were in Griboyedovsky Lane. Who could tell us which house Griboedov lived in? There was not a soul passing by. Which of them could need Griboedov?” (And for some reason we went to Ordynka, drove for a long time along some side streets, were in Griboyedovsky Lane; who could tell us that Griboyedov lived in the house - there was not a soul passers-by, And which of them needed Griboyedov?

Questions. 1. How many intonation parts can a sentence be divided into? Why? 2. What is the role of punctuation marks? 3. What is the role of rhetorical questions? What is behind them, what is the author’s idea? (Into 2 semantic parts. The combination; , : allows the author to show a complex and fruitless picture of the search for Griboedov’s house. The important part of the sentence is a rhetorical question, in which there is the author’s pain, anxiety for human memory.)

Task No. 5. Construction of BSP. Compose a BSP by combining these sentences in pairs. Explain the choice of punctuation. 1. She lived alone... I slipped him a ruble... I followed her, looking with tenderness at her little footprint... The fluff on her upper lip was frosted. The amber of her cheeks turned slightly pink... 2. Her widowed father lived in Tver. He sighed sadly and let it pass. She suddenly turned around, feeling it. I could not take my rapturous eyes off her face.

Question. What is the function of a dash in a sentence? 1. The dash is a nervous sign. 2. Emotional and psychological sign. 3. Expresses a deep pause. 4. Intonation sign. Sometimes used in non-traditional situations. 5. Semantic sign - indicates a time, a condition, a sharp change of events, opposition, conclusion, consequence, comparison.

Conclusions. Generalizations. Let us list the functional and stylistic capabilities of the BSP. 1. BSP differ from allied ones in less defined semantic relationships. 2. Intonation-semantic relations dictate the placement of punctuation marks. 3 BSPs are most often found in conversational and artistic styles. 4. BSP has more opportunities for creating expressiveness than allied proposals. 5. BSPs are flexible, they leave room for the reader’s imagination.

6. Concisely convey the depth and completeness of the picture. 7. BSPs are distinguished by their liveliness, lightness, simplicity, grace, capacity, and ability to color statements with additional shades of meaning. 8. Expressiveness and emotionality of the BSP are used in the artistic style. They are able to convey subtle shades of meaning. 9. In the BSP there is greater flexibility in the punctuation system; Along with the mandatory rules, various punctuation options are allowed

I.A.Bunin. We always only remember about happiness, But happiness is everywhere. Maybe it’s this spring garden behind the barn, And the clean air flowing through the window. In the bottomless sky, a cloud rises with a light white edge and shines. I've been following him for a long time. We see little, And happiness is given only to those who know.