Skin problems in rats. What do domestic rats suffer from: symptoms and treatment of common and rare diseases What does a sick animal look like?

I have a rat, she is 4 months old, girl. Recently she developed bloody sores on her neck, behind her ears. The question is, what could this be and how to treat it??? She also recently fell and probably dislocated something with her back leg, so will this go away on its own or should I definitely show it to a veterinarian??????

A budgerigar has a bone growth on one side of its beak

Good afternoon I'm planning to move my cat (8 years old) to a man who has a ferret (3 years old). Both were neutered (the cat had inflammation of the uterus - everything was removed). The cat suffered from calcivirus. None of the animals have ever been vaccinated. The ferret was recently walking in the snow in the yard. Question: is it possible to transport an animal and then vaccinate it, or to vaccinate it first? Perhaps vaccination may not be carried out at all, because... pets? Thank you in advance.

Hello. Ferrets are susceptible to infectious diseases in dogs, not cats.
If a cat has contracted calicivirus, it can complicate vaccination - it is more likely that after vaccination, erosive rashes will appear in the oral cavity. But the stress of moving and a change of place of residence can provoke the same symptoms, and it is safer for a cat to emigrate vaccinated. Therefore, it is advisable first
vaccinate animals, although they do not pose an immediate danger to each other.


Hello. These are naminin, exacerbation may be associated with changes in metabolism and physical and chemical properties urine, as well as overweight. Perhaps in Lately The composition of the diet has changed and allergenic components have appeared. Treatment consists of optimizing weight and metabolism - try to use proven components in the diet, reduce weight in case of obesity by reducing the calorie content of the diet and the predominance of coarse fiber. Use softer bedding, change it more often, and make sure it is always dry. Treat paws with antiseptics (3% hydrogen peroxide, furatsilin, you can mix them), apply Levomekol ointment until healing. In advanced cases, injections of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are necessary.

I have a girl hamster living at home. she seems to have become obese. She hasn't had children for a couple of months. The belly is all in folds. When she stands on her hind legs, the skin stretches from the jaw and down. There is no fur on the belly and chest. Her mouth doesn't close. Her paws became thick. and she herself became slow. I'm afraid that she will die. Tell me what's wrong with her!!! And how can I cure her? Thank you very much in advance. Best regards, Julia.

You need to understand whether you are obese or swollen, for this it is better to show up for an examination. In case of obesity, it is necessary to reduce the calorie content of the diet, give more vegetables and fruits than concentrated feed, provide exercise - provide a complex for games and movement. Give the hamster the opportunity to move and walk - let her out of the cage into a limited, but more spacious area.
Add vitamins for rodents to the diet, preferably liquid ones so that you don’t have to select individual ingredients.

Good evening everyone!
Please tell me what to do!!
Rat 7 months it coos with enviable consistency, or I don’t even know what to call it correctly (it’s similar to the sounds of a pigeon).
I took it to the veterinarian, they listened, my lungs were clean. They prescribed Baytril and dexamethosone. After the first injection, the purring stopped, but they completed the course of Baytril. Not even a month has passed and again my rat purrs in the same way. Injecting again with the same thing, I understand that this is madness.
Our bedding since childhood has been white paper napkins and toilet paper not colored. The cage is cleaned once a day. I’m already so scared that I don’t give red things like carrots, beets. The only greens I have are sprouted oats. Now I’ve been giving gamavit and loratodin for the 5th day now, with no particular results. In my house, except for her 3 more rats (all same-sex) and thank God no one has anything like it.

Hello. Do you have nasal discharge or skin rash? In this way, either mycoplasmosis or allergies can manifest themselves. Mycoplasmosis is a very common disease of rodents; it often occurs subclinically, but can worsen due to sensitization (allergies) or other contributing factors (colds, changes in diet, lifestyle, the appearance of new pets, stress). It is not possible to completely get rid of the disease, you can only stop the exacerbation. Treatment consists of the use of antibiotics (baytril, tylosin) and immunomodulators (cycloferon, Derinat for injection). Can be carried out laboratory diagnostics. Rats may be allergic to food components (wheat - White bread, drying, horns, red fruits and vegetables, food flavors, sweets), bedding (hay, straw) and respiratory allergens (especially with chlorine - disinfectants (Domestos), air fresheners, perfume, dust). It can only be eliminated with corticosteroids (Dexafort).

We bought it a week ago guinea pig(4-5 months). After 2 days, a white, slightly flaky spot appeared on the ear and a small bald spot was found on one side. And the next day I started sneezing frequently (several times an hour). Please tell me how to treat it.
Thank you in advance!

Hello! I understand that this may be off-topic - illness, but I don’t even know who to consult. We have a turtle, but new year holidays We are leaving for the village for 4 days, we can’t take the turtle with us (we’re afraid that it will freeze, it’s very cold there). Nobody wants to take it either, it’s everyone’s holidays, everyone refuses. Is it possible to leave the turtle at home in a big box, give it a lot of food ?if this is possible and nothing bad will happen, write in what conditions it should be left. Thanks in advance!

Hello. In winter, turtles' metabolism decreases, and so does their need for food. Considering that turtles eat quite rarely anyway, 4 days is not that much. If you leave her enough food and water, that will be enough. In general, in winter, turtles still prefer ultraviolet irradiation of the shell and control of the ambient temperature.

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Diseases of decorative rats

No matter what animal you have in your home - a dog, a cat, or maybe a decorative rat, you cannot count on the fact that your pet will not get sick without proper care and attention. Therefore, before you decide to join the ranks of pet owners, ask yourself this simple question: “Am I ready to bear responsibility for my pet, to be with him in sorrow, in joy, and, in case of illness, to treat is this a defenseless creature? If you, without hesitation, answer in the affirmative, it means that you will make a good owner; if you doubt and prefer to avoid such difficulties, then you, most likely, have not yet matured enough to take responsibility for a living being.

Today, we invite those owners of decorative rats who once promised themselves and their little rodent to be with him in sorrow, in joy, and in illness, to talk about just such situations when a decorative rat is sick.

What do decorative rats suffer from? How to treat them? Which preventive measures What can you do to prevent your rodent from getting sick? Let's look for answers to these questions together...

Features of life and health of decorative rats

Prevention of diseases of decorative rats

We deliberately decided to start the topic of rat diseases with the prevention of such diseases. After all, if you take such preventive measures, then your decorative rat will never suffer from such dangerous diseases. Therefore, first of all, keep an eye on the balanced and, as veterinary practice shows,

in 8 out of 10 cases, the disease develops on such favorable grounds as improper nutrition of the rodent.

Do not overfeed your decorative rat - this can lead to obesity. Under no circumstances should you give prohibited foods such as sweets, smoked foods, or fried foods. It’s better to fill your rodent’s diet with raw vegetables and fruits.

Make sure that the cage with the decorative rat is not in a draft, the animal is not exposed to hypothermia, and vice versa - it cannot get sunstroke or heatstroke. When your decorative rat walks around your home, be careful not to inadvertently injure your pet with your careless movement.

Infectious diseases of decorative rats

Such infectious diseases in decorative rats are quite severe and most often end in fatal rodent, since it is quite difficult to diagnose them, the disease proceeds in a latent form for a long period of time, and when it has already progressed, it is too late to do anything.


Talking about infectious diseases, we couldn’t help but remember mycoplasmosis. I would like to say something about it separately. Pathogen of this disease is the bacterium Mycoplasmapulmonis, and you are unlikely to find at least one rat that is not a carrier of this virus. The very fact of infection with mycoplasmosis occurs when a sick animal comes into contact with a healthy one through the air.

Old rats are most likely to get mycoplasmosis after they reach 1.5 years of age.

The disease is accompanied by the formation of multiple abscesses and blisters on the surface of the decorative rat’s lungs, and internal organs are also affected by such abscesses. It is almost impossible to save a decorative rat from mycoplasmosis.

Diseases of decorative rats that are dangerous to humans

Some rat diseases are dangerous to humans

Among the infectious diseases that are dangerous for people and which decorative rats suffer from are diseases such as tuberculosis, plague, rabies and a number of other quite serious functional disorders of the entire body.

In order to ensure that rat diseases do not pose a threat to you and me, the owners, and we can help our pet, it is necessary to regularly carry out preventive measures, both in cleaning the rat cage and in examining the rodent itself. And, if any disturbances in the behavior of the rodent are detected, do not hesitate to visit the veterinarian. Also, it is worth remembering that decorative rats, like other pets, can suffer from worms, mites, scabies, and they may have fleas - and all this also requires immediate contact with a veterinarian to prescribe the appropriate course of treatment.

Many rat owners sometimes do not pay attention to changes in the coat of rats, itching, microtrauma and self-injury of the skin. This is a big mistake. After all, even the most minor lesions in the fur and skin of your little pet can indicate serious diseases.

Fungal diseases (dermatophytoses) occur in rats kept at home, are rare and are usually asymptomatic. In the area of ​​the back, tail, armpits Foci of alopecia (baldness) may be observed. For diagnosis, material is taken for mycological examination.

Bacterial infections are most often of secondary origin. Bite wounds, damage due to poor maintenance, areas of self-injury are contaminated with bacteria of the genera Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Pasteurella, Pseudomonas, causing purulent inflammatory processes, formation of crusts, baldness, itching. If left untreated, abscesses can form - a limited accumulation of pus in various tissues, which can reach enormous sizes. Application of system antibacterial drugs prescribed by a veterinary specialist, gives positive result. Compliance with maintenance rules and trimming claws can reduce the likelihood of self-injury.

Diseases associated with unfavorable living conditions.

One of the most common lesions associated with poor living conditions is ulcerative pododermatitis. Ulcerative pododermatitis is a granulomatous condition caused by ulcerative lesions and necrosis of the tissues of the feet and heels. Unfortunately, it causes high mortality rates in rats and other rodents. Owners most often notice reddish swellings on the heels and palms of the hands, which increase in volume and tend to open up. The rat experiences severe pain. Opened ulcers, as a rule, are contaminated with bacterial microflora, which causes purulent inflammation. Predisposing factors are: overweight, obesity, which can lead to high blood pressure on the feet; injuries to the feet of the limbs and injuries from a rough surface (grid wire bottom, rough filler); genetic predisposition, pine filler; the peculiarity of elderly rats to walk on their full feet rather than their toes, which leads to increased pressure on the feet, especially in the presence excess weight; as well as some endocrine diseases(eg diabetes). For treatment, local (in the form of bandages) and systemic antibiotics (for oral administration), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to relieve swelling and pain. We should not forget about correcting the diet and combating excess weight, especially in older rats. Selecting the right cage, good filler, and quality food will minimize the risk of disease. In severe cases, osteomyelitis may develop. In such severe cases it may be necessary surgery. The forecast is cautious.

Other skin diseases.

In white males, the fur becomes coarse and yellow with age due to increased secretion sebaceous glands. Peeling of the skin on the back and tail may occur. Specific treatment these manifestations are not required. Castration is possible.

In females, neoplasms of the mammary gland are not uncommon, which can reach enormous sizes. Squamous cell carcinoma, which often occurs in the ear, and papillomas are the most common lesions. The treatment for any neoplasm is surgical excision and histological examination.

Nutritional skin diseases, that is, those associated with nutritional disorders, are not common. Clinically, these diseases are expressed in alopecia, hair depigmentation, flaking and are associated with a lack of zinc, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, pyridoxine, biotin and fatty acids in the diet.

Remember, a balanced and varied diet of high quality feed, a properly selected cage with good filler, and compliance with housing conditions (humidity, temperature) will help avoid big problems with the skin of your favorite rat. Be careful: examine your pet daily and if any skin lesions appear, be sure to contact your veterinarian.

Elshankina Ekaterina Vladimirovna,
Chief physician branch River Station,

Decorative rats are loyal and emotional rodents, not inferior in intelligence and affection to the owner to dogs and cats. Keeping these animals in comfortable home conditions does not protect them from oncological diseases.

Tumors in rats are even more common than common pathologies of the respiratory organs and lead to. Female domestic rodents are most susceptible to cancer. What to do if you notice bumps on a rat? It is necessary to show the animal to a specialist to clarify the diagnosis and promptly prescribe treatment.

A tumor is an abnormal growth of pathological tissue in the body. Neoplasms in rodents can affect any tissue of the body. Tumor in pet rat can be benign and malignant.

A benign tumor is characterized by the presence of a connective tissue capsule that delimits the tumor from adjacent tissues. Thanks to this structure, this type of tumor is easily removed surgically. As it develops, such a tumor does not form metastases in other organs and does not grow together with healthy tissues, like cancer cells. The danger of benign tumors lies in the compression of organs, when rapid growth they reach quite large sizes and deprive the rodent of the ability to move and eat. If lumps are found on the body, it is advisable to treat the rodent as soon as possible.

A huge benign neoplasm in a rodent

Malignant or cancer tumor characterized by rapid growth, formation of metastases in various organs and tissues and the ability to grow into healthy cells and degenerate them. Cancer in rats is not subject to surgical treatment, the pet is left to live out its term with decent care and feeding or to alleviate the animal’s suffering.

IMPORTANT!!! Benign tumors can be removed surgically; rodent cancer cannot be treated!!!

Causes of cancer in decorative rats

As a result of many studies, the following causes of neoplasms in domestic rats have been identified:

  • use of a high content of fatty foods and products with dyes and preservatives in the pet’s diet;
  • lack of necessary active physical activity animal;
  • heredity;
  • stress;
  • genetic predisposition to cancer in females.

Where can a tumor occur in a domestic rat?

Most often, tumors in decorative rats occur at the age of two years. Neoplasms can be localized in various areas of the rodent’s body:

Breast tumor

Extensive breast tumor with tissue necrosis

Female rodents are genetically predisposed to the appearance of mammary gland tumors, although sometimes similar tumors occur in males. Most often these are fibroadenomas - benign tumors located on the abdomen, armpits and groin of the animal in the area where the glands are located. The owner, who often caresses the animal, notices a tumor on the rat’s stomach at the very early stage of its occurrence. At home, a mobile, tuberous swelling can be easily determined, which can be soft and flat, or compacted as it grows fibrous tissue. The lump under the skin is penetrated by a venous network; when palpated, it easily slips between the fingers, there is no swelling and firm fixation with the subcutaneous tissue. If the swelling grows tightly together with the surrounding tissues, there is a chance that the rodent will develop cancer. The nature of the neoplasm is confirmed only by histological examination.

Tumor in the neck

A tumor is often diagnosed in a rat on the neck, which to the touch is defined as a subcutaneous tubercle that easily rolls between the fingers or is tightly fixed in the tissues.

A lump on a rodent's neck may be inflamed lymph node, neoplasm or greatly enlarged thyroid gland. Differential diagnosis and the nature of the therapy should be carried out by a specialist in conditions veterinary clinic.

Tumor in the neck

Tumor on the side

A tumor on the side of a rat occurs when the tumor is localized in the lungs or abdominal cavity. The lump on the side is often large in size; you can feel the tubercle on the leg. In such cases, bright symptoms indicate an oncological disease in a rodent: lethargy, bloody discharge from oral cavity, vagina, urethra and anus.

Tumor on the side

Tumor under the paw

Sometimes you can find a tumor under a rat's paw. The lump under the paw turns out to be an inflamed lymph node, a wen, or a breast tumor.

Extensive swelling under the paw

Tumor under the tail

A tumor under the tail of a rat indicates a neoplasm on the skin and subcutaneous tissue, which feel like dense tubercles on the genitals of animals. It is advisable to remove them urgently; females often experience relapses.

Extensive tumor lesion of the testes in a rodent

Tumor on the cheek

The tumor may appear on the pet’s cheek, in which case the owner notices that the rat’s cheek is swollen. Often the animal becomes aggressive. In the area where the cheek is swollen, a subcutaneous ball or hard bone tumor may be felt, most often this is a cancerous tumor - squamous cell carcinoma, which cannot be treated surgically.

Tumor on the cheek

A brain tumor

Quite often, animals are diagnosed with a benign tumor in the brain, which manifests itself neurological symptoms: the animal loses coordination of movement, the rat lies with tense front legs extended and hind legs bent back, the joints do not bend. Such neoplasms are inoperable.

A brain tumor

Bone tumor

Domestic rats are also susceptible malignant tumors bones - osteocarcomas. The neoplasms are localized on the bones of the limbs, skull and ribs, and as a result, as they grow, the pet completely loses motor activity. The owner can feel the characteristic thickenings in the bone tissue.

What should you be wary of?

An attentive owner should be alert and take the pet to a veterinary clinic for timely treatment if the following symptoms are detected:

  • soft flat bumps or hard bumpy growths on the animal’s body;
  • lethargy, loss of appetite and weight, exhaustion;
  • the animal does not play, tries to hide;
  • the fur is tousled, there are patches of baldness;
  • the skin loses elasticity and scabs appear;
  • increase or decrease in bowel movements and urination;
  • bloody discharge from the mouth, urethra, vagina and anus;
  • hernias;
  • mucous membranes are colored gray.

The final diagnosis is made veterinarian after a general examination of the animal, laboratory research general and biochemical analysis blood, the nature of the tumor is determined histologically.

Treatment of tumor diseases

Treatment of cancer in decorative rats is carried out surgical method. Conservative method using immunostimulants and hormonal medical supplies, inhibiting tumor growth does not guarantee a favorable outcome.

The operation is not used for cancerous tissue lesions with the formation of numerous metastases, tumors in the brain, severe exhaustion of the animal, age over 3-4 years, the presence of concomitant serious illnesses, in such cases the prognosis is questionable or unfavorable.

The outcome of the operation and the possibility of relapses depend on the stage of node formation and the timeliness of surgical treatment. Small tumor formations on early stages They are quite easily removed, the prognosis is cautious or favorable. It should not be allowed to grow benign tumor to enormous sizes and exhaustion of the animal. Often, a pet undergoes several operations when tumors are repeatedly detected.

IMPORTANT!!! The earlier a tumor is detected and treated, the greater the chance of saving and prolonging the life of a pet rat!

How is surgery to remove a tumor performed?

Surgical treatment is carried out in several stages:

  1. Before the operation, the specialist evaluates general state rodent, size, nature and localization of the neoplasm, urine and blood are examined, radiography is prescribed to exclude abscesses in the lungs and systemic chronic diseases;
  2. Surgical removal of a tumor formation is performed under the supervision of a veterinary specialist in a veterinary clinic, and is used for pain relief. general anesthesia and analgesic drugs; before induction of anesthesia, medications are administered to support the functioning of the heart and respiratory system during the operation;
  3. For small subcutaneous tumors, the specialist cuts the skin and subcutaneous tissue at a sufficient distance from the tumor, excises the affected tissue with a scalpel, the tumor is removed with the vascular pedicle and adjacent healthy tissues, and the vessels feeding the tumor formation must be ligated. In case of extensive damage to the mammary tissues, salivary glands or internal organs there is a wide excision of tissue and partial removal of glands or parts of the affected organ and muscles along with the tumor and greatly enlarged lymph nodes;
  4. The wound is sutured in two stages, the peritoneum and subcutaneous tissue are sutured with special absorbable threads, the skin is sutured with silk thread, and drainage is left at the bottom of the wound to drain the exudate.

Surgery tumors

In the first two hours after surgery, the animal may vomit, involuntary urination and defecation, loss of coordination and aggressiveness due to pain shock. At this time, it is important to provide the rodent with a change of bedding and access to clean drinking water. For the first three days after using anesthesia, fermented milk products are excluded from the diet of the decorative rat.

Postoperative care

Postoperative care behind the rat

Postoperative therapy for the pet is carried out at home under careful supervision of the rodent owner. On the first day, a heating pad is indicated; for this purpose, you can use bottles with warm water. The owner must not allow “slicking” postoperative sutures, for this you can use a special or homemade collar. On the recommendation of a specialist, the owner independently treats the wound with antiseptic solutions at home or in a clinic and applies bandages with anti-inflammatory ointments. Monitoring the healing of the postoperative wound and removing sutures is carried out only by a veterinarian.

Prevention of cancer in rats

There are several ways to prevent the appearance of tumor formations in a pet rodent:

  1. The pet's diet should be varied and low in calories, with a reduced content of fats, which have a carcinogenic effect. It is necessary to exclude the consumption of animal products containing dyes and preservatives;
  2. If possible, you should try to purchase a pet from reputable breeders who, when breeding, select individuals that are resistant to the development of cancer;
  3. It is better to keep males at home; they are less susceptible to the appearance of various neoplasms.

Carefully examine your pet rodents; at the first manifestations of a fatal disease, do not waste time; show your pet to specialists for a speedy diagnosis and timely treatment. It is in your power to save the animal and prolong its life.

Symptoms and treatment of tumors in rats

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