Mustard plasters - recommendations for use at home. An ancient remedy in modern medicine: the correct algorithm for placing mustard plasters Course of treatment with mustard plasters

Mustard plasters - inexpensive, effective remedy to combat colds, runny nose and cough. Mothers and grandmothers often warm up traditional way, but does everyone know the rules for using mustard plasters in children?

Errors when using paper sheets with mustard or hot powder for warming compresses often cause irritation, burns of delicate skin, and worsen the baby’s well-being. Find out how to apply mustard plasters to children and at what age they are allowed to use the home heating method.


Mustard plasters have long been used as an aid in the treatment of many diseases. respiratory tract, including in children of different ages. Useful action burning powder has been confirmed by numerous studies and patient reviews.


  • strengthen local immunity;
  • warm up problem areas;
  • help treat runny nose, cough;
  • increase the tone of the autonomic nervous system;
  • improve blood circulation.


How mustard plaster works:

  • essential oil releases vapors when heated;
  • phytoncides, useful acids penetrate the skin;
  • blood vessels dilate significantly, blood circulation improves;
  • when nerve receptors are stimulated, it enters the blood a large number of norepinephrine and adrenaline, the body's defenses are strengthened.

Traditional heating is effective not only for colds. Burning powder is an effective remedy for relieving radiculitis, muscle pain, and neuralgia. Heat penetrates into the affected area, relieves pain, essential oils relieve inflammation.


At the pharmacy, parents will find two types of useful products:

  • first option. Traditional paper plates coated with mustard powder mixed with ground cake. Sheet size – 8x12.5 cm. One package contains 10 sheets for heating;
  • second option. Mustard mixture in paper bags. The powder is packaged in 3 g packs. The package contains from 2 to 20 packets.

For young children (up to seven years old) the second option is suitable. Leave traditional paper plates with a more active irritating effect for older children (from 8 years old) and adult patients.

Indications for use

In pediatrics mustard powder used as aid for the following problems:

  • pleurisy;
  • bronchopneumonia;
  • dry/wet cough that does not stop for a long time.

Adults also use traditional warming for diseases that children have not yet encountered. Mustard essential oil actively relieves pain in cases of myalgia, radiculitis, and headaches.


Please note the limitations: mustard powder has a powerful irritant effect; for some diseases and conditions, an effective warming agent cannot be used.

Avoid using mustard plasters in the following cases:

  • age up to two years. Pediatricians recommend using more gentle ointments and warming solutions: thin, delicate skin is easily irritated. Pediatricians allow mustard plasters for children over 2 years old;
  • Is it possible to install mustard plasters at a temperature? If the temperature in children rises above 37.3 degrees, it is impossible. Violation of the rule leads to a sharp increase in indicators: activation of blood circulation. Irritation of nerve receptors quickly converts 37 degrees to 38. Do not risk the baby’s health, use mustard plasters at the final stage of the disease ( elevated temperature should not be 1 day or more);
  • wet or dry cough against the background of pronounced symptoms of ARVI. Chills, body aches, weakness, fever are a reason to refuse mustard powder to warm problem areas;
  • neoplasms of any nature, dermatological problems, skin damage. The area of ​​heating should be “clean”: any wounds, ulcers, pimples, moles are a reason to refuse mustard plasters;
  • neurodermatitis, allergic reactions on mustard powder.

Note! Mustard plasters are contraindicated not only for newborns, but also for expectant mothers.

Other treatments for dry cough in children have been described; Read about how to treat green snot in a child; We have an article about treating a runny nose with a nebulizer.

How to put mustard plasters on children

Take into account the nuances, read the section carefully. Violation of the rules often causes skin burns, fever, and a sharp rejection of the useful procedure. If a child is once afraid of a strong burning sensation or pain when mustard plasters are placed incorrectly, it will be difficult to force him to repeat the session.

  • For children, it is not traditional paper sheets with burning powder that are suitable, but mustard wraps. The technique is gentle, but just as effective;
  • pour mustard powder into hot water. For 500 ml of liquid, 10 g of dry mustard is enough;
  • take a piece of gauze, fold it several times, rinse in mustard water, squeeze lightly, wrap the chest and back of a cold child;
  • put the baby on the sofa, cover with a towel, then with a warm blanket;
  • Warm-up duration – no more than five minutes (first procedure – 2 minutes);
  • remove the gauze, thoroughly rinse off the mustard, put on a flannel blouse;
  • now the little patient must rest, lie under a blanket, and not get out of bed in order to consolidate the effect of the procedure;
  • The right time is in the evening, so that after warming up the baby falls asleep.

There is another way to set mustard plasters for older children:

  • lubricate the area where you will place the mustard plasters with Vaseline or vegetable oil, put a thin fabric (cotton, chintz). The material should not fade. A good option– thin diaper;
  • pour warm water into a bowl (no more than 40 degrees), put mustard plasters in for 15 seconds (the powder should become soft);
  • remove the plates, wait a few seconds until the water drains, apply to the selected location;
  • cover the area with a terry towel and a blanket;
  • after 2–4 minutes, unwrap the little patient, remove the paper sheets, cloth or gauze, wash off the remaining mustard and oil;
  • gently blot the skin, wipe dry with a soft towel (without strong pressure), apply baby cream;
  • put the child to bed. After the session, cover your cold baby with a warm blanket. You need to warm up and lie down for at least an hour;
  • The ideal time to warm up using this method is evening.

How long to keep warming sheets

The duration of the session depends on age. Do not overexpose paper sheets or gauze soaked in mustard water.

Optimal time:

  • first procedure: 2 minutes, no more;
  • second – fifth procedure: from 3 to 5 minutes.

How long should you keep mustard plasters? Depending on age:

  • from 2 to 3 years – 2 minutes;
  • from 4 to 7 years – 3 minutes;
  • from 8 to 12 years – 5 minutes.

Check the condition of your skin every minute. If there is severe redness or complaints: “It’s very hot,” remove the paper immediately. Immediately remove the remaining softened mustard: it is most convenient to perform the operation with a soft towel moistened with warm water. With mustard wrap, irritation rarely occurs.

Number of procedures

How often should mustard plasters be applied, how many sessions are recommended for a child? The answer will be given only by a local pediatrician, ENT doctor or pulmonologist, taking into account the age of the young patient, the severity, and type of disease.

Most often, 5 warm-ups are performed, less often the number of procedures is increased. More than 10 sessions cannot be performed.

Note! For maximum effect, warm your chest or back daily, in the evening, before bed. Mustard powder should not be used more than once during the day to fight colds in children. Home remedy highly active, an “overdose” of essential oils often causes burns on delicate skin and allergic reactions.

Warm-up zones

The procedure will be beneficial if you follow the rules. Violation of recommendations causes side effects.

Suitable areas for warming up in children depending on the type of disease:

  • how to apply mustard plasters for coughs. Side and front of the chest, upper back, area under and between the shoulder blades;
  • with a runny nose. Feet. Moisten the gauze with mustard water, cellophane on top, then warm socks. The child should keep his feet under a warm blanket. The rules are the same as when treating a cough.

It is prohibited to place paper sheets with mustard or gauze on the following areas:

  • heart area;
  • spine.

Mustard plaster burn: how to act correctly

Under the influence of the components of mustard oil, a certain reaction occurs, blood circulation increases, and the area under the paper turns red. If used incorrectly or if the procedure is delayed, burns of delicate skin may occur. How to proceed?

Listen to the advice of doctors:

  • with complaints of severe burning remove mustard plasters immediately. Some mothers do not believe their children, they say that they are pretending. Do not brush off complaints, check the condition of the epidermis. Pronounced redness is a reason to immediately stop the procedure;
  • In case of a severe burn, the skin becomes purple-purple, peels off, and bubbles and blisters form. The affected area is very itchy;
  • Gently blot the reddened area with a terry towel or soft flannel soaked in warm water. In case of severe burn, rinse the problem area with warm water, do not rub under any circumstances. Do not use gauze: the fabric is too rough for delicate skin;
  • check if there are any grains of powder left on the body;
  • Treat the inflamed area with an antiseptic to prevent germs from penetrating through the damaged skin. Use Furacilin ointment or Syntomycin emulsion;
  • Apply a thin layer of age-appropriate burn gel to the body (Psilo-balm, Dioxyzol, Solcoseryl). It is most convenient to apply Panthenol (spray from a can);
  • Do not lubricate the affected area with oil, petroleum jelly, greasy cream (they create a dense film that does not allow air to pass through), wipe with alcohol, cologne (increase irritation of the epidermis);
  • cover the problem area with a sterile bandage;
  • to prevent allergic reactions, give antihistamine: Zirtec, Suprastin, Erius, Claritin;
  • be sure to give the little patient something to drink;
  • at severe pain If the temperature rises, give children's Paracetamol or Efferalgan.

Has the mustard plaster burn noticeably worsened the little patient’s standing, has the temperature risen, are allergic reactions noticeable? Provide first aid as described above, call a doctor. Most parents take the procedure responsibly and rarely allow such cases to happen, but sometimes the skin is so delicate that it is not possible to completely prevent a burn.

Rules for selection and storage

  • when purchasing, check the expiration date, refuse to use paper sheets with mustard powder, which have been in the medicine cabinet for years “just in case”;
  • keep the warming product in a dry place. Close the package after use, otherwise moisture will penetrate inside, the powder will become damp, fall away from the paper or form lumps;
  • the smell of mustard in bags or on paper sheets should be sharp, specific, without sourness. A musty smell often appears due to improper storage (excess moisture in the room). If this sign is detected, immediately discard the sheets, even if the expiration date has not yet expired;
  • Look, the layer on the surface of the paper is somewhat uniform. Does dry mustard peel off easily and come off the paper base? You bought a low-quality warming agent or the mustard plasters have spoiled due to improper storage.

“Mustard water” and paper mustard plasters – good remedy to combat cough and runny nose in children. Take the recommendations into account, carry out the procedure correctly, and the healing warmth will certainly speed up the recovery of the young patient.

Useful tips for parents on the use of mustard plasters for children in the following video:

Mustard plasters are medicinal product, which has a local irritating effect, as well as a warming effect. Let me look at its instructions for use in more detail.

What is the composition and release form of the drug mustard plasters?

Mustard plasters are small rectangular paper sheets, their size is 8 by 12.5 centimeters, which are covered on top with low-fat fine powder obtained directly from the cake of Sarepta mustard seeds.

This product must be stored in a dry place; it is advisable to keep mustard plasters away from small children. They are valid for one year from the date of manufacture, after which their use is not recommended.

They can be purchased freely, without a prescription. It is not recommended to use mustard plasters in a situation where the medicinal powder has begun to crumble from them, or their validity period has expired.

Action of mustard plasters

Mustard plasters have a locally irritating effect due to reflex reactions that arise as a result of irritation of nerve endings located deep in the skin.

When mustard plaster is wetted with water, under the influence of the special enzyme myrosin, the present glycoside sinigrin leads to the formation of allyl oil, the so-called allyl isothiocyanate, which has a local irritant effect.

Indications for placing mustard plasters

Mustard plasters are indicated for use in the following conditions, which should be listed for informational purposes:

They are used for ARVI;
Mustard plasters are prescribed in the presence of bronchitis and pneumonia;
This remedy is effective for muscle pain due to so-called myalgia;
The drug is used for neuralgia;
For joint pain;
With sprained ligaments;
Use the product in the presence of osteochondrosis;
For cardialgia (pain in the heart area).

In addition, this drug is prescribed if a person has a soft tissue bruise.

Contraindications for placing mustard plasters

I will list the main contraindications when the instructions for use prohibit the use of mustard plasters, they are as follows:

At hypersensitivity to the components included in mustard plasters;
With severe pyoderma;
Do not use them in cases of direct violation of the integrity of the skin;
Diagnosed atopic dermatitis, as well as diffuse neurodermatitis, are considered a contraindication;
Do not use this remedy for eczema and psoriasis.

Application of mustard plasters

It is recommended to moisten mustard plasters as a warming agent. warm water so that they are completely wet and there is no dry place left on them, after which they are carefully applied to the skin directly above the painful area. Exposure time (shutter speed) ranges from five to twenty minutes.

After the mustard plaster is applied, it is recommended to cover the patient with a warm blanket; the patient should be warned that he will feel some burning in the area where the mustard plaster was applied, and in addition, quite pronounced redness of the skin area will appear.

To prevent severe burning of the skin, you can apply mustard plasters on one or two layers of gauze, or you can place a thin sheet of paper. This procedure should be performed on patients with skin prone to hypersensitivity; in addition, this can also be done in pediatric practice.

After warming up, the body must not be subjected to hypothermia; therefore, the patient should remain under the blanket for some time. For headaches, it is recommended to apply mustard plasters directly along the spinal column, as well as on the occipital region, which usually leads to a fairly pronounced analgesic effect.

When a hypertensive crisis occurs, it is necessary to apply mustard plasters to lower limbs directly in the area calf muscles, their use on the feet is also effective, but the patient should not be covered with a warm blanket. This procedure will lead to the outflow of blood from the head, which will cause a slight decrease in blood pressure.

Side effects of mustard plasters

Among side effects When using mustard plasters, a local manifestation can be noted in the form of severe irritation of the skin, in addition, even a small burn may appear, and a rash may also occur.

The listed symptoms are mainly characteristic of long-term use of this remedy. In addition, the patient may experience allergic reactions to the components dosage form.

Drug overdose

No cases of overdose have been recorded. If mustard plasters are not removed for a long time, then skin burns may occur, which will require symptomatic treatment.

Analogues of mustard plasters

The analogue drugs will be as follows: Mustard plaster package activated, in addition, Mustard plaster package with eucalyptus oil, as well as analogues include Mustard-package universal.


We have reviewed popular remedy“Mustard plasters” (instructions, use, indications, contraindications, action, side effects, analogues, composition, dosage).
Treatment with mustard plasters should be time-controlled and promptly removed from the skin. Otherwise, you can cause a mild burn, which will require appropriate treatment. In addition, they must be used on the recommendation of a doctor, taking into account existing contraindications.

Instructions for use:

Mustard is a drug with a local irritant, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, effective for treating coughs, sprains and bruises.

pharmachologic effect

The therapeutic effect of Mustard plasters is caused by reflex reactions that occur when irritated at the site of application of the drug.

Release form

There are two types of mustard plasters:

  • Thick sheets of paper measuring 8x12.5 cm, covered with a thin layer of mustard mixture, consisting of mustard seed cake. The package contains 10 mustard plasters;
  • In paper bags, 3 g of mustard mixture, divided by seams into 4 cells. 2, 5, 10, 15 or 20 mustard plasters per package.

Indications for use Mustard plasters

Mustard plasters are most often used for coughs. They have proven themselves to be a very effective and inexpensive remedy.

They help a lot with both persistent and dry coughs. One of the warnings may be elevated (more than 37.3° C) temperature.

The best time to use Mustard plasters is considered to be the final stage of the disease, a day after the temperature has returned to normal.

Mustard plasters are also used as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic for:

  • Bronchitis;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Myositis;
  • Myalgia;
  • Neuralgia;
  • Soft tissue bruises;
  • Laryngotracheitis;
  • Lumboischialgia;
  • Arthralgia;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Sprained ligaments.

Mustard plasters are contraindicated when acute conditions respiratory diseases, asthma, hypersensitivity to the drug and tumor diseases.

Also, they should not be used on the skin in areas affected by neurodermatitis, psoriasis or weeping eczema.

Method of using mustard plasters

External use of mustard plasters. To do this, a mustard packet with evenly distributed powder is dipped in warm (37°C) water for half a minute and then applied to the skin. You can cover the top with plastic wrap or a warm blanket to enhance the effect. Mustard plasters are not removed until persistent redness appears, usually from 5 to 10 minutes. After removal, the skin area is washed with water.

An important condition effective treatment Mustard plasters are the correct place of application:

  • For bronchitis, pleurisy, colds and pneumonia - on the back (from 5 to 8 pieces). The heart area should be avoided;
  • When a cold begins - to the soles;
  • For migraines (hypertension) - on the back of the head;
  • For neuralgia, myositis, sprains - directly to the painful area;
  • For angina pectoris - on the chest in the area of ​​the heart.

For children, mustard plasters are placed very carefully so as not to cause skin burns. They are placed on double-folded gauze, previously soaked in warm water. The average procedure time is 10 minutes, but if the child complains of a strong burning sensation, then the time can be reduced to 5-7 minutes. It is best to give mustard plasters to children in the evening, so that the child has time to cough up the mucus before going to bed.

Before using Mustard plasters during pregnancy, you should consult a doctor; independent use of Mustard plasters during pregnancy is not recommended.

You can buy the drug without a doctor's prescription. Shelf life is from 1 to 2 years depending on the manufacturer.

The good old way to treat thick sputum and tracheitis - mustard plasters for coughs. For which diseases does mustard plaster help and for which is it contraindicated? How to place it correctly for a child and an adult?

Mustard has a warming effect

Why are mustard plasters installed?

Mustard plaster is a warming, anti-inflammatory and analgesic compress.

It is recommended to put it when:

  • myalgia and neuralgia;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • bruise or sprain;
  • headaches;
  • insomnia;
  • high blood pressure;
  • pleurisy;
  • angina pectoris (with caution);
  • dry, wet cough.

For which cough mustard plasters are used?

Cough is one of the most common indications for mustard plasters. With a dry cough, essential oils and blood flow help alleviate symptoms, relieve swelling and irritation of the mucous membrane. When wet, heat and increased blood circulation thin the thick mucus in the bronchi.

Mustard plasters are prescribed for the diagnosis:

  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis;
  • laryngotracheitis;
  • prolonged severe cough.

The effect of mustard plasters on the body

When heated, a paper bag with mustard irritates skin receptors. Blood flows to the place of their localization under the influence of heat, improves blood flow and useful material penetrate the body better. This process allows you to get rid of the virus, remove phlegm and improve your health.

How often can mustard plasters be installed?

For adults, it is advisable not to use mustard plasters more than once a day. For children, mustard compresses are not recommended every day - once every 48 hours. The average course for adults and children is 4-5 days.

The doctor can adjust the duration due to individual characteristics or advanced stage of the disease. It is recommended to extend the course without harm to health by alternating different warming compresses: hot salt, sand or ointments. Then mustard plasters are used for 10 or more days. It is recommended to alternate places where mustard is applied. For example, take turns warming your chest and back.

What are the dangers of frequent use?

The skin suffers first: burns and allergies occur. Redness, itching and flaking of the skin are temporary side effects. They save, BoroPlus, moisturizing creams. But for a while skin covering remains painful and unsuitable for warming with compresses.

When significant improvement has occurred in several sessions, you should not stick to the course until the very end.

Mustard plasters can leave redness on the skin

At what temperature can mustard plasters be placed?

A compress with mustard should not be used during an acute inflammatory process when body temperature is elevated. There is a high risk of overheating the body, increasing inflammation and raising the temperature to a critical 40-42 °C.

For colds, acute respiratory infections, ARVI and other respiratory diseases with cough, the temperature remains high for the first days. This period is not suitable for warming up. A mustard plaster is placed when the thermometer has remained below 37 for the last 24 hours.

Mustard plasters for coughs for children

At what age do full treatment for cough begin? Children are given mustard plasters from the age of 6. Use in younger age dangerous: essential oils in mustard are strong allergens. In addition, the children's delicate skin easy to burn.

Children under 6 years of age should not be treated with mustard plasters

For children 2-5 years old, in case of urgent need, the compress is applied to a double layer of gauze for 1-2 minutes.

For patients under one or two years old, the use of mustard is contraindicated!

How to prepare and carry out the procedure

Children are afraid of mustard plasters, like injections, so the first stage of preparation is psychological. Explain to your child that the purpose of the procedure is to warm the back in order to recover faster. Tell us what you will do and why the procedure is useful. Reassure him with the promise that you will stop if he becomes uncomfortable. A restless child will not get the desired effect because he will fidget and be capricious. Moreover, excitement can catch up high temperature again.

Prepare what you need:

  • mustard plasters sheets or mustard plasters packages;
  • warm water (no more than 40 degrees);
  • gauze or paper napkin, perforated paper;
  • cotton towel or napkin;
  • terry towel or blanket for covering;
  • baby cream;
  • water thermometer;
  • watch.

Mustard leaves, hot water, a towel are the main components of the compress.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Place your baby in bed on his stomach in a comfortable position. Bare your back and chest (if indicated, apply heat on both sides).
  2. Lubricate the application area with a thin layer of baby cream. If the child is under 6 years old, then lay down paper, a napkin or gauze.
  3. Wet mustard plasters completely with warm water, blot off excess with a napkin and apply to the skin.
  4. Pull your clothes down the back and cover them with a blanket. Small children can be wrapped tightly and picked up.
  5. For the first session, 3 minutes of warming up is enough. Next times increase the time to 5-7 minutes.
  6. Remove the compress and wipe the skin dry with a cloth until completely dry. If your skin burns too much, wipe with a warm, damp towel. A thin layer of Panthenol ointment will not be superfluous.
  7. Put your child in bed with a warm blanket for another hour for better effect. It is best to warm up before bed.

Applying mustard plaster to a child

Do not force your child to endure the burning sensation. An extra 2 minutes of warming up will not do any good, but the skin will burn. The intensity of heating for compresses varies. For example, fresh powder heats much stronger and faster, so listen to the child’s request to stop the procedure.

For children, it is recommended to choose children's mustard plasters or bags. They are not so dangerous for children's covers. The protective paper layer makes the compress less aggressive. Direct contact of the powder with the skin, like mustard leaf, provokes irritation and warming up faster.

Mustard plasters for coughs in adults

For adults, instructions for use are similar to those for children. The difference is in the duration of the procedure and the degree of skin protection. For the first session, an adult only needs to wait 5-7 minutes. The average duration for the following warmings is 10-15 minutes. Adults can hold mustard as long as the sensations allow.

A protective layer of gauze or cream is not needed - they will make the compress ineffective.

After warming up, an adult can lubricate the skin Vaseline oil. It will moisturize and retain heat for a long period. It is better not to use it for children so as not to burn thin skin.

Afterwards it is recommended to drink hot drinks: herbal teas with lemon.

How to apply mustard plasters for wet cough and bronchitis

For the mustard plaster to work at wet cough, it is placed on the back: just below the shoulder blades and away from the spine. Also in the chest area, but not on the heart. Apply the compress just below the collarbones in the middle of the chest. The photo shows areas where it is correct to apply heat when coughing.

Place mustard plasters on the chest, but not on the heart

Is it possible to apply mustard plasters for dry cough and tracheitis?

For tracheitis, the chest compress and the mustard “boot” method are most effective.” Compresses are applied to the calves and feet and insulated with socks made of natural thread and wool. If the patient has a runny nose, then such pads eliminate this problem too.

The time of the session is unchanged - from 3 to 5 minutes for children and from 5 to 15 for adults. Still, focus on the sensations while wearing mustard “boots.” The skin on the feet and around the toes is quite vulnerable. And in the company of natural wool, you will get burned faster than you would like.


Contraindications for mustard plasters in the treatment of cough include:

  • tuberculosis;
  • oncological formations;
  • bleeding;
  • an abundance of moles;
  • body temperature above 37 degrees;
  • blood diseases;
  • neurological diseases (such as epilepsy).

Particular attention is paid to the condition of the skin area where mustard plaster is applied.

Examine it for:

  • rashes;
  • wounds, scratches, ulcers, erosions, bedsores;
  • dermatitis;
  • skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, for example).

Mustard plasters should not be used for rashes

Any signs of unhealthy skin are a contraindication to mustard warming. As well as allergies, individual intolerance and skin hypersensitivity.

You should stop a session (especially the first one) when:

  1. The patient complains of severe burning, itching or pain in the area of ​​application.
  2. The patient feels a deterioration in health.

Mustard plasters are first aid for any type of cough. Cheap and available method liquefy mucus wet cough and alleviate symptoms of dry skin. Mustard compresses are given to adults and children with school age. The duration and frequency of heating largely depends on the severity of the disease and the patient’s sensitivity to the ingredient in the pads.

For children, there are children's mustard plasters on sale that are much softer and safer. Mustard overlays should be used with caution: the aggressive powder can burn the skin in one session.

A good old remedy that was very popular in Soviet times. Modern experts are skeptical about their use, claiming that they are of no benefit. Indeed, there is no clinical evidence about the benefits of mustard plasters in the treatment of diseases, but there is many years of experience of our mothers and grandmothers who were in no hurry to stuff their children with tablets and cough syrups, believing that they “treat one place and cripple another.”

They patiently treated their children and loved ones folk remedies , the most popular among which were mustard plasters. Maybe those who claim that mustard plasters help to heal only on a subconscious level, having a psychological effect on us, are right, but numerous reviews from people show that they really help in treating the following diseases:

1. Headache. Headaches are most often caused by cervical osteochondrosis or weather changes. With this disease, the nutrition of the brain is disrupted. Mustard plasters help dilate blood vessels and the pain subsides. For headaches, mustard plaster should be applied to the back of the head and back of the neck. But if your head is buzzing from high blood pressure, heating packs can trigger a stroke. Therefore, if you do not know the reason why your head hurts, it is better not to risk it. It is also important to know: you cannot put mustard plasters on the back of the head and neck more than 2-3 times a month. Daily headaches are a serious symptom of problems in the body that require consultation with a doctor.

2. High pressure . The best remedy to lower blood pressure - medications prescribed by a doctor. If your blood pressure does not rise often or if you prefer to treat hypertension with folk remedies, then mustard plasters will help you lower your blood pressure. They need to be glued to both knees so that the blood flows better from the head to the feet. However, for people who suffer from hypertension, this method of reducing pressure is not suitable. Mustard plasters should be used only as a first aid remedy in isolated cases of increased blood pressure.

3. Dry cough. Our mothers put mustard plasters on us to facilitate the passage of sputum, and doctors always recommended putting them on the back and in the middle of the chest when a person had bronchitis or pneumonia. But put mustard plasters on when inflammatory process in the midst and there is a temperature it is impossible. Warming up can cause complications.

The burning remedy should be added to the prescribed treatment 3-5 days after the onset of the disease, and under no circumstances should mustard plasters be placed on the area where the heart is located. To improve the discharge of sputum and cleanse the bronchi, mustard plasters should be placed on the back under the shoulder blades, without affecting the spine. In front, mustard packets are placed in the middle of the chest, 5-10 cm away from the collarbone.

4. Cold prevention. Are your feet cold and are you afraid that you will get sick? Put mustard plasters on quickly. They warm the body perfectly, because the essential oils from them get under the skin and make the blood flow faster. This will prevent you from getting sick. Only in this case mustard plasters should be placed on the feet, or more precisely, on the middle of the feet. Place the stinging bags on your feet, wrap them in a plastic bag and put on wool socks. After removing the mustard plasters, wash your feet with warm water, put on clean socks and lie under the blanket for another 30 minutes.

5. Pain in the heart area. Pain in the heart area may appear due to various reasons and therefore, before installing mustard plasters in this case, you need to know exactly what contributed to the appearance pain on the left side of the chest. If there is any doubt that the heart is acting up due to an attack of angina or arrhythmia, then mustard plasters should not be applied. They are for treatment cardiovascular diseases are not suitable, if you have these ailments they will only do harm.

If they are unpleasant Feel in the heart area is caused by intercostal neuralgia or muscle inflammation - myositis, then warming the left half of the chest or under the chest on both sides with mustard plasters can help you forget about the pain for a long time. But even here you need to know when to stop, you can’t put mustard plasters in chest more often than once a day and 2 times a week.

Today mustard plasters is not in fashion, so not everyone knows how to place it correctly. We decided to correct this situation and describe in detail how to use burning bags correctly:

Immerse mustard plasters in water no higher than 40 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Do not use too hot water to wet mustard plasters. Otherwise, mustard will lose its medicinal properties.

Press the bags against your body and secure them with a bandage. Then cover your body with a blanket. If the burning sensation is strong, place gauze between the skin and the mustard plaster, or remove the compress altogether; do not tolerate the unbearable burning sensation.

Keep it for a certain time. Children under 1 year old should not have mustard plasters. From 1 to 18 years old, it is enough to hold the burning packets for 2 - 15 minutes, depending on age, and adults can tolerate them for no more than 30 minutes. It is dangerous to tolerate mustard plasters for too long; you can get burned.

If the skin in the place where the mustard plasters were has become crimson and burns, then this indicates that you have a burn. Wash off any remaining mustard plaster with warm water and soap. Dry and apply Fenistil-gel or Boro Plus cream to the burned area.

Refuse from mustard plasters if you suffer from allergies or bronchial asthma, if your body temperature is above 37.0 degrees or if there are skin lesions on the treated area of ​​the body. Do not stick mustard plasters on your shins and feet, if any varicose veins veins or blood clots in the legs. Patients with tuberculosis should not apply mustard plasters to the chest and back. Under no circumstances should you warm up those parts of the body where there is a tumor. Moreover, you cannot put mustard plasters on the area where one of your relatives had cancer.

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