Quickly cure a severe runny nose. How to quickly cure a runny nose at home. Traditional recipes for adults, children and women during pregnancy. Quick treatment of a runny nose with mustard plasters

A runny nose is a very unpleasant illness, despite the fact that it sometimes seems frivolous. The disease affects both adults and children, mainly in the cold season. Nobody likes to be sick, and it is natural that everyone tries to cure a runny nose as quickly as possible.

What is a runny nose

A runny nose is popularly called catarrhal rhinitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. The main symptoms of a runny nose are congestion in the nasal passages, liquid, sometimes purulent discharge from the nasal cavity, frequent sneezing (a reflex method of clearing the nasal passages). The patient is often bothered by a feeling of fullness inside the head, headaches, and impaired sense of smell.

Nasal congestion leads to difficulty or impossibility of nasal breathing. The person is forced to breathe through the mouth, which is uncomfortable and leads to difficulty sleeping. But the most important thing is that mouth breathing leads to insufficient ventilation of the air cavities of the skull, the accumulation of pathogenic organisms in them, which, in turn, aggravates the course of rhinitis and promotes inflammatory processes in other upper respiratory tracts. Thus, a vicious circle arises that is not easy to break.

Rhinitis can be caused for various reasons. The most common causes of a runny nose are allergies and bacterial infections. Rhinitis often occurs as a complication of influenza, acute respiratory infections and ARVI. But it also happens that the attack of infection begins in the nasal cavity and then spreads to the rest. Airways.

To quickly cure a disease, you need to know exactly its cause, to know what it is caused by - an infection or an allergy.

Acute rhinitis can become chronic. Complications of infectious rhinitis can include pharyngitis, otitis media, sinusitis, and sinusitis.

Treatment of a runny nose at home is usually practiced. Most patients do not see a doctor, except in cases where rhinitis is accompanied elevated temperature.

Allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis most often has seasonal periods of exacerbation. This disease requires close attention, as it can transform into more dangerous manifestations of allergies, such as Quincke's edema and bronchial asthma. Often, allergic rhinitis goes away on its own, after the source of the allergy, for example, pollen scattered in the air, disappears. However, you shouldn’t pin your hopes on this. Treatment of allergic rhinitis may take several months.

The allergic form of rhinitis can often be recognized by accompanying symptoms:

  • redness of the eyes,
  • swelling of soft tissues,
  • lacrimation.

Is it possible to cure a runny nose at home in one evening?

There are many ways to quickly treat rhinitis. However, it is difficult to cure the disease in one day. Much here depends on the type of runny nose, how far the disease has progressed, the age of the patient, and the state of his immunity. For many people, the disease goes away on its own without special treatment, within a day, while for others, despite all the efforts made, it is not cured, and rhinitis becomes chronic. It is also necessary to remember that the speed of treatment of a runny nose should not be an end in itself. The main thing is that treatment is carried out competently, and the risk of relapse is minimized.

The treatment strategy (for the bacterial form) has three main directions:

  • reduction of inflammation,
  • fight against pathogenic microflora,
  • mucus removal.

How to treat

The choice of medications depends on the etiology of the runny nose. If it is caused by bacteria, then the main component of treatment is antibacterial agents (Miramistin, Amoxicillin, Azithromycin, Co-trimoxazole, Clarithromycin). For a runny nose, they are most often instilled into nasal cavity. Antibiotics in tablets may also be prescribed (most often for severe cases of the disease). Medicines are also available in the form of sprays. But for rhinitis of allergic etiology, the basis of treatment is antihistamines and membrane stabilizers and mast cell inhibitors.

Vasoconstrictor drugs (adrenergic agonists) are also used, which have a rapid effect. They can be prescribed for rhinitis of any etiology. However, their action is exclusively symptomatic, aimed at combating edema.

If antihistamines or vasoconstrictors are ineffective, medications with corticosteroids (Nazarel, Nasonex, Nasobek) may be prescribed. They do not act as quickly as adrenergic agonists, but their effect is longer lasting.

Also used in the treatment of rhinitis:

  • moisturizing drops with saline solutions and sea water (Humer, Aqua Maris, Marimer);
  • inhalation with medications;
  • folk remedies(juice of Kalanchoe, onion, aloe);
  • essential oils (fir, pine, eucalyptus, orange, lavender);
  • anti-inflammatory agents based on chamomile, calendula, sage;
  • mucolytic drugs that thin mucus and eliminate swelling (acetylcysteine);
  • drops with silver solutions (Collargol, Protargol).

Exist combination drugs having components with multidirectional effects.

Some combination sprays used for rhinitis.

name of the drug Components action dosage contraindications a course of treatment
Rinofluimucil acetylcysteine, tuaminoheptane mucus thinner, decongestant, anti-inflammatory 2 sprays into the nasal passage, 3-4 times during the day age up to 3 years, heart failure, bronchial asthma, glaucoma no more than 7 days
Vibrocil dimethindene, phenylephrine mucus thinner, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, vasoconstrictor 1-2 sprays into the nasal passage, 3-4 times during the day degeneration of the nasal mucosa, diabetes, diseases thyroid gland, age up to 2 years no more than 7 days
Xymelin Extra xylometazoline, ipratropium bromide mucus thinner, anti-inflammatory, analgesic 1 spray into the nasal passage, 3 times during the day age up to 2 years, pregnancy, lactation, hypertension, atherosclerosis, tachycardia, glaucoma until symptoms disappear, but not more than 7 days
Polydexa neomycin, polymyxin B, dexamethasone, phenylephrine bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictor 3-5 times during the day angle-closure glaucoma, taking MAO inhibitors, age up to 2.5 years, pregnancy, lactation, renal failure 5-10 days
Kameton camphor, menthol, chlorobutanol, eucalyptus oil anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anesthetic, sedative 3-4 times during the day age up to 5 years until symptoms disappear

Distraction therapy and warming up

For rhinitis, distraction therapy is often prescribed - warming the feet. To warm up, you should immerse your feet in warm water (+40-45 °C, for teenagers – +38-40 °C). The procedure lasts 10-15 minutes, and every five minutes you need to add boiling water to the bowl of water to maintain the desired temperature.

You can also use mustard plasters to warm your feet. The method of warming up using mustard plasters is simple - you need to place a mustard plaster soaked in warm water on your feet and put a woolen sock on top. Mustard plasters should be kept until the feet do not feel a burning sensation. After removing the mustard plasters, you need to put wool socks back on your feet. The procedure is recommended to be carried out in the evening before bedtime. It is contraindicated at elevated temperatures.

Another method of therapy is heating the nose. It is most convenient to use an ultraviolet lamp for this purpose. If you don't have it, you can use a heated bag of salt.

How to relieve a runny nose

There are many ways to alleviate the patient's condition. For this purpose, inhalations, rinses, as well as drops and sprays containing adrenergic agonists are most suitable. The latter are the most effective. Common names of drugs of this type:

  • Tizin,
  • Nazol,
  • Otrivin,
  • Septanasal,
  • Rinofluimicin,
  • For the nose,
  • Sanorin,
  • Xylometazoline,
  • Oxymetazoline,
  • Naphthyzin.

The principle of their action is based on contraction of the vessels of the mucous membrane, as a result of which its swelling is relieved. After instilling these medications into the nasal cavity, almost instantaneous (within 5 minutes) relief occurs. Duration of action of drugs of this type may be several hours.

A serious disadvantage of adrenergic agonists is a large number of side effects. Long-term use of drugs in this group can lead to degenerative processes in the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. Therefore, they are recommended to be used for no more than a few days (from 3 to 10, depending on the product). In addition, vasoconstrictor drugs are contraindicated in young children and pregnant women. For babies and pregnant women, it is better to use saline solutions for instillation into the nose. Or rinse the nasal cavity.

Nasal rinsing

Nasal rinsing should be done 2-3 times a day. And just a day after the start of the procedures, the patient can feel a significant improvement. Rinsing helps remove stagnant mucus and the bacteria it contains from the nasal cavity, and prevent the re-colonization of the mucous membrane with pathogenic microflora. When washing you can use:

  • isotonic saline solutions or saline solutions (9 g of salt per liter of water);
  • sea ​​water;
  • decoction of chamomile (4 tbsp per liter), calendula (2 tbsp per liter boiled water);
  • eucalyptus tincture solution;
  • medicinal mineral still water.

Adults can rinse their nose using a teapot with a baby pacifier placed over the spout. For children, rinsing should be done using a syringe or syringe. During the procedure, you should hold your breath, tilt your head forward and to the side. The solutions are poured in through the upper nostril, and the liquid should be poured out through the lower nostril. Do not allow liquid to get into your throat. Firstly, a person may choke, and secondly, this creates a threat of spreading infection. The procedure is recommended to be carried out before meals, or an hour after meals.


Inhalations are often used for a runny nose. For this purpose, you can use nebulizers - devices that allow you to spray medicinal solutions in the form of tiny particles. Inhalations using a nebulizer are classified as cold. Acetylcysteine ​​solution and essential oils (cedar, lemon, lavender, etc.) are well suited for inhalation using a nebulizer.

Hot inhalations with steam can also be useful for a runny nose. In addition, not everyone may have a nebulizer at hand. Steam inhalations are quite simple - you need to pour a warm decoction into a large bowl, bend over it and cover your head with a piece of cloth.

Hot inhalations are carried out with:

  • isotonic saline solution;
  • sea ​​water;
  • eucalyptus oil, sea buckthorn, mint, camphor (just drop a few drops of oil into the solution);
  • decoction of calendula or chamomile, sage, pine buds.

In principle, you can use decoctions of any herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Pocket inhalers - breathing pencils with essential oils (eucalyptus, mint, camphor) can also be useful. They can also be used several times throughout the day. They are very practical, as the patient can always have them at hand. Inhaling from such an inhaler allows you to clear your nose for a short time.

To quickly cure the disease, you need to blow your nose from time to time during the day, clearing the nasal passages. But you should remember well - you cannot blow your nose with both nostrils at the same time! This action leads to the reflux of mucus into the nasal sinuses and Eustachian tube and creates the preconditions for the development of acute otitis or sinusitis. Therefore, you should first clean one nostril and only then the other. It is best to use disposable paper napkins for blowing your nose. But ordinary cloth scarves are not suitable, as bacteria accumulate on them.

For any type of runny nose, air humidification is indicated. It is necessary to ventilate the room several times during the day. If rhinitis is accompanied by symptoms of general intoxication of the body - fever, headache, then you can take an antipyretic. As with any colds, for rhinitis it is recommended to consume a lot of water and take enterosorbents to remove toxins from the body.

If the weather is dank or cold, it is best not to go outside and avoid exposure to hypothermia. Only under this condition can we hope to be able to overcome a runny nose at home in the shortest possible time.

The first symptom of a cold is a runny nose. Often, rhinitis occurs as a signaling process that needs to be addressed as quickly as possible. If a runny nose has just begun and you notice a deterioration in your health in time, you need to use methods to protect the body. If you missed the onset of inflammation, rhinitis can provoke the development of sinusitis or sinusitis.

When wondering how to prevent a runny nose when it starts, it is necessary to identify the root cause of inflammation. If it is an infectious inflammation, then you can use methods alternative medicine and drink a decoction of medicinal herbs, and also apply vasoconstrictor nasal drops. In addition, inhalation, foot baths and sprays based on essential oils will help cope with the first symptoms of the disease.

The discharge of mucous secretion from the nasal cavity is almost never an independent inflammation. With dysfunction of the nasal mucosa, the patient feels the release of copious amounts of mucus, difficulty breathing, swelling of the sinuses and other signs. This process occurs due to viral or bacterial spread in the nasal cavity.

Often this process leads to dryness of the cavity, which can provoke a severe deterioration in well-being.

In addition, dryness becomes the root cause of the accumulation of mucous secretions in the sinuses, which provokes the formation of acute or.

It is necessary to treat an incipient runny nose at this stage.

When the process is started, rhinitis can last about seven days. If the patient ignores this phase, the patient increases the risk of developing more complex pathological processes.

What to do if a runny nose starts

To make the patient feel better, you can use various manipulations However, it is important to establish the cause of the runny nose. To do this, apply for a medical certificate and conduct a diagnosis.

To alleviate the patient’s condition in the first stages, it is enough to use the following recipes.


nasal passages with saline solution. You can prepare it yourself at home.

To do this, stir one teaspoon of salt in one glass of warm water and add a small amount of soda.

The solution will help the patient get rid of mucus accumulation and improve breathing.

This method can be used every two hours until complete recovery.


To prevent acute rhinitis, it is necessary to moisturize the nasal mucosa. To do this, use a mixture of tea tree oil and add carrot juice.

The combination of these ingredients will have a beneficial effect on the nasal cavity and improve respiratory function.

  1. To prepare the mixture, you need to peel and grate a small carrot.
  2. Then squeeze out all the juice from the vegetable.
  3. You need to add three drops of tea tree oil to the mixture and stir the medicine thoroughly.
  4. For better effect add three drops of garlic juice to the resulting mixture.

This method must be used every day. Inject three drops into the nasal cavity every three hours.

Natural antiseptics

Use will help prevent inflammation of the mucous membrane natural antiseptics.

Onions and garlic cope best with swelling of the cavity.

To use vegetables for medicinal purposes, you need to grind the products to a paste and then add one hundred milliliters of water.

Add half a teaspoon of honey to the broth and leave the mixture in a dark place for one hour.

Inject the resulting product into the nose, three drops every six hours.

Beet juice

To avoid complications of rhinitis, you can use beet juice. To prepare the medicine, you need to peel a small beet and chop it finely. After this, squeeze the juice from the fruit and put it in the refrigerator until it cools completely.

Decoctions of medicinal plants

At the initial stage of rhinitis, the patient it is useful to take tinctures from rose hips and raspberries, and also drink decoctions of medicinal herbs throughout the day.

It is best to purchase ready-made teas at the pharmacy and take them in small sips throughout the day.


It helps to relieve the patient from signs of rhinitis. It is best to carry out steam treatments based on chamomile, fir, bay leaves, sage and thyme. Add your chosen ingredient to boiling water and inhale the vapors for ten minutes.

At the time of the procedure, the head should be covered with a large towel.

Make sure that the vapors are not scalding. Otherwise, you may cause a burn!

Warming up

If rhinitis develops immediately after a long walk in the cold, perform a nasal cavity test.

To do this, heat a small amount of salt in a frying pan and pour it into a bag.

Wrap the lotion in a napkin and apply salt to the inflamed area.

Keep the cloth pouch on your nose for at least thirty minutes or until the ingredient has cooled completely.

In addition to salt, the patient can use cereals or boiled eggs.

Essential oils

At the first sign of a runny nose, use essential oils. Inhaling eucalyptus, peach, orange and peppermint oils will have an antiseptic and antibacterial effect, and will also strengthen the patient’s overall immunity.

Inhale the scents throughout the day for fifteen minutes per course.


Help prevent rhinitis foot baths. Warm your feet in hot baths with the addition of table or sea salt, as well as a small amount of mustard. Immediately after steaming, put on wool socks and lie down under a blanket.


Get rid of rhinitis at the earliest initial stages not difficult. The recipes listed will have a beneficial effect not only on the nasal cavity, but also on the entire body. Therefore, feel free to use the recipes and be healthy.

Nasal congestion and rhinitis are clear signs of inflammation of the nasopharynx of an infectious or allergic nature. Rhinorrhea, i.e. abundant secretion of nasal mucus, occurs when the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is damaged. Unpleasant symptoms most often occur with colds, sinusitis, sinusitis and other respiratory diseases.

You can cope with rhinorrhea literally within 1-2 days with the help pharmaceutical drugs. But in order to get rid of annoying rhinitis forever, you need to eliminate the cause of its appearance - inflammation. Inflammatory reactions in the nasopharynx can be caused by infection or allergies.

Treatment of snot of infectious origin involves the use of antiviral or antibacterial agents, and allergic snot - corticosteroid and antihistamine drugs.

Treating rhinitis correctly

What to do if you have a runny nose? First of all, you need to understand that rhinitis is just a symptom that can be relieved, not cured. You will be able to defeat a runny nose only if you can establish and eliminate the true cause of its occurrence. Most often, pathogenic or allergic agents act as provocateurs of inflammation in the nasal cavity. Therefore, rhinorrhea in 96% of cases accompanies ARVI, sinusitis, sinusitis, allergies, etc.

If a runny nose appears in the spring or summer, most likely the cause is a banal allergic reaction to pollen. In this case, rhinorrhea can be treated with antihistamine nasal drops and corticosteroids. To avoid relapses of allergies, it is advisable to identify and immediately eliminate the causative allergen.

How to recover within 24 hours? The appearance of rhinorrhea due to hypothermia indicates the development of so-called catarrhal rhinitis. Adenoviruses are most often the cause of inflammation in the nose. In this case, vasoconstrictor drops or sprays will remove nasal congestion and mucous discharge from the nose, and antiviral medications will remove the infection itself.

Now a little about how to stop chronic rhinitis. A persistent runny nose usually occurs as a result of the development of bacterial flora in the nasal cavity. Therefore, treatment of snot is often carried out using antibacterial agents and physiotherapeutic procedures. Antimicrobial medications will help destroy pathogenic flora, and physical therapy will help restore the integrity of the nasal mucosa.

Treatment options

How to quickly cure a runny nose? There are many pharmaceutical drugs and alternative medicines that can be used to cure rhinorrhea. They are conventionally divided into three categories:

  1. conservative - treatment of a runny nose with medications, inhalations, sanitizing and thermal procedures (foot baths, compresses);
  2. surgical - excision of tumors in the nose with a scalpel, cauterization fibrous growths liquid nitrogen(cryotherapy);
  3. folk - irrigation of the nasal cavity with decoctions and infusions based on medicinal herbs, instillation of aloe, onion, beet juice, etc. into the nose.

It should be understood that the sooner treatment for rhinitis is started, the less likely there will be complications. If inflammation in the nose becomes chronic, the mucous membranes can grow and the nasal septum can collapse. In this regard, polyps and other benign tumors often form in the nasal cavity. It will be possible to quickly remove a runny nose with complications only after passing surgical treatment, which is sometimes fraught with the development of side diseases.

Delayed treatment of rhinitis increases the risk of developing benign tumors in the nasopharynx 3 times.

Antivirus products

How to quickly cure a runny nose in an adult? Antiviral agents will help eliminate rhinorrhea literally in 1 day. You should only take medications if you are sure that the symptom occurred due to the flu or cold. The classic manifestations of ARVI are:

  • elevated temperature;
  • copious nasal discharge;
  • body aches;
  • muscle weakness;
  • headache.

How to quickly stop the development of ARVI? Most effective treatment A runny nose requires the use of systemic antiviral agents. Their active ingredients are quickly absorbed into the blood and destroy viruses not only in the nasal cavity, but throughout the body.

The following pharmaceutical products will help stop a runny nose in just two days:

  • "Relenza";
  • "Peramivir";
  • "Engystol";
  • "Tiloron";
  • "Arbidol".

In order to definitely stop inflammation in the respiratory system, you need to use etiotropic drugs that directly destroy the causative agents of infection. How to get rid of a runny nose and is it necessary to use homeopathic remedies in the treatment of ARVI? Not all advertised pharmaceutical products are effective. The antiviral activity of homeopathic remedies remains unproven to this day. Therefore, it is advisable to use them only as an addition to medications that really help get rid of a runny nose.

Nasal drops

How to quickly cure snot? Nasal drops and aerosols are first aid for a runny nose. To eliminate inflammation in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses ah, they use intranasal agents that differ in their principles of action. In most cases, treatment of a runny nose and nasal congestion is accompanied by the use of the following types of drops:

  • decongestants (“Tizin”, “Galazolin”) - contribute to the narrowing of blood vessels in the nasopharynx, as a result of which swelling of the mucous membrane and the secretion of nasal mucus are reduced;
  • emollients (“Mentoclar”, “Evkasept”) - moisturize the mucous membrane and accelerate its recovery;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs (“Nazarel”, “Nasonex”) - relieve swelling and relieve inflammation in the nasal cavity;
  • antiviral (Viferon, Grippferon) - destroy rhinoviruses and promote tissue healing in affected areas.

Oil drops (“Pinosol”, “Evkasept”) cannot be used in the treatment of infants, as they can cause an allergic reaction.

How to cure snot without consequences? Rhinorrhea can be treated with vasoconstrictor drops for no more than 5 days in a row. An overdose of drugs negatively affects the structure of the mucous membrane - it causes irritation and hypertrophy. By removing the symptoms of the disease, you can make you feel better, but only temporarily. To definitely get rid of the manifestations of ARVI, it is necessary to use medications of both symptomatic and etiotropic action, i.e. antiviral agents.

Wash solutions

In this section we’ll talk about how to quickly get rid of a runny nose by rinsing your nose. Sanitation of the nasopharynx - effective method fight inflammation in the nasal cavity. If you regularly rinse the nasopharynx with medicinal solutions, you will be able to get rid of rhinorrhea in 2 days. At the same time, the effectiveness of physiotherapeutic treatment largely depends on the choice of drug.

How to properly treat a runny nose of infectious origin? Saline solutions effectively fight viral and bacterial pathogens of respiratory diseases. They flush out most pathogens from the paranasal sinuses and nasal canals, which allows you to quickly get rid of a runny nose and nasal congestion.

How to quickly overcome rhinorrhea? According to practical observations, physiotherapeutic techniques can be used in the treatment of rhinitis of almost any etiology.

They are considered one of the most effective in the treatment of viral, bacterial and allergic inflammation upper airways.

Quick treatment of a runny nose is carried out using the following nasal rinsing solutions:

  • "Furacilin";
  • "Miramistin";
  • "Rotokan";
  • "Aqualor".

Treating a runny nose and nasal congestion with rinsing is only possible for adults and children over 4 years of age.

When and how to treat a runny nose? As soon as you feel swelling in the nasal cavity, which is indicated by difficulty in nasal breathing, rinse at least 4-5 times a day. The saline solution quickly thins the mucus and removes it from the nasal canals, so the snot stops flowing almost immediately.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis

How to quickly cure a runny nose of an allergic nature? Since the cause of rhinorrhea is hypersensitivity to a specific allergen, first of all, it must be identified and eliminated. Until you protect yourself from irritating agents, treatment of a runny nose will be ineffective.

How to get rid of snot? You can quickly recover from a runny nose with the help of antiallergic and anti-inflammatory drugs of local and systemic action. Regardless of which allergen caused the inflammation, pathological reactions in the mucous membrane can be quickly and effectively eliminated with the help of the following drugs:

  • antihistamine systemic drugs - “Suprastin”, “Claritin”;
  • stabilizers of mast cell membranes (cromones) - “Ifiral”, “Cromohexal”
  • antiallergic nasal drops - “Reactin”, “Allergodil”;
  • intranasal corticosteroids - Beconase, Fluticasone.

Irrational treatment of the runny nose in adults with the help of hormonal agents is fraught with a decrease in local immunity and the subsequent development of mycoses.

How to effectively treat allergies? Taking antihistamines - quick way getting rid of allergic diseases. But before you fight a runny nose with anti-allergy pills, you need to make sure they are safe.

To prevent the development of adverse reactions, it is advisable to treat a runny nose in adults with 3rd generation antihistamines. They contain virtually no toxic substances, therefore, getting rid of a runny nose will not result in the patient developing a number of side diseases.

Treatment of chronic runny nose

Chronic rhinitis is a consequence of irrational treatment of colds and rhinorrhea. How to cure rhinitis that has been going on for more than one week? The fight against a runny nose involves the use of antibacterial agents, since in most cases, low-grade inflammation in the nasopharynx is caused by pathogenic microbes. How can you quickly cure a persistent runny nose?

The following will help to effectively cure a runny nose:

  • "Octenisept";
  • "Framycetin";
  • "Bioparox".

How to get rid of a runny nose in the shortest possible time? To quickly stop inflammation in the nasal cavity, it is recommended to use combination medications.

Taking corticosteroids is the best way to cure persistent rhinitis within a week. The most effective drugs in this group include Gikomycin-teva and Polidexa. But before treating rhinitis with their help, it is advisable to consult with an ENT specialist, since hormonal drugs sometimes cause adverse reactions- nausea, irritation of the nasal mucosa, itching and urticaria.

Runny nose – inflammation of the nasal mucosa, in which mucous masses are released and a burning or dry feeling appears. Drops, sprays, ointments and creams, as well as traditional medicine, are used to treat it. With proper treatment it goes away within a week.

Runny nose and its types

A runny nose or rhinitis is perfectly treatable if its type is determined in a timely manner. Lack of proper treatment can lead to sinusitis, otitis or sinusitis, that is, give complications to the organs of smell and hearing.

He can be:

  • A separate disease;
  • Symptom of most infectious diseases(ARVI, flu, sore throat and others);
  • Consequence of injury to the nasal mucosa.

The development of a runny nose is greatly promoted by hypothermia, dust and gas contamination in the air.

Rhinitis is divided into 2 groups, infectious and non-infectious.



Appears with infectious and viral diseases. Has 3 phases.

Phase initial symptoms– itching, burning in the nose, fever, headache.

Catarrhal phase – 2-3 hours after the first phase. There is mucus secretion and difficulty breathing.

The recovery phase is on the 5-7th day of illness. The sinuses are cleared and breathing is restored.


Occurs when the mucous membrane is irritated purulent discharge from the sinuses, congenital deformation of the septum, problems with blood circulation in the mucous membrane.


Proliferation of the mucous and submucosal layer. Mucopurulent discharge appears and breathing becomes very difficult.


With thinning of the mucous membrane. Dryness and crusting appear, and the perception of odors decreases.



Is a reaction to exposure to an allergen. It can be seasonal (in a reaction to flowering, poplar fluff), and year-round if the allergen is dust, pet hair, or certain products. Breathing through the nose becomes difficult, watery mucus and sneezing appear.


Appears when the blood vessels of the mucous membrane dilate. Occurs due to hormonal imbalance, emotional distress, exposure to smoke, gas, and food with spices.


Appears with constant use of vasoconstrictors. The mucous membrane contracts under their action, but then swells with even greater force.


The reasons are mechanical injuries, chemical exposure, frostbite or burns.

  • Learn to blow your nose correctly by closing one nostril and opening your mouth slightly;
  • Avoid contact with irritants (dust, cold air, strong odors, cigarette smoke);
  • When choosing drops or sprays, give preference to herbal-based preparations, for example Pinosol (pine, eucalyptus and mint oil) or Pinovit with a similar composition;
  • Rinse the sinuses with salt water, but not more than 3 times a day, so as not to weaken the protective functions of the mucous membrane;
  • Constantly ventilate the room and humidify the air.

Traditional treatment for runny nose

A runny nose is treated with drops, sprays, ointments and creams. Any drug has contraindications, side effects and the possibility of the body becoming accustomed to it.

According to the effect they provide, drops and sprays are:

  • Moisturizing - Aqua Maris, Aqualor with sea water.
  • Vasoconstrictors (reduce swelling and reduce the amount of mucus) - Naphthyzin, Sanorin, Nazivin, Ximelin, Dlynos, Otrivin.
  • Antibacterial – Bioparox, Isofra.
  • Antiviral – Grippferon.
  • Herbal remedies – Pinosol and Pinovit with pine, mint and eucalyptus oils.
  • Combined (with vasoconstrictor, anti-edematous properties) - Gikomycin-teva.
  • Antihistamines - Vibrocil, Allergodil to relieve allergic rhinitis.

There are ointments:

  • Antiviral – oxolinic ointment 0,25%.
  • Antiseptic - Vishnevsky ointment, tetracycline ointment.
  • Combined - Levomikol, Evamenol with menthol and eucalyptus oil.
  • Homeopathic – Doctor Mom, “Asterisk”, “Thuja” ointment.

Also, when treating rhinitis, inhalations are done over steam or using an inhaler or nebulizer with nozzles.

To do this, use essential oils (eucalyptus, sage, fir, pine) and boiled water or saline solution.

Treatment with folk remedies

Despite the large number of modern antiviral and antibacterial drugs, people do not stop using the advice of traditional medicine.

Here are the most effective ones:

Aloe juice

Use in pure form or diluted with water in a ratio of 3:1. Don't be afraid of a burning sensation in your nose; it goes away after a short time.


Make cuts on a washed Kalanchoe leaf, squeeze out the juice and lubricate the sinuses with it.


Use neat (a small amount in each nostril) or dilute with water to make drops. For greater effect, make infusions with onions, beet juice, horseradish or aloe juice.


Take a small rag bag, heat the salt in a clean, dry frying pan, put it in the bag and apply it to the bridge of your nose. Suitable instead of salt boiled eggs. To avoid burning your skin, place a towel or napkin between your nose and the hot eggs.


Take 1 spoon of squeezed onion juice and 5 drops of olive oil, leave, drop into each nostril.

Take an onion, chop it, add half a glass of water and a spoonful of honey. Infuse, strain and use as drops.

Beet juice

Take 3 tablespoons of beet juice and one spoon of honey, leave and drip 2-3 times a day.


Set fire to one head of garlic, and alternately bring the smoldering head to each nostril.

Treatment of runny nose in children

A runny nose in children is one of the most common diseases and does not always go away quickly. At the first symptoms, treatment should be started immediately to enable the child to breathe freely through his nose and sleep peacefully at night.

First, teach your child to blow his nose well, but gently. Then rinse the nasal passages throughout the day. For 1 glass warm water take half a teaspoon of salt and soda. Rinse with a teapot or saucer, drawing in water through each nostril in turn, holding it for a while and blowing it back out.

If the child is too small or is not good at the procedure, then you can use drops based on sea ​​water– Aqua Maris or Marimer.

The last step is the instillation of drops with a vasoconstrictor effect. For children, plant-based drops are suitable - Pinosol or Delufen, or chemical preparations Nizivin, Naphthyzin, Otrivin.

Very useful tool for children with a runny nose there will be inhalations. They are made both over steam and using an inhaler or nebulizer using special attachments.

Another helpful advice- give the child as much fluid as possible, since when breathing through the mouth, he loses a large amount of moisture and the mucous membranes dry out. And do not forget about ventilation and ensuring the humidity of the room.

During pregnancy

A runny nose in women during pregnancy is very undesirable, like any other disease, especially if it is accompanied by fever.

When it appears, they advise:

  • Drink plenty of fluids;
  • Rinse the nose with saline solution;
  • Gargling with water and soda;
  • Inhalation or breathing over steam;
  • Ventilation and humidification of the room.

Pregnant women should not take antibiotics, alcohol preparations, essential oils, or vasoconstrictors without a doctor’s recommendation.


A runny nose or nasal congestion causes a lot of discomfort for both adults and children. Treatment of rhinitis with early stage It will allow him to get rid of it faster. Rinse your sinuses, ventilate and moisturize the room, and most importantly, choose the right drops, spray, ointment or folk recipes based on the type of runny nose. This will make the treatment effective and less lengthy.

Traditional medicine also offers effective methods to cure a runny nose. There are many recipes based only on natural ingredients. The very first aid when you feel a runny nose approaching will be the following:

  1. Take two mustard plasters, apply them to your feet, and put on socks made of natural wool on top. Leave them for 2 hours, then walk for a minute at a fast pace and go to bed.
  2. Draw an iodine mesh on the heels, put on socks with mustard sprinkled in advance.
  3. Drop 2-3 drops of aloe juice into your nose every day.

Inhaling the vapors of crushed garlic and onions helps to quickly cure a runny nose. These vegetables can simply be added to food or used for nasal drops. For this you need onion or garlic juice:

  • Peel the onion or garlic head;
  • then finely chop with a knife or grate, then squeeze through several layers of gauze;
  • if necessary, you can dilute the juice with water in a 1:1 ratio;
  • Instill the finished product into the nose, 1-2 drops for each nostril up to 3 times a day.

Horseradish and mustard

These products have a pungent odor that helps cure a runny nose quickly. They have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane, causing severe sneezing, and as a result, the nose is cleared of mucus. Fresh horseradish must be crushed using a meat grinder, then add a little mustard, and then breathe over their vapors. These products can simply be consumed as additional food.

It is better to prepare carrot or beet juice before instillation. The product should be used 3-4 times a day, 1-2 drops in each nostril. Recipes for making drops:

  • chop and squeeze carrots or beets to get 100 ml of juice;
  • mix them with honey in a 3:1 ratio.

Aloe and Kalanchoe juice

Drops are prepared from the juice of these medicinal plants. They are instilled into the nose up to 3-4 times a day. An additional component in this folk remedy is honey, but it is contraindicated for allergy sufferers. Preparing the drops is simple - you need to squeeze 2-3 tsp from the leaves of aloe and Kalanchoe. juice Then a little honey is added to them. The finished product should be dripped 2 drops into each nostril.

Many grandmothers know how to treat a runny nose using folk remedies, which are very effective and will help get rid of the disease quickly and without complications.

  • Juice from fresh Kalanchoe leaves quickly relieves nasal congestion. To extract juice from a plant, simply crush it. The juice is instilled into the nasal passages every 2 hours; if during the first procedure a strong burning sensation is felt, you can further dilute the Kalanchoe with boiled water.
  • Many people recommend using onions to get rid of a runny nose, but everyone has their own methods of treatment. Some people advise inserting onion pieces into the nose, others bury its juice. Doctors are against such treatment. The fact is that you cannot insert anything into your nose; when you inhale, the object can get into the respiratory tract and get stuck there, and onion juice in its pure form can burn the mucous membrane. It is much better to do onion inhalations; to do this, you need to grate the onion and put this pulp in gauze. Bring it to your nose and inhale. Onions have an antimicrobial effect and make breathing easier.
  • Honey and propolis are good for curing a runny nose. Liquid honey is diluted 1:1 with water and dropped into the nose. You can apply honey to a cotton swab and place it in your nose. Propolis tincture will help stop inflammatory process, many even use it to treat sinusitis. You can prepare an alcoholic tincture of propolis yourself or buy it ready-made at a pharmacy. It needs to be diluted with water, like honey, and dropped into the nose. Treatment of a runny nose with honey and propolis is contraindicated for people with allergies to bee products.
  • An iodine network is drawn on the wings of the nose and in the sinuses. This procedure will help get rid of congestion in the sinuses and relieve inflammation.
  • To treat a runny nose, chamomile decoction is used, and it can be taken both internally and externally. Chamomile tea- a good anti-inflammatory drug; when you have a runny nose, you drink it hot, and wash your sinuses with a warm decoction.

There are many ways to get rid of a runny nose, the main thing here is not to be lazy and follow the instructions. Don’t forget about vitamins and rest, because the body needs strength to recover quickly. Fruit drinks made from fresh or frozen berries are the best natural vitamin complex, and a calm and sound sleep is the most good way treatment of any disease.

Since the treatment of such a disorder requires more than just taking medications, it is important to follow these recommendations:

  • drink more fluids, this is required so that the sputum does not become thick, which can become an indirect cause of the formation of a focus of inflammation and the subsequent development of sinusitis;
  • keep your feet warm all the time, avoid being in drafts;
  • if it occurs cold runny nose, which is superimposed on an allergic one, preference should be given to universal drops and take antihistamine tablets;
  • do not drip only vasoconstrictor drops all the time, as this can ultimately lead to addiction and severe depletion of the vascular network of the nasopharynx, which in turn leads to bleeding and chronic runny nose;
  • you can warm your nose only in the first days of symptoms; during the rest of the period, such manipulations can lead to the spread of bacteria and an instantly developing inflammatory process;
  • at allergic rhinitis You cannot warm the nasal cavity, as this will still not give any effect.


The drug is available in tablet form and is an improved version of the classic Loratadine. You can take Tavegil situationally or in courses if the runny nose is permanent. Taking into account the development of symptoms, it is recommended to take 1-2 tablets of the medication without taking into account food intake. If taken as a course, Tavegil should be taken for 14 days.


Broad-spectrum drops that help eliminate symptoms of allergic rhinitis, swelling of the mucous membranes and make breathing easier. When using Vibrocil in adults, you need to instill 2 drops into each nostril, it is better to do this while lying down to give active substance quickly spread throughout the inflamed nasopharynx. You can do up to 4 instillations per day. Treatment is not continued for more than two weeks.


Nasal drops with a pronounced decongestant effect. Usually used according to the classical scheme, which involves the appointment of one irrigation of the nasal cavity twice a day. The procedures are carried out in the morning and before going to bed. The exact course of use of Allergodil is determined individually for each patient.


Available in the form of a spray and drops; the first form of the medication is recommended for adult patients. The spray can be regular or contain menthol, which enhances the result and significantly makes breathing easier. Irrigation of the nasal cavity is required 1-3 times a day, taking into account the severity of the disease. Only one press is made into each nostril. The recommended duration of therapy cannot exceed one week.


This well-proven spray copes even with severe nasal congestion due to a runny nose. Dries and reduces the activity of the mucous membrane, which allows you to eliminate the problem with the nose for up to 12 hours. Use Otrivin spray no more than three times a day, one press into each nasal passage. The recommended course of therapy is 5-7 days. When using, it is recommended to first clean the nose with saline solution. Nazivin is taken according to the same treatment regimen.


An excellent remedy for suppressing a runny nose, which can have a complicated course. To achieve the required therapeutic effect, Sanorin spray must be used three times a day, one irrigation at a time. The composition of the drug includes eucalyptus oil, which facilitates breathing and has a good antimicrobial effect. With prolonged use it becomes addictive. You should not use Sanorin spray for more than 7 days.


Also available in the form of spray and drops. When choosing the first type of Oxyfrin, you need to do one irrigation of each pass 2-3 times during the day. Drops are also instilled no more than three times a day, 2 drops in each nostril. You can use Oxyfrin for one week. It is strictly forbidden to combine it with other vasoconstrictors.

Tizin Xylo

The drug has a rapid spectrum of action, but cannot be used in patients with diabetes. After contact with the mucous membrane, it has a rapid astringent effect and reduces the activity of bacteria. Can be used at the same time as antibacterial agents. Treatment involves 2-3 irrigations of the nasal cavity, one injection at a time. The last procedure is best done before going to bed. Treatment can be carried out within 7 days.

This drug can be used only for acute attacks of rhinitis and at the stage of development of sinusitis. It is produced in the form of an aerosol, which instantly envelops the mucous membrane, preventing pathogenic bacteria from repopulating it. Taking into account the severity of the condition, patients are prescribed 2 nasal irrigations 3-4 times a day.

The main active ingredients of the drug are tuaminoheptane sulfate and acetylcysteine. Suitable for use with vasoconstrictor drops. With this combination, it is necessary to develop a more precise treatment regimen to avoid side effects and severe dryness of the mucous membrane.

carrot juice

Methods for treating a runny nose depending on its cause

A runny nose may or may not occur against the background of any disease. apparent reason, but this reason is always there. Depending on it, rhinitis - this is the scientific name for a runny nose - is divided into several types:

  • Infectious: appears when the body comes into contact with bacteria or viruses.
  • Vasomotor: This is the name for an excessive reaction of the mucous membrane to irritants, when, due to cold or strong odors, your nose begins to run.
  • Allergic: the cause of a runny nose is contact with allergens.
  • Drug-induced – develops with the abuse of vasoconstrictor drugs, so they should not be used for more than 10 days in a row.
  • Atrophic or hypertrophic - occurs, respectively, with atrophy (depletion) or hypertrophy (overgrowth) of the mucous membranes and bone forms of the nose.

There are other causes of rhinitis - mechanical damage(trauma), excessive dryness of the air in the room, entry of a foreign object into the nasal passages. Depending on what exactly caused the runny nose, various methods of treating it are used. At allergic rhinitis It is pointless and even dangerous to use antibiotics, and with a foreign object in the nose, vasoconstrictor drops are unlikely to help.

Is therapy needed for a runny nose? There is an opinion that if it is treated, it will go away in a week, and if not, then in seven days. This is only partly true: if your immune system is strong enough or if you are seeing a doctor for an underlying illness, a runny nose is likely to go away on its own. Otherwise, the body will need help, otherwise there is a high probability of developing complications.

One of the most common is allergic rhinitis. In this case, only specific antigen therapy helps. It lasts for about 3 months. During this time, the patient is injected with an allergen into the blood, but in a minimal dosage, which is gradually increased. It helps immune system get used to this substance and no longer perceive it as a foreign compound.

You definitely need to know how to properly treat a runny nose caused by a viral infection. In this case there are no universal means for etiotropic therapy. For the flu, it is recommended to use Tamiflu or Relenza. If a runny nose is caused by a cytomegalovirus infection, then Famvir or Ganciclovir is required.

These antiviral drugs will suppress viral infection. Additionally, medications from the group of immunomodulators are prescribed to strengthen the immune system and direct its action against a specific infection. Additionally, it is allowed to use funds symptomatic therapy. Saline solutions for rinsing the nasal cavity and vasoconstrictor drops are prescribed.

Treatment of the runny nose in adults, when it is caused by a bacterial infection, is carried out with the use of systemic antibiotics. Neither antiseptics nor drugs from the group of immunomodulators will help against such a scourge. There are antibiotics in tablet form and in the form of drops. But they are not allowed to be used for long - up to a week.

Some people wonder how to treat a runny nose that is caused by drug-induced rhinitis. In this case, etiotropic therapy has not been developed. The only option is to stop using vasoconstrictor drops. Additionally, you can use rinsing solutions that contain iodine.

Possible complications

The viral nature of rhinitis can affect the entire nasopharynx, descend into the bronchi, lungs

The likelihood of complications increases as effective treatment is delayed. If you ignore a runny nose or home treatment does not give results for more than 10 days, this is a direct indication for visiting an ENT doctor. An untreated runny nose easily becomes chronic, and signs of sinusitis and laryngitis appear. The viral nature of rhinitis can affect the entire nasopharynx, descending into the bronchi and lungs.

If nothing is done about rhinitis, inflammation from the nasal cavity will spread further. Complications include:

  • Chronic rhinitis: from acute stage the disease becomes chronic, accompanying the person constantly.
  • Sinusitis: Inflammation spreads to the sinuses located near the nose.
  • Otitis: germs travel through the auditory tube to the middle ear.
  • Pharyngitis and laryngitis, followed by tracheitis and bronchitis: when the larynx and pharynx become inflamed, and then the pathogens penetrate further into the respiratory tract.

To prevent such consequences from occurring, a runny nose must be dealt with in a timely manner. Which drugs and folk remedies are harmful and which are useful?

Means for cleansing the nasal cavity from runny nose

The main task is to relieve swelling and inflammation, liquefy secretions, and remove them from the nasal passages.

Oil drops

At the first stage of a runny nose, the nose is stuffy due to severe swelling, there is a feeling of fullness and burning in the bridge of the nose, and there is almost no discharge. Vasoconstrictor drugs (Nazol, Nazivin, Galazolin) relieve symptoms, but do not have a therapeutic effect. In some cases, they can even cause nosebleeds. You can use them occasionally if there is an objective need to quickly ease your breathing.

Treatment is best done with drops on oil based: Pinosol, Kameton, Pinovit, Vitaon, Sanusan, Eucasept. Includes: natural oils coniferous plants, which have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, as well as eucalyptus, mint, sea ​​buckthorn oil, vitamins. Such drugs act a little slower than vasoconstrictors, but, unlike them, they have a therapeutic effect and do not dry out the mucous membrane.

Treat severe runny nose will help with purulent discharge nasal ointment"Bactroban".

Nasal rinsing

When oil-based drops provoke the release of mucus, it is necessary to remove it in a timely manner, best by washing. For this, special seawater-based products are used:

  • Aquamaris;
  • Aqualor;
  • Dolphin;
  • Quicks;
  • Otrivin sea;
  • No-salt;
  • Marimer;
  • Morenasal;
  • Humer.

They are easy to use: just irrigate the nasal passages, then clear them of mucus.

You can also use regular saline solution or prepare a rinse yourself: dissolve 1/2 teaspoon of sea or regular iodized salt in a glass of warm water.

As aids Usually a small teapot or syringe is used.

Washing technique:

  • Draw up the solution with a syringe and carefully pour it into the nostril. It is better to orient the jet along the lower wall of the nose, since the area at the top is very sensitive;
  • breathe calmly for 1-2 minutes (during this time the mucus will dissolve) and blow your nose.

Rinsing with a teapot: lean to the side and carefully pour the solution from the spout into the upper nostril. Liquid should flow out from the bottom.

These procedures cleanse the mucous membranes of pathogenic organisms and secreted secretions, and also improve the functioning of epithelial cilia. If you perform these manipulations 3-4 times a day, you can cure even a severe runny nose in an adult and a child in 2-4 days.

Antiviral agents are created on the basis of interferons - proteins that are friendly to the human body, helping to set up the immune system to fight infections. These include: drops “Grippferon”, “Nazoferon”, suppositories “Viferon”, “Kipferon”, tablets “Remantadine”, powder “Ingaron”.

Immunomodulatory drops can be used not only for a severe runny nose, but also to prevent infection during epidemics or when visiting public places.

TO antibacterial drugs include Bioparox, Framycetin, Fusafyungin sprays, nasal drops and Mupirocin ointment.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the nasal remedy “Derinat”, which has antiviral and antibacterial effects, and also has an immunostimulating effect. The drug can be used for a long time.

Signs by which you can recognize the type of infection:

  • viruses provoke the separation of clear mucus, and bacteria usually produce a cloudy secretion with a greenish or yellowish tint;
  • the viral infection is not limited to the nasal passages. It affects the throat and can go down into the bronchi, causing a cough. There is general weakness, loss of appetite, muscle aches;
  • bacterial runny nose does not cause a significant increase in body temperature;
  • The viral infection develops quickly, but the illness does not last long.


A severe runny nose can be cured with homeopathic remedies. However, their effect on each organism is individual. In some cases, monotherapy may not be useful.

In pharmacies you can mainly find two drugs: Euphorbium compositum drops and Edas-131. These drugs have an anti-inflammatory effect, stop allergic processes, promote the regeneration of the mucous tissues of the nasal passages and do not dry them out. They also do not cause irritation or vasoconstriction. The effect may occur only on the third day of use, but will be stable and progressive.

  1. Garlic. You need to clean the clove and chop it. Then inhale its fumes. Garlic has bactericidal properties, so it will relieve a runny nose. In addition, it dries out the mucous membrane. It is recommended to include the product in your diet. It is recommended to chop a few cloves and place them on a plate and place them near the patient. This will help quickly eliminate a runny nose.
  2. Onion. It also dries out the mucous membrane and is a natural antibiotic. You need to peel a small onion and chop it finely, and then inhale the fumes. Be sure to eat more of this product during illness. This will help you quickly recover from a runny nose.
  3. Mustard. It is recommended to eat it. It will irritate the mucous layers and provoke sneezing, so that the body will quickly get rid of accumulated phlegm.
  4. Horseradish. You also need to eat it. The action is the same as that of mustard.
  5. Balm “Star”. This is one of the most famous balms. They are recommended to apply under the nose 3 times a day. This is an excellent way of both treatment and prevention.
  6. Aloe. The juice of this plant is used in the form of drops. It needs to be mixed with honey and then instilled 2 drops for an adult and 1 drop for a child. Repeat the procedure up to 5 times a day. This method is prohibited for people who suffer from an allergic reaction.
  7. Kalanchoe. You need to mix fresh leaf juice with honey (take both components in equal parts). Then apply the resulting mixture to your nose 4 times a day.
  8. Carrot. The fresh juice of this root vegetable is used. It will irritate the mucous membrane, so that the person sneezes often. This will speed up the process of sputum release.
  9. Beet. Fresh juice is used. The action is the same as the previous remedy.
  10. Salt. It is used for preparing water saline solution, which is used to rinse the nasal cavity. Be sure to carry out this procedure before instillation. Excellent replacement for other drugs of this type. It is best to use sea water. You can also heat regular salt in a frying pan, pour it into a bag made of natural fabric and apply it to the bridge of your nose.

All of these remedies are very effective.

If you have problems with your nose, you need to choose a nasal spray. It is a 0.9% sodium chloride solution, which has a disinfectant effect and a slight astringent effect. Used to rinse the nasal passages due to severe congestion. During rinsing, you need to do 2-3 irrigations of each pass and blow your nose well.

Aqua Master

The drug restores the patency of the nasal passages, stimulating correct breathing and speeding up the healing process. Main active substance The drug is also sodium chloride, which also enhances tissue regeneration due to severe irritation. Aqua Master should be used 5 times a day or as mucus accumulates. Treatment is continued until full recovery mucous membrane. Aqua Master is sprayed into the nose twice and the phlegm is blown out well.

What not to do when you have a runny nose

Agave (aloe) is famous for its anti-inflammatory properties, and honey for its immunostimulating effect. To prepare the drops, mix freshly prepared aloe juice with liquid honey in equal proportions. Place 2 drops of the healing potion into each nasal passage 2-3 times throughout the day.

Chop the onion on a fine grater, pour 2 dessert spoons of the gruel with a quarter glass of warm water. Insist medicine for half an hour, then strain. Mix the resulting liquid with 5 ml (about half a teaspoon) of liquid honey. Place 1-2 drops of the healing potion into the left and right nasal passages 3-4 times a day.

Beetroot juice is good for chronic runny nose with purulent discharge. Grind the beets in a blender or on a fine grater, squeeze out the juice through a gauze filter. Let the liquid sit for 3-5 hours. Mix beet juice with an equal amount of boiled water, cooled to room temperature.

If you need to find out how to effectively cure a runny nose at home, then it is definitely recommended to carry out several procedures. First, you need to warm your feet. A hot bath helps a lot. Needs to be dissolved in a bowl of water sea ​​salt. Allowed to add mustard powder. Then keep your feet in this liquid for no more than 20 minutes. After this, put on wool socks. Before going to bed, it is recommended to place a heating pad under your feet. You can forget about your cold in 2-3 days.

Secondly, you need to drink more warm and hot liquids. For example, tea will do. You can add lemon and honey to it. Various decoctions and infusions based on herbs and berries are very useful. You can cook compotes and jelly. Mineral water is also suitable, but it should be still.

Thirdly, it is recommended to carry out steam inhalations. They will help quickly cure a runny nose. For example, you can use decoctions based on chamomile, eucalyptus, mint, and calendula for the procedure. You can also add essential oils to the water. You can also boil the potatoes, cover with a towel and breathe in the steam. The procedure should not take more than 15 minutes.

Fourthly, it is recommended to warm up the nose. To do this, you need to boil an egg and apply it to the bridge of your nose. Hold until the product has cooled completely. The same can be done with potatoes (cook them in their skins). The only contraindication is purulent sinusitis.

To get rid of a runny nose in a short time, you must adhere to complex therapy, which includes several treatment methods. They involve the use of:

  • medications – pharmaceutical symptomatic drugs (vasoconstrictors, decongestants, antihistamines);
  • systemic drugs - antiviral or antibacterial;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures - steam inhalation, nasal rinsing, warming up the feet;
  • traditional methods - instilling the juice of aloe, Kalanchoe, carrots, beets, onions and drinking decoctions of medicinal herbs.

The basis for the treatment of a runny nose are local medications. These can be drops or sprays. The latter are especially in demand due to the reduced consumption of drugs, which is due to the uniform distribution of the drug. In addition to local medications, the doctor may prescribe systemic medications. The same applies to viral and bacterial infections– a runny nose with them is only one of the symptoms, therefore, in order to get rid of it, it is necessary to treat the disease itself.

The product is prepared from a glass of warm water and 0.5 tsp. salt. If the cause of your runny nose is a cold and not an allergy, then you should add a whole teaspoon. You can add a couple more drops of iodine. The procedure must be carried out up to 3-4 times a day. Having closed one nostril, you need to draw in the saline solution with the other, then it is released through the nasal passage that was pinched. Instead of a self-prepared saline solution, you can use pharmaceutical preparations:

  • Aqualor;
  • Aquamaris;
  • Quicks;
  • Morenasal spray;
  • Humer.

This method of quickly curing a boring runny nose is also called aromatherapy. The essence of the procedure is that you need to breathe vapors over a pan with just boiled hot water. First add a few drops to it essential oil eucalyptus, mint, pine needles or orange. It is better to do the procedure before bedtime, so that you can immediately go to bed. You should not go outside for half an hour after inhalation in the summer and an hour in the winter.

At the first sign of a runny nose, it is recommended to warm your feet with warm baths. They increase blood flow in lower limbs, as a result of which the outflow of intercellular fluid from the nasopharynx is stimulated. This makes breathing easier and increases the permeability of the nasal passages. The bath procedure goes like this:

  • hot water with a temperature of 36-38 degrees is poured into a basin, then 20-30 g of dry mustard are added to it;
  • keep your feet in this bath for about 7-15 minutes, periodically adding liquid from the kettle;
  • To prevent hypothermia after the procedure, you must lubricate your feet with warming ointment and wear woolen socks.

Regardless of the cause of a runny nose, doctors advise primarily using non-drug methods of treating it. For example, in case of viral diseases, it is recommended to drink more warm liquid. This also works for rhinitis: warm or hot tea, compote, fruit juice (especially lingonberry or cranberry) will help you breathe.

It is useful to drink a lot - a lack of moisture in the body increases the viscosity of mucus in the nose, and bacteria and viruses live much more comfortably in thick mucus; a runny nose quickly leads to complications. Therefore, drink as much as possible, and also rinse your nose with a salt solution - either saline from a pharmacy or homemade, keeping the same salt concentration of 0.9% (this is 0.25-0.5 teaspoon of salt per glass of water, stir thoroughly ).

The rinsing procedure is as follows: using a syringe or syringe, pour a little warm solution into one nostril, and then tilt your head (not too much so that the solution does not enter the ear or sinuses) so that this solution pours out of the other, passing through the nasopharynx . Breathe through your mouth.

Even if you are contraindicated to rinse your nose or you are afraid to do it, your nose can and should be moisturized. To moisturize the mucous membranes of the nose, products based on sea water are often used: “Aqualor” or “Aquamaris”. In addition, the cause of dry mucous membranes, and therefore partly a runny nose, may be too dry air in the room where you sleep or work, this is especially true in winter, when the heating is on and the windows are closed. Open a window and you'll quickly feel more comfortable breathing. Don't forget to dress warmly or cover yourself with a blanket.

If you have an inhaler, use it; mineral water (without gas) or the same saline solution will ease a runny nose. If you don’t have an inhaler, plain water in a pan will replace it. Heat it until steam begins to form and breathe over it. Make sure that the steam is not excessively hot, otherwise you can burn the mucous membrane.

Add a few drops of essential oil to the water: eucalyptus, thyme, fir, rosemary, sage, tea tree, lemon or mint, but only if you are not allergic to them. Sometimes a runny nose may go away already at this stage. If the immune system is strong enough, it will quickly deal with rhinitis. However, in many cases, the body requires additional support in the form of medications appropriate to the cause of the runny nose.

Most often, therapy begins with vasoconstrictor drugs. They differ in their duration of action: phenylephrine and naphazoline work up to 6 hours in a row, xylometazoline up to 10 hours, oxymetazoline up to 12 hours. As the name suggests, these medications constrict the blood vessels in the nose, acting locally, as a result of which the swelling of the mucous membrane subsides, the mucus itself begins to be produced less intensely, and the person is able to breathe freely.

Relief comes very quickly, but here lies the catch. As soon as the effect of the drug stops, the swelling will return again; these medications do not cure, but only relieve the symptoms of a runny nose. In addition, such drugs are not harmless, they are addictive, so when using them it is extremely important to follow the dosage and regimen. The maximum duration of their use without consulting a doctor is 7-10 days.

If you have an allergic rhinitis, first of all try to limit contact with the allergen. If this does not help or is impossible, antihistamines are used, drugs that block the work of histamine. This neurotransmitter plays a major role in allergic reactions. It is he who is responsible for itching, burning, swelling, runny nose and other signs of intolerance to something.

Antiallergic drugs interfere with its action, thus reducing the intensity of allergy symptoms, including a runny nose. The World Health Organization distinguishes three generations of antihistamines, noting that the older the drug, the greater the likelihood of addiction to it or side effects. Table 1 provides examples of drugs and active ingredients. Table 1


When to go to the doctor

Make an appointment if:

  • the runny nose has not gone away in 7-10 days, and what you do to get rid of it does not bring you relief;
  • vasoconstrictor drugs 4-5 days after the start of treatment for a runny nose no longer help;
  • in addition to the runny nose, pain around the nose, throat or ears has been added, the temperature has risen, and there is often a headache;
  • the area around the nose began to swell;
  • The discharge from the nose began to smell strange and acquired an unusual color.

Any of these points means that your runny nose is out of your control. An otolaryngologist will find out the cause of your runny nose and adjust your therapy so that you feel better soon.