How to test your liver at home test. How to quickly check the condition of a person’s liver at home. Characteristic signs of liver problems

How to check the liver if there is a suspicion of serious illness this the most important body? Liver problems may for a long time go unnoticed, since there are no nerve endings in its tissues and pain syndrome manifests itself already in the last stages of the lesion, when the organ increases in size, becomes deformed and begins to put pressure on its own membrane (Glissonian capsule).

Today we’ll talk about how to check the condition of the liver, what tests need to be taken and for which alarming symptoms pay attention to seek medical help in a timely manner.

Characteristic signs of liver problems

The liver is the main filter of our body. This is the largest gland, which plays an important role in the processes of digestion and metabolism, is responsible for cleansing the blood of allergens, toxic and poisonous compounds, and is a kind of “depot” in which reserves of glycogen, vitamins, and microelements necessary to provide the body with energy are deposited. The list of its functions includes the neutralization and removal of excess hormones and vitamins from the body, regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, synthesis of cholesterol, lipids, bilirubin, as well as bile and other hormones and enzymes involved in the digestion process.

IN last years Doctors are alarmed to note a significant increase in liver-related diseases. Most often, fatty hepatosis, toxic and alcoholic lesions are diagnosed, the development of which is caused by poor nutrition, bad habits, Unhealthy Lifestyle.

When liver function is impaired, the volume of toxins and other substances increases in the blood. harmful substances and the body literally begins to poison itself. Against the background of intoxication, general health worsens and characteristic complaints appear.


How to check whether the liver is healthy, and what symptoms should alert you and be a reason to see a doctor?

  • Yellowness of the skin and sclera. It is observed due to an excess of bilirubin in the blood. This pigment is formed during the breakdown of hemoglobin, then destroyed and excreted from the body by the liver. In large volumes, birirubin is toxic, and if it is not neutralized and accumulates, this is direct evidence that the liver is not coping with its functions.
  • Discomfort and feeling of heaviness in the right side. These symptoms become more pronounced after a heavy meal with alcohol, consumption of fatty, spicy or fried foods. Subsequently, dull nagging pain appears, which is a direct sign of liver damage.
  • Digestive problems. With liver pathologies, bile production is disrupted, which leads to poor digestion and absorption of food, intestinal irritation, and stool disorders (constipation or diarrhea). At the same time, the color of the feces changes, it becomes discolored and the volume of urine produced.
  • Constant bitterness in the mouth, lack of appetite, nausea. White or yellowish coating on the tongue, the appearance of an unpleasant sweetish “liver” odor.
  • Unexplained weakness, drowsiness, increased fatigue.
  • Irritability, sleep disturbance (insomnia), depression.
  • Bleeding gums, the appearance of hematomas and spider veins on the skin.
  • Increased abdominal volume. The symptom occurs with severe liver damage, while the patient’s abdomen is swollen, but there is no weight gain. A venous pattern appears on the skin in the navel area.
  • Rashes, itchy skin. The skin becomes excessively dry, irritated, constantly flaky and itchy. The itching sensation usually intensifies in the evening, symptoms of dermatitis appear, and allergic reactions occur more often.

If you notice several of the above symptoms, you need to get tested and begin treatment as soon as possible. Which doctor checks the liver, and which specialist should you contact at the initial stage?

First you need to register. He must examine the patient, listen to his complaints and collect the necessary medical history. To make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo a series of laboratory and instrumental studies. According to the results diagnostic procedures make a final diagnosis and refer the patient to specialized specialists - a hepatologist (a specialist in liver pathologies), a surgeon, an infectious disease specialist or an oncologist.

What tests do you need to take to check your liver?

The fastest and in a simple way, allowing to detect damage to liver tissue, is biochemical analysis blood. What does this study provide? Blood biochemistry helps to identify several characteristic indicators indicating dysfunction of the most important organ:

  • Levels of liver enzymes AST and ALT. Their increase indicates the destruction of hepatocytes and may be a sign of hepatitis, cirrhosis or liver cancer. The higher the indicator, the more damaged the organ.
  • Bilirubin. An increase in its level indicates that bilirubin is not excreted from the body, but accumulates in the blood, which leads to obstructive jaundice and may be a sign serious problems with liver.
  • Albumen. A protein produced by the liver. With cirrhosis and other damage to liver cells, its level in the blood decreases.
  • Alkaline phosphatase. An increase in the level of this enzyme may indicate the development of a tumor process in the liver.

In addition, they do a blood test for markers of viral hepatitis, take blood for general analysis. To check the liver and pancreas, an enzyme activity test is performed, the level of gammaglobulin and bilirubin is determined, and feces, blood and urine are examined.

Diagnostic methods

The optimal time for taking tests is in the morning; you need to donate blood on an empty stomach. The day before donating blood for analysis, you must stop drinking alcohol. More accurately see clinical picture A number of instrumental studies will help the disease:

  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the liver. This is a completely painless and safe procedure that allows you to determine the size of the liver, the presence of a tumor or cyst, and clarify the degree of damage to its tissues. The procedure does not require special preparation. However, the day before it is necessary to refrain from consuming foods that cause increased gas formation in the intestines.
  • Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance tomography(MRI). The most modern and informative methods studies that allow you to obtain a multidimensional image of the liver and accurately determine the extent of its damage.
  • Liver biopsy. This is a very unpleasant and painful procedure, it is prescribed only in severe cases, if there is suspicion of malignant tumor or hepatitis C. It is carried out using a needle, which is inserted into the abdominal cavity to take a biopsy for further research.
  • Liver scan (radionuclide). The method is based on the injection of a special contrast agent into a vein, which is carried throughout the body through the bloodstream and penetrates the liver. This allows you to examine the organ using a special scanner and detect the presence of cysts, tumors, determine the size of the diseased organ and the number of affected cells.

How to check the liver for cirrhosis?

How to check liver function if cirrhosis is suspected? The diagnostic methods in this case are largely similar. The patient must donate blood for general, biochemical analysis and markers viral hepatitis,PCR analysis. If necessary, an ultrasound or CT scan of the organ is performed, the method is used radioisotope research(scintigraphy).

Fibergastroduodenoscopy procedures and liver biopsy are prescribed as additional diagnostic measures. Another modern one instrumental method research – laparoscopy. It is carried out under anesthesia. During the procedure, through a small incision in abdominal cavity an optical tube is inserted, allowing not only to examine the surface of the liver and see pathological changes, but also take a piece of tissue for research.

How to test your liver at home?

Doctors urge you to be more attentive to your own health and periodically (at least once a year) undergo examinations in order to promptly identify dangerous pathologies. How to check a person's liver at home? The appearance should be alarming warning signs listed above. In addition, be sure to pay attention to the condition skin. Damage to the liver may be indicated by red “liver” palms, the appearance of excess weight, cellulite, and skin rashes.

With liver problems, the abdomen noticeably increases in volume, bad smell from the mouth, bleeding gums, the tongue is usually coated. Urination becomes more frequent, urine becomes dark yellow or reddish, and stool becomes discolored. The skin becomes too dry, the hair quickly becomes dirty.

In the morning, bitterness appears in the mouth, there is no appetite, and a feeling of nausea occurs. During the day, one is plagued by weakness, drowsiness, and a loss of strength is felt, and at night a person cannot fall asleep and suffers from insomnia. When these sensations are accompanied by constant dull pain in the abdominal area (on the right), heaviness, discomfort after eating, digestive and stool disorders occur, the skin and sclera of the eyes acquire a jaundiced tint - it’s time to sound the alarm and seek medical help as soon as possible.

Check the liver with beets

To make sure that there are problems with the liver, you can do a small test at home. For example, test the liver with beets. This is very easy to do; you just need to eat one boiled beet, preferably in the morning. If the liver is in order, then the urine will turn reddish only after 12-16 hours. If the organ is damaged, you will notice a change in the color of the urine within 3-4 hours.

Liver strips

Another popular method is to use special test strips for the liver, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. This express method is practically no different from a similar test to determine pregnancy. You just need to dip the strip into a jar of urine and watch the further reaction. If the strip reacts, this will confirm that there are problems with the liver.

This strip is sensitive to two liver enzymes - bilirubin and urobilinogen. If their level is elevated, the test will immediately show this. If the organ is healthy, the bilirubin test should be negative. In cases where the level of urobilinogen differs from the norm, circulatory disorders in the liver or thrombosis of the hepatic vein are possible. You should definitely inform your doctor about the test results during your consultation.

Thus, at the preliminary stage, you can assess the condition of the liver yourself. In the future, it is necessary to undergo a full examination and begin treatment as soon as possible.

The website of LIVER TESTS of the Russian Federation contains a 40-second online liver test to check its condition. The operating principle of the check is based on the fact that high level Ammonia levels in the blood reduce alertness. This, in turn, indicates problems with liver function, which does not cleanse the blood of ammonia. In the test you need to connect numbers from 1 to 25 in 40 seconds.

The test takes place without registration.

Video: how to check your liver in 40 seconds?

In addition to the above, liver diseases can be overcome.

It is advisable to take the “Liver Test” first:

1) Drivers

Distracted driving not only leads to fines and road accidents, but can also be a symptom of liver disease.

Scientists have proven that difficulties with attention in drivers may be associated with an increased amount of ammonia in the blood.

This toxin depresses the brain, which leads to weakened attention, feelings of fatigue, irritability, and decreased quality of sleep.

Russian scientists studied a group of 42 men aged 20 to 45 years with at least 3 years of driving experience for 1 year. All of them were found guilty of repeated traffic violations and 3-4 accidents over the past 3 years. At the same time, at the time of the accident, the drivers were not under the influence of alcohol or drugs. An important selection criterion was also the presence initial stages liver disease in each participant.

In addition to being examined by a doctor and undergoing tests, all participants underwent testing, which included an assessment of concentration, memory, intelligence, behavior, coordination of movements, and detection of counting disorders. It turned out that all subjects had increased levels of a toxin (NH₃) in the blood, which reduced concentration and led to traffic violations and accidents. For a year, the subjects received treatment that lowered the level of ammonia in the blood (Hepa-Merz**). As a result, concentration of attention significantly improved, the number of traffic violations significantly decreased, and no road accidents due to the fault of the subjects were recorded during the year.

2) For those who quickly get tired of physical activity.

An increase in NH₃ in the blood leads to the rapid development of fatigue, slow recovery of energy after exercise, and a decrease in muscle mass.

During physical training, ammonia in the blood can increase as a result of excessive exercise, irrational use of drugs and supplements containing amino acids and proteins, as well as in case of liver dysfunction, because the liver is the main filter of the body, cleanses the blood of toxins

3) Suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome.

Liver dysfunction leads to rapid development of fatigue, decreased mood, and sleep disturbances.

4) Those who are experiencing the consequences of an unhealthy diet.

Ammonia increases due to liver dysfunction, because the liver is the body’s main filter, cleansing the blood of toxins.

Regular consumption fatty foods and/or leads to liver dysfunction.

First of all, the main function of the liver is disrupted - cleansing the body of toxins. When they accumulate in the blood, this leads to a deterioration in well-being: increased fatigue, irritability, decreased concentration, and sleep disturbances.

How to take an online liver test with numbers in 40 seconds?

First of all, you need to make sure that you are not tired and there are no distractions around. This is necessary so that the test readings are as accurate as possible.

It is permissible to make a couple of preliminary attempts to understand what and where to press.
You need to sequentially connect circles with numbers from 1 to 25 in 40 seconds or less.
If you click on the next number in a row, its circle will be filled in and connected to the previous one. If you click on the wrong number, nothing will happen.
If you fail the test, reload the page to get the numbers in random order again.

Analysis of the test results "RF Liver Test"

Depending on the execution time, the following results are possible.

1) You didn't have time!
You connected less than 85% of the numbers in 40 seconds. The result may indicate either excessive fatigue or impaired liver function and increased levels of ammonia (an internal toxin) in the body*. It negatively affects nervous system, which manifests itself in decreased concentration, absent-mindedness, drowsiness, and nervousness. If after a few days you are unable to complete the this test c, and/or if you notice the symptoms listed above, please consult a general practitioner and/or gastroenterologist for a liver examination (perform a test to determine the activity of the liver enzymes ALT, AST, GGTP, and, if possible, perform tests blood). Don't put off visiting your doctor! Liver diseases are often asymptomatic!”

2) You're almost there!

You connected most numbers, but did not complete the test 100%. The results may indicate that you were tired during the test, or indicate an increase in the concentration of toxins in the blood due to liver dysfunction*. We recommend that you take the test again in a few days, preferably on the weekend, in the absence of factors causing excessive fatigue. In case of repetition this result You should see your doctor to have your liver examined.

3) You passed the test!

You managed to connect all the numbers and we can say that your concentration and reaction speed are fine, and this may mean that the level of ammonia (an internal toxin that is excreted healthy liver) is normal for you*. However, if you are concerned about any liver-related symptoms (for example: heaviness or pain in the right hypochondrium, yellowing of the eye sclera or skin, belching with a bitter taste, constant feeling weakness and fatigue, worsening sleep), please do not delay your visit to a general practitioner and/or gastroenterologist.

About the website TESTPECHENI RF

In addition to health checks, the Liver Test Point RF website informs about the consequences bad work liver and infection of the body. Also listed is the drug Hepa-Merz (L-ornithine L-aspartate), produced by the Merz company.

A similar diagnosis can also be done at

Attention: the 4heal website is not affiliated with TestLiver of the Russian Federation.
This page contains information describing the test. Copyright belongs to the creators.
Not an advertisement. Not a diagnosis or recommendation. Consult a specialist.

1. Number connection test - psychometric testing, is performed to identify hepatic encephalopathy - a condition that occurs when the liver malfunctions and is associated with an increase in the internal toxin - ammonia - in the blood. Not highly specific. Wunsch T., Rether D.F., Zollner K. et al. Description of the characteristics of the new electronic test connections between numbers in the diagnosis of minimally severe hepatic encephalopathy // European journal of gastroenterology & hepatology. 2017. No. 29 (4). P. 456–463.
2. P.O. Bogomolov, A.O. Bueverov, O.V. Uvarova, M.V. Matsievich, “Hyperammonemia in patients with liver disease at the pre-cirrhotic stage: is it possible?”, Clinical Perspectives on Gastroenterology, Hepatology, No. 5 2013.
3. E. Yu. Plotnikova, M. R. Makarova, T. Yu. Gracheva “Possibilities of using L-ornithine in sports medicine,” Sports medicine: science and practice, No. 4 2016.
4. Vyalov S.S., “Toxins,” ammonia, fatty disease and liver fibrosis,”, 2017.
5. testliver.rf- official site

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In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of liver diseases among people of working age. Every year, more than one million people around the world fall ill with them, and the pathology is often discovered at a stage when it is not possible to cure it completely. U modern man There is not always time to visit a doctor and complete a timely examination. That is why everyone needs to know how to check the liver at home quickly, this will allow the disease to be recognized at an early stage.

In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of liver diseases


Symptoms of diseases are not always easy to recognize even for an experienced doctor. And of course, not everyone knows how to recognize liver disease. Liver diseases have a number of characteristic signs:

  • Decreased appetite.
  • Increased fatigue.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Pain in the right hypochondrium.
  • Abdominal enlargement.
  • Increased bleeding.
  • Digestive disorders.
  • Poor general health.
  • Problems with hormonal levels.

Pain and bruising

The gland itself does not have pain receptors, so pain occurs due to tension in its capsule when the organ increases in size or inflammation spreads to its fibrous membrane. The pain is localized in the right hypochondrium, but in some cases it can be diffuse. The character can be varied - from a feeling of discomfort to sudden attacks of pain. The increase can be determined by palpation of the abdomen. Due to its increased size, its lower edge will extend beyond the right costal arch, which will be noticeable upon palpation. Most often this occurs with cirrhosis or acute infectious diseases when other symptoms prevail over the pain syndrome.

Bruising occurs due to inhibition of the functions of hepatocytes, as a result of which the hemostasis process is disrupted and the walls of blood vessels are weakened. Bruises and hematomas occur even with the slightest injury, slight pressure and during sleep. It becomes difficult to stop bleeding even with a small cut. Wounds and scratches do not heal for a long time and periodically bleed.

Visual cues

One of the most characteristic signs of pathology of this organ is a change in skin color and turgor. Due to the fact that fat metabolism is disrupted, the skin becomes dry, flabby, various peelings appear, and there is a tendency to allergic rashes such as dermatitis and eczema. In addition, there are signs on the body spider veins, areas of hyperpigmentation. A man's appearance takes on feminine characteristics - fat is deposited on the hips, arms become thinner, mammary glands enlarge, and hair loss occurs.

How to test your liver at home

Be sure to pay attention to the appearance of brown spots on your face.

Not everyone knows how to properly check the liver at home. Many people believe that the function of this organ can only be studied in a hospital. However, carrying out simple procedures at home can be quite informative in order to suspect this disease in the human body.

To check the health of the liver, it is necessary to examine the skin. You need to visually examine your skin, evaluate its color, elasticity, moisture, and the presence of allergic foci. The examination should begin with the face, then go down. On the face, be sure to pay attention to the appearance of brown spots, deep wrinkles between the eyebrows, swelling, dark circles under the eyes. On upper limbs It is necessary to pay attention to the axillary area - whether there is darkening of the skin or thinning of the hairline.

Liver function at home can be checked by the presence of darkening of the skin, which is most often localized on the elbows, knees and back of the hands. Incorrect organ function is indicated by bright red spots on the palms of the hands.

The fact that the liver is sick can be indicated at home by the severity of the venous network in the abdomen. If the gland is unhealthy, then the veins are very pronounced and bulge above the surface of the skin. Another sign of the disease is an increase in the abdomen in a relatively short period of time, a feeling of fluid in the abdominal cavity, which will also be noticeable upon palpation.

Hepatic purpura may have different kind and localization - from the smallest multiple pale pink spots to massive bright red lesions. Most often localized on the lower extremities.

Tests at home

Special test strips will help you check your liver condition at home

How can you tell if your liver is healthy using a test? Special test strips will help you check the condition of your liver at home. Their principle of operation is similar to a pregnancy test. In this test, the strip must be placed in a container with urine for a certain time. The strip contains special substances that react to increased levels of certain pigments in the urine (bilirubin, urobilinogen). When interacting with them, the strip changes its color. If the level of these elements is normal, then no reaction occurs. It's very simple and affordable way Find out at home if your liver is healthy.


Palpation of the gland allows you to determine its size, density and structure. Normally, the lower edge of the organ does not extend beyond the costal arch. It should be sharp or slightly rounded, soft, painless and fairly mobile. The structure of a healthy organ is even, smooth, without compactions.

  • If on palpation there is pain in combination with a rounded edge, then this is a sign inflammatory process. This often occurs with viral hepatitis.
  • A lumpy, dense, uneven edge indicates echinococcosis or syphilis. tubercles in in this case are echinococcal blisters or syphilitic chancre.
  • A very dense structure of the gland is observed with cancerous damage to the organ.
  • A firm margin combined with lumpiness indicates cirrhosis. In this case, the tuberosity is formed due to fibrous degeneration and disruption of the lobular structure of the gland.

Who treats and what tests need to be taken

Many people do not know which specialist to contact if they suspect a pathology of this organ. If you have complaints and symptoms, you should contact a therapist who will prescribe basic tests and instrumental studies. This pathology is treated by a gastroenterologist or hepatologist. If the disease has infectious etiology, then this patient is treated by an infectious disease specialist. If cancer is diagnosed, the oncologist takes over the treatment. Depending on the nature of the disease, its course and complications, consultation with other specialists may be required.

The required minimum of tests and studies to assess the functioning of the gland are:

  • Complete blood count - anemia can often be observed;
  • General and biochemical urine analysis - albumin, bilirubin, urobilinogen;
  • Biochemical screening:
    • AST and ALT are an indicator of liver cell death. The more this indicator exceeds the norm, the more hepatocytes are destroyed;
    • Bilirubin is a component of bile, which, in case of organ pathology, enters the bloodstream as a result of the destruction of hepatocytes, which gives the skin a yellow color;
    • Prothrombin index is an indicator of blood clotting, which decreases with liver failure;
    • Proteinogram – to assess blood protein levels;
  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) - allows you to evaluate the structure and size of the organ and the presence of any pathological formations (cysts, tumors);

If a more detailed diagnosis is necessary, the doctor may prescribe additional studies:

  • Biopsy - allows you to identify abnormalities at the cellular level of the lesion. Rarely used due to the risk of complications.
  • MRI is the safest and most painless procedure that allows you to study the structure of an organ in detail.


Symptoms of liver diseases.

It is recommended to confirm suspicions with a special liver test strip before going to the doctor. The principle of action of the product is no different from pregnancy tests: the strip must be dipped into a container with urine. The rapid test is sensitive to 2 liver pigments - bilirubin and urobilinogen. When pathology develops, the indicator will work and show the result, which is interpreted according to the instructions in the instructions. Tests are sold in pharmacies.

For initial determination of the presence or absence of obvious liver disease, you can resort to rapid tests.

Description of the method

An assistant for every person who cares about liver health is a special test strip. The product allows you to conduct a preliminary assessment of liver performance at home, without resorting to blood tests for liver enzymes. You can use the rapid test as an argument for going to a doctor’s consultation. To obtain the result, special indicators are used for specific substances that may be present in the urine. Speaking of the liver, the determination is made by specific liver pigments - bilirubin with urobilinogen. Normally, these metabolic products are produced in quantities insufficient to be detected in urine. Otherwise, pathology should be suspected.

Test strips are used by emergency doctors or hospital emergency room staff when liver problems are suspected and blood can be drawn for laboratory analysis absent. However, the data obtained as a result of rapid testing cannot be considered reliable. They are approximate and therefore require further confirmation of the presence of liver lesions. Indicator tests will not tell you about the specific causes, stage and nature of functional liver damage.

The production of indicators is carried out by large pharmaceutical companies and suppliers of biochemical equipment. Modern functional express strips can determine from 5 to 10 parameters in urine. But there are specific indicators for liver pigments. Popular pharmacy names:

  • "Multistix";
  • "Uribilin";
  • "Uripolian-2";
  • "VMline";
  • "Uriskan".

Are they a substitute for tests?

A rapid test for liver enzymes is widely used among the population and medical staff. In this way, a reliable result is obtained regarding the excess of bilirubin and urobilinogen in the urine. At the same time, the indicators are not affected by the acidity of the biomaterial or the quality of the food taken the day before. But when you see a doctor, you will have to take blood and urine tests, as they give a broader picture of the condition of the liver and the whole body. This will allow the specialist to make a more accurate diagnosis and determine further examination tactics.

What do liver function tests indicate?

Rapid pharmacy tests for the liver do not guarantee a 100% accurate diagnosis.

Normally, there is no bilirubin in the urine, therefore the test strips do not react. With a significant increase in pigment against the background of hepatitis of various etiologies (viral, autoimmune), obstructive jaundice or other organ damage, the indicator appears. With normal overeating or a diet failure, a jump in bilirubin in the urine does not occur, since these failures are not systematic and long-term liver damage. Hence, positive result The indicator indicates an unfavorable state of the gland, which requires consultation with a heaptologist for further examination.

The second pigment to which the liver rapid test reacts is urobilinogen. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that this name is collective, that is, combining several substances that are synthesized by the liver and intestines during the breakdown of bilirubin. Such breakdown products are always present in minimal quantities in feces and urine. Certain reactions also occur in biofluids, as a result of which the substances are transformed again, which gives the discharge a special color and smell. It is by changes in these indicators that one can judge liver dysfunction without the use of sensitive strip testing. For example, liver inflammation caused by hepatitis causes discoloration. feces and darkening of the biofluid.

If the indicator strip reacts to an excess of urobilinogens, the following pathological changes should be suspected:

  • hemolytic type anemia;
  • decomposition of large hematomas;
  • viral or chronic inflammation liver;
  • drug intoxication of liver tissue;
  • alcoholic, toxic damage to the gland;
Express indicators for the liver provide relevant results only for some diseases.

A reaction to liver pigments in urine according to a rapid test for urobilinogens in children indicates the development of chronic constipation, colitis or intestinal obstruction.

Express indicators work for the following vascular diseases:

  • portal vein thrombosis;
  • weakening of blood supply to the hepatic vessels.

There is an opinion that test strips indicate a functional failure in the liver, provoked by gluttony or exposure to environmentally unfavorable conditions. But that's not true. Therefore, deciding whether it is advisable to cleanse the liver at home or go on a diet without consulting a doctor and only based on the results of a rapid test is strictly prohibited. You must first contact a therapist, hepatologist or gastroenterologist to find out the reasons positive reaction test.