How to sell over the phone? Useful tips. Not getting a conversation with the right person

A telephone is a tool, and whether a manager will build an effective dialogue with a potential client or not depends on the ability to use it. Nobody likes when they call him and force him to do something that he doesn’t need at all.

However, cold calling is not a waste of time. They can and should be made effective by hiring the right managers who will not turn the entire process into a banal call. In this article we will look at what cold calling is and the rules for doing it.

What are cold phone calls in sales?

All calls can be divided into two large categories: cold and warm. Warm calls are contact with a client who already has an idea about your company. For example, he had previously purchased a product, or was simply interested in services. The purpose of warm calls is to remind yourself in order to restore cooperation. Warm calls imply that the operator already knows who his buyer is, as well as how to interest him. What then are cold calls?

Another thing is cold calling. Here the operator knows practically nothing about the client. Communication follows a pre-written script. The operator calls the potential customer base and offers the company’s product. As a rule, cold sales have low efficiency, however, sometimes they are the only way to reach the head of the enterprise.

According to statistics, only 1 client out of 100 “gets” hooked by the operator and takes the action he needs, for example, purchasing a product.

In what cases are they used?

B2B is not complete without cold calling. So, this sales technique has just begun to gain momentum. What is it for?

  • for a constant influx of new clients to the company;
  • to announce that it has entered the market new company or service;
  • in order to update the customer base;
  • to select the most promising potential clients.

Video - how to create sales scripts for B2B:

IN Russian practice cold calling is most often used in areas such as advertising, production, wholesale, as well as everything related to real estate.

Advantages and disadvantages

While seemingly ineffective, this telemarketing method has several advantages. Let's look at the main ones.

  • This kind of telemarketing much more effective than distributing leaflets and other printed materials. Moreover, it is through a telephone conversation that you can ask for a personal meeting with the person in charge.
  • Client automatically is in a businesslike mood when communicating on the phone, and this also helps sell a product or service.
  • Telemarketing is effective method conduct research. So, even if the operator was unable to persuade the client to purchase a product or service, then his interlocutor probably answered some questions, based on which a more accurate map of the target audience can be drawn up.
  • The effectiveness of cold calling directly depends on the manager who implements them. So, it can be increased by hiring the right competent specialists.

Video - examples of cold calls for a manager:

Options for organizing sales in the form of calling clients in the database

In order to organize cold calls, you can involve either the managers of your organization, or outsource this process, for example, to a Call Center. Both options have pros and cons.

Your managers

What are their managers good for? They know everything about their product. This way, you won't have to tell them what you're going to sell over the phone. Also, organizing calls to the database with your own staff means minimizing costs, because you do not need to pay a third party. In addition, there are the following nuances when organizing telemarketing using your own employees:

  • Human factor. When making about a third of cold calls, the operator is faced with a negative: the people on the other end of the phone are rude and simply hang up at the most inopportune moment. If you don't want your employees to experience the next few weeks Negative influence nervous secretaries and careless directors, then it is better to outsource cold calling.
  • You'll have to do it yourself create a conversation script, according to which the call will be made.
  • Ordinary managers are most likely not familiar with active sales techniques and therefore, the effectiveness of cold calling performed by ordinary employees will be somewhat less than if you entrusted it to professionals.

Cold calling through regular employees is effective when the client base is small and you are determined to get good returns from telemarketing.

Agreement with a third-party CALL center

Outsourcing a job has several obvious advantages, the main one being efficiency in making calls. Call center operators have developed sales techniques and it is easier for them than company managers to reach the decision maker. The services of a third-party company should be used if the client base for calling is very large and the process will take a long period of time.

You should not assume that since the Call Center employees have no idea about the product being promoted, they will not be able to complete the sale. In fact, in cold calling, it is enough to master the technique of making them, and not information about the product being promoted.

The disadvantage of this method of cold calling is the financial costs, since the services of outsourcing companies are quite expensive.

Cold calling as a telesales technique

Cold calling in marketing is a whole science, which has several sections. So, one of them is the conversation pattern. If you call a company, you will most often end up with a secretary or operator. But how do you get to the right contact person?

Universal conversation pattern

Almost every cold conversation consists of several stages. So, when you call a company, you end up with a secretary. As a rule, more than half of cold calls end here, because a competent secretary will never allow a “sales person” to approach the manager. If the manager successfully bypasses this stage, then he is faced with the following tasks:

  1. Get to know the decision maker and try to establish contact.
  2. Understand what a potential consumer needs. Tell about the company's product or services. Answer all “objections”.
  3. Make an appointment to complete the sale.

Decision maker - what is it in sales?

The decision maker (decision maker) is the person in the company who can approve or, on the contrary, make adjustments to the project. You should not assume that this person must be the director. So, sometimes such a person is the deputy director, commercial director, head of the sales department, or simply the general manager. It all depends on how the hierarchy in the company is built.

It is not easy to find an approach to such persons, however, with a competent conversation, the operator has the opportunity to bring the decision-maker to an agreement on cooperation or at least to the point that he agrees to accept the manager in the office.

Video - how to arouse curiosity in a client in the first seconds of a cold call:

In order to figure out the decision maker in a company, you need to be a “scout”. Your questions to the secretary or trusted person will determine whether you will understand who you should contact in order to have the purchase of your product approved.

The operator must be resourceful and courageous in order to clarify who is making the decisions. This can be done, for example, through the accounting department or the purchasing department. Don’t be afraid to ask the first and last name of the person in charge, this will only increase loyalty to you.

An operator who is trying to convey the importance of purchasing a product must also be a marketer so that his unique selling proposition is truly “unique” and not stolen from competitors.

You should be prepared to explain the benefits to a potential buyer, and, knowing his pains, convey the benefits of purchasing the company’s product.

If these conditions are met, the decision maker will make contact on his own, without waiting for the final part of the manager’s speech.

In order to reach a decision maker, you need skills such as ingenuity, creativity, a fresh look at things, high level communications.

How to bypass the secretary when cold calling

There are many scenarios for bypassing the secretarial barrier. So, the sales manager’s task is to determine which approach will be more effective in communicating with a specific secretary. What can be done to connect the secretary with the decision maker?


In order to get around the secretary, you can use flattery. You should throw a couple of compliments in his direction regarding his professionalism in his work. In most cases, this immediately increases the secretary’s loyalty to the operator, and he will be ready to connect him with the decision-maker.


You can pretend that the director/sales manager/deputy chief himself asked you to call him back. In a dry and insistent tone, you need to introduce yourself to the secretary and say that the decision-maker is really looking forward to a call from him. This technique often works.

Video - 11 techniques for passing a secretary during a cold call:

However, it will not be possible to “recruit” a secretary who is no longer young and experienced. As a rule, on large enterprises the director is “guarded” by a woman of Balzac’s age, who immediately sees through the recruitment attempt. If the operator feels that this method will not help here, then the only option left is to be polite and courteous and ask the secretary for help.


Not everyone can cheat, however, this technique also works. For example, you can call the secretary and say that such and such a company is preparing for the purchasing manager business letter, but cannot find his last name, first name and patronymic, as well as contact information in order to send a business letter. The secretary can not only tell you the name of the person you need, but also give you an email or even a phone number.


Not everyone can apply pressure, but power techniques work great. The main component of this technique is “putting” the secretary in his place. So, after he refuses to connect you with the decision-maker, you should ask who exactly is involved in the decisions, and also clarify that this information will be conveyed to the company’s management. The secretary will return to office and normal face-to-face communication can continue.

You can find out contacts not only from the secretary, but also from other employees of the company. As a rule, they have less contact with “sales people” and it is for this reason that it is much easier to approach them.

Using scripts

A script is a pre-planned sequence of action that is executed as the call progresses. A script can be called a certain scenario where the choice of one or another action depends on the action of the “opponent” (DM or secretary).

Scripts help to conduct a conversation as fruitfully as possible: for example, practice has shown that working with scripts increases the likelihood of a sale by up to 30%.

There are two types of scripts: rigid and flexible. Rigid scripts suggest that there are not many options for the development of events. Hard scripts are used when the product being promoted has many advantages and it would be difficult for a potential client to refuse the operator. For example, you simply offer a huge discount, or some other benefit that your competitors do not have.

Flexible scripts are used when the product being promoted is “complex”. In order to sell it, creative and creative managers are required. There are many options for the development of events and that is why flexible scripts are multivariate.

Work with objections

The decision maker will resist in every possible way to make a positive decision. So, scripts help answer all his objections. For example, a decision maker can say that the company is going through difficult times and doesn’t have any extra cash at the moment, or he can answer simply and clearly, “I’ll think about it,” which is tantamount to “I refuse you.”

Let's look at the most popular scripts to convince the client that his objection is worth nothing compared to the merits of the product.

  • Yes, but along with this

Convince the client that, along with the shortcoming that he has identified, the product has many advantages. For example, if potential client says he heard a lot bad reviews, convince him that positive feedback about the product ten times more.

  • That is why….

Does the potential client want to think about it and suggest contacting you a little later? It is worth answering such a decision maker that this is why you want to meet with him. The decision maker says that the product is expensive? That's why you offer him a trial version or a huge discount.

  • Make the client remember a past bad experience.

For example, he also claims that your services will cost him a lot of money. Ask him if he has ever purchased a cheap product and then still went for the expensive one. Surely he will confirm your guess and it will be even easier to close the decision-maker for sale.


So, cold calling is a labor-intensive, but quite effective way not only to attract new clients, but also to clear the client base of unnecessary counterparties, and also simply to provide a small reminder that your company will always be happy to provide them with services or sell goods.

Cold calls can be made either independently in the organization, or you can outsource this process. Both methods have advantages and disadvantages. Cold calling is only gaining momentum and its popularity as a sales method is growing every day.

Video - tips for cold calling:

» Telesales

© Oleg Tocheny

Telephone marketing
(telephone sales)

Are you a telephone agent and are now going to dial the number of a potential client to offer him a product or service? There's no need to rush. If you act “head-on”, then for your interlocutor you will turn out to be just one of many who bother him with such calls every day. Here you need to use a different tactic, thanks to which you will be able to attract the client’s attention to your offer.

Before starting the conversation, you, of course, have identified a number of companies that could become clients of your company. Find out the name of the company, the name of the contact person, other details and enter it all into the database. Now you need to think carefully about the upcoming conversation. If you write your appeal correctly and manage to arouse interest in yourself, then this company will almost certainly become your client.

Try to put yourself in the client’s shoes and answer the question: “Why, in fact, should I purchase this product?”

There aren't many reasons why people make purchases.

  1. To save money (there is a 20% discount in the store, you need to buy jeans);
  2. In order to earn money (use for the production of other goods, resell);
  3. To save time (for example, the telephone saves time compared to traveling for personal conversations; the car saves time compared to public transport - so people pay to install phones and buy cars);
  4. To support your social status(you need to buy a Mere: the owner of the company is ashamed to drive a Zhiguli);
  5. And the last reason is logical considerations (by purchasing real estate, you make sure that your children will be provided with housing when they grow up).

“Try on” this list to your potential client - and now you can come up with an introduction to the conversation.

Introduction to the conversation

The introduction to the conversation should contain no more than 75 words (otherwise the other end of the line will have time to hang up or find an objection). To do this, you have no more than 45 seconds at your disposal - during this time you must have time to introduce the company and state the reasons why the client may be interested in your offer.

What you have time to say in these 45 seconds is very important. But equally important is HOW you say it. Take care of the correct intonation. You should exude a positive attitude in what you do - smile! Remember that a smile can be “seen” over the phone. If you simply read something out, your interlocutor will also easily understand it. Don't believe me? Check with your friends. So, the first thing is a smile. The second is what you actually have to say.

There are 5 stages that need to be completed in every telephone conversation with a client.

  1. You need to attract the attention of your interlocutor. This can be done with a greeting. As soon as you say: “Good afternoon, Mr. Petrenko!”, you will capture his attention.
  2. Then you should introduce yourself. I don't think anyone should be taught this.
  3. After this, you need to give the name of your company.
  4. Finally, you should say something that will arouse the client's interest in your company.

As a result, you should get something like: “Hello, Mr. Petrenko! You are worried about Mr. Sidorenko from the Service and K company. We offer talking office refrigerators that tell you which products are starting to spoil and need to be used as soon as possible, which employee owns them, and how this employee reacts to the disappearance of his property from the refrigerator. A talking refrigerator will help your company save up to 20% on employee food costs and, consequently, on wages. In addition, this purchase eliminates office duels on kefir bottles.”

5. The most difficult thing: you need to ask a question to which your interlocutor will certainly answer “yes.” For example: “Is your company interested in maintaining employee productivity?” Who can say that his company is not interested in this?

But if Mr. Petrenko still says “no,” apologize, thank him for the time he spent with you, and hang up. After such an answer, it is useless to convince him to listen to you. The likelihood that he will agree to your proposals is one chance in a thousand. It's not worth your time. It is much more useful to spend it dialing the next number. Here you were answered “yes” - the first victory. But that's not all: most often, after a positive answer, objections follow, and below we will talk about how to deal with them.

And now a few words about how to overcome one significant obstacle, whose name is the secretary. Let me remind you that your task is to get through to the person who makes the decisions.

So the secretary picks up the phone. Introduce yourself, outline your proposal and ask who you need to talk to. If you can't find out the name, try to cheat. Pretend to be a client, call back again and ask to be connected to Mr. Ivanov from the sales department. If you are lucky and guess right, they will connect you right away; if not, then pretend that you got your last name mixed up. Ask what the name of the head of the sales department is, and then ask to speak to him. Your main goal - to talk to someone who can make a decision without going through a secretary - has been achieved. Now you can begin the conversation, the result of which should be setting up a meeting with the client or concluding an agreement.

Conversation with a client

Ten Commandments of a Telephone Agent

  1. Rule 20/80. This means that you should listen 80% of the time and only talk 20%. For your opening speech, you are given, as we have already said, 45 seconds. Next, your task is to listen and remember the problems and needs of customers. Then you will have an excellent reason to offer the client to enter into an agreement with you, which will help him solve these problems and satisfy his needs.
  2. If you want to look businesslike, never ask general issues- about the weather or “How are you doing?” Is it appropriate to ask your interlocutor who is 20 km away about the weather? Are you ready to devote the next half hour to listening to stories about other people's problems?
  3. Avoid hesitation, speak specifically, precisely, and maintain the correct intonation. Don't forget to smile! You need to speak not too slowly and not too quickly, not too loudly and not too softly. You must be sure that you are heard and understood well. Learn to sense when to pause in a conversation. Telephone agents are much more effective when they can silently wait for an answer and hang up on time.
  4. Don't be discouraged if you get an answering machine. Your goal is to get a call back, and we'll talk about how to do that a little later.
  5. Don’t rush to send information to the client at the first request if he doesn’t really know what he needs. In most cases, the request for information is simply a desire for you to get behind. However, there are the most different ways use this request to your advantage. You don’t have to send anything, but just call a week later and ask if the information has arrived. Usually the client answers your question and continues the conversation. You can deliver the prospectuses in person, citing the fact that they require clarification - and here you have the meeting with the client that you were looking for.
  6. Answer objections correctly (below we will tell you how to do this).
  7. Do not allow yourself to make disrespectful remarks towards your competitors. Serious people prefer not to work with those who, in an attempt to persuade them to cooperate with themselves, point out the shortcomings of others. The client chooses partners with a positive attitude - this is what they teach their sales representatives largest companies, in particular, Kodak.
  8. When working in telemarketing, you don't want to miss a day. If you miss one day a week, you will fall so far behind that there will be no point in even trying to catch up. Never stop calling new people - this is the only way to acquire new clients.
  9. Never offer your company as a supplier of last resort. You must convince the client that your company is the best. Experience shows that no one ever turns to the help of suppliers left “as a last resort.”
  10. Don't give too much information over the phone. Remember your main goal. If you want to receive an order and you are asked a question, you cannot help but answer it. And if your goal is to make an appointment, it's better to use the situation to your advantage. Try to convince the client that their issue can be resolved, and your representative will be able to explain all this during a personal meeting.

Homemade preparations

The usefulness of homemade preparations is difficult to appreciate until you start using them. Try it and see for yourself. This is truly a lifesaver if you hesitate and don’t know what to say. The blanks cannot be read out. There is nothing more unpleasant when a telephone agent interrupts you from your work and even reads something. In such cases, you just want to hang up. Therefore, the preparations need to be memorized.

In addition, blanks help you focus your attention on the main goal of the conversation. By knowing what to say, you won't waste your time or the client's time. Thus, templates will help you make more calls per day and effectively respond to possible objections. In this article we do not offer samples of blanks: you must come up with them yourself, in accordance with your personal experience and the specifics of the company. Write down the preparations: this way you remember them and learn to use them. As you work, you can always correct them and improve them.

Do they object to you? This is good

A person who does not know how to respond to a client’s objections has no right to call himself a telephone agent. An objection is a kind of chance that the client gives you; use it to tell him what he wants to hear. Never shy away from objections. There are 3 R's in telemarketing: REPEAT, SUPPORT, CONTINUE. Take it into service - and success is guaranteed to you. Repeat the objection in the form of a question. Say that one of your clients made similar objections, but after the presentation he changed his mind and decided to work with you.

Invite your interlocutor to continue negotiations. So you reiterated, supported and continued the conversation about your goal. During your first week of work, you will hear many objections, most of which can be boiled down to seven main ones. Each of them means the client is trying to stop talking to you. But your position should be this: I will now overcome this objection, and we will continue the conversation.

  1. The client says that he has already tried what you suggest and did not like it. To overcome this objection, use the 3 R's rule (see above).
  2. The client states that he already has a supplier. Don't give up: keep asking questions until you find the weak point of this supplier - the point where your services are in better side differ from those that your interlocutor’s company has been provided with so far. Why not a chance to acquire a new client?
  3. The customer says that he is not interested in your product. Apply the 3 P rule. If the client again says that he is not interested, use the “final blow” (a technique discussed below). But if this doesn’t work, you should hang up.
  4. The client tries to end the conversation with a request to send documentation. Check with the client what specific data he would like to receive. Try to reduce the conversation to the 3 P rule and ask to set up a meeting. If a client asks you to send a price list, tell him that your price list is so extensive that it is not practical to send it completely; but if the client names the types of goods or services he is interested in, then you are ready to transfer the data on the required items.
  5. The client says that the savings from working with you are small and are not worth the additional effort that will be required from him. Explain to him that he will not have any additional worries, but on the contrary, you will do everything in such a way that you will make his life easier. Using the 3 P rule, end your conversation with a request for an order or meeting.
  6. The client asks to call back in a month because he is too busy right now. Tell him that he could save a lot of money during this time, and ask if there is anyone in the office you could talk to for two minutes. Using the 3 P rule, describe a similar situation and end with a request for a meeting or agreement.
  7. The client says that these issues are not within his competence. Find out from him who is responsible for this area of ​​work. If he does not want to answer, return to the secretary and ask him again.

Conclusion: you must try to overcome the obstacles that arise. Try working like this for at least a month, and you will understand that this tactic pays off.

Earn the right to offer

When talking with a client, one more thing should not be overlooked. most important rule telephone marketing: you do not have the right to simply call the client and invite him to place an order. But you can earn such a right even in one minute.

Follow the rules: make an introduction, correctly overcome 2-3 objections, and half the battle is done. Then, by asking the right questions and listening to the answers, you need to find out what the client's needs are.

Once the client feels that you understand their problems, you will establish mutual understanding. Now you can offer him to place an order. In order to “talk” the client, you will have to use a certain technique of asking questions. Offer him something that will help solve his problems.

But maybe his company doesn’t have any problems at all? If all your attempts to find out something end in failure, say goodbye and move on to the next client.

In your arsenal of ways to work with clients, there should be a special offer that is valid at the moment and does not involve risk for the client - we will talk about this below. But in any case, your task is to stand out from the crowd and say something that will make the client remember your company, your products and services.

Statistical accounting as a means of increasing sales

Each telephone agent must work with a special form on which he notes everything he does. If your manager didn’t give it to you, it doesn’t matter: make up such a form yourself and force yourself to use it every day. This will help you identify your weak sides and increase sales volume. Here are 10 items you should track every day:

  1. Calls.
  2. The messages you left on your answering machine (this will help you create a template for your answering machine).
  3. Gatekeepers (how many times a day did you encounter the secretary).
  4. People responsible for decisions on concluding a contract (how many times a day were you able to convince the secretary to connect you with these people).
  5. Sent faxes or mail (what needs to be sent, in what form and quantity).
  6. Repeated calls.
  7. Scheduled follow-up calls (how many calls you will need to make).
  8. Replies to your messages on the answering machine (how effective is your template for the answering machine).
  9. Scheduled appointments.
  10. Concluded contracts.

To do this, you need to leave him an advertisement for 20-30 seconds. The first four stages of the conversation are the same (see above), but instead of the last question, you should record a phrase on the answering machine that will force the client to call you back. Warn, for example, that you will visit him on Tuesday at 14-00 in order to talk in more detail about your company's offers. After that, leave your name and phone number.

When a client hears that a person with whom he has not made an appointment is going to come to his office, he will almost certainly write down your name and telephone number so that he can call you back and find out what is going on. Your goal has been achieved: the client called you.

But maybe he's just angry with you and wants to express it to you? Typically, customer outrage can be neutralized. When he asks about a meeting, answer that you simply left information and wanted to see if it was possible to pay him a visit on Tuesday. If this time doesn't suit him, ask him what time is suitable. Thus, you returned to the rule of 3 “Ps” - you repeated the offer of your company’s services, supported the client and continued the conversation with a request for a meeting.

Now it's time to ask the fifth question. If the client answers “No,” then you should wish them well and hang up. And if the client answers “Yes, but...”, you need to overcome the objection and again offer to make an appointment or place an order.

And in conclusion, some useful tips:

  1. Leave information on the answering machine for no more than 30 seconds.
  2. Don't stammer or pause.
  3. Call again. On average, to catch a person, he needs to call 4-8 times.
  4. Think clearly about what you are going to say.

Special offers

In order to attract new customers, always keep special offers in stock - coupons, discounts, free service, free shipping, trial period. A trial period means that the customer receives the product and uses it for free for, for example, a month before he pays for it. This is what you have to do when working with big companies, whom you would like to make your clients, but who do not agree to buy a product from you without trying it. However, be sure to explain in detail to the client what a “free sample” is: the sample itself is free, but the client will have to pay for the product, albeit 30 days later.

Special offers are best used at the end of the conversation in order to persuade a hesitant client to make the first order. This method really works and consumers like it. But make sure the client understands that this is a one-time offer.

About the most important thing - about ordering

  1. Question one: have you earned the right to offer an order?
  2. How many times have you asked a client to place an order? You need to make an offer at least three times, unless, of course, the client agrees immediately (in which case, just say: “Thank you. You will be pleased to work with us” and hang up). But in general, the first offer to place an order is always a trial one. The second time they will object to you too. It is the third request that is critical. Usually after this you receive your order. I don't want to say that if you ask three times, the order is yours. It is possible that you will never receive this order. The following points will help you find out.
  3. Make sure you mention the expiration date of your special offer. If you do this, the client will have an additional incentive to conclude a contract with you.
  4. Have you asked probing questions that push the client to close the deal? With their help, you can feel whether the client is going to work with you at all.
  5. Have you tried a technique called the “final blow”? I mentioned this above and now I will explain what it is. When the client answers no to all your questions, ask him if he would be interested in at least hearing your presentation. If they answer “No,” politely say goodbye and hang up. You won't succeed with this client.

Focus - and success will follow

There are people who, when talking to a telephone agent or a salesman, talk about anything but sales. A telephone agent needs to avoid those who can “eat up” his time. Plan out your goals for the day before you come to work. You need to know how many calls you want to make, how many deals you want to close. Telephone marketing needs to be done daily, but no more than 2-3 hours without a break.

Get yourself excited before work. This can be done in different ways. You can calculate possible profits on the way to work, you can listen to special cassettes in the subway or on a trolleybus, you can record yourself on a cassette, encouraging yourself, and listen to it along the way.

Always call new clients first before making follow-up calls. Many do the opposite, but if you constantly make repeated calls, the influx of new clients and ideas will stop.

One last rule: always start with the hardest calls. Everything else will seem much easier after them. Don’t hesitate, and you will be pleasantly surprised: in many companies you will be able to get through by phone before the secretary arrives and talk directly with those who make decisions. So:

  1. You need new clients.
  2. Calling really helps you get new clients.
  3. The more clients a telephone agent attracts, the more money it will work.
  4. You need to call every day.

Reasons for defeats of telephone agents

Now I would like to talk about the reasons why many telephone agents fail. Insurance companies in the West, for example, they hire thousands of agents, knowing that in a year 95% of them will leave. But those who remain succeed.

The reason for the failures is the “SNSP”. This stands for: fear, uncertainty, doubt, habits.

Fear. Telephone agents fail because they are afraid to make the next call in case they get rejected. This needs to be approached completely differently. Convince yourself that for every 200 proposals you make, there will be one acceptance. And the sooner you receive these refusals, the sooner you will reach agreement.

Uncertainty. You are not sure if the techniques you want to use will work. But there is only one way to find out - try, analyze the results and improve the techniques.

Doubts. Let's say you decide to start following our advice starting tomorrow. But then you shared your plans with someone else, and you were told that nothing would come of it. Then doubts may arise in your soul, which will become the reason for your defeat. Don't give in to them until you try it yourself.

Habits. If you change your habits for 2 hours a day, after a month, using the techniques we describe, you will get rid of fear, uncertainty and doubt. Record your results, and if they haven't improved noticeably after a month, then you're doing something wrong. Now start calling. I wish you success!

"Career", No. 2, 2000

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They convince not with speech, but with character


Every day, someone tries to sell a product or service to the modern consumer; most clients have a negative reaction to the so-called “cold call.”

This term refers to the first call to a consumer with whom negotiations have not been conducted before. Often, a negative reaction from a potential client is due to the salesperson not knowing how to properly sell a product during a phone call.

1. Collection of information about the client

It is necessary to collect preliminary information about the client’s solvency and who is specifically responsible for the purchase. This makes it easy to overcome the so-called “secretary barrier”.

If you call and politely say: “Please connect me to the HR department (deputy director for housekeeping, chief accountant),” the chance of getting to the right person increases.

You can clarify: “I don’t have the first name and patronymic of your chief accountant written down...” Any person is pleased if they are addressed specifically to him, and you will most likely be listened to if the conversation is conducted on a personal level.

2. Timely call and readiness to talk

It is worth asking whether it is convenient for the interlocutor to conduct a dialogue right now - maybe he has visitors or is holding a meeting. Ask what time you can talk - and call minute by minute, in no case half an hour earlier or an hour later!

Be sure to say: “Peter Sergeevich, you and I agreed that I would call you back.” The potential customer will listen to you.

A manager offering his products must literally learn the text of his appeal by heart - know all the information about the price list, components, warranty period, possible discounts.

If you do not have complete information, say: “Your question is very interesting, no one has delved into this aspect before. I will now write down this and all your other questions, receive the necessary information and inform you as soon as possible. Thank you!”

3. How to sell over the phone correctly using the tactic “Ostap Bender storms the millionaire Koreiko”?

4. How to properly sell a product over the phone, using flattery wisely?

Coachman, don't drive the horses! The technique of “talking out”, and even more so the words “I want to offer you” cause negative reaction. Therefore, you can slightly “puff out your cheeks” - introduce yourself as the head of the sales department.

Then invite the potential client to a dialogue. Let’s say this: “Viktor Vasilyevich, our company supplies modern office equipment. As far as I know, all negotiations on this issue should be conducted with you.

Could we talk now?" Or a little differently: "Svetlana Petrovna, I don’t want to make commercial offers that are uninteresting to you. I would like to learn more about your company to understand how my company can be useful to you. I have a few questions for you."

That is, you do not set as your goal to immediately sell something, the first call is exploratory. The ideal result is to schedule a personal meeting. There, catalogs, product samples, listing discounts and payment terms will come into play, and it will be possible to talk about the sale of specific goods.

5. Talk to the right people to talk to

How to properly sell a product to a buyer? Don't talk to someone who won't buy it. When making a “cold call,” without ingratiation, we find out from the secretary who exactly makes the decision on this issue.

If the girl on the line asks additional questions, calmly ask: “So, you make the purchasing decision?” Usually the secretary hesitates and transfers you to the right person.

6. Rule of four yeses

It is difficult for a person who has answered affirmatively to several of your questions to say “no” later. Think about what you can ask without risking a negative answer. And only then ask: “Would you like to discuss the problem with me...? When will it be convenient for you to meet with me?”

7. Find out which items interest the potential client

When you hear the words: “Send your proposal by fax,” first confirm: “Yes, I will definitely prepare a commercial proposal for you and send it.

So that it contains only the information that you need, please tell me what is most important to you when purchasing... (office equipment, lighting fixtures, blue hares...)? Then you can the best way prepare commercial information.

8. Don’t try to fool your interlocutor

It is in your best interest to provide objective information. This, by the way, will affect your voice - it will sound more convincing and relaxed.

Of course, you need to focus on the advantages, but if they ask about a service that your company does not provide, answer: “We will take care of this issue and solve it for you,” without claiming that you have everything.

You will need

  • Individual negotiation strategy, pleasant voice, pre-prepared text of your message.


Take more time to practice. After all, only practice will help you gain maximum confidence in your gift of persuasion. It will provide an opportunity to overcome the fear of an unknown consumer. The first and basic rule is practice.

In order to learn how to correctly offer any services or engage in sales by , you need to choose an individual option for conducting a conversation with a client, that is, find your own communication technique. It is best if it is completely individual. Today, in order to achieve success in any field, you need not to act according to other people’s templates, but to develop your own strategy. All people are individual and perceive differently the world.

Write an introductory part for the call. It is very close to your call to action. Your introductory part significantly increases the interest of customers directly with what you offer to use.

Describe in detail the main part of the phone call script. The first part forces the client to take his time and listen to your message to the end. The second part of the script encourages them to take action. Keep in mind that the middle of the call is actually the filling and the secret of how to sell service By phone. The body should strengthen and fill your call with enough details and make your call to action more attractive.

Focus on what's important. You should not immediately describe all the benefits of your service. Correct Actions and ways to sell service By phone This is to tell only about the details that will ensure the achievement of the desired goals. Be aware that if you talk too much, you may turn off some clients.


  • telephone sales services in 2019

The method for disabling a particular service (for example, “Weather Forecast” or “Dating”) will depend on which telecom operator you have. Each of them offers its clients special services and subscriber service numbers.

MegaFon subscribers also have the opportunity to connect various services and refuse them using a special system, it is called “Service Guide”. Now it is not at all necessary to look for a separate number designed to disable some service, because you can manage everything online. However, the service is not limited to this function. Thanks to it, you can also receive information about the status of your personal account or, for example, change the tariff. To log into the system, open the website

If you are an MTS client, to disable services you need to log in universal system called "Internet Assistant". It can be easily found on the main page of the operator’s official website. Before logging in, set a personal password to access the system. For this, the USSD number *111*25# and number 1118 are provided. Please note: the password must contain from four to seven characters. After logging into the “Internet Assistant” you will see the “Service Management” and “My Subscriptions” menus. Your menu choice will depend on which service you have connected to. In the first case, opposite the name of the service, click on the “Disable” column, and in the second, on “Delete subscription”.

Every manager should be proficient in telephone sales technology, since about 70% of transactions begin with a telephone conversation. Moreover, almost every trading company trying to keep in touch with regular customers, periodically notifying them about discounts and expanding the range, and also widely practice direct search for new customers by phone.

The technology of sales via telephone can be divided into two conventional types - when a client calls a manager and when a manager calls a client. In the first case, the manager’s task is to retain the client and make him permanent; in the second, to find a new buyer, contact contact persons, collect basic information, etc. Accordingly, it is best to develop two regulations, specifying the main points in them telephone conversations and discuss with employees the tactics of behavior in a given situation.

Client manager
So, first, let's look at the basic technique of telephone conversations in the case when a client calls a company.


Before starting a conversation, you need to let a few rings ring, then pick up the phone, say hello, say the name of the company and your name. Ideally, speak with a smile and keep the timbre in the most pleasant range, which for men is in the lower register, and for women in the middle register.

The tone when answering a call should be as friendly as possible; it must be remembered that at this moment the manager represents the entire company on his own behalf and is responsible for its image and reputation. If you need to switch a client to another employee, you should not allow delays of more than 20-30 seconds - it is better to ask to call back.


At the very first exchange of phrases, it is necessary to show interest in the client’s questions - listen carefully and clarify details. Here it is important to stick to the golden mean - without delaying the conversation, to get to the heart of the issue, to give an adequate answer and the necessary information. After the client has received information, he is offered a product or service, and this must be presented as if it ideally suits his requirements.

In a conversation, you need to carefully monitor emotional condition client, can be used psychological methods beliefs and even something from neuro-linguistic programming, while you can borrow many techniques from the technique of “live” sales.

If some information is not available at the time of the call, you should take contact information from the caller, promising to call back by the specified date. At the same time, a realistic deadline must be specified, since a company that does not fulfill its promises immediately falls greatly in the eyes of the client.

End of conversation

According to the rules of etiquette, the person who started it ends the conversation. You can bring the client to the end of the conversation by indicating the outcome of the conversation. After this, you need to say goodbye kindly, wishing, for example, a good day.

Manager - client
But in the case when a manager calls a client without having previously contacted him, it is necessary to use maximum cunning.

The purpose of any telephone sale is to reach a competent person from the manager or head of the supply department. Therefore, before the call, you need to collect as much information as possible about the structure of the client company and its needs. This can be done through a series of clarifying calls made by colleagues (it’s just important to do this more than once), by reading information on the Internet, or by getting to know one of the client’s employees on social networks.

Starting a conversation

For example, a manager is interested in selling spare parts for a client’s fleet. By collecting information, he finds out that the potential client uses Volvo cars, and the director's name is Ivan Ivanovich. The beginning of the conversation may look like: “Good afternoon, can I talk to Ivan Ivanovich? This is from the Autolux company regarding problems with the Volvo transmission in your fleet.” In this case, the manager has a much greater chance of being connected to Ivan Ivanovich than if he simply asks: “This is from the Autolux company, do you need spare parts?”

Continuing the conversation

Ideally, it’s good to make the conversation a little informal. For example, after reading on forums about the problems of Volvo cars produced in the 2000s, you can start a conversation about them. It is important to use open questions, to which the client will give a detailed and complete answer. Getting the client to talk is the most important thing; let him talk as much as possible about his problems and needs.

The next step is to offer your services as delicately as possible, ideally solving his problems and needs, but at the same time avoiding imposition. You need to imagine that the interlocutor is the same person, in many ways tired of the official form of communication and endless monotonous commercial offers and base your conversation on this.

Ending a conversation

There is no need to take up a lot of the client's time. The most important thing is to establish contact. Therefore, ending the conversation should be based on positivity and hope for future cooperation or communication. And don’t despair if you refuse – you rarely manage to sell anything the first time. In any case, even the fact that the client learned about the company is very good, and the manager received another point of experience in conducting telephone negotiations.

Telephone selling is not an easy thing to master, requiring experience and knowledge of trading psychology. But even experienced managers understand that in this case sales statistics will be most truthfully revealed by Pareto's law - out of 100 clients, only 20 will make contact and of these 20, only 16 will turn out real buyers. However, good command of telephone communication techniques will enhance the company's reputation, strengthen its employees and make them more experienced.

Also, an in-depth analysis of telephone conversations can help market research in some way. And, of course, profitability will increase in any case, if the product is in demand, then the client will even be glad that he was able to make a profitable purchase through a phone call, and the seller himself contacted him, saving him from wasting time on unnecessary searches.