Allergy to pimafucin. Pimafucin during pregnancy: effective treatment of thrush. Instructions for safe use during all stages of pregnancy

Pimafucin is used to treat thrush in children. This drug has positive reviews not only medical workers who actively use it in practice, but also grateful parents who used the product in the treatment of thrush in their children.

(candidiasis) is an infectious disease caused by fungi of the genus Candida. Appears on the child's mucous membranes oral cavity or genitals. In most cases, the disease affects newborns or children in the first year of life. In rare cases, candidiasis can spread to internal organs.

Pimafucin is a widely used antibiotic that has a detrimental effect on most types of yeast fungi, including candida. The main source of infection with candidiasis is the mother of the child, since the woman is the carrier of the disease. Candida lives in the body constantly, but with reduced immunity they begin to actively multiply.

The main causes of illness with thrush or candidiasis may be:

  • Failure to comply with hygiene rules when sterilizing bottles, when washing toys, or if the baby’s mother does not clean her breasts before feeding;
  • While the newborn is passing through birth canal;
  • If, when examining a child, medical personnel did not follow the rules of hand hygiene;
  • When the body's immunity is reduced;
  • Dry mucous membranes of the mouth in an infant;
  • Restructuring of hormonal levels;
  • Violations in the system gastrointestinal tract;
  • As a result of taking antibiotics.

Symptoms of thrush or candidal stomatitis:

  • The appearance of a white coating in the mouth, which has a sour odor;
  • Curdled spots on the surface internal sides cheeks, gums, tongue, palate. If you scratch the plaque, then under it there are red inflamed spots, which over time turn into bleeding ulcers (with);
  • The baby constantly cries, and when breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, he may refuse to eat because he experiences pain when swallowing;
  • Loss of appetite, regurgitation, vomiting, diarrhea.

Instructions for use

The antifungal drug is available in the following forms:

  • Pills;
  • Vaginal suppositories;
  • Cream or ointment (2%) for external use;
  • Drops;
  • Suspension.


Pimafucin cream is used for skin candidiasis, or baby diaper rash. The duration of the course is assigned to each child individually. Even if the symptoms have disappeared, the cream is used for several more days.

The cream should be used on fungal-affected areas such as skin and nails 2 to 4 times a day.

Treatment of thrush in girls is also carried out with Pimafucin. The cream is applied to the skin of the genital organs several times a day. The ointment should be used with extreme caution in newborns. If the disease has spread over a large area of ​​skin, then the cream should be applied to small areas. Do not apply ointment to the entire surface of the baby's skin.


The peculiarity of taking the Pimafucin tablet is that it does not penetrate the gastrointestinal tract. This is an advantage over other antibiotics, since they do not cause a huge list of adverse reactions like other drugs. This fact Once again confirms the positive reviews about the medicine.

Pimafucin tablets are used for candidiasis of the gastrointestinal tract. They act locally without affecting the gastrointestinal tract.

The tablet shell protects against influence gastric juice, which makes it possible to dissolve in the intestines. The dosage depends on the age of the child from 2 to 4 tablets per day, and children of the first year of life may be prescribed part of the tablet. In some cases, suppositories or cream may be prescribed along with the drug.


For candidiasis of the gums, external mucous membranes of the lips, stomatitis, vulvoginitis local application Pimafucin drops are used. Reviews about the effectiveness of the drops are positive character. Drip at least 4 times a day. The treatment lasts for a week. For stomatitis, drops are most often prescribed.


The candles are shaped like a torpedo. Pimafucin suppositories are used for vaginal thrush. They contain cetyl alcohol, which causes a burning sensation. Suppositories dissolve in the body due to a reaction to body temperature. Suppositories should be administered before bedtime. Candles are used for 3 to 6 days. This course is quite enough to eliminate thrush.

Features of treatment

Treatment of thrush is carried out in two aspects:

  • General therapy is aimed at eliminating conditions conducive to the growth of the fungus;
  • Medication to fight candida.

At an appointment with a doctor, you should discuss such issues as the presence of allergies to certain medications, whether certain medications can be used.

During treatment, you need to constantly humidify the air in the room where the child is and spend more time on fresh air which will ensure a speedy recovery. In case of illness it is prescribed proper nutrition, excluding sweets that provoke the spread of fungus. If the baby spits up, you need to change the feeding method.

When a child is infected with candidiasis, a white coating, under which red inflamed spots can not only bleed, but also be a hotbed for more dangerous infections. This happens with stomatitis.

If the disease is not treated on time, it spreads to the throat, and then to the gums and lips, where cracks form and begin to bleed.

With stomatitis, wounds in the mouth cause such pain to the baby that he cannot swallow and refuses to breastfeed. The baby may develop a fever. In addition, children experience insomnia and become irritable. The immune system worsens and contributes to the occurrence of allergies, as well as serious diseases, including bronchial asthma.

Analogs and price

Pimafucin drug is quite expensive and has no analogues for the active substance. The most similar medicine in terms of spectrum of action is, which is also used to treat thrush on the skin and mouth in babies. You can try cheaper analogues Cloritmazol or Livarol.

cream for external use, vaginal suppositories, enteric-coated tablets

Pharmachologic effect:

Antifungal polyene antibiotic from the macrolide group, which has a wide spectrum of action. Binds sterols in cell membranes, disrupting their integrity, which leads to the death of microorganisms. Active against most pathogenic yeast-like fungi (especially Candida albicans), dermatophytes (Trichophyton, Microsporum, Epidermophyton), yeast (Torulopsis, Rhodotorula), as well as other pathogenic fungi (Aspergillus, Penicillium).


Fungal diseases skin, nails, mucous membranes, intestines, external auditory canal, oral cavity; vaginitis, vulvitis, vulvovaginitis, balanoposthitis caused by Candida fungi.


Hypersensitivity, skin tuberculosis.

Side effects:

Tablets - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Drops, suppositories, cream - irritation and burning at the site of application.

Directions for use and dosage:

Pimafucin is taken orally. For intestinal candidiasis in adults - 100 mg 4 times a day for 7 days. Children - 100 mg 2 times a day. Locally. For fungal diseases of the oral cavity, the suspension is applied to the affected area 4-6 times a day, starting with 0.5 ml, then in adults it goes to 1 ml per day, daily dose for children - 4 ml. For vaginitis - intravaginally, 1 vaginal suppository (inserted into the vagina, in the “lying” position, as deep as possible) 1 time at night for 3-6 days; for dermatomycosis (including skin candidiasis, diaper rash in children), balanoposthitis - the cream is applied to the affected areas of the skin 1 or several times a day. For persistent vaginitis caused by Candida albicans, additionally take 1 tablet 4 times a day for 10-20 days (for the treatment of intestinal candidiasis); the cream is used to treat candidiasis of the partner’s genital organs. For otomycosis, use cream or 2-3 drops of suspension. The ear is first cleaned, and after using the drug, a cotton or wool swab is placed in the ear canal. For nail candidiasis, the cream is used topically, as well as 100 mg orally 4 times a day, for 2-3 months.

Special instructions:

Before using the suspension, the bottle must be shaken; When treating mycotic stomatitis, it is recommended to use a pipette. Vaginal tablets administered using an applicator. Before administration, the tablet must be moistened with water (treatment is stopped during menstruation). During treatment with suppositories there is no need to avoid sexual intercourse. Ethanol included in the composition vaginal suppositories, may cause hypersensitivity reactions.

Before using the drug Pimafucin consult your doctor!

22.10.2010 / 22:15
Hello. Can this drug be used while breastfeeding?

22.10.2010 / 22:19
Dear Marina!
The drug Pimafucin can be used during breastfeeding.
23.10.2010 / 11:40
If I am breastfeeding, can I take Pimafucin tablets?
24.10.2010 / 23:58
I took 1 tablet of flucostat, another one on the 4th day (i.e. October 24) and introduced a Pimafucin suppository at night, it already felt better.
Yaroslava (clinical pharmacist):
25.10.2010 / 09:56
Svetlana, are you treating thrush?
25.10.2010 / 10:19
I was pregnant for 8 weeks, they discovered thrush, the doctor prescribed suppositories and pimafucin tablets. In the morning I got up with a terrible allergy, my whole body was covered with huge red spots that itched terribly, my eyes were swollen, so I couldn’t open them and there were also all red and, on top of everything else, pink discharge began.
Yaroslava (clinical pharmacist):
25.10.2010 / 13:04
Oksana, contact your doctor immediately. This condition cannot be treated with disdain.
26.10.2010 / 10:23
I bought this pimafucin, I’ll try to stick some candles. I hope it helps. or I’ll rush to fry almond shells)))))))
Yaroslava (clinical pharmacist):
26.10.2010 / 19:45
Pot-bellied, what disease are you treating with Pimafucin?
01.11.2010 / 17:40
Please tell me, is it possible to take pills other than vaginally when breastfeeding? I took a test, the doctor said yeast, prescribed pimafucin suppositories, it seemed to help right away, and after two weeks everything came back.
Yaroslava (clinical pharmacist):
01.11.2010 / 21:43

The drug “Pimafucin” is presented in three forms:

  • cream in aluminum tubes weighing 30 g;
  • tablets in a plastic bottle in the amount of 20 tablets per bottle;
  • vaginal suppositories in contour packaging of 3 pcs. and in a cardboard box.


"Pimafucin" is a representative of the class of antifungal drugs wide range actions. The main active ingredient in in this case- natamycin, which belongs to the group of macrolides. 100 g of cream contains 2 g of this component, one suppository - 100 mg and one tablet - 100 mg. In addition, all forms of Pimafucin include a whole list of excipients that ensure better absorption of the drug.


A drug in the form of suppositories intended for the treatment various forms vaginal candidiasis. Pimafucin cream is used for dermatomycosis, candidiasis of the mucous membranes and skin, as well as for external otitis media complicated by the presence of Candida fungi.

Pimafucin tablets are prescribed for various conditions caused by yeast-like fungi. This list includes candidiasis, intestinal candidiasis, otomycosis, fungal infections nails and skin.

pharmachologic effect

Both tablets, cream, and suppositories "Pimafucin" have local action. External preparations are not adsorbed deep into the skin, and tablets are practically not absorbed through the intestines.

The main active ingredient of the drug, natamycin, is an antifungal component with a wide spectrum of action. It is most active against fungi such as Candida. In addition, dermatophytes are sensitive to it. Penetrating inside the microorganism, natamycin damages its membrane tissue and causes the death of the fungus.

Terms of use

Pimafucin cream is used only as an external remedy. It is applied to all skin affected by the fungus and nearby areas. In most cases, I use the drug 2-4 times a day.

Suppositories "Pimafucin" are used as an intravaginal remedy. For various forms of vaginal and vulvar candidiasis, it is recommended to take one suppository per day. The course depends on the characteristics of the disease and ranges from 3 days to one week.

Pimafucin tablets are taken 1 tablet four times a day. The duration of the course depends on the specific pathology:

  • vaginal candidiasis - from 10 to 20 days;
  • candidiasis of the nail plate - up to 3 months;
  • intestinal candidiasis - one week;
  • extensive dermatomycosis - 60-90 days.

All dosage forms of Pimafucin can be used in combination. This is especially true in the case of a chronic, often relapsing form of the disease. An integrated approach enhances the effect of the active substance and speeds up recovery.


A direct contraindication to Pimafucin is intolerance to its components.

special instructions

When using the drug in the vagina or genitals, a slight burning sensation may be felt, which is caused by the cetyl alcohol included in its composition.

When using candles, you do not need to avoid sexual intercourse. During menstrual bleeding, stop taking suppositories.

There is no evidence that natamycin is teratogenic or otherwise negative impact for the fruit Therefore, the practice of treating pregnant women with Pimafucin is quite common. The same applies to women who are breastfeeding.

The drug is used in pediatrics, including for the treatment of newborns.

There is no information about the interaction of Pimafucin with other drugs.

Side effects

The most common adverse reaction to the use of Pimafucin cream or suppositories is local allergy in the form of redness, itching and hypersensitivity skin.

Taking Pimafucin tablets in rare cases may be accompanied by mild nausea. It is usually observed at the beginning of therapy and then disappears.


Since the active substance of the drug is almost not adsorbed, cases of overdose are unknown.

Proper storage conditions

The maximum shelf life of Pimafucin is 4 years. Store all forms of this drug in a dry place where the temperature does not exceed 25 degrees.

Many women during pregnancy are faced with the problem of choosing medications. Medicines for expectant mothers must be safe and effective. One of these medications that doctors prescribe at all stages of pregnancy is Pimafucin. This local antibiotic with a wide spectrum of antifungal action. Most often, pregnant women encounter Pimafucin when vaginal candidiasis, or thrush, occurs.

Indications for use

Thrush in pregnant women

Before talking about Pimafucin, it is necessary to dwell in more detail on the disease for which it is often prescribed, namely, vaginal candidiasis. Thrush received this official name from the name of the fungi that cause it.

Changes in hormonal levels during pregnancy significantly weaken women's immunity. Previously harmless fungi of the genus Candida, which are normally present on the mucous membranes of the vagina in all women, begin to multiply rapidly, causing thrush.

For candidiasis inflammatory processes affecting the vagina and external genitalia, are accompanied by such unpleasant symptoms as:

  • itching and burning;
  • mucous or curdled discharge of white or yellowish color with a sour odor;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse.

If such symptoms occur, the expectant mother should consult a doctor. A simple vaginal smear will dispel fears and doubts. But even with positive results doctors do not advise you to panic - in most cases, thrush does not pose a particular danger to the woman and the fetus.

However, if the disease is severe, the membrane of the embryo may become thinner, which in rare cases leads to its rupture. In addition, during passage through the birth canal, the child can become infected with candidiasis. Therefore, it is necessary to treat thrush.

Candidiasis, colpitis and other problems

In most cases, Pimafucin is prescribed to expectant mothers when signs of vaginal candidiasis are detected. However, the effectiveness of the drug is not limited only to thrush. Due to the wide spectrum of action and the presence of several dosage forms Pimafucin is prescribed for diseases such as:

  • colpitis;
  • vaginitis;
  • vulvitis;
  • vulvovaginitis;
  • candidiasis of the skin and nails;
  • otitis of fungal origin;
  • intestinal candidiasis;
  • infectious skin diseases.

The drug is approved at any stage of pregnancy, including the first trimester, when many medications are prohibited. In addition, Pimafucin does not interact with other drugs, so it can be taken together with medications prescribed by the treating doctor.

Composition and effect of the drug

Pimafucin is an antifungal drug whose active substance is an antibiotic from the macrolide group natamycin. This component increases permeability cell membrane fungal cells and violates its integrity, which ultimately causes the death of the fungus. Natamycin is effective against yeast and mold fungi of the genus Candida, Aspergillus, Fusarium and Penicillium. Dermatophytes are less sensitive to the active substance.

One of the advantages of this medicine is that during therapy, microorganisms do not become accustomed to the antibiotic.

The safety of the drug is due to the fact that it is not absorbed into the blood through skin and mucous membranes, even when taken orally, acting locally on the affected areas. That is why Pimafucin can be used without fear during pregnancy and lactation.

The medicine is available in three dosage forms:

  • pills,
  • cream,
  • vaginal suppositories.

Photo gallery: Pimafucin release forms

Pimafucin tablets are prescribed for intestinal candidiasis Pimafucin cream is used to treat vaginitis Pimafucin suppositories are the most commonly prescribed form of medication for pregnant women

Thus, the drug can be used both externally and internally. The choice of the appropriate form of medication, dosage, and duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and the severity of symptoms.

Instructions for safe use during all stages of pregnancy

Is the drug harmful for women and babies: contraindications and side effects

Although active substance The drug is an antibiotic with a wide spectrum of action, Pimafucin has practically no contraindications, it is not harmful to the expectant mother and baby and is prescribed even for early stages pregnancy. The drug is prohibited only in case of individual intolerance to its components.

One should not exclude undesirable consequences from taking medicine. Side effects include:

  • burning and itching, irritation of mucous membranes (when using cream and suppositories);
  • nausea and vomiting, dyspepsia (when taking pills).

Such conditions are short-lived and usually do not require stopping the medication. If the listed side effects do not disappear, and the pregnant woman’s condition worsens, it is necessary to seek help from a doctor.

Treatment with candles

If the fungal infection has not affected the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, doctors give preference local therapy. For thrush, treatment with vaginal suppositories is usually prescribed. Pimafucin suppositories are used once a day before bedtime. The duration of the course is set individually for each woman. Usually it lasts 3–6 days, but to avoid relapse, the doctor may consider it necessary to continue treatment for another three days.

The suppository is inserted into the vagina as deeply as possible in a lying position. It is best to do this before falling asleep, since to achieve a therapeutic effect you should not get up. The candle quickly melts, forming foam that evenly covers the vaginal mucosa. If a woman stands up during the procedure, the medicine will leak out.

Taking pills

In case of transition of candidiasis to chronic form or the presence of a focus of infection in the intestines, the doctor, in addition to suppositories, may prescribe a tablet form of Pimafucin to the woman. Complex treatment necessary to eliminate the possibility of re-infection with fungi that can enter the vagina from the intestines.

The duration of the therapeutic course is determined by the attending doctor. As a rule, it does not exceed two to three weeks and depends on the severity of the disease and the speed of elimination of negative symptoms.

Cream therapy

With inflammation of the external genitalia (vulvitis), as well as with infectious diseases apply Pimafucin cream to the skin, treating fungal-infected areas several times a day. The duration of the course is calculated individually.

In addition, Pimafucin cream is also prescribed to a woman’s sexual partner, who may also be a carrier of the fungus, to prevent recurrence of the infection. In this case, the cream should be applied to the head of the penis and the foreskin area.

What can be replaced

The effectiveness of Pimafucin is beyond doubt among experts. However, this drug does not always help relieve a pregnant woman from the unpleasant symptoms of thrush. If discharge and other unpleasant symptoms persist after a course of Pimafucin or expectant mother appeared allergic reactions on the medicine, it is replaced with another antifungal agent.

Table: analogues of Pimafucin based on clotrimazole and other antibiotics


Dosage form

Active ingredient



Use during pregnancy

approximate cost

  • Solution;
  • cream;
  • ointment;
  • gel;
  • candles;
  • pills.
  • Fungal skin diseases;
  • candidiasis vulvitis;
  • candidal balanitis;
  • outer ear infections.

Hypersensitivity to clotrimazole and other components of the drug

Use with caution if maternal benefit exceeds potential harm for the fetus.


  • Vaginal candidiasis;
  • vulvitis

Component intolerance

No restrictions

From 200 rub.

Vaginal tablets

  • Ternidazole;
  • neomycin sulfate;
  • nystatin;
  • prednisolone;
  • clove and geranium oils.
  • Vaginal candidiasis;
  • bacterial vaginitis;
  • fungal vaginitis;
  • colpitis.

Component intolerance

Allowed from the second trimester

From 300 rub.


Acute and chronic vaginal candidiasis.

Component intolerance

  • Prohibited in the first trimester;
  • use with caution in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.

From 350 rub.

  • Cream;
  • solution;
  • powder;
  • gel;
  • pills.
  • Vaginal candidiasis;
  • candidiasis of the skin;
  • vulvitis;
  • balanitis

Hypersensitivity to clotrimazole

No clinical studies have been conducted.

Photo gallery: antifungal drugs for the treatment of thrush

Livarol should not be used in the first trimester of pregnancy Clotrimazole is the most affordable broad-spectrum antifungal agent Active substance the drug Candide contains clotrimazole
Terzhinan is a broad-spectrum agent that has been successfully used to treat many gynecological diseases Primafungin -pharmacological analogue Pimafucin based on natamycin