Oxolinic ointment instructions for use. Oxolinic ointment: indications, instructions for use and analogues. Instructions for use and method of use

Nasal ointment related to antivirals. Used for both treatment and prevention viral diseases. Additionally contains components that soften and protect the nasal mucosa. The drug is non-toxic and does not have a systemic effect. Can be used in pediatrics.

Dosage form

Oxolinic ointment is an antiviral drug that is intended for topical application. The medicine can be used in the fight against the spread of diseases of viral origin or as prophylactic. Oxolin is available as a 0.25% or 3% ointment for external use. The drug is placed in a tube, the mass of which is 10 or 30 g. The ointment has a thick and viscous consistency. The drug may be white or yellow-white. During storage, the product often acquires a pinkish tint.

Description and composition

The main active component of the product is oxolin. It is supplemented with vaseline and. Other substances are not included in the preparation. Oxolin demonstrates high antiviral activity. The tool can help in the fight against viruses:

  • flu;
  • herpes zoster;
  • herpes simplex.

Sensitivity to the main active ingredient Adenoviruses, warts of infectious origin and molluscum contagiosum viruses also have the drug.

The mechanism of action of the active substance is based on the ability to block the binding sites of the influenza virus with the cell membrane. The tool has a blocking effect and prevents the introduction of the virus.

The active substance in the human body does not accumulate. If the agent is applied to the mucous membranes, only 20% of the drug will be absorbed. The drug is not toxic, and also does not have a systemic effect if it is applied topically. If the drug is applied to the skin, only 5% of the substance enters the bloodstream.

Oxolinic ointment does not have an irritating effect if the dosage and concentration of the agent are observed during application, and the skin on which the drug is applied is not damaged. The excretion of the drug from the body occurs through the kidneys. The action is carried out within one day from the moment the oxolinic ointment is applied to the skin or mucous membranes.

Pharmacological group

The tool is a drug with antiviral action for external use.

Indications for use

for adults

The doctor will prescribe the use of oxolinic ointment in the following situations:

Oxolinic ointment can be prescribed as a prophylaxis to fight the influenza virus. The agent is applied during an epidemic to prevent infection of the body with a virus. Oxolin is also effective at. In this situation, a 0.25% ointment is applied. If the disease is of herpes origin, the drug will also effectively help in the fight against it.

for kids

Oxolinic ointment is prescribed for children as a prophylactic agent to fight influenza. To prevent the virus from entering the body, a 0.25% ointment is used. The tool can also be used for cold treatment. However, if the child does not tolerate the effects of the drug, the use of oxolinic ointment should be abandoned. The remedy in this situation should be replaced with an alternative medicine that has a similar effect on the human body.

Deciding to use the drug, you need to take into account the age of the child. Newborns and very young children are not prescribed ointment. Its use can cause serious complications. This is due to the anatomy respiratory tract babies. The age at which the use of the drug can be prescribed is determined by the doctor.

Oxolinic ointment is not prohibited during pregnancy. The doctor may prescribe a remedy for prophylaxis during an epidemic viral infections. Virus attack poses for future mother and the child is a greater danger than exposure to the drug.


The list of contraindications is minimal. It is necessary to refuse oxolinic ointment if a person has an individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug or there is a tendency to allergic reactions. If after applying oxolinic ointment one of the above problems is observed, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Applications and doses

for adults

Features of the use of oxolinic ointment depend on the disease that a person wants to get rid of. If viral keratitis is being treated, as well as adenoviral keratoconjunctivitis, a 0.25% ointment should be used. The tool is placed behind the eyelid. The procedure must be repeated 1-3 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is 3-4 days.

If viral rhinitis is present, the agent is applied to the nasal mucosa. The procedure must be repeated 2-3 times a day. The duration of the course is 3-4 days. To perform the manipulation, 0.25% ointment is used. A similar dose is used to prevent influenza and SARS. If there is an epidemic of influenza, the ointment must be applied for several weeks, especially if there is contact with the patient.

When fighting various types lichen or molluscum contagiosum, 3% ointment is applied. It is applied 2-3 times a day to the affected area of ​​the skin. The duration of treatment is from 14 days to 2 months. The exact duration of the course depends on the condition of the patient and the response of the disease to the effects of the drug.

3% oxolinic ointment is used for both
getting rid of warts. The agent is applied to the affected areas. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor. Individual nuances of the current situation and the patient's condition are taken into account.

for kids

Usually the dosage of oxolinic ointment for children corresponds to the same parameter that is relevant for adults. Before applying the product, you need to consult a specialist, especially if a small child needs to use the ointment.

for pregnant women and during lactation

The dose of oxolinic ointment that pregnant women should use is similar to the dose for an adult. Use of the product without prior medical advice is strictly prohibited.

Side effects

If a person decides to use oxolinic ointment, there may be side effects. After applying the product to the skin or mucous membranes, the following phenomena may be observed:

  • the appearance of rhinitis;
  • burning at the site of application;
  • slight bluish discoloration of the skin;
  • dermatitis.

If side effects occur, you should immediately stop using oxolin ointment and consult a doctor.

Interaction with other drugs

If oxolinic ointment is used intravenously together with adrenomimetic agents, this can cause increased dryness of the nasal mucosa. Combining drug treatment with alcohol is not recommended.

special instructions

Carrying out preventive treatment using oxolinic ointment can help prevent infection with viral infections, including influenza. However, the tool does not give a 100% guarantee. For this reason, experts advise using other methods of prevention.


AT official instructions the possibility of drug overdose is not mentioned. However, if applied too a large number of product on the skin, a burning sensation may occur. In this case, rinse the skin area with clean water.

It is forbidden to use the drug inside. If the product still gets into the stomach, you need to perform a wash.

Storage conditions

The tool can be purchased at pharmacies without a prescription. The drug must be stored and carried in its original packaging. The tool should be kept out of the reach of children. Storage temperature should be no more than 10 degrees Celsius. The shelf life of the drug is 3 years from the date of manufacture. If the storage period has ended, the use of the tool is strictly prohibited.


There are no complete analogues of oxolinic ointment, there are its substitutes for the clinical and pharmacological group:

  1. refers to antiviral drugs. It is produced in several dosage forms, including in the form of a gel and ointment for external use. It is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, including influenza. In addition, it is used in combination with other medicines for herpes. Ointment is allowed for children from one year old, gel from birth. The drug can be prescribed for the treatment of women in position and breastfeeding.
  2. Infagel is available as a nasal gel. The therapeutic effect of it is explained by the α-2b-interferon, which is part of the composition, which has an antiviral effect. The drug is recommended for treatment herpetic infections and prevention of SARS in adults.
  3. refers to antivirals. It is produced in tablets for oral administration. The drug is used for the treatment and prevention of influenza in adults and children over 3 years of age. In addition, it is recommended for the treatment of herpes infections in adult patients.
  4. is an antiviral drug available in tablets. The medicine can be used to treat acute respiratory viral infections and influenza in children from 7 years of age. For adult patients, it can be prescribed for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, for the purpose of therapy viral hepatitis, herpes, chlamydia, tuberculosis, cytomegalovirus infection, encephalomyelitis.

The price of the drug

The cost of Oxolinic ointment is an average of 71 rubles. Prices range from 24 to 249 rubles.

Local antiviral drug - Oxolinic ointment, is used to treat viral pathologies of the skin, eyes; rhinitis. The ointment is used to treat vesicular and herpes zoster, warts, herpes, papillomas, Dühring's dermatitis and other diseases. The remedy was registered in 1970. The safety and effectiveness of the drug became the key to its popularity among the people. The active substance of the drug is oxolin. The undoubted advantage is that the ointment has only one contraindication - hypersensitivity to the components. Can be used in childhood during childbearing and breastfeeding. So, why Oxolinic ointment, what therapeutic effects does it have?

Forms of release, composition and pharmacological action

The active ingredient of the drug oxolin. Oxolinic ointment is 3% and 0.25%. As auxiliary components, the instruction indicates vaseline and Vaseline oil. The color of the medicinal substance is white or slightly yellow. On the background long-term storage a pinkish tint appears.

Oxolin has an antiviral property against herpes, shingles, influenza viruses (mainly type A2). Clinical researches revealed the susceptibility of adenoviruses, viruses of molluscum contagiosum and warts.

Worth knowing: the pharmacological action is due to the inhibition of the virus located on the surface cell membranes which prevents it from penetrating to the cellular level.

Ointment Oxolinic 3% is non-toxic. Against the background of topical application is not absorbed into circulatory system, does not lead to the development of negative phenomena. When applied to mucous membranes, the agent is absorbed by 20%. When applied to the skin, only 5% is absorbed. There is no cumulation effect, excretion is carried out within 24 hours.

Indications, contraindications and side effects

As noted above, Oxolinic ointment has only one contraindication - organic intolerance to the active ingredient or auxiliary components of the drug. This phenomenon is observed extremely rarely - in about 0.001% of cases.

Side effects are also rare. These include a slight burning sensation at the site of application - it is leveled independently after 1-2 minutes. With hypersensitivity, rhinorrhea and dermatitis occur. There is slight discoloration of the skin Blue colour It is easily washed off with running water without the use of soap.

Ointment of various concentrations of the active ingredient differs in appointments. Application Oxolinic ointment 3% is recommended in the following situations:

  • Warts that were the result of the activity and reproduction of the human papillomavirus (spike, flat warts, genital warts);
  • Shingles;
  • Simple deprive (bubble type);
  • scaly lichen;
  • Molluscum contagiosum;
  • Herpes simplex virus;
  • Duhring's dermatitis;
  • Psoriasis (only as part of complex treatment).

For therapy depriving a local agent in modern medical practice is rarely used because there are now better drugs with proven clinical efficacy.

Indications for use Oxolinic ointment 0.25%:

  • Viral types of rhinitis;
  • Flu;
  • SARS;
  • Eye pathologies of a viral nature;
  • Prevention of influenza / SARS and other similar diseases.

So, what is Oxolin ointment for? According to patients, the remedy is effective prevention flu. Use during seasonal outbreaks of the disease. The use is not recommended already in case of illness, in this case the drug does not work.

Important: according to the Russian and Ukrainian treatment protocols, the treatment of viral eye pathologies is permissible through the “oxolink”, but not in Belarus. It is for this reason that the instructions for use of Oxolinic ointment, manufactured in Ukraine and the Russian Federation, indicate that the agent can be used for viral eye damage. In the inserts of the ointment produced in the Republic of Belarus, this column is absent. Moreover, some instructions note in a separate paragraph that it should not be applied to the eyes. The topical preparation contains Vaseline varying degrees cleaning, so it is better not to use those samples where it is indicated not to do this.

Instructions for use

The instruction for Oxolinic ointment states that a 0.25% agent is applied exclusively to the mucous membranes, and a 3% concentration is used for application to the skin. If a 3% substance is applied to the mucous membrane, this leads to local irritation, a large dosage of the active ingredient enters the bloodstream. Along with this, 0.25% does not make sense to use for the treatment of skin pathologies, since the effectiveness is minimal.

So, what helps Oxolinic ointment, considered. Please read the instructions for use:

  1. For the treatment of the common cold, provoked by infection, the ointment is placed in each nostril up to three times a day. The therapy lasts 3-4 days. They try to distribute the drug on the mucous membranes in a thin layer so that it does not interfere with full breathing.
  2. For the treatment of viral eye infections ointment is applied to the lower eyelid three times a day. If other local means are used in parallel, then the frequency of use is once a day.
  3. Flu Prevention: 3-4 times a day lay the ointment in the nasal passages. Before manipulation, the sinuses are washed with saline.
  4. To cure herpes shingles, etc. skin diseases, the agent is applied in a thin layer to the affected area. Multiplicity of use - up to three times a day. In the process of application, the substance is rubbed with light movements, then the treated area is covered with a sterile napkin, fixed with adhesive tape.
  5. To get rid of stomatitis use 0.25% medication. A viscous substance is applied 3-4 times a day to the entire oral cavity. It is recommended to carefully treat sores. The course - until the complete leveling of clinical manifestations.

With the help of Oxolinic ointment, warts are treated. The drug works effectively, but you will need to use it for a long time - at least 2 months. It is necessary to use a 3% agent. Warts are lubricated 3-4 times a day with ointment, then covered with a bandage.

Use during pregnancy

The instruction notes that a local drug can be used during childbearing, but on condition that the intended benefit to the mother outweighs the likelihood of harm to the baby. In other words, none Scientific research, proving or refuting the safety of Oksolinka during pregnancy, have not been carried out.

But in practice, medical professionals often prescribe ointment to pregnant women. Doctors believe that the Soviet medicine is safe remedy, which is a good prevention of influenza during epidemics. Also, a long period of use of "Oxolink" allows you to make a reasonable conclusion about the safety of the drug for women who are expecting a baby.

For your information: In order to prevent infections, the ointment is placed in the nasal passages every time before going outside. After returning home, the product is washed off with warm water. With each subsequent use of the drug, you should always wash out the previous volume. Continuous use during pregnancy for 25 days is allowed.

Application for children

Instructions for use of Oxolinic ointment for children states that the remedy can be used from the age of two. This is due to the maturity of the mucous membranes and respiratory organs, their ability to respond normally to fatty ointment. In children under 2 years of age, the nasal sinuses are narrow, communicating with the lacrimal sac of the eye and the middle ear. Such anatomical feature is the risk of penetration of the substance into the ear or lacrimal sac, which leads to the spread of the infectious process.

Features of the use of "Oxolink" in childhood:

  • Only 0.25% of the product is allowed;
  • For the treatment of the common cold, prevention of SARS lubricate the nasal mucosa several times a day;
  • For warts in children the ointment is applied to the affected area 3-4 times a day, the course of treatment is several months.

As for the use for newborns, it is not recommended to use it as a therapy / prevention of the common cold, flu, and other diseases. This moment is based on the anatomical features of the infants. Before applying the product to the skin, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician.


For a long time, Oksolinka had no analogues and competitors among pharmaceuticals. In 2006, the medicine Oksonaphthylin appeared, it can be called an analogue of the drug. And in 2008 Tetraxoline. These drugs are structural analogues, in other words, the composition contains the same active substance.

There are also other drugs that provide local antiviral effects. They are not classified as structural analogues, since they contain other components. They are similar in therapeutic effects. These drugs include drugs with interferon. The most famous medicine, Viferon. Release form - suppositories, ointment, gel.

When asked which remedy is better: Oxolinic ointment or new drugs, it is rather difficult to answer. After all, the principle of the pharmacological effects of interferons has nothing to do with the properties of Oxolink, since it is based on an increase immune status. But given the fact that suppositories are absorbed into the bloodstream, have a systemic effect, the scales often lean towards Viferon.

The final decision on the choice of medication, especially for a child, is made by a medical specialist. If the doctor has prescribed Oxolink, then it can be independently replaced with Tetraxoline or Oxonaphthylin. This is the same.

Despite the assurances of some doctors about the uselessness of Oxolinic ointment, it is popular for the treatment and prevention of viral diseases. The tool really works, at least for those patients who purchase it. The price is quite affordable, depending on the concentration of the active ingredient. The average cost is $ 0.5-1.5.


How often, having traveled in a minibus or visiting a crowded place, do you feel unwell, sore throat and runny nose in the morning? During the epidemic period, avoid infection, protect the nasal mucosa from exposure harmful microorganisms Oksolinovaya ointment helps. How good is this drug? How to use it correctly for children and adults? What is the cost of medicine in pharmacies?

Ointment Oxolinic

Oxonaphthyline, Tetraxolinic or simply Oksolin - antiviral agent, which is based on medicinal substance external use naphthalene-tetron. There are no drugs completely similar in composition or principle of action outside the CIS countries, since the effectiveness of this remedy has not yet been scientifically proven. However, the developers claim that the drug has a bactericidal effect on herpes and influenza viruses. The effect is achieved as soon as the microorganisms enter the mucous membrane, lubricated with the drug.


Outwardly, the ointment in its structure is more like a gel-like substance: it is dense, with a whitish-gray tint, viscous and without any impurities. The main component of the tool is chemical compound tetrahydronaphthalene or simply oxolin, the abbreviated version of which gave the name to the drug. As an auxiliary substance in the composition of Oxolinic ointment, manufacturers have included ordinary medical purified vaseline oil.

Release form

In pharmacies, the cream is sold in cardboard boxes, inside which aluminum tubes of various sizes are placed. There are two types: 0.25 and 3 percent. The first is efficient nasal remedy to fight germs, the second is only suitable for external use. The percentage notifies the buyer about the concentration of active ingredients. In addition, each variety has its own production volume, for example:

  • Oksolin 3% is sold only in tubes of 10, 25 and 30 grams;
  • A 0.25% remedy can be found in volumes of 5-10-25 and 30 grams.

pharmachologic effect

When applied externally, the active ingredients ensure the binding of herpes viruses, influenza, and other microorganisms with epithelial cells, thus increasing the ability of the immune system to resist respiratory viral and infectious diseases. After application to the skin, about 5% of the drug is completely absorbed into the blood. If you lubricate the mucous membrane of the nose or mouth, the body will receive 20% of the active substances. All components are completely excreted by the kidneys per day. However, the drug does not negative impact per person, and provided that the instructions are followed, it does not irritate the skin.

Indications for use

A three percent ointment, according to the instructions, can be used externally when:

  • warts caused by the causative agent of papilloma, including genital warts and thorns;
  • molluscum contagiosum;
  • simple virus herpes;
  • dermatitis;
  • psoriasis.

In addition, the annotation to the drug indicates that the cream can be used to treat shingles, scaly or herpes. However, at the moment, in practice, this method of getting rid of skin lesions is rarely used, since there are other more effective external agents. If, for any reason, treatment by others medicines not available, Oksolin will have a therapeutic effect.

Ointment 0.25% will help prevent the development of many respiratory viral infections, and the treatment of diseases in acute stage development will not give the desired result. Instructions for use states that the gel can be used to prevent diseases such as:

  • ARVI and ODS;
  • viral rhinitis;
  • early keratitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • barley;
  • blepharitis;
  • prevention of viral infections during an exacerbation.

It is worth considering that the use of Oxolin for the treatment of viral eye infections is an indication only in the territory Russian Federation and Ukraine. Products with oxolin produced in Belarus in inserts with useful information no such evidence. In addition, some domestic annotations indicate that the treatment of conjunctivitis, keratitis and other infections is not recommended, so you should consult your doctor before using it.

From papillomas

In the treatment of warts, Oksolin is applied in a light layer to the entire infected area of ​​​​the epidermis several times a day. When rubbing the product, it is necessary to make light stroking movements, trying to prevent pressure or strong rubbing of the product. After application, the skin is covered with a sterile bandage, cotton pad or gauze bandage.

During the treatment of severe skin lesions, an occlusive dressing with cellophane, wax-coated paper, or polyethylene should be applied to the treated area. It is necessary to leave a bandage on the body for no longer than one day, then repeat the procedure. The course of treatment for papillomas is from 14 to 16 days, depending on the severity of the disease.

For the nose

For the treatment of a mild runny nose caused by a respiratory viral infection, the agent is placed directly on the mucous membrane in each nasal passage 2-3 times a day for 4 days. Before the distribution of Oxolin, the nose is cleaned with sea ​​water. For the convenience of distribution of funds, it is better to use cotton swab or a soft silicone spatula so as not to damage the mucous membranes in the process.

The drug for the nose is not combined with any drugs, including vasoconstrictor drops. For the prevention of influenza, the agent must be applied up to two times a day, washing the nasal passages before each use. saline solution. Average prophylactic use ranges from two weeks to 25 calendar days.

Instructions for use

When choosing Oksolin in a pharmacy, it is worth considering that at a dosage of 0.25% it is available for application to the mucous membranes of the mouth or nose, and 3% of the drug can only be distributed externally. It is unacceptable to use a three percent solution on mucous membranes, as this can lead to severe burning, redness and other allergic reactions. In contrast, 0.25% ointment should not have any effect in the treatment of skin infections.


For the prevention of influenza and SARS in a child, it is recommended to use only 0.25% ointment. It is necessary to apply the product with a cotton swab before each exit to the street. For example, if your baby goes to kindergarten, then he needs to process the nasal canals in the morning, after daytime sleep and before an evening walk, each time washing off the remnants warm water.

If Oxolinic ointment for children will be used as the main remedy for the common cold, then you should use the scheme for adults: put the medication in the nose 3 times a day for 4 days. Dr. Komarovsky strongly advises all parents to remember that the remedy is not suitable for every child. If the baby does not tolerate such treatment, feels slight discomfort or suffocation, the drug should be replaced with a nasal spray.

For babies

According to the instructions, you can use the ointment on children starting at the age of two years. Such restrictions are not accidental and are associated with insufficient maturity of the respiratory tract and nasal mucosa. The problem is that in babies, the passages from the nose communicate well with the ears and tear ducts of the eyes. This anatomical feature leads to the fact that the fatty ointment can get into the ear or eyes, provoking the spread of infection. In addition, the newborn's nose is too narrow and a large piece medicinal product can lead to severe spasm, up to suffocation.

Oksolin during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Regarding the use of oxolin ointment during pregnancy, scientific studies on this topic have not been conducted. Because of this, drug manufacturers often write in the instructions that they do not recommend using the drug after conception. However, many years of medical practice claims that Oxolinic ointment during pregnancy is absolutely safe for the fetus.

The active components of the drug enter the body in a minimal amount, so you can lubricate the nasal passages during breastfeeding. Treatment and prevention of influenza, SARS and other respiratory viral diseases in pregnant women is carried out according to the standard scheme: 2 times a day for 4 days. Regular use of drugs with oxolin during this period for 25 days is recommended.


The main contraindication to the use of oxolin ointment is hypersensitivity to the active ingredient or aids medicines. In addition, it should be used with extreme caution by people prone to allergies and asthmatics. Due to the excessive sensitivity of the epidermis during pregnancy, external Oxolinic ointment 3% should not be used by women while expecting a baby. Many doctors also recommend that pregnant women in the first trimester refrain from such flu prophylaxis.

Side effect

Cases of overdose have not yet been registered. However, extremely rarely, the drug can still cause side effects, including:

  • a feeling of severe burning and itching;
  • skin redness;
  • hives;
  • increased mucous discharge from the nose;
  • tearing when used during the treatment of eye infections;
  • development risk skin dermatitis;
  • blue coloration of the skin when using the product externally.

Shelf life

The effectiveness of oxolin ointment in the treatment of influenza is already assessed by many doctors as very low, and the result of using an expired remedy can be completely unpredictable. To avoid possible side effects, the packaging should be stored at an air temperature of no higher than 10 degrees, therefore perfect place will be the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Under all storage conditions, the shelf life of the drug is 3 years.


If there are any contraindications or adverse reactions, in a pharmacy you can buy other drugs that are similar in composition, properties or principle of action on the body. For example, an analogue of Oxolinic ointment 3% is:

  • Alpizarin;
  • Vivorax;
  • Bonafon;
  • Herperax;
  • Hyporamine;
  • Zovirax;
  • Gerpevir;
  • Devirs;
  • Acyclovir;
  • Fenestil;
  • Epigene labial.

A good alternative for use on the mucous membranes of the mouth or nose will be:

  • Thylaxin;
  • Nikavir tablets;
  • Tetraxoline cream;
  • Lavomax capsules;
  • Oksonaphtilin;
  • gel Panavir;
  • tablets Ergoferon;
  • capsules or dragee Arbidol;
  • Viracept powder.

The price of Oxolinic ointment

You can buy a proven antiviral agent without a prescription at any pharmacy in the country. In addition, it is possible to deliver funds to your home when ordering from a photo through official pharmaceutical online stores. Before purchasing, do not forget to check the expiration date of the medication, the package for opening and make sure that the instructions are available. How much does Oxolinic ointment cost in Moscow can be found from the pivot table.

Oxolinic ointment 3% contains active ingredient oxolin . Additional substances are also contained in the composition: vaseline, vaseline oil.

Release form

It is produced in the form of 0.25% ointment (it is contained in a tube of 10 g), as well as 3% ointment (in a tube of 30 g). Viscous, thick, may have a white or yellow-white color. During storage, it may acquire a pink tint.

pharmachologic effect

This product contains an active ingredient oxolin , which demonstrates antiviral activity against simplex viruses , herpes zoster , as well as the virus (mainly type A2). Sensitivity to oxolin of adenoviruses, viruses and warts infectious origin.

This tool is applied externally, has an antiviral effect. The mechanism of action of the active substance is based on its ability to block the binding sites of the influenza virus with the cell membrane. The agent blocks viruses on the surface of membranes, preventing the introduction of the virus into cells.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

It is not toxic, there is no systemic effect if it is applied topically. In organism active substance does not accumulate. If the drug is applied to the mucous membranes, only 20% of the drug is absorbed. After application to the skin, only 5% of the product is absorbed. It does not irritate if the required amount and concentration has been applied, and the skin in the places of application has not been damaged.

Does not accumulate. Excretion occurs through the kidneys for one day.

Indications for use Oxolinic ointment

Are celebrated the following indications to the use of Oxolinic ointment:

  • viral diseases of the skin, eyes;
  • viral origin (inflammatory processes of the nasal mucosa);
  • psoriasis , bubble and shingles ;
  • molluscum contagiosum ;
  • appearance ;
  • herpetiformis Dühring's dermatitis .

It is also used for the prevention of influenza, for which oxolinic ointment is applied during epidemics in order to prevent infection with the virus.

0.25% Oksolin is also used at. This remedy is effective for stomatitis, which is of herpes origin.


Contraindication to use is high sensitivity to the drug, a tendency to allergic reactions.

Side effects

It is possible to develop a slight burning sensation at the place where the remedy was applied. May show up rhinorrhea , dermatitis , slight coloration of the skin in a blue tint, easily washed off.

Oxolinic ointment, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

If Oxolinic ointment is used, the instructions for use must be followed.

During therapy viral keratitis , as well as adenovirus keratoconjunctivitis it is necessary to lay 0.25% ointment behind the eyelid 1-3 times a day. Treatment is carried out within 3-4 days. If you need treatment for infants, be sure to consult a specialist.

For the purpose of treatment viral rhinitis you need to carefully lubricate the nasal mucosa 2-3 times a day for 3-4 days. For this, 0.25% ointment is used. Similarly, an ointment is used for children and adults for the purpose of prevention. influenza , SARS . During a flu epidemic, it is necessary to practice lubrication for several weeks, be sure to use an ointment when in contact with a flu patient.

sick with different types lichen , With molluscum contagiosum a 3% ointment should be used, which is applied 2-3 times a day to the lesions. Treatment lasts from 2 weeks to 2 months, depending on the condition of the patient. Use during pregnancy for treatment and prevention should be carried out only after a doctor's prescription.

3% Oxolinic ointment is used from warts . Apply to skin affected by warts. Reviews indicate that the medicine sometimes allows you to completely get rid of warts.


There is no description of drug overdose. When using an excessive amount of the product, a burning sensation may occur. In this case, you need to wash off the drug with warm water. If the medicine was taken orally, you need to wash the stomach, take enterosorbents and consult a doctor.


If Oksolin is used intranasally simultaneously with adrenomimetic means , this can provoke excessive dryness of the nasal mucosa.

Terms of sale

Sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

Storage conditions

The drug is stored and transported in its original packaging, the temperature should not exceed 10°C. Must be kept away from children.

Shelf life

special instructions

It should be borne in mind that the use of a drug for the purpose of prevention does not guarantee one hundred percent protection against viral infections, which is why other methods of prevention should be used.

Oksolin for newborns and infants is not used, since such treatment is fraught with serious complications. AT this case the anatomical features of the respiratory tract of infants are of decisive importance.

Oxolinic ointment during pregnancy and lactation

If a woman uses Oxolinic ointment during pregnancy, the instructions must be followed very carefully. Doctors may recommend the use of this drug by pregnant women for the purpose of prevention during periods of epidemics of viral infections. It should be noted that for the expectant mother, an attack of viral infections is more dangerous than the use of Oxolinic ointment in accordance with the instructions.

Oxolinic ointment was developed and registered by domestic pharmacists back in 1970. In those distant times, the invention of a drug that could resist the influenza virus was a breakthrough in pharmaceuticals. A significant competitor of oxolin was only rimantadine, which had both contraindications and some side effects. The safety and ease of use of the Soviet antiviral drug have become the key to its wide popularity.

Many products sold in pharmacies Soviet Union, have long disappeared from the shelves and have sunk into oblivion. And the good old Oxolinic ointment is still on sale, despite the multiple assurances of both patients and some doctors about its complete inefficiency.

This means only one thing: the drug really works, at least for those people who buy it. After all, a medicine that has no effect cannot be sold consistently for 40 years!

Just like the Soviet antiseptic, called "zelenka", the favorite remedy for the flu received a second name. Pharmacists and fans affectionately nicknamed the medicine "oxolinka". Is this not proof of universal recognition?

So, let's try to figure it out - what is Oxolinic ointment and what effect does it actually have. Is it effective? And in what cases should you not rely on it?

Forms of release, composition and pharmacological action

The modern pharmaceutical market offers two forms of release of the famous remedy:

- 0.25% ointment intended for the prevention of influenza, as well as the treatment of infections caused by adenovirus. This form of release is applied to sensitive areas: the nasal mucosa, the membrane eyeball, per eyelid.

- 3% Oxolinic ointment will be needed in the treatment of dermatological viral diseases: herpes, shingles, molluscum contagiosum. The concentrated form of release is intended for use on skin, including the damaged ones.

The drug contains a single component - a complex Chemical substance with a long unpronounceable name. pharmachologic effect Oxolinic ointment is based on the ability to have a virucidal effect upon direct contact with the virus. Simply put, viruses in contact with active substance are inactivated and die.

The effectiveness of oxolinic ointment extends to several pathogens. These include influenza virus, herpes simplex virus - Herpes simplex, adenovirus. In addition, a virucidal effect on the herpes zoster virus, human papillomavirus and molluscum contagiosum was recorded.

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Flu medicine: applied externally

Infection with influenza occurs in two ways: by contact and much more often by airborne droplets. It is known that influenza viruses are found in large quantities in the air. The virus needs to pass through the nasal passages before settling down and starting its destructive work. In order to ensure contact between the influenza pathogen and oxolin, it is enough to simply treat the nasal mucosa.

During the epidemic, Oxolinic ointment is best applied twice a day. The duration of use of the drug depends on the extent of the epidemic. As a rule, experts recommend using oxolin for preventive purposes for 25 days. It is during this period of time that an influenza outbreak has time to peak and decline, and the likelihood of infection is significantly reduced.

If you have to communicate with a flu patient, you should increase the frequency of applications per day to 3-4 times. Wearing a face mask and washing your hands frequently will further increase your chances of staying alert and healthy. If a family member is sick, we must not forget about timely wet cleaning and regular airing. The result of these seemingly simple actions is not inferior, and sometimes exceeds the effectiveness of Oxolinic ointment.

Safe application

A feature of oxolin, which, no doubt, largely determined the enduring popularity of the drug, is safety. How often do we have to be appalled at the size of drug labels! And a long list of contraindications and, even worse, side effects sometimes shocks an inexperienced reader.

Oxolinic ointment is devoid of these shortcomings. To a large extent, this is due to the peculiarities of pharmacokinetics - the rate of absorption, distribution in the body and subsequent excretion of the active substance.

When treating the skin, only 5% of the drug is absorbed, and when applied to the mucous membranes, the amount of the active substance penetrating into the blood increases to 20%. These figures are especially eloquent when compared with the bioavailability of tablet preparations. The amount of drug that enters the bloodstream from the gastrointestinal tract can reach 90% or even more. It is no wonder that tablets and syrups have side effects and have a fairly wide list of contraindications.

Oxolinic ointment is completely excreted from our body during the day, does not accumulate and does not have a systemic, that is, a general effect on the body. The toxic and irritating effect of the drug is excluded.

I would like to note that when applied to the nasal mucosa, a slight burning sensation is allowed, which lasts for several minutes and does not cause discomfort. Applying "oxolinka" for the prevention of influenza and SARS in children, this nuance should be taken into account. If the baby begins to complain of a burning sensation in the nose, as a rule, it is enough to distract him for a while, and the problem will be solved.

Evidence-based medicine and Oxolinic ointment

Some experts draw attention to the lack of evidence base for the effectiveness of the famous drug. Indeed, for more than 40 years of using Oxolinic Ointment, not a single randomized clinical trial has been conducted that would prove the activity of the active substance against viruses. But all over the world it has long been customary to evaluate the work of any drug based on data from double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trials.

Moreover, Oxolinic ointment is one of the few medicines that are used exclusively in the territory of the former USSR.

However, this does not prevent us from loving and using this drug. Numerous fans of Oxolinic ointment prove its antiviral effect from their own experience. Our devotion is confirmed by the consistently high sales of the drug in the autumn-winter period, which do not fall from year to year. Apparently, "oxolink" does not need an evidence base - its effectiveness has been confirmed by many years of practice of general practitioners and pediatricians.

And even experts who completely deny the antiviral effect of Oxolinic ointment agree with the possibility of a placebo effect. After all, according to some data, in 40% of cases of using drugs, a positive result can be due precisely to the effect of a dummy drug.

Experience in children up to a year

We have already said that the drug is distinguished by the absence of systemic action and cumulation, that is, the accumulation of the active substance in the body with prolonged use. Due to these properties, as well as the complete absence of toxicity, Oxolinic ointment is widely used to prevent viral infections in infants - children of the first year of life.

Moms should pay special attention to the concentration of the purchased funds. If the erroneous use of a concentrated form of release of the drug in adults is not dangerous, then in infants the use of Oxolinic Ointment 3% can cause severe irritation of the delicate mucous membrane. Therefore, when buying "oxolinka" for an infant, once again check the concentration of the medicine.

The mode of application of Oxolinic ointment in children up to a year is the same as for adult patients. Applying the drug to the nasal mucosa twice a day will help protect the child's body during epidemics.

I would like to note that sometimes the instructions for Oxolinic Ointment indicate an age limit for use. Some manufacturers do not recommend the use of the medicine in children under two years of age. This is due to the lack of clinical trials of the drug. Nevertheless, the use of Oxolinic ointment and its analogues for the prevention of infections in newborns is approved by many pediatricians.

In the vast majority of cases, the drug is well tolerated. If, immediately after using the product, the infant behaves restlessly, there is a possibility of irritation of the hypersensitive nasal mucosa. In this case, it is better to reduce the concentration of the active substance. This is easy to achieve: just mix Oxolinic ointment for nasal use with any neutral base. For these purposes, lanolin, petroleum jelly or even a regular baby cream is ideal. One part of the drug and one part of the base must be carefully homogenized, that is, brought to a homogeneous state. It is not worth storing such a “home-made” remedy: the base can become an excellent breeding ground for bacteria and viruses.

Oxolinic ointment for children: when, how and how much

Young children are a risk category for SARS and influenza. Groups in nurseries and kindergartens, overcrowded with not always healthy pupils, are the main breeding ground for infection. Therefore, the prevention of viral diseases is necessary, and the banal “oxolink” is a real helper in this.

Despite the fact that the annotation to Oxolinic ointment indicates a clear period of use - 25 days - there may be reasons to use the drug for a longer time. After all, unfortunately, ARVI in kindergarten and elementary school often "thrives" throughout the autumn-winter period. Working parents are forced to protect their child in all reasonable and not very ways, sometimes descending to the creation of necklaces from garlic cloves and other jewelry. The effectiveness of such methods, unfortunately, is low.

Meanwhile, a convenient mode of application of Oxolinic ointment allows you to additionally protect children from infection without resorting to sophistication.

A prophylactic antiviral agent should be used from November to the end of March, when the cold season comes to an end. During periods of recession of the epidemic, you can take a break. A double application of Oxolinic ointment on the nasal mucosa is quite enough to prevent seasonal infections in children of any age.

During pregnancy and lactation

Flu during pregnancy is not only unpleasant. This is dangerous. The transferred disease in the first trimester can lead to disaster. Therefore, avoiding infection is one of the first tasks of the expectant mother during the raging flu. Oxolinic ointment occupies the first lines of the rating of antiviral agents approved for use during pregnancy. The safety of the drug allows it to be used in any trimester.

When asked what to choose as a prophylaxis for influenza - Oxolinic ointment, nose drops or Viferon suppositories, it is difficult to answer unambiguously. After all, the mechanism of action of interferon preparations has nothing to do with the pharmacological effect of "oxolink" and is based on the stimulation of immune forces. However, given that suppositories are absorbed into the blood and have a systemic effect, sometimes the benefits are on the side of Viferon. The final decision on the selection of the drug, especially in the case of disease prevention in frequently ill children, should be taken by the attending physician.

If the doctor prescribed Oxolinic ointment, you can confidently replace it with its analogues Oxonaphtilin or Tetraxoline. At the same time, you can be sure of the complete identity of these drugs.

Side effects

After the use of Oxolinic ointment, side effects are extremely rare. This is again directly related to the slight absorption of the agent and low toxicity.

Main side effects:

  • short-term burning or discomfort in the area of ​​application. Most often, this effect is noted after applying the ointment to the mucous membranes;
  • allergic dermatitis after the use of oxolin in sensitized, that is, sensitive patients. I would like to note that during the long-term practice of using the drug, isolated cases of allergies were registered. The chance of this side effect is less than 1%;
  • blue coloration of the skin, which is easily washed off and cannot be the reason for drug withdrawal;
  • rhinorrhea, that is, increased secretion of nasal mucus. This effect is easily stopped by any vasoconstrictor drops and does not cause discomfort.

Are there any contraindications

We have come to a section that worries all patients who purchase a drug. But this paragraph will probably be one of the most laconic. There are simply no contraindications to the use of Oxolinic ointment. With the exception of individual sensitivity to the active substance.

Any average person can have an individual reaction to any, even the most harmless drug or cosmetic product. However, the vast majority of patients need not worry. Most often, people who encounter such manifestations suffer from severe allergies and are aware of the characteristics of their body.

In the light of the numbers, the probability of individual sensitivity to Oksolinova ointment looks almost ghostly: it hardly reaches 0.1%.

Storage conditions

The effectiveness of the medicinal product largely depends on compliance with storage conditions. Oxolinic ointment remains active at a temperature not exceeding 10 degrees, so the drug must be stored in the refrigerator.

We must not forget about another important condition: you need to store any medicine in a place inaccessible to children.