Five-minute sea buckthorn jam. A simple recipe for sea buckthorn jam for the winter. Making sea buckthorn jam without cooking

Today I will tell you how to prepare healthy seedless sea buckthorn jam for the winter. Sea buckthorn berries are sour in taste, so it is unlikely that anyone will eat them in this form. Then you can cook aromatic, bright jam, which turns out sweet and not only children will like it.

Sea buckthorn preparations will undoubtedly be useful in winter for preventing vitamin deficiency and boosting immunity. You can make jam with or without seeds. The second option is good because you can cook any baked goods with this preparation and the bones will not get in the way. However, maximum benefit concentrated precisely in the black seeds.

In order for sea buckthorn jam to be stored longer, it must be heat treated. There is no need to add acid; there is enough of it in the berries themselves. The container for jam must be disinfected in advance with hot steam and dried. The jam is poured into jars while hot. After cooling, it is not too thick and stores well in the cellar.

Ingredients for making sea buckthorn jam

  1. Sea buckthorn – 600 g.
  2. Sugar – 600 g.
  3. Water – 500 ml.

How to prepare seedless sea buckthorn jam for the winter

It is necessary to choose fresh sea buckthorn without damaged berries for jam. Remove green leaves before washing.

Pour the sea buckthorn into a small-mesh ladle and rinse well with water, shake the dish several times.

Pour the berries into a saucepan and add filtered water. Place over medium heat and bring to a boil. Boil for 2-3 minutes over low heat. During cooking, you can remove the foam if there is a lot of it.

Then drain the water through a colander into the sink, and leave the boiled berries in the pan. That is, liquid is not needed to cook the main part.

Using an immersion blender, grind the sea buckthorn until smooth. It can be left as is.

Or grind through a sieve to remove seeds and remaining skins.

Pour sugar into sea buckthorn puree. Mix well with a spatula and leave on the table for about 1.5-2 hours.

Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for 10-12 minutes over low heat. Collect the foam at the beginning of the boil.

Pour the jam into a sterilized jar, it turns out to be approximately 0.5 liters.

Close with an iron lid and turn the jar over. Cover with a towel and leave overnight.

Sea buckthorn jam has a beautiful amber hue, it is very tasty and aromatic. It is suitable for both cookies and buns as a filling. Bon appetit!

Sea buckthorn has been known to us for its beneficial properties since ancient times. Currently, many recipes are based on yellow berries. Sea buckthorn is used to cook healing infusions, delicious compotes and other goodies. The berries are not demanding to grow and most often grow in wildlife. Sea buckthorn is an order of magnitude superior to many berries in its beneficial qualities. Let's consider popular recipes jam.

Classic sea buckthorn jam

  • granulated sugar - 1.1 kg.
  • sea ​​buckthorn berries (fresh) - 1.2 kg.
  1. Collect sea buckthorn berries and organize preparatory activities when you arrive home. Sort out the raw materials in the usual way and get rid of spoiled fruits. Rinse the sea buckthorn in a colander and wait until it drips.
  2. Place the berries on a sheet and leave to dry for half an hour. After this, the fruits must be placed in a convenient container, pierced each specimen with a needle, add sugar and mix.
  3. Leave the product to infuse for 5-6 hours. Next, you need to place it on the stove, turn on the minimum power and wait for it to boil. When bubbles appear, boil the mixture for literally 5-7 minutes. Close the jam in the classic way.

Frozen sea buckthorn jam

  • filtered water - 0.8 l.
  • granulated sugar - 1.6 kg.
  • sea ​​buckthorn berries - 1 kg.
  1. Remove the sea buckthorn from freezer, sort, rinse and place in a sieve. Wait for all the liquid to drain and at the same time start cooking the syrup. Place purified water in a saucepan on the stove and wait for bubbles to appear.
  2. Add sand, reduce heat, and do not forget to systematically mix the composition. Boil until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved. After this, the liquid must be passed through cheesecloth and returned to the stove.
  3. Wait for the syrup to boil. Place the sea buckthorn in a heat-resistant bowl, pour the hot sweet mixture over the berries. Leave it like this for several hours. After the time has passed, the sea buckthorn should be put back on the burner.
  4. Turn on the heat, wait until it boils, then reduce the power to low. Boil for 4-6 minutes, turn off. Pour sea buckthorn jam into sterilized jars and seal with nylon. Keep refrigerated.

Sea buckthorn jam with hawthorn

  • ripe hawthorn - 550 gr.
  • sugar - 1.4 kg.
  • fresh sea buckthorn - 950 gr.
  1. Sort out the raw materials, remove the stalks, and rinse in the standard way with running water. Drain the berries in a colander. Wait until the water has completely drained. After the manipulation, immerse the products in the blender bowl.
  2. Turn the berries into a smooth paste. Next, the finished puree needs to be poured into a metal container. Add sugar and mix ingredients. Place the container with its contents on low heat. Warm up to 80-85 degrees.
  3. After a series of steps, pack the sea buckthorn delicacy into dry jars. Place the glass container with the jam in a saucepan with hot water. Carry out sterilization in boiling liquid for about a third of an hour.
  4. Please note that the lids must not be tightly closed. After the expiration date, roll up the jars using classical technology. Turn the container over and insulate it. After a day, remove the jam long-term storage to a suitable place.

  • granulated sugar - 1.3 kg.
  • sea ​​buckthorn (amber) - 1.4 kg.
  1. Prepare the berries in the classic way. Combine sea buckthorn with sugar in a metal pan.
  2. Gently mix the products and leave at room temperature for several hours. After this, transfer the components into the multi-bowl and set the “Stew” program.
  3. The manipulation should take about 1 hour. Open the lid of the household appliance, stir the composition. As a result, you will get a thick mass.
  4. Set the multicooker to any mode at which the delicacy will boil. Skim off foam if necessary. Boil the treat for another 10 minutes. Place the jam into containers in portions and roll up.

Sea buckthorn jam in a bread maker

  • lemon juice (fresh) - 27 ml.
  • sea ​​buckthorn - 0.9 kg.
  • granulated sugar - 975 gr.
  1. Place the prepared sea buckthorn berries on a cloth and dry for a while. After this, move the fruits into a bowl, add sugar, and stir.
  2. Leave the product to infuse for 2-3 hours. Place the container on the fire, pour in 200 ml of water and fresh lemon juice. Boil the mixture until the bulk product is completely dissolved. Do not forget to systematically mix the components.
  3. Pour the prepared mixture into the bread maker bowl. Set the “Jam” mode on your household appliance. Close the lid and wait for the program to complete. Next, the treat needs to be distributed into a sterile container and closed in the classic way.

Sea buckthorn jam with walnuts

  • purified water - 450 ml.
  • sugar - 975 gr.
  • walnuts (shelled) - 225 gr.
  • sea ​​buckthorn berries - 1.1 kg.
  1. Place the shelled walnuts in a coffee grinder. Fill the resulting composition with water and place on the stove. Boil the nuts for about 20-25 minutes. At the same time, prepare the berries.
  2. Grind the washed sea buckthorn with sugar until pureed. After the specified cooking time for the nuts, stir in the berry mixture. Mix the mixture well.
  3. Simmer the food for about 10-12 minutes. Pour the finished treat into a sterile container and roll up the lids. Store indoors with suitable conditions.

Sea buckthorn jam with apples

  • sweet and sour apples - 950 gr.
  • sugar - 2.4 kg.
  • ripe sea buckthorn - 900 gr.
  1. Wash the sea buckthorn and place it on a cloth to dry. Next, grind the berries with half the mass of sand in a convenient container and set aside.
  2. Peel the fruit and remove the middle. Cut the apples into cubes and add sugar. Pour in 120 ml. place water on the stove. As soon as the product boils, simmer for another 8-10 minutes.
  3. Using a press, turn the apples into pulp. Next, you need to add the sea buckthorn mixture to the mass. Mix the ingredients and heat on the burner to 80-83 degrees.
  4. The composition should not boil, otherwise all the beneficial substances will dissolve. The hot mass must be poured into clean jars. Place the container in a pan with boiling water, sterilize the product for a third of an hour, and roll up.

  • fresh sea buckthorn juice - 950 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 1.4 kg.
  1. For preparation you will need freshly picked fruits. Juice can be obtained using a juicer. Place clean berries and start the process.
  2. Use a suitable stainless steel pan. Mix the ingredients in a container and place on the stove. Stir the ingredients until they boil.
  3. Pour the hot treat into glass containers that have been sterilized and roll up the lids. Once cooled, store refrigerated. Do not be alarmed by the delicacy separating, this is normal.

Sea buckthorn jam with pumpkin

  • sea ​​buckthorn (prepared) - 2.9 kg.
  • pumpkin pulp (fresh) - 2.8 kg.
  • orange (large) - 1 pc.
  • granulated sugar - 1.6 kg.
  1. Pass clean, dried berries through a food processor. Fold the gauze in several layers, squeeze out the product, get sea buckthorn juice.
  2. Chop the pumpkin pulp into small pieces. Pour boiling water over the orange, remove the zest, and chop with a blender. Combine the sea buckthorn product with sugar in a saucepan.
  3. Place the container on the fire and wait for bubbles to appear. Then add the citrus peel and pumpkin. The products must be thoroughly mixed and boiled for at least half an hour.
  4. Pay attention to the pumpkin: if it has become transparent and soft, the jam is ready. Roll up the product using classical technology and store in a suitable place.

Sea buckthorn jam with cinnamon and honey

  • freshly ground cinnamon - 10 gr.
  • honey (flower) - 1 l.
  • sea ​​buckthorn - 1.1 kg.
  1. Prepare sea buckthorn for cooking, remove stems and damaged fruits. Rinse the berries in a colander, place on a cloth, and wait to dry. Pour the honey into an enamel pan.
  2. Place the container with the contents on the stove, turn on the minimum heat. Bring the mixture to a boil. Carefully monitor the process, constantly stir the mass, otherwise the honey may burn.
  3. Place the berries and ground cinnamon in a common container. Mix the products thoroughly. Boil the mixture until done. The manipulation time will take about 40-50 minutes. After this, roll up the jam and store it in the cold.

  • granulated sugar - 1.2 kg.
  • sea ​​buckthorn (prepared)
  1. Grind the pre-prepared berries through a fine sieve, and you will end up with a homogeneous paste. For similar purposes, you can also use a food processor or blender.
  2. Add sand to the prepared mixture and mix. Transfer ingredients to an enamel-lined saucepan. Send the container fire. Warm up the homogeneous mixture to 70-75 degrees. Boiling in this case is unacceptable.
  3. Pour the future jam into jars, sterilize the glass containers in the classic way. Roll up with nylon. Insulate the jam with a thick cloth. After a day, the jars should be removed to a dark room with a temperature below room temperature.

Sea buckthorn can cope with many diseases; the berries are also used against baldness and for weight loss. Amber fruit jam can be combined with almost any fruit, berries and even vegetables. Delight your household with an unusual treat. Use sea buckthorn jam and improve your health with pleasure. Add the treat to a variety of baked goods and hot drinks.

Video: sea buckthorn jam

Sunny sea buckthorn fruits are quite unique. They contain a huge collection of microelements and vitamins we need, and a person who eats them at least every other day will feel a surge of strength, energy and a great desire to act and create within a week.

And there are countless ways to prepare this berry. This includes preserves without cooking and with cooking, and fruit drinks, and freezing, and compotes, and jams, and marmalades and much more. And these eleven methods listed below are only a small part of the product's processing capabilities.

So if you have already decided to prepare, then do not stop at one recipe, but be sure to prepare several so that in winter you can compare and choose the ideal taste for yourself.

Sea buckthorn jam for the winter - a simple recipe for sea buckthorn jam

Orange sweetness, which in color resembles the sunny natural stone amber. And the set of vitamins and microelements it contains puts it on a pedestal of honor compared to other sweet desserts.

Required Products:

  • Amber fruits – kilo;
  • Refined sugar - 0.85 kilograms.

Let's start preparing:

First of all, we prepare the fruits for processing. We remove them from the branch and sort out the garbage with leaves.

We rinse them in a colander in running, cold water.

Prepare the required amount of granulated sugar.

I prepare this sweet without seeds and now I’ll tell you how to get rid of them.

Cover the bottom of the steamer container with a piece of gauze and add the berries. Turn on the steamer and cook for thirty minutes.

Then pour the berry mass into a fine strainer and grind thoroughly.

Use the remaining peel with seeds to prepare valuable oil.

And pour the finished spin into a container from the multicooker and add granulated sugar.

Cook in the “Frying” mode for about fifteen minutes, without needing to close the lid.

Adjust the cooking time to your taste; you can leave it as liquid jam, or you can boil it down to the thickness of thick jam.

Product composition:

  • Sunny berries – 1 kilogram;
  • Granulated sugar – 1300 grams.

Let's start preparing:

We remove the berries from the branches, clear them of various debris and twigs, and wash them thoroughly but gently.

Sprinkle the prepared product with granulated sugar and leave it in the refrigerator for seven hours. Aromatic juice should be released, so there will be no need to add liquid.

Pour the mixture into a saucepan and boil until cooked. Remove the foam from the surface with a slotted spoon.

Pour the finished sweet into sterilized jars and seal with tin lids.

The listed products yield 2.3 kilograms of sweet food.

Sea buckthorn jam with apples

Thanks to the addition of sour apples, this dessert becomes less cloying and has a pleasant consistency. So try to cook it, I think you will be satisfied with the result.

What you will need:

  • Sunny berries - one kilogram;
  • Fruits with sourness – one kilogram;
  • Refined sugar - one and a half kilograms.

What we do:

Cooking berries traditional way Cleaning from debris and branches, wash and remove seeds through a fine strainer.

Mix the berry mass with refined sugar.

We remove sour fruits from the peel and core. Cut into small cubes.

Place the chopped food in a saucepan, add one hundred and fifty grams of water and cook for twenty minutes over medium heat.

Cool the apples and puree them into a shaped mass.

Mix both masses in one pan. Heat it up, and then boil it after boiling for two minutes. Pour the hot mixture into sterile containers, you get 2.8 liters of dessert.

Cover with tin lids and store in the cellar.

A simple five-minute jam recipe

This preparation option has many advantages over others, since it not only takes a minimum of your time, but also allows you to preserve the maximum number of vitamins and antioxidants contained, which allow our cells, and, accordingly, the entire body, to remain young as long as possible.

What ingredients will be needed:

  • Berry - one kilogram;
  • Refined sugar - two hundred kilos;
  • Drinking mug.

Preparation principle:

The sunny fruits are pre-sorted and washed.

Pour drinking water into a saucepan, heat it and add the prepared fruits to the boiling water.

Then return the fruits to the saucepan and boil for five minutes. Pour the hot mass into containers and roll it up with a special key until it gets cold.

Video: Sea buckthorn jam without cooking

Minimum effort, maximum vital substances. Here short description this method. I advise you to use a juicer to prepare it, and pass the berries at least twice. This way you will get more juice.

And be sure to keep the sweet mass in small jars in the refrigerator.

After steeping, they turn into a marmalade sweetness of a beautiful amber color. And then I like to bake fragrant pancakes and spread this sweet dish to treat my loved ones.

Step-by-step recipe: seedless sea buckthorn jam

Although the very name seedless may scare you, and therefore the question arises: how difficult is it? I’ll jump ahead and say – it’s not difficult, but very tasty. Well, see for yourself.

What you will need:

  • Amber berries – 1000 grams;
  • Granulated sugar – 1500 grams.

Let's start:

We prepare the berries for processing by sorting and washing them, then pour them into a saucepan and fill the berries with water, lightly covering them. Transfer the container to medium heat and wait until it boils. Boil for exactly twenty minutes.

Turn off the heat, cool slightly and carefully grind through a fine strainer and, together with the remaining broth, cover everything with granulated sugar.

Place the pan on the fire again and wait for it to boil, don’t forget to skim off any foam that appears. Cook for about twenty minutes.

In the meantime, sterilize the necessary containers in any way convenient for you.

You will see how the mass thickens and changes its color to a darker one.

While hot, pour the mixture into containers and close with lids.

How to cook seedless sea buckthorn dessert

And again I want to talk about a method for preparing sea buckthorn dessert without bones.

The composition of the products is minimal:

  • Sunny berries – 1000 grams;
  • Refined sugar – 1000 grams.

What we do:

We prepare the berries for further processing.

We squeeze out the valuable liquid from them in a way convenient for you. This can be either an ordinary strainer or a convenient juicer.

Now mix the resulting liquid with refined sugar and stir until it disappears to its maximum.

Pour the juice into a saucepan, place it on medium flame and wait for it to boil. Boil for at least five minutes.

Pour the boiling juice into clean containers and swirl the dessert until cold.

Simple but delicious jam from sea buckthorn berries and walnuts

The pleasant buttery nutty flavor makes this dessert truly divine. Try to cook it at least once, and it will definitely become your favorite.

What you will need:

  • Sea buckthorn – 400 grams;
  • Refined sugar – 200 grams;
  • Walnut kernels – 150 grams.

How to cook:

Wash the berries from dust and debris.

In a separate container, pour them with refined sugar and let them brew for at least two hours. Then they will give away their juice well.

Then mix with smooth movements and put on a small fire to warm up.

When the refined sugar has completely dissolved, boil for another ten minutes. Then turn off the flame and wait for it to cool completely.

Put it back on the fire and boil. As soon as it boils, add chopped kernels to the sweet mass. walnuts.

Boil everything together for at least fifteen minutes and pour hot into sterile jars. The sunny delicacy for winter evenings is ready.

Sea buckthorn jam with ginger root

These two products are already considered excellent helpers for our body in terms of immunity, and if you combine them, then all the properties are doubly enhanced.

So what you need:

  • Refined sugar – 1000 grams;
  • Orange berries – 0.75 kilograms;
  • Ginger root – 3 tablespoons;
  • Drinking water – 100 grams.

Now let's get started:

First, prepare the ginger syrup. To do this, heat the water and dissolve the refined sugar in it, and then put the ginger root into it.

Boil for ten minutes and add sea buckthorn berries. Boil for nineteen minutes, turn off the gas and cool completely.

Bring to a boil again and simmer over low heat for exactly sixty minutes, stirring occasionally.

To prevent the mixture from burning, use a fire spreader when cooking.

Pour the hot sweetness into sterile containers of convenient volumes and close with tin lids. Storage is carried out in a cool, dark place.

A simple recipe for sea buckthorn berry jam with orange

To say that this is a very aromatic dessert is to say nothing. And if you add unpeeled citrus, the taste becomes very piquant, with a slight tartness.

Required Products:

  • Sunny berries - 1.5 cups;
  • Orange fruit – 1 piece;
  • Refined sugar - 1 1/5 cups.

Let's get started:

First of all, we sort out the berries and wash them from excess debris and branches.

I first remove them from the branches using a wire ring, and then wash them.

Then sprinkle the berries with refined sugar and bring to a boil over medium heat. Turn off the flame.

At the same time, peel the citrus and cut it into small squares and twist it in a meat grinder.

Mix the citrus with the sea buckthorn mass and put it on the stove again.

Boil for at least forty minutes until smooth. Pour the hot mass into sterile jars and seal with tin lids before the onset of cold weather.

Video recipe – sea buckthorn jam “Amber”

I don’t think it’s worth talking a lot about the beneficial properties, I already know everything about it. But about this one interesting way I think I'll tell you in more detail. So I decided to show it on video. This makes it much clearer and clearer what needs to be done.

Be sure to stir the mixture while cooking, because it tends to burn. And of course, it wouldn’t hurt to use a fire spreader. It will protect both the dessert and the pan from a black burnt crust.

Well that's all for today. I would just like to remind you of a few points:

  • If the berries do not go through any heat treatment, then they should only be stored in the refrigerator for up to six months. Otherwise, it may simply ferment.
  • But those that have undergone this treatment are stored for up to a year in a cool place, for example, a basement.
  • People with increased acidity You should take it very carefully so that it does not cause heartburn.

But the main thing is that it turns out to be very tasty and not an ordinary dessert. So be sure to prepare a healthy sweet for your family. And on winter evenings, during evening tea, its aroma will remind you of warmth and sunshine, which will make the evening much more soulful.

Sea buckthorn delicacy is prepared quickly, simply and without any fuss at home, although there are recipes with a unique taste. Prepare live sea buckthorn jam for the winter, without cooking, for five minutes. Make with zucchini, honey, oranges, pumpkin, apples, nuts. Additional components diversify the taste and highlight the characteristics of the berry.

Nature has put so many benefits into golden droplets that the sunny orange fruits rightfully took the lead on the pedestal among other berries.

Secrets of making sea buckthorn jam for the winter

Sea buckthorn is boiled with the seeds or removing them. In the latter case, the dessert is only called jam. In fact, it is more like jam or jelly, since the fruits are ground.

How long to cook:

The berries do not require long cooking. Depending on the size of the berries and the chosen method, the cooking time for the dessert varies from 10-30 minutes.

Sea buckthorn jam with seeds - a simple recipe

In front of you classic version preparing dessert. The simplest and least time consuming.


  • Sea buckthorn – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 1.2 kg.

Sort through the sea buckthorn, sort out the broken and spoiled ones. Rinse and place in a saucepan.

Sprinkle with sugar. Do other things for 4-6 hours. The berries should release juice and become saturated with sweetness.

Let it cook. If there is not enough juice, add a drop of water.

Cook until the syrup thickens. It usually takes about 15 minutes until it's ready.

Allow the dessert to cool before distributing into jars. Then transfer it to be stored in the pantry or cellar.

Delicious sea buckthorn and apple jam

Add late apples to the berries, and the dessert will sparkle with new flavor colors. For harvesting, select hard fruits. You will essentially end up with jam; if you want to avoid this, don't chop the apples.

  • Sea buckthorn – 1 kg.
  • Apples – 1 kg.
  • Granulated sugar – 1.5 kg.

How to make jam:

  1. Grind the sea buckthorn in a sieve to remove the seeds. Sprinkle with sugar, stir, set aside to infuse.
  2. At the same time, peel the apples, remove the seeds, and divide into slices.
  3. Place the slices in a saucepan and pour in ½ cup of water. Boil, cook for 10 minutes.
  4. Beat the apple mixture with a blender or meat grinder.
  5. Combine both purees and bring to a boil. Cook for 2-3 minutes.
  6. Fill the jars and close with screw caps. Store in a cool place.

Sea buckthorn jam with honey and walnuts - the best recipe

The interaction of honey and sea buckthorn fruits made the dessert truly healing. Got a cold? Drink some tea and the treat will turn into medicine. Have you recovered? Jam will support the immune system and quickly restore the body.

You will need:

  • Berries - kilogram.
  • Walnut kernels - a glass.
  • Sugar – 600 gr.
  • Honey - a glass.

How to prepare for the winter:

  1. Sort and sort the berries. Place in a cooking container and fill with water.
  2. Warm over low heat for 5 minutes, remove from the burner.
  3. Strain in a sieve to remove pits.
  4. Sprinkle sea buckthorn puree with sugar. Stir and leave to stand until the sweetness dissolves.
  5. Chop the nuts. Crumb some of it, leave some in pieces.
  6. Add to the puree and let it cook. After boiling, cook for 2-3 minutes. Remove from stove.
  7. Let stand for five minutes. Add honey, stir the contents, completely dissolving the honey.
  8. Transfer the jam into jars and screw on the lids.

Live sea buckthorn jam without cooking

Most useful option preparations for the winter - live jam. To guarantee the preservation of the dessert, you will need more sweetness.


  • Sea buckthorn – kilogram.
  • Granulated sugar – 1.2-1.3 kg.

How to do:

  1. Sprinkle the processed berries with sugar. Grind with any in an accessible way(combine, masher, blender).
  2. Leave for an hour and a half. Stir the contents periodically as the sugar needs to dissolve.
  3. Fill the jars and screw them on. Store on the refrigerator shelf.

Five-minute sea buckthorn jam

It is believed that cooking in several stages allows you to preserve the vitamin component of the jam. Cooking for 5 minutes keeps the berries intact and fills them with syrup.


  • Berries - kilogram.
  • Granulated sugar – kilogram.
  • Water - a glass.

How to do:

  1. Boil a glass of water. Pour in the berries and let it boil. Cook for 5 minutes. Use a slotted spoon to remove the berries (or pour the broth into another pan). Set the berries aside for now.
  2. On at this stage, if you want to get rid of the seeds, rub the mixture through a sieve.
  3. Put the broth back on the stove, add sugar. While stirring, cook the syrup.
  4. When the sweetness has dissolved, return the sea buckthorn to the pan. Bring to a boil and continue cooking for exactly five minutes. don't forget to remove the foam.
  5. After cooling, distribute into jars. Roll it up and store it in the basement or pantry.

Unusual jam made from sea buckthorn juice, oranges and zucchini

Amazingly tasty and beautiful jam. The dessert retains many vitamins; pieces of orange and zucchini become like candied fruits. Zucchini can be replaced with pumpkin. The technology for making jam is similar.

Per liter of juice:

  • Oranges (lemons) – 1 kg.
  • Zucchini pulp without seeds - 1 kg.
  • Granulated sugar – 3 kg.

How to cook:

  1. Remove debris and twigs from the berries, select whole and unwrinkled ones. Rinse and dry.
  2. Make juice (choose your own method). Rub the mixture to remove the seeds.
  3. Use the cake to make sea buckthorn oil. Pour the juice into a cooking vessel.
  4. Cut the zucchini and oranges into slices no more than a centimeter thick.
  5. Add sugar. Leave for a couple of hours until the juice releases.
  6. Place the seasoned cut on the burner. Bring to a boil over low heat, stirring. After the sweetness has dissolved, increase the power of the fire.
  7. When the mixture boils, turn it off and let it cool.
  8. Pour in sea buckthorn juice and stir the contents.
  9. Return to the stove. Let it boil, turn it off immediately. Distribute into sterile jars.

Recipe for seedless jam from sea buckthorn juice

Due to its low sugar content, jelly can be consumed by diabetics. For those who are concerned about the problem excess weight, can also afford a treat for tea.


  • Sea buckthorn – kilogram.
  • Granulated sugar – 500 gr.

How to cook for the winter:

  1. Prepare the berries for use, pass them through a juicer, removing the seeds at the same time.
  2. Add sweetness, stir, put on the stove.
  3. Cook, stirring, when the sugar dissolves, let it boil.
  4. Pour the mixture into jars. Screw it on. Once cooled, store in the cold.

How to make jam for the winter in a slow cooker


  • Berries – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 1.3 kg.
  • Water is an incomplete glass.

How to cook:

  1. Place a clean berry in a bowl. Pour in water and immediately add sugar. Stir the contents.
  2. Set the “Extinguishing” function for an hour. Don't forget to open the lid several times, skim off the foam and stir the mixture.
  3. Serve the dessert when cold.

Sea buckthorn dessert made from frozen berries

You can cook a delicacy from frozen sea buckthorn according to any recipe suggested above. But this one is more suitable than others.

  • Berries – 1 kg.
  • Sugar 0.8.
  • Water - depending on the situation.
  1. Thaw the berries. At the same time, cook the syrup from water and sugar.
  2. Throw the berries into the boiling syrup. Turn off the heat and leave to steep for 3-4 hours.
  3. Boil the dessert again and continue cooking over low heat until thickened.

Video from step by step recipe making sea buckthorn jam

Sea buckthorn itself is a storehouse of useful substances, an assistant in various problems with health. In addition to jam, it is used to make sea ​​buckthorn oil. It treats burns, inflammations, ulcers, wounds, having a targeted local action. Jam has a overall impact for the whole body. Improves the condition of diseases of digestion, heart and blood vessels. Enriches the diet with vitamins. Is prophylactic from a number of diseases.

There are many ways to make sea buckthorn jam. They make jam, juice, marmalade, and filling for baked goods. Berries can also be stored frozen.

Valuable properties


Beneficial features sea ​​buckthorn jam is due to the vitamins and other elements contained in the berries.

  • Vitamin C . Has an antibacterial effect, fights colds.
  • Provitamin A. Positively affects vision. And also on the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, reproductive function, which is especially important for women.
  • B vitamins. Necessary for growth and development various organs and systems. Improves blood condition. They have a positive effect on the reproductive, endocrine and immune systems.
  • Vitamin R. This common name for various flavonoids. Together with vitamin C, they have a beneficial effect on blood vessels.
  • Vitamin K Necessary for protein synthesis, metabolic processes, and kidney function.
  • Vitamin E. Positively affects reproductive function. Is an immunomodulator.
  • Potassium. Good for the heart, kidneys, brain.
  • Magnesium. Necessary for muscle function nervous system, metabolic processes.
  • Calcium. Needed for muscle and bone tissue, hormone production.

Indications and contraindications

Sea buckthorn and products made from it are useful both as a general tonic and as a medicine. Sea buckthorn jam has a beneficial effect on various systems body. Helps with a number of conditions and diseases.

  • Vessels. Reduces cholesterol thanks to unsaturated fatty acids. Thus it serves to prevent atherosclerosis. Normalizes blood pressure.
  • Digestive system. Cleanses the intestines, improving peristalsis. Restores beneficial microflora, as well as liver cells.
  • Immunity. Strengthens it, first of all, thanks to vitamin C.
  • Oral diseases. Stomatitis and inflammation go away faster when consuming sea buckthorn jam.
  • Colds. Thanks to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, it accelerates recovery.

For diseases of the stomach, gall bladder, pancreas, duodenum Sea buckthorn seeds may be irritating. In case of such diseases, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps this will be a contraindication to consuming jam.

If the jam is approved by the doctor, then the product should be used without seeds. In addition, it can cause severe allergies, especially childhood, period breastfeeding and use during pregnancy.

To make sea buckthorn jam at home as healthy as possible, you need to properly prepare the berry itself. It's not that easy to collect. There are five tricks here.

  1. Collection time. The berries turn orange in mid-summer, but don’t rush to grab the basket. Sea buckthorn will reach true ripeness by autumn. In the warmest regions this may be August, but usually September-October.
  2. Sweetness . It is best to harvest sea buckthorn after the first light frost. Then the rather sour berries will become sweeter.
  3. Caution. When the berries are filled with juice, they are easy to damage. Therefore, you need to be as careful as possible, otherwise healthy juice will leak. You need to take care of your hands and face - sea buckthorn bushes have sharp thorns.
  4. Method with twigs. Using a knife or pliers, cut off small branches, abundantly strewn with berries. At home, you can carefully pick the berries over a cup or trim them with scissors. Another option is to freeze the branches, then the fruits can be collected without damaging them.
  5. Collection devices. Craftsmen have come up with various products that make collecting easier. Someone takes a regular fork, removing one tine in the middle. And through this hole it passes branches on the tree. There is another option. An oblong wire loop is attached to the stick, the top of which represents sharp corner, like a candle flame. The loop is put on the branch. The picker pulls the branch, the berries fall. You need to lay fabric or polyethylene underneath.

Berries collected in one way or another must be freed from the stalks, leaves and pieces of branches must be selected. Rinse and prepare jam.

A selection of sea buckthorn jam recipes

Any convenient utensils made of aluminum, copper, stainless steel, or enameled are suitable for cooking. It could be a cup, basin, pan. You can store jam in plastic or glass containers, preferably in small volumes.

Classic way

Peculiarities . The simplest recipe for sea buckthorn jam. Pros - ease of preparation. Disadvantages - bones that are found in the sweet mass. According to reviews, not everyone likes them, although they are also useful. But people with gastritis and other diseases of the digestive system should not swallow them.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of berries;
  • 1 kg sugar.


  1. Wash the berries, remove debris and leaves.
  2. Place in a cup, add sugar.
  3. Let it sit for a couple of hours, more if possible.
  4. Place the berry container on the fire.
  5. Stir the mixture, lightly mashing the berries.
  6. Cook for about ten minutes until thickened.
  7. You can make this preparation in the same way in a slow cooker, using the “Cooking” mode.
  8. Cool, put into jars, close, and put in a cool place.

Five minutes

Peculiarities . Traditionally, all five-minute jams are aimed at preserving beneficial substances that are destroyed during long-term heat treatment. There is such a five-minute one made from sea buckthorn. It is a little more difficult to prepare, but it turns out very tasty and healthy.

You will need:

  • 2 kg of sea buckthorn;
  • 2.3 kg sugar;
  • 500 ml water.


  1. Prepare the berries by washing and sorting.
  2. Boil sugar syrup.
  3. Place sea buckthorn in syrup, removed from heat, and leave for two to three hours.
  4. When the mass has cooled, put it back on the fire.
  5. Boil without boiling for five minutes.
  6. Pour hot into jars.
  7. Screw on with sterilized lids.

Most useful

Peculiarities . You can also make sea buckthorn jam for the winter without cooking. This will be the most useful option. However, as a preservative it is necessary a large number of Sahara. As well as proper storage.

You will need:

  • 800 g sea buckthorn;
  • 1 kg sugar.


  1. Dry the prepared berries and place in a cooking container.
  2. Add sugar.
  3. Use a wooden masher to crush the mass well.
  4. Let stand until sugar dissolves.
  5. Go through the crusher again.
  6. Divide into clean jars.
  7. Place in the refrigerator.

This mass can be used in pure form. You can also prepare compote and jelly based on it. If the drink is intended for children, then you first need to boil the mixture with water, strain from the seeds, then add sugar and other ingredients.

Seedless option

Peculiarities . This recipe has only one plus. Firstly, there are no seeds, so the jam can be used for diseases of the stomach, gall bladder, and pancreatitis. Secondly, there is less sugar. This means that the product can be eaten by those who are afraid of excess weight. And also for patients with diabetes, for whom sea buckthorn is very useful, but too sweet jam can be harmful.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of sea buckthorn;
  • 500 g sugar.


  1. Cooked berries need to be dried.
  2. Make a seedless puree from them (you can use a juicer).
  3. Combine the squeezed puree and sugar and stir.
  4. Boil until the sugar completely melts.
  5. Pour into sterilized jars, roll up, and refrigerate.

Juice puree can be used to prepare compotes, jelly, and jellies. The simplest fruit drink recipe is made from this preparation. It just needs to be diluted with water to the required consistency.

With apples

Peculiarities . The combination of orange berries and everyone’s favorite apples has been known for a long time. IN Soviet time They even sold apple-sea buckthorn juice, which had a pleasant taste and great benefits. You can also make jam from these products.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of sea buckthorn;
  • 1 kg of apples, preferably not sour and not too crumbly;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar.


  1. From the prepared sea buckthorn you need to make a puree and wipe it.
  2. Add sugar, stir.
  3. Apples need to be peeled and cut into slices.
  4. Place the apples in a saucepan, add half a glass of water and simmer for ten minutes.
  5. Grind using a blender or meat grinder.
  6. Combine the sea buckthorn and apple parts.
  7. Boil together for a couple of minutes.
  8. Place in jars, close, and store in the refrigerator.

With honey and nuts

Peculiarities . This recipe is a real medicine for coughs, inflammations in oral cavity, sore throat. The beneficial properties of sea buckthorn are complemented by the healing effects of honey. Nuts rich nutrients, will serve to strengthen the immune system and restore the body in case of illness.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of sea buckthorn;
  • a glass of peeled walnuts;
  • 600 g sugar;
  • a glass of honey.


  1. Add half a glass of water to the prepared berries.
  2. Heat for five minutes (do not boil).
  3. Rub to remove the seeds.
  4. Add sugar and leave the dish for half an hour to dissolve.
  5. Chop the nuts with a knife, not too finely (you can grind them in a blender).
  6. Add the nuts to the sea buckthorn mixture and bring to a boil.
  7. Boil for a couple of minutes and turn off the gas.
  8. After five minutes, add honey and stir completely.
  9. Pour into sterile jars and seal.

Using sea buckthorn delicacy is simple: like any jam, it can be consumed with tea, spread on bread and cookies. Add to baked goods as a filling. Prepare fruit drinks, jelly, compotes with it.

Knowing how to make sea buckthorn jam, you can use this preparation to diversify your menu. But the most important thing is to replenish your diet with vitamins and useful substances. This will be a good prevention against many diseases. In case of illness, jam from sea buckthorn berries will speed up recovery.