On the full moon rituals for money. Full moon rituals. Preparing for rituals

The full moon kindles a fire between people, which does not always lead to pleasant consequences. Naturally, this lunar phase can be used in such a way that it will bring good luck.

Everyone can learn to free themselves from the insidious nets of the Full Moon. There are things that are not only possible, but also necessary to be done during the full moon. We wrote earlier about what the Zodiac Signs should not do on the Full Moon. This article will be useful for every person. In the current article, we will tell you about what you definitely need to do in this lunar phase to get rid of problems and increase energy for the entire period of waning of the lunar disk.

Full moon influence

At this time, the Moon is always at the apogee of its influence. It exposes people's fears, making us weaker and defenseless. During the Full Moon, the number of crimes in the world often increases. Most of them are unplanned, based on emotions.

No one on the Full Moon can explain the reasons for their aggression, discontent, doubts, anxiety. Something dangerous begins to seethe inside everyone, which cannot be given a way out. You will never be able to cope with this, but it can be used in another way.

Don't make demands. There is no need to provoke people, expect something from them or put pressure on them. Any, even the kindest and most harmless, requests have a great chance of a negative answer. The bottom line is unpredictable, so don't try to jump over your head or fix someone you care about. On this day, everything should go with the flow, and you'd better buy a special boat that will keep your bones safe and sound, because the river on which you float is incredibly dangerous.

Must-do on the Full Moon

Astrologers and psychologists have identified 7 most important things that simply need to be done so that not only the day of the Full Moon, but the entire subsequent period of the waning of the Moon is positive for you.

  • At first, start the same business, plans for which you have been hatching for a long time... Start it on the Full Moon, because on this day all your abilities will be improved many times over. If you have long wanted to start going in for sports or have long wanted to start devoting time to a new hobby, then it is better to do this in this lunar phase. Be sure to prepare for each Full Moon for the start of something very important so that this business will be a huge success in the future. Most importantly, don't give it up halfway.
  • Secondly, need to create something... It's one thing if your job involves creating something concrete with your own hands. It's another matter when work gets in the way. Write a poem if you are a poet or create something that will be the product of your hobby. Bring something beautiful, something new to this world. It will boost your energy and improve your mood.
  • Deal with love affairs... This applies not only to joint planning, travel, business, but also sex. Be sure to make love on the Full Moon, because it will release your emotions and reduce your emotional stress. It is on the full moon that you have a chance to discern all his qualities in a person and fall in love really strongly.
  • Don't Forget the Full Moon try to get rid of your fears by meeting them face to face. A wedge is knocked out with a wedge, as they say. It is on this day that we can see ourselves from the outside and understand that we are afraid in vain. It concerns not only the fear of heights, spiders or darkness, but also higher fears, such as the fear of losing love, making a mistake or fear of loneliness.
  • Use the help of the Full Moon to raise money... The money ritual "Round nickle" is a must for those who feel that their energy is weak and needs to be fed. Even strong personalities will not hurt this way of attracting good luck.
  • Help people for free... So you can fix good relationship with your enemies. Anything good that you do for no reason will come back to you in the future. Be sure to do a good deed that will make your soul warmer.
  • Be careful with alcohol and others bad habits ... Be sure to evaluate your strengths and weak sides... In order to live the Full Moon without shocks, be realistic and do not hope for a miracle. Don't expect your guardian angel to do all the hard work for you and help fix problems. Only you can do it.

So, the Full Moon is the most dangerous and at the same time the most productive lunar state for us. Everyone can succeed, but at the same time they can fall into a puddle. The full moon turns everything upside down, so be careful.

Also learn about the folk signs that have been passed down from generation to generation for the Full Moon. It is a legacy of stories that help us get through difficult moments in life. Nature always gives us different signs so that we can track luck on them. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

16.09.2016 01:22

The lunar calendar for 2019 will help you plan things in advance for the most favorable for them ...

The Full Moon is one of the most favorable days for white magic. When the Moon reaches its peak in growth, it has time to accumulate strong energy and allows you to get the maximum result from the rituals. Traditionally, during this period, ceremonies are held that attract love, money and good luck. It is especially good to make wishes on a full moon and turn to higher powers for help in fulfilling them.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:"There will always be plenty of money if you put it under the pillow ..." Read more >>

You should not independently determine the night of the full moon, for this it is better to look into moon calendar... After all, if you make a mistake with the period, all efforts will be in vain. Moreover, some conspiracies spoken at other times can backfire.

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      Full moon ritual rules

      It is customary to carry out all rituals for the full moon only in the dark. Even if the moon has already risen, but it is light outside the window, you need to wait until it is clearly visible in the black sky.

      • Midnight rituals are performed with loose hair and bare feet, wearing clothing that is natural for sleep.

        An important feature of the full moon rites is that they must be performed alone. The presence of strangers during mysterious activities is not allowed. If someone sees you during the ritual, it is best to postpone the process until the next full moon.

        Artificial light should be excluded. If the action requires lighting, then you can use candles, but the main part of the work should be carried out in the reflections of the moon. You should also turn off the phones so that an unexpected call does not break the sacrament. Extraneous sounds are unacceptable, the ritual must not be carried out with the TV on or playing music. Complete silence provides the greatest focus and efficiency.

        Full moon table for 2018.

        Pay attention to the Sun, if it shines in the sky at the same time as the Moon, in no case should you start the ceremony.

        Raising money

        The following rituals will help bring prosperity and good luck into life. You don't need to spend them all in one night. From this they will not gain additional strength, but they can damage each other.

        You need to carry out ceremonies to attract money in a clean, tidy room. Money does not tolerate clutter, so calling in a cluttered room is unlikely to work.

        Water conspiracy

        Money water works quite efficiently when properly charged. To do this, you need to collect the liquid in a suitable container. A jug or bottle will do, but it is more convenient to carry the latter with you later in order to water and spray the necessary places with it.

        If stars are visible in the sky, this is good sign... The more there are, the higher the profit will be. A lonely moon in the sky means that this month there is no large increase in finances, but small amounts can still be attracted to yourself.

        It is necessary to take a container with water in your hands, directing the neck towards the moon, and look at the sky for several minutes. Then close your eyes and imagine that cash flows are falling on you from heaven, as if someone is dumping coins from a huge bucket. Imagine that money is covering you with your head. This thought process must be continued until there is a feeling that all streams from the sky have dried up. Then you should open your eyes and pronounce a conspiracy on water:

        "As the moon is full, so is my treasury. The sea is full of water, and my wallet is bursting with money. My word cannot be interrupted, the power of the circle cannot be broken, all the stars shine, and I must be rich (rich). Key. Lock. Language. Amen. ".

        After these words, you need to leave the container of water on the windowsill until morning so that it is charged. In the morning, you should wash from it, and then spray all the corners of the house. Apply the remaining liquid until the next full moon as needed. If you go shopping, then first wash your hands with charmed water so that profitable goods go to them. At work, you also need to spray the corners and your workplace... It is good to moisten large bills a little with such water, in this case they will be able to purchase much more purchases than usual.

        Financial magnet

        For this ritual, you will need the following props:

        • church candle;
        • three coins;
        • magnet.

        Coins can be of any denomination. And the magnet from the refrigerator will perfectly cope with the task assigned to it. At midnight, you need to spread the coins in a triangle on the table. A candle is installed on a magnet in its center. You need to light it up and wait until it completely burns out, watching its flame and thinking about a life of abundance.

        When the fire goes out, you should wait for the wax to cool, and then put the magnet in a secluded place. Coins must be kept in a wallet, which must be carried with you everywhere. In this rite, they are charged to attract others to themselves, and the magnet pulls them home.

        Until the next full moon, you need to carefully monitor how your financial wealth changes. If the increase in money is insufficient, the ritual should be repeated with the same magnet and coins, increasing their effect.

        Money vessel

        This rite is carried out for a specific situation, when an amount is needed for a specific purpose, but there is not enough money. You need to take any glass vessel with transparent walls. An ordinary jar or jug ​​will do, as long as the moonlight can get inside. The container should be installed by the window. On the bottom, you need to put a large denomination note, which is already intended for your purpose. You can also put a wad of money. It is important that everything set aside for the necessary work is in the vessel. Until the next full moon it is by no means possible to take money from there, but it is not only possible, but also necessary to report.

        Prepare as many coins as possible, it is better to accumulate them in advance or change them beforehand. Each of them should be brushed to a shine. They must be poured over the bills in such a way that they are completely covered with them. The seven brightest coins should be left, and at midnight they should be thrown into the jar one by one, saying:

        "Coins are ringing, the light of the moon is reflected, wealth and money are attracted to me."

        The plot must be repeated three times, and the vessel must be left until morning. The next day, you can put the jar in a secluded place. For a month, you need to throw three shiny coins there every day, reciting the same conspiracy three times. Money that will begin to appear for your purpose should be put in this vessel closer to the walls so that it does not interfere with the ringing of the added coins.

        On the next full moon, count the contents. If there is not enough money, repeat the ritual. This process is similar to ordinary accumulation, but the conspiracy really works: money for your purpose will begin to flow rapidly. The main thing is not to forget to put them in a money jar.

        For love

        It should be noted right away that magic rituals for love on a full moon are in no way associated with love spells.

        The Full Moon works on natural attraction, so the feelings of the chosen ones, evoked on such a night, will be sincere, and not bonded.

        These rituals help not only to kindle love in the heart of the chosen one or the chosen one, but also affect the meeting with your other half. Therefore, you should not be surprised if new person, and feelings for the one you thought about during the ritual will fade away. This is a natural action of the lunar attraction, so before you bewitched, think about whether you are ready for this turn of events. If love has left the family, and the wife conducts a ritual on the full moon, it may well happen that the moon will not attract her husband to her, but the feelings of another man who is more suitable for her in life. And then you will have to make a very difficult choice.

        Red Rose

        For this ceremony, you will need two candles and a red rose. You need to buy the most beautiful flower on the eve of the full moon, put it in a vase in front of you. Place two candles on the sides, one of which will symbolize you, and the other - the betrothed.

        Light the candles and pronounce the conspiracy:

        “Love is, love will be, love is forever. The sky of love is above me, the land of love is below me, love is around me. I welcome my beloved, I attract love to myself. Amen. Amen. Amen".

        After reading the conspiracy words, inhale the scent of the rose and put out the candles. The spirit will enter your life with this breath, therefore, in the near future, dramatic changes for the better will take place in your destiny. Do not discard the rose when it begins to fade. Disassemble the flower into petals and place them on the windowsill so that they are soaked in the moonlight. When they are dry, put them in a nice glass and place them in a prominent place in the house. They will create a corresponding aura in the surrounding space. And when feelings are attracted, take a bath filled with these petals with your loved one. This will cement the love.

        Love talisman

        The talisman of love created on the full moon will be very effective means.To make it you will need:

        • a wooden plank or a thick piece of cardboard in the shape of a heart;
        • transparent varnish with silver glitters;
        • a red pen, pencil, felt-tip pen, or paint of that color.

        In advance, you need to write the word "love" on both sides of the heart, and then cover the surface of the amulet with a transparent varnish with silvery sparkles, symbolizing moon shine. When the moon shines in the sky, you need to open the window, stretch out right hand with the talisman in the palm up, towards the luminary and read the conspiracy:

        "As the full moon shines brightly, so my love will be hot, as the night light shines, so love fills my life. I close my heart to love (close my hand with the amulet into a fist), I call on love. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. . Amen. "

        After reading the conspiracy, the fist with the talisman must be pressed to the chest, close the window and go to bed without letting go of the amulet from the hand. From the next day, carry a charmed heart with you everywhere. If necessary, find a suitable box, bag, or plastic badge. There is no need to make holes in the talisman for hanging it on a chain, this will disrupt its effect.

        Mirror of love

        For this ceremony, you need to purchase a round mirror, which symbolizes the full moon. This is one of the simplest and effective ways attract love to yourself. You just need to wait for the full moon and mentally imagine your life filled with this feeling.

        Take the mirror in your hands and catch the moonlight with it, so that the moon is fully reflected in the reflection. If this cannot be done from the window, go outside. Throughout the entire process, you need to think about an existing loved one or imagine the man of your dreams. The brighter the pictures will be drawn in thoughts, the more accurately they will then appear in life.

        After you managed to catch the lunar reflection in the mirror, you need to press it to your heart and whisper a conspiracy:

        "Stars-maidens, look around, find my betrothed. Let him go to my moon, all his roads to me. I stole the moon from you, no one will be of any use from you until my betrothed appears at the door. Look for him, call, lead to me and to the moon. As he finds the way to me, I will return the moon to the firmament. My word is strong, no one can interrupt. Amen. "

        Do not let anyone look in a charmed mirror, but carry it everywhere with you. Very soon you will see that everything is embodied in reality. This rite can be performed both to bring to life new love, and for the return of the lost. In addition, this mirror adds beauty to its owner.

        Do not use double mirrors for rituals. When they are closed, one reflection meets another, and this should not be. If a single mirror could not be found, you need to get one from the frame of the double.

        Fulfillment of desire

        The ritual for the fulfillment of the plan works very effectively if it is carried out on the full moon. What was envisioned during this period comes true completely, so it is worth very carefully thinking about what you dream about. The slightest missing details will be reflected in the embodiment of desire in reality. You can use this method on other nights, but only on the growing moon.

        You will need a pocket mirror for the ritual. It is desirable that it be new, but the one that only you looked into will do. At midnight, you need to stand with your back to the moon, holding a mirror in your right hand. Catch a lunar reflection in it and read the conspiracy:

        “The moon, beauty, all the stars like it. Share the moonlight, stand up for me. What I want - let it come true, your strength will descend to me. Your light pours out on the earth, my desire (to say it) is being fulfilled. Amen".

        After reading the conspiracy, the mirror must be removed to a secret place so that no one can find it. You can't look into it until your plan is fulfilled. Usually, the wish is fulfilled before the next full moon. After that, you can use the mirror as intended.

        For health

        For those suffering from ailments, as well as for the healthy, it will be very good to have a spoon at home charmed at the full moon. With its help, you can quickly recover or prevent diseases. This requires

    1. 1. Take two cups.
    2. 2. Pour into one hot water, and pour granulated sugar into the other.
    3. 3. You should rake in sugar with your favorite spoon and put it in a cup of water, saying: "I'm not raking in sugar, but health."

    After you read the plot three times, you need to stir the granulated sugar in water and drink it, and wash the spoon and put it on the rest of the cutlery. Until the next full moon, it will protect your health. When you eat it, it will give the body vitality.

    If a person is sick, then all medications must be taken from a charmed spoon in order to get better sooner.

    Good luck in everything

    You can attract good luck and luck with the help of a horseshoe. The signs of the magical effect of such a talisman are known to everyone, only on a full moon you will not need a real product, but a wax figurine. To make it, you need to purchase several multi-colored candles, each of which will symbolize a certain area of ​​life. If you are unlucky in love, then they take red, for good luck in work - green or blue, but the color does not matter in principle. It is important that this shade is associated with where the desired success needs to be attracted.

    Additionally, you need to purchase aromatic jasmine oil. It can be bought or ordered at any pharmacy, as well as in specialized stores.

    On a full moon, you need to take a flat plate and drop a few drops of oil into its center. Lubricate the bottom to make it easier to separate the figurine later. Then you should light a candle and drip melting wax onto a plate, drawing an oval.

    When you see that the drawing has turned out, place the candle closer to the edge of the plate, but so that it does not touch the oval. If several candles are taken, then such a procedure is carried out with each. You need to apply drops over the first image.

    After that, carefully separate the pattern from the plate and break it in half. A piece should remain in each hand that resembles a horseshoe. Next, you need to call luck - read the call, holding half a horseshoe in each hand and looking at the flickering candles:

    “As power enters a horseshoe, so the all-merciful Lord blesses the entire house of God's servants (name the names of all family members), protects doors, gates and windows from evil. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The time of the full moon has always been considered mystical and mysterious. According to statistics, this day always falls the most a large number of accidents, accidents, quarrels, losses and mistakes. But the energy of the full moon cannot be called negative, since with correct use lunar energy, this day can be very beneficial.

Liberation ritual

It is necessary to write on paper 3 things that you want to get rid of (habits, diseases ...)

Then solemnly throw it all into the fire. Ideally, this ritual should be performed like this - you gather on the street with your friends, everyone writes a “note of deliverance,” light a fire, stand in a circle and take turns throwing the notes into the fire. Watch your "problems" turn to ash.

But if you do not have the opportunity to make fires, it will be enough to write what you want to get rid of, read your desire loudly and clearly and burn it with a candle flame. Drain the ashes into the toilet with the words "Where it came from, it went there."

Full Moon Aura Cleansing Ritual

This is a powerful ritual for cleansing the aura, which can be done at the moment when you feel that you need to clear the aura of accumulated negativity. The best time for the ritual - the evening before bedtime. It must be carried out on a full moon or on a waning moon.

You will need:

  • 7 spoons of honey
  • 7 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 7 teaspoons of cinnamon

Mix all the ingredients and apply the mixture to the body before your evening shower and leave for 7 minutes.

During these 7 minutes, you can read any prayer ("Our Father" or "Psalm 90"). Imagine clearing yourself of negativity. After that, rinse everything off with cool water.

If you feel that you need a serious cleaning of the aura - do this procedure for 7 days.

Full moon attractiveness ritual

Pour into a glass boiled water, throw a pinch of salt into it with your left hand. Place the glass so that the moonlight falls on it. Read the plot until the salt dissolves:

"Moonlight water, what a maiden's tear, may I be young, white-faced, carefree, may the one I love love me, for my beauty, for complaisance!"

Let the glass sit all night.

In the morning, having washed your face, on an empty stomach, drink a sip of the charmed water, mentally saying:

"Water - in me, beauty - on me!"

Repeat these steps every morning until the glass runs out of water.

Full moon ritual

This ritual must be done on the first full moon after your birthday.

You need to write on paper all your material desires - for example, a house, a car, an amount of money, etc. It is very important that your desires are sincere.

When you have written down all your cherished desires, ask the Higher Forces for help, thank for all the benefits that you will soon receive. It is believed that within a year you will get everything you want from your list.

A ritual to attract wealth

This ritual should be done on a full moon night, when the sky is clear and the full moon is clearly visible on it. You will need a small container and a silver coin.

Take a cup and pour the flowing water into it. pure water until the middle. Throw in a cup silver coin(by color). Place the cup on the windowsill or on the balcony (if possible, on the street) in such a way that the moonlight falls on it. Try to make the Moon reflect at least a little in the water.

Slowly swipe your hands over the water several times, as if you were collecting moon silver in your palm, and cast the spell of wealth three times:

Beautiful Mistress of the Moon! Bring me wealth, fill my hands with silver and gold. I can take whatever you give!

After that, the water must be poured into the ground (not on the asphalt ...), and the coin must be put in a wallet and always carried with you.

So that money comes to your wallet

The moon giving wealth

When the moon is full or when the moon is waxing, go outside with your wallet. Look at moon month and transfer banknotes from one section to another, while doing this, say:

"I allow abundance to come to me for my own good and the good of others."

Repeat the ritual 3 times.

Money full moon

On a full moon night after dark, go out into the open sky (outside, balcony). Take your wallet in your right hand and shift it three times with your left large bills from one department to another. Speak the following spell:

With the blessing of Mother Moon and the power of the elements, I attract an endless stream of prosperity. I ask for help and support for the common good. May it be so.

Back home, oil the green candle essential oil orange, basil or patchouli. In the aroma lamp, light incense with one of the following scents: poppy, honeysuckle, almond.

Place the bills from your wallet around the lit candle.

Sit down and concentrate on the candle flame, visualize the fulfillment of your desires.

Let the candle burn out, carefully put all the money back in your wallet, and over the next three days, try to spend it on what you have long dreamed of.

Lunar rite calling for money

For the ceremony you will need:

  • green candle
  • patchouli or cinnamon essential oil
  • Wallet with money

Go to an open area illuminated by the moon. Look at her, transfer money in your wallet from one branch to another three times. Look at the moon again and say:

Mother Luna, please, make my income increase.

When you get home, take a green candle and brush it with patchouli or cinnamon essential oil. Then rub it on all the bills that you put in the light of the moon. As you grease the candle and bills, imagine your money dream.

Light a candle, put bills around it, sit next to it and, looking at the flame, visualize for another 10-15 minutes. Try not to get distracted. Concentration is very important! The success of the ceremony, not only this, but in general any, is determined by how much you know how to concentrate.

The ceremony is complete. Mentally thank the moon (it is better if you go to the window and look at it) and leave the candle to burn out. Put the money in your wallet.

Mantra to the Goddess of the Moon Money mantra for every full moon

There is a special mantra dedicated to the Moon Goddess. They say that if you read this mantra of 12 full moons, then you will become fabulously rich, your health will be strong, and good luck will accompany you in everything.

The presence of failures is due to the presence of demonic energy in the human body and in the things around him. The state of affairs can only be changed by expelling demonic energy and attracting maternal energy.

It is ideal to spend like this: choose the time of the full moon and go outside. Legs should rest on the ground, arms extended with palms to the moon. But not everyone has the opportunity to go outside at night, so at least read at home.

Chanting a mantra (chanting)


Ideally, say 108 times, if this is not possible, then 3-7-21 times or 12 minutes. By the end of 12 minutes, the body will be buzzing.

So repeat 12 full moons. On the thirteenth, a stream of money will fall on you. In all matters, luck will go. The body will get healthier. But 12 full moons are difficult to endure. There will be nightmares, unusual phenomena and unwillingness to perform the ritual. These unfavorable forces do not want to be driven out. But if you go to the end, everything works out.

In principle, a steady increase in wealth begins after the third full moon. After 12 full moons, we continue to do this every full moon. If you miss one thing, you have to start all over again.

Simple rituals to raise money for the full moon

To attract big money and good luck, you need to go outside or on the balcony on the full moon night with a coin in your hands and say the words three times:

"Silver coin, silver Moon, give me wealth, give me in full! Lucky coin, lucky Moon give me luck, give me in full!"

Or such a conspiracy:

"Silver coin, silver Moon, bring me riches, bring me in full! Silver coin, silver Moon, bring me luck, bring me in full!"

And so three times.

And at the end add:

"This is how I want and the way it is"

Kiss the coin and thank the moon.

By pronouncing these magic words, you must look at the moon and, as it were, absorb its light, its energy. "Hold" the moonlight in your head, and then "shine" back on it. Just imagine that the moonlight you see is the energy of money and luck, then you will succeed.

The silver coin is called visually, i.e. should be silvery. Better take 5 rubles. And if there is a silver one, then it is generally excellent.

The reason for performing full moon rites is simple and obvious. During this period, any goals are achieved with a minimum of energy costs.

Agree, it will be more rational. Yes, and these powers are given to us from Above just for this. Not everyone for magical rites.

There are people who are able to transform their energy into benefits without rituals.

But we will talk about what rituals for the full moon are available to the "average" person, an ordinary wizard. Start with goal setting.

Choose the main thing you want to get help with. Think about the outcome based not on events, but on emotions.

For example, you are looking to increase your income. Do not imagine wads of money. And dream about what you buy with them, where you will go.

Fill these images with the pleasure that necessarily accompanies such acquisitions. The same should be done when striving for love.

Preparing for rituals

Before carrying out the rituals, you should cleanse yourself of the negative accumulated during the day. The point is this: the abundance of excess energy in everyone around is actually dangerous.

Most of the citizens translate the blessed moon gifts into negative.

It is understandable, after all, a considerable share of it splashed out on you in the process of communication, watching the news, and everyday quarrels.

Get in the shower and stand with your head under the jets. Imagine that all the dust and dirt that inadvertently clung to during the day is being washed off you. It would also be nice to take a bath with salt.

Add a handful to the water - two white crystals. Lie in it for ten minutes. Then drain the water, imagining how black energy creeps into the sewer hole along with the water.

Rites for money

Now make a moon drink to attract wealth and money.

  1. Take a saucepan and put it on low heat.
  2. Pour a glass of cognac, cherry and orange juice... Add a spoonful of honey.
  3. You will also need a pinch of cinnamon and cloves. Rub some lemon zest.
  4. All this should be brought to a boil while stirring. In the process, visualize your dreams with extra vigor.
  5. The pot with the drink should be left in the moonlight until morning. As soon as dawn begins, pour into a jar of dark glass.

The drink should be infused for a whole lunar month in the refrigerator. And after the next full moon, have a drink with dear person.

It can be spooned, like medicine, if you are anti-alcoholic.

On desire

This ritual also uses an excess of energy.

It is necessary to guess in advance what you really want. Say, they say, is it constantly spinning in your head? This is not enough.

Letters from our readers

Theme: I have become more money and opportunities, thanks to the advice from your site!

From whom: Svetlana(sv ****** [email protected])

To whom: Responsible for the site

Hello! My name is Svetlana and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky to get rid of the constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: home, work, children, worries ... and a constant lack of money. You will not buy toys or new things for children once again, nor will you please yourself with a beautiful dress. My husband also has no money work.

In general, every month you only think and plan how to stretch the budget so that there is enough money for your current needs.

Of course, in the family we have learned to live and live with our finances. But in my soul there was always constant sensation resentment and self-pity. Why is this, I asked myself. Look, others have money, bought a new car, built a dacha, it is clear that there is wealth.

I was already beginning to lose hope for a good life. But one day I came across on the Internet.

You will simply be amazed at how many positive changes have happened to me! I had no idea that the article would change my life so much!

I have money! And not just a small change, pocket coins, but a really normal income!

Over the past year, we have made an excellent renovation in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent the children to the sea!

But all this would not have happened if I had not got to this site.

Don't skip past. Find a couple of minutes for this information.

Many people are helped to create the correct visualization not by vocabulary, but by pictures. Then make a collage.

An overabundance of energy leads to a dissipation of attention.

You will begin to perform the ceremony, and thoughts will scatter in different directions. Nothing really comes out of such divination.

Therefore, do not be lazy, prepare in advance a "cheat sheet" with desire.

The ceremony is performed before going to bed, of course, on the full moon.

  1. Take any handkerchief: handkerchief, neck, headscarf. It is important that its shape is square.
  2. Lay it so that the moon will illuminate it for as long as possible.
  3. Place your "" in the center. This refers to a sheet with written text, a collage.
  4. Light candles in front of the mirror. Let the handkerchief be saturated with energy. You will spell - a request to read.

Place a mirror so that the round moon face in it is reflected behind your left shoulder.

“Higher powers, heavenly! Spiritual you, incorporeal. Send me wishes of fulfillment! The moon behind your back transmits your command! May everything that is conceived come true. Without hindrances, without barriers and joyfully. Thank you, Higher Forces! Looming over my shoulder! Amen!"

It is necessary to feel the request to the depths of the soul. Energy at this moment should go into the mainstream.

And the handkerchief in two or three hours, leaving the collage inside. Hide until the wish comes already fulfilled.

For love

This direction of magic with a full moon is the most difficult. Full moon gives rise to a lot of aggression and negativity.

But if you want to eat, then do the following.

  1. Cleanse as described above by taking a shower and bath.
  2. Prepare two jars of the same volume in advance.
  3. You also need rose petals, donated by a dear person (not necessarily a fan). They should be collected in advance and dried.
  4. Fill the jars with water. Put them in the moonlight.
  5. Put rose petals in one, and in the other - gold decoration... The water should be saturated with the power of the night queen for a couple of hours.
  6. At this time, you think about what you want to receive in love. The image must be filled with positive emotions to a state of complete reality.
  7. Take the cans and go to the bathroom with them. Strip naked. Stand in the pallet.
  8. Pour water on top of the head in the following order: with rose petals, with gold.
  9. Accompany each ablution with the reading of the Kazan prayer Mother of God... Dry off and go to bed.

If a rose petal from a jar is found on the pillow in the morning, the omen is very good. The person who is in love with you is the one who will create a happy life for you.

Even those uninitiated in mystical mysteries give great value such a phenomenon as a full moon. And rumors about what is happening on such a night can be all different. Someone does not feel well on a full moon night, while others, on the contrary, feel a surge of strength. And how many people know that the full moon is a good time to attract and increase money?

During this period, the energy of the Moon is the strongest, which makes it possible to significantly improve the quality of your life. Full moon rituals to attract money practiced by both experienced, dedicated people and beginners. There is not a drop of black magic in them, which makes them safe.

It is the full moon that is a kind of conductor of human desires to the Universe. At this time, the whole world seems to concentrate around people, and listens to them. Someone can interpret this as a harmful period for consciousness, and someone with might and main uses the energy of the full moon in order to improve their lives.

It is not enough just to express your thoughts in words in order to find what you want. It is necessary to stock up on the necessary attributes, get acquainted with the process of carrying out this or that ritual, and most importantly - believe in its effectiveness.

We wish you financial well-being!
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