When to breed a toy terrier girl for the first time. Mating a toy terrier: what should the owner know? Behavioral characteristics of pets

We plan the mating of toy terriers in advance

Mating of toy terriers is a serious and responsible undertaking, about which the owner or breeder must know literally everything, down to the smallest detail. Pregnancy, which is an expected and natural result of mating a male and female toy terrier, or rather, subsequent births, can lead to the most unpleasant consequences. It’s a sad fact, but in dogs of almost all small breeds, childbirth is usually much more difficult than in dogs of standard sizes. Unfortunately, heavy and protracted labor can lead to the worst thing - the death of the dog. If a mother and all her newborn puppies are alive and completely healthy, this is a huge success.

In many cases, if the dog cannot give birth on its own, you have to resort to caesarean section. Unfortunately, such operations, as well as many others surgical interventions, often lead to numerous complications of varying severity. In more than fifty percent of cases, operated bitches develop pyometra. This dangerous disease characterized by inflammation of the uterus and, most often, leads to its removal.

When bred, it should weigh at least 1.7 kg, the optimal weight is 2-2.5 kg. Dogs with less weight, although they look better in appearance, are not capable of successful whelping. Mating and subsequent childbirth will be fraught with danger to their health and life. It is more advisable to breed a bitch no earlier than her third year, which should be from 1.5 to 3 years.

Then worry about a good manufacturer. Don't just look at his championship titles and trophies, as well as his size and weight. It is much more important that the dog you want to breed with your dog comes from promising parents and produces good offspring. The most fruitful method is line breeding, in which the male and female intended for breeding have common ancestors in the third or fourth generations.

Optimal time mating - between 10 and 14 days from the beginning of estrus. A peculiarity of the Toy Terrier breed is often bloodless estrus, when the owner finds out about it belatedly. Therefore, it is important to be able to determine the mating time by observing the behavior of the bitch.

After mating, be attentive to the dog in order to promptly determine the presence of pregnancy for organization proper nutrition and preparation for childbirth. External signs pregnancy - increased appetite in the first month after mating, relatively rapid fatigue, increased abdominal volume, swelling of the nipples, the appearance of signs of caution, prudence in movements.

Maximum amount possible litters - 6-7. The owner must be ready to provide assistance to his dog and its puppies during pregnancy, during childbirth, and after it. To do this, you can consult with an experienced breeder, obstetrician-veterinarian, study the relevant literature yourself and gain experience.

Despite the abundance of Lately ornamental breeds, toy terriers attract a lot of fans with their cheerful, energetic disposition, compact size and unpretentiousness. Unfortunately, this breed is not yet recognized by international cynological organizations, but active work private breeders, nurseries and hobbyists hope that she will soon receive official recognition.

Mating of toy terriers is a very complex event that requires great responsibility from the breeder or owner of this breed of dog.

If you decide to get toy terriers, then you need to know how to choose the time during estrus.

The choice of cable should be taken very seriously, since the usual goal of a professional breeder is to qualitatively improve the breed.

After all, even if a bitch has shortcomings, a purebred and registered toy terrier can compensate for them or completely eliminate them, and even hereditary ones.

The cable should be the same size as the bitch, or slightly smaller.

Dogs are starting to breed in early age– 8th-12th month. It is very undesirable for a young body to mate.

The toy terrier had not yet grown strong at this point and early pregnancy, childbirth and feeding usually causes diseases that are difficult to treat.

The approximate time when the timing is considered normal is when the age of 20 months for a female and 24 months for a male, but the physiology of toy terriers is very different, so the female becomes physiologically mature after the third heat, when it is advised to begin the first mating.

First heat

At the age of 8-12 months, bitches have their first heat, and subsequent ones usually occur with a break of 6 months.

It lasts 18-20 days. Sometimes there are slight deviations from time, since dogs have individual characteristics.

In order not to miss this moment, it is worth noticing a change in behavior, disobedience, excitability, and possible loss of appetite.

At the onset of estrus, a slight enlargement of the vulva appears, from which bloody discharge later occurs.

Gradually, every day the intensity of the discharge increases, and when the moment of ovulation comes, the loop increases to its maximum and softens, and the discharge changes color to yellow-pink.

The duration of ovulation is 3-5 days. Due to mating on the first day of ovulation, breeders usually lose puppies in the litter or end up with an empty female.

Do not be afraid of deviations that may occur during the process of estrus, such as prolonged rigidity of the “loop”, aggression towards the cable or the absence of visible discharge.

If you properly monitor the bitch, she will give birth to normal and healthy puppies.

First mating

The first mating is a serious moment in the life of a breeder. Her planning must be intentional and thought out in advance, focusing on the timing of the heat and how it happened.

The breeder is required to keep a diary detailing daily health, conditioning and training.

Estrus is always described, regardless of whether there will be mating at this time. You should not miss every detail: the color of the discharge, the state of the “loop,” how the bitch reacts to the male and her behavior in general.

Bacteriological tests are carried out on pets: staphylococcal, hesperovirus and others).

Now it is important to do this 1.5 months in advance, because when a population of dogs very often suffers from similar diseases that do not usually appear, but the puppies gradually begin to die.

Actually, for the mating itself, natural mating is desirable, which gives more positive emotions during the courtship ritual.

If a toy terrier is mated for the first time, then great stress is possible, both for the breeder and for the pet. If the conditions are urban, then the mating conditions are completely different.

The bitch is taken to the male, since the male usually feels calmer and more comfortable in his home environment.

For mating to be successful, you should call an instructor if you are not a professional in this field. If everything is successful, wait for pregnancy and get ready to give birth.

If you don’t notice her outwardly, then the bitch’s behavior reveals everything, she calms down, begins to take care of herself, mucus discharges from the vagina, her appetite worsens, and then increases.

The tummy and swollen nipples will become noticeable at 5 weeks. You can feel the fruits already on the 7th, but you should be very careful not to cause harm to future ones.

To see the number of puppies, you can do an ultrasound or x-ray (the main thing is on day 45, when the skeleton is formed), but you will see the exact number of puppies when the birth is over.

Childbirth- the process is very difficult for the bitch, and sometimes it may not start on time. If there is no birth after 65 days, then head to the veterinarian.

Childbirth is sometimes carried out with the help of operations, and sometimes miscarriages occur without proper care or some problems that perhaps the breeder did not bother to fix before pregnancy.


It is worth remembering that not every owner strives to spread this breed; he can keep a dog as a decorative component of life. However, do not receive a litter of puppies or possible complications during childbirth.

For this purpose, the owners sterilize the breed. The following will describe the pros and cons of this:


  • becomes more obedient, aggressiveness decreases;
  • increases by 2 years on average;
  • the risk of developing hormonal diseases is reduced;
  • the smell and marks disappear in the apartment;
  • absence of a litter of puppies and peace of mind when walking.


  • the appearance of excess weight;
  • risks of complications from sterilization surgery.

It is noticeable that there are more pros than cons, but it is worth considering whether sterilization is necessary so as not to regret the operation later.


In this video they will tell you how to conduct mating at home, without involving an instructor. Remember: the most important thing is not to injure your beloved dog, otherwise the dog may become aggressive and not allow the male dog to approach him.

The first estrus usually begins between the ages of eight-nine and eleven-twelve months. Russian Toy Terrier females come into heat twice a year, with an average duration of twenty-one days. The interval between two heats most often does not exceed six months. In some cases, it can be reduced to five months or, conversely, increased to eight.

If you notice that your dog's heat period is less than five or more than eight months, then it's probably worth seeking help from a good veterinarian. The fact is that an interval between heats that is too short or long may indicate that the toy terrier has some kind of disease that is expressed in this way, or that a hormonal imbalance begins. In any case, a bitch with such problems needs timely treatment.
What noticeable changes occur in a female Russian Toy Terrier during heat?

Directly during heat or a few days before it, the Russian Toy Terrier's behavior may change for the better or for the worse. The dog may become more lethargic and quiet, or, conversely, more active and mobile. In addition, the bitch can show causeless aggression. But it is also possible that the dog, on the contrary, will become more peaceful and calm than usual. Be that as it may, any behavioral changes that are not too pronounced are usually not a cause for concern.

During the first and second heats, the Toy Terrier's nipples may change color, become darker and become quite swollen. In addition, during this period they become much more sensitive to any external irritation, so be sure to take this into account when picking up your toy so as not to hurt him. As a rule, everything returns to normal after one and a half to two months.

In most cases, subsequent heats pass without such unpleasant symptoms.

In some Toys, heat can be almost bloodless. Don't worry - this is completely normal. But how, in this case, can you determine when the time has come for mating? Very simple:

  • firstly - by behavior, which, as we wrote above, can change significantly;
  • secondly, according to the condition of the dog’s nipples: if they change color, darken, or become more sensitive, it means that estrus has already begun or is about to begin.

Caring for a dog during heat

As a rule, the female Russian Toy Terrier does not need any special care during her heat. Remember that she is not sick or suffering, because heat is a natural physiological process, which does not bring the dog any noticeable discomfort.

To prevent your pet from dirtying the furniture in your apartment, it is recommended to buy special panties for bitches and regular panty liners at a pet store or veterinary pharmacy. They will only need to be removed during a walk, so that the dog can do its toilet chores.

Of course, this only applies to those toys that do their business exclusively on the street while walking.

If you keep a bitch and a dog in the same apartment, then during this period they should be kept separately, for example, in different rooms. Otherwise, you most likely will not be able to avoid an unplanned mating. For the same reasons, never let your bitch off the leash while walking.

There comes a time in the life of almost every dog ​​owner when the issue of having offspring becomes relevant. The health of future puppies and the well-being of the animal largely depend on how competently this process is carried out. On what day of estrus should this process be scheduled, how to choose the right partner, the age when it is best to breed a dog - these and many other questions arise before the owner.

Suitable age for breeding a dog

When a dog goes into heat for the first time, it means that the body is ready for fertilization. But this does not mean at all that it can already happen. As a rule, complete physical formation dogs does not coincide with the onset of puberty, so premature mating can slow down further development animal. During this period, his muscles and joints are still poorly developed, and his psyche is not sufficiently formed. In fact, this is still a puppy that is too excitable and unbalanced.

Mating of a dog should be carried out when the animal’s body is completely ready for it. Puberty occurs at approximately one and a half years of age or even a little later. Timely mating will ensure that the new phase of the animal’s development proceeds more harmoniously and naturally.

Choice of mating day

If a male dog can participate in mating on any day, then the owners of female dogs should monitor the period of estrus, which occurs every 6 months and lasts from two to three weeks. At this time, only a few days are suitable when breeding dogs is possible. On what day of estrus can this process be scheduled?

In the first 7-10 days, this happens to the bitch and despite the fact that males are already showing increased interest in her, the dog does not let them get close. This stage is called "proestrus". The next period (estrus) lasts 2-4 days, these are the days that are considered best time for mating. The eggs are ready for fertilization, the discharge becomes a little smaller, and the dog is already more willing to allow male dogs to approach him. During this period, the day of estrus is chosen, when the dogs are mated. In order for the result to be guaranteed, two matings are carried out with an interval of 1-2 days.

How is estrus going?

In the first stage, estrogen production increases, causing the internal genital tract to swell, causing swelling of the vulva. Thanks to this hormone, a special smell appears that attracts males. Blood penetrating from the vessels of the uterus comes out. Estrogen is produced by the follicles until its amount reaches its maximum. After which there is an increase in luteinizing hormones, which leads to the growth of follicles and causes ovulation. It is during this period, even before the moment of ovulation, that females become sexually estrous.

But the eggs become ready for fertilization no earlier than after 2-3 days. It is easy to calculate on what day of estrus dogs are mated - the optimal days are considered to be from the second to the fifth from the moment of ovulation. Then the production of the hormone progesterone increases, as a result of which the swelling of the genital mucosa subsides, and the amount of discharge decreases every day. The entire estrus period takes approximately 3 weeks.

Signs of heat

An attentive owner will immediately notice some changes in the behavior of a dog that is going into heat. The animal becomes less obedient. Due to hormonal changes, the dog begins to behave more actively and freely. Droplets of blood appear from the genital loop, which the dog constantly licks. Males begin to show increased interest in her.

During this period, you should not engage in training, because the dog does not listen to commands well and behaves too playfully. It is better to postpone training until the end of the heat.

In order not to dirty the floor and furniture in the apartment, dog owners often use special underpants or diapers for their pets. But experienced dog handlers recommend teaching your dog to lick himself thoroughly from the very first heat.

How to control your dog during heat

All the dog’s aspirations during this period come down to attracting the interest of male dogs, leaving his scent everywhere. Therefore, it is quite difficult to control her behavior, which sometimes defies any logic. If a dog is well trained, it will follow the owner’s commands even at the sight of a male dog. The same applies to a male dog - if he is trained, he can always ignore the smell of a female dog in heat and run to the owner’s call.

Signs of readiness for mating

Owners, of course, should know which dogs are mated on what day of estrus, but there are also a number of signs by which one can determine readiness to meet the “groom”. The genital loop increases in size and becomes soft to the touch, the discharge from it becomes yellowish in color, when stroking the dog’s croup, it moves its tail to the side and stands in a pose. All these signs indicate that ovulation has occurred and the dog is ready for mating. As a rule, this happens 13-15 days after the start of estrus.

Experienced dog breeders recommend keeping a diary describing the timing and characteristics of their dog’s estrus. In some individuals, there is practically no discharge during this period, the loop can remain rigid throughout the entire estrus, and the dog can show it towards males. The owner should know these individual characteristics of the dog. Keeping a diary will help you take into account all the errors when determining the right day for mating.

There are differences in the process of copulation among dogs of different breeds, since they have their own physiological characteristics and specificities characteristic of one or another variety.

Large breeds are quite heavy and often require the presence of the owners, or preferably a professional instructor, when breeding dogs. On what day of estrus the German Shepherd is ready for this process is determined by characteristic features(usually this is only 3 days between estrus days 9 and 20). Before breeding, you should not feed your dog for 12 hours. It is mandatory to put a muzzle on both the dog and the bitch, as aggression may occur. To prevent the dog from sagging under the weight of the male during mating, the owner needs to secure it under the belly.

Mating of small dogs - on what day of estrus is it carried out?

Virtually no assistance is required when tying, but due to their miniature size, certain difficulties arise. Therefore, a situation cannot be ruled out when the participation of an instructor is required, especially if this concerns the first mating. For determining suitable date Close monitoring of the dog is required. For example, a toy terrier's heat lasts 20 days. From the moment of appearance, 7-9 days pass when they acquire a lighter color. On days 10-16, the discharge becomes completely transparent; it is during this period that the dogs are mated. On what day of heat is a Toy Terrier ready for breeding? This can also be influenced by the individual characteristics of the dog.

The behavior of a dachshund during heat is not much different. These dogs are not aggressive, so a muzzle is worn when mating in exceptional cases. But a collar is a must, it is necessary in order to hold the dog when it is standing in the castle. Mating takes place approximately 12-15 days after the start of estrus. lasts only three to five days. During this period of time, fertilization can occur. You should not use the very first day for this, even if fertilization takes place, there may be very few puppies in the litter. The most favorable two days are in the middle of the ovulation period for such a process as mating dogs. On what day of estrus dachshunds are ready for this process can be determined by the dog’s behavior.

Possible deviations

Some bitches, regardless of breed, have their own physiological characteristics, when it can be problematic to determine their readiness for mating. The discharge is not bright enough, sometimes there is a completely bloodless estrus, so it is simply impossible to notice it. Sometimes the loop practically does not increase in size and remains rigid throughout the entire period of estrus. Sometimes the bitch’s aggression towards the dog manifests itself even at the time when the dogs should be mated. On which day of estrus to make plans for a trip to the male dog, only knowledge will help determine individual characteristics your dog. Observations and records made during previous heats will be very useful here. They will help determine the optimal day for mating.

Mating a Russian Toy Terrier is fraught with certain difficulties due to the miniature size of these dogs. However, the efforts of breeders to breed the breed are justified, because the demand for puppies is always very high.

First mating of a toy terrier

Toy terriers can be bred when the dogs reach the age of 1.5-2.5 years. The first mating is always stressful, so the owner’s task is to organize the mating as comfortably and correctly as possible. In the conditions of urban keeping of dogs, the natural process of mating for animals can be limited and complicated by certain external factors. It is best to invite a veterinarian, a professional breeder, or even a special instructor from the breeding club to the first mating.

When preparing for the mating of toy terriers, pay attention to the following circumstances.

    Appearance of animals. For mating, you should not decorate your pet with any accessories, much less put clothes on it - these factors will not attract, but on the contrary, will scare away your partner.

    Place of mating. It is better if the mating process takes place in a place familiar to a dog that has no mating experience.

    Situation. The room for mating Russian Toy Terriers should be free of animal distractions, such as foreign odors, sounds and objects that can attract attention.

    Dog behavior. There is no need to force things. The dogs need to get used to each other. Time for getting to know each other should be allocated as much as the animals need.

A female is in heat: counting a good period for mating

Estrus in domestic bitches occurs 1-2 times a year, usually with an interval of 6 months.

Physiological signs of this state are as follows:

      The first mating should take place in the manner familiar to the male. home environment, but in a specially designated place.

      The influence of extraneous distractions should be reduced to zero.

      For the first mating, it is better to choose an experienced partner familiar to the boy.

      Don't rush the dog.

      You need to unobtrusively help the male dog, stroking him during boarding, first with light, and then with more intense movements on the croup. The boy should be accustomed to such stroking in advance so as not to scare him off during an important process.

      If the process of mating a Russian Toy Terrier does not bring the desired result, you need to give the dog a rest for some time.

      During the “lock” period, the mating process should be kept under special control.

    How to choose a partner for a toy terrier

    The dogs chosen for mating must match each other in size. A male dog may be somewhat more graceful than a female, but not vice versa. It is advisable that one of the partners is already untied. Qualified assistance in choosing a partner can always be obtained from professional clubs involved in breeding toy terriers.

To obtain healthy purebred offspring, mating must be taken care of in advance.

Pedigree toy terriers have documents confirming their pedigree, and the owners, as a rule, are members of a cynological society or club. This makes it possible to prepare for mating in advance in order to choose the right pair.

Attention! If the male is always ready for mating, then the female is limited in terms of conception and her owner must calculate everything correctly.

For planned breeding work, the girl’s owner must keep a diary, in which the time of onset of estrus, dates of mating and birth must be recorded. With proper care, the baby can live more than 10 years and bring about long life large offspring.

The male is ready for mating by the age of one year, but it is better to hold him until 1.5 years - let him get stronger. The bitch matures at about the same time, but is not yet ready for pregnancy and childbirth. For procreation, the third heat is optimal, around the age of 2 years. In this case, the weight of the animal must be at least 2 kilograms.

Important! Less weight will not allow the animal to bear and give birth to healthy offspring.

Before contacting the club to select a pair, consult a veterinarian; only he can determine the possible risks.

Mating should be carried out on the 2nd or 3rd day of ovulation, after 2 days the mating should be repeated.

The success of the event largely depends on the mood of the pets. It is better to carry it out naturally on the territory of the groom, let the animals get to know each other better, the “bride” to flirt a little, the “groom” to show gentlemanly qualities and everything will happen by itself.

It’s better for you to engage in a conversation over a cup of tea; your pets, accustomed to visiting, will soon stop paying attention to you and will not feel like athletes in the ring, as happens with “manual” mating.

Organizational procedures

When owning a purebred dog, highly rated by experts, the owner must be extremely careful, carefully and thoughtfully choose a partner for mating. The planned puppies will be valuable, healthy and with a good genetic basis if both toy parents have the appropriate qualities.

Don’t skip the literature, especially when you’re trying to organize the mating of Toy Terrier dogs for the first time. Read about the genetics, anatomy, psychology and psychosomatics of dogs. You also need to have information for the future: for that terrier, pregnancy and childbirth are the next significant step after mating.

It’s usually everyone around him who worries: neighbor’s dogs, owners, oncoming dogs of both sexes. This extends, of course, to the animal itself. The reproductive instinct is one of the strongest, inherent in nature. On what day of heat should a dog be bred?

Estrus - what is it?

This is a natural physiological process typical of many female mammals. In dogs, it is divided into three periods:

  • From the 1st to approximately the 9th day - proestrus. Animal loop area can be replaced bloody issues. Males begin to show active attention, but the bitch strictly suppresses all indiscreet advances, even aggression. Sadka is categorically not allowed.
  • Approximately from the 9th to the 15th day is the period of estrus. The discharge becomes less colored and then translucent. When seeing fellow tribesmen of the opposite sex, the dog takes a characteristic position - it tightens the noose and moves its tail to the side. Allows you to make a cage. This is the most suitable time for fertilization. If it is not planned, then it is the most dangerous.
  • Somewhere from the 17th to the 21st day, the final phase is metaestrus. The ardor of love is noticeably reduced, males are not allowed in, and the likelihood of mating is extremely low. On what day of heat should a dog be bred? In every special case it depends on many reasons.

Heat: signs

This natural process often has a rather unpleasant effect on the behavior of the four-legged animal. The animal becomes capricious, irritable, and often difficult to predict. Appetite at this time increases slightly, urination becomes more frequent. If you let your dog off the leash, even a well-mannered and obedient pet can run away. Nature, the call of blood.

In a most surprising way, a dog's heat affects male dogs. They sense her condition and begin to worry even from a considerable distance. There are often cases when a female living in a high-rise building keeps all the males in the house in suspense.

Stray dogs can gather near her entrance, waiting for the desired object. Regardless of the indicator on which day of heat the dog should be bred according to the rules, if puppies are not planned, then it is better to protect it during the entire special period.

First heat

Often it comes as a complete surprise both to the animal itself and to the owners. Often it is quite short. The animal becomes nervous and its appetite may be disrupted and disappear. Many young females begin to shed at this time. The dog becomes too active, does not listen well, and is self-willed. It will not be difficult for a caring owner to notice changes in the pet’s behavior.

It becomes necessary for her to visit the street more often, where she persistently asks. There she tries to flirt with male dogs, but, on the contrary, does not favor representatives of her sex any more than usual. Some females scrape the soil with their paws and react violently to touches on the back of the body. But no matter what age the animal is, the question of what day of heat the dog should be bred on is not yet worth asking. She has not yet reached the required maturity.

On what day of heat should a Toy Terrier or other small breed dog be bred?

There is no strictly defined period when an animal is most ready for successful fertilization. In each specific case, this period varies: it depends on age, constitutional and physiological characteristics, breed, time of puberty and other things. As for small and tiny dogs, they are much more difficult to breed than their larger relatives.

It is recommended that a Toy Terrier be allowed for breeding only if its weight has reached 1.8 kg. Often, breeders are cunning and claim that a small bitch is much more attractive and impressive looking. But her low weight greatly limits her ability to fully bear puppies and give birth directly.

How to determine in a particular case on what day of heat a Yorkie or Terrier should be bred? The most suitable days are considered to be from the 9th to the 13th from the start of estrus. But in some animals the most favorable one sometimes turns out to be shifted towards the beginning or end of this period. Some experiment for years trying to achieve success. There are more easy way- submit smears to the laboratory.

A smear will help determine the right day

Owners have always been interested in the question of when exactly is the best time to breed a dog. Even among representatives of the same breed optimal time may vary for coverage. Moreover, it can shift with age even in the same female. And in some animals the ovulation period does not coincide at all with visible signs hunting.

So how then can you determine, for example, what day of heat a Chihuahua dog should be bred on? The most favorable moment can be easily determined using special vaginal smears. Designed for this purpose special technique, which is not complicated and does not require expensive equipment. Majority veterinary clinics provide such a service, the price of which is quite affordable for ordinary animal owners.