How to rinse your nose with folk remedies. How to properly rinse your nose with salt water. Features of nasal rinsing in children of different ages

Traditional method helps get rid of excess mucus in maxillary sinuses ah, which, with prolonged stagnation, causes inflammation and also turns into pus. It is the rinsing that directly dilutes this substance and induces its natural removal from the above-mentioned cavities.

What does rinsing do?

The procedure for cleansing the sinuses and nasal cavity significantly reduces swelling of the mucous membrane, tones the capillary system, and also improves immune functions epithelium, which in turn begins to fight the problem on its own. The main function of nasal rinsing is to remove stagnant mucus and restore the full natural process of its removal.

What is used to rinse the nose for sinusitis?

For sinusitis, functional liquids are used as the main active substance - from ordinary clean boiled water to medications, salt solutions, as well as folk remedies based on herbs. They act on the human body in different ways: the effectiveness of a particular remedy directly depends on your physiology, individual tolerance to the components of liquids, the current state of the mucous membrane, the severity of the disease and the state of the immune system.

How to rinse?

The procedure for rinsing the nose with one means or another was known five thousand years ago - it was used by the ancient Indians, and the process of irrigation therapy itself was considered as a mandatory procedure that streamlined thoughts and cleansed the body of toxins.

Regardless of the type of liquid chosen, the nasal rinsing procedure itself is the same:

  1. Before rinsing, you should clean your nose as much as possible so that it is not blocked. If necessary, use vasoconstrictor drugs (Naphthyzin, Tizin, Rinazolin) to temporarily relieve swelling and normalize air flow through the nasal canals. 5–10 minutes after using vasoconstrictor drops, you can begin the procedures.
  2. The easiest way to rinse is a syringe without a needle or a syringe. As a more convenient tool, it is recommended to use a special jala neti teapot or a special pharmacy syringe for rinsing the nose.
  3. Bend over a sink or bathtub, tilt your head slightly to one side, insert the selected device into the nostril that happens to be located higher than the other, and begin pouring liquid into it.
  4. Slowly tilt your head in the opposite direction - the liquid will come out of the nostril on its own. Repeat the procedure with the other nostril.

Recommendations: To prevent the working fluid from getting into, it is advisable during the procedure to make a drawn-out sound “and-and-and” or say clearly “ku-ku” - with these actions the soft palate rises and creates a barrier between the nasopharynx and throat, as a result of which it prevents the solution goes where it is not needed.

It is also worth noting that flushing devices that create excess pressure can only be used by adults - in children, the channel system of respiratory communications is not fully developed, so they are recommended to flush with a kettle or directly from the hand, by independently inhaling liquid through the nostril.

Of course, there are also ones that can also be used for this disease, but it is much more effective to use than various drops.

Medicines for rinsing the nose


This drug has powerful antimicrobial activity and is used in the treatment of a variety of purulent-inflammatory diseases. Has virtually no side effects, in some cases local dermatitis may be observed. Furacilin is contraindicated for people with kidney disease and patients who are highly sensitive to nitrofuran.

Dissolve half the tablet in 500 milliliters of warm boiled water, pour the resulting substance into the selected device and begin the procedure.


An iodine-based solution must be used in precise dosage to avoid side effects in the form of non-infectious inflammation of the mucous membranes (so-called iodism). Side effects may include allergic reactions such as urticaria and.

Iodine solution is contraindicated for children under six years of age, as well as for patients with nephritis, pulmonary tuberculosis, furunculosis and pyoderma.


The washing complex contains a liquid that includes a whole complex of salts and microelements - chlorides, sulfates, compounds of organic acids, bromine, iodine, as well as extracts of licorice and rose hips. It can be used even without additional equipment - the kit includes a drainage device.

Used for adenoiditis, after surgical interventions into the nasal cavities. Possible side effects are nose bleed and eustachitis. Contraindicated for all types of tumors, children under four years, people with deformed nasal septum or poor patency of the nasal canals. Do not use for complete nasal congestion.

Aqua Maris

Aqua Maris liquid is sea water purified from harmful impurities, containing compounds of calcium, magnesium, chlorine, ions and sodium. The product comes with a syringe.

The medicine reduces the viscosity of mucus, stimulates the functioning of the epithelium, has an antibacterial effect, reduces inflammation and swelling. Most often used when complex therapy various diseases of the mucous membrane and paranasal sinuses nose, including sinusitis, rhinitis, infectious and inflammatory processes and others respiratory infections, and also as prophylactic for people working in places where there is a high risk of mucosal disruption.

Can be used for children from one year old. There are practically no side effects: in very rare cases, local allergic reactions may occur.


This product contains minerals, as well as active ingredients of sea water, which have an anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect on the mucous membranes. It is used to treat all types of rhinitis, as an additional drug in the treatment of sinusitis, and as a prophylaxis against acute respiratory viral infections.

Approved for use by children from two years of age, as well as by pregnant women. No side effects were identified. Contraindicated in postoperative period and if you are allergic to the components of the medicine.


Quinoxaline derivatives included in the drug are very effective in the treatment of moderate and severe purulent and inflammatory processes of different etymologies, pleurisy, peritonitis, abscesses of all types. Dioxidin copes with the most persistent strains of bacteria resistant to antibiotics wide range actions of recent generations.

The medicine is contraindicated in pregnant women and children under 16 years of age, as well as in patients with insufficient kidney function. Dioxidin should not be used for more than five days in a row, and the treatment itself should be monitored by an ENT specialist.

Possible side effects the drug - digestive disorders, significant increase in body temperature, convulsions. Significantly weaken Negative influence active substance antihistamines (Diazolin, Loratadine) taken orally several hours before rinsing the nose can.

Other medicines

Medical practice aimed at treating sinusitis also includes the use of other types of medications - antibiotics and strong antiseptics, but it is better not to use them at home, since it is quite difficult to choose correct dosage and course of treatment.

As a rule, during stationary nasal rinsing (popularly called “cuckoo”) in the hospital, in addition to classic saline solutions, dioxidin and furatsilin, chloramphenicol, hydrogen peroxide, miramistin, protargol and other drugs are actively used. It should be understood that drainage with this kind of drugs is carried out strictly under the supervision of the attending physician and in some advanced cases may become the only alternative to puncture and direct puncture of the sinus.

Classic saline solutions

As you noticed, most modern medical solutions for rinsing the nose, are made on the basis of salt and its derivatives, accordingly, the necessary liquid can be made independently. To do this, you need to take half a teaspoon of sea or table salt, dissolve it in 300 milliliters of warm boiled water and use it as a medicine.

The advantages of this type of liquid are its very low price and ease of preparation at home. Disadvantages include lower functionality and efficiency, as well as the need for additional purification of an already made solution if the initially taken salt contained mechanical impurities.

Folk remedies for rinsing the nose for sinusitis

Traditional medicine knows many recipes for effective decoctions and solutions against sinusitis. Most of them contain antiseptics and immunomodulators.


Most often, for treatment by rinsing the nose, chamomile decoctions are used: several flowers of this plant are brewed in a glass of water, cooled, filtered, and the finished substance is used for the procedures described above.


Very effective, especially on early stages sinusitis, propolis solution. Brew 1 teaspoon of salt in 250 ml of water and add fifteen drops of fresh propolis tincture. This remedy, used 2-3 times a day for a week, will significantly alleviate the course of the disease and eliminate the symptoms of sinusitis.

An extremely powerful antiseptic in large doses is poisonous! To prepare the correct solution, take one glass of water and drop two drops of fresh plant juice into it using a pipette. Celandine not only effectively thins mucus and helps remove pus from the maxillary sinuses, but also actively fights against polyps if they are the cause of the disease.

Other plants

In addition to the above mentioned traditional medicine, special solutions for rinsing the nose for sinusitis are also made based on oak bark, calendula, string, sage, eucalyptus and other plants. Before using a specific product of this type, be sure to consult your doctor!

Vegetable juices

Since ancient times, people have squeezed juice from vegetables and used it in medicinal procedures. The most famous products that help fight sinusitis by rinsing and putting drops in the nose are beets, onions, carrots, black currants, cranberries: the juice from them must first be diluted with water (1 part juice, three parts water), and only then used for its intended purpose .

After the procedure, after 10–15 minutes, you must blow your nose, and after three hours, rinse your nose again as usual. boiled water room temperature.

Instead of an afterword

If none of the proposed remedies helps you, and sinusitis progresses further, then you should immediately contact a qualified medical assistance - running forms This disease cannot be cured on your own and at home, therefore, most likely, you will need hospitalization in a hospital and full complex measures of conservative, physiotherapeutic, and sometimes surgical medicine.

Don’t get sick and take responsibility for your own health!

Useful video

Doctor Komarovsky on how to properly rinse your nose for sinusitis

Anna Shust, especially for the portal “Moms of the Big City”:

Nadezhda Emelyanova- pediatrician, pediatric neurologist, homeopathic doctor. She has additional specializations: “Non-drug methods of treatment and reflexology”, “Neuropathy”, “Classical and clinical homeopathy”. Experience as a pediatrician - 17 years. , dedicated to the most important issues for parents: children's health and gentle methods of treatment.

In my medical practice, I actually encounter every day the phenomenon of otitis media caused by nasal rinsing. Parents think that they are treating the child, but in fact, with their own hands, under the guidance of pediatricians and, what is especially sad and unacceptable, ENT doctors, they create an additional serious problem for the child. In general, I would like to talk more broadly - about common active local therapy in the nasal cavity: vasoconstrictor, antibacterial, antiseptic drops - all kinds of liquids are dripped into the nose of children from birth. How safe is it? Is it possible to raise a healthy child without nasal drops? What is world practice in this area of ​​medicine?

What is, for example, “irrigation therapy”? Methodologically and ideologically, these are echoes of the so-called “cleansing therapy”, which was practiced earlier, 100, 200, 300 years ago, and echoes of the later emerging infectious disease paradigm, when doctors perceive the disease (in in this case runny nose) exclusively as an infectious process, giving microbes and viruses an inappropriately significant place, much more significant than the macroorganism itself and its self-regulation systems. Based on these considerations, nasal rinsing is an important component in treatment. We will wash the germs, kill the viruses, remove the mucus, and health will come. Is it so?

  • An excursion into the history of medicine is always interesting, which sometimes helps to understand and critically comprehend some practices in modern medicine. Cleansing therapy was extremely popular in past centuries and was based on the postulates of ancient healers about illness as a violation of the ratio and quality of fluids filling the body, about the contamination of these fluids. The heyday and decline of cleansing therapy occurred in the 16th–19th centuries, when bloodletting and enema (as options for cleansing therapy) were very popular, especially in the upper strata of society - foreign and ours. A textbook example and illustration is the treatment of King Louis ΧΙΙΙ of France, who received 47 bloodlettings a year, 215 emetics and 312 enemas from his physician. That is, the monarch received one enema per day for a year as prescribed by the doctor.

Today, such treatment methods seem absurd, but once upon a time they seemed advanced to doctors and were practiced everywhere, just like today’s nasal rinsing or vasoconstrictor drops.

- And yet, why is it harmful to rinse the nose and instill drops? And how should parents react to snot?

Let's figure it out. Why might you need to rinse your nose at all? The basis of this procedure is the thesis that there is something dirty and wrong, unclean in the nose. Some negative properties are attributed to snot and a runny nose and people strive to get rid of them as quickly as possible, dry or moisten the nasal mucosa, and also relieve swelling with drops - to defeat a runny nose.

In fact, it is a unique protective mucus, a biological fluid with a unique composition. This is a whole army of leukocytes and lymphocytes (both dead and still very much alive), which protect the nasopharynx from the invasion of infection, nonspecific local defense factors that have bactericidal properties, complex proteins (mucins), salt, water, and so on. Snot is exactly what helps us get rid of infection and build immunity.

The nasal mucosa is arranged in an interesting and extremely complex manner. The vascular network in the nasal cavity, according to researchers, exceeds in complexity the same vascular network in the liver (the Chinese nicknamed the liver “Elder Queen” for its function and participation in blood circulation), and instilling vasoconstrictor drops in this regard is medieval barbarism, the same like a half-forgotten bloodletting. The use of such drops disrupts blood circulation in the mucous membrane for several months, and this by-effect has been well studied and described, but the vasoconstrictor drops themselves have not been proven effective and are not at all safe; their use in foreign pediatrics is limited.

On the Internet and in medical publications around the world, you can find a number of cases where, after instilling drops into the nose, a child experiences collapse or even coma; adults have described strokes after using such drops.

The nasal mucosa itself is delicate; work is in full swing in its submucosal layer: lymphocytes and leukocytes brought by blood fight bacteria and viruses. In the submucosal layer in the microlymph nodes, detachments of these warrior cells are dispersed, ready, at a signal, to rush to the aid of those already fighting.

Protective mucus consisting of complex proteins, covers the ciliated epithelium in two layers - sol on the bottom, gel on top, very fluid. It flows at such a tremendous speed that a virus or bacteria, even if they really want to join the cell and begin to destroy it, cannot do this easily while the mucous membrane is covered with protective mucus.

Therefore, first look at a runny nose from a different angle: what is snot? How should parents react to them? Snot are our friends! React positively! That is, physiologically, we have in the body cleansing the nose by itself. There is absolutely no point in adding anything else from the outside to this cleansing.

- It’s clear with vasoconstrictors, but how can ordinary salt water for rinsing damage?

The fact is that when using these seemingly harmless drugs, in reality the effect that is opposite to that expected is obtained. Instead of cure, we often get worsening of the disease and its transition to otitis media. And this is along with proven ineffectiveness: it has been proven that saline solutions do not reduce the duration of a runny nose and do not in any way affect its intensity compared to placebo.

- What can cause otitis media when rinsing the nose?

The anatomical and physiological features of the children's skull are such that children have a short and wide auditory tube, some also inclined towards the ear. If you liquefy and blur the mucus in the nose, then this mucus begins to flow more intensely towards the ear, where a direct path is open for it. This provokes otitis media. You can’t even blow your nose too vigorously (and you need to explain this to children), because liquid mucus flows straight into the ear cavity when the pressure increases. A huge number of otitis media in modern children are caused by nasal rinsing.

What happens next? Doctors begin to treat inflammation of the middle ear with antibiotics. This, by the way, is also the wrong tactic! For example, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends watchful waiting (that is, a hands-off approach) for catarrhal otitis media because most catarrhal otitis media resolve without antibiotics or any treatment at all.

The opposite is also true. When my patients don’t put anything in their children’s noses and don’t rinse their noses, we practically don’t see otitis media in children! However, there is an exception to this rule - these are children with overgrown adenoid tissue, which sometimes blocks the mouth of the auditory tube, disrupts ventilation and provokes pain in the ear. But even in this case, it is not the child’s nose that needs to be treated, but the whole child, because adenoid hypertrophy is a special case of hypertrophy of the lymph nodes of the whole body, a consequence of the hard work of the immune system; in this case, it is the entire body that needs to be treated, and not the nose separately.

To summarize what we are talking about, the simplest and effective advice to preserve the health of the child, which could be given to young parents who have not yet “healed” children, would sound like this: never touch the child’s nose with any manipulations, nozzle suction, rinsing, or anything else . It is important for parents of children with chronic ENT pathologies to realize that local therapy, aimed at combating germs and mucus, is a dead-end path; here I will advise treating the child as a whole, gradually moving away from nasal drops and local procedures.

- Do you use nasal drops for runny noses in your children?

Of course not. I never prescribe it to child patients, and I discourage mothers from doing it. Imagine, throughout your entire childhood - not once any drops in your nose!

- How in this case do you recommend coping with a runny nose during acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections? A sick child has a stream of snot and it’s hard to breathe. How to alleviate the condition?

Firstly, you still need to be patient a little: nasal congestion associated with swelling of the mucous membrane cannot last forever: a maximum of two to three days - and the regulation of vascular tone will occur in a natural and physiological way. Secondly, during illness (unless there is very high temperature) - steam your feet in hot water for 10–15 minutes before going to bed. During this procedure, snot will flow in streams, this is very good; during the procedure, the flow rate of nasal secretion changes. You can do cold and warm inhalations, humidify and cool the air in the room, and often bathe a child with a runny nose and cough. Thirdly, according to indications, if necessary, take phytotherapeutic and homeopathic drugs that gently and gently help to overcome an acute crisis in the regulation of immunity. It is also good to use home physical therapy if possible. And wait!

After discharge from the maternity hospital, the entire process of caring for the baby falls on the shoulders of the young parents. Mom and dad experience the greatest difficulties in the question of how to clean a newborn’s nose. What needs to be done to make breathing easier for a baby and not harm him.

When the baby sleeps, sniffling sounds are often heard. This is due to the fact that the baby’s nasopharynx is not yet fully formed; the nasal passages are much narrower than those of adults. Even a small mucous accumulation or crusts that form can cause discomfort in the baby and make it difficult to breathe regularly.

A baby's nasal congestion should not be taken lightly. Difficulty breathing can cause complications.

In the first week of a newborn’s life, he adapts to new breathing conditions, so the baby can snore in his sleep. If after a week your breathing does not return to normal, the following reasons may be to blame:

How to clean your nose

The baby has a stuffy nose, but before deciding how to clean the baby’s nose, you need to prepare everything in advance necessary supplies and devices. These include:

  1. Sterile cotton wool. In pharmacies you can buy cotton wool for newborn babies. If not, then cotton pads will do. From these items special flagella are made, or, as they are sometimes called, turundas for cleaning the nasal passages.
  2. Baby oil. You can also use Vaseline or sunflower oil, which must be boiled before starting the procedure. Before using the oil, check your baby for an allergic reaction to this type of product. To do this, lubricate a small sensitive area of ​​the baby's skin, for example, on the bend of the elbow, and wait a while. In case of skin redness, the oil that caused an allergic reaction should not be used.
  3. Aquamaris, as well as boiled water or saline solution.
  4. Sterile gauze pad.
  5. Syringe (small rubber bulb).

There are several types of aspirators, the choice of which is up to adults:

  • Mechanical, when mommy independently sucks out the mucus using a tube. Appearance: a hollow tube, transparent, inside there is a foam pad that protects the mother from bacteria.
  • Electronic. Looks like a pear, powered by electric batteries. To turn it on, just press a button. Despite big size, easy to hold by hand.
  • Vacuum. Outwardly it resembles a mechanical aspirator, but it works from a vacuum cleaner. When using, you must be very careful, carefully adjusting the mucus suction force on the vacuum cleaner.

Cotton swabs are the most controversial remedy from the point of view of pediatricians. Many experts are categorically against the use cotton swabs for cleaning the noses of infants. Other pediatricians allow the use of plastic sticks with cotton wool to clean the nasal passages of children older than 3 months. Using chopsticks requires special attention and caution.

Cleansing and moisturizing products

Cleaning the nose in newborns begins with rinsing. The following means are used for this:

  • Physiological sodium chloride solution. Sold without a prescription at the pharmacy.
  • Sea water for infants: “Aqualor”, “Morenazal”, “Aquamaris”. In addition to large packages, you can also purchase small, disposable tubes, which is very convenient on long trips.
  • A saline solution that mom can easily prepare at home. Take table salt (1 tsp) and a liter of water.

Often in folk recipes and advice, when asked about how to clean a newborn’s nose, they suggest putting some in the nose breast milk. You should not follow this advice, as milk will serve as a favorable environment for development harmful microorganisms.

Daily care

Nature has endowed humans with the ability to independently clear their nose while sneezing. But not all parents have the patience to wait for the baby to rest. In addition, in some children, even a small accumulation of “scrabs” or the growth of crusts causes serious problems with breathing.

Cleaning the nose is an unpleasant procedure for a baby: he is capricious, tries to resist, and breaks out of his hands. Therefore, the mother should call the child’s father or one of the adults for help. Having understood the principle of how to clean a baby’s nose, mommy will then be able to deal with it on her own.

Let's take a step-by-step look at how to properly clean a newborn baby's nose.

  1. Mom should definitely wash her hands hot water with soap.
  2. It is necessary to soften the crusts, as well as the mucus. Take the baby in your hand so that the baby's head is slightly tilted back. Place 2-3 drops of saline solution into each nostril. If the mother cleans the baby’s nose in the evening, then you can give him a warm bath before the procedure. The crusts will soak naturally, after which they and the mucus will be much easier to get out.
  3. Fix the baby's head well so that he cannot jerk his head. To do this, the mother needs the help of another adult who will hold the baby. If the mother is forced to carry out the procedure alone, then you can cover the baby’s head with rolled up diapers or towels.
  4. Lightly moisten the prepared flagella for turunda in Vaseline oil, then press it out. The flagella should be elastic, but not dry or hard.
  5. With one hand, gently, but firmly enough, hold the baby's head by the frontal part so that the baby does not escape. With your other hand, carefully and slowly insert the flagellum into the nasal passage to a depth not exceeding 2 cm. Slowly twist the flagellum clockwise. If necessary, clean the nasal canal again. You cannot use one flagellum more than 1 time.

Cleaning your nose from boogers

During sleep, the baby sometimes grunts. Most often this happens due to “booties” in the nose. Regular cleansing of the nasal passages will prevent your child from grunting. A young mother can ask her pediatrician how to clean a newborn’s nose.

To clean the nose quickly, use syringes and nasal aspirators.

Using a syringe:

  • Wash with soap and hot water.
  • Squeeze the bulb to release all the air.
  • Insert the tip of the syringe into the spout, while squeezing the rubber bulb of the bulb. Let go of the compressed ball - the snot and boogers will be drawn inside.
  • Before cleaning the other nostril, rinse the syringe again with hot water.

Application of aspirator:

  • Wash the aspirator parts with hot water before use.
  • Check how strong the suction is. To do this, you need to attach the tip of the aspirator to your hand.
  • Carefully insert the tip of the device into the spout and begin cleaning it.

All devices for cleansing the nasal canals must be cleaned and washed in hot water and soap before and after use.

Autumn is the period of a runny nose, so many mothers are concerned about the question of how to properly clean their nose infant from snot, and at the same time not harm the baby.

The flagellar cleaning method is safer, but does not always clean the entire nasal cavity. With the help of an aspirator and syringe, the baby's nose is cleared faster. You can find out how to clean a newborn’s nose from boogers on forums where young mothers share tips.

When treating a baby for a runny nose, one of the main conditions is maintaining humidity in the nursery and regularly cleaning the nose. Medications prescribed by a specialist. Before the baby reaches 1 year of age, it is not recommended to use medicinal sprays, as they are quite aggressive.

You learned how to clean your nose from boogers, and how to clean your baby’s nose so that he doesn’t grunt. Follow these recommendations and your baby's breathing will be smooth and clear.

Karina is a regular expert on the PupsFull portal. She writes articles about games, pregnancy, parenting and learning, child care and the health of mother and child.

Articles written

Nasal rinsing is one of the first medical prescriptions for a runny nose. With the help of simple manipulations you can quickly get rid of mucus and eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Some doctors recommend carrying out such cleaning of the nasopharynx as a preventative measure and as a routine hygienic procedure. What is the best way to rinse your nose when you have a runny nose and how to do it correctly?

Procedures for cleaning the nasal passages and nasopharynx help not only as a preventive measure, but are also used to quickly get rid of a runny nose. Even if there is viral infection, rinsing your nose at home will help prevent the spread of the disease. The main thing is to organize the correct therapy when the first symptoms of the disease appear.

Despite the seeming harmlessness of a runny nose, it is important to understand what this phenomenon can entail Negative consequences. Heavy discharge from the nasal passages and difficulty breathing is a sign of inflammation of the mucous membranes. If this is not eliminated in time, then there is a risk of the runny nose progressing to the chronic stage.

Nasal rinsing is effective because the medicinal solution directly affects the inflamed areas. So how and with what to rinse your nose?

The most effective formulations are those aimed at:

  • relieving inflammation;
  • disinfection;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • reducing tissue swelling;
  • hydration.

Such nasal rinsing solutions can be purchased at a pharmacy or made independently.

Important! Although rinses are effective, you should not rely on them to treat serious illnesses. They can only eliminate symptoms and stop the spread of infection. Doctors recommend using rinses only as an additional therapy.

Which solution will be best for specific person It's very difficult to answer. Try several formulations and feel which product is more effective. Perhaps it will be convenient for you to use pharmaceutical sprays containing sea water, or maybe you can get rid of a runny nose in a couple of days with the help of saline solution.

Traditional recipes for washing - preparing a solution

Nasal rinsing is a very common treatment method. If desired, the pharmacy has the opportunity to purchase a huge number of various medications for this procedure. If it is not possible to visit the pharmacy in a timely manner or you do not trust pharmaceuticals, then you can get by with traditional recipes.

The most common folk remedies for washing:

  1. Pure water. ABOUT beneficial properties water has been known since ancient times. Only the water should not be tap water, but at least pre-settled. Ideal if there is melt water. Its temperature should be normal temperature bodies. Rinsing should be done every time nasal congestion is felt.
  2. Sea or table salt. For rhinitis, salt in combination with soda has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. 1 spoon of table salt and 1 spoon of soda should be dissolved in a glass of water. For greater effect, you can add 2 drops of iodine if desired. This solution should be washed 3-5 times a day for 7 days. There may be a burning sensation during the procedure. This is normal and is not considered a reason to discontinue treatment.
  3. Decoctions and infusions medicinal herbs which have antiseptic properties. These include chamomile, calendula, sage, string, etc. You can use not just one plant, but a whole collection. It is recommended to rinse your nose with chamomile infusion when you have a runny nose, even in advanced cases. To prepare the solution, you need to take 15 grams of the plant or collection and pour a glass of boiling water. Let cool and brew. You should rinse your nose every 2-4 hours.
  4. Beetroot and honey. 2 tablespoons of honey should be diluted in a glass of beet juice. The resulting composition must be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. It is necessary to wash in the morning and evening. After completing the procedure, you need to blow your nose and rinse it with plain water after a couple of hours. Using this method, even sinusitis can be cured.

Important! In the presence of allergic reaction on honey or any other component of the recipe, it is prohibited to use this product for rinsing!

Pharmacy preparations for rinsing the nose with a runny nose

Rinse your nose when severe runny nose better at home medications. They allow you to achieve greater results in a short time. You should choose a medicine depending on its purpose.

For the treatment of viral and infectious diseases It is recommended to use anti-inflammatory drugs, and allergic rhinitis– aimed at relieving swelling and washing out allergens.

All pharmaceutical solutions for rinsing the nasal passages can be divided into 2 groups:

  1. Phys. solution and preparations based on sea ​​salt (Aqualor, Quix, Aquamaris, Dolphin) are universal medicinal compositions, which have preventive and medicinal properties. They can be used without a doctor's prescription. They do not cause irritation of the mucous membranes and have a beneficial effect on general condition nasopharynx and absolutely safe to use. Salt relieves inflammation and reduces swelling. Healing properties sea ​​water helps to thin mucus and painlessly cleanse the nasal turbinates.
  2. Antimicrobials(Furacilin, Miramistin, Protargol) - washing with such drugs should be carried out during illness or chronic stage. The components of these medications can neutralize common pathogens colds, destroy bacteria and prevent the spread of infection.

Important! Antiseptic and antimicrobial drugs are used only in the presence of inflammatory processes. These medications are not used for prevention!

How to properly rinse your nose when you have a runny nose?

If a runny nose is accompanied by the discharge of pus, enlarged tonsils, and redness of the throat, then the answer to the question of whether you need to rinse your nose is clear. It is simply necessary to rinse your nose with such a runny nose. This will help eliminate pathogens, remove plaque and reduce swelling.

To rinse your nose at home when you have a runny nose, you will need:

  1. Purchase at a pharmacy or make your own solution for the procedure.
  2. Fill the bulb or syringe with medicine. Remember that the syringe must be without a needle, and the syringe must have a soft tip.
  3. Open your mouth and lean 90 degrees over a sink or other container.
  4. Slowly squeeze the solution into the upper nostril. The liquid, passing through the sinuses, should be poured out through the mouth.
  5. We repeat the same thing with the second nostril.

Important! The solution should be injected slowly. Otherwise, the infection under the pressure of the jet may enter the ear area.

Another way to rinse your nose when you have a runny nose is irrigation. It is produced with special aerosols, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. To do this, insert the tip of the spray into your nose and press on the can. The solution will fall on the mucous membranes of the nasal sinuses and flow out under the influence of gravity. This is a gentle measure and you should not rely on this method if you have a very stuffy nose and pus.

In pharmacies you can also purchase a special device for rinsing the nose - a Neti pot teapot. It is more convenient to carry out the procedure with it, due to the fact that it has a handle and a long, comfortable spout.

Contraindications for nasal rinsing

Despite the fact that the solutions do not contain dangerous or harmful components, and the procedure itself looks incredibly simple, rinsing the nose has a number of contraindications.

The procedure cannot be performed if:

  • tumors in the nasopharynx;
  • severe swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasal sinuses;
  • weak vessels, because in this case there is a high probability of bleeding.

Pregnant women should only carry out rinsing with extreme caution and as prescribed by an ENT specialist.

Rinsing the nose with saline solution - simple hygiene procedure, easily carried out at home. You will need pure water and salt. The procedure does not require special skills or abilities. Even a child can easily master it. The positive effect of nasal rinses will not be long in coming. For prolonged bacterial rhinitis, this procedure is mandatory for effective treatment.

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Why is saline nasal rinsing effective?

Normally, we breathe through our nose. Together with the air, we inhale microscopic dust particles. Under certain conditions (for example, if someone sneezes nearby), germs become released into the air. The nasal mucosa is constantly moisturized. All this dust and microbes settle on the mucous membrane and “stick” to it. This mechanism prevents the spread of various airborne contaminants deeper through the respiratory tract.

In most cases, a runny nose is viral, bacterial or allergenic in nature. Let's consider what happens in our nose when we have a runny nose.

  1. Settled viruses, bacterial cells or allergens cause a complex defensive reactions, the main of which is mucosal hypersecretion. Its purpose is to mechanically flush out foreign particles and microorganisms from the nose. Due to this, their concentration decreases.
  2. In the case of a viral-bacterial runny nose, on the 3-4th day, the transparent liquid secretion begins to change its structure (compacts, becomes more viscous) and color (changes to yellow or green).
  3. The mucous membrane swells, congestion appears.
  4. The purulent process that has begun inhibits, and often completely stops, the natural drainage of the mucous membrane.
  5. The concentration of pathogens in the nasal cavity increases.
  6. Periodic purulent runny nose is always a harbinger (and/or).

What happens when we rinse our nose with saline solution?

  • We help the mucous membrane restore effective drainage;
  • reduce the amount of secretory secretions in the nasal cavity;
  • reduce the viscosity of secretory secretions;
  • mechanically wash away germs and allergens from the mucous membrane;
  • reduce the concentration of microbial flora in the nose;
  • improve the immunity of the nasopharynx;
  • easier breathing.

What diseases does rinsing help with?

Viral and bacterial runny nose

You should start rinsing your nose with saline at the first sign of a runny nose. In most cases, a runny nose begins as a viral infection and then turns into a bacterial form.

The sooner you start washing out viruses, the less chance they have of suppressing the local immunity of the nasopharynx and the less likely it is for a runny nose to turn into a purulent form.


Hygiene of the nasal cavity is of fundamental importance in case of sinusitis and frontal sinusitis. Patients with chronic sinusitis who begin rinsing at the first sign of a runny nose and carry out the procedure three times a day for 1-2 weeks note a decrease in the number of exacerbations.

At chronic form Rinsing the nose with saline can reduce the likelihood of exacerbations. Salt has aseptic properties: rinsing is prescribed after removal of adenoids, in combination with antibiotic agents in acute phase diseases.

To prepare a saline solution for rinsing the nose, you will need:

  • Boiled water (tap water is fine, but filtered);
  • salt (or table salt - does not matter).

For effective and painless rinsing, two rules must be followed:

  • Make a solution of a certain concentration;
  • rinse with a solution of a certain temperature.

Salt concentration

For one rinse, approximately 250 ml of solution will be enough for you. For this amount of water you need to dilute 2-2.2 g of salt - this is about a third of a teaspoon.

If the solution is not salty enough, the procedure will become unpleasant:
  • You will feel a burning sensation;
  • the mucous membrane will increase secretion;
  • congestion will occur;
  • your eyes will turn red.

If the solution is over-salted, this will lead to overdrying of the mucous membrane due to the too pronounced aseptic effect of salt on the cells. Despite the fact that it is easier to rinse with a slightly over-salted solution than a very under-salted one, the consequences of exposure to a solution with a high salt concentration can be felt for several hours after the procedure in the form of unpleasant dryness, burning and itching.

If you don’t have electronic scales, and you haven’t yet learned how to correctly determine the amount of salt “by eye,” then it’s better to put a little less salt.

Solution temperature

It should be borne in mind that upon contact with the mucous membrane, the solution must have a temperature similar to it - i.e. 36 C. Perhaps 1-2 degrees less.

If the temperature of the solution is lower, then this will lead to cooling of the mucous membrane and, depending on individual characteristics, may cause an additional decrease in protective function.

If the water temperature is above 36 C, this will stimulate expansion blood vessels. Congestion may occur, and in some susceptible individuals, nosebleeds may occur.

Due to the need to maintain temperature conditions, it makes no sense to prepare a solution for washing in advance.

How to rinse your nose with salt water

Never suck saline solution into your nose! This is the wrong way to wash.

Precautions when rinsing your nose

  • Observe temperature regime rinsing solution.
  • Maintain the correct body position when rinsing: leaning forward, keeping your head in a horizontal plane.
  • Do not pour water under too much pressure.
  • After rinsing, blow your nose lightly, without force, without closing your nasal passages or creating an area of ​​increased pressure in the nasal cavity.

When not to rinse your nose

Despite the harmlessness of the procedure, we should not forget that nasal lavage is a therapeutic hygienic procedure. It doesn't need to be abused. The nasal mucosa has its own unique microflora. The secretion secreted by its cells is in itself protective. Frequent exposure to salt water will:

  • To change the natural microflora of the mucous membrane;
  • to hypersecretion of secretory cells.

The result of this will be:

  • Decreased local immunity;
  • more intense secretion.


Rinsing the nose with saline solution is a necessary physiotherapy procedure, as well as for the prevention of exacerbations of sinusitis and adenoiditis.

It is important to observe the salt concentration, as well as the temperature of the solution.

Carry out rinsing according to the “gravity” principle or use the Dolphin device.

Gentle rinsing of the nose with saline solution at home, if indicated, is recommended even for infants.

Do not overuse the flushing procedure. In the absence of signs of a runny nose, systematic rinsing will negatively affect the condition of the nasal mucosa and its protective function.

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