Neumyvakin - treatment with hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide: how to drink correctly to cleanse the body Dosage of hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is medical solution, used for both local and external use. It can be used both for its intended purpose and according to alternative methods offered by traditional healers.

Hydrogen peroxide and its properties

Hydrogen peroxide, as the simplest peroxide, is a complex substance that combines several oxygen atoms. It can act as an independent solvent, or itself completely dissolve in alcohol, diethyl ether and water.

Peroxide has the following properties:

  1. Acts as a bactericidal agent. Glucose oxidase, which promotes the formation of this peroxide, has a disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. If excessive H2O2 content is observed at the cellular level, this leads to cellular oxidation. This process is called oxidative stress.

This solution can give both positive and negative result on human health. It all depends on the dosage and the method of its entry into the body.

Oral administration or Neumyvakin method

In addition to its intended purpose, peroxide is often used internally. This method of treatment was developed by the famous professor Neumyvakin and it consists of gradually taking peroxide. Research has been conducted for several years and has successfully proven that when taken correctly, this substance is absolutely safe for health. But even after careful study, there are people who oppose this use of peroxide.

Hydrogen peroxide fights viruses, germs and other pathogenic microorganisms.

This medicinal solution has the following effects on the body:

According to Neumyvakin, oxygen therapy involves taking hydrogen peroxide orally according to a certain scheme. In this case, drops of the substance must be diluted with water with a gradual increase in their concentration.

Table. Features of the drug dosage:

Using a similar scheme, the solution is increased to 10 drops. Upon completion of 10 days, the course is interrupted for 3-4 days, after which it continues for another 10 days with a concentration of 10 drops. Such therapy is useful only if the recommendations are carefully followed and the concentration of the solution is gradually increased.

Benefits of taking hydrogen peroxide

Peroxide is taken only with purified water and in a correctly calculated dosage; other liquids in combination with the substance change its composition and do not bring benefits to the body.

To prepare diluted peroxide you will need warm drinking water, which is almost identical in composition to the main component. Taking pure peroxide leads to chemical burn mucous membranes with subsequent bleeding.

Purifying water with hydrogen peroxide is dangerous due to overdose and subsequent poisoning of the entire body.

With proper dosage, hydrogen peroxide has a beneficial effect on all organs and systems of the body. The main advantages of the drug can be divided into three categories.

Impact on the gastrointestinal tract

The healing properties of hydrogen peroxide are based on a truth known to everyone: the main health problems begin with poor nutrition. The solution, entering the gastrointestinal tract, breaks down into free molecules of oxygen and hydrogen. Its absorption occurs immediately through the mucous walls of the stomach, entering each of its cells. As a result, this happens:

  • normalization of acid-base balance;
  • suppression and removal of all products of decay and decay;
  • healing of wounds, minor ulcers and erosion;
  • stop bleeding.

A peroxide solution should be chosen as a treatment for heartburn, stomach acidity disorders, and intestinal diseases.

Blood flow saturation

Taking diluted peroxide helps saturate the entire body with atomic oxygen. This treatment method is called oxygen therapy and is suitable for everyone modern man. Due to a sedentary lifestyle and lack of regular physical exercise oxygen starvation occurs in the body.

Due to the regular lack of oxygen in cells, decreased physical and mental activity, sleep disturbance and other negative changes are observed. The action of peroxide is aimed at replenishing the number of oxygen molecules in the blood and in all tissues of the body.

Scientific research has proven that when the pure substance is administered directly into the blood, the number of lymphocytes increases by more than 30%. These facts show that our immune barrier is much stronger than its standard capabilities.

Cleansing the body

Hydrogen peroxide is a good oxidizer of toxic substances, which allows you to cleanse the body of excess toxins. So, when it gets inside, a large amount of urea and ammonia is quickly removed.

Peroxide therapy also treats a person from alcohol poisoning, including during binge drinking.

Harm of peroxide solution

Hydrogen peroxide itself is a non-toxic substance. However, when it reaches mucous membranes and organs in high concentrations respiratory tract may cause severe burns.

Highly concentrated H2O2 acts as an explosive substance of chemical origin. Once inside, it leads to pronounced destructive changes, the actions of which are similar to alkalis.

In a certain dosage, the solution can serve fatal outcome. However, the concentration may differ depending on individual characteristics body. It is generally accepted that lethal dose consists of a 30% peroxide solution per 100 ml of water or other liquid.

If one of the above consequences occurs, you must immediately consult a doctor!

An overdose of hydrogen peroxide is fraught with the following complications:

Negative phenomena can be observed not only while taking such a solution, but also after the end of the full course. If during therapy all systems of the human body perceived the resulting solution as doping, then after its cessation, performance will noticeably decrease. This occurs due to starvation of cells and tissues.

To reduce the risk of developing side effects H2O2 therapy is recommended to be carried out under the supervision of a doctor and according to the regimen prescribed by him, and upon completion of the course, carefully monitor the condition of your body.


Taking the solution can be combined with all medications except antibacterial drugs. In this case, hydrogen peroxide is drunk at intervals of at least 50-60 minutes after taking other medications.

Despite its natural composition, this therapy has some contraindications:

  • organ transplantation;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • individual characteristics of the body.

A medicine such as hydrogen peroxide solution has its positive and negative sides. Before using it, you must consult with your doctor, correctly calculate the dosage, and also weigh the expected result and possible risks. This is especially true for treatment methods whose benefits have not been 100% proven.

Hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂), a colorless liquid, soluble in alcohol, water and ether, is known to almost everyone. It is used mainly as a treatment for complex wounds.

Hydrogen peroxide separates necrotic fragments, pus and blood from healthy tissue, promoting deep cleansing of wounds, accelerating the healing process. But not everyone knows that it has another very valuable healing effect. At correct use it improves metabolism, heals the body, and helps get rid of many diseases of the cardiovascular system.

During oxidative processes in the tissues of the human body, free radicals are formed. These are active molecules with unpaired electrons and can easily enter into chemical reactions. In small quantities, free radicals are beneficial; they destroy bacteria and viruses, activate enzymes, and participate in the production of hormones.

But if there are too many of them, they change the structure of proteins, which begin to be recognized by the immune system as foreign elements that must be destroyed. As a result, the immune system drops due to reboot, and serious diseases such as leukemia, liver cancer and kidney failure can develop.

Antioxidants are able to protect the body from free radicals by donating their electrons to them without changing their activity and without harming health.

Important! The fight against free radicals is a very important task, the successful solution of which significantly prolongs life. And the well-known hydrogen peroxide can become an indispensable assistant in this. H₂O₂ has a pronounced antioxidant effect, which is manifested when ingesting 10..15 drops of a 3% solution.

How to take hydrogen peroxide to cleanse the body - before or after meals? It can be done either way. But at the same time, you need to observe time intervals before and after meals.

Take before meals

When using the drug, you must follow certain rules.

  • It is advisable to take peroxide at the same time (plus or minus 1 hour).
  • This must be done on an empty stomach. Do not eat anything for at least 3 hours before taking peroxide.
  • The drug is drunk in the form aqueous solution. A few drops of H₂O₂ dissolve in a glass of water.
  • The initial dose should not exceed 2 drops of 3% peroxide.
  • Every day the number of drops increases by one. The maximum dose is 30 drops. Course – 30 days.

Take after meals

You can take peroxide after meals, at least 1 hour after eating. If you break this rule, stomach discomfort, nausea and vomiting are possible. The maximum number of drops is 30 per day. All other rules for using the medicine are exactly the same as when taken before meals.

Important. You need to take a solution of peroxide in water immediately after preparing it, since it decomposes within 15 minutes.

You cannot leave the container in which the 3% solution is stored open, as it quickly disintegrates into H₂O and O. After some time, only water will remain in the open bottle. The most convenient container for Hydrogen peroxide is a 100 ml plastic bottle with a drip dispenser.

Application according to Neumyvakin

Professor I. Neumyvakin has developed a unique technique that allows you to get rid of atherosclerosis using Hydrogen peroxide, vascular diseases, strokes and heart attacks. The specialist checked all his conclusions on himself. The system of healing he developed using H₂O₂ is popular not only in Russia, but throughout the world.

How to take hydrogen peroxide to cleanse the body according to Neumyvakin? To get rid of intestinal helminthiasis, H₂O₂ cleansing should be performed according to the following scheme:

  • Taking the product begins with 1 drop of a 3% solution, which is mixed with 50 ml of mineral or distilled (most importantly, non-chlorinated) water. The dose is taken half an hour before meals 3 times a day.
  • Each subsequent day (until the 10th) the number of drops increases by one. By the end of the 1st course, the dosage is 10 drops 3 times a day.
  • A break of 3 days is taken, the 2nd course begins with a dose of 10 drops at a time.
  • Next, three-day courses are repeated with 10 drops per dose until the total treatment time reaches 21 days.

For children, smaller doses are used:

  • Up to 5 years – number of drops – 1-2.
  • ..10 years – 2…5.
  • ..14 years – 5…8.

In Dr. Neumyvakin’s treatment system there is a more complex scheme for how to drink H₂O₂ to cleanse the body:

  • It is necessary to prepare a decoction of wormwood (1 teaspoon of dry herb is boiled for 1-2 minutes in 200 ml of water). Cool and strain.
  • Instead of boiled water, add cold boiled water so that the broth becomes 200 ml.
  • Add 10 ml of 3% peroxide to it.
  • Pour the solution into a 200 ml bottle and connect the converted blood transfusion system to it. The alteration includes trimming the needle and melting the end of the tube (to facilitate insertion into the anus).
  • Fix the system at a height of 2 m, lubricate the end of the tube with Vaseline and insert it into the anus.
  • Introduce 20...30 ml of decoction into the intestines in a stream until the urge to defecate.
  • Clean the intestines and carry out the remaining product at a speed of approximately 1 drop/sec.
  • Repeat the above procedure every day for a month. The worms are excreted semi-digested in the form of mucus.

You can learn more about Dr. Neumyvakin’s technique by reading his book “Hydrogen Peroxide. On guard of health." The talented specialist has written other works devoted to healing from various diseases.

Pros and cons of using peroxide

Peroxide has useful actions not only for external local application, but also when taken orally. The clearly expressed positive effect of H₂O₂ as a means of cleansing the body is due to many factors.

  • It saturates tissues and organs with oxygen.
  • Kills pathogenic micro- and macroorganisms.
  • Normalizes metabolism.
  • Improves blood composition.
  • Normalizes acid-base balance.
  • Accelerates healing and restoration of damaged tissues.
  • Reduces cholesterol.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Increases the elasticity of blood vessels.
  • Rids the body of toxins and waste.
  • Improves the functioning of the hepatobiliary and genitourinary systems.

Attention! If the drug causes discomfort or pain, you need to stop taking it for 1-2 days or reduce the concentration to 3...5 drops.

Like any highly effective product, H₂O₂ also has some negative aspects, which include side effects and contraindications.

  • As for the first, they are all relatively harmless and do not cause serious harm to health. It could be:
  • drowsiness;
  • runny nose with cough;
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • skin rash;

physical lethargy. If you take Hydrogen peroxide correctly, it will not cause any harm to your health. But the use of highly concentrated solutions can cause burns to tissues and mucous membranes.

Therefore, before drinking hydrogen peroxide to cleanse the body, you need to consult a specialist. At orally the only contraindication is age - the product should not be given to children under 5 years of age. List of contraindications for intravenous administration peroxide wider.

  • The drug should not be used for:
  • hemophilia;
  • capillary toxicosis;
  • afibrinogenemia;
  • Werlhof's disease;
  • hemolytic anemia;

DIC syndrome. Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent healing agent. At correct use

it can become a panacea for many, even intractable diseases. In the human body.

Hydrogen peroxide decomposes into water and atomic oxygen, which is facilitated by a special enzyme - catalase

Hydrogen peroxide is a clear, tasteless and odorless liquid. Hydrogen peroxide is also called perhydrol, hydroperite, hyperon, laperol... H 2 O 2 - oxygen-containing medicine, discovered by the French chemist Tenard L.Zh. in 1818, he called it “oxidized water.” Hydrogen peroxide is a strong antiseptic and is widely used throughout the world as an external disinfectant and hemostatic agent.

Taking hydrogen peroxide orally (rules):

  • To take hydrogen peroxide orally, you must use a well-purified solution.
  • you should start with small doses, namely 1-2 drops of a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide per 1-2 tablespoons of water. During the day, this procedure is repeated 2-3 times. In subsequent days, the dose is increased by adding one drop until a single dose reaches 10 drops.
    The total amount of hydrogen peroxide taken per day should in no case exceed 30 drops.
  • Hydrogen peroxide should only be taken on an empty stomach, since the presence of food in it increases the negative effects of the drug. This means that at least 2-3 hours should pass after the last meal. And after taking the drug you should refrain from eating for at least another 40 minutes.
  • It is advisable to take the drug cyclically. After a 10-day intake, a 3-5 day break is taken. The following cycles can be started with 10 drops, but in no case increase the dose. High concentrations of hydrogen peroxide can cause burns.

It should be noted that the first time you take hydrogen peroxide orally, severe intoxication of the body can occur, and the condition will sharply worsen. This is quite understandable and there is nothing wrong with it. It’s just that hydrogen peroxide is a very active substance and, once it enters the body, it immediately destroys bacteria.

Another not very pleasant, but at the same time good sign of the beneficial effect of hydrogen peroxide on the body can be the appearance of all sorts of skin rashes and inflammation. Through them, toxic substances are removed from the body. This inconvenience will not last long.

Finally, another property of hydrogen peroxide plays a huge role: its ability to oxidize toxic substances– both those that entered the body from the outside, and waste products of the body itself.

When treating diseases with hydrogen peroxide, the body must receive vitamin C, which significantly increases the strength of the effect of H 2 0 2.

You can cleanse your body before starting treatment with hydrogen peroxide using a plant-based diet.

Sometimes, when taking hydrogen peroxide, other unpleasant symptoms may appear, such as nausea, diarrhea, fatigue, insomnia, etc.

In these cases, you can reduce the dose, but it is not at all necessary to stop taking peroxide, since the solution is so weak that it is absolutely safe, and there will still be a beneficial effect. With a little patience, the result will be a significant improvement in your health.

And one more piece of advice: before you begin the procedure of ingesting hydrogen peroxide, you should take care of cleansing the body. Otherwise, the effect will be significantly slowed down.

The father of the internal use of hydrogen peroxide H 2 O 2 in Russia was Professor Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, who is called the man of the year 2002. He began research on H 2 O 2 back in 1966, working at the closed research institute for medical and biological problems in medical support for space flights.

The main thing is to be careful and avoid overdose. I repeat: 30 drops per day, no more. I also advise you to regularly rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide. To do this, dissolve 1-2 teaspoons of peroxide in 50 ml of water.

The same solution can be instilled into the nose, 10 drops in each nostril. It is also suitable for external use in the form of compresses, which should be applied to sore spots for 1-2 hours.

So, hydrogen peroxide H 2 O 2 is needed for additional pumping to atomic oxygen, which the body always lacks, especially with physical inactivity, multi-storey buildings, boiled food and boiled water.

There are no contraindications to taking hydrogen peroxide H2O2.

According to some Western sources, doctors do not recommend resorting to treatment with hydrogen peroxide for those people who have any transplanted (transplanted from a donor) organs. Due to the high degree of active influence on redox processes in the body, as well as the general effect on immune system the human body may experience difficulties associated with tissue compatibility.

A short list of diseases that can be successfully treated using hydrogen peroxide:

  • Infectious diseases: acute respiratory viral infections, tonsillitis, influenza, bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, etc.;
  • Diseases of the ENT organs: rhinitis, purulent inflammation paranasal and frontal sinuses, pharyngitis (both acute and chronic), purulent (external and middle) otitis;
  • Cardiovascular system: stroke, ischemic heart disease, varicose veins veins of the lower extremities;
  • Neurological diseases: multiple sclerosis, stroke, osteochondrosis;
  • Metabolic diseases: systemic lupus erythematosus, diabetes and immunodeficiencies of various origins;
  • Chronic respiratory diseases: bronchiectasis, emphysema, lung cancer;
  • Dentistry: stomatitis, gingivitis, caries, periodontal disease and periodontitis.
  • Skin diseases: fungal infections, eczema, cancer.

Toothache can be relieved with hydrogen peroxide, for which you need to dissolve 2 tablets of hydroperite in 1/2 glass of water. This solution should be kept in the mouth for as long as possible, then spit out and repeat the procedure, filling the oral cavity with a new portion of the solution. Repeat several times.

Possible adverse reactions to take hydrogen peroxide for medicinal purposes:

  • skin rashes,
  • nausea,
  • drowsiness,
  • unusual fatigue
  • symptoms similar to colds (runny nose, cough),
  • less often - diarrhea.

Peroxide intravenously:

Atomic oxygen, which is formed during the decomposition of H 2 O 2, is destructive for any pathogenic organisms. Therefore, after the first intravenous injections, an increase in temperature of up to 40 degrees may be observed. This is due to the intoxication of the body by dead microbes. That is why, when first introducing H2O2, you need to be careful and administer it in small portions. Let me explain what this means. Having mixed 20 cubes of saline solution with 0.3-0.4 ml of peroxide, take 1/3 of this amount for the first injection, half for the second, and 3/4 for the third.

American doctor Farr makes the following discovery in 1998: better oxygen saturation of tissues occurs by introducing into the blood... hydrogen peroxide! When administered intravenously, H 2 O 2 causes an increase in speed metabolic processes 2 - 3 times!

Without exception, all Western authors and, first of all, the already named leaders of peroxide therapy, C. Farr and W. Douglas, take a firm position: intravenous hydrogen peroxide can be used for treatment purposes only by a doctor and at the same time, one who is well acquainted with the mechanism of its action, as well as those recommendations on the percentage of the solution and the features of administration, which are confirmed in practice. Professor Neumyvakin never ceases to repeat the same thing.

Books about peroxide treatment

Attention! There are also books on sale about treatment with peroxide, I publish links, including Neumyvakin’s book. All of them are very inexpensive.

"Hydrogen peroxide: guarding your health"

"Hydrogen peroxide is a miracle of healing. Home treatment"

This is a very inexpensive medicinal and hygiene product It is distinguished by the variety of areas in which it can be used: to preserve the freshness of food, as a bactericidal component in toothpastes, or to disinfect furniture and other objects.

Detailed information on the use of hydrogen peroxide for rheumatic diseases and cancer, as well as numerous recipes for external use are collected in this practical reference book.

Alternative medicine, without a doubt, has a right to exist. Especially when it comes to time-tested medical practices, such as manual or herbal medicine, homeopathy. But, unfortunately, unconventional healers often offer treatment methods that can only be called dangerous. Just look at the recommendations to drink to normalize redox processes in the body. It must be said that such advice has no scientific basis.

So that the reader understands what we are talking about, we present here some excerpts from such recommendations.

The authors of the method claim that it is useful for everyone who cares about their own health, since with a lack of oxygen, they say, food rots in our stomach. By taking it orally, we supposedly provide the body with atomic oxygen. It is difficult to say in which school this person received his education, but there is no doubt that he has little knowledge of anatomy and chemistry.

Firstly, hydrogen peroxide decomposes only as a result of chemical reactions. Any eighth grader knows this. In the stomach, peroxide forms only ordinary oxygen O2 and water. Secondly, oxygen has a place in the lungs, but not in digestive tract. It won't bring any benefit there, that's for sure.

If we look into a chemical reference book, we will find the following characteristic of the substance: hydrogen peroxide (peroxide) is a compound with a record oxygen content. Apparently, this is precisely what the advice to take orally is based on. However, the reference book talks about a concentrated substance, which is significantly different from the one used in everyday life. Therefore, there is no need to even talk about any more or less noticeable supply of oxygen to the body.

Let's be honest, healthy body Hydrogen peroxide in the concentration suggested by modern healers will not harm. Especially when it comes to short-term exposure.

In the pharmacy chain you can only buy 3% peroxide. Two drops from a pipette will be approximately 0.5 ml. If this amount is diluted with two tablespoons of water (about 30 ml), we obtain a solution of very weak concentration. Considering the fact that hydrogen peroxide is an unstable substance, drinking such hydrogen peroxide is the same as clean water. In this light, both the harm and benefit of such treatment seem extremely doubtful.
The assertion that it actively participates in the formation of free radicals, which provoke aging of the body, also has very shaky ground. The human stomach has nothing in common with a chemical laboratory. Therefore, it would be more logical to assume that everything that gets into it is excreted naturally - through the intestines.

It is also unlikely that you will be able to burn the stomach lining by taking hydrogen peroxide orally. After all, a weak concentration solution is used to gargle or gargle for stomatitis and pharyngitis.

Ordinary peroxide can explode without visible reasons. In order to understand what causes this effect, it should be remembered that as a result of storage, peroxide breaks down into water and gas. If the container is not completely filled, free oxygen accumulates under the lid. When a certain concentration is reached, the slightest shake provokes an explosion. It must be said that the glass bottle shatters into fragments. However, this only happens with peroxide with a concentration of 33%, provided that the container is tightly closed. As you can see, you shouldn’t expect an explosion in your stomach either. Therefore, we can say that the harm and benefits of peroxide are somewhat exaggerated. Instead of taking hydrogen peroxide internally, go for a walk in the forest to provide your body with useful oxygen.

Ardent adherents recommend hydrogen peroxide not only orally, but also intravenously. According to them, this method helps to get rid of many ailments, including cancerous tumor. This issue cannot be ignored, since such healing may well lead to death.

Only a qualified physician can explain more clearly the harm of such treatment. However, you need to be aware that by relying on pseudo-scientific treatment methods, the patient loses the most precious thing - time. After all, any disease is more difficult to cure if it is advanced.

The antioxidant properties of hydrogen peroxide are known to everyone. A colorless liquid with a metallic taste, it promotes oxidation and reduction processes in the human body. Adherents of traditional medicine have found that the solution can effectively cleanse internal organs. How to drink hydrogen peroxide to cleanse the body without harm to health?

How does hydrogen peroxide affect the body?

Most often, peroxide is used to clean the intestines and blood vessels. The concentrated solution is used undiluted only externally. Using this remedy, you can not only help the body cleanse itself, but also improve general state, since the cause of many diseases is precisely the slagging of internal organs. The solution successfully flushes out harmful substances and cholesterol deposits and stimulates metabolism.

Hydrogen peroxide is only effective in treating and cleansing the body if taken correctly.

The substance has the following properties:

Taking peroxide internally leads to an improvement in blood circulation, which facilitates the entry of useful substances to all organs. The substance is a kind of sorbent that powerfully destroys bacteria and microorganisms, which in turn has a positive effect on metabolism and the general condition of the body. Many patients note an increase in mental abilities and memory acuity during regular cleansing.

In some cases, the reaction to the product is a sudden deterioration of the condition, as well as allergic skin rashes and pimples: this indicates the beginning of the cleansing process. If these symptoms do not bother you very much, the procedure can be continued; if symptoms are pronounced, the solution should be stopped.

Indications for use

Cleansing the body with hydrogen peroxide is suitable for people suffering from the following pathologies:

  • skin problems;
  • type 2 diabetes;
  • pathological processes in the intestines and stomach;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • various infections;
  • with a weakened immune system.

Hydrogen peroxide is able to eliminate damaged cells due to oxidative reactions within the body, helping to restore the functionality of the diseased organ.

Preparation for the procedure

Before cleansing procedures, you should first undergo preparation, since cleansing can remove some of the beneficial substances from the body. In addition, this will help the body quickly adjust to the procedure.

To do this, a few days before cleansing, include in the diet a large number of vegetables, fruits and cereals containing vitamins, fiber and beneficial microelements. After this, the intestines are cleansed using an enema. Add to enema water beet juice. Large beets are grated, poured with boiling water, boiled for 20 minutes, and kept for 60 minutes. Beetroot juice must be used warm.

How to use

In addition, the following rules must be followed:

  • Stick to the chosen dosage.
  • Peroxide should be 3% diluted with water.
  • It is necessary to use the product by gradually increasing the dose.
  • You should drink the solution three times a day.
  • When using a cleansing procedure, you must consume ascorbic acid or a clove of garlic per day.

Begin cleansing by taking 2 drops of the product, diluting them with 2 tablespoons of water. The dose should be increased by one drop daily.

The solution is drunk at approximately the same time, on an empty stomach. The interval between meals and hydrogen peroxide should be at least 3 hours. The duration of the cleansing course is 30 days.

Under no circumstances should you drink the product undiluted.


Any self-medication, including hydrogen peroxide, requires extreme caution and consultation with your doctor. There are practically no restrictions on cleaning with this product, but the substance is prohibited for use by people who have undergone an internal organ transplant.

In addition, cleansing the body with hydrogen peroxide can negatively affect individuals who have:

  • ulcerative lesions of the stomach;
  • gastritis;
  • increased acidity;
  • heartburn;
  • pathologies of the intestinal system
  • during the period of bearing a child.

When strong painful sensations and other negative manifestations, treatment should be abandoned.

Other cleaning methods

Cleansing the body with this product can be done using intravenous injections, but such procedures are not carried out at home. Not all specialists carry out injections with hydrogen peroxide, so some supporters of traditional medicine have found another alternative - performing enemas with a peroxide solution.

This method can be used by each person independently. The solution requires 3% peroxide and warm water.

Colon cleansing

Before douching, you must completely empty your bowels. To do this, drink the day before cleaning Castor oil to provoke defecation.

In addition, before each peroxide enema, rinse with an Esmarch mug filled with plain water: for 2 liters of water – one tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice, squeezed from ½ lemon.

For a glass of water – 5 ml of solution. An enema must be performed every other day. The course is 9-12 days. After two to three months, the procedure is repeated.

This method has shown high efficiency not only in cleansing, but also in eliminating certain diseases of the urogenital tract: candidiasis, adnexitis, inflammation and hyperplasia of the prostate, ureaplasmosis. In addition, regular use of peroxide will help cure dysbiosis, kidney and liver diseases, constipation, cysts, polyps and other pathologies.

Cleaning the nasopharynx and hearing organs

To remove mucus from the nasopharynx, add 10-15 drops of the product to 50 g of water. Draw up the liquid with a syringe, which is then injected into each sinus. Due to its properties, the substance kills pathogenic microorganisms that cause diseases. After a few minutes, the procedure is repeated. It should appear from the nose copious discharge in the form of liquid, sputum, pus.

This procedure is an excellent prevention of colds during flu epidemics. This method can clean the ear canals and dissolve the wax plug.

There are many ways to effectively cleanse your internal organs. harmful substances and toxins. The choice remains with the patient himself. Official medicine does not recommend using hydrogen peroxide internally, therefore, before use, you should undergo a complete diagnosis of the body, and also consult with your doctor.