What battle occurred in 1242. Battle on the Church of the Lake. Description of events

Choosing a battlefield. Dosters reported to Alexander's prince, that a slight enemy detachment moved to Islaska, and most of the troops turned to the Pskov Lake. Having received this news, Alexander turned his troops east to the shore of the lake. The choice was dictated by strategic and tactical calculations. In this position, Alexander Nevsky, with his regiments, cut off his enemy all the possible ways to Novgorod, turning out, thus, in the very center of all possible opponent's routes. Probably, the Russian commander knew how 8 years ago his father, Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, defeated the Knights, knew about the benefits of battle with heavy knights in winter conditions.

Alexander Nevsky decided to give a fight to the enemy on the Church of the Lake, the north of the Untus, the island of Voroni Stone. A few important sources reached us about the famous "Ice Baby". From the Russian side is the Novgorod Chronicles and "Life" by Alexander Nevsky, from Western sources - "Rhymed Chronicle" (author unknown).

Question about the number. One of the most complex and controversial issues is the number of opponents armies. Chronicles of both parties did not provide accurate data. Some historians believed that the number of German troops amounted to 10-12 thousand people, and Novgorod residents - 12-15 thousand people. It is likely that a little knights took part in the ice, and most of the German military made up militia from among Esta and Livov.

Preparation of parties to battle. On the morning of April 5, 1242, the Crusaders knights lined up in a combat order, ironically referred to as Russian chronicles "Great Pig" or Wedge. The edge of the "wedge" was directed to Russians. On the flanks of the combat structure, knights were stood in heavy lats, and there were passenger-plated warriors inside.

There are no detailed news about the combat location of Russian rati in sources. Probably, it was the usual for the military practice of Russian princes of the time "complete row" with a guardian regiment in front. The combat orders of Russian troops were addressed to the rippled coast, and Alexander Nevsky's squad was covered with one of the flannels in the forest. The Germans were forced to adopted on open ice, not knowing the exact location and number of Russian troops.

The course of battle. Despite the miser coverage of the famous battle in the sources, the course of the battle is schematically clear. Waving a long spear, the knights attacked the "man", i.e. Center of Russian rati. Sounded by the hail of the "wedge" arrows crashed into the location of the guard regiment. The author of the "rhymed chronicle" wrote: "Here the banners of the brothers have penetrated into the ranks of the shooters, it was heard how swords are ringing, and it was visible how the helmets cut themselves, the dead fell on both sides." The Russian chronicler wrote about the breakthrough, the Russian chronicles wrote: "The Germans and Chusady piercing the piggy through the regiments."

This first success of the Crusader was, apparently, provided for by the Russian commander, as well as those who were met after this are impassable to the enemy. This is how one of the best domestic military historians wrote about this stage: "... I stumbled upon the clutched shore of the lake, the knights caught up in the lats could not develop their success. On the contrary, the knight's root occurred, because rear ranks of the knights pushed the front who had nowhere to turn to the battle. "

The Russian troops did not give the Germans to develop their success on the flanks, and the German Wedge turned out to be firmly clamped into mites, losing the slightness of the rows and freedom of maneuver, which turned out to be disastrous for the Crusaders. In the most unexpected for the enemy, Alexander gave orders to an ambulance shelf to attack and surround the Germans. "And the silence of evil and a great German and Chusi," the chronicler reported.

Russian militia, armed with special hooks, became knights with horses, after which the heavy "Lady nobles" became completely helpless. By the weight of the wounded knights, the imputying ice began to crack and somewhere to crack. Only a part of the crusaded man managed to escape from the environment, trying to escape. Part of the knights drowned. In the completion of the "Ice Empire", the Russian shelves pursued the church of the searp of Seven Musto to Sokolitsky coast. The defeat of the Germans was crowned with a contract between the Order and Novgorod, through which the Crusaders left all the captured Russian lands and returned the prisoners; For its part, PSKovich was also released captive Germans.

The value of the battle, its unique result. The defeat of the Swedish and German knights is the bright page of the military history of Russia. In the Nevskaya battle and ice, the Russian troops under the start of Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky, performing a defensive and consistent task, was distinguished by decisive and consistent offensive actions. Each subsequent campaign of the regiments of Alexander Nevsky had his own tactical task, but the commander himself did not let out of sight of the general strategy. So, in battles 1241-1242. The Russian warlord inflicted a number of consecutive strikes on the enemy before the decisive battle occurred.

Novgorod troops in all battles with the Swedes and the Germans perfectly used the sudden factor. The Swedish knights were destroyed by an unexpected attack, which landed in the mouth of the Neva, the German rapid and unexpected strike were knocked out from Pskov, and then from Coporya, finally, quickly and sudden was the attack of an ambulance regiment in the ice, which led to a complete confusion of the enemy's combat rows. Combat orders and tactics of Russian troops turned out to be more flexible than the notorious construction of the wedge of the troops of the Order. Alexander Nevsky, using the terrain, managed to deprive the enemy of the space and freedom of the maneuver, surround and destroy.

The unusualness of the battle on the Lake Church is also in the fact that for the first time in the military practice of the Middle Ages, the heavy cavalry was broken by the foot troops. According to a fair remark of the historian of military art, "the tactical environment of the German-knightly troops of Russian Reli, i.e. The use of one of their complex and decisive forms of military art is the only case of the entire feudal period of war. Only Russian ruffle under the command of a talented commander could carry out a tactical environment Strong, well armed enemy. "

The victory over German knights was extremely important in military-politically. For a long time, the Natishki Germans on Eastern Europe was delayed. Novgorod the Great retained the opportunity to maintain economic and cultural ties with European countries, defended the possibility of entering the Baltic Sea, defended Russian land in the North-West region. The defeat of the Crusaders pushed to the resistance of crusading aggression and other peoples. This is how the historical importance of the Ice Bullings is the famous historian of ancient Russia M.N. Tikhomirov: "In the history of the struggle with German conquerors, the ice is the greatest date. This battle can only be compared with the Grunwald defeat of Teutonic knights in 1410. The struggle with the Germans continued on and on, but the Germans could never apply any significant harm to Russian lands And Pskov remained a formidable stronghold, which all the subsequent attacks of the Germans were broken. " Despite the fact that we see a famous exaggeration by the author of the Victory Victory on the Church of the Lake, you can agree with him.

Another important consequence of the Ice Bullings should be assessed within the framework of the General Regulation of Russia in the 40s. XIII century In the event of the defeat of Novgorod, it would be created a real threat to the seizure of the North-Western Russian land for the troops of the Order, and if we consider that Russia was already conquered by Tatars, then to get rid of the double oppression of the Russian people, it would probably be twice as harder.

For all the severity of the Tatar oppression, there was one circumstance, which, ultimately it turned out to be in favor of Russia. Conquered Rus Mongol-Tatars in the XIII century. They remained with pagans, with respect and whatequinity belonged to someone else's faith and not encroaching on her. The Teutonic Hospital, a personally centered by the Roman dad, tried to introduce Catholicism at the conquered territories conquered. Destruction or at least undermining the Orthodox faith for scattered, losing the unity of Russian lands would mean the loss of cultural identity and loss of any hope of restoring political independence. It is Orthodoxy in the era of Tatarist and political fragmentation, when the population of numerous land and the principalities of Russia almost lost a sense of unity, it was the basis for the revival of the national self-consciousness.

Read also other topics parts IX "Rus between East and West: Battle of the XIII and XV centuries." Section "Rus and Slavic countries in the Middle Ages":

  • 39. "Who is the essence and rejuvenation of the delight": Tatar-Mongola by the beginning of the XIII century.
  • 41. Genghis Khan and Muslim Front: hiking, siege, conquest
  • 42. Rus and Polovtsy on the eve of rolling
    • Polovtsy. Military Political Organization and Social Structure of Polovtsy Horde
    • Prince Mstislav deleted. Princely Congress in Kiev - Decision Help Polovtsam
  • 44. Crusaders in Eastern Baltic


Monument to Dersey A. Nevsky on Mount Sokolich

The controversial is the question of the loss of parties in the battle. About Russian losses says foggy: "Many Harbor Warriors Palo." Apparently, the losses of Novgorod were really hard. The losses of the knights are indicated by specific numbers, which cause disputes. Russian chronicles, and for them and domestic historians say that the knights were killed about five hundred people, and the Fifty "Brothers", "deliberate governor", were captured by the Knights. Four hundred and five hundred killed knights - the figure is completely unreal, since there was no such quantity in the whole order.

According to the Livonian chronicles, it was necessary to collect "many brave heroes, bold and canceled" led by a master, plus Danish vassals with a significant detachment. The "rhymed chronicle" particularly says that twenty knights died, and the six was captured. Most likely, the "chronicle" means only the "brothers" -Repsires, without taking into account their squads and chosen-scored in the army. The Novgorod first chronicle says that the battle fell 400 "Germans", 50 was captured, and "Chud" is also discharged from the accounts: "Bebyssla". Apparently, those suffered really serious losses.

So, it is possible that 400 German horse warriors really fell on the ice on the ice (of these were the real "brothers" -Reztsi), and 50 Germans (of which 6 "brothers") fell into Russian. "Life of Alexander Nevsky" argues that the captives then went around their horses during the joyful entry of Prince Alexander in Pskov.

The direct place of battle, according to the conclusions of the Expedition of the USSR Academy of Sciences under the leadership of Karayev, can be considered a section of a warm lake, located 400 meters to the west of the modern shore of Cape Cition, between the northern tip and the latitude of the village of the island. It should be noted that the battle on a flat surface of the ice was more profitable to the heavy Connection of the Order, but traditionally it is believed that the place to meet the enemy was chosen by Alexander Yaroslavich.


According to the traditional historiography of the point of view, this battle, together with the victories of Prince Alexander over the Swedes (July 15, 1240 on the Neva) and over the Lithuanians (in 1245, under the Toroptz, the Lake Lake and is sitting on coming), was of great importance for Pskov and Novgorod, delayed the head of three serious enemies from the West - at the very time when the rest of Russia suffered from the princely gravestones and the consequences of Tatar conquest big losses. In Novgorod, the Ice Battle of the Germans was remembered for a long time: together with the Nevskaya Victory over the Swedes, it was remembered in the XVI century on the objects in all Novgorod churches.

English researcher J. Fannel believes that the meaning of the ice travel (and the Nevsky battle) is greatly exaggerated: "Alexander did only that numerous defenders of Novgorod and Pskov did before him and that many did after him, - namely, they rushed to protect extensive and vulnerable Borders from the tippers detachments. " The Russian professor I. N. Danilevsky is agreed with this opinion. He notes, in particular, that the battle was inferior in its scale battles under Shauliam (G.), in which the Lithuanians were killed by Master of the Order and 48 knights (20 knights died on the chief of the lake), and the battle under the shell in 1268; Modern events sources Even the Nevsky battle describe in more detail and give it more importance. However, even in the "rhymed chronicle", the ice is unequivocally described as the defeat of the Germans, in contrast to the sink.

Battle memory



Music support for the film Eisenstein, written by Sergey Prokofiev, is a symphonic suite dedicated to the events of the battle.

Monument to Alexander Nevsky and Poklonnaya Cross

Bronze Poklonnaya Cross Molds in St. Petersburg to the funds of the Pattius Steel Group (A. V. Ostapenko). The prototype served Novgorod Alekseevsky Cross. The author of the project A. A. Seleznev. Mold a bronze sign under the leadership of D.Goriyaeva Lattechiki CJSC NTCT, architects B. Kostyov and S. Kryukov. In the implementation of the project, fragments from the lost wooden cross of the sculptor V. Rosikovov were used.

Cultural and Sports Education Raid Expedition

Since 1997, a raid expedition is held annually at the places of military dealers of Alexander Nevsky. During these trips, the arrival participants help the improvement of territories related to the monuments of cultural and historical heritage. Thanks to them, in many places in the North-West, memorial signs are installed in memory of the exploits of Russian warriors, and the village of Kobyl settlement became aware of the whole country.

Map 1239-1245.

The "rhymed chronicle" particularly says that twenty knights died, and the six was captured. The discrepancy in the estimates can be explained by the fact that the "Chronicle" means only the "brothers" -Repsires, without taking into account their squads, in this case, from the 400 farthest on the ice of the Church of the Germans, twenty were real "brothers" -Reztsians, and from 50 prisoners "brothers" were 6.

"Die Jungere HochmeisterChronik", sometimes translated as "Chronicle of the Teutonic Order"), the official history of the Teutonic Order, written much later, speaks about the death of 70 ordinar knights (literally "70 ordinarians", "Seuentich Ordens Herenn" ), but unites those killed in the capture of Alexander Pskov and on the Church of the Lake.

The direct place of battle, according to the conclusions of the Expedition of the USSR Academy of Sciences under the leadership of Karayev, can be considered a section of a warm lake, located 400 meters to the west of the modern shore of Cape Cition, between the northern tip and the latitude of the village of the island.


In 1243, the Teutonic Order concluded a peace treaty with Novgorod and officially refused all complaints about Russian lands. Despite this, in ten years, the teutons tried to seize Pskov again. Wars with Novgorod continued.

According to the traditional in the Russian historiography, this battle, together with the victories of Prince Alexander over the Swedes (July 15, 1240 on the Neve) and above the Lithuanians (in 1245, near Toroptz, the Lake Lake and is sitting coming), was of great importance for Pskov and Novgorod , delayed the head of three serious enemies from the West - at the very point when the rest of Russia was very weakened by the Mongolian invasion. In Novgorod, the Ice Bare together with the Nevskaya Victory over the Swedes back in the XVI century I remembered the objects in all Novgorod churches.

However, even in the "rhymed chronicle", the ice is unequivocally described as the defeat of the Germans, in contrast to the sink.

Battle memory


  • In 1938, Sergei Eisenstein was removed the feature film "Alexander Nevsky", in which the Ice Bottomie was specialized. The film is considered one of the most vivid representatives of historical films. It was he who largely shaped an idea of \u200b\u200bthe battle at the modern viewer.
  • In 1992, a documentary was withdrawn "In memory of the past and in the name of the future." The film tells about the creation of a monument to Alexander Nevsky to the 750th anniversary of the ice day.
  • In 2009, the full-length Anime-film "First detachment" was withdrawn by the joint forces of the Russian, Canadian and Japanese studios, where the Ice Barely plays a key role in the string of the plot.


  • Music support for the film Eisenstein, written by Sergey Prokofiev, is a symphonic suite dedicated to the events of the battle.
  • Rock group of Aria on the album "Hero of Asphalt" (1987) released the song " Ballad about the Old Russian War", Telling about the ice hasty. This song has experienced many different treatments and reprints.


  • Poem Konstantin Simonova "Ice Battery" (1938)


Monument to squads of Alexander Nevsky in Sokolich

Monument to Dubrys Alexander Nevsky in Sokolich in Pskov

Monument to Alexander Nevsky and Poklonnaya Cross

Bronze Poklonnaya Cross Molds in St. Petersburg to the funds of the Pattius Steel Group (A. V. Ostapenko). The prototype served Novgorod Alekseevsky Cross. The author of the project A. A. Seleznev. Mold a bronze sign under the leadership of D.Goriyaeva Lattechiki CJSC NTCT, architects B. Kostyov and S. Kryukov. In the implementation of the project, fragments from the lost wooden cross of the sculptor V. Rosikovov were used.

In philately and coins

In connection with the wrong calculation of the date of the battle of a new style, the day of the military glory of Russia is the day of the victory of the Russian warriors of Prince Alexander Nevsky over the Crusaders (established by Federal Law No. 32-FZ dated March 13, 1995 "On the days of military glory and memorable dates of Russia") is noted April 18, instead of the correct on New Style on April 12. The difference between the old (Juliansky) and the new one (first introduced in 1582 by the Grigorian) style in the XIII century would be 7 days (counting on April 5, 1242), and the difference of 13 days is used only for dates 1900-2100. Therefore, this day of military glory of Russia (April 18 in a new style in the XX-XXI centuries) is actually noted according to the relevant time on April 5 on the old style.

Due to the variability of the hydrography of the Church of the Lake, historians did not succeed for a long time to determine the place where the ice was happening. Only due to the long-term studies conducted by the Expedition of the Institute of Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (under the leadership of N. Karayev), a place of battle was established. The place of battle in the summer is immersed in water and is located approximately 400 meters from Sigigiets Island.

see also



  • Lipitsky S. V. Battle on the Ice. - m .: Milivdat, 1964. - 68 p. - (Heroic past of our Motherland).
  • Mansicka V. Y. Life of Alexander Nevsky: analysis of the editors and text. - St. Petersburg., 1913. - "Monuments of ancient writing." - Vol. 180.
  • Life of Alexander Nevsky / Podg. text, translation and comm. V.I. Huncovik // Monuments of Literature Ancient Russia: XIII century. - M.: Publishing House of Art. Lithing, 1981.
  • Runners Yu. K. Monument of Russian literature of the XIII century: "The word about the death of the Russian Earth" - M.-L.: Science, 1965.
  • Pashuto V. T. Alexander Nevsky - M.: Young Guard, 1974. - 160 p. - Series "Life of wonderful people."
  • Karpov A. Yu. Alexander Nevsky - M.: Young Guard, 2010. - 352 p. - Series "Life of wonderful people."
  • Hitrov M. Saint Blessed Great Prince Alexander Yaroslavovich Nevsky. Detailed biography. - Minsk: Panorama, 1991. - 288 p. - Reprinted ed.
  • Klepinin N. A. Saint of the beloved and grand prince Alexander Nevsky. - St. Petersburg: Aletiaya, 2004. - 288 p. - Series "Slavic Library".
  • Prince Alexander Nevsky and his era. Research and materials / ed. Yu. K. Begunov and A. N. Kirpichnikova. - St. Petersburg: Dmitry Bulanin, 1995. - 214 p.
  • Fennel John. The crisis of medieval Russia. 1200-1304 - M.: Progress, 1989. - 296 p.
  • Ice breaking 1242. Proceeds of an integrated expedition on clarifying the place of Ice Living / AUT. ed. G. N. Karaev. - M.-L.: Science, 1966. - 241 p.

Who will come to us with a sword, from the sword will die.

Alexander Nevskiy

The Ice Battle is one of the most famous battles in the history of Russia. The battle took place in early April 1242 on the Church of the Lake, on the one hand, the troops of the Novgorod Republic took part in it, who headed Alexander Nevsky, on the other hand he was opposed to the troops of the German crusaders, mostly representatives of the Livonian Order. If Nevsky lost this battle, the history of Russia could go quite different, but Prince Novgorod could win. Now let's consider this page of Russia's history in more detail.

Preparation for battle

To understand the essence of the ice travel, it is necessary to understand what preceded her, and as opponents went to the battle. So ... after the Swedes lost the Nevsky Battle, the German-Crusaders decided to prepare more carefully for a new campaign. Teutonic Order also allocated part of his army to help. Back in 1238, Dietrich von Gruningen became a Magister of Livonsky Order, many historians attribute to him a decisive role in the formation of the idea of \u200b\u200ba campaign on Russia. Additionally motivated the Crusaders of Pope Gregory IX, which in 1237 declared a crusade in Finland, and in 1239 he called on the princes of Russia to respect the border ordine.

Novgorod at that moment had already had a successful experience of war with Germans. In 1234, Alexander Yaroslav's father broke them in the battle on the Omovza River. Alexander Nevsky, knowing the plans of the Crusader, since 1239 began to build a line of strengthening along the southwestern border, but the Swedes made small adjustments to his plans, attack from the North-West. After their defeat, Nevsky continued to strengthen the borders, and also concluded a marriage with the daughter of Polotsky Prince, thereby enlisted his support for the case of a future war.

At the end of 1240, the Germans began a campaign on the land of Russia. In the same year they took anonyus, and in 1241 they took Pskov in the siege. At the beginning of March 1242, Alexander helped residents of Pskov to release his principality and pushed her Germans to the north-west of the city, to the area of \u200b\u200bthe Lake Church. It was there that the decisive battle took place, which went into the history of the Ice Battery.

The course of battle briefly

The first collisions of the Ice Bullings began in early April 1242 on the north shore of the Lake Child. Crusaders led the famous commander Andreas von Felfenwhich was twice as older than Novgorod Prince. Nevsky's army counted 15-17 thousand warriors, while the Germans had about 10 thousand of them. However, according to the evidence of chroniclers, both Russia and foreign, German troops were much better armed. But as shown the further development of events, it played with the Crusaders a dick joke.

The Ice Bobin took place on April 5, 1242. German troops who own the method of attacking pigs, that is, strict and disciplined build, the main strike was sent to the center of the enemy. However, Alexander first attacked the army of the enemy with the help of archers, and then ordered the shock on the flanks of the Crusaders. As a result, the Germans were crowded forward, on the ice of the Lake Child. Winter at that time was long and cold, so at the time of April ice (very noise) was preserved on the reservoir. After the Germans realized that they were retreating on the ice, it was too late: the ice began to crack under the pressure of heavy German armor. That is why historians called the Battle of Ice Weight. As a result, part of the warriors drowned, the other part was killed in battle, but mostly they still managed to escape. After that, Alexander's troops finally kicked the Crusaders from the territory of the Pskov Principality.

The exact location of the battle has not yet been established, this is due to the fact that the chief of the lake has a very volatile hydrography. In 1958-1959, the first archaeological expedition was organized, but the trace of the battle was not discovered.

Historical reference

The result and historical value of the battle

The first result of the battle was the fact that the Livonian and Teutonic Order was signed with Alexander a truce and denied their claims on Russia. Alexander himself became the actual ruler of Northern Russia. Already after his death, in 1268, the Livonian Order broke the truce: the Rakovsky battle took place. But this time the victory was mined Rus.

After the victory in the "Ice Boy", the Novgorod Republic, led by Nevsky, was able to switch from defensive tasks to the conquest of new territories. Alexander launched several successful hiking against Lithuanians.

As for the historical value of the battle on the Lake Church, the main role of Alexander is that he managed to stop the offensive of the powerful army of the Crusaders into Russian lands. The famous historian L.Gumelev claims that the fact of conquering crusaders would mean the end for the very existence of Russia, and therefore the end of the future Russia.

Some historians criticize Nevsky for his truce with Mongols, that he did not help defend Russia from them. In this discussion, most historians are still on the side of Nevsky, because in the situation in which he turned out to be, it was necessary to either negotiate with Khan, or to fight at once with two powerful enemies. And as a competent politician and commander, Nevsky took a wise decision.

Accurate Date of Ice Easy

The battle took place on April 5 in the old style. In the 20th century, the difference between the styles consisted of 13 days, which is why the holiday was consolidated on April 18. However, from the point of view of historical justice, it is worth recognizing that in the 13th century (when there was a battle) difference was 7 days. Based on this logic, the Ice Bobin took place on April 12 for a new style. Nevertheless, today it is April 18 - this is a public holiday in the Russian Federation, the day of military glory. It is on this day that the ice is remembered and its significance in the history of Russia.

Participants of the battle after

Having reached victory, the Novgorod Republic begins its rapid development. However, in the XVI, a decline and Livonian Order, and Novgorod, occurred. Both of these events are associated with the ruler of Moscow Ivan Grozny. Novgorod he deprived the replies of the republic, subordinating these lands to the Unified State Department. After the same Livonian Order lost its strength and influence in Eastern Europe, Grozny declared war Lithuania to strengthen his own impact and expand the territories of his state.

Alternative look at the battle on the Chief of Lake

Due to the fact that during the archaeological expedition, 1958-1959, traces and exact location of the battle were not found, and taking into account the fact that the chronicles of the 13th century contain very little information about the battle, two alternative views on the Ice Battle of 1242, which were formed Briefly discussed below:

  1. According to the first look, the battle was not at all. This is the fiction of historians of the late XVIII-early XIX century, in particular Solovyov, Karamzin and Kostomarov. According to historians who share this point of view, the need to create this battle was caused by the fact that it was necessary to justify the cooperation of Nevsky with the Mongols, as well as to show the strength of Russia in relation to Catholic Europe. Basically, this theory adheres to a small number of historians, since the fact of the existence of the battle itself is very difficult, because the battle on the Lake Church is described in some annihios of the end 13, as well as in the Chronicles of the Germans.
  2. The second alternative theory: the ice is briefly described in the chronicles, which means a strongly exaggerated event. Historians who adhere to this point of view say that there were much fewer participants in a rampant, and the consequences for the Germans were less dramatic.

If the first theory, professional Russian historians deny the historical fact as for the second version, they have one weighty argument: even if the scale of the battle is exaggerated, it should not reduce the role of victory over Germans in the history of Russia. By the way, in 2012-2013 archaeological expeditions were conducted, as well as studies of the bottom of the Lake Child. Archaeologists have found several new probabilities of ice traveling, in addition, the study of the bottom showed the presence of a sharp decrease in the depth near the Rural Island, which suggests the existence of the legendary "crowing stone", that is, the approximate place of the battle, named in the chronicle of 1463.

Ice afternoon in the country's culture

1938 is of great importance in the history of illumination of historical events in modern culture. This year, the well-known Russian writer Konstantin Simonov wrote the poem "Ice Battery", and directed by Sergey Eisenstein removed the film "Alexander Nevsky", in which he highlighted the two main battles of the Novgorod ruler: on the River Neva and the Church of the Lake. Of particular importance was the image of Nevsky during the Great Patriotic War. Poets, artists, directors appealed to him to show the citizens of the Soviet Union an example of a successful war with the Germans and thereby raise the morale of the army.

In 1993, a monument was built on Mount Sokolich near Pskov. A year earlier in the village of Kobyl, the settlement (as close as possible to the place of battle the settlement) was put a monument to Nevsky. In 2012, the Museum of Ice Lighting 1242 was opened in the village of Airway of the Pskov Region.

As you can see, even a brief history of ice travel is not only a battle on April 5, 1242 between Novgorod and Germans. This is a very important event in the history of Russia, because thanks to the talent of Alexander Nevsky managed to save Russia from the conquest of the Crusaders.

Rus in the XIII century and the arrival of the Germans

In 1240, the Swedes were attacked by Novgorod, by the way, the Allies of Livonians, future participants of the Ice Easy. Prince Alexander Yaroslavovich, who at that time was only 20 years old, breaks the Swedes on the lake of Neva, for which he gets the nickname "Nevsky." In the same year, Mongols burned Kiev, that is, most of Russia was busy with the Mongols, Nevsky and his Novgorod Republic remained alone with strong enemies. The Swedes were divided, but ahead of Alexander was waiting for a stronger and powerful opponent: German Crusaders. In the XII century, Pope created the Order of the Maresemen and sent on the Baltic Sea coast, where they received the right from him to own all the conquered lands. These events entered the story as northern crusades. As the majority of participants in the Order of the Middle Easterns - these were immigrants from Germany, so this Order was called German. At the beginning of the XIII century, the Order splits into several military organizations, the main of which was the Teutonic and Livonian Order. In 1237, the Livonians recognized their dependence on the Teutonic Order, but had the right to choose their master. It was the Livonian Order of the Nearest neighbors of the Novgorod Republic.

The boundaries of modern Russia are historically connected with the borders of the Russian Empire, which influenced certain events. And therefore the meaning of the ice travel is very large: thanks to him, the Teutonic Order was forever refused serious claims to Russian lands. Although it did not defend our ancestors from the Golden Horde, but helped to defend at least the Western borders, showed people in difficult time that they are able to win victories.

However, before the Ice Bare happened, other events were preceded by him, in many ways to predetermined. In particular, the Nevsky Battle, visually demonstrating the colonical talent of the young at that time of Prince Alexander. Therefore, to start standing with it.

The battle itself on the Neva itself is directly determined by the claims of both Swedes and Novgorod to Karelian and Finnish tribes. What was connected with the influence and with the promotion of the Crusaders west. Here historians diverge in estimates of what happened. Some believe that Alexander Nevsky stopped his actions by expansion. Others disagree, believing that his victories are greatly exaggerated, and the Crusaders did not really have a real intention to move seriously. So the Nevsky Battle and Ice Battle still cause a lot of disputes. But it is worth returning to the first event.

So, the Nevsky Battle took place on July 15, 1240. It should be noted that the young prince Alexander at that time was a very inexperienced commander, participated in the battles only with his father, Yaroslav. And it was, in fact, his first major military test. Success was largely determined by the suddenness of the prince together with his friend. Swedes who landed at the mouth of the Neva did not wait for a serious essay. In addition, in the summer they experienced a serious thirst, as a result of which, as many historians noted, they were either drunk or in a worst condition. The camp broken near the river meant the presence of tents, which turned out to be very easy to grunt, which did the Latches of Sava.

The timely warning of the Izhora elder Pelgusia, who followed these lands and sent the messengers to Alexander, thus, for the Swedes a complete surprise. As a result, the Nevskaya battle ended for them with a real defeat. According to some reports, the Swedes loaded almost 3 vehicles of the bodies of those killed, while Novgorod residents died about 20 people. It is worth noting that the battle began during the day and lasted until the evening, at night the hostilities stopped, and in the morning the Swedes began to flee. Nobody pursued them: Alexander Nevsky had not seen in this necessity, in addition, he was afraid to increase losses. Please note that he received his nickname after this victory.

What was between the Nevsky Battle and Ice Weight?

After the battle was held on the Neva River, the Swedes refused their claims. But it did not mean that the Crusaders stopped thinking about the conquest of Russia. Do not forget what year the event described happened: our ancestors have already had problems with the Golden Horde. That together with feudal fragmentation, the Slavs replaced significantly. Understanding the date here has such a value, because it allows you to relate some events with others.

Therefore, the defeat of the Swedes was not impressed by the Teutonic Order. Danes and the Germans strongly moved forward, captured Pskov, Izborsk, founded Coporye, where they decided to strengthen, making it with their fortpost. Even a brief content of the Lavrentian chronicle, telling about those events, makes it clear that the success of the Order was significant.

At the same time, with this boyars, who had a considerable power in Novgorod, alarmed about the victory of Alexander. They were frightened to strengthen his power. As a result, the prince left Novgorod after a major quarrel with them. But already in 1242, the boyars called him back with a friend because of the Teutonic threat, especially since the enemy came close to Novgorod.

How did the battle happen?

So, the famous battle on the Lake Lake Ice Bottomier took place in 1242 on April 5th. At the same time, the battle was carefully prepared by the Russian prince. What makes it possible to understand and dedicated to this event by the work of Konstantin Simonov, which, although it is impossible to be called an impeccable historical source from the point of view of reliability, it is quite good worked.

If briefly, everything happened according to a certain scheme: the Knights of the Order in full heavyweight armed with a typical wedge for themselves. Such a thawed blow was designed to demonstrate to the enemy all the power, to sleep, sow a panic and break resistance. Such a tactic has repeatedly justified in the past. But the Ice Battle of 1242, Alexander Nevsky really prepared well. He learned the weak points of the enemy, so the German "pig" was first waiting for archers, their main task was to just wash the knights. Which then stumbled into severe infantry with long peaks.

In fact, it was further difficult to call somehow otherwise than traveling. Knights could not stop, because otherwise the front rows would be crumpled by the rear. Violating the wedge did not work at all. Therefore, riders remained only to move forward, hoping to break the infantry. But the central regiment was weak, but strongly painted on the sides, contrary to the military traditions established then. In addition, another detachment was placed in the ambush. In addition, Alexander Nevsky superbly studied the locality where the ice was happening, so the part of the knights of his warriors were able to drive there, where the ice was very thin. As a result, many of them began to sink.

There is another important factor. It is also shown in Alexandra Nevsky, a famous picture, cards, and pictures are also depicted. This is a panic escape from the kud, who helped the Order, when she realized that professional warriors fight against her. Speaking even briefly about the ice, it is impossible not to note the wonderful knowledge of the armament of knights and weak points. So, they were frankly helpless when they were painted with horses. And that is why the prince armed many of their soldiers with special hooks, which made it possible to dump the crusaders to the ground. At the same time, the battle was very cruel towards horses. To deprive the riders of such an advantage, many wounded and killed animals.

But what were the outcome of the Ice Weight for both sides? Alexander Nevsky managed to repel the claims on Russia from the West, strengthen the borders for the century ahead. What was particularly important, taking into account how Slavs suffered from invasions from the east. In addition, the first in the history of the battle took place, where the infantrymen overcame in the battle of heavy riders in full use, demonstrating the world that it is quite real. And although the ice is not very large in the ice, but from this point of view, Alexander Nevsky has demonstrated a good talent of the commander. As the prince he acquired a certain weight, he began to reckon with him.

As for the very orders, it cannot be said that it was the defeat that the defeat was critical. But 400 knights were killed on the chief of the lake, about 50 were captured. So for your century, the Ice Battery still inflicted a rather serious damage to German and Danish knighthood. And for that year, this was not the only problem of the Order, which collided with the Galician-Volyn and Lithuanian principalities.

Causes of victory in battle

Alexander Nevsky won a convincing victory in the ice. Moreover, he forced the Teutonic Order to sign a peace treaty on its terms. In this agreement, he forever refused any claims to Russian lands. Since it was about the spiritual fraternity, submitted to the Roman dad, then could not violate such a contract without problems for himself. That is, speaking even briefly about the results of the ice travel, including diplomatic, it is impossible not to note that they were impressive. But let's return to the analysis of the battle.

Causes of victory:

  1. Successfully selected place. Alexander's warriors were armed easier. Therefore, the thin ice for them did not imagine such a danger as the knights chained in full armor, many of which simply drowned. In addition, Novgorod people knew these places better.
  2. Successful tactics. Alexander Nevsky fully controlled the situation. He not only correctly ordered the benefits of the place, but also studied weak points in the usual style of conducting a battle, which repeatedly demonstrated the Teutonic knights themselves, ranging from the classic "pig" and ending with their dependence on horses, heavy weapons.
  3. Underestimation of the enemy of the Russians. The Teutonic Order is accustomed to success. By this time, Pskov was already captured, other lands, and serious resistance knights did not meet. The largest of the conquered cities was taken by betrayal.

The battle discussed was a great cultural significance. In addition to the story of Simonov, several films took off on it, including documentary. This event was covered in many books, both artistic and biographical dedicated personalities of Alexander Nevsky. Many consider it extremely important that victory occurred during the occurrence of the period of Tatar-Mongolian yoke.