The lymph nodes in the groin on the left are enlarged. Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin in women and men. The clinical picture of lymphadenitis and lymphadenopathy

Painful enlargement of the inguinal lymph nodes is most often a sign of bacterial infections or inflammation of organs in the lower trunk. The flow of lymph from infected areas contains pathogens, the accumulation of which causes a response in one of the main organs of the immune system - the lymph nodes. They swell, hurt and bother a person, causing the need to undergo a medical examination in order to understand the causes of this phenomenon.

Role and anatomy of the lymph nodes

Lymph nodes (glands) are small, soft, round, or oval structures that occur throughout the body and are connected to each other in chains through channels similar to blood vessels. They are an element of the complex defense system of our body, the task of which is to combat the introduction of any infectious agents. Inside the lymphatic vessels, lymph circulates - a watery liquid.

Lymph nodes are located throughout the body and are an important part of the immune system.

The knots are bean-shaped and do not exceed the size of a small olive. Each individual lymph node is covered with a capsule of connective tissue. Within the shell are certain types of immune cells. These are mainly lymphocytes, which produce proteins that capture and fight against viruses and other microbes, as well as macrophages, which destroy and remove the captured material.

Groups of lymph nodes are dispersed throughout the body. Some are located subcutaneously, others deep within the body. Even superficial lymph nodes are not normally visible or noticeable to the touch, unless they are swollen for some reason. Inflammation in the lymph nodes caused by infection or other (non-infectious) reason is called lymphadenitis.

Each group of lymph nodes corresponds to a specific region of the body and reflects abnormalities in that area.

Swollen lymph nodes are most pronounced, and therefore more noticeable, in the following areas:

  • on the neck;
  • behind the ears;
  • in the chin area;
  • in the armpit area;
  • in the groin.

Doctors primarily examine these areas, assessing the size and consistency of the nodes.

Video: what are the lymph nodes in the body for?

The mechanism of development of lymphadenitis

The inguinal glands in women and men, better known as the inguinal lymph nodes, are located in the upper thigh and lower pelvis and join along the fold. They are sometimes also called femoral lymph nodes. There are about 10 elements in total, which together form a group known as superficial lymph nodes. They drain fluid from the skin and subcutaneous tissues below the level of the navel, including the pelvic organs, perineum, genitals, and legs. Lymph flows from the superficial to the deeper inguinal nodes (their number is from 3 to 5), which filter it and return it to the bloodstream.

Healthy lymph nodes are usually invisible to the touch, their enlargement indicates an inflammatory process or disease in the area for which they are responsible

Since the lymphatic system is designed to filter and remove waste from the body, its components are highly susceptible to various health problems. As soon as the body manages to detect the pathogen, lymphocytes begin to be actively produced by the glands. This leads to the fact that individual inguinal nodes grow in volume.

The human body contains up to 1,000 lymph nodes. They are compared to filters that purify the lymphatic fluid from pathogenic microbes, toxic substances and waste cellular material.

Swollen lymph nodes in the groin, if their diameter does not exceed 2 cm, can be considered the norm for young people. In other cases, they indicate:

  • one of the sexually transmitted diseases;
  • local infection in the small pelvis;
  • infections of the lower extremities (including feet and toes);
  • genital cancer.

Due to the location of these nodes in the intimate area, both men and women avoid examining them by a doctor, which is a mistake. In many cases, the tumor will go away without treatment, but for serious conditions it is important to get a timely medical assessment.

Types of pathology

The nodes can become inflamed locally (local inguinal lymphadenitis) or throughout the body (generalized lymphadenitis). Unilateral inflammation usually occurs when an infectious agent enters the lymphatic system from the outside, while bilateral inflammation indicates an infectious process involving internal organs.

Lymphadenitis can refer to inflammation:

  • specific - arise as a result of the action of a certain pathogen and are characteristic of specific diseases, such as syphilis, tuberculosis;
  • nonspecific - associated with a local bacterial infection.

Lymphadenitis is also distinguished:

  • acute - an increase in the lymph node occurred suddenly and is accompanied by soreness, high fever and general weakness;
  • chronic - caused by a long-standing focus of inflammation in the groin area or not properly treated acute lymphadenitis.

Constantly inflamed lymph nodes are subject to an adhesive process and replacement of functional tissue with fibrous tissue.

Suppuration is a complication of the acute form of inflammation. Its danger lies in the risk of blood poisoning and the effect of pyogenic bacteria on the surrounding tissues.

Possible causes of lymph node hypertrophy

A swelling in the area of ​​lymph node accumulation may be the result of local injury. In this case, it goes away as the tissues heal. Occasionally, medications or allergic reactions can cause temporary enlargement of nodes. If the edema persists for a long time or is accompanied by other symptoms, then this is a reason to suspect one of the reasons listed below.


Local infections of the genitals or lower extremities can cause isolated swelling of the inguinal lymph nodes. The cause of lymphadenitis at the same time of three main groups of nodes - inguinal, cervical and axillary - can be a systemic infection. Diseases that could potentially be considered an underlying cause include:

Malignant and other neoplasms

Many forms of cancer that occur in the groin area and below lead to edema of regional nodes - lymphadenopathy. These include:

  • leukemia - cancer of the blood and bone marrow;
  • lymphoma - a malignant tumor of the lymphatic system;
  • oncological processes occurring in the pelvic organs, and metastases (spread) from cancer of the anus or vulva can lead to edema in the groin, not associated with lymphoma;
  • - a type of skin cancer that can cause swelling of the lymph nodes around the affected area.

Medicines and vaccines

The lymphatic system can react to certain medications or vaccines, such as:

Lymph node enlargement due to medication is more likely to be generalized.

Systemic lesions

General edema of the lymph nodes can develop with some systemic diseases, including:

  • sarcoidosis;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • tuberculous lymphadenitis.

Video: causes of enlarged lymph nodes

Features of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin in women during pregnancy

Often, in the early stages of pregnancy, a woman can detect a small, usually unilateral, enlargement of the lymph node in the groin. This happens for the reason that pregnancy weakens the immune system of the expectant mother, and the lymph nodes are sensitive to pathogens.

The node recovers relatively quickly after the first adaptation of the body. If the condition has dragged on (lasts longer than 14 days), is accompanied by fever, or the lesion becomes painful, you need to urgently make an appointment with a doctor. This may be an infection that needs further treatment.

How to recognize inguinal lymphadenitis

External signs of hypertrophy of nodes do not depend on the sex of the patient: in men and women, the main and accompanying symptoms are associated only with the main cause of the pathology. The inflammatory process can be expressed by the following signs:

Swelling of the inguinal lymph nodes is an important clinical sign of pathology in the lower peritoneum, legs or genitals.

The condition may be accompanied by other clinical manifestations, for example:

  • inflammation of the lymph nodes in other areas of the body (usually cervical, axillary);
  • fever, general ill health, tremors in the body;
  • irritation and soreness in the vagina in women, in the lower abdomen or in the genital area in men;
  • uncharacteristic discharge from the genitals.

Hypertrophied lymph nodes do not always indicate a serious problem. But in some cases, you should consult a doctor for examination:

  • if the swelling lasts more than two weeks or there are symptoms such as unreasonable weight loss, nocturnal hyperhidrosis (sweating), fever;
  • if the nodes are stiff, do not move freely under the skin on palpation, or grow rapidly;
  • if the skin in the area of ​​swelling is red and inflamed.

External signs of inguinal lymphadenitis do not depend on gender, but are determined by the main cause of the pathology

A diagnosis of swollen lymph nodes rarely requires urgent hospitalization. The exceptions are:

  • a progressive skin infection that requires treatment;
  • a severely infected lymph node that needs to be opened
  • strong pain.


If the swelling in the groin does not disappear within 14 days, and its cause is unknown, it is recommended to consult a local therapist. After the initial examination, the doctor will refer you to the right specialist. This can be a surgeon, gynecologist, urologist, venereologist or oncologist.

The doctor asks the patient for any associated symptoms. Then he conducts a physical examination of the affected nodes for the degree of their sensitivity and structural features, draws attention to the condition of the skin above this zone (redness, fever). A lymph node that grows rapidly within one to two days has a cause and requires treatment that is different from generalized swelling of the lymph nodes that develops over several months.

During the appointment, it is necessary to tell the doctor about any fast-growing nodes, because this helps to establish a diagnosis.

For further diagnostics, the following types of studies may be required:

Treatment methods

The type of therapy is selected based on the main reason for the enlargement of the lymph nodes.


Standard treatments for swollen lymph nodes may include pain relievers and fever-lowering medications such as ibuprofen and paracetamol. Home remedies such as warm compresses are undesirable, at least until the underlying cause of the condition is clarified.

Heat applied to an oncological or purulent focus can aggravate the patient's condition.

Ibuprofen, a pain reliever used to relieve pain in swollen lymph nodes

If an infectious underlying cause is established, antibiotics or antiviral drugs are prescribed. Lymph nodes that are swollen due to viruses return to normal after a person recovers.

Bacterial and fungal inflammations are treated with the use of drugs of the following groups:

  • antibacterial drugs (a wide range of action: Amoxiclav, Flemoxin, Ceftazidime) - specific medicines are selected depending on the type of bacterial pathogen;
  • antifungal agents (Terbinafine, Clotrimazole) - ointments and creams for topical use, as well as tablets for systemic damage to the body;
  • glucocorticoids (Hydrocortisone, Prednisolone, Dexamethasone) - reduce edema and inflammation, relieve pain, available in the form of tablets, creams and ointments;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Nimesila, Advil) - have an analgesic effect and at the same time reduce inflammation;
  • immunity stimulants - prescribed to activate the body's natural defenses;
  • antihistamines (Loratadine, Cetirizine, Erius) - used if the cause of the swelling is an allergic reaction, including to medications.

Photo gallery: drugs that can be prescribed for the treatment of inguinal lymphadenitis

Amoxiclav is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that is used to treat the bacterial cause of inflammation Clotrimazole is effective for fungal infections Nimesil has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties Prednisolone is a hormonal drug that quickly relieves inflammation Erius has anti-allergic properties and helps reduce inflammation


Physiotherapy is used after relieving the acute stage of inflammation. They activate blood and lymph flow, improve tissue metabolism. Physical therapy methods can include:

  • ultraviolet treatment - destroys pathogens, exposure is necessary not only on the affected lymph node, but also directly on the site of infection;
  • ultrasound treatment - activates the resorption of the infiltrate (accumulation of spent immune cells, blood and lymph) at the site of inflammation;
  • laser therapy - promotes early tissue regeneration.


If there is a localized focus of infection (abscess, or suppuration), then it is an indication for drainage by cutting the skin and cleaning the cavity from pus and dead tissue, followed by treatment with an antiseptic. After that, a course of antibiotic therapy is prescribed. The manipulation is performed under local anesthesia.

The nodes that are swollen due to the oncological process require specific treatment. Surgical removal of the tumor, radiation or chemotherapy is performed.

Folk ways

The use of natural remedies can be relevant in a complex of therapy, when the infectious nature of inflammation is confirmed. But before using any folk remedy, it is necessary to notify the attending physician. Examples of effective natural treatments include:

Garlic has antibacterial and immunomodulatory effects Apple cider vinegar helps fight infection Peppermint oil cools and soothes the affected area Mullein officinalis copes well with viral and bacterial infections

Than neglected pathology threatens

Complications due to inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes include:

  • abscess (suppuration), which requires opening the abscess and prescribing antibiotics;
  • compression (squeezing) of tissues or organs in the immediate vicinity.

In some cases, the increased size of the lymph node becomes the cause of the clamping of nearby structures. Nerve endings or vascular bundles may be compressed. A hypertrophied lymph node inside the abdomen can compress the intestines and cause obstruction. In this regard, urgent surgical intervention is sometimes required.

The condition returns to normal after the underlying disease is cured. However, in cases of serious systemic infections with a weakened immune system and in patients with malignant processes, the tumor can become chronic.

Preventive measures

Not in all cases it is possible to avoid the development of the underlying disease - the causes of enlarged lymph nodes. But general preventive measures will minimize the risk of infectious or viral infections, as well as problems with immunity. They include:

  • adherence to the basics of a healthy lifestyle;
  • regular physical activity;
  • a healthy diet (a large amount of fruits, vegetables), the exclusion of semi-finished and processed foods;
  • maintaining genital hygiene;
  • minimizing casual sex, using reliable protective equipment to avoid contracting sexually transmitted infections;
  • taking vitamin supplements in courses throughout the year.

There is only one way to successfully cure the inflamed lymph nodes: to correctly diagnose and act on the underlying cause that caused the pathological hypertrophy. It is important to pay attention in a timely manner to unusual or strange swelling in the lower abdomen, as they can be evidence of dangerous diseases that should not be started.

The human body is one of the most intelligent and thoughtful mechanisms created by nature. One of its most important systems is the immune system, which guards human health. Of great importance in the work of this protective system are special structures - lymph nodes. Sometimes a person is worried about painful "balls" under the skin when palpating - this is how inflamed lymph nodes look like. In our today's article we will talk about the causes and treatment of diseases of the lymph nodes of the lower extremities.

The lymph node is a kind of filter that mechanically retains bacteria, viruses, cancer cells and even foreign bodies from the lymph. In addition to filtering, the lymph node is a factory for the production and growth of lymphocytes - cells of the immune system.

Lymph node

The lymph node is a small (from a few millimeters to 2 cm) rounded formation. Such nodules are scattered throughout the body - subcutaneous tissue, digestive tract, internal organs, and so on. The limbs are no exception - the legs, where they are located in the groin and under the knee, and the arms.

Lymph nodes in the arms and legs are concentrated in groups and localized in specific places where they can be felt or found with ultrasound. Such typically located lymph nodes are called regional. Each group of regional lymph nodes collects lymph from a specific segment of the limb, forming two main networks - superficial and deep.

We list the typical localizations of the nodes of the lower extremity:

  1. Inguinal folds. The lymph nodes of the groin areas are one of the most significant and powerful groups. These nodules collect lymph not only from the deep and superficial structures of the thigh and partially the buttocks, but also from the internal organs of the small pelvis.
  2. Popliteal fossa. Under the knee there is a deep depression filled with loose fatty tissue - the popliteal fossa. Not only vessels and nerve bundles pass through it, but also lymph nodes are grouped. Lymph flows here from the skin and fatty tissue of the feet, legs, as well as from the joints, bones and periosteum of the lower half of the leg.


Lymphatic system of the leg

As we have already said, the task of these small formations is to filter lymph flowing from various organs and structures of the human body. With a massive inflammatory process or malignant cell growth, an overloaded lymph node begins to grow and increase in size, trying to compensate for its tension in size. This abnormal enlargement of the lymph nodes is collectively called lymphadenopathy.


The main reasons for the development of lymphadenopathy are:

For clarity, consider the main reasons for the appearance of abnormal lymph nodes in the lower extremity.


Inguinal lymphadenitis

Given the massiveness of this group of nodes, there can be many reasons for enlargement and soreness:


The group of nodes located under the knee is much smaller than the inguinal. Popliteal lymph nodes play a role in the development of the following diseases:

  1. Inflammatory diseases of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, bones and muscles of the foot and lower leg. This includes all the same erysipelas, streptococcal infections of the skin, abscesses and furuncles of the skin, purulent processes of the foot, fingers and nail bed. Various myositis leads to inflammatory changes in the nodes - inflammation of the muscles of the lower leg and foot, as well as osteomyelitis of the bones of the lower leg and foot.
  2. Injuries and arthritis of the knee and ankle are very often accompanied by changes in the fossa under the knee.
  3. Malignant processes of the skin, bones and soft tissues of the foot and lower leg.
  4. Systemic diseases and tumors.


Many people, finding a ball in their groin or under the knee, are very frightened. There is no reason for panic, but such formations cannot be ignored;


Treatment for lymphadenopathy consists in treating the primary cause: inflammatory or systemic.

With a cancerous nature of the process, the patient is transferred to oncologists, where he will undergo specialized treatment.

In case of systemic diseases, such as AIDS, hepatitis, toxoplasmosis, mononucleosis and others, infectious disease doctors will treat the patient, prescribing treatment taking into account the nature of the pathogen.

With banal inflammatory changes of a local nature or primary lymphadenitis, treatment will be aimed at combating the infection. Antibiotics for bacterial infections or antiviral drugs for herpes infection will be used. In the case of a local process, local treatment can also be applied - various compresses and lotions on the affected nodes.

In case of suppuration of the lymph node, an autopsy, drainage of the focus of infection and a massive course of antibiotic therapy are required.

Banal local inflammation of the lymph nodes disappears within 7-14 days, but the nodes can remain enlarged for up to six months.

The lymphatic system in the human body is represented by a network of vessels, fluid (lymph) flowing through them and lymphoid tissue (nodes). In women, the inguinal lymph nodes (located in the pelvic region) play an important protective role. They are responsible for healthy fertility.

The lymph nodes act as biological filters. The peripheral organs are located in the area of ​​the joints - in the places where lymph is collected, following from various tissues of the body through the vessels of the lymphatic system.

The appearance of organs may differ in shape:

  • round;
  • oval;
  • in the form of a bean;
  • rarely in the form of a ribbon.

Dimensions in normal condition range from 0.5 to 50 mm. Healthy lymph nodes are pinkish-gray in color. Organs serve as a barrier to the spread of infected and cancer cells in a woman's body. Their role is the production of T and B-lymphocytes, protective cells of the body involved in the destruction of harmful and toxic elements.

Inguinal lymph nodes are of two types: deep and superficial. A group of superficial nodules just under the skin can be palpated. Deep lymphoid tissue is located in the muscle layers, along the path of the vessels, close to the pelvic organs.

Where are the inguinal lymph nodes located?

Inguinal lymph nodes in women (they are located not one by one, but in groups) are located in the upper parts of the hip joint, going down to the lower abdomen along the path of the inguinal fold. The superficial organs are located in the tissue under the skin, the deep ones are located under the fascia (the protective connective membrane that covers the muscles) near the femoral blood vessels.

Close to the inguinal lymph nodes are the reproductive organs and the genitourinary system:

  • uterus;
  • ovaries;
  • bladder;
  • external genital organs;
  • rectum.

Also, the region of the location of the inguinal lymph nodes includes the lower extremities, gluteal and lumbosacral spine of the back.

Swollen lymph nodes in women

The inguinal lymph nodes are enlarged with a manifestation of swelling, which is often confused with an inguinal hernia. Diseases differ in that the nodes are not repaired like a hernia. Painful sensations can be observed when there is pressure from deep nodes on the femoral nerve. If the nodes press on the femoral vein, then leg swelling occurs.

The reasons for the increase in inguinal lymph nodes are:

  1. Lymphadenitis.
  2. Oncological diseases: ovarian cancer; cancer of the uterus or cervix; bladder cancer; lymphogranulomatosis or lymphosarcoma; skin cancer; rectal cancer; vulvar cancer.
  3. Sexually transmitted diseases: syphilis; gonorrhea; chlamydia; ureaplasma.
  4. Viral infectious diseases: rubella; measles; genital herpes.
  5. Infection with pathogenic microorganisms: spherical bacteria; Koch's wand; candida.
  6. As a complication after surgery in the small pelvis.
  7. In case of transplant rejection.
  8. In case of injury to the groin area.

Symptoms of enlarged nodes include:

Swollen nodes

The inguinal lymph nodes in women, which are located in the pelvic region, may swell.

This disease is called lymphadenitis, refers to secondary infections that appear after untreated primary diseases:

  • flu and SARS;
  • measles;
  • rubella;
  • genital herpes;
  • chlamydia;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • thrush;
  • gonorrhea;
  • syphilis.

Organ diseases also affect the swelling of the lymph nodes:

  • bladder - urethritis;
  • oncology of the pelvic organs;
  • bowel problems;
  • violations in the reproductive function of an inflammatory nature (colpitis, balanoposthitis).

The nodes also swell with strong, prolonged allergic reactions.

In addition to swelling, the following symptoms may appear:

Inflammation of the lymph nodes

Inflammation of the lymph nodes is called acute lymphadenitis. It signals a disease about a weakening of immunity, about the presence of an untreated infection in the body.

The causes of lymphadenitis are:

  • malignant formations;
  • bacterial invasions (Koch's bacillus, staphylococcus, streptococcus, candida);
  • viral infections (herpes, flu, SARS, measles, rubella);
  • sexually transmitted diseases (ureaplasma, chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea).

Infections in the nodes come from wounds close to a group of peripheral organs.

The main signs of the disease are:

  • an increase in the size of the nodes;
  • pain on palpation.

If a purulent process appears in the body, then reddening of the skin is observed above the node. In this case, urgent surgical intervention is required, since lymphadenitis can cause a serious complication - phlegmon (purulent tissue inflammation).

In the event of oncological diseases of lymphogranulomatosis and lymphosarcoma, the nodes increase up to 3-4 cm, acquiring a dense consistency.

Diagnostics of pathological processes

The inguinal lymph nodes in women (located along the groin fold) are handled by general practitioners, infectious disease specialists, or family doctors. If surgery is necessary, the patient receives a referral to the surgeon.

Clinical blood tests are used to diagnose the disease:

Additionally, the following methods are used:

  • ultrasound examination;
  • radiography;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • CT scan.

If there is a suspicion of oncology, a biopsy of the lymph node tissue is taken.

Treatment regimen for pathologies of the inguinal lymph nodes

Treatment is assigned to a woman after undergoing a comprehensive diagnosis. The therapy includes two areas: surgery and conservative treatment.

Conservative therapy consists in taking according to indications:

At the initial stages of diseases or as additional funds to the main ones, alternative methods of treatment are prescribed. Surgical intervention is performed when there is an urgent need and the impossibility of conservative treatment.

Drug therapy

Medical treatment is carried out by the attending physician based on the data obtained from a comprehensive diagnosis of the disease.

Therapy may include the following groups of drugs, such as antibiotics. A number of remedies are prescribed if the bacterial cause of the disease is proven. The most effective intake of intravenous or intramuscular drugs is that the active substance penetrates the lymphatic system faster. Funds are prescribed after identifying the sensitivity of pathogens to them.

A number of antibiotics prescribed depending on the cause of the disease can be summarized in the table:

Active substance name Disease
DoxycyclineAnimal bites, scratches
Azithromycin, cephalosporinsPathogen not installed
Ciprofloxacin, ceftriaxoneGonorrhea
Trichopolum, pimafucin, levorinThrush
Erythromycin, Doxycycline, MacropenChlamydia
Azithromycin, clarithromycin, josamycinUreplasma
Streptomycin, rifampicinKoch's wand

Other types of drugs:

Physiotherapy procedures

Inguinal lymph nodes in women (the location of the organs is convenient for carrying out physiotherapy) are treated with auxiliary procedures. Physiotherapy facilitates the penetration of drugs into the inflammation focus, improves lymph flow and blood circulation.

However, it should be borne in mind that there are a number of contraindications for the procedures:

  1. The presence of malignant tumors.
  2. Tuberculosis.
  3. Inflammation in the acute period (with fever and intoxication of the body).

Physiotherapy treatments include:

  • compresses;
  • electrophoresis with drugs;
  • ultra high frequency method;
  • laser exposure;
  • galvanization.

As medicines for therapy are used:

Ointments are suitable for compresses:

  • Heparin;
  • Ichthyol;
  • Vishnevsky;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Piroxicam;
  • Ketoprofen.

With the help of gauze bandages, it is possible to localize the swelling, relieve pain.

Surgical interventions

Surgical treatment is most often used if the lymph nodes are inflamed locally in the absence of the development of systemic pathologies, in the presence of acute purulent inflammation. The operation is performed using local anesthetics.

Possible options for operations:

  • opening the abscess with cleaning;
  • deleting nodes irreversibly changed.

Folk remedies and recipes

Treatment with alternative methods is possible in the early stages of the disease or as supportive procedures in addition to the main therapy. It is important to remember that in no case is this type of treatment independent. Below are some effective recipes for treatment in combination therapy.

Nettle has a blood-purifying, immune-supportive and anti-inflammatory effect:

Blueberries have cleansing and immunostimulating properties:

  • crush blueberries;
  • pour water at a temperature close to 40 °;
  • consume 1 glass after each meal.

Dandelion root helps cleanse the lymph, improves metabolic processes, raises immunity:

Correctly selected treatment of inguinal lymph nodes in women located in the pelvic region gives a favorable prognosis for recovery. The disease is easier to prevent than to cure. It is only necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and if health problems appear, do not postpone a visit to the doctor.

Article formatting: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about the inguinal lymph nodes in women

Features of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin:

One of the most mysterious systems of the body is the lymphatic system. It is only when a person starts to get sick that he, often for the first time, realizes the significance of this system.

When all is well, people do not think about what role the lymphatic system plays for the whole organism.

The role of the lymphatic system in the human body

There are a large number of lymph nodes in the body, but the article will consider the lymph nodes in the groin in women, where they are also located.

Lymphatic system

Lymphatic system functions:

  • Drainage.
  • Cleansing the body.
  • Maintaining the body's performance.
  • Strengthening immunity.
  • Improving metabolism.

The layout of the lymph nodes in a woman, what do they affect

The main areas where lymph nodes are found in women are as follows:

  • axillary;
  • inguinal;
  • cervical;
  • pelvic;
  • abdominal;
  • chest.

Lymph nodes are mainly located in clusters near blood vessels, where there are mobile places. Lymphatic capillaries pass through most organs and tissues. It turns out that the lymph nodes and blood vessels are located throughout the body.

The doctor will accurately determine the condition of the lymph nodes

According to the state of the lymph nodes, it is possible to understand whether there is an inflammatory, infectious disease in the body... When the lymph nodes are in their normal state, they do not cause any painful sensations or inconveniences. But in the presence of a disease, they increase, soreness arises.

The location of the lymph nodes in the groin area of ​​a woman and their significance

The inguinal lymph nodes in women can be divided into two types:

  1. Superficial. There are from 4 to 20. They are located between the groin and the thigh.
  2. Deep lymph nodes in the groin in women. Where they are: in the depths, near the femoral blood vessels. There are from 1 to 7 of them.

Inguinal lymph nodes in women are of great importance. They prevent pathogenic microflora from entering the pelvic area.

Symptoms with enlarged lymph nodes in the groin in women

In appearance, inflamed lymph nodes in women resemble a small tumor. appearing in the groin area. Where it will be located depends on the cause of the inflammation. Location is possible both from one and from two sides.

Pain is a clear sign of problems with lymph nodes in the groin.

At first, the lymph nodes in the groin of women, where the inflammatory processes are located, are not too disturbing. Some discomfort and mild pain may occur.

However, with the development of the disease, the following symptoms will be noticeable:

  • reddening of the skin will become noticeable at the site of inflammation;
  • a solid swelling is formed, sometimes reaching impressive sizes (hard balls have a peculiarity: they roll under the fingers);
  • during movement, soreness may appear, which further increases and worries more and more; painful sensations also arise during physical exercise, during intercourse, wearing clothes that are cramped and uncomfortable;
  • body temperature will rise;

Inflammation of the lymph nodes often results in an increase in body temperature
  • the state of health worsens;
  • chills, body aches, headache will appear;
  • lack of appetite, general weakness and malaise;
  • possible discomfort in the form of burning or itching in those places where the skin was stretched;
  • swelling may appear on the inflamed area;
  • discharge from the genitals will turn brown.

If lymphadenitis is chronic, then the severity of the above symptoms is mild.

Why are the lymph nodes in the groin inflamed in women

There are certain diseases and injuries that are manifested by inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin area. This is due to the fact that pathogenic bacteria enter the body.

Do not panic, you need to find out the cause of the disease and start treatment

The most common ailments:

  • Infectious diseases. The appearance of lymphadenitis is caused by a number of diseases: rubella, herpes, measles.
  • Complications after previous colds, excessive hypothermia. The development of inflammation associated with these reasons is not very noticeable.
  • Various pathogens: tubercle bacillus, cocci.
  • Groin trauma - falls, blows. The increase and the onset of inflammation of the lymph nodes in this case occurs quickly.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases: ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis.
  • Gynecological diseases - ovarian cyst, thrush.
  • Oncology. In a woman's body, where a malignant tumor is located, at the stage of its development, all existing lymph nodes, including those located in the groin area, can become inflamed.

Any disease requires treatment, relevant information is available to everyone
  • Diseases associated with hematological, autoimmune systems. Allergies.
  • Diseases of the urinary system.

Treatment of enlarged lymph nodes in the groin

How and how to treat the lymph nodes in the groin in women, where the foci of inflammation are located, should be determined by a specialist, after conducting the necessary examination and identifying the causes of the inflammatory process.

Folk methods and means

They can be used only at the beginning of treatment, as part of complex therapeutic measures. You can start treatment only after visiting a doctor., which, based on the examination and test results, will exclude oncology as the cause of the development of lymphadenitis. The use of folk methods helps to speed up the healing process.

The most effective folk remedies:

  • Compresses from freshly squeezed dandelion juice. Duration of treatment is 3 days at least 2 times a day.
  • Compress of freshly crushed peppermint leaves. It is necessary to apply in the groin area, where the woman's inflamed lymph nodes are located. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day for 2 hours.

  • Herbal collection for oral administration, which includes a number of plants: oregano, mint, plantain, St. John's wort inflorescences, dandelion roots, raspberry branches, wormwood and meadowsweet herbs. Take all the ingredients in the same ratio, grind, mix and brew like tea. Drink 200 ml 2 to 3 times a day after meals.
  • To increase immunity, a decoction is used, which includes linden flowers, raspberries, dandelion roots, herbs oregano, St. John's wort and mint. The drink is taken 30 minutes before meals. Consume until complete recovery.
  • Echinacea tincture compress: dilute the solution with warm water in a ratio of 1 to 2.

Echinacea tincture

Take gauze, make a bandage out of it, moisten it in the prepared solution and fix it in the place of inflammation of the lymph node with adhesive tape. Leave the compress overnight.

The use of drugs

When the first symptoms appear, it is recommended to use drugs that include antiseptic components. An effective anti-inflammatory ointment must include antibiotics. Compresses with Levomekol, Levosin give a good result.

The use of such drugs for purulent inguinal lymphadenitis is categorically contraindicated.

If the expected result is not enough, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics. The main goal of antibiotic therapy is to eliminate the infection that caused the development of the inflammatory process.

The drug "Ampiox"

Prescribe drugs from the penicillin group: Ampiox, Ampicillin. The duration of medication and the dosage is calculated based on the degree of manifestation of symptoms.

With a fungal infection of the lymph nodes, tablets with antifungal action are prescribed. These drugs include Itraconazole, Fluconazole, Ketoconazole.

Fluconazole drug

It is often difficult to determine the nature of the infection. Therefore, the doctor may prescribe a combination therapy: taking antibiotics and antifungal agents.

Passage of physiotherapy procedures

With lymphadenitis in the early stages of the inflammatory process, electrophoresis with antibiotics and sulfonamides is prescribed.

With a purulent form, physiotherapy procedures are strictly prohibited.

Surgical intervention

Previously, surgical removal of the affected lymph nodes was the only way to treat lymphadenitis. This intervention could affect the decrease in the process of outflow of lymphatic fluid.

Surgical intervention is an extreme measure for the treatment of a purulent form of the disease

For this reason, the surgical the operation is used only in emergency situations - if the disease is purulent in nature... In this case, drainage of the festering cavity is performed at the location of the inflamed lymph nodes.

How to treat inflamed inguinal lymph nodes

Only a specialist, after receiving the results of the examination, will be able to prescribe the necessary therapeutic measures. Before receiving the test results, the doctor will prescribe drugs, the action of which is aimed at strengthening the immune system. It is recommended to take 15-30 drops of Echinacea purpurea tincture 3 times a day.

During treatment, you need to take care of a balanced and proper diet. It is recommended to increase the volume of sour milk products, fresh garlic, and fresh onions in the daily menu.

Garlic and onions - foods necessary to strengthen the body

Fatty, salty, heavy food should be banned. The consumption of alcoholic and carbonated drinks is prohibited.

If inflammation of the lymph nodes has arisen due to hypothermia, foot baths should be done.

It is strictly forbidden to warm up the inflamed lymph nodes

The main treatment for enlarged lymph nodes in the groin in women will be aimed at eliminating the cause of the inflammation. As soon as it becomes clear where the primary source is and when it is eliminated, the inguinal lymph nodes will decrease, and the disease will recede.

Take action on time and the lymph nodes will not bother you

The appearance of an inflammatory process of the lymph nodes in the groin in women means that pathogenic bacteria have entered the body. Do not postpone a visit to the doctor, since only a specialist can establish the cause and prescribe treatment.

All about inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes in women. Watch a helpful video:

Inguinal lymphogranuloma: punishment for carelessness. Find out what it is about in the following video:

What causes inflammation of the lymph nodes? Look for the answer to the question in the video:

In a healthy person, the lymph nodes are no more than peas or are not palpable at all. These organs of the immune system are filters that, while letting in lymphatic fluid, trap pathogenic microorganisms, preventing them from entering the bloodstream. In contact with strangers, the lymph nodes intensively produce T-, B- and NK-lymphocytes in order to normalize the state of the body. If it is not possible to quickly cope with foreign elements, painful changes begin to occur in the lymph nodes, leading to their increase, inflammatory (lymphadenitis) and non-inflammatory genesis (lymphadenopathy).

First of all, the reaction occurs in the group of lymph nodes closest to the affected organ. Hyperplasia of the inguinal nodes signals the presence of trouble in the area of ​​the buttocks, lateral sections of the trunk, intestines, reproductive organs and lower extremities.

ICD-10 code

R59 Enlarged lymph nodes


Medical statistics show that more than 90% of cases of inguinal lymphadenopathy occurs after injury to the perineum and genitals. Out of a thousand who applied for medical help, two or three people seek enlarged lymph nodes of any localization, of which about 60% are male patients and about 40% are female. The majority of patients with lymphadenopathy (60-80%) are over forty years old.

Lymphadenopathies are divided into nonspecific, the causative agent of which is, in most cases, staphylococci, somewhat less often - streptococci and other pyogenic bacteria, sometimes in combination with anaerobes, and specific, accompanying rubella, sexually transmitted diseases, actinomycosis, tuberculosis. The pathogenesis of hyperplasia is based on the ingress of the pathogen from the primary source of infection with the lymph flow or the invasion of cancer cells into the lymph node, where B-lymphocytes, recognizing the antigen, begin to produce antibodies to it. Also, in the lymph node, an active synthesis of serum proteins, immunocytes (T-killers, T-helpers, NK-lymphocytes) begins, trying to destroy foreign microorganisms. If the pathogenic microflora is not completely suppressed, then the lymph node becomes a focus of chronic infectious pathology. Its relapse (acute lymphadenitis) can develop as a result of a decrease in immunity due to endogenous or exogenous factors (nervous overstrain, freezing, exacerbation of an autoimmune disease, etc.).

Enlarged lymph nodes in the groin area are a sign of progressive pathology of organs, from which lymph flow rushes to them. The upper nodes of this group increase with infection of the buttocks, sides and organs of the small pelvis, the middle ones - the intestines, the lower ones - the legs.


Types of acute lymphadenitis by the nature of the inflammatory process:

  • simple or serous (catarrhal) - moderate hyperplasia of the lymph nodes, they are soft, not hyperemic, mobile and not welded together, there is no edema, there may be slight pain when pressed;
  • purulent - infiltration from inflamed lymph nodes, severe pain syndrome, soreness, hyperemia and swelling of the surrounding tissues, accompanied by a sharp rise in temperature (38-39 ° C), significant growth of lymph nodes that interfere with walking, an abscess can break through with the formation of a fistula or go to the next stage;
  • adenophlegmon - inflammation spreads to the surrounding tissue capsule of the node, the patient is in a febrile state, which is accompanied by chills, tachycardia, headache, shortness of breath, hypotension (requires surgery).

Complications and consequences

An enlargement of lymph nodes in the groin that lasts more than two weeks, even if it does not cause serious discomfort, should not be ignored. You can skip the development of such serious diseases as tuberculosis, oncopathology and others. It is imperative to consult a doctor and find out what caused it. This condition can be a symptom of serious health problems, and the sooner the diagnosis is made and treatment is started, the better the chances of recovery are.

Acute lymphadenitis usually causes serious discomfort, and people try to get rid of it. However, they do not always immediately go to the doctor, but try to be treated with folk methods, which can lead to purulent inflammation. Complications of purulent lymphadenitis can be an abscess or adenophlegmon, which require surgical intervention.

The body's response to a local inflammatory process can be the entry of infection into the systemic circulation, the appearance of purulent foci in distant organs and sepsis.

Untimely treatment of acute lymphadenitis is fraught with the development of purulent inflammation of the veins, the consequence of which may be phlebothrombosis or pathology of lymphatic drainage and the development of elephantiasis (elephantiasis). Thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities can result in blockage of the pulmonary vessels and the death of the patient.

Chronic sluggish inflammation of the lymph nodes, which does not cause much trouble and is ignored by the patient, can lead to hypoplasia of the lymph nodes, scarring and degeneration. In the affected lymph nodes, connective tissue grows, the drainage of lymphatic fluid is disturbed, chronic swelling appears, in severe advanced cases - lymphostasis (elephantiasis of the legs, scrotum).

Diagnostics of the enlarged lymph nodes in the groin

The accumulation of lymph nodes in this area is one of the largest in the body. Hyperplasia of one or more nodes can signal the existence of a serious pathology of vital organs. How to determine an increase in lymph nodes in the groin? With their normal sizes, palpating the nodes on their own is problematic. Enlarged superficial lymph nodes are visible visually, since their size can reach 50-60 mm. They are painful, especially when walking. An accurate conclusion about the presence of pathological changes in the nodes of the groin group can be given by ultrasound, and in order to find out the reason for their increase, a number of diagnostic measures must be taken.

The first and very important step in determining the etiology of lymph node hyperplasia is a thorough collection of anamnestic information, infectious, occupational, migration. Organs and tissues are examined, the lymph drainage from which leads to enlarged lymph nodes. Nodes in other clusters are monitored. The magnitude, intensity of pain, single nodes or connected with each other and surrounding tissues, density and elasticity are taken into account.

The patient is assigned laboratory tests - blood (clinical), biochemistry, rheumatic, serological tests, urine tests and others, depending on the presumptive diagnosis of the underlying disease. Sometimes, to establish an accurate diagnosis, a puncture biopsy of the contents of the lymph node is prescribed, its excision for histological examination.

Instrumental diagnostics - ultrasound examination, radiography, computed and magnetic resonance imaging.

Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis is carried out in order to distinguish specific lymphadenopathy in tuberculosis, syphilis, toxoplasmosis, and other infections. Malignant and metastatic neoplasms, blood diseases are excluded. Local hyperplasia should be differentiated from generalized, nonspecific lymphadenitis - from phlegmon and osteomyelitis.

Treatment of enlarged lymph nodes in the groin

The size of the lymph nodes can increase under the influence of many factors, therefore, the cause of hyperplasia is first established, depending on which treatment is prescribed. There is no self-therapy for enlarged lymph nodes.

With lymphadenopathies of a non-inflammatory nature, arising from lymphogranulomatosis, leukemia, metastasis, the underlying disease is treated, as with specific lymphadenitis. Depending on the underlying disease, the recommended treatment regimens for tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, infectious mononucleosis, and childhood infections are used.

Conservative treatment of enlarged lymph nodes in the groin is carried out with nonspecific chronic lymphadenitis, acute catarrhal and at the initial stages of a purulent process. In chronic disease, the main goal of therapy is to identify and eliminate the source of prolonged infection of the lymph nodes. It is not always possible to identify the cause of chronic inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes. In such cases, treatment is prescribed to eliminate inflammation in the lymph nodes and increase the body's defenses.

Penicillin antibacterial drugs are prescribed, for example, Augmentin, the spectrum of action of which is expanded due to the presence of clavulanic acid in its composition. Antagonist of almost all bacterial pathogens infecting the genitourinary tract, skin, bones, soft tissues, intestines, is active against pathogens of gonorrhea and syphilis. It is produced in forms for oral administration and intravenous injection, dosed individually, taking into account the severity and localization of the infectious and inflammatory process. It is used at any age, with the exception of the first trimester of pregnancy and lactation. May cause allergic reactions, since antibacterial drugs of this series cause them most often. With renal insufficiency, patients require dose adjustment, with hepatic insufficiency, they are prescribed with caution, especially intravenously.

An alternative choice can be stopped on cephalosporins of the second generation. For example, Cefuroxime axetil, showing activity against the main infectious agents that provoke inflammation of the lymph nodes, staphylococci and streptococci. It is used for infections of the urinary and genital organs, bones, joints, skin and soft tissues. It is produced both for oral administration and for intramuscular and intravenous injections. Dosed individually, used from the first days of life, during pregnancy and lactation, reception is undesirable, its effect has not been studied. In case of impaired renal function, dosages are adjusted. Causes allergic reactions, special caution should be exercised by persons with an established allergy to drugs of the penicillin series.

In the treatment of acute lymphadenitis, antibiotic therapy is also used; when choosing a drug, the sensitivity of the infectious agent of the primary focus is taken into account. Simultaneously with the treatment of the inflamed lymph nodes, the primary infection is eliminated. After its elimination, the catarrhal inflammation usually goes away. Purulent - requires longer treatment. The patient must comply with bed rest, in addition to antibacterial, anesthetic and restorative therapy is carried out. In addition to antibiotics, leukocyte production stimulants are prescribed, for example, Methyluracil... It activates the processes of hematopoiesis, especially leukopoiesis, promotes cell renewal and restoration, increases cellular and humoral immunity, relieves inflammation. Contraindicated in leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis, bone marrow cancer. Occasionally, when using suppositories, a slight burning sensation is felt, there may be skin and vegetative-vascular allergic disorders.

Oral administration is carried out during or after a meal. The recommended dose at the age of 3-8 years is 250 mg, more than eight - 250-500 mg, the number of doses per day is three. Adult patients are dosed at 500 mg four times a day, the maximum allowed to increase the daily number of doses to six. In the treatment of inflammation of the large intestine, suppositories are prescribed - from one to four units per day. Long-term non-healing skin surfaces are treated with 10% ointment simultaneously with oral administration.

Likopid- a powerful immunostimulant, used in severe cases in the treatment of purulent lesions for the prevention of sepsis. Possesses bactericidal and cytostatic properties, activates the resorption of tumor formations. Pregnant and lactating women are not prescribed, children aged 3-15 years are dosed at 1 mg / day for no more than ten days. It can cause mild hyperemia, which does not require its cancellation, it is not prescribed in case of exacerbation of autoimmune processes, at a febrile temperature in a patient, lactose intolerance. The tablets are taken orally or dissolve until completely dissolved under the tongue half an hour before meals. The dosage and therapeutic regimen is developed by the attending physician individually, taking into account the characteristics of the disease and interaction with other prescribed drugs.

In cases of primary infection in the form of pressure sores and other long-term recurrent wound formations, the focus of infection is treated Vishnevsky ointment... It is used in combination with other measures, destroying pathogenic microorganisms in the primary focus and promoting its healing.

In the initial stage of acute nonspecific lymphadenitis, it is used Ichthyol ointment... It does not have a pronounced antiseptic effect, but it powerfully resists inflammation, soothes and heals the wound surface. These are old, fairly safe and proven means, the use of which contributes to the sanitation and healing of the primary focus of infection, and, accordingly, to the reduction of lymph nodes.

In the complex of strengthening the immune system and the general condition of the body, vitamin therapy is used. Prescriptions are made on the basis of diagnostic findings and medications used in treatment regimens. Vitamins C, E, A, group B, vitamin and mineral complexes accelerate the process of eliminating the infection and recovering the patient.

In the treatment of enlarged lymph nodes in the groin, physiotherapy is widely used: medicinal electro- and phonophoresis, galvanization, UHF and laser therapy. In the initial stages of catarrhal inflammation, physical therapy can lead to recovery. However, the use of physiotherapy procedures is contraindicated until the exact origin of the enlargement of the lymph nodes is established.

If a primary purulent focus of infection is found, then in almost all cases it is opened, sanitized and drained by surgery.

With advanced forms of the disease, when drug therapy and physical procedures were not effective, surgical treatment is necessary. It consists in opening up suppuration, debridement and drainage of the wound. With necrotic changes in the lymph nodes, it may be necessary to remove the node itself. However, this operation is performed in extreme cases, since subsequently the patient develops lymphostasis and elephantism of the lower body.

Traditional treatment

With an increase in lymph nodes, folk remedies may well fit into therapeutic schemes. However, they cannot be used on their own, without a diagnostic examination and consultation with a doctor.

In the initial stages with serous lymphadenitis, it is advisable to use compresses, which is categorically not worth doing with suppuration.

For compresses, you can use the following compositions:

  1. The easiest way is to buy an echinacea tincture at a pharmacy, dilute one part of the tincture in two parts of warm water, moisten a natural cloth or cotton pads in a solution, apply to the enlarged knots, fasten, wrap a woolen scarf on top, leave overnight.
  2. Bake one large onion turnip, peel and stir until smooth with a tablespoon of tar (pharmacy). Apply the mixture to a piece of natural fabric or a cotton pad, apply to the inflamed areas, secure and wrap it with a woolen scarf on top, leave overnight.
  3. A mixture of crushed dry herbs (a teaspoon of each): put yarrow, St. John's wort, walnut leaves and mistletoe on the bottom of a saucepan, add water (200 ml), boil and simmer over low heat for three to five minutes. Moisten cotton pads or pieces of cotton cloth in strained warm broth and apply, securing and tying to sore spots at night.

Compresses are applied to the inflamed lymph nodes until a noticeable decrease occurs.

  1. The same echinacea tincture - drink a solution of 25-40 drops in 100 ml of water twice or thrice a day. It is contraindicated for use in autoimmune diseases. If there is a medication immunomodulator in the treatment regimen, be sure to consult your doctor.
  2. Make a mixture of dried and crushed leaves and hazel bark (1/4 cup each), pour in a thermos ½ liter of boiling water, leave for about an hour, stir, strain. Drink before each meal, shaking the infusion each time and measuring out ¼ glasses per meal. Take for two to three weeks, then can be repeated at intervals of one week.
  3. Prepare raw materials - soft young pine shoots in a chopped form by volume should take up a two-liter dish. Put them in a saucepan, pour three liters of water, boil and, reducing heat, cook for 90-120 minutes, covering with a lid. Then drain the resulting broth into another container, add a glass of sugar and cook for another two hours. Cool the ready-made broth and take one tablespoon after meals once or twice a day. The duration of treatment is a month and a half, after a two-week break, you can repeat it.

To prepare decoctions from herbs, you must use dishes made of fireproof glass or enamelled with white enamel. It is advisable to store the decoctions after straining in a glass container.

Herbal treatment is used to reduce the size of the lymph nodes. It is good to cleanse the lymph nodes with an infusion of St. John's wort: a tablespoon of the herb is poured into ½ liter of boiling water, the infusion is filtered after 20 minutes. They drink it in half a glass three times a day and take food after half an hour.

An infusion of birch buds, prepared as follows in the same proportions and strained after cooling, is taken three times a day for a tablespoon for 4-5 days before meals for a third of an hour, then the dose is increased to ¼ glass and taken for another week or two. This remedy is contraindicated in stomach ulcers.

An infusion of rose hips is also prepared, which must be chopped before cooking. This infusion is taken three times a day before meals for 20 minutes. It is better to drink it through a straw, as rose hips negatively affect the enamel of the teeth. You can rinse your mouth immediately after use.


Homeopathic medicines can be included in treatment regimens as agents that increase the body's defenses. Moreover, they usually do not cause side effects and do not interact with medications.

For example, Anaferon, which is a combination of homeopathic dilutions of affinity-purified antibodies to human γ-interferon. Effective for viral and bacterial infections of the genitourinary organs, in the case of immunodeficiency of various origins. Contraindicated in case of allergy to ingredients, during pregnancy and lactation.

Reception subligual, one tablet from three to six pieces per day, after the relief of acute symptoms, take one piece for eight or ten days.

For children, children's Anaferon is produced:

At the age of 6 months-3 years, one tablet is dissolved in pure water (15 ml) and given once a day. Take a week.

Lymphomyosot homeopathic preparation, contains 16 components. Strengthens lymph drainage, relieves intoxication and inflammation, reduces exudation, activating cellular and humoral immunity. Available in drops and solution for injection. Pregnant and lactating women are taken only as directed by a doctor. Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to ingredients.Exercise caution in thyroid pathologies. In rare cases, allergic skin reactions may occur.

Drops are dissolved in water (10 ml) and kept in the mouth for absorption as long as possible; they are taken three times a day before meals, half an hour or an hour after. Patients 12 years and older are given 10 drops, infants - one or two, from one to three years old - three, from three to six - five, from six to 12 - seven.

For the relief of acute conditions, a single dose is taken every quarter of an hour, however, no more than 10 times. Then they switch to the usual reception.

With increased thyroid function, take a half dosage corresponding to age, increasing it daily by one drop and bringing it to the age norm.

In severe cases, an injection solution is prescribed. A single dosage is one ampoule and is used from the age of six. Injections are given two or three times a week intramuscularly sub- and intradermally, intravenously and at acupuncture points.

Oral administration of the solution from the ampoule is also possible, for this its contents are diluted in ¼ glass of water and drunk throughout the day at regular intervals, retaining the liquid in the mouth.

Homeopathic pharmacies in large cities usually have complex preparations used for lymphadenitis. They usually include Aurum metallicum, Calcium fluoricum, Silicea, Bromum, Tuberculinum, and may contain other substances.

Calcium fluoricum (calcium fluoride) is used for very tight nodules, Barium jodatum (barium iodide) is also often prescribed for enlarged lymph nodes, like other drugs. In doing so, the homeopathic physician will take into account many other symptoms and modalities in a particular patient. Therefore, if you want to be treated with homeopathy, you must consult a doctor of the appropriate profile.

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