Early HIV testing. The HIV test is positive. How to live with this and what to do first? A month has passed since high-risk contact with a person who may have HIV

2013-12-17 08:39:26

Marina asks:

Good afternoon, my sister is 22 years old, has not taken drugs, and has had two sexual partners in her life. During pregnancy she was diagnosed with HIV+ using the Ifa method, her husband and first boyfriend were diagnosed with HIV-, how can this be? The center refused to do a repeat analysis, citing the high cost of the analysis itself. But we know through the media that our center has given false positive results more than once. We live in Krivoy Rog. Tell me, can I retake the tests in another city, even for a fee, and what kind of PCR test or immunoblot? She feels very bad from retroviral therapy. PLEASE HELP!!! Is a false positive test for HIV/AIDS possible in pregnant women with chronic allergies??? Where can I get an immunoblot test, besides the speed center? They don’t want to carry out repeated analysis even for a fee. Where can I contact, Dnepropetrovsk region Krivoy Rog.


Good afternoon, you can retake the test in any (preferably a good) commercial laboratory. The ELISA test is quite informative, but Immunoblot is even more accurate - a method of laboratory testing of blood serum for the presence of antibodies to HIV. To clarify the results, it is possible to do an immunoblot and high-quality PCR, for example, and then we recommend contacting any AIDS center with these tests.

2009-06-29 20:33:01

Lena asks:

Good afternoon, please tell me whether pregnant women can have a false positive test for HIV. They did 2 tests, one showed +, a deeper one -, they didn’t send my husband for testing, but they didn’t give me a certificate either, they advised me to go again. The doctor says that this happens to pregnant women, is this true? And which analysis is more accurate?
Thank you.

Answers Medical consultant of the website portal:

Hello! The ELISA reaction is indeed often false positive during pregnancy, everyone knows and takes this into account. Immunoblot (IB) is a more specific reaction and much more reliable, although it sometimes has the so-called “dubious” version of the result. The most accurate analysis is PCR (polymerase chain reaction), which allows you to detect the virus itself, and not antibodies to it. Based on what you described, you do not appear to be infected. All the best!

2015-03-06 09:04:34

Irina asks:

Hello! My husband was in the hospital with the flu and pneumonia, during the examination they also discovered a cyst in the kidney, he was tested for HIV, the result was “+”, the express test was also “+”, there were no dangerous contacts. Can there be a false positive? result?

Answers Agababov Ernest Danielovich:

Irina, good afternoon! The answer is no. These diseases cannot cause a false positive result. See a specialist.

2015-01-29 19:17:17

Galina asks:

Hello, I’m 37 years old, pregnant 23 weeks after IVF. My husband and I took tests for HIV before IVF, then when I registered. The tests were negative. Now I’ve taken them, they said the result is positive. We’re just horrified, we retook the tests, we’re waiting for an answer. Tell me , can the result be false positive during pregnancy, as this often happens. I wanted to take an immunoblot test, they said it was expensive. They took a test for antibodies and viral load. How much does an immunoblot test cost and is it necessary to do it? Thanks for your answer

Answers Yanchenko Vitaly Igorevich:

Galina, good afternoon! Yes, ELISA tests for HIV cannot be trusted. Wait for the immunoblot. It is done free of charge in public clinics in Ukraine.

2014-12-16 17:40:15

Victoria asks:

Hello! Tell me, could the HIV test be incorrect if I took it during a year during pregnancy, I was in the hospital with the baby, and my husband tested for HIV a year later? He had no contacts on the side. Could his test be false positive? if he has a diseased liver.

Answers Sukhov Yuri Alexandrovich:

Hello, Victoria. Testing blood serum for HIV using ELISA is a preliminary procedure; this is the first stage of testing for HIV. Sincerely, YuSukhov.

2014-10-21 18:41:04

Angelina asks:

Hello, at the time of the HIV test I had the flu and was taking Amexin, Cycloferon, can these medications and the presence of the influenza virus in the body lead to a false positive result?? ELISA analysis

2014-05-26 14:49:42

Anna asks:

Good afternoon! Help me figure it out. My husband and I took a quick test for HIV for the first time in a drug hospital, both showed + (there was no talk about anonymity) and we were immediately sent for analysis to the SC on the same day. we went, they asked for passports, didn’t really explain anything and took blood from a vein using the ELISA method and immediately, without waiting for the results, assigned us numbers for registration in the SC based on a quick test. After 3-4 days they told me over the phone that we were + (about There was no talk of a psychologist either) and they told me to come and get tested for cells. I also got social services there. The employee gave me a “Book for Positive People” to read, where I read that ELISA can be false positive in the presence of herpes and to confirm HIV you need to do an Immunoblot (or at least 2 positive ELISAs to register). We don’t need any additional tests. they did it, they said that we should live for 2-5 years and that’s all... We’ve had herpes for a long time and every year we were tested for HIV - but this time, during the tests, I had an exacerbation of herpes before my period and 2 months before it was an abortion with complications, the gynecologist said the hormonal levels would recover within half a year... QUESTION: could these factors have caused a false positive ELISA result and did they have the right, based on one analysis, to register us with the SC, where in Kiev we can do it anonymously confirmatory tests, especially immunoblot to know 100% (I haven’t found a single private clinic where they do this test!). I just got the impression that if we were referred from a drug hospital, then we didn’t have to prove anything and were immediately registered without understanding (for fulfillment of the SC plan). I do not deny that + is possible, but I need confirmation, and not immediate predictions that I will die soon, we also have children and I worry about them.

Answers Sukhov Yuri Alexandrovich:

Hello Anna.
It’s unpleasant to read about such an attitude as you described...
False-positive results of serological testing for HIV are most often recorded in rheumatoid pathologies. All this is vitally important, but you and your husband, as I understand from the information presented, did not need emergency medical care... your passport!..
Forecasts without a comprehensive examination are nonsense!
It all depends on the stage of development of HIV infection and the general condition of your organism. Officially in Ukraine, PCR and/or immunoblotting is done only in the Centers.
- Get examined! Don’t get upset ahead of time, but you shouldn’t leave it to chance; with timely comprehensive treatment, almost all patients live a long time and without any real deterioration in the quality of life!
Sincerely, YuSukhov.

2014-04-24 20:04:06

Irina asks:

Hello! I got infected with chickenpox from a child because I haven’t had it in childhood for 25 years, at the Skin and Vein Dispensary I was tested for HIV using the Ifa method, the analysis showed that I have antibodies to HIV! The lymph nodes on my neck have become enlarged! Chickenpox was relatively normal within 10 days! My husband took a test and it was negative!! Please answer, maybe the test will show a false positive result because Did I start bleeding at the peak of the disease? I was exhausted, I lead a healthy lifestyle, in principle I don’t smoke or drink alcohol!! I simply physically couldn’t get infected! I’m very grateful to you in advance!!

Answers Sukhov Yuri Alexandrovich:

Dear Irina, I kindly ask you not to get upset in advance; smoking has nothing to do with the issue of possible HIV infection.
However, even low-cost ELISA test systems for HIV give both false-positive and false-negative test results. I advise you to calmly repeat the study, and if necessary, apply for a more detailed PCR study, immunoblotting, etc.
Sincerely, YuSukhov

2014-03-31 17:01:31

Konstantin asks:

Hello. Two months ago I was diagnosed with HIV positive status. Before that, I had a temperature of 37 for a long time for almost a month, and before that I had sinusitis and a sore throat. Later I was diagnosed with the Epstein-Barr virus. I don’t know how true this is, but I read that with this virus there can be a false positive result for HIV. I’ve been living with a girl for a year, she tested negative for HIV. Is this really possible? Today I collected the test results for CD4 -471 cells. and viral load -1191. I can’t understand if these are bad results or not and should I worry about something? Is there a possibility that this is an error? thanks in advance for your answer.

Answers Sukhov Yuri Alexandrovich:

Good afternoon.
Dear Konstantin, a sexual couple living together and having different results according to the definition of HIV infection is called a discordant couple. Of course, in such a couple it is advisable to practice protected sex using mechanical means (male and/or female condoms), to have personal hygiene items (manicure sets, toothbrushes, etc.).
You can retake HIV tests at another HIV center, and the amount of CD4 in the blood serum is determined by any laboratory that performs immunological tests.
According to the above studies, you have a low load of human immunodeficiency virus and a moderate decrease in the number of CD4 lymphocytes.
Some HIV specialists recommend starting specific (ART) therapy already at these indicators, but most believe that there is no real immunodeficiency at these indicators yet and they recommend starting therapy when the CD4 count is 200-250.
Do not despair, however, you should not relax either - with modern methods of treating HIV infection, according to Western European data, life expectancy actually decreases only in people simultaneously with HIV infection, suffering from viral hepatitis, drug addiction, alcoholism and other serious pathological conditions.
Best regards, Yu. Sukhov

The HIV test is positive - however, it sounds like a death sentence for many. The presence of this epic disease indicates a viral attack that kills cells, but not the presence of AIDS.

The question of what to do if the test result is positive for HIV worries many. But, firstly, a doctor’s order to take an analysis or test for immunodeficiency does not mean that the person being examined will have a positive result. Secondly, by following healing therapy, life can continue in the same colors as before. The main thing is to detect an infection that affects the cells of the human body in time.

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is an infectious disease that destroys the body's immune system. The presence of a virus in a person’s blood means that a process has been launched in the body that kills healthy cells that are responsible for immunity and well-being.

In other words, the virus absorbs the body’s ability to fight various kinds of diseases and infections, even in the smallest concentration, turning a simple cold into a real war for life.

The immunodeficiency virus has often become identified with AIDS. HIV positive status in an advanced form may well lead to AIDS. AIDS, as is known, is the result of the development of the last stage of a severe form of immunodeficiency. In fact, if a person is a carrier of the virus, this does not mean that he is sick with a disease such as AIDS, which is a much broader concept.

Connivance in the form of an advanced form of the immunodeficiency virus can be fatal for humans. There is no need to do this - ignore the risks, because not a single drug has yet been invented in the world that cures AIDS. This means only one thing - you need to do an infection test in time if there is the slightest suspicion of infection, because it may be wrong.

HIV – routes of infection and symptoms

The immunodeficiency virus is transmitted mainly through sexual contact with an infected person. Other routes of infection are known as through:

  • during blood transfusion in laboratory conditions (donor blood is always checked for infections, but small concentrations of the virus can be missed);
  • during contact between mother and child (during pregnancy, feeding or childbirth);
  • there may be infection from injections (needles), non-sterile devices and instruments (manicure accessories), and so on.

Symptoms of the primary manifestation of HIV infection appear as follows after just 6 weeks:

  • sore throat (aching, when swallowing, even outside meals);
  • state of chills;
  • muscle pain (not to be confused with physical activity);
  • if mouth ulcers do not heal for a long time;
  • maybe increased sweating during sleep;
  • partial memory loss;
  • a constant state of fatigue, but not as a result of overwork;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes throughout the body;
  • pneumonia.

December 1 is World AIDS Day. On the eve of this date, the Russian Ministry of Health cited frightening statistics according to which the number of cases will increase by 2.5 times in just 15 years. HIV prevention is now one of the main directions of modern medicine, aimed at stopping the spread of the virus. And, first of all, you need to start with tests. AiF.ru found out where you can get tested for HIV and how to do it correctly so as not to get a false result.

Two types of verification

There are two main types of tests for HIV/AIDS: enzyme immunoassay and PCR diagnostics. Both are informative and accurate.

Enzyme immunoassay is the most common today. It is based on the detection of antibodies to HIV in the patient’s blood serum. In most patients, they appear approximately 4-6 weeks after infection, in 10% - after 3-6 months, and in 5% - later. Therefore, ideally this test should be taken three times every 3 months.

PCR diagnostics are a polymerase chain reaction test that can test serum, antiviral RNA or DNA, and quantify CD-4 lymphocytes. At the same time, doctors often call PCR analysis the only possible early diagnosis of HIV infection, which is also carried out in children of the first year of life. The advantage of this research method is the fact that it can detect the virus in the incubation and early clinical periods, when there are no antibodies in the blood yet. This helps to start treatment earlier and reduce the negative impact of the disease.

How to prepare?

You need to prepare for an HIV/AIDS test. Blood should be donated on an empty stomach, and the last meal should take place no later than 8 hours before. Naturally, it is recommended to maintain a unique diet, a few days before donating blood, giving up alcohol and “harmful” foods - fatty, fried, smoked foods, marinades and other refined foods.

It is worth considering that if you are unwell, even with any viral or infectious disease, it is better not to donate blood or come back for testing again 35-40 days after recovery. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting a false positive result.

The HIV/AIDS test goes through several stages of testing. Therefore, it takes 2-10 days to prepare.

Negative plus

The result can be positive, negative or doubtful. In the latter case, it is worth retaking the analysis a little later.

Doctors say that if the result is positive, it is impossible to immediately declare that a person has HIV or AIDS. Indeed, in some cases, indicators may be overestimated for other reasons. In this situation, you should retake the test again - everyone who has a “+” result goes through this procedure.

Where does the “false signal” come from? Due to certain diseases and conditions that may cause cross-reactions. For example, due to allergies, antigens that are incomprehensible to the body can be produced in the blood, which it recognizes as foreign.

Also, a similar reaction can occur due to a sharp change in blood composition - for example, due to a jump in cholesterol (with excessive consumption of fatty foods, fried foods, seeds), hormonal imbalance (in particular, during menstruation in women), infections (respiratory diseases, the presence of hepatitis and influenza viruses, recent vaccinations, tuberculosis), excessive blood thickness, arthritis, oncology. Fungi, viruses and bacteria can also contribute to the appearance of incorrect data. In addition, a false positive result can occur due to medical errors: violation of the rules for collecting and transporting blood, use of low-quality serum, and improper storage of the material.

Degrees of anonymity

If you wish, you can get tested for the immunodeficiency virus at any time. However, there are a number of situations when it is recommended to do this. Thus, it is worth donating blood when planning a pregnancy, before a planned operation, after questionable injections, unprotected sexual contact with a stranger, or in case of a sharp deterioration in health.

You can get checked at any clinic, private clinics and diagnostic centers, as well as specialized AIDS centers. Moreover, in public medical institutions this procedure will be completely free. Any citizen of the country can take tests at the AIDS center, regardless of where he lives.

There are two types of testing: confidential and anonymous. In the first case, the person tells the laboratory assistants his name. In the second case, he is assigned an identification number. All results are given exclusively to the patient, and even if the result is positive, the laboratory cannot report it anywhere - this will be regarded as a violation of medical confidentiality. In paid clinics, the principle of taking tests is no different, only in this case the service is provided for money. The cost is from 400 to 3,400 rubles, depending on the complexity and verification options.

Procedure for testing for HIV infection

The main method of detecting HIV infection is testing for HIV antibodies. Examination for HIV infection (including anonymous) is carried out in medical institutions of all forms of ownership with the informed consent of the patient under conditions of strict confidentiality, and in the case of examination of minors under the age of 14 years - at the request or with the consent of his legal representative. Testing is voluntary and is carried out with mandatory pre- and post-test counseling on HIV prevention issues.

The following are subject to mandatory medical examination for HIV infection:

  • Donors of blood, blood plasma, sperm and other biological fluids, tissues and organs (including sperm).
  • Pregnant women.
  • Children born to HIV-infected mothers.
  • The following employees are subject to mandatory medical examination to detect HIV infection upon entry to work and during periodic medical examinations:
  • Doctors, paramedical and junior medical personnel of centers for the prevention and control of AIDS, health care institutions, specialized departments and structural divisions of health care institutions, engaged in direct examination, diagnosis, treatment, service, as well as conducting forensic medical examinations and other work with persons infected with human immunodeficiency virus, having direct contact with them;
  • Doctors, paramedical and junior medical personnel of laboratories (groups of laboratory personnel) who screen the population for HIV infection and study blood and biological materials obtained from persons infected with the human immunodeficiency virus;
  • Scientists, specialists, employees and workers of scientific research institutions, enterprises (productions) for the production of medical immunobiological preparations and other organizations whose work is related to materials containing the human immunodeficiency virus;
  • Medical workers in surgical hospitals (departments) upon entry to work and subsequently once a year;
  • Persons undergoing military service and entering military educational institutions and military service under conscription and contract, when conscripted for compulsory military service, when entering service under a contract, when entering military universities of ministries and departments that establish restrictions for the admission of persons to service with HIV infection;
  • Foreign citizens and stateless persons when applying for a citizenship permit or residence permit, or work permit in the Russian Federation, when foreign citizens enter the territory of the Russian Federation for a period of more than 3 months.
  • Patients with a number of clinical indications indicating the presence of HIV.
  • Patients with suspected or confirmed diagnosis: drug addiction, sexually transmitted infections, hepatitis B, C, pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis.
  • Vulnerable groups of the population: homo- and bisexuals, commercial sex workers, clients of commercial sex workers, persons with promiscuity (promiscuity), persons in prison.
  • Recipients of blood products.
  • Persons who have sexual contact with HIV-infected people or those with sexually transmitted infections.
  • Healthcare workers who received microtrauma while performing their professional duties.
  • Patients during whose care a medical worker was injured.
  • Family members of HIV-infected patients.

REMEMBER: Consent or refusal to be tested for HIV should not affect the quality of medical care.

Possible test results and “seronegative window” period:

  • Positive test result means that a person has antibodies to HIV. This gives reason to believe that the person is HIV-infected. A doctor's consultation is required.
  • Negative test result means that no antibodies to HIV have been detected. However, a negative test result for antibodies to HIV may not always mean that a person is not infected, since there is a “seronegative window” period. To produce antibodies in quantities sufficient for their detection by the test system, it takes the body from two weeks to three months (in rare cases). cases up to a year). This period of time is called "window period". Testing during this period may give a negative result, so the test should be repeated. IN "window period" the blood, semen, vaginal secretions and breast milk of an infected person already contain enough virus to infect other people.
  • Uncertain (doubtful) test result: It is necessary to conduct repeated tests for antibodies to HIV by immune or line blot after 2 weeks, 3 and 6 months. If negative ELISA results are obtained, then further research is not required. If, 6 months after the first examination, indeterminate results are again obtained, and the patient does not have risk factors for infection and clinical symptoms of HIV infection, the result is regarded as a false positive. Moreover, if there are epidemiological and clinical indications, studies are carried out repeatedly as prescribed by the attending physician or epidemiologist. Until the final result of HIV testing is known, recommendations for behavior change are the same as for those who test positive.

The results of the study are not communicated over the phone,
but only during a personal conversation with the subject.

Pre-test and post-test counseling

Pre-test and post-test counseling conducted at the AIDS Center is far from a formal procedure. This is not education or condemnation of the patient’s behavior that led to infection, but a reasonable analysis of the current situation and correction of further behavior, including risky ones. Every year this is about 2600-2700 pre-test and 3400-3500 post-test consultations. The quality of the consultation depends, among other things, on the patient’s subsequent desire to be observed at the AIDS Center and his commitment.

Every year, the Center prevents about 180-240 cases thanks to the counseling provided to people who come after casual sexual contacts or practice other forms of risky behavior.

The period of waiting for test results can be important to a person's decision to change risky behavior. During this period, many people for the first time think about HIV as a personal problem and realize the need for behavior change, so the possibilities of pre-test counseling should be fully used to prevent HIV infection.

Pre-test counseling

Pre-test HIV counseling is a dialogue between a patient and a professional to discuss an HIV test and the possible consequences of knowing one's HIV status. . This counseling leads to an informed decision to take the test or not to take the test.

During the conversation before testing for HIV, the following questions should be covered:

  • Behaviors associated with risk of HIV infection
  • benefits of testing, including the range of care available to people who test positive for HIV
  • HIV transmission routes, prevention measures; testing procedure
  • possible consequences of finding out your HIV status (for personal life, practical conclusions)
  • procedure for obtaining informed consent for testing
  • procedure for issuing test results
  • ways to get further help

As a result of pre-test counseling, the patient:

  • receives information about HIV infection, testing for antibodies to HIV, measures to prevent HIV infection, possible consequences of testing
  • receives an objective assessment of the risk of contracting HIV infection in his life
  • makes a conscious decision to undergo testing for HIV antibodies
  • considers the possibilities of changing their HIV risk behavior

At the end of the consultation, the following questions are discussed with the patient:

  • What test result does he expect and why?
  • What will he do if he does not get the result he expects?
  • What will change in his life if the result is positive?
  • What will change in his life if the result turns out to be negative?

Post-test counseling

Study results are not communicated over the phone. Post-test counseling is a dialogue between the patient and a professional to discuss the results of an HIV test, provide relevant information, provide support and referral to other professionals, and to promote behavior that reduces the risk of infection if the test results are negative or reduces the risk of HIV transmission others if they are positive. The test result may be negative, indeterminate, or positive.

Post-test counseling if the result is negative carried out taking into account the patient’s risk of HIV infection. To the patient low risk regarding HIV infection, the doctor recalls the basic information provided before testing, discusses the least dangerous behavior in relation to HIV infection and offers support in the form of further visits, possible telephone calls in order to reinforce the attitude towards safe behavior.

With the patient high risk For HIV infection, the clinician should discuss the significance of the result, repeat basic information provided prior to testing, remind the patient of the existence of a window period, and recommend retesting in 3 to 6 months. The doctor should also return to the issue of the least risky behavior in relation to HIV infection, discuss the need to use condoms, and - if there is a history of drug use - draw the patient's attention to the need to maintain the sterility of injection equipment.

When testing blood for HIV antibodies using immune blotting, there is a possibility of getting uncertain result because of

  • errors when administering the test;
  • the patient has other acute and chronic diseases;
  • phenomena of seroconversion.

If an indeterminate result is obtained, the doctor should discuss with the patient the reasons and significance of the result obtained, recommend repeating the test, recommend adopting behavior that is less dangerous in terms of HIV transmission, and refer the patient to an AIDS center for further observation.

ABOUT positive result The patient is informed of the HIV test by the doctor who ordered the examination.

When reporting a positive test result, the consultant

  • communicates the result clearly and concisely;
  • provides time for the message to sink in;
  • assesses the patient's reaction to the message about the presence of antibodies to HIV;
  • listens to the patient's thoughts and concerns regarding their diagnosis;
  • listens to the patient's story about feelings regarding HIV infection;
  • explains that the issue of the patient’s prospects will be discussed in more detail after completion of the examination at the AIDS center;
  • explains in simple words what HIV is, how it affects the immune system, the difference between HIV infection and AIDS;
  • explains that the diagnosis of HIV infection and the stage of the disease will be finally determined at the center for the prevention and control of AIDS by an infectious disease specialist based on clinical, epidemiological and laboratory data;
  • draws attention to the importance of following the least dangerous behavior in relation to HIV infection, sexually transmitted diseases, which can suppress the immune system and contribute to the progression of the disease; recommends the use of condoms during sexual intercourse, when using drugs, to use disposable syringes and needles, without sharing them with other users, to monitor the sterility of the drug solution and the container from which it is drawn;
  • explains the responsibility for changing behavior to avoid transmitting HIV to others;

Thus, counseling during testing for HIV antibodies is not only mandatory, but also an effective way of individual preventive work with people on issues of HIV infection. Many people think about this disease for the first time in relation to themselves, realize the individual level of risk, receive the necessary information, i.e. take the first step towards behavior change.

Skilled counseling also helps people cope when they test positive and thus makes a significant contribution to the prevention of suicide and other acts of despair.

Positive result

What does it mean?

If you donated blood for HIV at an AIDS Center, hospital or clinic, a positive result from such a test means that your blood contains antibodies to the human immunodeficiency virus. Antibodies are produced by the body to fight infections (viruses or bacteria) that have entered the body. The presence or absence of antibodies in a person is used to determine the presence or absence of a particular disease. That is, a positive HIV test result indicates that you have this virus in your blood.

Could this be a mistake?

Although the possibility of error cannot be ruled out, modern diagnostic methods are very accurate and reliable. Much attention is paid to blood testing for HIV, and doctors' efforts are aimed at eliminating erroneous results.

In our AIDS Center you can discuss with a peer consultant questions you are interested in on Monday from 16 to 20 hours, on Tuesday from 9 to 12 hours or on Wednesday from 16 to 20 hours (office No. 2). Information about support and mutual aid groups is listed below.

How will my life proceed now?

A newcomer with HIV-positive status has to get used to changes in his life. He now needs to regularly visit an infectious disease doctor at the AIDS Center, get tested and receive treatment. When a person starts taking ART, he should develop the habit of taking pills on time and not skipping medications. Particular attention is also paid to precautionary measures that are designed to protect the patient himself and those with whom he comes into contact from possible transmission of HIV. For example, HIV-positive people need to sunbathe with caution, try to avoid stress of any kind, and have to give up some foods that are now contraindicated for them. When having sexual intercourse, you must use a condom. If an HIV-positive person requires medical care, in the event that a doctor or other health care worker will have to come into contact with the patient's blood (such as during surgery), the doctor should be informed of his positive HIV status. You can read more about measures to prevent HIV transmission in other sections of our website. These are the main features of living with HIV. Otherwise, life with HIV is completely identical in quality and duration to life without the virus. HIV-positive people have equal rights and opportunities with other people, they can start a family with any partner, give birth and raise children, live a full and long life, provided they receive the necessary treatment.

Support and mutual aid groups for people living with HIV:

1. Group for PLHIV (general)

weekly on Thursdays from 19.30

Fund for the assistance of people living with HIV "AIDS.CENTER"

Moscow, st. Nizhnyaya Syromyatnicheskaya, 11, building 1, office 13, Kurskaya metro station

tel. +7 925 732 81 37,+7 969 118 49 34

2. Group for HIV-positive MSM

weekly on Tuesdays from 19.30

Project LaSky

Moscow, st. Myasnitskaya, 46/2, building 1, office 325 m. Krasnye Vorota

The problem of AIDS and HIV has become very relevant today, all over the world. Doctors know firsthand how many people (almost half a million) die annually from acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. AIDS and HIV are two different diagnoses. AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is a progressive disease that becomes fatal for many who become infected; HIV is just a virus that allows people to live with it for a very long time and be carriers of the disease.

In simple words, with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome there is a complete absence of immunity - antibodies that fight infection, viruses and bacteria that enter the blood. A person diagnosed with AIDS can die from the most harmless runny nose. HIV and AIDS are not transmitted by rodents, insect bites or personal hygiene items. The main link for infection is blood and semen. The only way to make sure whether antigens are present is to donate blood anonymously for AIDS and HIV. Moreover, you can take the analysis if you wish - anonymously or without hiding your data.

After decoding is carried out and the results are known, it will be possible to find out whether the result is positive or not. Even if a person is not promiscuous and is not antisocial (does not use drugs or alcohol), the indicator and result may be positive, but questionable.

Before taking an anonymous HIV test, you need to take a clinical blood test and then draw a conclusion whether it is questionable or not. That is, it is possible to determine whether the immunodeficiency virus is negative or HIV-positive only after donating blood anonymously. After decoding is done and the results are processed, it will be possible to draw any conclusions.

Antibody levels in case of a false positive result for HIV (anonymously) will exceed the norm. But based on indicators alone, it is impossible to say that a person has the virus. In 50% of cases, indicators may be overestimated for completely different reasons.

Many people are interested in the question of how long it takes to get results and what is the shelf life of the analysis. It doesn’t matter whether the analysis is anonymous or open, its validity period is 5-6 months. And the question of how long to wait for the results can be answered unequivocally - 2-3 weeks.

HIV diagnosis is carried out in several stages:

  • carrying out enzyme immunoassay (ELISA);
  • immunoblotting technique.

An enzyme immunoassay clinical blood test for HIV is carried out in order to identify the total spectrum of antibodies against immunodeficiency virus antigens. This method is screening. It identifies suspicious antibodies and screens out healthy ones. But this blood test is not enough. It is at this stage that false positive results occur.

Immunoblotting is a more comprehensive blood test for HIV. With its help, the fact of infection is confirmed. Its essence is the destruction of the virus into antigens (ionized amino acid residues that have different charges). Using electrophoresis (extracting plasma and red blood cells from the blood) and further examining the serum, doctors determine whether antibodies are present that interact with the immunodeficiency virus. This method is much more effective, but cannot provide a guarantee.

False-positive results for the immunodeficiency virus are quite common, literally shocking the person donating blood. The thing is that there are a lot of diseases that can provoke a false positive result.

It should be noted that ELISA for AIDS can only be called preliminary testing for the immunodeficiency virus and there is no need to rely on its description. In most cases, it is suggested to take it for the general clinical picture. Only after the second stage of testing can you anonymously verify whether the blood result is questionable for AIDS, HIV or not.

Many people ask how long the study itself takes. It takes 15-20 minutes to collect blood. Only disposable medical devices are used for the study. By the way, it is much easier to become infected with the immunodeficiency virus in a hairdressing salon or in a movie theater than in a medical laboratory.

Even the most cutting-edge equipment is not always able to detect the presence of antibodies and antigens of HIV infection. And the point is not in the equipment itself, but in the period of reproduction of virus cells in the blood. In some cases, especially after taking an ELISA test for AIDS and immunodeficiency virus, people get a false positive result. But this does not mean that the person really has AIDS. To do this, you need to take repeated tests after some time (the shelf life of the result is valid for about six months). The reasons why the result can become false positive, no matter whether it is anonymous or not, are violations of the rules for donating blood. Ordinary seeds or previously consumed spicy, sour, fried foods, and even mineral carbonated water, especially alkaline water - for example, Borjomi, can provoke a dubious result, no matter how much of them is eaten - a lot or a little.

Only highly qualified medical laboratories can guarantee anonymous and accurate research. But in order to make sure once and for all that there is no AIDS or HIV virus, it is better to repeat the study after six months. This is no longer needed by doctors, but by people themselves. All people have a window period. It is also called the incubation period, and it is impossible to identify the immunodeficiency virus immediately after infection. There is no need to stop; if the result is positive, it may be a false positive.

How is the incubation period of HIV classified?

The initial stage of infection with the human immunodeficiency virus in almost 99% does not manifest itself in any way. It depends on the general state of the immune system and the body as a whole. It may take a long time before a person develops symptoms that confirm the presence of HIV antigens. But on the other hand, a person remains a source of infection for other people. Whether HIV is present can be determined only if you take an ELISA test 3-6 months after the actual infection. A window period is a period of time. Its beginning is the penetration of the virus into the blood, and the end is the detection of the virus. Each person has a different window period. How long is the window period? Approximately from 2 to 5-6 months. And how accurate the research will be depends on this period. It is during this period of time that the results, under the influence of certain factors, may be false positive.

False-positive HIV test (anonymous)

An ideal HIV test is 100% accurate in determining whether the virus is present or not. But for a number of reasons, the result may be questionable. Today, anonymous analysis at home is considered very fashionable and widespread. This provides people with complete confidentiality, but cannot protect against mistakes. It is at home that test results often become false positive.

In order to dispel doubts, it is better to take an ELISA test in qualified laboratories. In this case, the risk that the result will be questionable is eliminated by 99.9%. In addition, home research can give results that are not at all expected by people, both positive and negative.

Conditions that can cause a false positive result:

  • cross reactions;
  • pregnancy period (risk group - women who have given birth several times);
  • the presence of normal ribonucleoproteins;
  • multiple blood donations;
  • infectious lesions of the respiratory system;
  • influenza and hepatitis virus;
  • recent vaccinations (tetanus, hepatitis B, influenza);
  • very thick blood;
  • primary autoimmune liver diseases;
  • tuberculosis virus;
  • herpes virus;
  • poor clotting;
  • fever;
  • liver diseases caused by alcohol;
  • arthritis;
  • violation of immunoregulatory processes;
  • damage to small vessels of the body;
  • oncological diseases;
  • different types of sclerosis;
  • organ transplantation;
  • increased bilirubin;
  • increased levels of antibodies;
  • critical days.

Some diseases may cause cross-reactions. For example, due to allergies, antigens that are incomprehensible to the body can be produced in the blood, which it recognizes as foreign. Such antigens can cause a false positive result.

During pregnancy, a woman experiences a hormonal imbalance, so in some cases there may be a false positive test result. During the menstrual cycle, it is not recommended to donate blood for the immunodeficiency virus.

Any infectious, fungal or viral diseases almost always test positive for the presence of the immunodeficiency virus. For this reason, doctors advise undergoing treatment for the disease, and only after 25-30 days undergo an examination.

Diseases, oncology, increased bilirubin levels, vaccinations - all these factors affect the result. If a non-standard set of enzymes is present in the blood, then the anonymous analysis will be false positive.

For these reasons, doctors do not tell people that they have already been diagnosed with an immunodeficiency virus infection. And having heard that the analysis is positive, a person should first of all think about what could have provoked a positive result.

False-positive test results for the human immunodeficiency virus are very common after organ transplantation, especially during the period when the organ is taking root. In this case, unknown antibodies are produced, which, when tested, are encoded as antigens of the immunodeficiency virus.

Before taking an anonymous test for HIV or AIDS, you must notify your doctor about whether the disease is present and how long it lasts. This must be done in order to exclude a false positive analysis.

To avoid becoming a hostage to a false positive analysis

An ELISA test must be performed after questionable contact after 6-12 weeks. During this period, human immunodeficiency virus antibodies are detected. In this case, a false positive analysis can be excluded by 70%.

Before donating blood for HIV (ELISA), you must not break your diet, drink alcohol, drugs, and not be sexually active at least 2-3 weeks before taking the HIV test. Blood is donated only on an empty stomach. How much blood the doctor will take, how much the test costs, as well as the expiration date of the test can be found directly at the medical center. If you have existing viral or infectious diseases, it is better not to take the test; you must contact the laboratory 35-40 days after recovery. If you have other chronic diseases, you should inform your doctor.

Even if the test turns out to be positive, there is no need to panic; it may be a false positive. How many months should pass after the first delivery?

After 3-4 months, the ELISA test can be retaken. In a person whose blood does not contain the immunodeficiency virus, the result is guaranteed to be negative.

Many people are interested in the question of how long does HIV live? The human immunodeficiency virus, when exposed to air, dies almost instantly. It dies at temperatures above 40°C. Therefore, if it were possible to warm a person’s blood to such a temperature, HIV would be defeated, and as many people would not die as are currently dying from the virus.

False-positive HIV test - medical errors

Very often, people become hostages of a false-positive test for HIV and AIDS, not only because they only took an ELISA test, but also because of the mistakes of medical personnel. A false positive result can be caused by:

  • improper transportation of collected blood;
  • the use of low-quality serum for ELISA analysis;
  • improper storage of collected blood;
  • in case of violation of blood sampling rules.

By committing negligent acts, incompetent medical personnel call into question the social development of a person’s personality. Of course, not all medical centers allow such mistakes. Basically, even pregnant women go to a regular hospital to donate blood for HIV and AIDS without any fear.

Today, many laboratories are equipped with good equipment that will help conduct a complete and extensive examination for the presence of human immunodeficiency virus in the blood.