Journey of the Blue Arrow. Fairy tale Journey of the Blue Arrow

Gianni Rodari. Journey of the Blue Arrow


The fairy was an old lady, very well-bred and
noble, almost a baroness.
“They call me,” she sometimes muttered to herself, “
just a Fairy, and I don’t protest: after all, you need to have leniency towards
to the ignorant. But I'm almost a baroness; decent people know this.
“Yes, Signora Baroness,” the maid assented.
- I’m not a 100% baroness, but I’m not quite close enough to her.
so much. And the difference is almost invisible. Is not it?
- Invisible, Signora Baroness. And decent people don't
notice her...
It was just the first morning of the new year. All night long Fairy
and her maid traveled across the rooftops, delivering gifts.
Their dresses were covered with snow and icicles.
“Light the stove,” said the Fairy, “you need to dry your clothes.”
And put the broom in its place: now whole year you don't have to think about
flying from roof to roof, and even with such a north wind.
The maid put the broom back, grumbling:
- Nice little thing - flying on a broom! This is ours
the time when airplanes were invented! I already caught a cold because of this.
“Prepare me a glass of flower infusion,” she ordered
The fairy, putting on glasses and sitting down in an old leather chair, stood
in front of the desk.
“Right now, Baroness,” said the maid.
The fairy looked at her approvingly.
“She’s a little lazy,” thought the Fairy, “but she knows the rules.”
good manners and knows how to behave with the lady of my circle. I
I promise to increase her wages. In fact, I tell her
Of course, I won’t increase it, and there’s not enough money anyway.”
It must be said that the Fairy, for all her nobility, was
pretty stingy. Twice a year she promised the old maid
increase wages, but was limited to one
promises. The maid has long been tired of listening only to words, she
I wanted to hear the ringing of coins. One day she even had enough
courage to tell the baroness about this. But the Fairy was very indignant:
- Coins and coins! - she said, sighing, -
Ignorant people only think about money. And How
It’s not good that you not only think, but also talk about it!
Apparently, to teach you good manners- it's like feeding
donkey with sugar.
The fairy sighed and buried herself in her books.
- So, let's bring the balance. Things are not important this year, money
not enough. Of course, everyone wants to receive from the Fairy good gifts, A
when it comes to paying for them, everyone starts
to bargain. Everyone tries to borrow money, promising to pay later,
as if the Fairy were some kind of sausage maker. However, today
there's nothing to complain about: all the toys that were in
store, have dispersed, and now we will need to bring some
new warehouses.
She closed the book and began to open the letters that
found in my mailbox.
- I knew it! - she spoke. - I risk getting sick
pneumonia while delivering their goods, and no
thanks! This guy didn't want a wooden saber - give him one
gun! Does he know that the gun costs a thousand lire?
expensive? Another, imagine, wanted to get an airplane! His
the father is the doorman of the courier secretary of one lottery employee, and
He only had three hundred lire to buy a gift. What could I
give it to him for such a pittance?
The fairy threw the letters back into the box, took off her glasses and called:
- Teresa, is the broth ready?
- Ready, ready, Signora Baroness.
And the old maid handed the baroness a steaming glass.
- Did you pour a drop of rum in here?
- Two whole spoons!
- One would be enough for me... Now I understand why the bottle
almost empty. Just think, we bought it for only four years
Sipping the boiling drink in small sips and managing not to
getting burned at the same time, as only old people can do
sir. The fairy wandered around her little kingdom, carefully
checking every corner of the kitchen, store and small wooden
stairs that led to the second floor, where there was a bedroom.
How sad the store looked with the curtains drawn, empty
display cases and cabinets littered with boxes without toys and
piles of wrapping paper!
“Prepare the keys to the warehouse and a candle,” said the fairy, “
need to bring new toys.
- But, Signora Baroness, you want to work even today, in
day of your holiday? Do you really think that anyone
coming for shopping today? After all, New Year's Eve, Fairy Night,
already passed...
- Yes, but until next New Year’s Eve it’s left
just three hundred and sixty-five days.
I must tell you that Fairy's store remained open in
throughout the year and its windows were always lit. So
Thus, the children had enough time to take a fancy to that
or another toy, and the parents had time to make their calculations,
to be able to order it.
And besides, there are still birthdays, and everyone knows that
Children consider these days very suitable for receiving gifts.
Now you understand what the Fairy does from January 1st to
next New Year? She sits behind the window and looks at
passers-by She looks especially carefully at the faces of children.
She immediately understands whether they like or dislike the new toy,
and, if you don’t like it, remove it from the display case and replace it with another one.
Oh, gentlemen, now something has come over me! It was,
when I was still little. Who knows if the Fairy now has this
a shop with a display window filled with toy trains,
dolls, rag dogs, guns, pistols, figurines
Indians and puppets!
I remember it, this Fairy shop. How many hours did I spend at
this display case, counting the toys! To count them, it was necessary
a lot of time, and I never managed to count to the end,
because I had to take the purchased milk home.


The warehouse was in the basement, which was located in the car; times under
store. The fairy and her maid had to go down twenty times and
climb the stairs to fill the cabinets with new toys and
Already on the third voyage, Teresa was tired.
“Signora,” she said, stopping in the middle of the stairs.
with a large bunch of dolls in her hands, - Signora Baroness, I have
the heart is beating.
“That’s good, my dear, that’s very good,” she replied.
Fairy, - it would be worse if it didn’t beat anymore.
- My legs hurt, Signora Baroness.
- Leave them in the kitchen, let them rest, especially with their legs
You can't wear anything.
- Signora Baroness, I don’t have enough air...
- I didn’t steal it from you, my dear, I didn’t steal mine.
And indeed, it seemed that the Fairy never got tired.
Despite her advanced age, she jumped up the steps,
as if dancing, as if she had hidden
springs. At the same time, she continued to count.
- These Indians bring me an income of two hundred lire each,
even, perhaps, three hundred lire. Nowadays Indians are very fashionable. Not
Do you think this electric train is just a miracle?! I
I'll call him Blue Arrow and I swear I'll quit trading if
tomorrow hundreds of childish eyes will not devour him with
morning until evening.
Indeed, it was a wonderful train, with two barriers,
with the station and the Chief Station Manager, with the Driver, and
The head of the train with glasses. After lying in the warehouse for so many months,
the electric train was completely covered with dust, but the Fairy wiped it thoroughly
with a rag, and the blue paint sparkled like water
alpine lake: the entire train, including the Station Master,
The Train Manager and the Driver were painted blue.
When the Fairy wiped the dust from the Machinist's eyes, he looked around
and exclaimed:
- Finally I see! I have the impression that I
was buried in a cave for several months. So when we
are we leaving? I'm ready.
“Calm down, calm down,” the Train Manager interrupted him.
wiping glasses with a handkerchief. - The train won't start without me.
“Count the stripes on your beret,” said a third
voice - and you will see who is the eldest here.
The Train Master counted his stripes. He had
four. Then he counted the Station Master's stripes - five.
The Train Manager sighed, hid his glasses and became quiet. Boss
Station walked back and forth across the display window, waving his baton,
which are given a departure signal. On the square in front of the station
a regiment of tin riflemen lined up with a brass band and
Colonel. A little to the side there was a whole
artillery battery led by General.
Behind the station lay a green plain and there were
hills are scattered. On the plain around the chief, whose name was
Silver Feather, the Indians set up camp. On the top of the mountain
the mounted cowboys held their lasso at the ready.
Suspended from the ceiling, it swayed above the roof of the station.
airplane: The pilot leaned out of the cockpit and looked down. You need
to say that this Pilot was made so that he could not rise
on his legs: he had no legs. It was the Sitting Pilot.
Next to the airplane hung a red cage with a Canary,
whose name was Yellow Canary. When the cage was slightly rocked,
The canary sang.
There were also dolls in the window, Yellow Bear, a rag dog
named Button, paints, "Constructor", a small theater with three
Puppets and a fast two-masted sailboat. By
The captain was nervously pacing the captain's bridge of the sailing ship. To him
absent-mindedly only half of the beard was glued on, so he
carefully hid the beardless half of his Face so as not to look
a freak.
The Station Master and the Half-Bearded Captain pretended not to
notice each other, but maybe one of them has already
was going to challenge another to a duel to resolve the issue of
high command in the window.
The dolls were divided into two groups: some sighed for the Chief
Stations, others cast tender glances at Half-beard
Captain, and only one black doll with eyes whiter than milk
looked only at the Sitting Pilot and no one else.
As for the rag dog, he would happily wag
tail and jumped for joy. But he couldn't show these signs
attention to all three, but I didn’t want to choose just one,
so as not to offend the other two. So he sat quietly and
motionless, and he looked a little stupid. His name was
written in red letters on the collar: "Button". May be,
it was called that because it was small, like a button.
But then an event happened that immediately made me forget
and jealousy and rivalry. Just at that moment the Fairy raised
curtain, and the sun poured into the window in a golden cascade, causing
Everyone was in terrible fear because no one had seen him before.
- One hundred thousand deaf whales! - the Half-Bearded Captain barked.
- What's happened?
- For help! For help! - the dolls squealed, hiding behind each other
The general ordered to immediately turn the guns to the side
enemy in order to be ready to repel any attack. Only
Silver Feather remained unperturbed. He took a long
phone, which he did only in exceptional cases, and said:
- Don't be afraid, toys. This is the Great Spirit - the Sun, universal
Friend. See how the whole square cheered up, rejoicing at him.
I'm coming.
Everyone looked at the display case. The square really sparkled
under the rays of the sun. The jets of the fountains seemed fiery. Tender
warmth penetrated through the dusty glass into the Fairy's shop.
- A thousand drunken whales! - the Captain muttered again. - I
after all, it’s a sea wolf, not a sun wolf!
The dolls, happily chatting, immediately began to take in the sunshine.
However, in one corner of the display case Sun rays could not
penetrate. The shadow fell right on the Machinist, and he very
got angry:
- It had to happen that it was I who ended up in
He looked outside the window, and his keen eyes, accustomed for hours
looking at the rails during long trips, met a couple
the huge, wide-open eyes of a child.
You could look into those eyes, like someone looks into a house,
when there are no curtains on the windows. And, looking into them. Driver
I saw great childish sadness.
“Strange,” thought the Machinist of the Blue Arrow. “I always
I heard that children are cheerful people. All they know is that
laughing and playing from morning to evening. This one seems sad to me
like an old man. What happened to him?"
The sad boy looked at the display window for a long time. His eyes
filled with tears. From time to time, tears rolled down
on the cheek and disappeared on the lips. Everyone in the window held their breath:
no one has ever seen eyes from which water would flow, and this is everyone
very surprised.
- A thousand lame whales! - exclaimed the Captain. - I'll bring it
this event is in the logbook!
Finally the boy wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his jacket and walked up to
door of the store, grabbed the handle and pushed the door.
There was a dull ringing of a bell, which seemed
complained, called for help.


Signora Baroness, someone has entered the store, - said
The fairy who was combing her hair in her room quickly
went down the stairs, holding stilettos in her mouth and pinning them as she went
- Whoever it is, why doesn't he close the door? -
she muttered. - I didn’t hear the bell, but immediately
I felt a draft.
She put on her glasses for the sake of appearance and entered the shop as a small child.
with slow steps, like a real signora should walk,
especially if she's almost a baroness. But, seeing the poor thing in front of me
a dressed boy who was crumpling his blue beret in his hands,
she realized that ceremonies were unnecessary.

The fabulous stories of Gianni Rodari have won the hearts of millions of children and adults around the world. Adventure, courage, interesting and unexpected plot twists, and an obligatory educational part. It is these integral components that accompany absolutely all of the author’s books. Therefore, the fairy tale “The Journey of the Blue Arrow” is a must-read for every true connoisseur of the genre. After all, you can’t talk about your love for ice cream without ever trying a classic ice cream? And this story belongs specifically to the classic “seal” of real children’s fairy tales. Take my word for it, or better yet, make sure for yourself that you will enjoy reading the work.

The plot that Gianni Rodari will tell you in the wonderful fairy tale “Journey of the Blue Arrow” is built around a hero named Francesco Monti. This is a little boy who loves toys, but his family is very poor and therefore cannot afford to please Francesco with such a gift. There is also a shop of a certain Fairy in the city. The owner of a toy store also deals with Christmas gifts for children. Our hero could also have received a new toy as a gift, if not for one circumstance related to his mother.

Events in the book by the writer Gianni Rodari later take a very unexpected turn, since this is a fairy tale, and in a fairy tale everything is possible. Hopes come alive in her, inanimate objects acquire not only consciousness, but also feelings. After all, this is not fantasy, but something more. Therefore, it is very difficult to predict how events will develop further in the fairy tale “The Journey of the Blue Arrow” when sitting down to read this wonderful story for the first time. I would like to note that the behavior of all the characters in the book is very thoughtful and makes you not only have an interesting time, but also think about the fact that similar situations sometimes occur in real life.

After all, any fairy tale is a life story put into a form understandable to a child, showing that goodness and justice have a place in the world. “The Journey of the Blue Arrow” will help you believe that the personal qualities of a child who strives to achieve something, sincerely wanting it, can help him achieve his goal. To do this you don’t need to be special or rich, famous or the most powerful, you need to be real. In this case, even toys will be able to understand that they need just such an owner and will help him achieve his goal.

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Journey of the Blue Arrow Gianni Rodari

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Title: Journey of the Blue Arrow

About the book “Journey of the Blue Arrow” by Gianni Rodari

The fairy tale of the Italian children's writer Gianni Rodari “The Journey of the Blue Arrow” warmed millions of children's and adult hearts with its warmth. This is a kind and completely sincere story that is appropriate to tell to children under New Year and Christmas. The book is about how miracles happen, even if you don’t expect them, when you are completely desperate. About the existence of love, mutual understanding and respect. And also about the kindness that each of us is capable of.

Gianni Rodari is a famous journalist and author of many children's stories. He gained fame as an author who knows how to not only captivate a child, but also add significant socialist overtones to a fairy tale. Each story carries magic, which is firmly intertwined with adult truths that are not accessible to everyone. The fairy tale “Journey of the Blue Arrow” shows kids what to do and what not to do. Places the categories of good and evil in their places.

The story described by the author in the fairy tale “The Journey of the Blue Arrow” takes place on the eve of Christmas, when everyone expects miracles, gathers around the same table and congratulates each other. The children are waiting for their gifts. But not all parents can afford to buy them. The main characters are toys that lived for a whole year in the store window of a certain lady named Fairy. One day, they noticed on the other side of the glass little boy– Francesco Monti, who was very interested in a small toy train.

But the boy was from a very poor family, and his mother was already in debt to the store owner for the top and horse, which were taken last year and the year before. Therefore, at Christmas, Francesco was left without a gift. The toys were so imbued with sympathy for the baby that they decided to escape from the store and give him themselves. Jumping out of their seats, dolls, bears, cars and dogs set off on a journey. Immediately after this, the Fairy discovers the loss, concluding that the store was robbed.

The toys are looking for the boy, the Fairy goes in search of the dolls, and Francesco falls into the hands of real robbers who really want to rob the store. Gianni Rodari creates exciting plot twists in which the characters come to each other's aid, giving joy and gifts. Someone finds a friend, and someone gains an understanding that the most important thing is good attitude to people. The fairy tale “The Journey of the Blue Arrow” awakens the warmest feelings of both young and adult readers.

On our website about books you can download the site for free without registration or read online book“The Journey of the Blue Arrow” by Gianni Rodari in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. Buy full version you can from our partner. Also, here you will find last news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers there is a separate section with useful tips and recommendations, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

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The fairy was an old lady, very well-bred and noble, almost a baroness.

“They call me,” she sometimes muttered to herself, “just the Fairy, and I don’t protest: after all, you need to have leniency towards the ignorant.” But I'm almost a baroness; decent people know this.

“Yes, Signora Baroness,” the maid assented.

“I’m not a 100% baroness, but I’m not so far short of her.” And the difference is almost invisible. Is not it?

- Invisible, Signora Baroness. And decent people don’t notice her...

It was just the first morning of the new year. All night long the Fairy and her maid traveled across the rooftops, delivering gifts. Their dresses were covered with snow and icicles.

“Light the stove,” said the Fairy, “you need to dry your clothes.” And put the broom in its place: now for a whole year you don’t have to think about flying from roof to roof, especially with such a north wind.

The maid put the broom back, grumbling:

- Nice little thing - flying on a broom! This is in our time when airplanes were invented! I already caught a cold because of this.

“Prepare me a glass of flower infusion,” the Fairy ordered, putting on her glasses and sitting down in the old leather chair that stood in front of the desk.

“In a minute, Baroness,” said the maid.

The fairy looked at her approvingly.

“She’s a little lazy,” thought the Fairy, “but she knows the rules of good manners and knows how to behave with the lady of my circle. I will promise her to increase her salary. In fact, of course, I won’t give her an increase, and there’s not enough money anyway.”

It must be said that the Fairy, for all her nobility, was rather stingy. Twice a year she promised the old maid an increase in wages, but limited herself to promises alone. The maid had long been tired of listening only to words; she wanted to hear the clink of coins. Once she even had the courage to tell the baroness about this. But the Fairy was very indignant:

– Coins and coins! - she said, sighing, - Ignorant people only think about money. And how bad it is that you not only think, but also talk about it! Apparently, teaching you good manners is like feeding a donkey sugar.

The fairy sighed and buried herself in her books.

- So, let's bring the balance. Things are not good this year, there is not enough money. Of course, everyone wants to receive good gifts from the Fairy, and when it comes to paying for them, everyone starts bargaining. Everyone tries to borrow money, promising to pay it back later, as if the Fairy were some kind of sausage maker. However, today there is nothing particularly to complain about: all the toys that were in the store have sold out, and now we will need to bring new ones from the warehouse.

She closed the book and began to print out the letters she found in her mailbox.

- I knew it! – she spoke. – I risk getting pneumonia delivering my goods, and no thanks! This one didn’t want a wooden saber - give him a pistol! Does he know that the gun costs a thousand lire more? Another, imagine, wanted to get an airplane! His father is a doorman for the courier secretary of a lottery employee, and he only had three hundred lire to buy a gift. What could I give him for such pennies?

The fairy threw the letters back into the box, took off her glasses and called:

- Teresa, is the broth ready?

- Ready, ready, Signora Baroness.

And the old maid handed the baroness a steaming glass.

– Did you pour a drop of rum in here?

- Two whole spoons!

– One would be enough for me... Now I understand why the bottle is almost empty. Just think, we bought it only four years ago!

Sipping the boiling drink in small sips and managing not to get burned, as only old gentlemen can do.

The fairy wandered around her little kingdom, carefully checking every corner of the kitchen, the store and the small wooden staircase that led to the second floor, where there was a bedroom.

How sad the store looked with drawn curtains, empty display cases and cabinets, littered with boxes without toys and piles of wrapping paper!

“Prepare the keys to the warehouse and a candle,” said the fairy, “we need to bring new toys.”

- But, Signora Baroness, do you want to work even today, on the day of your holiday? Do you really think that anyone will come shopping today? After all, New Year's Eve, Fairy Night, has already passed...

– Yes, but until next New Year’s Eve there are only three hundred and sixty-five days left.

I must tell you that Fairy's store remained open throughout the year and its windows were always lit. Thus, children had enough time to fall in love with this or that toy, and parents had time to make their calculations in order to be able to order it.

And besides, there are also birthdays, and everyone knows that children consider these days very suitable for receiving gifts.

Now do you understand what the Fairy does from the first of January until the next New Year? She sits behind the window and looks at passers-by. She looks especially carefully at the faces of children. She immediately understands whether they like or dislike the new toy, and if they don’t like it, she removes it from the display and replaces it with another.

Oh, gentlemen, now something has come over me! It was like this when I was little. Who knows if the Fairy now has this store with a window filled with toy trains, dolls, rag dogs, guns, pistols, Indian figurines and puppets!

I remember it, this Fairy shop. How many hours did I spend at this display case, counting toys! It took a long time to count them, and I never managed to count to the end because I had to take the milk I bought home.


The warehouse was in the basement, which was located in the car; once under the store. The fairy and her maid had to go up and down the stairs twenty times to fill the cabinets and display cases with new toys.

Already on the third voyage, Teresa was tired.

“Signora,” she said, stopping in the middle of the stairs with a large bunch of dolls in her hands, “Signora Baroness, my heart is beating.”

“That’s good, my dear, that’s very good,” answered the Fairy, “it would be worse if it didn’t beat anymore.”

“My legs hurt, Signora Baroness.”

“Leave them in the kitchen, let them rest, especially since you can’t carry anything with your feet.”

- Signora Baroness, I don’t have enough air...

“I didn’t steal it from you, my dear, I have enough of my own.”

And indeed, it seemed that the Fairy never got tired. Despite her advanced age, she jumped up the steps as if dancing, as if she had springs hidden under her heels. At the same time, she continued to count.

“These Indians bring me an income of two hundred liras each, perhaps even three hundred liras.” Nowadays Indians are very fashionable. Don't you think this electric train is just a miracle?! I will call him Blue Arrow and I swear I will quit trading if from tomorrow hundreds of childish eyes do not devour him from morning to evening.

Indeed, it was a wonderful train, with two barriers, with a station and the Main Station Manager, with the Driver, and the Train Manager in glasses. After lying in the warehouse for so many months, the electric train was completely covered with dust, but the Fairy wiped it thoroughly with a cloth, and the blue paint sparkled like the water of an Alpine lake: the entire train, including the Station Master, the Train Manager and the Driver, was painted with blue paint.

When the Fairy wiped the dust from the Driver's eyes, he looked around and exclaimed:

– Finally I see! I feel like I was buried in a cave for months. So when do we leave? I'm ready.

I would like to believe that in Everyday life There is always room for something magical, fabulous, amazing. And when you read some fairy tales, you begin to believe it. This story was written by Gianni Rodari about half a century ago, and all this time it has caused a lot of positive feedback from readers of different ages. A fairy tale gives children the opportunity to believe in a miracle, and adults, while reading, will pay attention to how many deep thoughts and hidden meanings there are in it. Perhaps at some moments it is worth explaining to the child what the author wanted to say when describing some action of the hero.

This is a story that tells about an Italian Christmas. The fairy sorceress delivers gifts to children; she is the owner of a toy store. Of course, all this is not free, so parents come and pay for gifts throughout the year. But the parents of the little boy Francesco have no money at all; they still owe money for the previous two years. Therefore, this time the boy will be left without a gift, and he so dreams of receiving a toy train! The toys become sympathetic and decide to help the boy fulfill his little dream.

On our website you can download the book “The Journey of the Blue Arrow” by Rodari Gianni for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.