The right diuretic tea for weight loss: what to look for, how to prepare it at home. Diuretic tea. What is better for swelling

Ask any person how to quickly get rid of a couple of kilograms, and he will tell you that for this you need to use a diuretic. Indeed, this product gives quick and stunning results - minus 2-3 kg in just a couple of days. But is such weight loss safe for health? And how long will the achieved results last?

Diuretic tea for weight loss: how does it work?

They operate on the same principle - they stimulate the urinary system, resulting in all excess fluid leaving the body. Taking them, a person begins to frequently run to the toilet, which, naturally, brings some discomfort into his life.

But at the same time, each weigh-in brings him positive emotions, and he continues to use diuretic tea. The more often a person goes to the toilet, the less his weight becomes. And it would seem that there is nothing wrong here. But not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance.

The undoubted advantage of diuretic teas is that they give very fast results in terms of weight loss. But! Do not forget that the human body consists of 80% water. And when it becomes less than he needs, serious health problems arise.

Manufacturers of such drinks claim that along with the lost liquid, not only a person’s weight will decrease, but also the amount of toxic substances in the body that slow down metabolic processes. And indeed it is. But it is worth understanding that along with toxic substances, they are also removed from the body through fluids. useful material, such as vitamins and minerals.

And their deficiency leads to disruption not only of metabolism, but also of other processes occurring in the body. In addition, hypovitaminosis (this is what is called in medicine a deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body) negatively affects the condition internal organs, causing pathological processes in them.

Suffering primarily from hypovitaminosis thyroid. For her normal functioning Iodine is needed, and it is synthesized in the body at the expense of other vitamins and minerals. Therefore, losing weight with the help of diuretics can even give reverse effect. When the thyroid gland malfunctions, weight gain occurs on the contrary.

This is due to the fact that the body begins to require the supply of iodine and other substances from the outside, as a result of which the appetite increases and the person begins to consume much more food than usual.

It is also worth noting that the results that diuretic teas for weight loss provide are short-term. Once you stop taking them, the weight comes back again. And this is not surprising, because losing weight in in this case occurs not due to the burning of fats, but through the removal of ordinary water from the body.

Therefore, if you want to get rid of extra pounds, then you should think about whether it is worth taking diuretic teas or is it better to stick to some that also give good and quick results, but are more lasting.

Diuretic teas should be taken strictly according to the attached instructions. As a rule, they are taken 2-3 cups in the morning. It is worth noting that some modern teas may also contain dry senna leaves. This plant has a strong laxative effect, so it is worth taking such drinks on those days when you do not need to run anywhere.

An overdose of such drinks is dangerous for the body. If you feel weak, dizzy, nauseous, or vomiting, stop drinking diuretic teas immediately and seek medical help. All of these signs may indicate dehydration. This condition is dangerous to human health and life. In some cases, it even requires urgent hospitalization.

If you have a great desire to lose weight with the help of diuretic teas, then it is better to prepare them yourself. For example, you can drink. The fruits of this plant have a soft diuretic effect, but at the same time they contribute to the complete healing of the body.

Firstly, rose hips contain a lot of vitamin C, which is an excellent antioxidant and helps improve immunity. Secondly, its use has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the urinary system, preventing the development of many diseases.

Remember that you can lose weight with the help of diuretic teas, but not without harm to your health. After their cancellation, water balance the body returns to normal very quickly and, accordingly, the extra pounds return again, but spoiled health does not.

And others, and recommends them for various health conditions. The problem of edema concerns many people, since the unhealthy environmental situation in modern world, eating disorders and a sedentary lifestyle, cause harmful changes in the body, accompanied by stagnation and accumulation excess liquid in tissues. This is where diuretic tea comes in handy if used correctly.b, guided by the recommendations of doctors and observing correct mode day. In this case, diuretic teas will become additional condition normalization of life processes.

For residents of Russia, diuretic tea, which contains birch leaves, is very suitable, since this beautiful tree has a wide distribution area in all regions and, therefore, the raw materials for making tea are easily accessible to everyone. Moreover, the effect of birch diuretic tea on the body is simply amazing. It does not irritate the kidneys, like some other diuretic teas, but it increases urination, increasing the amount of fluid excreted.

Birch leaf tea cleanses the ureters, so it is indispensable for infectious inflammatory processes. It is birch diuretic tea that is the best gentle remedy for edema caused by renal and heart failure. Studies have shown that diuretic tea after a course of use reduces the presence of uric acid, thereby improving general state body. The use of such tea in urology gives excellent results in the treatment of urological diseases of various etiologies.

Such different diuretic teas

Nowadays people trust more and more folk remedies using them for prevention and treatment various ailments. That is why herbal teas, which contain medicinal plants, have become so popular. Naturally, it is not recommended for anyone to self-medicate, and only after consulting a doctor can you use teas for colds, diuretic tea, and many others. All diuretic teas are designed to remove accumulated fluid through the kidneys with urine and help with the occurrence of edema of various etiologies.

Refreshing green diuretic tea

All debate about the benefits of green tea has long been stopped. There are so many beneficial substances in green tea leaves that it can confidently be called a health piggy bank. It contains not only tannins, but also carbohydrates, proteins, trace elements, all kinds of minerals, essential oils and alkaloids, as well as a large number of vitamins and much more. It is believed that everything can be included in a list of more than 300 items, isn’t it surprising?

Good, high-quality green diuretic tea is able to relieve swelling, add vigor and fill with energy those who appreciate and love it. Tea contains theobromine, theophylline and caffeine, and these alkaloids have very specific effects on the body. Freshly brewed green diuretic tea not only helps remove excess fluid, but also, thanks to the presence of caffeine, supports cardiovascular system in good shape, will prevent a migraine attack, and will have a detoxifying effect on the body. As a diuretic, theobromine and theophylline have the main effect, at the same time dilating the vessels that fill the heart with blood.

Pregnancy is a significant event for every woman and at the same time a special state of the body. All organs and systems undergo significant restructuring so that the fetus can develop in the most optimal conditions. Not all women tolerate pregnancy easily; some experience toxicosis and swelling due to the increased load on the body. Some try to solve the problem of edema on the advice of “knowledgeable” friends, using diuretic tea. But here you should learn the main rules o - regular diuretic tea for pregnant women is categorically unacceptable.

After all, the slightest violation of the water-salt balance is fraught with disturbances in the development of the fetus. By drinking diuretic teas, microelements, calcium, potassium are washed out of the body, and a change occurs acid-base environment. For edema in pregnant women, the best remedy is to follow a salt-free diet to avoid stagnation and accumulation of excess fluid. But the best diuretic tea for pregnant women, and only after consultation with a doctor, is a weak infusion of lingonberry leaves, or cranberry and lingonberry juices or fruit drinks. Then the pregnancy process will proceed normally, and swelling will not cause concern to the expectant mother and her baby.

Hot tea with milk

According to tradition, the main lovers of tea with milk are the residents. They found an amazing combination of strong aromatic tea and delicate milky taste. Freshly prepared morning tea with milk is a diuretic and healing remedy for giving vivacity and energy for the whole day. The refreshing, strengthening effect of milk tea is known to many, which is why it is so popular not only among the British, but throughout the world.

Milk weakens the effect of alkaloids contained in tea, and when combined with it, it becomes more digestible for the adult body. A light and nutritious drink is tea with milk, the diuretic effect of which is not pronounced, but relieves the body of excess fluid. Vitamins, proteins and fats, mild stimulants - these are all the useful components of milk tea - a tasty and healing drink with an unforgettably delicate aroma.

Is fresh green tea a diuretic?

Green tea contains a lot of B vitamins, in particular B9, which normalizes metabolic processes, improves blood clotting and prevents the development of atherosclerosis. B vitamins are necessary for the functioning of many body systems. They activate the glands internal secretion, normalize nervous activity, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Sometimes the question arises: Is green tea a diuretic? The answer is simple: of course, yes, like any teas, but varying degrees. In addition to the diuretic effect, tea, when used regularly, will reduce the risk of gout, improve liver and kidney function and make the skin elastic and silky, due to the presence of riboflavin.

Vitamin diuretic teas for pregnant women

Tea contains vitamins - this is well known. any tea can have a diuretic effect, so you need to carefully choose those drinks that are as beneficial and harmless as possible. expectant mother. Diuretic teas for pregnant women specially selected by a doctor are those that will relieve swelling and will not disturb the water-salt balance of the body. They must contain a complex of vitamins and microelements in a balanced form.

High-quality green tea has diuretic benefits

The vitamins and microelements contained in green tea allow us to classify it as a healthy drink for humans, since tea drinking is one of the persistent habits common to many people. Therefore, we can safely call green tea a diuretic. This way, excess fluid is removed from the body, swelling is eliminated, and useful substances are supplied in the form of vitamins, macro- and microelements. For example, vitamin P acts on circulatory system and blood vessels are especially effective, strengthening and rejuvenating the walls of blood vessels. A nicotinic acid in tea it acts as a desensitizing factor, and vitamin K maintains normal blood clotting.

Diuretic tea during pregnancy

During pregnancy, you need to be very careful in choosing your eating habits, diets, and especially drinks. Use diuretic tea, even if there is a problem of edema, absolutely not recommended. One of the options that can be considered is, but only after examination and receiving a recommendation for its use from the attending physician. The tea contains an herb - orthosiphon stamen, which is considered safe to use during pregnancy.

Why and which tea is diuretic

Any tea can have a diuretic effect, it all depends on the amount and concentration of the drink. Therefore, you can determine which tea is diuretic by consulting reference books on medicinal plants, and even better - get advice from a specialist, herbalist or doctor, who will give the necessary recommendations and recipes. Any selected diuretic tea should not be taken constantly, but as the need arises.

A pregnant woman must follow a daily routine and eat right, monitor her health and avoid unfavorable factors that can harm the baby. The question often arises: can pregnant women drink diuretic tea? Only a doctor who monitors the progress of pregnancy after a thorough examination will answer this unequivocally. Recommended diuretic teas during pregnancy should perform one function, namely, reducing swelling, without harming the body.

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Almost every woman has periods when she is “invaded” by extra pounds. For some, this happens once in a lifetime, while others are forced to constantly struggle with excess weight. Various diets, nutritional systems and diuretic or diuretic tea are used, the main function of which is to remove excess fluid from the body and cleanse it of harmful toxins.

Typically, this tea contains various herbs that have a diuretic effect. Using this drink for weight loss, you can quickly get rid of small kilograms without exhausting yourself with unsustainable diets. But each organism is individual and only a nutritionist can tell how diuretic tea can affect it.


Among the advantages of tea with a diuretic effect, it is worth noting its ability to relieve swelling under the eyes and on the legs. And due to the removal of accumulated fluid from the body, a long-awaited decrease occurs. excess weight. Regular consumption of this drink will help prevent kidney diseases. You can prepare this tea yourself, taking into account your body’s preferences, or buy a ready-made herbal tea at the pharmacy. As a diuretic drink, you can also use regular green tea (not black!), which has a mild diuretic effect.


The diuretic properties of such preparations may not always lead to tangible results. Like anyone else medicine, taking diuretic tea has its contraindications:

  • chronic kidney disease;
  • tendency to allergies to plants;
  • chronic diseases;
  • pregnancy.

Losing weight in this way can only have a temporary effect. After all, tea rids the body of excess fluid, not fat, and will be effective only if you are slightly overweight. And if the excess weight is serious, then you cannot do without the help of diets and sports. And, of course, without consulting a specialist, because uncontrolled tea drinking with diuretic mixtures leads to dehydration of the body, which is no less dangerous than edema:

The skin suffers greatly from lack of water, becoming dry, irritated, and wrinkled.
nails and hair - they lose shine and elasticity, become dull and brittle; at the same time, useful microelements are removed along with the liquid, for example, those necessary for normal operation hearts potassium and magnesium.

Correct usage

First of all, this drink should be consumed in courses of 10–14 days, the frequency of which will be determined by a nutritionist based on the characteristics of the body and the amount of extra pounds.

In order to “make the work easier” for diuretic tea and once again prevent the appearance of edema, it is recommended to review your menu and limit various saltiness, smoked foods and fatty foods in it. Then the weight loss process will go even faster.

Diuretic herbs

Medicinal herbs included in diuretic tea contribute to the comprehensive cleansing of the body, bringing it back to normal. metabolic processes, which affects the loss of excess weight.
It is best to purchase diuretic tea at a pharmacy. There you can always get information about the composition of the collection and the manufacturer. The group of herbal diuretics includes:

Each collection contains a combination of herbs in the required proportions, and the packaging always describes in detail the method of its preparation and administration. All this suggests that it is better to buy herbs for diuretic tea at the pharmacy.

Additionally, regular green tea can be used as a diuretic. But it is better to drink it only in the first half of the day because of the caffeine it contains, albeit in small quantities. Its effect can be reduced by adding a little milk to a cup of tea.
In addition to their diuretic effect, these herbs help cleanse the body by improving bowel function. Therefore, many collections may include the senna plant. It is strong and should be used with caution.

Since each composition of diuretic tea includes medicinal herbs, before using it you should consult a specialist who will prescribe the appropriate preparation and duration of the course.

Bad breath is a consequence of parasites!

Head of the Institute of Parasitology German Shaevich Gandelman: Diseases caused by parasites The frequency of manifestations is second only to colds. Only a thorough cleaning will help remove all the nasty stuff. Drink it quickly...

Diuretic tea (green, black with milk, Oolong) quite effectively eliminates swelling, alleviates the condition of a patient with renal or cardiovascular pathology. You need to brew the ingredients correctly to achieve the desired result.

Urinary retention and swelling as a result occur with kidney dysfunction. In addition, the cause may be disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular and other body systems. Pathology is eliminated using drug treatment, but also about folk methods should not be forgotten. Diuretic tea is one of the the best means with a diuretic effect and a minimum side effects. It is sold in pharmacies, special herbal medicine stores, and is also prepared at home according to old recipes. Except therapeutic effect, diuretic teas have a pleasant taste, unlike medicines.

What is diuretic tea

There are several types healing decoctions with a diuretic effect. They are divided by variety, preparation methods, and origin. The pattern and intensity of their impact also plays a significant role. Among the popular diuretic teas are the well-known green tea, hibiscus tea and black tea with milk. These recipes do not require a visit to specialty stores, as the product is sold at any retail outlet. These teas have a pleasant taste and are not inferior in their properties to medications.

To lesser-known diuretic products alternative medicine include Oolong tea or milk Oolong tea. This variety is grown in Taiwan.

The special technique and place of growth makes it no worse than the green variety in terms of quality and healing effects.

Diuretic tea for edema is also prepared from medicinal herbs and fees. But not all plants have a diuretic effect, so it is better to purchase them at a pharmacy and take them only as prescribed by a doctor. Although they are made from natural raw materials, they may have contraindications. If they are not there, a course of treatment will allow you to remove excess fluid from the body, help get rid of toxins and restore the function of the urinary system.

To prepare the product yourself, it is important to know the composition and accurately observe the proportions when drawing up the phytocomposition.

Green tea

An indispensable diuretic and simply healthy drink consider green tea varieties. It has a positive effect on kidney function and digestive tract. Regular use This product helps remove excess water and will not harm the body, which often happens when using medications that remove the necessary electrolytes with liquid.

By including diuretic green tea in your diet, you can improve the condition of blood vessels, which will prevent lymphatic congestion and relieve swelling that occurs against the background of diseases of the cardiovascular system. The tea leaves of this variety contain enough potassium to improve kidney function.

The diuretic effect allows you to cleanse the body of waste and toxins, as well as remove excess fluid. It is due to the presence of theophylline in the plant. In addition, the diuretic has antioxidant properties due to organic acids, tannin and pectin in its composition.

Such a rich complex of useful compounds, with constant use, improves the functioning of the urinary system and increases the outflow of urine. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether green tea is a diuretic is yes.

The main thing is to drink tea regularly to achieve a therapeutic effect, 2-3 cups a day is enough. It is important that this drink is freshly brewed, since after standing for some time, it begins to lose its properties. During pregnancy, this tea is absolutely safe and helps better than any diuretics.

But green tea should not be consumed in large quantities people suffering from hypertension and increased excitability. The established diagnosis of gout is also a contraindication.

Black milk tea

Compared to the green variety, black tea in combination with milk has a slight diuretic effect. It all depends on where the tea bushes grow. The most useful are usually called shoots of Chinese or Ceylon origin.

Black tea does not have a strong diuretic effect. Only the caffeine in its composition can have this effect, but it tones the blood vessels more.

Strong black tea should not be drunk by hypertensive patients, as well as people with increased activity of the nervous system.

But black tea with the addition of milk can have a beneficial effect on the body, in particular on the functions of the urinary system. This combination helps protect the cardiovascular system from the effects of caffeine and cleanse the kidneys. This tea can be drunk by hypertensive patients and people suffering from nervous disorders. The drink has an insignificant diuretic effect, but essential trace elements and potassium are not washed out of the body. Dairy enzymes suppress the effects of tannins and alkaloids.

Black tea with milk is popular among athletes, it helps eliminate toxic substances from the body, accumulating during exercise, and it is also often taken for the purpose of losing weight. Women are recommended to drink it for swelling under the eyes, but for pregnant women it is dangerous due to increased blood pressure.


One of the most popular herbal teas is hibiscus. The petals of the Sudanese rose or, as this flower is also called, hibiscus, have a bright red tint, and when brewing tea, a sour and slightly sweet taste is felt.

The tea contains organic and fruit acids, microelements important for the body, as well as flavonoids. This combination allows you to normalize metabolic processes in the body, as well as improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, heart muscle, blood vessels, and nervous system.

Hibiscus has a weak diuretic effect, but allows you to quickly reduce swelling.

To achieve a positive effect, you need to drink the drink for at least 15-20 days. After such a course, it is important to take a break and after a while repeat everything again. Treatment with this method will only bring pleasure, since hibiscus is not just a healthy, but also a tasty drink. It is very simple to prepare: to do this, pour 50 grams of dry petals with 2 liters of water.

Herbal tea

It is prepared from a whole complex of plant herbs. They are selected to produce a diuretic effect as quickly as possible. Herbal teas have a minimum of side effects and can sometimes remove kidney stones.

Among herbal medicines, teas based on the following components should be distinguished:

  • blooming Sally;
  • ginger;
  • phytomix;
  • Zerde tea

The diuretic effect of fireweed is provided by the chlorophyll, flavonoids and complex of vitamins included in its composition. There is practically no such tea side effects, if you do not take into account possible allergies.

For the purpose of losing weight, ginger-based tea is most often used. From a medical point of view, it is no less useful, since it does not just burn fat, but quickly removes metabolic products along with excess fluid. Only if accepted ginger tea Do not exceed the recommended dose, because a strong diuretic effect can cause dehydration and metabolic disorders.

Chamomile tea is known to everyone as a sedative, but it also has a diuretic effect, eliminates spasms, and suppresses inflammatory processes.

The drug, which can often be found in pharmacies under the name phytomix, is distinguished by its rich composition. A whole complex of medicinal plant components makes tea unique. Its peculiarity is that, unlike many diuretic drugs, it does not wash away electrolytes important for the body, but, on the contrary, restores their balance.

Tea of ​​this variety is no less useful for swelling. It helps not only to increase the flow of urine, but also copes with inflammatory processes V urinary tract, relieves acute pain.

Diuretic effect of Oolong

In addition to green tea, milk oolong tea is used for kidney diseases and problems with urine outflow. But it is also known as Oolong tea. Thanks to its rich composition, it is able to quickly remove toxins and get rid of slagging from the body. It is recommended by experts for treatment urolithiasis in combination with cardiovascular disorders.

It has almost the same diuretic effect as the one we are used to green tea: relieves swelling under the eyes, on the legs and removes excess fluid.

It contains the following substances:

  • organic acids;
  • potassium;
  • fluorine;
  • vitamins of group K;
  • copper;
  • silicon;
  • phosphorus.

Like all herbal or medicinal medications, this tea also has contraindications for use. Therefore, before including it in your diet, you need to consult your doctor.

Overweight - eternal problem for the majority of people. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the struggle for beauty and health, many of them (especially girls) are ready to make any sacrifice: refuse food, exhaust their body physical activity and even go under the surgeon’s knife.

But why all this when less radical means can help you lose weight? For example, diuretic tea (also known as diuretic), which will be discussed in this article.

Operating principle, useful properties, disadvantages

Regardless of the name, all diuretics work on the same principle: removing excess fluid by increasing trips to the toilet. By influencing the urinary system, the herbal mixture makes it work more intensely, and therefore the first results make themselves felt quite quickly.

Also, an undoubted advantage of diuretic tea can be called intoxication, because along with excess water, all kinds of harmful substances. Over time, this has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, the strength of the hair, and your well-being: swelling will disappear from the legs and under the eyes, kidney function will stabilize and genitourinary system, the load on the heart will decrease (due to weight loss).

However, diuretic teas are not a panacea for all ills. They are not without their shortcomings. As you know, 80% human body consists of water, and therefore a sharp and excessive decrease in it can lead to serious problems with health.

In addition, along with the fluid, not only toxins will be removed from the body, but also vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances. Therefore, a prolonged course may well cause problems with metabolism and hypovitaminosis, and these, in turn, cause the destruction of internal organs and the launch of pathological processes.

In sick people, the effect is completely unpredictable. For example, although diuretic teas are sold in pharmacies as excellent remedy for weight loss, for a person who has problems with thyroid gland, the kilograms will not decrease, but, on the contrary, will only increase. Therefore, if you do not need problems with your own body, do not forget to follow the 2 basic rules:

  1. Use it only for a short period to lose no more than 5-7 kg.
  2. Before starting the course, be sure to consult with your doctor in order to avoid allergic reaction and rejection herbal collection body.

To drink or not to drink: rules of application

So is it worth risking your health for the sake of losing weight and relying on something bought at a pharmacy if it has such shortcomings? Don't forget, anyone, even the most effective drug, will only cause harm to the body if taken incorrectly. Therefore, when brewing diuretic tea, you should always follow the attached instructions.

This remark becomes especially relevant when you consider that some formulations include potent agents (for example, senna leaves), and you will have to visit the toilet quite often after consuming them. Other fees may be focused on reception only in the morning or evening time. Still others can be consumed at any time of the day, only monitoring the volume of drinks.

In most cases, drinking up to 3 cups of tea per day is enough to lose weight. However, we repeat, everything is individual. The main thing to remember:

  • The course of treatment should not exceed 7-10 days.
  • At the end of the treatment, you must take a week (minimum) break before the new course.
  • During use, follow the instructions for use strictly.

And this issue should be approached with the utmost seriousness, because an overdose threatens:

  • Weakness and increased fatigue.
  • Dizziness.
  • Nausea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Dehydration.

And a number of other symptoms, if any of which occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor. Otherwise, you risk not only compromising your health, but also ending up in a hospital bed.

Diuretic tea at home

Those who do not trust branded teas can prepare diuretic tea themselves. The herbs needed for brewing at home can always be found at your nearest pharmacy. Or, if you live outside the city, you can try to collect them yourself. So, in the fight against extra pounds great help would be:

  • Ginseng root and...
  • Cinquefoil goose.
  • Leaves of burdock, lingonberry, bearberry and birch.
  • Flaxseed, tansy, immortelle.
  • Bear ears.
  • Rose hips and barberries.
  • Field horsetail.
  • Dandelion and dandelion flowers.

However, when selecting components and their dosage, you need to be extremely careful so as not to get a laxative instead of a diuretic, but instead therapeutic effect poisonous.

For pregnant women, before starting a course, it is better to consult with your doctor and opt for the simplest possible combinations, which include no more than 2-3 herbs.

Good to know. Although tea has a weight loss effect, it is not universal. Due to the characteristics of the body, in some people the first results may appear within a couple of days after starting the course. For others, even a week will not be enough (a repeat course will be required).

Recipes and their variations

If you are determined to fight excess weight on your own, the following recipes will be a good help (unless your doctor says otherwise):

Recipe 1

You will need: 20 grams of each of the following herbs: nettle and dandelion, parsley and hay, as well as 10 grams of mint and dill.

For preparation: the components are thoroughly crushed and mixed. After that, the resulting mixture is poured with boiling water (at the rate of 1 teaspoon of the mixture per glass of water), let it brew and filter.

The resulting decoction should be taken no earlier than half an hour after meals, and: in the first few days - one glass per day, then increase the dosage to 3 glasses, and by the end of the course return to the original one glass.

Recipe 2

You will need: 50 gr. Chopped barberry or rose hips.

For preparation: berries (fresh or dry) are crushed, placed in a thermos and poured with a liter of boiling water. Next, the broth is infused for 24 hours, after which it is carefully filtered.

Take one glass of this infusion 30 minutes before or after a meal, but no more than 3 servings per day.

Recipe 3

You will need: 50 gr. lingonberry, birch and juniper leaves, as well as a couple of rose hips/barberries (to improve the aroma and taste).

For preparation: the leaves are crushed and mixed thoroughly. Then pour boiling water (at the rate of 1 cup of boiling water per 1 teaspoon of mixture) and let it brew for five to six hours. The resulting broth is filtered, heated and washed and chopped rose hips/barberries are added to it.

The drink should be taken once a day for half an hour either before eating or after.

Beware of fakes

Unfortunately, not all manufacturers monitor the effectiveness and safety of their products. Some people use additives in their production that, even if taken for a short time, are harmful to the body because... may lead to irreversible changes.

However, the products of popular brands are not protected from this situation. Need I say how much last years The flow of counterfeit goods into the market of medicines and dietary supplements has increased. Therefore, to protect yourself, pay attention not only to the price of the drug, but also to information about:

  • Manufacturer's name (often the names of illegal companies differ from well-known brands by one or two letters).
  • Manufacturer's address.
  • The composition of the collection (make sure that all the herbs included in it actually have a diuretic effect).
  • Scheme of application.
  • Properties and contraindications.

By following these simple rules, you can easily spot a fake and maintain your health.

At the end of the topic, we would like to know what you think about diuretic teas for weight loss? Have you ever encountered them? Are you satisfied with the result? How many kilograms did you manage to lose, and were there any consequences? Or maybe you consider all these decoctions to be nothing more than throwing money away? Leave your comments, let's discuss!

You may consider other teas as an alternative.