Organize a group in contact. Designing the VKontakte community: the most detailed guide in RuNet for a group or public page

VKontakte is one of the most popular and visited resources on the Internet. This popularity is due to the fact that VK provides enormous opportunities for communication. However, in addition to communication, you can also earn money with its help. Let's consider how to create a group on VKontakte (VK).

It should be noted that creating a group is a fairly simple task. But creating your own community is just the beginning. After that, it still needs to be filled with interesting and useful information.

Step-by-step instructions: how to create a group on VKontakte

Let's look at it step by step, how to create a group on VKontakte(VC).

A window will open in which you need to click on the “Create a community” link.

In the next step, a new window will open where you will need to specify the name of the new VKontakte community. Keep in mind that the name should clearly describe the essence of your community and contain keywords. After all, it is by keywords that people will find it.

  • "Group". Selected for users to communicate with each other.
  • If you need to focus attention on your personal messages, select the item called "Public page".
  • Option "Event", as the name implies, is chosen for organizing concerns, parties, and so on.

After selecting the required option, click on the “Create Community” button. That's all, the group has been created, and a page with the following settings (fields) will open:

  1. Name. Everything should be clear here. You must indicate the name that was entered in the previous step.
  2. page address. Specify the URL where the created VKontakte group will be available. It should be noted that you can choose more interesting options, and not just those offered by default. This important point, since this will be a permanent address and will be remembered by future potential clients. Try to make the VKontakte group address memorable and reflect the essence of your activity.
  3. Community Description. This includes information that describes your business or your activities as fully as possible. social network.
  4. Community Topics. You need to indicate the most suitable topic for your VK group.
  5. Web site. If you have your own Internet project, you can indicate it here. This address will appear on the main page of the created group.
  6. Age restrictions. You need to indicate what age audience the group will be for.
  7. Comment filter. Allows you to set up a filter that will automatically delete entries containing obscene words or any words you specify.
  8. Location. It only makes sense to indicate it if your company or office has a specific location.
  9. Community Posts. By activating this function, users will have the opportunity to write personal messages to the group administration.
  10. Wall. Here you need to indicate the type for the wall: open, limited or closed.
    Off. News will not be available in the group.
    Open. Everyone can post messages in the group.
    Limited. Only the owner of the VK group can write posts, but anyone who wants can leave comments.
    Closed. Any content is added only by the group administration.
  11. Switches: photos, videos, documents, audio recordings, materials for discussion. They regulate the corresponding types of sections. Can be turned off, open or closed.
  12. Group type. Adjusts the visibility of the group for those people who are not yet members of it. There may be the following options:
  • Open. Anyone can join the group.
  • Closed. Before new people can join a group, the administrator must approve the application to join.
  • Private. Entry is by personal invitation only.

So we've looked at how to create new group in VK. Now the only thing left behind is to upload a photo (avatar). To do this, click on the “upload photo” button. A new window will open where you need to select a suitable photo. This can be your own photo or any other image you like.

You will then be prompted to crop the image to fit the required size. All that remains is to choose how the thumbnail will look and save the changes.

With this, the VKontakte group has been created, and you can start publishing new posts in it.

So, the article looked at how to create a VKontakte group and set it up so that it turns out to be an excellent platform that will inspire confidence among new visitors and will encourage people to want to make a purchase. It will also be useful to watch the video instructions:

CreationgroupsIn contact with- video

Now, I will talk about how to make a VKontakte group interesting for people.

This is a particularly important moment in the development of the group. An interesting, holistic group will be more attractive to new visitors, and visitors will be much more willing to be added to the group’s subscribers, read the content you offer, like it, and share your content with friends.

People will be grateful that you have created an interesting group and will express their recognition in the form of: likes, shares, comments.

If the group is truly Cool, then 8 out of 10 visitors will naturally transform into subscribers, and if the group is boring and lifeless, then the probability of natural growth will drop to “0”.

By making the VKontakte group interesting for people, you will discover an additional source of increasing subscribers to your group.

But how to make a VKontakte group interesting?

1. Choose an interesting topic for the group

Choose a topic that people will find interesting and that is popular at the moment or if the topic is rapidly growing in popularity.

Also, an important role when choosing a topic for a group is played by Competition.

If there is huge competition for the topic you have chosen for your group, among other groups, if these groups have millions of subscribers, great content and high popularity. It will be extremely difficult for a young group to compete with such giants.

Therefore, choose a topic that high level popularity among people and low level of competition among groups.

As for the rapid popularity...

For example, if you organize a VKontakte group in advance for some series that has not yet been released, but which will become incredibly popular in the future. At the very beginning there will be no competition and you will have the opportunity to be the first in a new topic. Next, you find a source of cool material for this series and always post fresh episodes. At the very beginning, when people look for a group on VK about this series, they will find your group and add to it, because you were able to predict what people would love in the future. In this case, you will open a huge source of new visitors for your group.

2. Create useful and quality content

Let your content inspire, develop, and give positive emotions.

Post every day about your group's topic.

The best option is 1 – 10 posts per day.

The more interesting the posts are, the better.

When creating posts, it is very important to determine their style. Will they be Entertaining, Educational or Informative.

Also determine what type of content you will submit these posts in:

  • Infographics
  • Video
  • Books
  • Articles
  • Funny pictures
  • Something other.

Thus, if you decide to post mainly educational content in your group, then your posts will consist of: articles, educational videos, infographics, books and everything like that.

3. Create a warehouse with the most useful information

For example, you have 10 wonderful books on the topic of your group. Then in the “Photo Albums” section you can create a “Book Warehouse”. By building a strong collection of books, your group will become an especially valuable place for people looking for similar material.

Then the group will be of particular value to users.

Imagine if you have in your warehouse Best collection of books on any topic, this will significantly highlight your group, it will become more complete and valuable.

Also, you can create any warehouses you can think of:

Best books

Best infographic

Movies on the topic


Training video

The next thing is what will make the VKontakte group even more interesting.

4. Create a Design and full Description for the group

Come up with an interesting avatar for the group and make a full description of what your group offers to people.

As a result, if you publish Cool posts, fill the group with useful “Warehouses” and make an excellent Avatar Design along with full description to the group. The group, in this case, will look alive and full. She will have her own special style, which will naturally attract new subscribers.

Now you know how to make a VKontakte group interesting.

I wish you a great mood.

The social network Vkontakte is the most popular service, which is visited daily by up to 50 million people. Activity is largely generated by popular groups and official pages where news, music, films, photographs and other entertaining and educational content are published. Services for automatic publishing and programs for promotion allow you to minimize your participation in this process and spend a minimum of time on administering your own resource.

Goals of creating the group:

1. Promotion of goods and services of commercial organizations.
2. Search for like-minded people and formation of associations of interests.
3. Creation of a corporate community educational institution, company, sports club.
4. Popularization political parties and public associations.
5. Formation of feedback government agencies and society.
6. Making profit by promoting the page and publishing advertisements.
7. Promotion of music, literature and other types of creativity.

Group creation process:

1. Click on the “My Groups” tab and click “Create a Community”.

2. Select the community type and name. “Event” is suitable for advertising a one-time event (concert, prom, trip), “Public page” - for the presentation of an individual, company, brand, “Group” - for other purposes.

3. In the future, depending on the chosen position, you need to answer additional questions.

4. It is the “Group” class that gives the creator the widest opportunities, so it’s worth focusing on it. You will be able to create an original design and use other useful services.

5. Specify important parameters: name, topic, enter a description of the future group. Choose a short address that will make the page unique and simplify its search if the user for some reason cannot find the page. Do not use special characters in the name, as this will complicate the search for the community in the future.

6. Activate the necessary modules (wall type - open or closed, photographs, video and audio recordings, etc.). If necessary, include the group's website and location (this is very important for promoting commercial products and advertising events).

8. The group is ready. Now you can publish any news in your feed, add audio and video recordings, create a virtual catalog by inserting new photo albums, appoint managers, and invite new users to the group.

Group promotion

You can promote your community in several ways:

1. Inviting friends. Previously, the administrator had access to such an option as sending invitations random people. This is now prohibited due to numerous abuses and spam. However, there is a way out - find new friends and advertise the community among them.

2. Buying advertising. You need to select the “Advertise Community” tab, top up your account using the “Budget” section, and then start creating an ad. It can be tied to a specific region (country, city), which is ideal for commercial groups.

You can also use other promotion methods: viral marketing, SEO optimization (at the moment, groups with unique content are well promoted in search engines), publishing video materials with a link to your page.

Creating your own group menu

The unique design of the VKontakte community allows it to stand out from competitors and simplify navigation through the group’s materials. However, this task requires a little more time, as well as installation of the program – Photoshop.

1. Log in to group management and make adding content limited (only administrators will be able to perform this action).

2. Now you need to create a picture with future navigation and save it in the required format (GIF, JPEG).

3. Slice the navigation image into individual segments, each of which will become a hyperlink, using the cutting tool, and then save the template as a GIF.

4. If you are too lazy to use Photoshop or don’t want to install it on your computer, download ready-made templates, of which there are plenty on the Internet.

5. For example, let’s take a universal template made using wiki markup. Its loading is even easier and faster.

6. Click “latest news” and select “Wiki markup mode”, and then paste the ready-made code taken from the template there.

7. To include photos in the code, you need to upload them to an album and then paste them into Right place link.

Thus, a VKontakte group can be created in just a few hours of work, and there is no need to spend money on someone else’s work. Not only basic options are available to you, but also your own design, which will make the community unique and inimitable. Answers to any questions can be found on the Internet and on the social network Vkontakte: very convenient and simple.

People come here for various reasons. Some are to attract traffic to your website. Others - build. And some just want to chat, find interesting interlocutors.

Such an attractive platform for promoting their own projects cannot but interest small business owners and those who are just about to start their own business.

Where to start?

How to create a popular VKontakte group without any special knowledge?

Much easier than . Think about it - what do you pay attention to when you find yourself in an unfamiliar group? What visual signs of popularity do you notice for yourself?

Let's try to figure this issue out together.

Take advantage of the experience of predecessors

If you decide to create a group, then you have already decided on the topic. Or not?

In any case, carry out small analysis. To do this, you need to select the most frequently requested keywords on your topic, for example, using the service and then use search engine In contact with. By collecting information, you will understand the relevance of your topic. Determine the number of similar groups. Or maybe you can come up with a more attractive option for yourself.

The main thing is that you recognize your future competitors by sight.

Be sure to visit their groups. Try to identify them strengths, understand their tricks. And decide for yourself how you will stand out from them and win your piece of the pie.

Do not neglect their experience, try to extract as much information as possible. After all, these people know how to create a popular VKontakte group, they have already done it.

Make a portrait of the group members: their gender, age, profession, marital status, area of ​​interest. Do not waste time on this - this is your future the target audience. You create a group for them. So that they feel comfortable and interesting there.

Set the steering wheel in the right direction

Now let's move on to the design and content of the group:

  • Come up with a catchy name for the group. If the title contains keywords, great. Your task is to choose a name that will be popular in searches and at the same time low in competition. If the group is regional, then it is desirable that the group name include an indication of geography. This allows you to attract more participants.
  • An avatar is the first thing people see when they come to you. It is known that a user can only pay attention to something for a few seconds. And the first of these seconds belong to the avatar. Try not only to appear in all your beauty and designer brilliance, but also to show who you are and what your group is dedicated to.
  • The description of the group should be concise and meaningful. The first paragraph in the description should reveal the main idea of ​​the community as much as possible. Users should see a solution to their problem in the description. You must provide contact information for your office or store.
  • The next answer to the question “how to create a popular VKontakte group?” will relevance of the posted content . Content is the information content of your group (educational, entertaining and advertising posts, surveys). Many people wonder. Most information is simply copied from thematic sites or friendly VKontakte groups. It is advisable that some part of the information in your group is unique. When writing unique text content, use your knowledge, experience in the area of ​​business you are promoting, as well as information from books and printed articles. If you are interested in more professional promotion of your group, you can always turn to specialists.

Step on the pedals more boldly

The group has been created. Now is the time to breathe life into it. The group must be known; it needs members.

We will not dwell in detail on how to attract people to the group. This is a large topic for another article.

In any case, try to ensure that these are interested, active participants, and not people who came for the sake of a tick. You can invite the first participants to the group from among your friends or send invitations to members of communities with similar topics. Word of mouth, services from friends and everything available funds advertising to help you.

Perhaps, after all these steps, the answer to the question - how to create a popular VKontakte group - will be obvious to you.

But that's not all.

Fair wind at your back

  • Involve people in the discussion, conduct surveys more often, ask their opinions.
  • Fill the group with popular videos and audio materials. Try an experiment - combine their name with the name of your group. Perhaps this will attract additional visitors to your group.
  • Hold competitions, sweepstakes, and interactive games. Give out bonuses and prizes. No matter how serious your topic is, 5 minutes of rest will not hurt.
  • Change your avatar picture from time to time. People react positively to changes in better side. Unless it's your company logo.
  • Study your target audience. Post updates at the time when they are most often on the site.
  • Don't give everything away at once. Spread the updates over the whole day, use appropriate computer programs as an assistant. Updates will occur without your participation.
  • Be sure to check the group’s position in search engines. If you yourself are not strong in SEO, ask the pros for advice on how to create popular VKontakte groups and how to bring them to significant positions in search engines.
  • Do not neglect the services of a moderator. Someone needs to monitor and respond to spam in a timely manner. This will protect your group from being banned.

Forward to the heights of popularity!

The success of any group initial stage depends on the initiative and active actions of its organizer. But even then, having caught the right wave, do not expect that the ship will float on its own.

Today we will talk about open groups, which, despite the seemingly wild popularity of publics, still remain very popular among our subscribers.

Open format groups will suit If you plan to exchange opinions with participants, you do not want to limit them in posting entries on the wall. This format is also well suited for free message boards.

Create a group

When creating a group you need to enter:

  1. Name
  2. Community type(in our case, a group)
  3. Subjects. This is either a “community of interests, blog” or “Page of a company, store, person.” Selected depending on the challenges facing the community.
  4. Broad topics. This, in fact, is what your group is dedicated to - cars/motos, beauty and health, etc. Please note that the “Community of Interests, Blog” type has its own list of topics, and the “Company, store, person page” type has its own list.
  5. Narrow topics. Its presence or absence depends on the broad topic chosen.

Setting up partitions

Let's move on to setting up partitions.

The following sections are available in the group:

  1. Wall. This is where posts from both the group and users are posted.
    The wall may be turned off, in which case it will not be possible to post in the group.
    • With an open wall, both the group and users can post. Only posts from the group will be displayed in the members' news feed. Comments on publications are open.
    • With a limited wall, only the group can post, but all users can comment on posts.
    • With a closed wall, only the group can post, and comments are closed.
  2. Photos
  3. Videos. Can be posted either by all group members (if open), or only by editors and administrators (if limited).
  4. Audio recordings. Can be posted either by all group members (if open), or only by editors and administrators (if limited). In most cases they are not needed, but are useful if the group is related to music or audiobooks.
  5. Documentation. Can be posted either by all group members (if open), or only by editors and administrators (if limited).
  6. Discussions. New topics can be created either by all group members (if open), or only by editors and administrators (if limited). Anyone can comment in discussions.
  7. Materials. If open, any member of the group can create wiki pages on behalf of the group. If limited - only editors and administrators. At the same time, if the materials section is not turned off, then an additional section will appear in the group (by default - “Latest news”).
  8. Goods. They are added and edited only by editors and community administrators. Any VKontakte user can view and comment on products.


If the wall is open or restricted, you can turn on the obscene language filter, and also set up keywords with which comments will be automatically deleted. For example, mentions of competitors or words indicating that the message is spam.


In this section you can add links to any VKontakte group, or to any website. In most cases, it is best to only add links to projects that are directly related to your group (for example, a link to an event your group is organizing, a link to your website, etc.)


In this section, you can see the list of members of your group, as well as the blacklist - it will include people whom you have banned for violating community rules.

Life hack: when viewing group members through this section, the people who most recently joined the community will be located at the top.


Disabled by default. When enabled, users can contact the group via private messages. An administrator/editor can add group messages to left menu to always see the presence of new incoming messages.

Add a greeting and it will be visible to anyone who opens a new conversation with the group.


You can add an application that fits the format of your work with subscribers - sending messages, questionnaires, collecting applications, etc.

One application can be installed in a group at a time.

Arrangement of sections in a group

By default, with all partitions enabled, the location looks like this:

When filling out the sections, they will be arranged like this:

At the same time, if you remove products, a block of photos will move in their place:

Group location on member pages

The list of groups is located under the user’s personal information, usually hidden by a spoiler. Users can also hide their groups from strangers.

This concludes our review of the open group format, and next time we’ll talk about public pages.