Why good luck should not be desired: folk signs, meaning. Who can not desire good luck whether it is possible to desire

i wish you good luck ... love ... and patience .... Good luck - this is the name of the demon
Can people be desired "good luck"

Be vigilant, wish each other well-being and God's help, not a demon!

"I see, in some cubs you mentioned the demon, I wrote:" On the luck of my daughter "," about the success of the Son "," about the successful family. " What did you fit me the devil in the pastry? Do you know who was such a good luck? It was the biggest demon who squeeed millions of shower. Moloch, or "luck", was God of happiness in the Romans, Sumerians and Carthaginians. How was this god of moloch, or "luck", how do we call it today? His statue, cast out of copper or silver, was drunk on a two-wheeled cart. From his back he had a copper furnace, and in front of him - a copper frying pan; the firewood was thrown into good luck until the sculpture was rare. And the priests carried him in the hands of piers, big and honed. What kind of victim did luck? Only chest babies from the hands of mothers. Come in the village where you live. They dragged the chariot of good luck with a frying pan, red hot, and called, clapping in your hands: "Who wants good luck, carrying the victim to good luck!".

- Archimandrite Cleop (or)

Can people be desired "good luck"? "This and the enemy do not wish!", "They say in cases where the misfortune or trouble occurs. However, we are accustomed to constantly wishing each other "Good luck", even if no terrible curse is sent to the one who is meant this wish!

The fact is that luck or, as we know more - Moloch, - was the main deity at the Semitic peoples, which was one of the incarnations of Baal (or Waal, Velzevulaa, Valtasar), that is, the devil. About Wale in the Bible is mentioned several times in the Book of Sudios - 2:11, 3: 7, 10: 6; Ohloh - in the book of Amos 5:26 and 3 Book of Kingdoms 11: 7.

The cult of Molohu-Waal at Semitov consisted of wildly dismissed solvents, looking for artificial excitations. An external symbol constantly served by the phallus, which was depicted in the form of a column with a truncated vertex. With the heads of Waal, the so-called Kedeshima and Kedasy, the sacred clouds and the harmnitsa, who ordered themselves in the ministry of the Capshin through the earning of money by their bloodyness.

The appointment of this cult was to deeply depravate the people resorting to him. The fruits of this worship became all known sad events that occurred with the cities of Sodom and Gomorra, where the cult Waal was particularly expressed.

Both now, and earlier, the main feature of the Semitic peoples - fans and servants of Satan, is a lie and a lucavism. There were no exception and priests of the Waal Moloch, who, trying to trigger the true goal of the cult, in order not to scare away from its diabel's essence of people, distributed the idea that they serve as a fertile sun, a source of heat and life fire, manifested in it.

As in all pagan cults, the ministers of Moloch brought him victims. As a rule, these were human sacrifices, which were accomplished in honor of the milk through the burnt, allegedly conducting them through the sunny vitality. Newborn babies were considered the most pleasant victims of Waal, especially the children of noble names: "And the heights of Tofeta in the valley of sons of sons were arranged to sow their sons and their daughters on fire, which I did not command and that I did not come on my heart." (Ier. 7 : 31). The children lay on the hands of the idol who had the face of the Taurus, the bonfire burned down below. These monstrous sacrifices took place at night with the sounds of flutes, Tamburins and Lire, who drowned the cries of unfortunate children, and also increased arousal in the people. Altari gods were constantly organized by the blood of children, during the years of large festivals or in the goodwill - people and in particular children sacrificed hundreds and thousands.

"At first, the molor is approaching, the terrible king spattered with the blood of human victims and tears of fathers and mothers. But because of the noise of the drums, the cries of their children are not heard when they are thrown into the fire in honor of the terrible idol "(John Milton" Lost Paradise ").

"Moloch statue is built specifically for the adoption of human sacrifice and burn them. It was a tremendous growth, all of copper, and empty. The head was a bench, because the bull was a symbol of strength and the sun in his layer. The statues of the statue were a monstrous length, and victims were placed on huge handproof palms; the hands moved by chains on the blocks hidden behind their backs, raised victims to a hole in the chest, from where they fell into a burning bake, which was placed inside the statue, on the invisible grille , and those who dropped through it and the coals were formed an ever-increasing bunch between the feet of the colossus ... The children were placed on terrible hot-dear palm of the monsters. Native setting was not allowed to show sorrow. Children, if they shouted while they were prepared for a terrible rite, soothed by caresses. As it should seem ugly and impossible, the mother was obliged not only to be present on a terrible celebration, but to refrain from tears, sobbies and every manifestation of sadness, because otherwise they would not only lose any honor with them as a result of the Great Honor, But they could put anger of an insulted deity for the whole of the people, and one reluctantly made offering could destroy the action of the whole sacrifice and even get worse for the people of the trouble. Such a slightly accrastful mother would be disgraced forever. Drums and flutes supported continuous noise not only to drown out screaming victims, but in order to strengthen the excitement of the people. " (Ragozina Z. A. History of Assyria. SPb.: IE A. F. Marx, 1902. P. 151-152).

As mentioned above, Molok Valaam also had a nickname "luck". Why? Because it was believed that the family, who sacrificed his child's deity, would certainly wait a good year in terms of agricultural work and harvest. Therefore, when the priests of the Moloch brought out of the copper or silver of their idol on a two-wheeled cart into another village, they clapped their hands and shouted: "Who wants good luck in affairs, carrying the victim Waal!" Then insane women took their babies and gave them to servants of Satan ...

This kind of ritual setubides were subsequently prohibited by Moses law and punished the death penalty (Lev. 18:21; Lev. 20: 2), however, until the Babylonian captivity (586 BC), semites did not stop practicing them.

After the revolution of 1917, when the Russian land was defiled by the Faith and the apostasy of God, the ritual sacrifices of babies were planted by permission at the state level of abortions. Russia has become the first country in the world, submitted abortion. In consequence, this "legitimate" horror spread throughout the world. And so far, these monstrous sacrifices are committed, but already disguised as a medical procedure ...

Or do you think that aborted babies, is it not a victim of a demon luck? After all, it is precisely to avoid sorry and for good luck at work or in a personal life, for the sake of a comfortable life, people sometimes make a decision: "Baby in the mother's womb should be killed!" And from the fact that the honest word "decorating" was replaced by cunning and harmless on the word "abortion of pregnancy", and the child on the soulless word "fruit" - the nurse does not change - the child in the womb will ruin live on the pieces or burn alkaline solid, and then Destroy. Moloch is satisfied and for a short time can reward the detects luck, but sometimes he can simply laugh with his demonic laugh and say: "Why do you need good luck, are you so mine?!"

Because good luck is a positive event attributed to the case or luck. The Christian is pleased to be not a catcher of unknown good luck, but the demand for the father of heaven in salvation. The fishery of God is what the Christian hopes and what the Christian does. "Yes, there will be the will of yours" - we appeal to the Creator in the prayer "Our Father", "the will of the Good and from the benefit, leading to absolute happiness.

Any events sent (or even polished) God are directed to the salvation of a person in eternity. The meaning and significance of many events in life can be understood by many years, but hope for God, and not at the blind case - the right way to burn.
The fishery of God (the word of fishing is belonging to the craft; folk fishing, but the fishery of God) is an unceasing effect in the world of all-graded, all-life and almighty will of God, all paying good and guiding to the eternal salvation of every person individually and humanity as a whole.

If you want to know God's fishery, we defined what is your Christian duty in the situation in which you are today.

God will hold and participate in the life of people, but often does not interfere in our lives visiblely that our free will could carry out a voluntary choice. The fishery of God means that at each stage of our life, the Lord supplies us to the conditions under which we could make a free choice in favor of good, truth, justice and through it to go up to the Heavenly Father. However, the depth of the fishery of God is incomprehensible for a limited human reason, so, knowing about the fishery of God, we are not able to comprehend it to the fullest.

Very often, pain and joy come to us not from our past, but from the future. God sometimes warns us from the future to which we carry on all pairs. The fishery of God, as it were, puts us the footboard so that we fell earlier than to fall into the pit, which I have not yet visible. Let the knee be broken, but retain the whole head.

One hermit asked God to give him to understand his way of his fishery, and imposed post. When he went to one far away the living old man, he appeared in the image of the ink angel and offered to be a companion. By evening, they stopped for the night at one pious husband, who offered them food on a silver dish. But surprise! Immediately after the meal, the elder satellite took a dish and threw him into the sea.

Let's go further and on the other day they stopped with another pious husband. But again the trouble! When the hermit with the satellite began to gather in the path, who accepted them led them to them, so that he blessed him. But instead of blessing the satellite, touching the excuse, took his soul. Neither the eaten from horror nor the father in despair did not utter a word. On the third day they were sheltered in a dilapidated house. The old man sat down to taste food, and his companion first disassembled the wall, and then again embarked her. The old man did not suffer: "Yes, who are you a demon or angel? What are you doing? A third day at a good person took a dish, yesterday deprived of life, and today you really do not need the necessary walls. "

Do not divide, older, and do not seduce about me. I am angel of God. The first person who accepted us, the godly comes, but the dish was acquired to them wrong, because I threw it out so that he did not lose his awards. The second husband is also pleasing to God, but if his son grew up, there would be a terrible villain. The owner of the house, where we stopped, the man is immoral, lazy and because he dismissed. His grandfather, building this house, hid in the gold wall. Therefore, I straightened the wall so that the owner did not find him and through it did not die. Return, Starchik, in the Clay and do not suffer crazy, because so the verophe of the Holy Spirit: "The courts of the Lord - the unknown man." Therefore, and you do not experience them - there will be no good for you.

All from God, - and good and sorrowful, and unworthy; But one thing - on favor, the other is on house-building, the third - in the ligation. And on the favor, - when we live virtuously, for God, so that we spent the life of sinless, lived virtuously and pious. By house-building, - when, falling into errors and the error, we are administered; According to the relaxation, - when you do not apply.
God favored the person to escape, like the angels appear to say: Glory to the High of God, and on the Earth, in the human of Herman (Luk 2:14). Again, a house-building God instructs us to sinners, so that we are not condemned to the world, as the apostle says: they are convicted of God, and they are convicted with the world (1 Cor. 11:32). And to bear evil in the city, the Lord is not coordinated, the Lord (AMOS.3: 6), such: hunger, ulcers, diseases, lesions, brave; For all this serves to cleanse sin, which or do not want to live without sin, or are not necessary to appeal, but they are in sin, as it is written: Oskept the God of their eyes and became the hearts of them (John 12:40); and: the mind will find them in an inexperienced mind, that is, therefore, therefore, they are freedom, there is no freedom (Rome 1:28); Also: the fierce fierce heart of Faraonovo (Ex. 4:21), that is, it's easily easier for his unfortunateness. (Rev. Efrem Sirin)

Be vigilant, wish each other well-being and God's help, not a demon!

I see, in some cubs you mentioned Besa good luck, writing: "On the luck of the daughter", "about the success of the Son", "about the successful family". What did you fit me the devil in the pastry? Do you know who was such a good luck? It was the biggest demon who squeeed millions of shower. Moloch, or "luck", was God of happiness in the Romans, Sumerians and Carthaginians. How was this god of moloch, or "luck", how do we call it today? His statue, cast out of copper or silver, was drunk on a two-wheeled cart. From his back he had a copper furnace, and in front of him - a copper frying pan; the firewood was thrown into good luck until the sculpture was rare. And the priests carried him in the hands of piers, big and honed. What kind of victim did luck? Only chest babies from the hands of mothers. Come in the village where you live. Keeping the chariot of good luck with a frying pan, hot hot, and called, clapping in your hands: "Who wants good luck, carrying the victim to good luck!

- Archimandrite Cleop (or)

Can people be desired "good luck"? "This and the enemy do not wish!", "They say in cases where some misfortune occurs or trouble. However, we are accustomed to constantly wishing each other "Good luck", even if no terrible curse is sent to the one who is meant this wish!

The fact is that luck or, as we know more - Moloch, - was the main deity at the Semitic peoples, which was one of the incarnations of Baal (or Waal, Velzevulaa, Valtasar), that is, the devil. About Wale in the Bible is mentioned several times in the Book of Sudios - 2:11, 3: 7, 10: 6; Ohloh - in the book of Amos 5:26 and 3 Book of Kingdoms 11: 7.

The cult of Molohu-Waal at Semitov consisted of wildly dismissed solvents, looking for artificial excitations. An external symbol constantly served by the phallus, which was depicted in the form of a column with a truncated vertex. With the heads of Waal, the so-called Kedeshima and Kedasy, the sacred clouds and the harmnitsa, who ordered themselves in the ministry of the Capshin through the earning of money by their bloodyness.

The appointment of this cult was to deeply depravate the people resorting to him. The fruits of this worship became all known sad events that occurred with the cities of Sodom and Gomorra, where the cult Waal was particularly expressed.

Both now, and earlier, the main feature of the Semitic peoples - fans and servants of Satan, is a lie and a lucavism. There were no exception and priests of the Waal Moloch, who, trying to trigger the true goal of the cult, in order not to scare away from its diabel's essence of people, distributed the idea that they serve as a fertile sun, a source of heat and life fire, manifested in it.

As in all pagan cults, the ministers of Moloch brought him victims. As a rule, these were human sacrifices, which were accomplished in honor of the milk through the burnt, allegedly conducting them through the sunny vitality. Newborn babies were considered the most pleasant victims of Waal, especially the children of noble names: "And the heights of Tofeta in the valley of sons of sons were arranged to sow their sons and their daughters on fire, which I did not command and that I did not come on my heart." (Ier. 7 : 31). The children lay on the hands of the idol who had the face of the Taurus, the bonfire burned down below. These monstrous sacrifices took place at night with the sounds of flutes, Tamburins and Lire, who drowned the cries of unfortunate children, and also increased arousal in the people. Altari gods were constantly organized by the blood of children, during the years of large festivals or in the goodwill - people and in particular children sacrificed hundreds and thousands.

At first, the molao is approaching, the terrible king spattered with the blood of human victims and tears of fathers and mothers. But due to the noise of the drums, the cries of their children are not heard when they are thrown into the fire in honor of a terrible idol ( John Milton "Lost Paradise").

This is how this idol looked:

The statue of the Moloch is designed specifically for the adoption of human sacrifice and burn them. It was a tremendous growth, all of copper, and empty. The head was a bench, because the bull was a symbol of strength and the sun in his layer. The statues of the statue were a monstrous length, and victims were placed on huge handproof palms; the hands moved by chains on the blocks hidden behind their backs, raised victims to a hole in the chest, from where they fell into a burning bake, which was placed inside the statue, on the invisible grille , and those who dropped through it and the coals were formed an ever-increasing bunch between the feet of the colossus ... The children were placed on terrible hot-dear palm of the monsters. Native setting was not allowed to show sorrow. Children, if they shouted while they were prepared for a terrible rite, soothed by caresses. As it should seem ugly and impossible, the mother was obliged not only to be present on a terrible celebration, but to refrain from tears, sobbies and every manifestation of sadness, because otherwise they would not only lose any honor with them as a result of the Great Honor, But they could put anger of an insulted deity for the whole of the people, and one reluctantly made offering could destroy the action of the whole sacrifice and even get worse for the people of the trouble. Such a slightly accrastful mother would be disgraced forever. Drums and flutes supported continuous noise not only to drown out screaming victims, but to strengthen the arousal of the people. ( Ragozina Z. A. History of Assyria. SPB: I - E A. F. Marx, 1902. P. 151-152).

As mentioned above, Molokheam also had a nickname "luck". Why? Because it was believed that the family, who sacrificed his child's deity, would certainly wait a good year in terms of agricultural work and harvest. Therefore, when the priests of the Moloch brought out of the copper or silver of their idol on a two-wheeled cart into another village, they clapped their hands and shouted: "Who wants good luck in affairs, carrying the victim Waal!" Then insane women took their babies and gave them to servants of Satan ...

This kind of ritual setubides were subsequently prohibited by Moses law and punished the death penalty (Lev. 18:21; Lev. 20: 2), however, until the Babylonian captivity (586 BC), semites did not stop practicing them.

After the revolution of 1917, when the Russian land was defiled by the Faith and the apostasy of God, the ritual sacrifices of babies were planted by permission at the state level of abortions. Russia has become the first country in the world, submitted abortion. In consequence, this "legitimate" horror spread throughout the world. And so far, these monstrous sacrifices are committed, but already disguised as a medical procedure ...

Or do you think that aborted babies, is it not a victim of a demon luck? After all, it is precisely to avoid sorry and for good luck at work or in a personal life, for the sake of a comfortable life, people sometimes make a decision: "Baby in the mother's womb should be killed!" And from the fact that the honest word "decorating" was replaced by a cunning and harmless on the word "abortion of pregnancy", and the child on the soulless word "fruit" - the essence does not change - the child in the womb will ruin live on the pieces or burn with an alkaline solution, And then destroy. Moloch is satisfied and for a short time can reward the detects luck, but sometimes he can simply laugh with his demonic laugh and say: "Why do you need good luck, are you so mine?!"

Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, give us sinful ...

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Very often in everyday life before important affair, we wish you good luck to each other. This is considered a gesture of politeness and, in theory, no negative shade bears. Nevertheless, far from everyone consider such a wishes for good. Some people can perceive him almost as a personal insult. Who can not desire good luck and why? Day.Az will tell about it with reference to russian7.ru.

Creepy Mlow

Luck in the usual understanding of this word is a positive event that occurred due to a certain coincidence. Few people know that luck in the Bible is directly related to the Visor Self-Public Public God Moloch. The mention of him, in particular, is found in the Old Testament Third Book of Kingdoms and the Book of the Prophet of Jeremiah.

Moloch is the God of luck and luck from the Sumerians and some other nations, and later in Carthaginian. The statue of the Divine was cast from silver, in front she had a copper frying pan with boiling oil, and a burning stove was behind. Moloh brought as victims of babies.

It was believed that someone who sacrifice his child, ahead of the whole year of luck. It is for the sake of good harvest, success in trade and any other activity, people sacrificed their children. As a result, the word "luck" itself has acquired an ancient negative tint, associated with thousands of innocent victims of the milk.


The first Christians knew perfectly about the bloody cult of God's God, so the appropriate wish began to be considered as a terrible car. Archimandrite Cleop (or) noted in his writings, that the wish of good luck for a Christian is the desire to bring to the man of milf. Thus, at first glance, a harmless wish is actually a serious sin.

Such a conviction is common among believers to this day. Christians are relieved solely on the will of God, and not in case or luck, and even with a clear pagan subtext. In the gospel of Luke it says: "God favored so that the person escapes, like Angels, say saying: Glory to the High of God, and in the earth, in the man in favor."
Believers believe that God has been noticed with us. And human achievements are the result of its own works and diligence, as well as the help of God, and in no way with circumstances.

In Islam

A similar approach is confessed in Islam. Orthodox Muslims may also not appeal if they wish them good luck. Good luck is well-being, and any benefit can come only from Allah.

If you just want to desire good luck, then it's not entirely clear where it comes from? In the 18th Sura of the Quran Al-Kahf says: "I will do it tomorrow. If only Allah does not want it! If you forgot, a rummary of your Lord and tell me:" Perhaps, the Lord will behave more correctly. "

Orthodox Muslims, if they want to wish well-being, Allah usually mention. "Success to you from Allah" and so on.

Hunters and fishermen

It is not customary to desire good luck to fishermen, hunters and all those who thus extracts themselves food. As the Soviet ethnographer and religious science, Sergey Tokarev, signs associated with hunting and fishing are the most ancient, because the survival of the then people depended on this case.

It was impossible to desire good luck, because it was believed that it could hear evil spirits, which then would certainly arise all the fishery. It was from this belief that we wished well-known wishes - "Nor's tail, no scratch," "either a fluff, no pen and them like. It was believed that evil spirits, satisfied with the heard, would leave a person alone.

Believe no change reached our days. True, in modern times it applies not only to fishing and hunting. For example, it is impossible to desire good luck to the person before the exam.

Actors and doctors

Good luck or a good performance can not be desired and artists. According to the old English tradition, the beginning of which is still in the second half of the XVI century, the actors before reaching the scene wanted to break the leg (Break A Leg). It was done by about the same scheme as in the case of hunters and fishermen: they wished bad, it means that will be success.

Why exactly "break your leg"? First, the actor had to get on his knee at the end of the play and kneel his head in front of the viewer, secondly, pick the coins that they threw him instead of flowers.

Now, both in Russia and abroad, many artists in front of the performance take hands and shout "with God!". There are those who repeats a triple "pah".

Doctors are distinguished by supersonality. Medikov believes that if you hear the wish of good luck in your address, then duty will certainly be restless and fussy.

Very often in everyday life before important affair, we wish you good luck to each other. This is considered a gesture of politeness and, in theory, no negative shade bears. Nevertheless, far from everyone consider such a wishes for good. Some people can perceive him almost as a personal insult. Who can not desire good luck and why?

Creepy Mlow

Luck in the usual understanding of this word is a positive event that occurred due to a certain coincidence. Few people know that luck in the Bible is directly related to the Visor Self-Public Public God Moloch. The mention of him, in particular, is found in the Old Testament Third Book of Kingdoms and the Book of the Prophet of Jeremiah.

Moloch is the God of luck and luck from the Sumerians and some other nations, and later in Carthaginian. The statue of the Divine was cast from silver, in front she had a copper frying pan with boiling oil, and a burning stove was behind. Moloh brought as victims of babies.

It was believed that someone who sacrifice his child, ahead of the whole year of luck. It is for the sake of good harvest, success in trade and any other activity, people sacrificed their children. As a result, the word "luck" itself acquired from ancient negative tint associated with thousands of innocent victims of the milk.


The first Christians knew perfectly about the bloody cult of God's God, so the appropriate wish began to be considered as a terrible car. Archimandrite Cleop (or) noted in his writings, that the wish of good luck for a Christian is the desire to bring to the man of milf. Thus, at first glance, a harmless wish is actually a serious sin.

Such a conviction is common among believers to this day. Christians are relieved solely on the will of God, and not in case or luck, and even with a clear pagan subtext. In the gospel of Luke says: "God favored that the person escapes, like Angels, say saying: Glory to the High of God, and in the earth, in man in favor."

Believers believe that God has been noticed with us. And human achievements are the result of its own works and diligence, as well as the help of God, and in no way with circumstances.

In Islam

A similar approach is confessed in Islam. Orthodox Muslims may also not appeal if they wish them good luck. Good luck is well-being, and any benefit can come only from Allah.

If you just want to desire good luck, then it's not entirely clear where it comes from? In the 18th Sura of the Quran Al-Kahf says: "I will do it tomorrow. Unless you wish Allah! If you forgot, then rummate your Lord and tell me: "Perhaps the Lord will lead me more correct way."

Orthodox Muslims, if they want to wish well-being, Allah usually mention. "Success to you from Allah" and so on.

Hunters and fishermen

It is not customary to desire good luck to fishermen, hunters and all those who thus extracts themselves food. As the Soviet ethnographer and religious science, Sergey Tokarev, signs associated with hunting and fishing are the most ancient, because the survival of the then people depended on this case.

It was impossible to desire good luck, because it was believed that it could hear evil spirits, which then would certainly arise all the fishery. It was from this belief that the wishes known to us - "Either the tail, nor scratch," "Neither a fluff, no pen and they are similar. It was believed that evil spirits, satisfied with the heard, would leave a person alone.

Believe no change reached our days. True, in modern times it applies not only to fishing and hunting. For example, it is impossible to desire good luck to the person before the exam.

Actors and doctors

Good luck or a good performance can not be desired and artists. According to the old English tradition, the beginning of which is still in the second half of the XVI century, the actors before reaching the scene wanted to break the leg (Break A Leg). It was done by about the same scheme as in the case of hunters and fishermen: they wished bad, it means that will be success.

Why exactly "break your leg"? First, the actor had to get on his knee at the end of the play and kneel his head in front of the viewer, secondly, pick the coins that they threw him instead of flowers.

Now, both in Russia and abroad, many artists before the play are taken by arms and shout "with God!". There are those who repeat a triple "pah".

Doctors are distinguished by supersonality. Medikov believes that if you hear the wish of good luck in your address, then duty will certainly be restless and fussy.