Products containing zinc for men. Iron and zinc in the diet. Zinc deficiency in the body: symptoms

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Sometimes a person does not realize why he wants to eat this or that product. It turns out that the body, experiencing a deficiency of any trace element, wants to make up for it at the expense of this product.

With a low content of trace elements, their importance for the normal functioning of all body systems is very high. The article will talk about zinc, an important element in importance for normal human life.

Products containing zinc in large quantities - table

This element enters the human body through food. They are rich in seafood, meat, fish. Meat-eaters should include natural steaks, veal tongue, and beef liver in their diet. Vegetarians can get it through pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, pine nuts, walnuts, Brazil nuts.

A lot of zinc contains egg yolk, bran, hard cheeses. Oysters are the leader. In an easily digestible form, the element contains cereals. If you eat bread made from whole grain flour, then it can cover most of the body's need for zinc.

Here is a table of products richest in this element:

Product Maximum content in milligrams per 100 grams of product
Pumpkin seeds10
cocoa powder6,8
Sunflower seeds5,3
beef tongue4,8
Beef liver4
Hard cheese4
Almonds, walnuts3
wheat germ3
Squid, octopus1,8
Green pea2,2
bamboo sprouts1,1
Chicken egg1,1
Wheat flour0,8
Ice cream, yogurt0,8

Zinc also contains green tea, mineral water.

Note! In order to properly organize nutrition, eliminate microelement deficiency, you need to replenish your daily diet, consisting of the products listed above.

What role does zinc play in the human body?

Its main purpose is to protect the human immune system. High immunity is a barrier to the penetration of viral infections, prevents the development of cancer cells.

I would especially like to note the importance of metal for pregnant women. It is responsible for mood swings, protects against stress, participates in hematopoiesis, maintains the beauty, cleanliness of the skin, increases contractile activity. Participates in the formation of all body systems of the unborn child.

What processes are needed?

The presence of a trace element has a positive effect on the following points:

  • normal functioning of the central nervous system;
  • prevention of certain eye diseases (cataract, retinal detachment);
  • maintaining lymphatic activity:
  • participation in the formation of articular and connective tissue;
  • improvement of brain activity;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • increase in reproductive capacity in men;
  • promotes hair and nail growth;
  • maintaining dental health;
  • protection against skin diseases;
  • acceleration of regeneration processes;
  • removal of intoxication;
  • maintaining prostate health.

Zinc is involved in the formation of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, maintains the acid-base balance of the body. The trace element affects important indicators of heart rate, blood pressure.

Note! In some cells it helps the process of death, in others it stimulates growth. It is very important for the child's body, is responsible for the proper development of bone tissue, puberty.

Interaction with other trace elements

The body contains a wide variety of vitamins, micro and macro elements. But they do not always coexist peacefully.

Consider some examples of their positive and negative coexistence:

  • trace element availability increases vitamin B2;
  • vitamin B6 reduces the output of zinc;
  • the presence of zinc reduces the availability and absorption of copper;
  • vitamin A in the presence of zinc becomes active;
  • interfere with the absorption of the trace element calcium, iron, copper;
  • zinc and vitamin B9 form insoluble complexes.

Note! Relatively recently, during clinical studies, a negative interaction of the metal and folic acid was revealed. With the use of vitamin B9, the amount of zinc excreted from the body increases. In turn, it negatively affects the transport of folic acid.

daily intake of zinc

Zinc should be included in the daily diet, as almost 90 percent of it is excreted naturally. There is a consumption rate, which depends on the age of the person, his physiological characteristics, physical activity.

The recommended dose is 10-15 mg. An increase in the dose is required for stress, high mental stress, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, and the use of diuretics. In pregnant and lactating women, the dose should be 20–25 mg.

In athletes during competitions, the consumption of a trace element can reach a dose of 35 mg, in children under 3 years old - 3-5 mg, from 3 to 8 years old - 5-8 mg, from 8 to 14 years old - 8-11 mg, in boys from 14 years old - 11-15 mg, in girls - 9-12 mg.

Note! Most accurately and objectively, the presence of a microelement will be shown by a hair analysis. If you stick to the recommended doses, then the likelihood of avoiding health problems will increase significantly.

Consequences of zinc deficiency in the body

The lack of this trace element leads to sad consequences. This is especially true for pregnant women and children.

They may experience consequences such as:

  • underdevelopment of the fetus;
  • premature birth;
  • improper formation of the skeletal system;
  • delayed sexual development.

In adults and children, regardless of age, such unpleasant consequences are possible as:

  • decreased hearing, taste, vision;
  • tooth decay;
  • baldness (especially in men);
  • deterioration in blood counts;
  • decreased libido;
  • dysfunction of the reproductive system;
  • failure of the immune system;
  • metabolic disease;
  • slow recovery after surgery.

To restore the work of all body systems, you need to monitor nutrition, lead a healthy lifestyle, and not self-medicate.

With an increase in physical and mental stress, consult a doctor about additional intake of a microelement.

Signs of deficiency

Zinc deficiency occurs not only due to an unbalanced diet. There are other reasons. Such as the:

To avoid more serious health problems, you need to know and prevent the symptoms of zinc deficiency:

  1. Decreased immunity, increased frequency, duration of colds.
  2. Disturbances from the central nervous system. These include insomnia, mood swings, fatigue.
  3. The appearance of various skin rashes.
  4. Fragility of nails, hair.
  5. Anemia.

Consequences of excess zinc in the body

The use of zinc, as well as other trace elements, should not be excessive. Consumption of zinc in excess of the norm can lead not only to health problems, but also to death.

Taking drugs, inhaling zinc fumes, eating products that come into contact with galvanized utensils can cause intoxication of the whole organism. It is manifested by a metallic taste in the mouth, general weakness, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, fibrous degeneration of pancreatic tissues.

Good to know! Before randomly taking mineral complexes and dietary supplements, consult a doctor, follow labor protection standards, do not use galvanized dishes, and then everything will be fine with your health.

It is no coincidence that zinc is called the source of beauty and youth: healthy clean skin and strong hair are a clear result of its work in the body. This microelement is vital, because life itself is impossible without it: it actively affects the reproductive function, primarily of men.

Fortunately, nature itself made sure that we do not experience a lack of it: products containing zinc are easy to find in any supermarket or market.

Scientists began to deeply investigate the effect of a microelement on the body quite recently: in the second half of the last century. Although, for example, its amazing wound-healing properties were well known in Ancient Egypt: even then, an analogue of modern zinc ointment was in honor of doctors! Selenium bound to zinc has long been considered a poison. And only in our days both of these substances have been appreciated.

Zinc and selenium are second only to iron in terms of content in the body. Most of them are in the internal organs (kidneys, liver, spleen), in the genitals, especially in men, and also in the hair.

Their beneficial effect is experienced by almost all organs and systems of the body:

  • zinc and selenium are involved in internal metabolic and metabolic processes;
  • strong vision, a fine sense of smell and well-functioning taste buds are possible only if there is a lot of this substance in the body;
  • this microelement helps to remove heavy metals from the internal organs;
  • he is also able to restore damaged tissues and strengthen immunity;
  • the great merit of zinc is that it starts the process of production of the male sex hormone testosterone and maintains it throughout life. That is why in the diet of men it should be more than that of women;
  • zinc and selenium are involved in cell division and ensure their normal functioning;
  • the trace element is part of the bone tissue and is involved in its renewal;
  • zinc is beneficial in conjunction with taurine. The lack of both of these substances is one of the factors in the occurrence of epilepsy;
  • vitamin A, contained in the liver, is released and absorbed only with the assistance of this substance;
  • higher mortality among men today is associated by scientists with a reduced level of zinc in the body;
  • its antiviral action is well known;
  • trace element is indispensable for mental stress. In addition, it plays an important role in saturating the brain with oxygen and even helps to cope with senile insanity;
  • A diet rich in zinc and selenium can reverse the development of diseases such as rheumatism and arthritis;
  • one of the causes of stomach ulcers is frequent stress and stress on the nervous system, which leads to a sharp loss of zinc. Replenishment of its reserves helps to cope with gastric ailment;
  • the occurrence of prostatitis is also associated with a lack of this microelement in the body. The more it is in the diet, the higher the chance to say goodbye to the disease as soon as possible.

When zinc is not enough

Zinc, like selenium, does not accumulate in the body, it needs to be constantly replenished. A healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet is enough.

The downside is that the trace element is easily washed out of tissues and organs. Alcohol, caffeine, nervous tension, frequent stress lead to its rapid loss.

Signs to watch out for:

  • hair loss;
  • skin diseases;
  • long wound healing;
  • loss of taste sensations and the ability to distinguish smells;
  • white spots on the nails;
  • night blindness (poor vision at dusk);
  • slow development in babies.

Daily rate: how much?

Undoubtedly, it depends on many factors. Irreconcilable coffee lovers, people living in constant psycho-emotional stress, athletes, expectant mothers need zinc and selenium to a greater extent than, for example, those who prefer a healthy diet and do not waste their nerves. For men, a high level of this trace element is more relevant.

And yet, scientists know some average daily norms:

  • boys 0.5–3 years- 3 mg; 4-8 years - 5 mg; 9-13 years - 8 mg. Figures for girls are slightly lower than for boys - minus 1 mg for each age category;
  • boys aged 14–18- 11 mg, for men 19-50 years old - 15 mg, over 50 years old - 13 mg. For the fair sex of these age groups, you need to subtract 3 mg;
  • expectant and breastfeeding mothers under 18 should ensure that their daily diet contains 15 mg of zinc, figures for women over 18 - 14 and 17 mg, respectively.

Moms who are expecting boys need it most of all: they should know better than anyone what foods contain zinc. The first three months of pregnancy are critical, when the internal organs and systems of the baby are formed.

One of the most effective ways to give life to healthy boys and raise real men from sons is to make sure that the level of zinc in the body of both mother and child does not fall below normal.

We eat right: what foods are rich in zinc

The easiest way to increase the level of this trace element is to go to the pharmacy for zinc-containing preparations. Simple, but far from the most useful and effective. Another way is much more environmentally friendly and natural - to take nature as an ally. Fortunately, foods rich in zinc and selenium are inexpensive and available to everyone today.

An excellent source of zinc is an infusion of birch buds. What foods still contain zinc? From vegetables it is a tomato, beet, garlic, radish, cabbage.

They are rich in oranges, blueberries, raspberries. Most of all it is in meat and seafood: oysters, eels, seaweed. Selenium paired with zinc is found in eggs, lentils, many types of nuts, and cauliflower.

Pantry zinc - wheat bran and germinated grains, as well as wholemeal bread. Moreover, the dough must be kneaded not with the yeast we are used to, but with the dough. Why?

Opara neutralizes phytin, a substance found in many grains. It absorbs zinc, as well as calcium and iron, preventing their absorption by the body. So it turns out that ordinary village bread, baked according to the recipes of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, is many times more useful than what is produced today in factories and bakeries.

The table below will help you create a balanced and zinc-rich diet.

The product's name The content of zinc in 100 g of the product, mg
oysters 60
wheat bran 16
Sesame seeds 7,8
Pumpkin seeds 7,5
Boiled chicken hearts 7,3
boiled beef 7,06
Peanut 6,68
Sunflower seeds 5,6
boiled beef tongue 4,8
Pine nuts 4,62
Turkey meat 4,28
Egg yolk 3,9
Whole wheat flour 3,1
Walnuts 2,7
hazelnuts 1,9
sardines 1,4
boiled lentils 1,27
River fish fillet 1,2
Tuna in oil 0,9
boiled mushrooms 0,87
Tofu 0,8
Dried apricots 0,74
Boiled brown rice 0,63
Oatmeal 0,49
Corn 0,48
Prunes 0,45
Cow's milk 0,4
green onion 0,39
Avocado 0,31
Cauliflower 0,3

Zinc and selenium are essential micronutrients. It is very important to take care of their high level in the body. This applies to men to a greater extent, but women should not neglect a special diet either. The reward will be a beautiful appearance and excellent health.

Each of us wants to feel healthy and cheerful. But, unfortunately, this is not always the case. What does it depend on? To maintain the necessary balance of forces in the body, it is necessary that the elements of the periodic table be present in us in sufficient quantities.

However, in practice, it turns out that various factors - environmental problems, stress, various kinds of life tests - lead to a sharp violation of the exchange of elements at the cellular level and affect our well-being in general. These losses can be replenished primarily through a balanced diet, since the gastrointestinal tract is the main conductor of life-giving microelements, including zinc.

Its healing properties were well known in ancient Egypt, where it was customary to make an ointment from zinc, fast healing wounds. Nowadays, the role of this trace element in human life is also appreciated, but, as a rule, by doctors. And it is important that all people can join the understanding of what zinc-rich foods they need to include in their diet.

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The role of zinc in the human body

The effect of zinc on the human body, its functions

Zinc is rightly considered elixir of youth. It acts on our body at the cellular level, directly participating in metabolism: this essential trace element is part of all vitamins, enzymes and hormones, in fact, occupying 98% of all our cells.

Its greatest amount can be found in the testicles, prostate and sperm in men, in leukocytes and erythrocytes.

Zinc is (who would have thought!) And in our eyes, or rather in the retina. So the expression "steel look" is not always just a figure of speech.

Zinc is indispensable for the normal functioning of the human body and, of course, the spirit, because "a healthy mind in a healthy body." The presence of this trace element in the body provides a person with normal life and good health. On the contrary, its deficiency cause a number of serious problems:

  • reproductive disorders;
  • malfunctions of the immune system;
  • allergic reactions;
  • dermatitis;
  • poor circulation;
  • anemia;
  • slowing down the healing process;
  • inhibition of normal growth, puberty;
  • loss of taste and smell;
  • hair loss;
  • in athletes - a decrease in the results obtained;
  • in adolescents - a tendency to alcoholism;
  • in pregnant women - termination of pregnancy;
  • premature birth;
  • the birth of weakened children with low weight.

Attention! Zinc deficiency can be caused by active physical exertion, accompanied by profuse sweating, the consumption of excessively large amounts of carbohydrates, the use of diuretics.

Interaction of zinc with other trace elements

Zinc crystals

Once in the body, microelements enter into synthesis with proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, which come with food, air and water. Micronutrient balance is also affected outside toxins, medications taken and the state of the intestinal microflora. From this, the process of digestibility of microelements through the skin and mucous membranes is not the same - it increases or slows down.

Due to the sufficient amount of protein in our diet, zinc is absorbed better and faster, and an excess of phytates (hardly soluble compounds of phytic acid that are part of plant-based products, such as legumes), iron, calcium, cadmium, copper or lead interferes with absorption - absorption in the stomach. intestinal tract and the delivery of this microelement to the tissues of the body and its internal organs.

The combination of zinc with vitamin A is very useful: in this case, the action of the vitamin is enhanced, and together with the blood it is more easily transported to all cells of the body.

Foods containing zinc

What products contain it?

We see that the amount of zinc in the body can fluctuate, and therefore the conscious preparation of your menu for every day is a necessary condition. What should you pay attention to?

Plant products, according to experts, are not able to fully provide us with the right amount of zinc. Although there are suitable examples among them (see table below). And yet the main emphasis should be placed on seafood and meat. With the help of the data in the table, we will understand in more detail what we should choose for our daily diet.

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Product item names

Proportion of zinc (1 mg) per 100 g of food consumed

Meat products

Fried veal liver

Beef stew

Boiled chicken hearts

Fried lamb liver

Boiled beef tongue

Fried mutton kidneys


boiled eels

Oil anchovies

canned salmon

Nuts and dried fruits

Pine nuts

Brazil nut




pistachio nuts


Vegetables and fruits



boiled carrots

Cereals and legumes, seeds

Bran from wheat

poppy seed

Sesame seed

pumpkin seeds

Sunflower seeds

Flax seed

soy flour

Soy, dry beans

dry lentils

dry peas

Wheat flour (coarse grinding)

Dry white beans

boiled beans


Oat flakes


Boiled white rice

Products of plant, fungal and animal origin

Dry yeast

Egg yolk

white mushroom

Snyt (variety - common)

Green onion

Foods Containing the Most Zinc

Foods High in Zinc

So, most of all zinc is found in grains and legumes (18 positions appear in the list of products) and in nuts (10 positions). However, the record holders for the content of this useful substance in 100 grams of provisions are oysters, which are considered a delicacy for a reason. Boiled eels and wheat bran are also rich in zinc. Meat products are also helpers for the body.

In the well-known dispute about which is more useful - dry or pressed yeast, the first type of fungal product, because it contains more zinc, like other minerals and often found in pharmacies, it is offered to customers on a par with dietary supplements.

Experts also advise eating more poultry meat, cheese, onions, potatoes, garlic, green vegetables, buckwheat, which also contain zinc. Useful in this respect and lentils, soybeans, barley flour, dry cream, celery, asparagus, radish, bread. Lemons, oranges, grapefruits, apples, figs, dates, blueberries, raspberries, black currants are good for dessert. Having already received a lot of praise in his honor, green tea can also attract attention for the presence of vital zinc in it.

A wonderful folk remedy for the prevention of zinc deficiency in the human body is an infusion of birch leaves.

Daily intake of zinc for the human body

Children simply need to consume zinc with food daily. In this case, the daily minimum is determined by the number of years the child has reached:

  • at the age of six months to 3 years - 3 mg of zinc;
  • from 4 to 8 years - up to 5 mg;
  • from 9 to 13 years old - 8 mg.

Also norms dependent on gender differences: for girls in the first six months of life, 2 mg of zinc is enough, and for boys - 3 mg. For young people and adults, there are also some nuances: for girls and women 14-18 and 19-50 years old, 9 and 12 mg of zinc is enough, for boys and men at the same age - more, 11 and 15 mg each.

After fifty, these figures decrease for everyone: for women up to 10 mg, for men - up to 13 mg.

For pregnant women who eat, as they say, “for two”, there are their own indicators: at the age of up to 18 years, they are recommended to take 15 mg of zinc, from 19 years old - 14 mg each. Nursing mothers also spend a huge amount of trace elements and need additional nourishment. Their norm - up to 18 years - 15 mg, after 19 - 17 mg.

Attention, these factors must be taken into account!

  1. Contraceptives significantly reduce the percentage of zinc in the body, undermining its health.
  2. Zinc can be toxic at doses greater than 150 mg per day.
  3. The body requires more zinc when bowel function is impaired or when diuretic drugs are used.
  4. Dairy products slow down the absorption of zinc.
  5. Caffeine and alcohol practically “drain” zinc from the body, sugar and salt also contribute to this.
  6. Protein-rich foods, such as legumes and nuts, are great for successful absorption of zinc.
  7. The same function is performed by leavening agents used in baking bread, and soy products that have undergone fermentation or fermentation (tempeh and miso).

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The main signs of zinc deficiency in the body

  • fragility of nails;
  • hair loss;
  • whitish spots on the surface of the nails;
  • frequent colds;
  • long and painful healing of wounds and abrasions;
  • deterioration of memory and attention;
  • distraction;
  • lethargy;
  • pale skin;
  • delayed growth and development of the body.

If you find a number of signs, most likely, not everything is in order with zinc in the body and you need to replenish it urgently!

A well-chosen daily diet will allow you to significantly strengthen your physical and psychological state. And the memo below will serve as an additional motivation for choosing zinc-containing products -.

Benefits of zinc for the body

  • Stimulates the work of the brain, mental activity.
  • It has a positive effect on the action of the genetic apparatus.
  • Serves as a connecting thread between the stomach, intestinal mucosa, kidneys, leukocytes.
  • Stimulates growth hormones.
  • It has a positive effect on bone formation.
  • Regulates breathing and restores blood formation.
  • Stimulates wound healing.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Strengthens and rejuvenates skin, hair, nails.
  • Helps the body produce testosterone (male sex hormone)
  • Increases potency, stimulates sexual activity.
  • Removes cholesterol from the body.
  • Participates in the formation of its own antioxidants.
  • Takes care of your eyesight.
  • Enhances regeneration.
  • Reduces manifestations of an allergy.
  • Acts as a detoxifier (for alcohol poisoning, for example).
  • Prevents infectious diseases.
  • Serves for the prevention of fibrosis.
  • Neutralizes the toxic effects of heavy metals on the body, reduces the content of lead in tissues.

The benefits of zinc for every person living on earth can hardly be overestimated, but it can be underestimated if you are not attentive enough to your body. Take note of what we have said, and start taking care of your food in a new way. It will certainly improve the quality of your life!

With the modern pace of life, stress cannot be avoided, so it is very important to replenish your diet and consume foods rich in zinc. Products containing zinc help support the vital functions of our body.

Zinc is necessary for the good functioning of most internal organs, the nervous and cardiovascular systems, it is involved in the most important metabolic processes, affects the protective functions of the body.

Basically, a person receives the necessary norm of zinc from food. Therefore, it is useful to find out which foods are rich in this mineral and review your diet if necessary.

In fact, the presence of this trace element in sufficient quantities improves well-being. And its deficiency can lead to disruption of the functioning of organs and systems, because of which a person will feel tired and nervous.

Let us consider in more detail the benefits of zinc in the body, the symptoms of its deficiency or excess, in which foods it is the most.

What foods contain zinc - table

So, first, let's briefly list which foods contain the most zinc. Then a table will be given that indicates the content of the microelement in milligrams per 100 grams of the product.

What foods contain the most zinc? First of all, it is food of animal origin, especially chicken and beef liver, red meat, oysters, shrimp, boiled fish. In oysters, the content exceeds the daily norm by 4-20 times!

Also among the undisputed leaders are legumes, grains, nuts, wheat bran, dry and pressed yeast, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds.

Foods rich in zinc among fruits and vegetables : green vegetables, garlic, beets, bell peppers, cabbage, onions, carrots, potatoes, radishes, apples, citrus fruits, berries, figs, dates. These foods contain the highest amount of zinc.

In addition, there are many other foods that contain this element in smaller quantities, but they must be present in the diet. These are various fruits and vegetables.

How much zinc is in food - table

Products containing zinc in large quantities - the benefits

The presence of zinc is associated with the performance of many important biological functions of the body. Here are some useful uses of zinc:

  • Improves. It is part of most enzymes, participates in the formation and breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, affects protein metabolism.
  • Strengthens immunity. Responsible for the formation of the body's resistance to infections and colds, affects antibodies to diseases, leukocytes and hormones.
  • Participates in the process of hematopoiesis.
  • Regulates the process of division, reproduction and growth of cells. Slows down cell aging. It is necessary for the growth of the child, as well as for the formation of the reproductive system, the production of sperm and eggs in adolescence.
  • Promotes the absorption of vitamin E, needed for the metabolism of vitamin A.
  • Removes heavy metals and toxins from the body.
  • Improves the condition and growth of hair, nails and skin.
  • Accelerates the healing of integumentary tissues, wounds, burns.
  • Responsible for the functioning of taste and olfactory receptors.
  • Participates in the process of alcohol processing. Therefore, a lack of zinc can contribute to the development of alcoholism.
  • Necessary for the functioning of the endocrine glands, which are responsible for the hormonal background.

Thus, zinc is necessary for the development and functioning of all organs and systems in our body; DNA synthesis is indispensable without it.

Zinc deficiency with a properly planned diet is extremely rare. If it comes from food in sufficient quantities, then there is no reason to worry.

If a person suffers from certain diseases or is exposed to certain negative factors, then the absorption of this microelement decreases.

Important! Caffeine, alcohol, and dairy products flush out the element, preventing its absorption. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, long-term use of certain medications (corticosteroids, estrogens, diuretics) cause zinc deficiency.

Excess in the body of lead, cadmium, copper, vegetarianism,

Lack of zinc-rich foods in the diet, too much physical activity and increased sweating also lead to a lack of zinc.

Its deficiency threatens with serious health problems, provoking disturbances in the functioning of organs and body systems.

Among the symptoms of a trace element deficiency, brittle nails, stool disorders (diarrhea), intense hair loss and dandruff, inflammation and cracks in the corners of the lips, a decrease in smell and taste sensations, as well as appetite can be noted. Wounds and scratches do not heal well, fatigue and constant fatigue.

Characteristic signs that zinc is contained in the body in insufficient quantities:

  • Violation of the immune system, frequent colds.
  • Violation and decrease in blood circulation, anemia.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Skin diseases, dermatitis.
  • Disorders of the psyche and nervous system, such as multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, schizophrenia, depression.
  • Violation of the menstrual cycle, infertility, the risk of fetal growth retardation and the development of pathologies in the fetus, premature birth and miscarriage.
  • The development of oncological diseases.
  • Destruction of the retina, cataract.
  • Decreased concentration, absent-mindedness, memory impairment, irritability.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.

The largest amount of zinc is found in men in the genitals. Therefore, its deficiency leads to the risk of prostate adenoma, impotence and erectile dysfunction in men over 50 years of age.

Daily rate

Best of all, zinc is absorbed together with a large amount of vitamin A and proteins. It is also necessary to avoid eating foods containing iron, calcium and lead for better absorption of zinc. These trace elements should be separated in order to increase the level of metabolism in tissues and organs.

Since zinc plays a huge role in the development and growth of the fetus inside the womb, women need higher doses of this element during pregnancy.

You should also increase the consumption rate during active sports, physical exertion, severe stress and mental stress. Thus, the rate of daily intake of zinc in these cases increases by 0.6-1 mg.

Adult zinc requirements vary by age and gender. The daily rate is:

  • infants up to six months: boys need 3-4 mg, girls 2-3 mg;
  • babies from one to three years old up to 5 mg per day;
  • preschoolers from 4 to 8 years old need 5-8 mg;
  • schoolchildren from 8 to 12 years old - 8-10 mg;
  • adolescents 13–18 years old: for girls about 9 mg, for boys about 12 mg;
  • adult women from 20 to 59 years old need a norm of 12-13 mg, men of this age need 15 mg per day;
  • older women after 50 years - 10 mg, men at least 13 mg;
  • pregnant and lactating mothers need at least 15-17 mg.

Causes and effects of zinc poisoning

An excess of zinc is quite rare, it is almost impossible to undergo zinc poisoning with food. This is possible in the case of uncontrolled intake of zinc-containing drugs, disruptions in the metabolism of the body.

It is also dangerous to store and cook food in galvanized utensils, especially acidic ones. Possible zinc poisoning through the respiratory tract in industrial production and permanent stay in an environmentally unfavorable place.

Symptoms of an excess of zinc are vomiting, nausea, dizziness, pain in the abdomen, chest and muscles, headache, severe sweating and weakness, heart palpitations, convulsions, shortness of breath, taste of metal in the mouth.

Zinc in excess can lead to the development of many pathological processes, for example, to the appearance of autoimmune processes and dysfunction of the immune system, to a deficiency of iron, copper and cadmium, to disorders of the liver, pancreas and prostate glands, deterioration of hair, skin and nails.

If a deficiency or excess of zinc is detected, appropriate measures must be taken urgently. In serious cases, you should consult a doctor. Keep your levels of this important micronutrient under control to maintain your health.

Is there enough zinc in your diet? It's time to think about it. Vitamins and minerals are essential for maintaining overall health. This mineral is undeservedly given little attention.

Although the body needs this mineral in small amounts, it is nevertheless necessary for maintaining a proper sense of smell, building a healthy immune system that will be able to produce enzymes at the right time, and for the formation of DNA. It is good for eyesight, taste, hair and skin health. It is believed to improve testosterone production in men, reduce PMS symptoms in women, and improve the health of babies in the womb.

Zinc deficiency causes diarrhea, impotence, loss of appetite, hair loss, damage to the eyes and skin, reduces immunity and slows down growth. To prevent zinc deficiency and increase your zinc intake, you need to include foods rich in this valuable mineral in your diet.

Learn more about this and more in this article.

Why is zinc so important?

The right question at the right time. Because why know about all these foods without knowing the importance of this mineral?

Zinc is a trace mineral that can be found in cells throughout the body. Zinc is essential for optimal immune function. Thanks to him, a person can use his sense of smell and taste buds.

Zinc is involved in the production of about 100 types of enzymes in the human body. It acts as an antioxidant and neutralizes the effect of free radicals, preventing the development of cancer. It also stimulates the production of blood in the body, promotes the synthesis of collagen, which is needed for wound healing.

Zinc is a must in the diet of pregnant and lactating mothers and is essential for babies and children to grow and develop properly.

Maybe it's just another trace element that your doctor forgot to mention, but without a sufficient amount of it, the disease will not take long.

Recommended Daily Allowance for Zinc for People of Different Ages and Genders

*Adequate intake

Almost 90% of the zinc in the body is found in the bones and muscles. The recommended daily allowance for zinc is 15 mg. It is easy to achieve, as this mineral is found in a large variety of foods. Below is a list of foods high in zinc. So what does it contain?

Foods High in Zinc

1. Wheat germ

  • Serving size - 100 grams;
  • Zinc - 17 mg;
  • % of the daily norm - 111.

Wheat germ is an excellent source of zinc. A serving of 100 grams, containing 17 mg and covers the body's needs by 110%.

How to add to your diet?

Fry the wheat germ in olive oil for 1-2 minutes and add it to the salad.

2. Oysters

  • Serving size - 50 grams;
  • Zinc - 8.3 mg;
  • % of DN - 55.

In addition to zinc, oysters contain protein. With their help, you can increase the amount of protein consumed without exceeding the amount of fat consumed. Oysters are high in vitamin C, just one serving covers 15% of the daily value. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, while protein improves cell and muscle health.

How to include in your diet?

You can fry them with spices. Even raw oysters can be very healthy, especially when served with mustard. Be selective in where you buy oysters, as they often cause food poisoning.

3. Sesame seeds

  • Serving size - 100 grams;
  • Zinc - 7.8 mg;
  • % of the daily norm - 52.

Sesame seeds are an excellent source of phytosterols, which lower cholesterol levels. Another compound in sesame called sesamin helps balance hormones and promote overall health. In addition, the seeds contain a large amount of protein.

How to include in your diet?

You can smear sesame oil instead of peanut butter on toast. Sesame goes well with salmon and chicken. You can make delicious homemade granola.

4. Flax seeds

  • Serving size - 168 grams;
  • Zinc - 7.3 mg;
  • % of the daily norm - 49.

Flax seeds contain a huge amount of omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for brain and heart health. Flaxseed is used in the treatment of arthritis and irritable bowel syndrome.

How to add to your diet?

Flax seeds can be added to your morning smoothie or salad. You can sprinkle cooked vegetables with flaxseed.

5. Pumpkin seeds

  • Serving size - 64 grams;
  • Zinc - 6.6 mg;
  • % of the daily norm -44.

Pumpkin seeds are rich in phytoestrogens, which lower blood cholesterol levels in menopausal women, and health-promoting antioxidants.

How to add to your diet?

Pumpkin seeds can be added to a salad or simply eaten roasted before bed, which will improve the quality of sleep.

6. Oatmeal

  • Serving size - 156 grams;
  • Zinc - 6.2 mg;
  • %Daily Value41.

One of the most popular breakfast items. The most important nutrient in oatmeal is beta-glucan, a soluble fiber. It regulates cholesterol levels and promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut.

Oatmeal also helps control blood sugar, which is essential for people with diabetes.

What can be cooked?

You can make oatmeal for breakfast. This will be the easiest way to increase your zinc intake.

7. Cocoa powder

  • Serving size - 86 grams;
  • Zinc - 5.9 mg;
  • % of the daily norm - 39.

Zinc in cocoa powder strengthens the immune system, and the taste of hot dark chocolate will appeal to any fussy taste. Cocoa contains a lot of flavonoids, which strengthen the immune system.

In what form can you eat?

Add cocoa powder to your favorite salad dressings. Unsweetened cocoa powder can be added to gravy, protein shakes, or cereals.

8. Swiss cheese

  • Serving size - 132 grams;
  • Zinc - 5.8. mg;
  • % of the daily norm - 38.

It is important to note that cheese is, in principle, a useful source of calcium, a mineral necessary for strong bones. The protein contained in food of animal origin is complete, so Swiss cheese contains all the amino acids necessary for the body to produce protein.

However, it should be eaten in moderation as it contains saturated fats that won't benefit you in large amounts.

What can be cooked?

You can add slices of cheese to your sandwich or soup, also grated in any salad or with scrambled eggs.

9. Egg yolk

  • Serving size - 243 grams;
  • Zinc - 5.6 mg;
  • % of the daily norm - 37.

Egg yolk is a storehouse of nutrients. It contains vitamins A, D, E and K. The yolk contains omega-3 fatty acids. And more importantly, it contains the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, which improve eyesight.

How to include in your diet?

The yolk can be eaten raw if you like it, boiled yolks finely chopped and added to the salad.

10. Lima beans

  • Serving size - 178 grams;
  • Zinc - 5 mg;
  • % of the daily norm - 34.

In addition to zinc, lima beans contain folic acid, which is essential for DNA synthesis and cell division. They also have vitamins B1 and B6. The fiber in beans protects the colon and entire digestive tract from cancer. Beans fill you up quickly and for a long time, which promotes healthy weight loss.

How to include in your diet?

Dried beans can be added to soup or scrambled eggs with bacon.

11. Turkish beans

  • Serving size - 184 grams;
  • Zinc - 5.1 mg;
  • % of the daily norm - 34.

They reduce the concentration of C-reactive protein, which is known to cause various inflammatory processes in the body. Turkish beans help control blood sugar levels and are helpful in treating diabetes.

How to include in your diet?

They can be an easy addition to any fruit or vegetable salad. You can even snack on them raw in the evenings. Make a hearty soup or stew with Turkish beans.

12. Peanut

  • Serving size - 146 grams;
  • Zinc - 4.8 mg;
  • % of the daily norm - 32.

Peanuts are packed with a range of heart-healthy nutrients. It has niacin, magnesium, copper, oleic acid and other antioxidants including resveratrol.

Regular consumption of peanuts reduces the risk of gallstones in both men and women, as well as blood cholesterol levels. As you know, stones are mostly made up of cholesterol.

How to include in your diet?

Eat them in a purified form in the evenings while watching your favorite TV show.

Or make a healthy and nutritious honey bar.

13. Lamb

  • Serving size - 113 grams;
  • Zinc - 113 grams;
  • % of the daily norm - 26.

Lamb meat is almost entirely composed of protein, despite the fact that this protein is of very high quality and contains all the necessary amino acids. Lamb dishes are often present in the diet of weightlifters, athletes who have suffered injuries, and patients after surgery.

It contains a very important amino acid called beta-alanine, which improves performance and endurance.

What can be cooked?

Chops, roasts or lamb steaks can be a great addition to any meal.

14. Almond

  • Serving size - 95 grams;
  • Zinc - 2.9 mg;
  • % of the daily norm - 20.

Almonds are the most popular type of nuts and the most delicious. They have a lot of antioxidants that relieve stress and slow down aging. Almonds also contain vitamin E, which protects cell membranes from destruction, and is used as a prophylactic against brain diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, for example.

How to include in your diet?

Eat a handful of almonds with your regular breakfast and another before bed. Chopped almonds can be added to desserts and smoothies.

15. Crab

  • Serving size - 85 grams;
  • Zinc - 3.1 mg;
  • % of the daily norm - 20.

Like other sources of meat, crab meat is a complete source of protein. Crab meat is high in vitamin B12, which is needed to produce healthy blood cells and prevent heart disease.

What can be cooked?

Finely chop the crab meat and add it to a vegetable salad or soup. You can fry it with young green pea pods, water chestnut, mushrooms to make yourself a tasty and nutritious lunch.

16. Chickpeas

  • Serving size - 164 grams;
  • Zinc - 2.5 mg;
  • % of the daily norm - 17.

Chickpeas are high in fiber, which is known to help regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels. This, in turn, prevents the development of diabetes and heart disease.

Chickpeas also contain selenium, a mineral that cleanses the body of certain cancer-causing compounds.

What can be cooked?

Chickpeas can be added to protein bean salad. Chickpea flour can be used in baking. Even if you add chickpeas to vegetable soup, it will make it even tastier and healthier.

17. Peas

  • Serving size - 160 grams;
  • Zinc - 1.9 mg;
  • % of the daily norm - 13.

Peas do not contain cholesterol, as well as a small amount of fat and sodium. Is not that great?

Peas contain the antioxidant lutein. Our body stores this antioxidant in the macula in the retina, which allows us to properly filter light rays. Lack of this antioxidant leads to macular degeneration and cataracts.

How to include in your diet?

Add peas to vegetable salads. Raw peas of sweet varieties are also very tasty.

18. Cashew

  • Serving size - 28 grams;
  • Zinc - 1.6 mg;
  • % of the daily norm - 11.

Cashews contain iron and copper, which increase blood circulation, are involved in the production of red blood cells and their utilization.

These nuts can be a worthy replacement for animal proteins and fats. They contain mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which prevent the accumulation of fats and cholesterol in the heart and blood vessels.

How to include in your diet?

Eat them raw in the evenings to get the right amount of zinc and other nutrients. Cashew butter can be spread on your morning toast.

19. Garlic

  • Serving size - 136 grams;
  • Zinc - 1.6 mg;
  • % of DN - 11.

Garlic is extremely good for the heart. This benefit is due to the presence of allicin, a very strong biologically active substance in garlic. Garlic is high in nutrients and low in calories. It normalizes blood pressure and lowers bad cholesterol levels. It is often used in the treatment of colds. The antioxidants in garlic help prevent cognitive decline.

More interestingly, garlic helps to remove heavy metals from the body.

How to include in your diet?

Garlic is best eaten raw, just peel it first. Not everyone can stand its spicy taste. You can crush the head of garlic and mix it with honey, spread the resulting mixture on toast.

20. Yoghurt

  1. Serving size - 245 grams;
  2. Zinc - 1.4 mg;
  3. % of the daily norm - 10.

In addition to zinc, yogurt contains a lot of calcium. 1 can of yogurt contains 49% of the daily value of calcium. Calcium helps maintain healthy bones and teeth, while B vitamins protect against fetal neural tube defects.

Yogurt is also rich in protein, the significance of which is not worth explaining.

How to include in your diet?

Yogurt can be eaten for lunch or with a handful of fresh berries or fruit for dinner.

21. Brown rice (cooked)

  • Serving size - 195 grams;
  • Zinc - 1.2 mg;
  • % of the daily norm - 8.

Brown rice also contains manganese, which is needed for proper absorption of nutrients and the production of digestive enzymes. Manganese strengthens the immune system.

Brown rice is known to regulate blood sugar levels and is recommended in the treatment of diabetes.

How to include in your diet?

Swap plain white rice for brown rice to reap the benefits.

22. Beef

  • Serving size - 28 grams;
  • Zinc - 1.3 mg;
  • % of the daily norm - 8.

Beef from cows grown in the most comfortable conditions contains less fat and more omega-3 acids. It also contains linoleic acid, which is known to reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease, and vitamin E.

What can be cooked?

You can add slices of boiled beef to your favorite vegetable salad.

23. Chicken

  • Serving size - 41 grams;
  • Zinc - 0.8 mg;
  • % of the daily norm - 5.

Chicken surpasses any food in terms of the amount of protein it contains. It is rich in selenium, which is known for its anti-cancer properties. Vitamins B6 and B3 in it speed up metabolism and promote cell health.

What can be cooked?

Chicken can be fried, boiled and baked, as well as added to salads and homemade pizza.

24. Turkey

  • Serving size - 33 grams;
  • Zinc - 0.4 mg;
  • % of the daily norm - 3.

Turkey is rich in protein, which saturates and satisfies hunger for a long time. This benefit prevents overeating. Sufficient protein intake helps keep insulin levels stable after meals. Turkey contains selenium, which is a preventative against many types of cancer.

What can be cooked?
Try to buy poultry meat grown in the most natural habitat possible. Their meat contains less sodium. Turkey meat can be added to salads, soups or baked whole.

25. Mushrooms

  • Serving size - 70 grams;
  • Zinc - 0.4 mg;
  • % of the daily norm - 2.

Mushrooms are a source of germanium, which helps the body use oxygen efficiently. Mushrooms contain iron and vitamins C and D.

What to cook?

Add mushrooms to your soup to give it a new flavor and aroma. Add them to your favorite vegetable salad or curry.

26. Spinach

  • Serving size - 30 grams;
  • Zinc - 0.2 mg;
  • % of DN - 1.

One of the antioxidants in spinach, called alpha lipoic acid, lowers glucose levels and fights oxidative stress, especially in diabetic patients.

Spinach is also rich in vitamin K, a nutrient essential for bone health.

How to include in your diet?

Spinach can be added to soups, sandwiches, eaten with pasta and casseroles.

This was a list of foods high in zinc. But how do you know if you have enough zinc in your diet?

Signs of zinc deficiency

The following signs indicate that the body is not getting enough zinc in the required quantities:

  • Weak immunity. Frequent colds and various infections are not rare guests for you.
  • Zinc blocks the release of histamines into the blood. If it is not enough, then the person has symptoms of an allergic reaction, such as itching, sneezing, and a runny nose.
  • Sleep disorders. Zinc plays an important role in the production and regulation of melatonin, the sleep hormone. Without enough melatonin and zinc in the body, healthy sleep can be forgotten.
  • Hair loss. When thyroid hormone levels are low, the body is unable to absorb zinc. This causes hair loss.
  • Attention disorders. There is an association between low urinary zinc levels and hyperactivity.
  • Bad skin condition. 6% of all zinc in the body is found in the skin. Scientists suggest that the cause of acne is a deficiency of zinc in the body.
  • growth retardation. Zinc deficiency is a common cause of short stature in children, as the bones do not get enough of this mineral to grow.
  • Infertility or problems conceiving. Zinc promotes the health of the reproductive system.
  • Alzheimer's disease. Zinc supplements prevent cognitive decline, especially in the elderly.

Be sure to check with your doctor before taking zinc supplements.

If you are deficient in zinc, be sure to include these zinc-containing foods, which are located in the table below, in your diet. Be extremely careful, as an excess of zinc in the body can have the exact opposite effect.

No. p / p TOP 29 Foods High in Zinc Per 100 grams
#1 Oysters (boiled) 78.6 mg (524% of DV)
#2 Wheat germ 16.7 mg (111% of DV)
#3 Beef (lean, boiled) 12.3 mg (82% of DV)
#4 Calf's liver 11.9 mg (79% of DV)
#5 pumpkin seeds (dried) 10.3 mg (69% of DV)
#6 Sesame seeds 10.2 mg (68% of DV)
#7 Dark chocolate 3.3 mg (22% of DV)
#8 Dried herbs and spices (chervil) 8.8 mg (59% of DV)
#9 Lamb meat (lean, boiled) 8.7 (58% of DV)
#10 Peanuts (roasted) 3.3 mg (22% of DV)
#11 Enriched cereals 52 mg (345% of DV)
#12 Low fat yogurt with fruit 0.7 mg (4% of DV)
#13 Milk 0.4 mg (3% of DV)
#14 Chicken breast 1 mg (7% of DV)
#15 Cheddar cheese 3.1 mg (21% of DV)
#16 Mozzarella 2.9 mg (19% of DV)
#17 watermelon seeds 10.2 mg (68% of DV)
#18 Venison 8.6 mg (58% of DV)
#19 Veal 7.4 mg (49% of DV)
#20 Enriched Peanut Butter 15.1 mg (101% of DV)
#21 alfalfa sprouts 0.9 mg (6% of DV)
#22 Asparagus (boiled) 0.6 mg (4% of DV)
#23 rice bran 6.0 mg (40% of DV)
#24 palm heart 3.7 mg (25% of DV)
#25 Algae (kelp) 1.2 mg (8% of DV)
#26 Chinese cabbage (boiled) 0.1 mg (1% of DV)
#27 Green peas 1.2 mg (8% of DV)
#28 tahina 10.5 mg (70% of DV)
#29 halibut or flounder 0.6 mg (4% of DV)

Zinc Deficiency: Risk Factors

Vegetarians and vegans, those who frequently diet or abuse alcohol, the elderly, pregnant and lactating women, diabetics, adolescents during puberty, people with celiac disease and recurrent diarrhea are most at risk of developing zinc deficiency.


Just include all these foods in your diet. And that's it!

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