How to properly prepare yeast-free bread. Yeast-free homemade bread: cook deliciously in the oven

IN Lately Yeast-free bread has become very fashionable. Although, this is rather a “second wave”, because... it was made at the dawn of bread baking, when all... yeast was not known to people.

Today, many housewives prefer to bake homebaked bread ears without yeast for a number of reasons:

  • This technology is more useful;
  • It contains much fewer calories.

So, how can you bake homemade bread? Before you consider popular recipes baking, you need to understand whether it is healthy or not?

On this page you will find the following recipes:

All the benefits

What are the benefits of yeast-free bread? Its main advantage is the absence of yeast, which is known to negatively affect the functioning of the body.

It has been scientifically proven that this type of baking is much better absorbed by the body. First of all, this is due to its density and roughness: the crumbs in the food bolus are much better absorbed, activating the functioning of the intestines.


Still, there are some disadvantages in which such baked goods are inferior to ordinary bread. Among them are:

  • Small volume;
  • Slightly different taste;
  • Hardness. However, this remark does not apply to all types of baked goods, for example, bread made with sourdough is quite soft and tasty;
  • The complexity of the cooking process. You will have to spend a little more time preparing bread without yeast. With sourdough, the dough takes twice as long to rise, and the sourdough itself still needs to be made. Things are much simpler with yeast: add powder, wait, bake.

Simple recipes

Let's consider the most delicious recipes preparing this pastry.

Option #1

This method of baking is based on rye sourdough. Baking should be done in the oven.

To prepare the starter you will need:

  1. Rye sourdough - 100 g;
  2. Flour (wheat must be used) - 300 g;
  3. Water - 300 g (about 1 and a little less than half a glass).

For the test you will need:

  1. Wheat sourdough - 500 gr;
  2. Flour - 500 g (about 2 cups);
  3. Honey - 1 tbsp;
  4. Water - 100-200 g;
  5. Yolk (exactly the yolk, not the whole egg) - 1 piece;
  6. Vanillin (will add flavor to the bread);
  7. Tea - 1 tsp;
  8. Sugar - 0.5 tsp;
  9. Oil (it is best to take olive oil) - 2 tbsp;
  10. Salt - 1 tsp.

In order to make baked goods with sourdough, first of all, you need to make the sourdough itself:

We feed the starter until it increases in volume. Place 200 grams in the refrigerator (let it sit for the next time you make bread at home). There should be 100 grams of starter left.

  • Take flour (wheat) and mix with water (take boiled water);
  • Mix the resulting consistency until all the lumps disappear;
  • Add rye sourdough to the mixture and mix well;
  • Now transfer the resulting consistency into a dry jar (it’s best to take a liter jar). Cover the jar with gauze and leave to ferment for 12 hours in a warm, but not hot, room;
  • The next day we take out the jar, numerous bubbles should appear on the sourdough. We feed our mixture back and send it to ferment;
  • The next day we repeat the procedure again.

For rebirth, we need to add rye sourdough to wheat flour mixed with water. As a result, we will get about 500 grams of wheat sourdough, which in its consistency will be more reminiscent of liquid sour cream. On the fourth day, you can start creating bread, which is made in the oven (you can also use a bread machine or a slow cooker).

Now the fun part begins: we will prepare homemade sourdough bread:

  • The starter must be transferred to the container in which, in fact, we will knead the base (dough);
  • Mix water with honey and salt. Add the starter to this consistency, stirring the mixture;
  • Add 300 grams of flour, and you should also constantly stir our mixture with a spoon, because... Sourdough baked goods may otherwise end up with lumps;
  • Now add a little to the consistency vegetable oil and mix (you can use a mixer);
  • Now add 150 grams of flour and vanilla (it will give an echo of a pleasant sweetish aroma to the finished bread);
  • Knead a fairly thick dough;
  • Pour the rest of the flour onto the table, where you should knead the dough until it becomes elastic and stops sticking to our hands;
  • Place the workpiece in another container and cover with a damp towel. The preparation should be infused at home for 6 hours;
  • After the dough has settled, take 2 molds and generously grease them with oil (vegetable);
  • Place the dough into the prepared molds, filling 1/3 of the space;
  • Cover the dough with a towel and let it sit for another 3 hours;
  • In a separate bowl, mix the yolk, tea and sugar. Taking a knife, make 2 small cuts. And carefully brush the bread with the yolk mixture;
  • Homemade sourdough bread is almost ready. Now all that remains is to put our molds in the oven and bake for 40-60 min.

This sourdough bread recipe is sure to please all family members. In addition, sourdough bread is very useful for normal operation intestines.

Option No. 2

In order to bake yeast-free bread, it is not necessary to use sourdough. There is a recipe for baking with kefir. Homemade rye bread made with kefir is no less tasty and healthy.

The recipe for making yeast-free baked goods at home involves using the following components:

  • Kefir - 350 ml (about 2.5 cups);
  • Flour - 450 g (it is best to use different flours);
  • Salt, soda - 1 tsp (you can add a little less soda);
  • Sugar and spices are added to taste.

Recipe for making rye baked goods with kefir:

This baking recipe without yeast is perhaps the easiest way to make bread while at home. This recipe is also called soda recipe. In different houses, baked goods with kefir are baked in the oven in their own way. This recipe for making rye baked goods is different in that you can use all your imagination and add various herbs or fresh chopped pieces of vegetables to it.

To prepare rye baked goods without yeast, we need to prepare all these ingredients and then begin processing them.

  • Flour should be mixed with soda and salt;
  • Now pour in the kefir (don’t forget to constantly stir the consistency with a spoon);
  • Knead the dough into a ball. It should be sent to a warm place (the kefir dough should sit very well);
  • Grease a baking sheet with oil and place the dough on it;
  • Make two cuts so that you get a kind of cross;
  • The product must be baked in the oven for 40 minutes.

Ready-made rye bread made at home with kefir should make a dull, empty sound when tapped. As a result, the baked goods turn out crispy and incredibly tasty.

Option #3

The recipe for making this yeast-free baking with kefir at home differs from other types of bread in that it contains raisins and baking powder.

In order to prepare bread in the oven at home, you need to prepare:

  • Flour - 2 cups;
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp;
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • Soda and salt - 1 tsp;
  • Kefir - 1 glass;
  • Raisins (it is best to take small ones or chop them) - 1 cup;
  • Butter (butter) - 2 tbsp.

The oven recipe is based on the following steps:

  • Soak raisins in water;
  • Knead the dough: to do this, mix sugar, flour, soda, salt, and baking powder. We need to rub a piece of butter into the resulting mixture. Add kefir to the oily consistency, stirring the mixture with a spoon. This must be done until the mixture becomes soft;
  • Add raisins to the mixture (they should be added along with water);
  • Mix the consistency very well;
  • Place the dough on a hard surface;
  • Knead the dough until it becomes elastic and stops sticking to your hands;
  • We need to roll it into a ball and place it in a mold;
  • Homemade bread should be baked for 45 min until the crust turns brown.

At home, you can prepare very healthy baked goods that will delight not only you, but also your family with its unusual taste. And since there are a huge number of cooking methods (and each recipe is unique in its own way), you can delight with delicious bread every day.

The combination of starches and protein is the most difficult for digestion and dangerous for health, so mixing nuts and seeds with grains can be very tasty, but it makes any recipe heavier

Before we begin, let's remember:

The combination of starches and protein is the most difficult for digestion and dangerous for health, so mixing nuts and seeds with cereals can be very tasty, but it makes any recipe heavier (unlike pulp or grated vegetables, fiber always helps digestion, enhances peristalsis, absorbs toxins and enriches any dish);

Sprouted grains are always easier to digest than “dry” ones, even after heat treatment (however, these can only be ground into “minced meat” and not into flour);

Sweets (dried fruits) do not go well with starches, so it is better to add them minimally.

Homemade yeast-free bread recipes

1. The simplest thing is unleavened flatbread.


1 glass of water
- 2.5 cups flour (better, of course, whole wheat - or grind it yourself, ideally)
- 1.5 teaspoons salt (or to taste).
- vegetables - a little bell pepper, carrot cake from juice, olives, sun-dried tomatoes, garlic, herbs are also suitable.


Stir salt in water. Gradually pour the flour into the mixture in a thin stream. salt water.

Mix the dough. Then let the dough stand (rest) for 20-30 minutes.

Heat the frying pan.

Roll out the flatbread thinly.

Dry the flatbread for a few seconds in a hot frying pan. In total you get 10-12 flatbreads.

The finished flatbreads must be sprinkled with water (you can use a household sprayer), otherwise they will be crispy.

It is better to store the flatbreads in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

2. Very simple - a little kefir and salt + rye flour, depending on your mood, you can add cumin, seeds, etc.

Sift the ground wheat (in a coffee grinder) thoroughly through a fine sieve to obtain 3 cups of flour (or take ready-made whole grain flour - but it is worth remembering that it cannot be stored for a long time, so store-bought - probably with additives!).

Then add a little salt (to taste), your favorite spices (you can coriander, cumin, etc.), 1/2 spoon of table soda, you can add ground seeds or nuts, and also gradually pour in, while stirring the dough, whey from homemade cottage cheese, about a glass and a half until you get a thick dough.

Mix well and bake in a cake pan.

Place the dough on baking paper.

Bake for an hour in the oven, preheated to 180-190 degrees.

Instead of whey, liquid cottage cheese and 2 eggs are suitable (preferably just yolks). The taste will be almost the same, kefir will also work (much better than baker's yeast, although kefir itself is also a yeast product (a fermentation product of the kefir grain).

3. Based on Irish soda bread

  • 250 g whole wheat flour
  • 250 g rye flour
  • 250 g oat flour
  • 1/2 cup ground nuts
  • 4 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp soda
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • 500-600 ml water

Preheat the oven, grease a baking sheet with oil and sprinkle with flour. Lay out the dough. Make slits in the crust while baking.

Lemon juice and water can be replaced with whey, kefir, etc., you can add raisins, fried or raw onions, bell pepper, caraway seeds, carrot juice cake, etc.

4. Potato cakes


  • 300 ml (one and a half cups) mashed potatoes (can be in water)
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 300 ml flour
  • 1 egg (you can try using only the yolk - this way the recipe as a whole will be easier for digestion and, accordingly, less harmful).


Quickly knead the dough, divide into 10 parts and place on baking paper in the form of 10 thin (about 5 mm) cakes.Poke each one with a fork, otherwise the cakes will rise.

Bake at 250 C for about 13-15 minutes (should be slightly browned).

Let cool, can be eaten warm or cooled, very tasty with butter, sour cream and herbs.

5. Oatcakes


  • 600 ml (3 cups) oatmeal
  • 250 ml flour (can be dark, whole grain, wallpaper)
  • 1.5 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp soda
  • 600 ml kefir
  • 50 g melted butter (or olive)


Knead the dough, let it sit for half an hour, then, just like in the previous recipe, lay out and knead the round cakes and bake at 250 C for about 15 minutes (you need to watch until they start to brown a little).

You don’t have to give it a round shape, but lay it out as best you can on baking paper, poke it with a fork and roughly cut it after about 7 minutes, when the dough begins to set. And then, after removing from the oven, break it onto a plate.

6. Quick yeast-free pizza dough


2 tbsp flour
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 2 eggs
- 1/2 tbsp warm milk
- 1 tsp olive oil


1. Mix flour with salt.
2. Mix the eggs in a bowl with warm milk and add olive oil.
3. Pour the resulting mixture into the bowl of flour in small portions, stirring constantly. When all the liquid is absorbed into the flour, start kneading the dough, dusting your hands with flour from time to time. Knead for 10 minutes until the dough becomes elastic.
4. Form the dough into a ball, wrap it in a damp towel and leave for 15 minutes.



  • 1.5 cups wheat flour,
  • 1.5 cups peeled rye flour,
  • about 1 glass of water,
  • a pinch of salt.

If you prefer soft dough, you will need kefir instead of water and a pinch baking soda(first, soda is added to kefir, infused for 5 minutes, then the mixture is poured into flour). Bake for 15 minutes and then another 15 seconds tomato paste and vegetables.

7. Rye bread with traditional yeast-free sourdough

Sourdough is prepared on some kind of acidic base (for example, brine). Warm brine, peeled rye flour, a little sugar for fermentation. Mix flour to thicken the sour cream. In a warm place the starter will rise slowly. She needs to be besieged several times. Each time it will rise faster.

After the starter is ready, put dough: warm water (required amount), sourdough, salt, sugar (necessary for the sourdough to work), peeled rye flour. The thickness of the dough is like pancakes. It rises in a warm place for 4-5 hours, you can set it down once. If the dough rises faster, it needs to be settled and kept for 4 hours - this is the norm for rye bread.

Add a little wheat flour (~ 1/10 of the total amount), salt, sugar to the dough batch, and knead with peeled rye flour. The dough is "light". After the dough has risen, without kneading it, put it into molds (1/2 of the volume of the mold).

It is better to work with rye dough by wetting your hands in water. Using a wet hand, smooth it into the mold and place it in a warm place to rise.

Rye bread is baked in a hot oven for 1 - 1.5 hours. After baking, the crust is moistened with water. You cannot cut rye bread right away; it must cool. The readiness of the bread is checked by squeezing the bottom and top crusts: if the crumb between them quickly straightens, then the bread is baked well.

The first baking may be unsuccessful, but each time the leaven will gain strength and the dough will rise quickly. A little dough or a piece of dough is left for the next baking and stored in the refrigerator.

The night before, you need to refresh the starter: add a little water (can be cold) and mix rye flour. It will rise until the morning (~ 9-12 hours) and you can place the dough (see above).

8. Hop sourdough bread

1. Preparing sourdough
1.1. Pour dry hops with double (by volume) amount of water and boil until the water is reduced by half.
1.2. Leave the broth for 8 hours, strain and squeeze.
1.3. Pour one glass of the resulting broth into a half-liter jar, dissolve 1 tbsp in it. a spoonful of sugar, 0.5 cups of wheat flour (stir until the lumps disappear).
1.4. Place the resulting solution in a warm place (30-35 degrees), covering it with a cloth for two days. A sign that the yeast is ready: the amount of solution in the jar will approximately double.
1.5. For two to three kilograms of bread you need 0.5 cups of yeast (2 spoons).

2. Number of components.
To bake 650-700 g of bread you need:

  • water 1 glass (0.2 liters);
  • For each glass of water you need: 3 glasses of flour (400-450 gr.);
  • salt 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar 1 table. spoon;
  • butter or margarine 1 table. spoon;
  • wheat flakes 1-2 full table. spoons;
  • leaven.

3. Preparing the dough.
3.1. One glass is poured into the mixing container boiled water, cooled to a temperature of 30-35 degrees, stir 1 table in it. spoon of sourdough and 1 glass of flour.
3.2. The prepared solution is covered with a cloth and placed in a warm place for 2 hours until pinpoint bubbles form. The presence of bubbles means that the dough is ready for kneading dough.

4. Kneading the dough.
4.1. In clean dishes ( glass jar with a volume of no more than 0.2 liters, with a tight-fitting lid), set aside the required amount (1-2 tablespoons) of the dough; this dough will serve as a starter for the next bread baking; it must be stored in the refrigerator.
4.2. Add 2 tbsp to the container with the dough. spoons of flour and other components in accordance with clause 2.1., that is, salt, sugar, butter, flakes (flakes are an optional component). Knead the dough until it sticks to your hands and place it in the mold.
4.3. The form is filled with dough no more than 0.3-0.5 of its volume. If the mold is not coated with Teflon, it must be greased with vegetable oil.
4.4. Place the form with the dough in a warm place for 4-6 hours. To retain heat, it must be covered tightly. If after the specified time the dough approximately doubles in volume, it means it has loosened and is ready for baking.

5. Baking mode.
5.1. The pan should be placed in the middle of the oven on a rack.
5.2. Baking temperature 180-200 degrees. Baking time 50 minutes.

Cook with love!

Bread baked yourself always turns out tastier, softer and more aromatic. Today we will tell you in detail how to make healthy yeast-free bread at home and surprise everyone with your abilities.

Homemade yeast-free bread recipe


  • flour – 305 g;
  • low-fat kefir – 290 ml;
  • sugar and fine salt - 1 teaspoon each;
  • baking soda - a pinch.


Sift the flour into a bowl, add salt, soda and sugar. Next, gradually pour in kefir and gently knead the soft, airy dough. Wrap it in film and leave for 35 minutes at room temperature. Then we form bread of any shape from yeast-free dough and bake it in the oven, making small cuts on the surface with a knife. We check readiness with a wooden torch, which should come out completely dry.

Recipe for yeast-free bread in a bread machine


  • flour – 305 g;
  • milk – 205 ml;
  • large egg – 2 pcs.;
  • – 1.5 teaspoons;
  • soda - a pinch;
  • butter – 15 g;
  • white sugar – 20 g.


Before baking yeast-free bread at home, carefully sift the flour onto the table. After that, throw in soda, sugar, citric acid and mix well. Melt a piece of butter in a frying pan and cool until warm. Next, break the eggs into it and pour in the milk. Mix everything with a spoon until smooth, gradually add the dry mixture and knead the plastic dough with your hands. We transfer the composition into the bucket of the bread machine, install the “Yeast-free bread” program and press the “Start” button. After 45 minutes, carefully remove the finished product, cover with a towel and cool.

Recipe for rye yeast-free sourdough bread


For sourdough:

  • rye flour – 115 g;
  • drinking water – 205 ml.

For the test:

  • rye flour – 505 g;
  • drinking water – 85 ml;
  • strong brew – 145 ml;
  • fine salt – 1 teaspoon;


To prepare yeast-free bread at home using this recipe, you need to be patient, but the result will certainly please you.

So, let's start the process of making sourdough: mix 75 g of flour with 100 ml of boiled warm water until a thick mass is obtained, resembling the consistency of rich sour cream. Next, cover loosely with a towel and leave it alone for about a day. The next day we begin to fertilize the starter. To do this, add 75 g of rye flour to it every day for 3 days and add 100 ml of warm water. We store the finished starter in a warm place and already on the 5th day you can start baking bread.

We dilute the finished starter with warm water and add a glass of pre-sifted rye flour. Knead the resulting dough, form a ball, wrap it in film and put it in a warm place for 3 hours. After this, add the remaining flour to the dough, add sugar, salt and pour in strong tea leaves. Using clean, wet hands, knead into a soft but sticky dough. Cover it clean kitchen towel and leave for 1.5 hours.

Wet the table cold water, transfer the rested risen dough onto it and form an even log. Coat the baking dish with butter and transfer the workpiece. Now we melt the dough for 40 minutes, and then put the rye bread in a preheated oven, setting the heating temperature to 195 degrees. Ready hot bread carefully remove from the mold and moisten the top with a small amount of cold water to create a shiny, beautiful crust.

Yeast-free baking has long been recognized by all experts as the safest and easiest, both in terms of health and for reasons of maintaining your figure. However, there are a number of dishes that are very difficult to imagine prepared without yeast. For example, bread. What then should be used to make the dough for it, and what will be the key to the splendor of its crumb? Is it even possible to bake bread in the oven without yeast?

How to bake bread without yeast at home in the oven?

Unleavened dough without any leavening component most often turns out very heavy and moist after baking, and few people will like such bread, loaf or bun. At the same time, the dangers of yeast have been talked about for a long time, and even if these statements by experts can be questioned, we must not forget about the fermentation processes that this element causes. As a result, gastrointestinal problems often arise when yeast baked goods are consumed in large quantities. And it doesn’t last as long as we would like. Because of such unpleasant moments, most housewives have already switched to yeast-free baking, and if previously these were buns and pies, today even bread dough can be kneaded without yeast. However, it still needs a certain leaven.

There are many options for sourdough for bread dough, but the most commonly used are 2: this is any fermented milk product(kefir, fermented baked milk) or rye sourdough. The latter method takes 4 days, during which the starter will infuse before the dough is kneaded on it. Working with kefir is much faster, so bread is baked with it when it is needed in the shortest possible time. As for taste, everything is individual. And from the point of view of its effect on digestion, rye sourdough will still act in almost the same way as yeast, promoting fermentation processes in the intestines. Therefore, homemade bread with kefir is the safest.


  1. Kefir or spoiled milk- 200 ml
  2. Wheat flour - 220 g
  3. Oat or wheat bran - 70 g
  4. Olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  5. Soda - 2/3 tsp.
  6. Salt - a pinch
  7. Cumin - to taste


  • Combine the flour with caraway seeds, salt and bran, add kefir little by little, while simultaneously mixing all the ingredients. The more carefully you act, the more homogeneous the mass will be. It is not recommended to beat such a dough, so it is important to prevent all possible lumps at the initial stage.
  • The last thing to be added to the dough is olive oil and soda - it is better to add it when the oven is already preheated to 200 degrees. If you let the dough sit with soda already added to it for 10-15 minutes, the likelihood that the looseness and fluffiness will be lost increases. There is no need to extinguish the soda: kefir or sour milk will do this.
  • At the specified temperature, the dough, poured into a cast-iron mold covered with foil, will remain in the oven for 30 minutes, after which the foil must be removed and the crust must be allowed to form. This may take another 10-15 minutes. The readiness of the baked goods is checked with a wooden stick inserted exactly into the middle: if it remains dry, the product can be removed. It is immediately removed from the mold and placed under a towel to rest.
  • This recipe for homemade yeast-free bread in the oven is the simplest, but by no means the only one. Its main attraction is the speed of kneading the dough and baking the product itself. If desired, you can take rye bran and sprinkle the surface with pumpkin or sunflower seeds, or add it to the dough seaweed, green onions and other ingredients. It is recommended to place the pan with bread in the oven on the lower level, so as not to provoke an excessively rapid formation of a crust when the middle is not baked.


  1. Rye sourdough - 200 ml
  2. Warm water - 200 ml
  3. Sugar, salt - a pinch
  4. Rye flour - 500 g


  • All ingredients are combined in a glass bowl and mixed with a wooden spoon or silicone spatula. The dough should be soft, sticking to the walls, but still holding its shape. If necessary, add a little more flour or oatmeal: this will only add zest to the bread.
  • Cover the bowl with a towel and put it in a warm place for 5-6 hours, after which the dough must be kneaded and placed in a pre-prepared (oiled) form with thick walls. Or cover a baking sheet with parchment and place the bread on it, but then during the baking process it will take on the shape of a not too fluffy cake.
  • You need to make several shallow cuts along the surface of the bread, sprinkle it with coriander seeds or caraway seeds, and then place the baking sheet in a cold oven. As soon as it heats up to 200 degrees (with convection - 180 degrees), the timer is set for 1.5 hours.
  • After the specified time has passed, the loaf should be checked with a wooden stick: if it is dry, the oven turns off, but the bread remains in it for another 30-40 minutes. If it is wet, the product is first baked (10-15 minutes), then it is also left in the hot oven that is turned off.

How to bake bread in the oven correctly?

If you are not baking traditional wheat bread, but want to enrich it with bran, be prepared for the fact that it will make the consistency a little heavier, as a result of which it will no longer be so airy and tender. To minimize this moment, distribute bran and flour in a ratio of 1:3 - then you will be able to avoid excessive moisture in the finished bread.

Also, the power and functionality of the oven do not always allow bread to be baked evenly, even if it is under foil. Lowering the temperature won't do anything, raising it won't either. To get the same result as in a bread machine, but when using a low oven, professionals advise dividing a large amount of dough into 2-3 parts, depending on its quantity. Small bars are easier and faster to bake; due to their smaller height, they bake better. Also, it is advisable to take a ceramic or clay mold, not silicone or aluminum. And regardless of the material, it must have thick walls.

A lot depends on the flour you use for bread: it should be well sifted and fresh. The last nuance is easy to determine yourself: take a pinch and moisten it with warm water - if the flour does not darken, it is suitable for kneading dough.

The finished loaf is removed from the broiler and placed on a wire rack (no wooden planks or silicone mats!) to allow air flow from below for the bread. Cover it with a towel on top and let it cool on its own. It is also recommended to store homemade yeast-free bread in a towel.

Eco & Recipes

Oct 31, 2011 | 11:10 Different yeast-free breads at home - it's easy!

    Before we begin, let us remind you that
    - the combination of starches and protein is the most difficult for digestion and dangerous for health, so mixing nuts and seeds with cereals can be very tasty, but it makes any recipe heavier (unlike pulp or grated vegetables - fiber always helps digestion, enhances peristalsis, absorbs toxins and enriches any dish)
    - sprouted grains are always easier to digest than “dry” ones, even after heat treatment (however, these can only be ground into “minced meat” and not into flour)
    - sweets (dried fruits) do not go well with starches, so it is better to add them minimally

    Homemade yeast-free bread recipes:

    1) the simplest thing - unleavened cakes

    A method for preparing unleavened flatbread (lavash) at home.
    - 1 glass of water
    - 2.5 cups flour (better, of course, whole wheat - or grind it yourself, ideally)
    - 1.5 teaspoons salt (or to taste).
    - optional vegetables - a little bell pepper, carrot cake from juice, olives, sun-dried tomatoes, garlic, herbs are also suitable

    Stir salt in water. Gradually pour the flour into the salted water in a thin stream. Mix the dough. Then let the dough stand (rest) for 20-30 minutes. Heat the frying pan. Roll out the flatbread thinly. Dry the flatbread for a few seconds in a hot frying pan. In total you get 10-12 flatbreads. The finished flatbreads must be sprinkled with water (you can use a household sprayer), otherwise they will be crispy. It is better to store the flatbreads in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

    2) very simple- a little kefir and salt + rye flour, depending on your mood, you can add cumin, seeds, etc.

    Sift the ground wheat (in a mill-type coffee grinder) thoroughly through a fine sieve to obtain 3 cups flour half a spoon of table soda, you can add ground seeds or nuts, and gradually pour in, stirring the dough, whey from homemade cottage cheese, about a glass and a half until you get a thick dough. Mix well and bake in a cake pan.
    Place the dough on baking paper, otherwise it will be difficult to peel off later (you can grease the paper or foil with any oil).
    Bake for an hour in the oven, preheated to 180-190 degrees.

    Instead of whey, liquid cottage cheese and 2 eggs are suitable (preferably just yolks). The taste will be almost the same, kefir will also work (much better than baker's yeast, although kefir itself is also a yeast product (a fermentation product of the kefir grain).

    3) based on Irish soda bread

    250 g whole wheat flour
    250 g rye flour
    250 g oat flour
    1/2 cup ground nuts
    4 tbsp vegetable oil
    1 tsp salt
    1 tsp soda
    juice of 1 lemon
    500-600 ml water

    Preheat the oven, grease a baking sheet with oil and sprinkle with flour. Lay out the dough. Make slits in the crust while baking.
    Lemon juice and water can be replaced with whey, kefir, etc., you can add raisins, fried or raw onions, bell peppers, cumin, carrot juice cake, etc.

    4) potato cakes (boiled potatoes cannot be recommended as an ingredient for a healthy or health-improving diet, but with normal health and a more or less universal diet - why not?)

    300 ml (one and a half cups) mashed potatoes (can be in water)
    1 tsp salt
    300 ml flour
    1 egg
    (*you can try using only the yolk - this way the recipe as a whole will be easier for digestion and, accordingly, less harmful)

    Quickly knead the dough, divide into 10 parts and place on baking paper in the form of 10 thin (about 5 mm) cakes. Poke each one with a fork, otherwise the cakes will rise. Bake at 250 C for about 13-15 minutes (should be slightly browned). Cool, can be eaten warm or cooled, very tasty with butter, sour cream and herbs.

    5) oatcakes
    for a large portion:

    600 ml (3 cups) rolled oats
    250 ml flour (can be dark, whole grain, wallpaper)
    1.5 tsp salt
    1 tsp soda
    600 ml kefir
    50 g melted butter (or olive)

    Knead the dough, let it rest for half an hour, then, just like in the previous recipe, lay out and knead the round cakes and bake at 250 C for about 15 minutes (you need to watch until they start to brown a little).

    You don’t have to give it a round shape, but lay it out as best you can on baking paper, poke it with a fork and roughly cut it after about 7 minutes, when the dough begins to set. And then, taking it out of the oven, put it on a plate.

    6) quick yeast-free pizza dough

    2 tbsp flour
    - 1 teaspoon salt
    - 2 eggs
    - 1/2 tbsp warm milk
    - 1 tsp olive oil

    1. Mix flour with salt.
    2. Mix the eggs in a bowl with warm milk and add olive oil.
    3. Pour the resulting mixture into the bowl of flour in small portions, stirring constantly. When all the liquid is absorbed into the flour, start kneading the dough, dusting your hands with flour from time to time. Knead for 10 minutes until the dough becomes elastic.
    4. Form the dough into a ball, wrap it in a damp towel and leave for 15 minutes.

    or: 1.5 cups wheat flour, 1.5 cups peeled rye flour,
    about 1 glass of water, a pinch of salt. If you prefer soft dough, you will need kefir instead of water and a pinch of baking soda (first, soda is added to the kefir, left for 5 minutes, then the mixture is poured into the flour). Bake for 15 minutes and then another 15 with tomato paste and vegetables

    7) rye bread with traditional yeast-free sourdough

    Sourdough is prepared on some kind of acidic base (for example, brine). Warm brine, peeled rye flour, a little sugar for fermentation. Mix flour to thicken the sour cream. In a warm place the starter will rise slowly. She needs to be besieged several times. Each time it will rise faster.
    After the starter is ready, put in the dough: warm water (required amount), starter, salt, sugar (necessary for the starter to work), peeled rye flour. The thickness of the dough is like pancakes. It rises in a warm place for 4-5 hours, you can set it down once. If the dough rises faster, it needs to be settled and kept for 4 hours - this is the norm for rye bread.
    Add a little wheat flour (~ 1/10 of the total amount), salt, sugar to the dough batch, and knead with peeled rye flour. The dough is "light". After the dough has risen, without kneading it, put it into molds (1/2 of the volume of the mold).
    It is better to work with rye dough by wetting your hands in water. Using a wet hand, smooth it into the mold and place it in a warm place to rise.
    Rye bread is baked in a hot oven for 1 - 1.5 hours. After baking, the crust is moistened with water. You cannot cut rye bread right away; it must cool. The readiness of the bread is checked by squeezing the bottom and top crusts: if the crumb between them quickly straightens, then the bread is baked well.
    The first baking may be unsuccessful, but each time the leaven will gain strength and the dough will rise quickly. A little dough or a piece of dough is left for the next baking and stored in the refrigerator.
    The night before, in the evening, you need to update the starter: add a little water (can be cold) and mix in rye flour. It will rise until the morning (~ 9-12 hours) and you can place the dough (see above).

    8) bread with hop sourdough

    1. Preparing sourdough
    1.1. Pour dry hops with double (by volume) amount of water and boil until the water is reduced by half.
    1.2. Leave the broth for 8 hours, strain and squeeze.
    1. 3. Pour one glass of the resulting broth into a half-liter jar, dissolve 1 tbsp in it. a spoonful of sugar, 0.5 cups of wheat flour (stir until the lumps disappear).
    1.4. Place the resulting solution in a warm place (30-35 degrees), covering it with a cloth for two days. A sign that the yeast is ready: the amount of solution in the jar will approximately double.
    1.5. For two to three kilograms of bread you need 0.5 cups of yeast (2 spoons).
    2. Number of components.
    To bake 650-700 g of bread you need: 1 glass of water (0.2 liters); For each glass of water you need: 3 glasses of flour (400-450 gr.); salt 1 teaspoon; sugar 1 table. spoon; butter or margarine 1 table. spoon; wheat flakes 1-2 full table. spoons; yeast 1 table. spoon (or sourdough).
    3. Preparing the dough.
    3.1. One glass of boiled water, cooled to a temperature of 30-35 degrees, is poured into the mixing container, and 1 table is stirred in it. a spoonful of yeast or sourdough and 1 cup of flour.
    3.2. The prepared solution is covered with a cloth and placed in a warm place for 2 hours until pinpoint bubbles form. The presence of bubbles means that the dough is ready for kneading dough.
    4. Kneading the dough.
    4.1. In a clean dish (a glass jar with a volume of no more than 0.2 liters, with a tight-fitting lid), put the required amount (1-2 tablespoons) of the dough; this dough will serve as a starter for the next bread baking; it must be stored in the refrigerator.
    4.2. Add 2 tbsp to the container with the dough. spoons of flour and other ingredients in accordance with clause 2.1., that is, salt, sugar, butter, flakes (flakes are not a required component). Knead the dough until it sticks to your hands and place it in the mold.
    4.3. The form is filled with dough no more than 0.3-0.5 of its volume. If the mold is not coated with Teflon, it must be greased with vegetable oil.
    4.4. Place the form with the dough in a warm place for 4-6 hours. To retain heat, it must be covered tightly. If after the specified time the dough approximately doubles in volume, it means it has loosened and is ready for baking.
    5. Baking mode.
    5.1. The pan should be placed in the middle of the oven on a rack.
    5.2. Baking temperature 180-200 degrees. Baking time 50 minutes

    9) Bread with hop sourdough

    Pour 15 glasses of water into a saucepan and add two full handfuls of hops. Cover the pan with a lid and boil the mixture for 15-20 minutes. Then filter the mixture, cool to room temperature, add 1-1.5 tablespoons of salt, 1 cup of sugar, 400 g of wheat flour (first grade), stir until the lumps disappear and put in a warm place. After two days, add 1.2 kg of peeled, boiled, cooled mashed potatoes to the hop wort, mix and leave for another day in a warm place. During this period, the yeast is stirred several times. After a day, the yeast is filtered through a sieve and poured into bottles (filled to 3/4). sealed with stoppers and filled with paraffin. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 1 month.
    Yeast consumption: 3 tablespoons per 1 kg of flour.
    Recipe No. 4. Ukrainian hop starter

    From fermented homemade wine skim off the foam and mix with wheat bran. The mixture is dried in the sun or in an oven at a temperature not exceeding 32°C and stored in bags. Before use, the dry mixture is diluted in warm water, wheat flour is added and the liquid mash is mixed. The fermented mixture is diluted with water, filtered through a sieve so that no bran gets into the mixture, and the dough is kneaded.
    Yeast from bran, 1 kg of wheat flour (second grade) or wheat wallpaper is brewed with 4 liters of boiling water or hot hop decoction. The brew (it should have the consistency of thick sour cream) is cooled to 70-75°C, 100-150 g of wheat flour is poured into it and mixed well. Add another 100-150 g of flour to the tea leaves that have cooled to 35-37C, mix well, cover the dishes with gauze and place in a warm place for 1-1.5 days for fermentation. Then another 200 g of flour and 300 g of bran are added to the mixture, mixed and left to ferment for 4-6 hours, the mass is mashed with wheat bran and dried. Yeast can be used within 3-6 months.
    Store in a double gauze bag, suspended in a cool, dry place. Before use, the yeast is soaked in warm water, a little flour is added, mixed, allowed to stand for 30-40 minutes, then the dough or dough is kneaded.
    Yeast consumption: half a glass (100 g) per 1 kg of flour.
    Recipe No. 5. Hop sourdough bread

    You can prepare the dough using hop leaven. To do this, you first need to prepare a hop starter. Take 0.5 l. Bring water to a boil, then measure out 3 tbsp. spoons of hop heads and put them into the water. Boil over low heat for 15 minutes. Strain the broth and cool until fresh milk reaches 40° and add a teaspoon of sugar or honey. Nowadays, sugar can be pure or artificial with the addition of gelatin. Gelatin is made from bones. Knead the hop broth with flour until it becomes thick sour cream and place in a warm place to sour for a day, 100 or more. When souring, the mass increases 2-3 times. Remove from a warm place and store it in a cool place or in the refrigerator.
    To prepare the dough, you need to prepare a dough. Mix the dough in an enamel bowl. For 1 l. take 4 tbsp of warm water. spoons of sourdough. To prepare 1 loaf of bread you need approximately 1 kg. flour and 1 l. water.
    Pour 200 g of warm water into the container, add 4 tbsp. spoons of sourdough. Mix everything, and from the bread taken for cooking, 1 kg. Mix the flour little by little and add it to the container until it becomes thick sour cream. Leave the remaining flour and 800 g of water until the dough is ready. The dough is ready: closed, insulated and placed in a warm place at 30-35° for 6 hours, depending on the rise of the dough.
    To prepare the dough, take a suitable dough. Pour into an enamel bowl most remaining from 1 kg. flour, pour in the remaining 800 g of water, stirring, pour in the dough, mix thoroughly, then gradually pour out the remaining flour, add until the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained. Perhaps not all the flour has been used, or some has been added. We insulate the bowl with the dough and set it for 7 hours. (The entire process of preparing the dough takes 12-13 hours, so you should calculate the baking time for the bread). After standing and fermenting the dough, add some flour and knead with the addition of 1-2 tbsp. spoons of natural vegetable oil without any additives (olive, first cold pressed, unrefined), knead until it forms a stiff dough for baking prosphora, or soft dough for baking bread. Place in a warm place for 40-60 minutes. for lifting. Afterwards, we form the dough into a baking tray or a special form, leave it to rise, and then put it in the oven. It is not recommended to add salt, but you can add cumin, coriander, and raisins.